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Save the Wayzgoose Building in Leura, New South Wales | Community organisation

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Save the Wayzgoose Building

Locality: Leura, New South Wales

Phone: +61 2 4784 1973

Address: 174 The Mall 2780 Leura, NSW, Australia


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24.01.2022 Someone (THE MAYOR) is not going to be very happy this morning! An entire page of letters in the Gazette and none of them too supportive of him!

24.01.2022 Yes, let's fix it so this cafe has a safe kitchen floor and a fresh coat of paint and next door has a tenant.

23.01.2022 Another article in this weeks gazette! Have a read and send more letters .

23.01.2022 Another SWIM IN this Sunday 19 Nov 2pm. Please come, bring friends and family. The ABC will be there. Here is Simon Marnie interviewing local teacher John Tognolini and the Mayor about the proposed pool closure.

22.01.2022 Please come to the Council meeting TONIGHT, 7.15pm on the 2nd floor, of the council chambers in Katoomba. There will be a motion for the DA to be assessed by an independent panel appointed by Councils General Manager who has overseen this entire DA and publicly defended demolition of the building, that he then changed to partial demolition and expansion. We do NOT support this proposed panel. There will also be a motion to withdraw the DA and consult the community. We DO support that.

22.01.2022 HOLY-MOLY. Prepare to be shocked!! The Development Application has been refused by the Independent Panel of experts on the basis there is not enough detail for the restoration of a heritage building nor are the issues of public space, safety and landscaping adequately addressed.... And, as for the plans for the new building at the back, well, ORDINARY WILL NOT DO. We pay tribute to the troops who turned up for the meeting with the Panel but especially to Ron Powell and Lorraine Droga who, unlike most of us, would not accept mediocrity, and to Mark Alchin who funded the heritage report on which it all hangs. We were so excited by the unexpected decision, we forgot to take photos so here are some memories.

21.01.2022 Tonight at 6pm, the Independent Panel will meet in public session to assess the latest development plans for the historic Wayzgoose Building. I will be I am glad and impressed that the panel were tough last February when they first considered the plans and insisted on more thorough restoration details for the original building and better design for the new tenancy at the back. The latest plans look good to me but I am very interested to hear what the panel and any public speakers have to say. The session is at the Council Chambers, 2 Civic Place, Katoomba (level 2). Entry is by the door at the left side of the building which will be open from 5.45-6.15pm. The planning panel report which includes details of the plans is here

21.01.2022 RED ALERT: Please apply NOW to be on the 4-person Panel that will decide whether the DA to destroy the heritage of this building is approved. Applications close next Fri 9 June. Council staff have secretly put the Expressions of Interest invitation on-line without telling anyone. Why does that make us think they know who they want on the panel to approve (not reject) their development plans??!! Dont be put off by the panel criteria that says you must not have publicly expressed a view about this development let them prove it. Let them search through10,400 signatures on our petition. Follow this link and apply, everyone, apply. Lets inundate them!

20.01.2022 Two things that council does for us! Picture 1 : we consult the community, but completely ignore a petition with almost 10500 signatures, multiple letters and hundreds of objections... hmm.. Picture 2 : we manage assets efficiently - ah.... nope. You dont. Lies! From BMCC. Never!

19.01.2022 Friends of Wayzgoose Building welcomed 11 Milgates yesterday -- the descendents of the first family of Leura, who came from Sydney, Mittagong and Albury to share stories and memories of Leuras beginnings and middles and imagine its future with its heritage preserved and a Leura museum and cafe in the most suitable building ......

19.01.2022 And heres an account of the public meeting with the Panel and their shock decision thanks to voice of the community and heritage experts.

19.01.2022 Another great letter in this weeks Gazette.

19.01.2022 Since we publicised the link, Council has walled off the web page inviting applications for the Independent Hearing and Assessment Panel (IHAP) that will consider the DA for 170-174 Leura Mall. Please email [email protected] and ask them to open the link or email you the criteria and application form for the panel. Applications close next Friday.

19.01.2022 Guess who came for coffee? Heritage 21, the consultants who gave the heritage thumbs up to Councils development plans because the building "does not warrant individual heritage listing" (even though Councils own Heritage Review said it did). Looks like theyve been given a new commission. Now thats odd, given the development hasnt been approved yet!!

15.01.2022 Come to meet the descendents of the family who built the Wayzgoose building and much of Leura. There will be a Wayzgoose (shared festive meal - the light version) while we celebrate and share our history and sense of Place. RSVP on 47841973 or text to 0405155085 All welcome!

15.01.2022 Beyond belief that Labor councillors are willing to vote in favour of an unelected panel managed by Councils unelected GM to decide the DA for the heritage Way...zgoose building. That panel will then be entitled to decide all our significant DAs which is just what the State Government and property developers want! See more

