Save Brisbane Residents' Historical Use of Victoria Bridge | Community organisation
Save Brisbane Residents' Historical Use of Victoria Bridge
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25.01.2022 ANOTHER $64M + THE $300M METRO BANANABUS BLOWOUT for all of us to eat up Brisbane, for this dud project Brisbane People do not want. BCC is leaving our pockets emptier. The Brisbane metro is making us wait plenty, construction pushed back. BCC awarded construction tenders BEFORE State Gov approvals were granted.... We’ve got to make sure it’s a better service not a worse service, Mark Bailey MP - Labor for Miller Minister for Transport & Main Roads. & get this: In June the Centrepiece Underground South Brisbane Cultural Centre Station was POSTPONED, they will TWEAK the current station instead! So where is OUR $1.2B (to current costs blowouts) for this metro bananabus project going? This has got to be the worst planned project I’ve ever seen in my life, Councillor Jared Cassidy #savevictoriabridgebrisbane Thank you Adam Hegarty Reporting, 9 News Queensland
22.01.2022 Attn: BCC 2020 Lord Mayoral Candidates: Give Brisbane People the LIGHT RAIL they WANT. Sometimes so called progress is not better then what we had at all.... If the BCC are serious about encouraging people to use public transport, why dont they get the message from the masses of empty capacity buses versus the massive success of Trams or Light Rail? The Gold Coast leads the way for Light Rail in Qld with its enormously successful G:Link Light Rail. People dont want to ride on buses but PEOPLE DO WANT TO RIDE ON LIGHT RAIL. #savevictoriabridgebrisbane Thank you to Eric Riddler, Art Historian & Photography Tragic, for sharing these superb Brisbane Tram images!
22.01.2022 "A little cute & loose with the truth; We dont want another King George Square. "We saw what the council did to King George Square, we don't want to see that happen here at QPAC & on the Metro project. "one chance" to get the complex South Brisbane precinct right for the next 50 years.... "Let's be very clear: the council is aware that the tender process was done at their own risk because there were unresolved issues & we said that to them in writing in December last year." "Judging from the comments by (new) lord mayor Adrian Schrinner - he's certainly no Clem Jones, he's no Jim Soorley & I don't think he's even a Campbell Newman," Mr Bailey said. At a press club speech on Wednesday, the lord mayor labelled the metro as "Brisbane's Adani" - a comment the Transport Minister dismissed as "over the top". Mr Bailey wrote to the council in June last year following former lord mayor Graham Quirk's announcement that the council was about to begin procurement for the Brisbane Metro vehicles. He warned that the council began procurement without consultation with the state, & "at its own risk". A second letter was written to Cr Quirk in December last year raising concerns that the council's "desired time-frames for approvals" did not give enough time for the state to thoroughly assess the project. He warned again that if the council began procurement, it would do so "at its own risk". Cr Schrinner on Thursday said Mr Bailey was being "disingenuous" & the letters did not clearly identify what the state government wanted to change. Mr Bailey said Cr Schrinner was being "a little cute & loose with the truth" about the information given to the council about the state's concerns with the Cultural Centre precinct designs. The long-awaited return of a water fountain to King George Square in Brisbane CBD has been delayed (until at least 2023). All Fountains, Grass & Gardens were removed for its 'so-hot-you-could-cook-an-egg' current incarnation in the early 2000s. This time, its the $944 million Brisbane Metro project responsible for the delay. Seems there is less & less to like about the Frankenstein Metro Lie. "Every single day out on the campaign trail, people ask me to please do something about King George Square," Rod Harding for Lord Mayor said in a 2016 statement. Round Fountain of King George Square, with Grass & Gardens, 1982,; Steps Water Fountain to King George Square, 1982, BCC #savevictoriabridgebrisbane
