Sexual Assault Support Service in New Town, Tasmania, Australia | Education website
Sexual Assault Support Service
Locality: New Town, Tasmania, Australia
Phone: +61 3 6231 0044
Address: 31-33 Tower Road 7008 New Town, TAS, Australia
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25.01.2022 The Daniel Morcombe Foundation has recently expanded their educational programs with the release of Changing Futures. SASSs very own senior therapeutic specialist, Renae, has delivered the first webinar of the series and can be viewed for free online now. "Changing Futures aims to provide educators and front-line staff with the tools they need to identify and respond to harmful sexual behaviours in pre-teens. This program acts in response to research indicating 90% of Aust...ralian educators believe existing mandatory reporting training does not equip them with adequate skills in this area. Through national webinars, state and territory specific workshops, and practical resources, Changing Futures will build competence and confidence in the prevention, identification, and early intervention of these behaviours. Delivered by leading academic and therapeutic specialists, these educational sessions will cover a range of critical topics surrounding childrens sexual behaviour." To register for webinars or access resources, please check out the website.
25.01.2022 Here at SASS, we are often approached by people in the community who would like to be involved in the prevention of sexual harm, and volunteer their time. Engender Equality have an exciting program launched, called Advocates for Change. Please check out their website for all the info!
24.01.2022 Today is Equal Pay Day 2020. Using the latest Average Weekly Earnings trend series data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) has calculated the national gender pay gap as 14% for full-time employees, a difference of $253.60 per week. The gender pay gap is 1 of the structural factors in our society that are permissive of gender-based crimes, such as sexual abuse and domestic violence. ... The national theme for Equal Pay Day 2020 is Keep Minding the Gap. During this global pandemic, it is important that employers continue to focus on gender equality in their organisations. Gender equality is good for business. Gender-balanced leadership in an organisation delivers better company performance, improved productivity and greater profitability. Organisations must #KeepMindingTheGap, not only because it is the right thing to do, but because it is their fiduciary responsibility and an important aspect of rebuilding the Australian economy.
24.01.2022 Q: If someone starts to kiss you, and you like them, but you dont want to kiss them yet, what do you do? A: Tell them exactly that! They should ask before they kiss you, and it might be a good time to mention that too. If theres something you would like to do, or continue doing, it could be a good time to suggest that. Remember its OK to be unsure, thats why its important consent is ongoing, and you keep checking in to make sure your partner is happy and comfortable with everything thats happening.
24.01.2022 Happy Friday everyone! What are your plans for the weekend? Have you considered some beatboxing? Here's some inspiration for you and the children in your world. This amazing duo has got us thinking about our next career move... But we love SASS way too much to leave :)
24.01.2022 Q: What actually happens when you call SASS? A: SASS phones are attended 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The staff who take the calls are professional counsellors, and they can just listen, or provide you with information about what your support options are. If you or someone you know are in crisis, and need medical attention, a counsellor can coordinate an examination, and be there in person to support. SASS staff often take calls from other counsellors, teachers, service providers, emergency workers and parents to help those who are supporting victims/survivors. Call 1800 697 877 or (03) 6231 0044
24.01.2022 The SASS educators often get asked by young people, a myriad of questions about intimate relationships and friendships. Trust is always a huge component. Brene Brown breaks it down into easy-to-remember parts by using the acronym "BRAVING", so that we can better understand what trust actually is, how we can build trust, and become more trustworthy.
23.01.2022 Q: Can I choose the gender of my counsellor at SASS? A: Yes! We have male and female counsellors here at SASS, and if you have a preference, we can be flexible around your needs. If that is how you feel, then that is AOK with us.
22.01.2022 Its natural and entirely harmless for young children to explore. But its also important for parents to set boundaries. Talking with young children about their bodies and sexuality paves the way for open communication as they get older.
22.01.2022 Happy World Sexual Health Day everyone! This years theme is Sexual Pleasure in Times of COVID-19. What has this meant for you? For the SASS educators, it has meant adapting the training sessions to be done online. Sexual health includes access to relevant, timely, and inclusive information about sexuality and relationships, which is exactly what our sessions are all about.
