Save the South Perth Peninsula | Other
Save the South Perth Peninsula
Address: Mill Point Rd 6151 South Perth, WA, Australia
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24.01.2022 As they say, follow the money! Other states have recently refused developers from making political donations, other states have for years had 3rd party appeal rights, which puts residents, neighbours and ratepayers on the same playing field as developers - at the moment in WA, Developers get special treatment. NOT FAIR!
24.01.2022 The Minister for Planning only has the power to intervene in situations like this if the matter is of State or Regional signifigance. She says in this interview that this is just one of a number of big buildings being approved. So why does Finbar get a free kick? In fact they have just been awarded the whole game without abiding by the rules! Finbar has never taken responsibility for their succesive failures that have led to the 7 years of failed approvals, not enough sales, water table issues, flooding basements etc etc. The community does not believe that Finbar deserves special treatment to get a very average building approved.
23.01.2022 Just a reminder the South Perth Peninsula Action Group Inc. 2019 Annual General Meeting is to be held at the South Perth Bowling Club at 7pm on Wednesday 23rd October 2019. Visitors are most welcome.
23.01.2022 The Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage have released DesignWA Stage 2 - Precinct Design for public comment until TUESDAY 15 OCTOBER. Precinct Design gui...des the preparation and assessment of planning proposals for areas that require a high level of planning, such as higher levels of density and infill, mixed use components and activity centre designation. It will be a major tool in the rollout of LPS5. Its proposed that control over many of these precincts are centralised with the WAPC rather than local government. What does that mean for the future of meaningful community consultation which is sorely lacking already? Experts we've spoken to are deeply concerned. Please take the time if you can to read the documents and have your say on this crucial topic for the future of planning at by TUESDAY OCTOBER 15th. See more
23.01.2022 And Melville has also turned the tables with a new regime for change, mostly a change for more transparency and for the city to listen to is residents regarding planning - sounding familiar??
22.01.2022 Just reading the report on changes to the ACP following the feedback sessions in July. How extraordinary! Point 1 - no wonder the feedback had limited consistency and application - the facilitators combined varied aspects, ideas and thoughts into one voting method - doomed from the beginning. Point 2 - duh! The very vocal developers in the room were only interested in their site and the first statements clearly expressed to all participants was - None of the base assumptions... are up for discussion We have been challenging your assumptions from Day One - this statement is a blatant misrepresentation of the facts! Point 3 - whos fault is that? Maybe it was a lack of early consultation, or clear briefings at the sessions! Below is the extract taken from the Report on feedback in the ACP & A61 - The general nature of the feedback received is described as follows: 1. The feedback was highly varied, with limited consistency on the approach, opinions (both positive and negative), elements and outcomes that would result from the implementation of the draft ACP and proposed Amendment No. 61; 2. A large number of modifications were suggested by respondents, with many of these modifications relating to the outcomes that would occur on specific sites. The majority of submissions did not challenge the underlying assumptions or planning process that inform the preparation of the draft ACP or the outcomes expected as a result of the implementation of the plan; and 3. A range of submissions suggested modifications and/or raised concerns with elements of the plan that were already addressed by the plan, or arose from a misunderstanding of the controls in the draft ACP and proposed Amendment No. 61. No wonder we are sceptical about South Perth Councils ability to conduct consultation!!
22.01.2022 There are only three days left to vote for your City of South Perth councillors. Ballot papers can be hand delivered and placed in the ballot box at the Civic C...entre, cnr Sandgate St & South Tce, South Perth during business hours or between 8am-6pm on Saturday 19 October 2019. To find out who your candidates are or for more information about the elections visit See more
21.01.2022 The minister should have done her homework!
20.01.2022 JDAP has today refused the latest edition of Civic Heart 4/1 Thankfully JDAP is saving South Perth from this overwhelmingly unnecessary and plain ugly Finbar building. More details to come, but reasons include not exemplary, does not meet State Planning requirements and ground water modelling research to be done beforehand. Great to hear common sense and professionalism prevailed. Thank you to those community members who made very thought provoking submissions! Democracy... is a marathon!! We will not give up trying to ensure appropriate and sensitive developments prevail in South Perth. See more