21.01.2022 Sneaky Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner? Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner's campaign team has been accused of using deceptive social media accounts, to mimic an Official Council Site. He insists it was all above board, but within minutes of 7NEWS Brisbane quizzing him, the accounts in question suddenly changed. Is it important people can distinguish between "BCC" & "Adrian Schrinner" for Social Media Posts?... With no consultation (despite being directly asked for it) & tangible way to enact community feedback around the proposed closure of Victoria Bridge & the traffic changes in Stanley St, Woolloongabba which have impacted Residents, Workers & Visitors terribly, we ask if this Lord Mayor is listening to Brisbane people at all? Adrian Schrinner is being accused of being sneaky, can we add ignorant & arrogant too? Let's build other infrastructure not close what we have: * Build the Adelaide Street bus bridge. * Remove the toll from Go Between Bridge. Take note please #Qld politicians, Brisbane & Qld people do not want Victoria Bridge closed, & we VOTE! #savevictoriabridgebrisbane 7NEWS Brisbane
21.01.2022 TELL BRISBANE PEOPLE THE TRUTH LM SCHRINNER Brisbane People do not want your metro bus election lie. Your administration's ELECTION PROMISE for which The People voted, was A Paris Style Subway", Rail or Light Rail, NOT more expensive BANANABUSES. You are ABSOLUTELY DETERMINED to satisfy your own ego & disregard the wishes of The People. X This $1.4B nonsense project does nothing for most all Brisbane People. This Bananabus fake metro doubles up on the same transport corridor...Continue reading
20.01.2022 Metro Blowout Enough Already- CAN the Brisbane Metro Bananabus. This nonsense project is unsavable, now with a predicted costs blowout of $400M, straight from the LMs own mouth. Clem Jones, new TRAM, built after Paddington depot fire, Courier Mail - Sometimes so called progress is not better then what we had at all. The bananabus can't be done properly so don't do it at all, give the people the LIGHT RAIL they actually WANT. The Gold Coast G:link has left Brisbane in the dust because of your incompetence LM Schrinner. Let's build other infrastructure not close what we have: * Build the Adelaide Street bus bridge. * Remove the toll from Go Between Bridge. Take note please #Qld politicians, Brisbane & Qld people do not want Victoria Bridge closed, & we VOTE! #savevictoriabridgebrisbane
20.01.2022 Councils lack of consultation on tree removals angers community: BCC is proposing to remove five healthy fig trees from around the intersection of Stanley Place & Grey St to add a slip lane & funnel more cars in & out of the State Government-owned carparks at South Bank.... More sham community consultation from this BCC as part of the metro lie which we've been calling out since 2016. & the exploitation of the inner precincts continues. #savevictoriabridgebrisbane #savethetrees
19.01.2022 THE DIFFERENCE being in power makes: Gold Coast LM Ron Clarke (in power at the time) insisted on Trams, while LM Tom Tate (the opposition candidate at the time) wanted more buses (with the support of Brisbane LM Campbell Newman). How wrong can LM Tom Tate & LM Campbell Newman be? The GC G:link light rail is now immensely successful with huge public transport uptake by the people- 2018/19 patronage of 900,000 per month. Brisbane should learn from this as arrogant LM Schrin...ner continues to push an expensive bus which Brisbane people did not vote for. The people want light rail. Trams are fume-free for passengers & the city. Trams are magical to ride for children too, so great habits are set for public transport use. BCC should put party politics aside & give people what they want, bring Trams back! Think carefully who you vote for at the next Council election. Thank you Brisbane Residents United for this exceptional post. #savevictoriabridgebrisbane
