Save Batemans Sanctuaries | Not a business
Save Batemans Sanctuaries
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23.01.2022 Sanctuary zones mean that there arent any fishing pressures, such as extra boats, people, lines, litter and debris...Similar changes (around Byron Bay) would cause a huge disruption to holidaying and tourism that is already thriving...Thanks to the patterns of behaviour maintained by the sanctuary, animals would become sitting ducks to be hunted... This type of long term protection takes time; if you break open the sanctuary, its like smashing your piggy bank before its full. - Byron Bay marine biologist Mary Gardner commenting on the impacts of removing marine sanctuaries. Read the full article at the link below. Share with your friends or join our facebook group Save Batemans Sanctuaries Community to help us #savebatemanssanctuaries
22.01.2022 Its Australia, August 2020 and Sanctuary Zones in the Batemans Marine Park have been undermined since last December and are now under permanent threat by the NSW Government if their amnesty on recreational fishing inside what were once Sanctuary Zones becomes law. If we allow this to happen then it sets a dangerous precedent for all Marine Parks across Australia. Marine Parks are not like National Parks where ALL wildlife is protected. It is in only in the small percentage ...of Sanctuary Zones that there is no fishing & no taking allowed. Only in these safe places for spawning and juvenile growth can fish grow larger than legal catch limits and can ecosystems truly flourish. In the example of Snapper, popular among fishers and divers alike, the larger they grow the more reproductive years they have, the more Snapper there will then be in the surrounding areas. Snapper are crucial in the control of Sea Urchins that threaten to turn precious undersea ecosystems into barrens. There is plenty of solid scientific evidence regarding the benefit and logic of having Sanctuary Zones within Marine Parks. There was no public consultation, no scientific justification or assessment or fathomable reasoning to the amnesty decision. We are still waiting for them to announce a two month "public Consultation" period which by their own laws is supposed to happen before any changes can be made to marine park zonings. Yet under the amnesty system they brought in the changes, allowing the damage to start and be done simply by a wave of a pen and a media release. In preparation for the public consultation we are spreading the word in the hope that ALL Australians can support us when the time comes. Follow & Share our media,feeds and updates, sign petitions and help to write letters to politicians. Batemans Marine Park in Yuin country on the NSW South Coast is home to protected Black Cod, Grey Nurse Sharks, Seal colonies and so much more. This is a Pilot Park meaning that any changes that are allowed to become law here could easily become precedents for any Marine Park in NSW. Indeed it would be hard to imagine how it wouldnt. Help us to say NO MORE. Sanctuary is a beautiful word and the least tiny gift that we can afford to ecosystems that are already struggling and under mounting pressures. Humans can do so much better than this. Help us to fight for the out of sight in our seas. #savebatemanssanctuaries All images kindly provided by the Community Volunteer Organisation the Nature Coast Marine Group & taken in and around the Batemans Marine Park, NSW, Australia.
22.01.2022 If youve never been in the water with the seals at Montague Island. Its truly one of the best experiences our Batemans Marine Park has to offer. Local eco tourism operators like our friends Underwater Safaris Narooma provide access through diving and snorkelling. Some of the Marine Sanctuary Zones at Montague where these seals are known to feed have been revoked in an amnesty since the end of last year. Help us show the government we need more protected zones not less. #savebatemanssanctuaries Photo: Nick Rogers Photography
22.01.2022 Justin Field speaks out for Batemans Sanctuaries! You can too! Follow the link, sign, send & share the letter. Tell the NSW Government NO!!
21.01.2022 Have you been to our website? Jump in and have a look - theres plenty of info and opportunities to get involved.
21.01.2022 A diver claps their hands, and is surrounded by large, inquisitive Red Snapper - such an occurrence would never take place outside a marine sanctuary . This photo was shot by Aquatic Rehab Spearfishing in NZs Goat Island Marine Reserve. An amazing illustration of how sanctuaries foster the growth and reproduction of large keystone species like Red Snapper. Allowing fish such as these to grow to a large size is crucial to marine ecosystems. The removal of sanctuaries is a direct threat to many species, its unnecessary and scientifically misguided. Join our Save Batemans Sanctuaries Community group and have your say. #savebatemanssanctuaries
20.01.2022 In December 2019 Agriculture Minister Adam Marshall announced he was opening up six Batemans Marine Park sanctuary zones to recreational fishing. What he didnt do was consult with local people or seek scientific advice, nor did he bother to consult his own governments Marine Estate Management Authority, its Expert Knowledge Panel or even Marine Park staff. He also used a dodgy trick of declaring an amnesty to get around his own governments legislative requirement for consu...ltation before taking his decision. Theres nothing wrong with fishing of course, but in a marine park there has to be balance, science, consultation with ALL stakeholders, consideration for future generations and above all there has to be respect for the environment. Please join our Save Batemans Sanctuaries Community, follow us on Instagram or check out our website to have your say. See more
20.01.2022 We all know that Montague Island (Baranguba) is an iconic place, rich in wildlife and heritage. But did you know that it is internationally recognised for its conservation values? The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) put Montague on its Green List in 2014 for excellence in protected area management. It is one of only around 50 places on the whole planet that has this accolade. The state government winding back protection in the Marine Park sanctuary zones adjoining the Island is a serious backwards step for such an important environmental asset.