20.01.2022 Interesting move! Would to see City of South Perth move down the same path!
19.01.2022 Channel 9 & 7 are both covering this latest debacle in South Perth. For over a year members of our group have been attempting to get either the builder, the developer or the city to take responsibilty for this issue. Rather than offer more rebates on Stamp Duty #MarkMcgowan and #RitaSaffioti would be better off fixing the building regulations and ensuring residents and visitors are safe. This is just one issue, still the community has no answers regarding the flooded basements, dead trees and cracks in the historic Police Station that no-one seems to care about! Fix the quality before pushing for quantity! If you are concerned and would like detailed information on any of these issues please email [email protected]
19.01.2022 When the last bit green space is gone and all residents sit inside next to their airconditioners, tvs and iphones will the planners rethink this unsustainable fad of high density everywhere?
19.01.2022 The RAR produced by the City of South Perth for this JDAP makes an absolute mockery of proper planning laws and regulations, once again confirming what many say - that planning in our city is chaotic. If the developer wants a DA approved under the new ACP/Amendment 61 they should wait until early next year when it will most likely be approved, not rush in at the 11th hour trying to pick off bits of both that suit their profit line. The City of South Perth has been working on... a new Activity Centre Plan in this area for 2 years. In July this year they conducted 4 full days of workshops with community groups and are yet to incorporate that feedback into the Draft Plan. We were at those workshops and there was agreement that buildings on Labouchere Rd should not be so high as to overshadow, overwhelm or obstruct the Zoo. If the city has not listened to that very strong feedback, there is something seriously wrong. See more
19.01.2022 please read and make your thoughts known. no point complaining once its too late!
17.01.2022 The latest debacle for South Perth is opposite the Zoo at 31 Labouchere Rd on the crn of Lyall St - looks like a rubicks cube. They appealed to SAT and have come back with some slight modifications and a few storeys lower - now only 38! Its still a CBD sized building in the wrong place! The height for this site is 8 storeys and discretion for a bonus, if warranted. Its impossible to see what determines this bonus request, apart from more profit. The city says its sent l...etters to neighbours, but no one that we know have received anything. At all the community consultation there was unanimous agreement that nothing along Labouchere should overwhelm or overshadow the Zoo - if the city really took notice of its own consultation they would recommend refusal of this DA. If they dont it will confirm our belief that consultation is a waste and in Utopian words - just tick that box! If you have any thoughts on this DA on this site - then please send them to [email protected] Once its done, its too late to complain! - DO NOT LET skyscrapers OVERLOOK & OVERSHADOW the ZOO!!! Time to say something! The citys website has changed so it now much harder to link these applications. Seems now you have to search for 31 Labouchere Rd at 38 storeys amongst the carport DAs and fence extensions!!!! Youd think they way to hide these things!!!
15.01.2022 For years this group has been trying to get accountability for poor planning decisions and more recently trying to ensure the city has the regulations in place to keep residents and visitors safe. Surely people should not have to become building inspectors before the purchase an apartment! Sadly its not getting better. Remember the ground water issues at Aurelia and the Civic Heart site - there is still no research on Ground Water, or proper Wind Tunnelling effects, no accountability and all parties continue to deny any fault. Its just more fawlty towers!!