19.01.2022 SOUTH BRISBANE TRANSPORT & MOBILITY STUDY (TMS) FINDINGS: It was fulfilling for our group to contribute to the TMS study & satisfying to see THE COMMUNITY PRIORITISES AFFORDABILITY & CONNECTIVITY, INCLUDING CONCERNS AROUND TOLL ROUTES as well as the cost of public transport, also safe & affordable public & active transport, road hierarchy & separating different modes of transport, amongst other important findings. These findings & The People...s voices on our page completely justify our stand with Brisbane People & the local South Brisbane community, residents/businesses/employees/visitors: Brisbane People DO NOT WANT SNEAKY TACTICS WHICH CHANNEL THEM ONTO TOLL ROADS. Brisbane People DO NOT WANT THIS BCCS FRANKENSTEIN METRO LIE. Please note Save Brisbane Residents' Historical Use of Victoria Bridge has NO political affiliations. The page objective is to address concerns around the proposed closure of Victoria Bridge. So we will work with &/or seek assistance & support from any & all quarters willing to assist us in achieving a fair & reasonable outcome for The People. & we are committed to sharing the truth about considerate & practical assistance we receive to ensure Brisbane People receive a fair outcome. Jackie Trad MP commissioned the TMS study, when by contrast LMS Quirk/Schrinner & Cr Sri disparaged our concerns (because our group had also spoken with Jackie Trad MP?). It's time partisan politics is put aside for the good of the entire community. Jackie Trad MP has also publicly gone on record calling for the Toll to be removed from Go Between Bridge, & for legitimate consultation to be conducted in the local community re the BCC proposed closure of Victoria Bridge to traffic. To date LM Schrinner & this BCC have adamantly refused both of these calls. Cr Sri has also ignored our requests for assistance & is therefore happy to support the South Brisbane community being channelled onto a Toll (Go Between), with the removal of free infrastructure (Vic Bridge), which has serviced the South Brisbane region for over 150 years. This is illegal under statutory legislation. Families, children, parents, grandparents, customers & visitors to the region all channelled onto one of the most expensive Tolls in the world. Finally, from our perspective, the only drawback of the TMS was that, for the record & so people are informed, LM Schrinner & his BCC insisted their Bananabus Rubber Tyred Metro lie was a non-negotiable for the TMS study, & was off the table entirely for discussion. This sealed yet again the fact that LM Schrinner & this BCC will not give the South Brisbane community any true consultation. Let's build other infrastructure not close what we have: * Build the Adelaide Street Bus Bridge. * Remove the Toll from Go Between Bridge. Take note please #Qld politicians, Brisbane & Qld people do not want Victoria Bridge closed, & we VOTE! #savevictoriabridgebrisbane Victoria Bridge Brisbane, Courier Mail
19.01.2022 LM Schrinner Hypocrite- On its 80 Year Anniversary The Story Bridge means so much to so many people, but you will steal 155 Year Victoria Bridge from us, it too means so much to so many people....Continue reading
19.01.2022 An Oldie but a Badie, & just as relevant today: BRISBANE'S GO BETWEEN BRIDGE HAS ONE OF THE MOST EXPENSIVE TOLLS IN THE WORLD. Lord Mayor Schrinner is planning to close FREE Victoria Bridge to traffic, for the metro Banana Bus lie, which will channel road users onto the Tolled Go Between Bridge.... Brisbane People DO NOT WANT SNEAKY TACTICS WHICH CHANNEL THEM ONTO TOLL ROADS. Brisbane People DO NOT WANT THIS BCCS FRANKENSTEIN METRO LIE. Let's build other infrastructure not close what we have: * Build the Adelaide Street bus bridge. * Remove the toll from Go Between Bridge. Take note please #Qld politicians, Brisbane & Qld people do not want Victoria Bridge closed, & we VOTE! #savevictoriabridgebrisbane @bees_got_a_camera Stormy clouds hovering over Brisbanes Victoria Bridge, THANK YOU for allowing us to share your Photography Talent & this Excellent Image!