19.01.2022 The Illawarra Mercury spoke with Dylan Boag from Woebegone Freedive about the removal of sanctuaries. "We have about four marine sanctuaries down here and we do about like 80 per cent of our diving in those sanctuaries and we know that they work...These sanctuaries are really good for tourism and they are good for fisherman as well...They are good for everyone really." He Said. Full story here. "Thats why it is just a little bit of a surprise that has happened down the coast [Batemans Bay] and we are kind of worried that they might have Jervis Bay in their sights next."
19.01.2022 Interested about the effectiveness and importance of marine parks? The NSW governemnt is coming for the Port Stephens Marine Park ~ Nelson Bay ~ Sydney ~ Australia next. Listen to this ABC interview for a bunch of info about how marine parks are supporting marine ecosystems.
19.01.2022 The disconnect many politicians have from the environment is astonishing. Imagine being so happy with yourself about a decision that will destroy marine ecosystems. Have a look at this video. Minister Adam Marshall, very proud of his move to scrap marine sanctuaries - and making it clear hes coming for Port Stephens Marine Sanctuaries next.
18.01.2022 Urchin barrens have now destroyed around 50% of the kelp forests in our southern NSW rocky reefs, causing a massive reduction in biodiversity and biomass. Sanctuary zones protect the predators of urchins like snapper and crayfish so they can grow in numbers and size. This will help keep the urchins more under control. We need sanctuary. We need big snapper! Share if you care! #savebatemanssanctauries
18.01.2022 The science shows that marine sanctuaries are good for fishing in the long run. If we want our children, and our children's children to enjoy this Australian past-time, we need them. So... Why are they being removed? It's short sighted, un-scientific and greedy. The mentality that we should be able to fish as much as we want, wherever we want just needs to change if we want fish for the future. Its really that simple. (Image: Joel Coleman Photography)
17.01.2022 An amnesty has been declared for six of the southern Sanctuary Zones of the Batemans Marine Park, now allowing access for recreational fishing. These sanctuaries provide havens for fish to breed and help marine biodiversity. These sanctuaries could be the first of many to be scrapped throughout NSW - Please help us SAVE BATEMANS SANCTUARIES
15.01.2022 Thank you so much to Laura Wells Model and Paul West from River Cottage Australia and ABC Australia for joining us on an amazing trip to Montague (Baranguba) Island to show your support for marine sanctuary protection. We jumped aboard the Underwater Safaris Narooma boat to dive with the playful fur seals that call the sanctuaries home, checking out majestic humpback whales along the way. So sad to see these important sanctuary zones being removed with no scientific backing o...r public consultation. Please jump on board with us, like, follow, share or head to and help us #savebatemanssanctuaries. - - #montagueisland #underwatersafaris #narooma #naroomansw #bermagui #paulwest #laurawells #diving #scuba #scubadiving #padi #marineconservation #marinepark ##marinesanctuary #eurobodalla #begavalley #shoalhaven #batemansmarinepark #batemansbay #mysterybay #visitnsw #naturereserve #marinecampaign #marineactivist See more
15.01.2022 Please watch & enjoy this short video in one of Dave Rowlands favourite Batemans Marine sanctuaries on the NSW South Coast. This is the Burrewarra Sanctuary zone in the Batemans Marine Park. Great Vid thankyou Dave & the Undersearov crew!!. Shows how beautiful our zones are and why we want them left alone. Have your say here :
14.01.2022 "There's an enormous advantage in having protected areas where you get those very, very big fish, because they are ridiculously productive and they basically provide benefits for fishermen of stabilising the supply " Prof Possingham said in an excerpt from the Canberra Times article below. Please Read then have your say here!
14.01.2022 Bill Barker from the Nature Coast Marine Group sheds further light on the importance of marine sanctuaries back by some science from none other than Hugh Possingham. Check out the article here.
13.01.2022 "One recent study shows that stocks of inshore fish species have declined in Australia by 30% in a decade, except in sanctuary zones. Worldwide, sanctuary zones (also called no-take zones) have been shown to help fish grow larger and more abundant. And recent studies in NSW coastal waters have reiterated the benefits of no-take zones for species such as morwong, bream, and snapper." Fascinating reading in this 2018 article from The Conversation - All backed but hard science. Where the science to back marine sanctuary removal?
12.01.2022 Member for Bega Andrew Constance has described the southern Batemans Marine Sanctuaries as "Low hanging fruit...areas where it makes sense to wind back restrictions on recreational fishing activities". Its a start for Constance - which marine sanctuaries are next on the chopping block? Full Story here:
12.01.2022 Some of the hundreds of fishing boats looking for Yellowtail Kingfish and other pelagics off western edge of Montague Island, Narooma. Thousands of kingfish are pulled from the water here every year. Fishing is an Australian pastime, and this annual haul has so far been balanced out by the no fish marine sanctuaries on southern and eastern sides of the island that protect fish and provide safe habitat. These sanctuaries have been removed and now the whole of Montague island can be targeted. Why is it necessary to pull more fish from the water every year? Help us #savebatemanssanctuaries. Please share with your friends.