14.01.2022 Apologies everyone for not communicating on a greater frequency this year. Let's hope you all weathered the effects of COVID-19 with minimal impact. It’s AGM time again and we thought this would be an opportune time to get together and refocus our future path. SPPAG AGM Thursday 22nd 6:30 pm October 2020... South Perth Bowling Club Up until now our main focus has been on the South Perth Activity Centre Plan (ACP) and South Perth Local Planning Strategy (LPS) which are both at the final stages of approval - so at this meeting let's talk about what is still important and what we can still achieve. Everyone is welcome - you don't have to be a paid up member and don’t be put off coming because you are worried you might be herded into a committee position - we have nominations for all the Office Bearers. Of course, we would still be extremely grateful if anyone is interested in helping in any way. Ryan Chorley, the newly endorsed liberal candidate for the seat of South Perth (following John McGrath’s retirement) has confirmed he will attend. Ryan would like to meet residents and answer any questions we have for him especially regarding development & planning in this area. After the Minister for Planning, Rita Saffioti, unilaterally overrode her own department by approving the ‘Civic Heart’ development earlier this year, we were all pretty shattered. Added to that, another three Development Applications for very large complexes were approved, where developers were allowed to cherry pick certain rules from the old scheme and some from the new scheme. Consequently, many of us have been feeling that community input is not worth the energy expended, and that Planning Laws of WA are ‘negotiable’ But, with lots of support, encouragement and reflecting on all the things we have achieved in 5 years, we see there is still a lot our group can do to support our small, but growing community. 2020 SPPAG MEMBERSHIP Membership of SPPAG is $25 per person or couple and is available to: Any resident of the City of South Perth or any Owner or Leaseholder of property which within the Boundary of the Mill Point Ward of the City of South Perth being either a natural person or a corporation represented by a natural person who has paid the annual Subscription referred to in Rule 7 of the constitution. Current members will be sent an invoice. Potential new members should send an email to [email protected] and you will be sent a form with all the details. See you on the 22nd October - mark it in the diary now.
14.01.2022 Congratulations to all those successful in South Perth council elections. We certainly look forward to you achieving all you have promised.
13.01.2022 Hundreds of residents from as far as Bunbury and the Perth Hills gathered in Nedlands calling for the CCC to investigate Planning Minister Rita Saffiotis power... to force mass rezonings in their suburbs. Meanwhile, in Subiaco, she is accused of hanging the mayor out to dry. Read why from the front page of this weeks Post:
12.01.2022 Proof again that the Planning Approvals Process in Perth is seriously broken. Just weeks before a new scheme is approved in South Perth that would see far better buildings with more controls, 2 developments were approved by JDAP that are not compliant with either scheme. The developers, enabled by an inept local planning department, have cherry picked bits from both schemes that suit a more profitable building - not better buildings. It makes a mockery of all the community co...nsultation undertaken where they said Your Voice is soooo important. Once again the community is ignored and the mates approving mates developments, pushed by mates in high places takes precedence. These government appointed panels cant even abide by their own planning laws. We had thought JDAPs were improving, but no- big money and connections in the right places wins over. No wonder there is so much graft and corruption in government departments - the systems enable it!! See more
11.01.2022 The RAR for Civic Hearts return to JDAP is out and with so little change - one wonders what they have done for 3 months. These perspectives are not just misleading they should be labelled false representation. Aurelia in the right is 22 storeys, and Civic should be shown as nearly double at 39 storeys.
11.01.2022 The latest development application for South Perth looks good! It's on the site at 69 South Perth Esplanade where the old Tudor House was located, just 2 doors dowm from Echelon. A respectful 5 level building that is sensitive to the locale and from first reading meets all the criteria. As we have said so many times, a design that enhances the area and we have no problems.
09.01.2022 If Finbar had submitted a compliant decent design it would have been approved - end of story! Because they failed to do that and asked for far more bulk and height, with a typical fridge looking Finbar box, nothing but hundreds and hundreds of crappy units, and no other benefits that had been promised to this community for years, it wasnt approved! Finbar even wrote their own requirements for this site and were awarded a very easy amendment and they couldnt even comply their own requirements!! No wonder the community is very angry. This site and company has been the source of flooded basements, now excessive salty groundwater, dead trees surrounding the site, now the historic Police Station is showing serious cracks in its heritage listed walls. And now they want a free pass because they are incapable of producing something worthy of being the centrepiece...iconic for South Perth. What a way to destroy faith in Democracy - well done Minister Saffioti!! It was your Gov Architect who said its not good enough - the person you just appointed to head the Gov Design Review Panel!! So you think a bunch of Landscape Architects on the local DRP know better, and they cant even explain why they thought it was great!!! Which its not - its just another Finbar set of boxes which now it has a tacky frill on top, like lipstick on a pig! And look past the misleading artists impressions, this is just another boxy, un-exceptional block of flats. Finbar, and DPLH needs to follow the process. No matter how powerful Finbar think they are, they are not above the rules that apply to everyone!!