18.01.2022 LET THEM KNOW! So how are we all feeling about the new Toll Increases? Especially in light of the Stanley St, Woolloongabba changes which are being hailed as AWFUL & UNUSABLE by BOTH cyclists & motorists equally. Independent studies showed 20-35% of vehicular access will be channelled onto the Tolled Go Between Bridge after the proposed closure of Victoria Bridge.... Closing a free bridge where it channels traffic onto a Toll is Illegal under State Government Legislation. Let's build other infrastructure not close what we have: * Build the Adelaide Street bus bridge. * Remove the toll from Go Between Bridge. Take note please #Qld politicians, Brisbane & Qld people do not want Victoria Bridge closed, & we VOTE! #savevictoriabridgebrisbane
18.01.2022 Victoria Bridge (first construction 1865) is iconic and synonymous with Brisbane (established 1825). BCC plans to close Victoria Bridge to vehicular traffic and... bikes, to save costs for the Metro Busway. Victoria Bridge is an important transport link carrying approximately 8,800 cars per day. Here is our open letter to Politicians and the Metro Busway Team. Have your say! Attn: Honourable Members and The Metro Busway Team Thank you for saying our feedback was recorded as part of the city-wide community consultation program for Brisbane Metro. You say Brisbane City Council undertook community consultation in 2016 and 2017 as part of the development of the Brisbane Metro Business Case. You say this included holding information sessions for the wider community at locations across the city and meetings with key stakeholders and industry representatives- yet as 5th generation residents of the 4101 Peninsula we’d suggest we are key stakeholders also, and we were not notified/invited. We, our families, colleagues, nor businesses which will be greatly affected by your proposed closure of the bridge, have heard of no direct community consultation. Furthermore, Council's Metro Business Case documents do not list community consultation has occurred with 4101 Peninsula residents and businesses at all. As stated by Labor opposition transport spokesman Jared Cassidy Councillor Jared Cassidy, "With a private operator for the metro on the table, we would want to see the busways preserved for all commuters on buses, not just those on the metro." Also, what studies and consultations if any, have been done to assess the possible damage to all of the many businesses in the inner city Melbourne Street, South Brisbane district, West End areas and surrounds? Have these businesses been consulted that the BCC plans to remove almost all of their passing trade? This proposal could kill many of these businesses some of which are historical to the South Brisbane area and Brisbane itself. Council's Metro Business Case documents suggest only some Southbank businesses were consulted; 4101 Peninsula businesses were excluded from the process when they will be bypassed by the Metro route and will lose significant passing trade with the closure of Victoria Bridge. Re Metro itself, how can Council describe it as a "Subway" when it is a rubber tyred vehicle, isn't this just another Bus? There are weekly or biweekly biased news reports aired on channel 7 news, that interview only those people who are for the closure of the bridge and the Metro Busway, not those who are against. Council's own Metro Business Case documents state: Most regular bus users 80%, travelling to the inner city zone are generally satisfied with the existing service. Delays due to traffic congestion, standing, and waiting frustrations were recorded as only 32-38%; at a cost of $944M how can this Metro be a good use of Brisbane Ratepayers' money? Only 7% of Brisbane residents are able to spontaneously reference Metro when asked to recall new public transport projects in Brisbane, and only 45% when prompted recalled they had heard of Metro; how can this be effective community consultation? We put it to your group that you are only canvassing those who are supportive of your ideas, and you are not listening to the concerns of those who are against your ideas. This is wholly unfair. We are tired of decisions for our areas being made by people who do not even live in our areas, who are not on the ground. You have no concept nor concerns for the effect your decisions have on us, our families and our lifestyles. You suggest the project’s proposed aims are "of cutting travel times", yet travel times for the some 20,000 residents of the 4101 Peninsula will not be cut but will significantly increase. The Metro busway disregards eastern busway passengers completely, western passengers past UQ, northern passengers past Herston, and will require interchange (off a bus and on to Metro) by all passengers