21.01.2022 SASS is excited to announce that we have partnered with ACON to assist them with promoting and running a fantastic new website called Say It Out Loud. Say It Out Loud is a world first domestic and family violence educational and awareness raising resource for sexuality and gender diverse people, their family, friends, and community, as well as professionals who work with people from this community. If you work with clients of diverse genders and sexualities who have experienced sexual, domestic or family violence, please consider adding your service at Or add your event at
21.01.2022 Some wise words! Its really refreshing to hear people talk about mental health in an open and honest way. The more we lift the stigma associated with mental health, the more chance we have of providing appropriate care and support.
20.01.2022 The Albert Road store in Moonah recently raffled off a car, that they bought and fixed-up themselves, and donated the proceeds to SASS! We are so grateful to Mohamad and his team for their kindness and generosity, and their drive to support their community and bring people closer together. To be honest, were surprised their fried chicken has not already solved the worlds problems - its that good...
20.01.2022 Have you ever wondered why your child does certain things? Ever wondered how many times it takes a brain to form a habit? Are you curious about brain development and how you can support a child to grow? This video will answer all those questions and more - and it's free!! "Nathan Wallis is a grandfather of two, father of three and foster father to many more. His professional background includes early childhood teacher, child therapist, social service manager, university lect...urer and neuroscience trainer. Internationally acclaimed, Nathan is in hot demand throughout New Zealand, Australia and China. Host of the documentary All in the Mind, and co-host of the TV Series The Secret life of Girls, Nathan appears on National Radio and TV as a guest expert on parenting, teaching and understanding the brain development of young people. Inspirational and charismatic, Nathan’s ability to translate neuroscience into everyday life engages all audiences." See more
20.01.2022 Do you support a friend or family member with a mental illness? Would you like to chat with other people who understand what’s going on? Mental Health Families & Friends Tasmania offer free online and face to face peer support groups for family members and friends.
20.01.2022 "No" means NO, but so does: "Im not sure", "lets just chill", "Ive changed my mind", "maybe later", "Im not comfortable with this", "I dont like that", "not today", "I dont feel like it"... If its not an enthusiastic "YES"... its a NO
19.01.2022 Q: How much do you charge? A: Nothing! We are funded by the government to provide free counselling to anyone affected by sexual harm, and this includes people who are supporting others who have experienced sexual harm. So if you have a friend or client or student who you have been supporting, we can support you.
19.01.2022 SASS is recruiting for a Quality Assurance Officer Are you passionate, driven and have an eye for detail? If so, you might be interested to know that SASS is recruiting for a Quality Assurance Officer! This role supports the business objectives of SASS, ensuring our services maintain a high quality for our clients, stakeholders and staff. Visit our website to learn more and download the position description Closing date for applications is 5pm, Wednesday 19th August 2020
18.01.2022 September 10th is World Suicide Prevention Day, and R U OK Day 2020, and theres more to say, after you ask someone if they are OK. "If you feel like somethings not quite the same with someone you know theres something going on in their life or you notice a change in what theyre saying or doing - trust that gut instinct and take the time to ask them Are you OK? If someone says theyre not OK, make time to listen, encourage action and check in. That conversation could change, or even save, their life."
17.01.2022 We all have the right to live free from sexual harm. We didnt have to do anything to earn that right. It is given to us at birth. Sexual health is "a state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality; it is not merely the absence of disease, dysfunction or infirmity. Sexual health requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, free of coercion, discrimination and violence. For sexual health to be attained and maintained, the sexual rights of all persons must be respected, protected and fulfilled. (WHO, 2006a)
16.01.2022 Fantastic news for Tasmanians!!! More research, more transparency, more awareness, more support.
16.01.2022 21st of August 2020 is International Overdose Awareness Day. SENBAZURU is the art of folding 1,000 paper cranes. It is said that if you fold 1,000 paper cranes and make a wish, it will come true. The Alcohol, Tobacco and other Drugs Council Tasmania is calling on members of the Tasmanian community to help fold Japanese cranes and to share tributes to remember Tasmanians lost to overdose and wish for a community free from the harm of overdose.... Drug overdose continues to impact Tasmanians of all backgrounds with more than one person lost every week to overdose across Tasmania.