11.01.2022 WOW! Scientists used DNA to track more than 1500 baby fish inside protected 'no catch zones' on the GBR. The DNA analysis shows that young fish outside of sanctuaries are produced by parent fish INSIDE sanctuaries! Perhaps the clearest and strongest evidence yet that we NEED our marine sanctuaries to maintain fish populations and wider ecosystem protection! More fish and a healthier local ecosystem also means more tourism and healthier local businesses! #savebatemanssanctuaries
10.01.2022 Amazing! two separate tagged snapper, recaptured by the same person in short succession. Evidence that these are important residential fish - vulnerable to recreational fishing being allowed in marine sanctuaries.
10.01.2022 HAVE YOUR SAY!!! Our website has a form that filled, addressed and ready to go. Just enter in your details and send your support of restoring marine sanctuaries direct to those responsible for scrapping sanctuaries. Your email will go direct to the Minister for Agriculture Adam Marshall and Member for Bega Andrew Constance and be filed and on record. Hit the link, have your say and help us #savebatemanssanctuaries
10.01.2022 We dont want to ban fishing. We simply believe that having some marine sanctuaries, where sea life can breed and not be threatened is important. And it is. We are a community made up of everyone who enjoys the ocean, including fishers - who on the whole, agree. "More than 70% of recreational fishers support no-take marine sanctuaries according to our research, published recently in Marine Policy. This study contradicts the popular perception that fishers are against estab...lishing no-take marine reserves to protect marine life. In fact, the vast majority of fishers we surveyed agreed that no-take sanctuaries improve marine environmental values, and do not impair their fishing." - From an article published in The Conversation, March 2019 by Matt Navarro, Marit E. Kragt & Tim Langlois. - Full article at the link.
09.01.2022 Were on Instagram! Jump in and follow us @savebatemanssanctuaries to see our posts and stories about the progress of our campaign. #savebatemanssanctuaries
09.01.2022 Local Newspaper runs NCMG community group's campaign to Save Batemans Sanctuaries. Have your say at the bottom of the article! Let the newspaper know you care!
05.01.2022 Batemans Marine Park sanctuaries are under threat. The NSW Minister for Transport and member for Bega Andrew Constance has made clear his intentions to scrap sanctuary zones. Help us protect our marine biodiversity - full story here.
05.01.2022 This is a blue groper, a large fish that is relatively common on shallow rocky reefs in southern NSW. It is a friendly and approachable and seems to enjoy hanging out with divers and snorkellers, who it follows with its large eyes. Unfortunately, its friendliness was once fatal up to the 1970s, it was speared in large numbers. Spearfishers themselves raised the alarm and it has now been protected from spearing for many years. The Blue Grouper performs an important ecological role as a predator of sea urchins, which have reduced large areas of reef in southern NSW virtually to bare rock. Help us protect this keystone species in our beautiful Batemans Marine Park sanctuaries. Share your stories of Blue Grouper encounters with us! #savebatemanssanctuaries Image credit: Rosie Leaney
04.01.2022 So sad to see. Join our Save Batemans Sanctuaries Community group and help us #savebatemanssanctuaries
04.01.2022 The beautiful Burrewarra Point sanctuary zone in the Batemans Marine Park. Amazing abundance of fish life - a healthy marine ecosystem. There are plenty of places to fish. Why do people need to fish here also? Help us protect sanctuaries like these. Like, Share and Join our Save Batemans Sanctuaries Community
02.01.2022 More letters, both for and against marine sanctuary protection continue to hit the local media. The reality is simple. Protecting some small patches of our marine environment is scientifically proven to benefit marine ecosystems and fish stocks. Removing marine sanctuaries is about greed and self interest - and a subsequent disregard for the environment via the denial of science.
01.01.2022 The Weedy Seadragon is an odd looking creature, related to the seahorses and found only in southern Australia. Its shape and colour ensures it is camouflaged as it moves amongst its kelp habitat. Weedy Sea Dragons are protected in NSW, however their numbers seem to be declining and little research is taking place. Declining kelp forests in southern NSW, mean fewer homes for seadragons. All species play a role in healthy marine ecosystems. Marine sanctuaries build strong and resilient ecosystems. Help us #savebatemanssanctuaries - have your say in our Save Batemans Sanctuaries Community Group. Image credit:Matt Testoni
01.01.2022 Share our page! We need as much support as possible! When it comes time to write submissions well need the support of you, your friends and family. Please, take the time to invite your friends to like this page and help us #savebatemanssanctuaries
01.01.2022 Montague Island is home to seasonal aggregation sites for the critically endangered grey nurse sharks, right on the doorstep of two of the now removed sanctuary zones around the island. Watch & share this great video from the Undersearov crew then sign and send the letter at this link to tell the Government we say NO!. Thanks Dave Rowland!
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