at Woolloongabba or Herston hubs. The Metro duplicates current routes of existing bus and railways, and the Cross River Rail project. Coincidentally one of the limited suburbs the Metro is proposed to service is Eight Mile Plains, where Lord Mayor Quirk resides and his ward is located. Victoria Bridge is an important transport link carrying approximately 8,800 cars per day. You speak of the public transport available to 4101 residents, yet the public transport is insufficient in our areas, Highgate Hill and the Montague Road side of West End are especially black holes of service. The 4101 Peninsula's population is conservatively estimated to grow to over 40,000 residents by 2031, but BCC has no plans for a high capacity public transport service for West End/Highgate Hill beyond standard buses and the existing CityCat stop. What public transport there is, is overpriced, and there are many instances in which residents cannot use public transport e.g. the elderly, who have to walk great distances over hills and dales to their homes. After sunset this can become dangerous in inner city areas. Also elderly and those ill equipped physically to do so, cannot be expected to use Bikes, and Council plans to remove Bikes from Victoria Bridge also. We do not have a drive to shopping centre and we need to access the amenities of our city e.g. Medicare, health insurances, car and home insurances, licensing, auto clubs, to name just a few. Most all of these services are available in the city or outer suburban shopping centres only. Your suggestion of general vehicle access to South Brisbane, West End, Highgate Hill, Hill End etc. will be maintained using alternative cross-river routes including the William Jolly Bridge, Captain Cook Bridge and Go Between Bridge is not viable for residents of the 4101 Peninsula. We are then thrown into heavily congested traffic to say the least, in the east and west, the Gabba and Lang Park districts, which are also congested with Mater Hospital Precinct, sports events and concerts all year round, the gateway to Coronation Drive, and the also heavily congested roads to UQ and the suburbs of the west. Reports are that Milton Rd is now at 48,000 cars per day. More than before the opening of Legacy Way. People find the Tolls unaffordable and drive into heavy traffic to avoid paying them. $5 one way is not affordable for most people, and these are the minimum charges with other Tolls even higher, and businesses paying even more. Most community members cannot afford the Toll roads and we should not be forced to use them by Council’s say so. RACQ has stated the tolls should be removed from the Go Between Bridge as it was the shortest toll bridge in the country; the RACQ seeing some benefit down the line for removing that toll as part of an overall traffic outcome for South Brisbane; that we need to just make sure that the signage and the street network gives motorists the choice of either using the William Jolly or the Go Between Bridge in the future, so they always have an alternative to the toll. This extremely heavy congestion is being experienced now, by the 4101 Peninsula residents even before the currently approved and planned further extensive developments at the old Absoe and Peter’s Ice Cream buildings, some 15 and 22 storey multi developments. Qld Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk MP has just announced a much needed new high school in the Brisbane State High School catchment area, and an upgrade for West End State School, the first new schools in the inner city since the 1960s. What is to happen to our traffic movements in the 4101 Peninsula as our area grows into the future? How are we to get around on our roads? The 4101 Peninsula houses some of the fastest growing suburbs in Brisbane, and then you propose removal of the Victoria Bridge to bikes and vehicular traffic also, the 4101 Peninsula’s only northbound route. This proposal goes against the 2006 Brisbane City Centre Draft Masterplan, which recommended a new crossing immediately adjacent to the Victoria Bridge, tentatively named the Adelaide Street Bridge for a feasibility study, not closure of the historic Victoria Bridge to bikes and vehicular traffic. You suggest BCC traffic modelling will capture the potential impacts as a result of these changes, which Council will endeavour to mitigate where possible. We do not trust council will sufficiently mitigate negative changes for us as residents/businesses in the 4101 Peninsula, since currently at the outset our concerns have not been considered. And with a private operator on the table for Metro how can negative impacts be undone, once the busways are not owned/operated by Brisbane commuters? Council's legal commitments to the private