08.01.2022 Has the Government Architect walked after being overridden by the Planning Minister? Or has he been pushed out because he dared stand up for his principles? Whatever- Its a sad day that Geoff Warn has left the Office of the government Architect - OGA Why has he gone? ... It was the OGA who 4 years ago declared South Perth deserved better than the mediocre proposals being put forward, and just last year determined the new Civic Heart design by Finbar did not come up to the standard required. Whatever is going on here- it cant be good!
08.01.2022 Residents of South Perth have previously asked the State Government to intervene after poor planning decisions were made by JDAPs, only to be told that the decision was "part of the statutory planning approval process" and the planning minister couldn't intervene. But now that the JDAPs have started to properly enforce the regulations, the developers cry foul ... and after lobbying State Government, convince Rita Saffioti to intervene in the process. There is one rule for ord...inary people and another for developers. Who is running this state?
08.01.2022 450 plus people turned out to hear from affected neighbourhoods all over Perth. South Perth is not the only suburb dogged by poor planning, now made worse by the Minister giving approvals to buildings which dont meet the grade.
07.01.2022 So its not just South Perth where Glass balconies explode onto the pavement - cheap shoddy products are used all over. Again we say quality over quantity based on max profit!
07.01.2022 Another way you can let those in planning know what we think is important - please take the mins to do these quick polls.
07.01.2022 Public Servants, Politicians, Developers and their Lobbyists should not be making significant planning decisions behind closed doors without input from the very people who will be impacted. CoronaVirus is killing democracy! The public are not allowed to attend meetings where major decisions are being made in their streets or next door to them - surely this can't be ok? Please sign this Petition....
06.01.2022 Democracy is another casualty of COViD-19 how can it be ok to go behind closed doors and approve significant developments????
06.01.2022 Voting in Local Government elections is not compulsory but it should be - this is democracy at it's closest to you. Recently we sent out a few questions to the candidates for Mayor and Mill Point Ward - very interestingly only 2 replied. If you are not on our email list and would like to read Keryn Zeeb's and Travis Burrows' responses to our questions then send an email to [email protected] and I will send them to you. It's extremely annoying to see so much anger directed at our elected members lately, when the majority of problems people see or hear about stem from non-elected sources. Much of the time councillors are thwarted by poor information, misleading information.and lack of information. Any blame should be laid squarely at the feet of those who create the problems in the first place.
06.01.2022 "The Mascot Towers Owners Corporation said new tests revealed the soil supporting the building has lost "bearing capacity" There are important lessons to be learned from this - we'll be making sure our city is taking these issues very seriously.
05.01.2022 Tjorn understands the community's concerns! Sadly while social distancing rules are in place the opportunity exists to approve developments without the required consultation.
03.01.2022 Congratulations #EmmaYoung and #HamishHastie for your award for the Tangled Web that we know so well and you described in such graphic detail! But still the web continues to be entwined!!!
03.01.2022 It is possible!!! Quality over quantity!!
03.01.2022 UDIA talks sense! "Without a strong design code to encourage innovative responses to the challenges of providing infill housing, we have ended up with dumb density. We need to retain and encourage tree canopies. We need parking alternatives that encourage walking and sufficient density that brings back local businesses." says Tanya Steinbeck UDIA WA CEO
02.01.2022 Distance to the CBD not as important! As Perth has grown alternative Activity Centres emerge that are significant employment hubs and that is taking the pressure off the CBD as the primary place of employment and giving people more options for work and play.
01.01.2022 Common sense is all that is being asked for.... Why are developers being allowed to get approvals and extentions when the people who will be impacted have no idea what is going on? Everything else is closed down - why not JDAPs? Below are the letters sent to the Premier after reading Gail McGowan's email to JDAPs to keep on approving, no matter what is happening!! Unbelievable!!...Continue reading
01.01.2022 Subiaco has elected 6 new councillors all standing on a platform for change to poor planning in their inner suburb.
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