15.01.2022 Last year we launched a televsion commercial to raise awareness of the issue of sexual harm in the community and to encourage victim-survivors to access free counselling with us. Its OK to tell :)
14.01.2022 Q: Who can make a referral to SASS? A: A referral is simply the act of referring someone for consultation, and anyone can make a referral to SASS in fact a lot of our clients call us up themselves. If youre aged over 15 and someone else calls up for you, well just need to make sure youve agreed to the referral.
14.01.2022 The team at SASS are extremely grateful for the generosity of Hydro Tasmania, for donating money towards brand new furnishings for our counselling rooms. New furniture, that can be easily disinfected, has meant we have quickly transition back to face-to-face counselling sessions, since Covid restrictions have been eased.
14.01.2022 Q. My doctor said I should see a counsellor at SASS, does that mean theres something wrong with me? A. Absolutely not. Counselling is about supporting people to develop tools within themselves, that they can use to overcome the obstacles in their life. Sometimes life gets tough! A counsellor can help you find your strengths, and work out strategies for problem solving, that might have been really hard to find on your own. You will always be the expert of your life, our counsellors are just there to help you find some answers.
14.01.2022 Have you noticed that as the weeks pass in isolation, you cant think as clearly? Are you lethargic, less productive or has your mental health deteriorated? Or, paradoxically, maybe you had a strange surge in productivity? Even as restrictions are relaxed, we may find ourselves struggling to adjust to the "new normal". In this webinar neuroscientist and alumna Dr Lila Landowski helps us understand the biological impact of stress and isolation on the brain and provide expert tips on how to deal with behavioural changes.
13.01.2022 Congratulations SIECUS! The SASS educators often attend SIECUS webinars and access their resources and they are fantastic. What an achievement :)
11.01.2022 Safe from Violence is Tasmanias new online central point of information for family and sexual violence. Here you can find targeted information, resources and links about family and sexual violence for victim-survivors, perpetrators, family and friends of victims-survivors and perpetrators, service providers (specialist, mainstream and universal) and the community.
11.01.2022 Welcome to the Sexual Assault Support Service (SASS) Facebook page! On this page we share information about sexual violence, updates on what we are doing and who we are. This page isnt a crisis or counselling service if you need immediate support, give us a ring on 1800 697 877 or visit If you are in immediate danger please call 000. Thanks! ... SASS See more
10.01.2022 Its National Child Protection Week; a topic that is very close to the heart of SASS. Join us in celebrating! "To grow up well children need to feel safe and loved, have a chance to play and explore, have a say in decisions that affect them, and access to essential things like food, shelter and healthcare." #playyourpart #ncpw
10.01.2022 Congratulations to Jaguar Jonze and Michelle Pitiris for generating much needed attention and action targeting the issue of sexual harm in the music industry. "This is inclusive and its backed by our music industry community. As a whole we are now offering both a resource for meetings and gatherings, and a commitment to respect our peers. Were all aware change is needed. Were all aware change is coming. I just hope this plays a part in that." #dontbethatguy
10.01.2022 Did you know that this week is World Breast Feeding Week? The Australian Breast Feeding society has some great information and resources, including a handy app called mum2mum. The app provides age-based information and support, plus a journal to record feeds, sleep and nappy changes. Theres also access to the National Breastfeeding Helpline, LiveChat, & website, including the online store.
10.01.2022 Q: My partner tells me what to wear, which parties I can go to, and who I should hang out with, and they look at my phone. Is that OK? A: Possibly not! These are all potential signs of domestic abuse or intimate partner violence. Does it feel like something is not quite right? Is your partner moody, jealous or explodes without warning? Try talking to someone you trust, or call SASS for a confidential conversation. There is more information at
09.01.2022 This post highlights the importance and necessity of timely and accurate sexuality and relationships education, for all! SASS is very proud to offer a wonderful schools program that empowers young people with information about support options, consent, healthy relationships and decision making skills. Jump on our website for more info :)
09.01.2022 Two trauma experts discuss resilience - what it means, how it works, and how we can cultivate it in our lives. When the unexpected happens we often find ourselves adapting to a new normal. In this third episode of the Trauma and Resilience series, we learn about resilience - what it means, how it works, and how we can teach and cultivate it. Professor Mark Creamer is joined by Associate Professor Sam Harvey and Dr Patricia Watson (USA), two leading clinical researchers of trauma, resilience and early intervention, who share their perspective on resilience as well as their strategies for the prevention of traumatic stress.