14.01.2022 I do not support either suspending or sacking the Councillors unless they are proven corrupt or totally dysfunctional. To my knowledge, this is not the case at ...BMCC. However, to prevent the impending suspension for 3 months, we need to show the community and the Minister that we can act like a governing body and take responsibility. We should be thanking the courageous whistleblowers on staff and the media for finally raising the alarm that the Council was failing to protect its workers and residents. Some facts: 1. Council has not had an Asbestos Management Plan despite this being required by law since 2011 (and before) as the most BASIC building block of asbestos safety. 2. Safework issued a breach notice in May 2017 for Council to develop an Asbestos Management Plan. This does now apparently exist but councillors and the public have yet to see it. 3. The Blue Mountains Gazette first broke the "Asbestos" story on 9 July this year "after council staff and other concerned citizens, who asked to remain anonymous, contacted the Gazette." Councillors were assured by management that matters were under control. 4. To date, there are at least 12 staff and contractors with grievances lodged against Council for serious risks to their health (and in some cases their familys health) from asbestos exposure in the workplace. 5. The Ministers Notice of Intention to suspend Council listed 29 notices of prohibition and improvement from Safework NSW and the Environment Protection Authority between October 2015 and December 2017. This is the first time councillors or the public have known the details and number of breaches. I suspect 29 is a record for any Council. 6. There are serious allegations that staff have been ignored, threatened, bullied and intimidated by management over many years for raising these safety issues In August, the Greens councillors called for an inquiry into Council because of a culture of secrecy and failures to provide adequate and accurate information to the councillors and community. Asbestos breaches were not on our radar at that time, but to my mind the causes of the current crisis are the same lack of transparency, and covering up rather than owning up. So problems entrench. This is a lesson to the elected Councillors that to fulfill our role we must insist on full access to information about the Councils operations. And we must also be open with the community. It is not just Cr Brown being annoying. Tonights meeting to consider our response to the Minister should be in open session at which the public can speak with all motions and reports published on our website. This will show we are truly turning over a new leaf. Finally, I note my confidence in the new Acting General Manager whom we have appointed, the first woman in the job. I believe Rosemary Dillon will help bring about the change of culture that is needed. Even if we are suspended for 3 months while investigations are underway, the community will have Rosemary at the helm assisted by many other able staff members. There is no reason to panic.

14.01.2022 SAVE THE DATE: Tuesday August 1st. Another council meeting has been called and our Mayor thinks that we will lose interest and that maybe 10 people will show up. Lets prove him wrong and show him that we are more passionate about this than ever. We need you. We need your neighbours. We need your family and we even need your enemies to all show up next week. 7:15 for a 7:30 start. This is SO IMPORTANT.

14.01.2022 Todays Gazette.

13.01.2022 TONIGHT!!! Please come along. It is so important that we show the Mayor that we care about this and tonight is the time to do it! Lets not let them win. 7:30 start at BMCC.

11.01.2022 Just a reminder about tomorrow night! We need you all there! Yep - that means you :)

10.01.2022 Thanks to the Gazette for prompt coverage of the Milgates visit.

10.01.2022 Edit: Arrival time is around 8:45. You dont need to be there at the beginning of the meeting. So its all been quiet since the last council meeting, but its all on again tomorrow night! Another council meeting and we need your support again! Lets not get complacent now - we have come so far. So come along and enjoy the show again! August 22nd 7pm for a 7:30 start at Council Chambers. Cant wait to see you there

09.01.2022 This has nothing to do with the Wayzgoose building but its more historic buildings being threatened in the Blue Mountains. People homes in Blackheath.

08.01.2022 And here's an account of the public meeting with the Panel and their shock decision thanks to voice of the community and heritage experts.

08.01.2022 THE LINK IS BACK!! Please apply now for a position on the Panel that will decide the fate of this building...

06.01.2022 Hi to all our lovely supporters! On Saturday at 3pm the gazette is coming to take a photo of all the Friends of the Wayzgoose and other supporters! If youre free we would love to to come along and be included!

06.01.2022 And on it goes! And on and on and on....

05.01.2022 Local Government Minister Gabrielle Upton has questioned the independent investigation into council's asbestos management.

04.01.2022 Wonderful news... . New plans are now on exhibition that will restore this building -- as we have always asked! THANK YOU ALL for making this happen and thanks to Councils planners who reviewed your submissions on the first DA plans (prepared by a different department) and clearly refused to recommend those plans be approved.

04.01.2022 Local Government Minister Gabrielle Upton has questioned the independent investigation into councils asbestos management.

03.01.2022 Hi everyone, the new DA exhibition closes Friday 8 Dec at midnight. We would encourage you to send a short submission to [email protected] about the new DA X/1279/2016 for 170-174 Leura Mall thanking Council for finally doing what was asked by the local community and heritage experts more then 2 years ago and deciding to restore the building. You may also want to comment on the design for the new building/ cafe on the back which is non-intrusive but does seem very ordinary. If you do want to look at them, the plans are on BMCC DAs on Exhibition at this link. The top docs are the old DA. The "Renotification Plans are for the new DA.

03.01.2022 This is the back door. Its been like this for almost the entire year and BMCC are having it fixed promptly... it was measured up in about March/April for repairs in 6 weeks, then again on 26th July because the measurements had been lost . Repairs/replacement would be done by September 6th.... at the latest... 11 weeks on the doors are still not fixed ... and they wonder why its in such bad condition!

02.01.2022 Come and help us fight for democracy tonight. Half the councillors want an unaccountable panel (managed by the General Manager) deciding this DA with public access to the panel VERY tightly controlled. We want councillors to face up to their responsibilities and voters and make the decision themselves on the fate of this building. 7.15pm for 7.30 start tonight at Council chambers in Katoomba.

01.01.2022 Yes, lets fix it so this cafe has a safe kitchen floor and a fresh coat of paint and next door has a tenant.

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