Metro operator will be paramount, and this is unacceptable for Brisbane residents. You suggest the current alignment has been proposed due to its ability to utilise existing busway infrastructure, but you do not concede it is at the expense of 4101 Peninsula Residents and Businesses, our lifestyles, our ability to use our roads and get around our suburbs; it will throw huge amounts of traffic further onto our heavily congested roads, and it will negatively affect our lifestyles and our rights as residents to enjoy a peaceful existence in our own city also, with the historical use of our bridge. Council should consider an alignment to utilise the existing infrastructure with one of the current Walk, Bike, Bus or Rail bridges currently spanning the Brisbane River, such as Goodwill, Kurilpa, Merivale. And/or council should consider an alignment to utilise the soon to be existing infrastructure of the Cross River Rail Project; a preferable and more considered project than the Metro. In 2007 the Smart State Council announced plans for a series of new green mode bridges for Brisbane, to create a greenway corridor over 5 green bridges from Morningside, through Hawthorne, Teneriffe, New Farm, Kangaroo Point, City, North Bank, South Bank, Dutton Park and Boggo Road to UQ. Why then does council propose to disadvantage the 4101 Peninsula Residents and Businesses by removing vehicular and bike use of Victoria Bridge? The BCC has surrounded the 4101 Peninsula with Walk, Bike, Bus only, and Toll Bridges; and this decision will effectively make the peninsula an isolated island cluster of suburbs housing 20,000 residents and more to come, unable to move on our roads. This Metro does not even service 4101 Peninsula suburbs and bypasses them completely- how dreadfully unfair for us. Brisbane was established in 1825, so is 192 years old. The first bridge on the Victoria Bridge site was established in 1865. For over 150 years, all of Brisbane citizens, including the 4101 Peninsula residents have had use of our Victoria Bridge infrastructure. Victoria Bridge is a historical, central, important and iconic structure of our city. Victoria Bridge is synonymous with Brisbane City. Victoria Bridge belongs to all residents of Brisbane. How dare council suggest our Victoria Bridge be taken away from all Brisbane citizens and given over only to some? We will continue to lobby all levels of government to stop the proposed funding of this biased and unfair project Metro Busway. We will consider use of social media to get the word out quickly for the 4101 Peninsula residents, as we feel you are trying to run it through quietly, only canvassing those who are supportive of your ideas, "key stakeholders" who do not live here and who will not be negatively affected by the proposal, and you are not listening to the concerns of those who are against your ideas. Please find another route and leave our historical/heritage Victoria Bridge access to our city alone. We are fully supportive of the Cross River Rail Project- The Cross River Rail Project does not propose to disadvantage any Brisbane residents. Finally to be a River City and have no bridge access to the CBD would make us an international laughing stock. We should be celebrating our Victoria Bridge as a historic international tourist attraction, as London does, not limiting residents’ access to it. Points of comparison of London Bridge and Brisbane’s Victoria Bridge: London Bridge: A total of 24 bridges span the River Thames in London, starting from the Kew Bridge to the Tower Bridge. These bridges are iconic representations and provide spectacular views and access to quite a few of the city’s most admired tours, highlights and events. By their own right, they are also celebrated landmarks. The oldest of them all is the London Bridge, which was first built from wood. In year 1209 it was demolished and replaced by a stone bridge lined with houses and shops along its side. In 1831, the stone bridge was in turn replaced by a granite bridge, and the granite replaced in 1973 by the current concrete bridge. The current London Bridge was designed by Lord Holford. Work commenced in 1967 and was finished in 1972. The first London Bridge was built by the Romans in AD 50 as part of their road-building programme. There is archaeological evidence for scattered Neolithic, Bronze Age and Iron Age settlement nearby, but until a bridge was built there, London did not exist. The current London Bridge was designed and constructed under the supervision of a renowned architecture, Michael Leeming. According to Michael Leeming, the immense bridge project was one of his greatest projects of which he is extremely proud to have designed. The London Bridge possesses one of the most excellent