09.01.2022 A lot of sexual harassment occurs in the workplace. 39% of women and 26% of men in Australia have experienced it in the last 5 years. The legal definition: Sexual harassment is an unwelcome sexual advance, unwelcome request for sexual favours or other unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature which makes a person feel offended, humiliated and/or intimidated, where a reasonable person would anticipate that reaction in the circumstances. Get in touch with SASS if you'd like to create a safer workplace
08.01.2022 Mens Resources Tasmania is a community based, not-for-profit organisation that supports and promotes the well-being of men and boys in Tasmania. "There is amazing strength, creativity, generosity and potential in the hearts, bodies and minds of men." Check out this fabulous booklet!... See more
07.01.2022 The Blueknot Foundation now offer a National Counselling and Referral Service specifically for people who identify as living with a disability. The service offers free emotional support if you want support with how youre feeling about the Disability Royal Commission. And if you want support for making choices about telling your story to the Disability Royal Commission. 1800 421 468 9am-6pm AEST Mon-Fri 9am-5pm AEST Sat,Sun & public hols...
05.01.2022 Are you the partner of a survivor? Here are some tips for creating safety and enhancing intimacy. Remember that SASS not only provides free support for people who have experienced sexual harm, but also those who are supporting them.
05.01.2022 Keep It Real Online have made some amazing child safety videos. This one is about online bullying and other inappropriate behaviour online.
05.01.2022 Our Watch have produced a national resource specifically designed to support prevention of violence against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and their children, as an outcome of the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis. We all have a part to play in challenging racism and the condoning of violence against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Those who are non-Indigenous have a particularly strong responsibility. This resource provides information on how to challenge the underlying factors that drive violence against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women.
04.01.2022 Are you ready for 16 days of activism against gender-based violence? Starts November 25th!
04.01.2022 Q. Do I have to tell my counsellor everything? A: No! You get to decide what information you share with your counsellor. In fact, trauma specialists often suggest you dont describe traumatic experiences in detail, in case it makes you feel unsafe or triggered. If you share some information with your counsellor that makes them feel worried for your safety or a childs safety, they will need to talk to you about steps towards helping you/them. This will always be done in consultation with you, there wont be any surprises.
03.01.2022 Do you work with children? Are you aware of the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations? Child Wise are offering a 2 hour virtual classroom experience, that will explain the principles and their application for cultural change within the organisation. The staff and schools that SASS work with are often crying out for more support but are unaware of the National guidelines. For more info and registration, check out
03.01.2022 We couldnt resist the opportunity to show you how cool our counselling rooms are looking, now that we have moved our new furniture in! Thank you so much to Hydro Tasmania (again) for your generous donation. The rooms are super cosy and comfy! This is where all the magic happens :)
03.01.2022 Q: Do people lie about being sexually assaulted? A: No. Very few people lie about sexual assault. Some research suggest as few as 2% of reports are false. Survivor/victims often have to overcome huge barriers to feel safe enough to tell anyone about what theyve experienced. We need survivors to know that we will believe them, and support them on their healing journey.
03.01.2022 Happy NAIDOC week everyone! Nov 8-15th 2020. Always Was, Always Will Be.
02.01.2022 Happy Friday everyone! Our educators thought it might be funny to show this to the police recruits this week, during their training program. They had a good laugh, because this video clearly highlights how ludicrous victim-blaming questions are when it comes to sexual harm. Enjoy!
01.01.2022 Happy Friday everyone! A big shout out from SASS to the superheroes out there who challenge gender stereotypes and dare to be different :) Sometimes gender stereotypes keep us in a small box and stop us from connecting to our emotions. Dare to be you and dare to show your emotions - we support you :)
01.01.2022 "No" is an answer, not an obstacle.
01.01.2022 Q: Is 'foreplay' actually considered sex? A: Sex is a very broad range of physical intimacy that you can do with others, or by yourself. This is why it's really important to discuss what your idea of 'sex' is, before you start. This way, you and your partner/s both understand and are happy to participate in whatever you both feel ready for or interested in.
01.01.2022 Munchies Food Van visited SASS today! If you havent tried their munchies burgers, fried chicken, togarashi squid, or munchies veg pancake, then do your taste buds a favour and find them!
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