road types in London. It is an A3 road with 5 lanes and also happens to be one of the busiest bridges in London. The closest underground rail stations to the London Bridge are the Monument and London Bridge. Being one of the most renowned bridges in the Capital city of England, London Bridge is a major tourist attraction in London. It is situated between the Tower Bridge and the Cannon Street Railway Bridge and connects the City of London with Southwark; it is commonly used by the vehicles in addition to pedestrians who subsequent to exiting the London Bridge tube station head across the bridge itself in order to reach the City of London. The 1831 London Bridge, purchased and rebuilt at Lake Havasu City, Ariz., is currently recognized as the world’s biggest antique ever sold. The launch of the current bridge in October 1971, permanently included London Bridge on the country’s map as the world-famed attraction site continues to attract tourists in their tens of thousands to the city on a yearly basis. Victoria Bridge: The Victoria Bridge is a vehicular and pedestrian bridge over the Brisbane River. The current bridge, opened in 1969, is the third permanent crossing erected at this location. It is shared by vehicular traffic, pedestrians and cyclists. Victoria Bridge connects South Brisbane near the South Bank Parklands and Queensland Cultural Centre to the Brisbane central business district (CBD) at North Quay. Half of the road space on the bridge is now given over to the South-East Busway. In the 2006 Brisbane City Centre Draft Masterplan, a new crossing immediately adjacent to the Victoria Bridge, tentatively named the Adelaide Street Bridge was recommended for a feasibility study. Construction of a bridge across the Brisbane River was first agreed to in 1861. The bridge, known as the Brisbane Bridge, was a timber structure which opened in June 1865. It was a temporary structure which was to be replaced by a more elaborately designed, iron lattice-girder bridge. The timber bridge quickly succumbed to marine wood worm and began to progressively collapse. In 1871, an English company, Peto, Brassey and Co, agreed to complete the bridge. A new crossing, opened on 15 June 1874 by the Governor of Queensland, the George Phipps, 2nd Marquess of Normanby, was an iron structure. It included a turning span to allow tall masted river traffic to pass upstream. It carried a pipe which supplied mains water to South Brisbane. This bridge was partially washed away in the 1893 Brisbane flood. Another replacement bridge was built and entered service in 1897, lasting until 1969, when it was demolished. In the meantime, ferries were used to transport people and goods. This second bridge was designed by Alfred Barton Brady. It was constructed of steel and had two carriage ways and two footpaths. As early as 1943 evidence of the bridge buckling from the weight of increased traffic was noticed. Tram numbers on the bridge had to be restricted and the footpath removed as a result. A new bridge which was opened on 14 April 1969, was needed to meet growing traffic demands. It cost A$3.2 million and featured a modern design which has been described as sleek and elegant. For a short period both bridges were open, each operating in one direction only. A portion of the southern abutment of the previous bridge remains adjacent to the new bridge, carrying a pedestrian arch, a short remnant of tram track and a memorial to Hector Vasyli, a young boy who was killed in a traffic accident at that point when waving to servicemen returning from the First World War. The abutment is heritage-listed.,_Brisbane We should be celebrating our Victoria Bridge as a historic international tourist attraction, as London does, not limiting residents’ access to it. #savevictoriabridgebrisbane Cutting through the dark like an incandescent knife, the sleek Victoria Bridge, Brisbane on a clear winter's night. Nikon FM2, 24mm lens, rested on stone wall, self-timer fired, 1 sec @ f16 Deliveroo foodora Green Cabs Australia Courier Mail 7 News Brisbane 9 News Ten Eyewitness News Queensland ABC News Brisbane Times RACQ Australian Automobile Association Brisbane Development Independent Australia Style Magazines The Urban Developer Your Brisbane: Past and Present Disappearing Queensland thennnow Brisbane Memories Queensland Maritime Museum 19th Century Queensland
18.01.2022 Can you all believe it? Yet another Banana Bus Metro Design Blunder. They just keep coming. Very dangerous for Cyclists & Bus Drivers are deeply concerned. Also dangerous for pedestrians, with conflict between Bus Stop Users, Pedestrians & Cyclists beneath the South Brisbane Rail Bridge. Remember Brisbane this is our money they are wasting too. Poorly planned & embarrassing.
16.01.2022 Heres a preview of the huge inconvenience Brisbane will suffer if LM Schrinner has his way & closes Victoria Bridge for his Frankenstein Metro Bananabus Lie. Victoria Bridge will be closed all weekend to repair this broken electricity cable, which was an accidental breakage. When youre sitting in the traffic feeling the frustration of this accidental closure, remember to direct it to speak out against this BCC, LM Schrinner & this travesty he is trying to force on Brisbane ...people. Brisbane people were promised a Metro, a Bananabus is not a Metro. Brisbane People DO NOT WANT SNEAKY TACTICS WHICH CHANNEL THEM ONTO TOLL ROADS. Brisbane People DO NOT WANT THIS BCCS FRANKENSTEIN METRO LIE. Let's build other infrastructure not close what we have: * Build the Adelaide Street bus bridge. * Remove the toll from Go Between Bridge. Take note please Qld politicians, Brisbane & Qld people do not want Victoria Bridge closed, & we VOTE!
16.01.2022 More complaining from the Lord Mayor (no-one voted for) re the Frankenstein Metro Lie. Just how is making all Brisbane People Pay for a Banana Bus which doubles up on the same transport corridor as the current SE Busway & Cross River Rail going to help congestion in Chermside, Spring Hill or The Gap, or anywhere else in Brisbane for that matter, except Eight Mile Plains, which happens to be the previous Lord Mayor Quirk's home ward? Where is the Northern Busway (past Herston)..., the Eastern Busway (past Cooraparoo), or the Western Busway (at All)? Funny how the man interviewed in this news story quite decisively said, Ive been going to this bus stop for a couple of years now & I havent had a single problem with it. Quite non-supportive of your position LM Schrinner, just like Brisbane people are quite non-supportive of your pet project rubber tyred banana bus metro. Are you listening please? Experts say bus lanes tackle congestion. Mr Tape said the answer was not always building new, but looking at current infrastructure and using it better. Bus congestion can be addressed much more cost effectively with bus lanes, than $1B of Brisbane Ratepayers money on a Frankenstein Metro Lie. Where is this BCC Administrations election promise made by Lord Mayor Quirk for a Paris Style Subway, a metro rail or light rail, not banana buses for which no-one voted. Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner was BCC Public & Active Transport Chairman for over 3 years so is directly responsible for the non-delivery of this election promise- a Metro Subway promise which has now morphed into a Banana Bus, & which now threatens to close Victoria Bridge & channel traffic onto the Go Between Toll. Closing free infrastructure where it channels motorists onto a toll is illegal under State Legislation. The Gold Coast G:link has left Brisbane in the dust because of your incompetence LM Schrinner. Let's build other infrastructure not close what we have: * Build the Adelaide Street bus bridge. * Remove the toll from Go Between Bridge. Take note please #Qld politicians, Brisbane & Qld people do not want Victoria Bridge closed, & we VOTE! #savevictoriabridgebrisbane 7NEWS Brisbane
15.01.2022 FAST RAIL PLANS for SE Qld but what about "metro"? Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner playing politics before the upcoming state election like a hypocrite. HE has locked Brisbane people & the state government out of his metro bus lie project, but has the gall to accuse others. HE has hidden studies showing vehicles will be channelled onto the Go Between toll.... HE has ignored transport & planning experts & their advice. We cannot afford to get your metro bus back of an envelope proposal wrong. We cannot afford your halfhearted metro result to "come out of this". #savevictoriabridgebrisbane Remove the toll from the Go Between Bridge, as per the state government's call. We have one chance to get this right for the next 50 years, Mark Bailey MP - Labor for Miller Minister for Transport & Main Roads. Victoria Bridge & the Artery to Brisbane City, captured masterfully by @moore.everything
15.01.2022 SAY YES TO LIGHT RAIL FOR BRISBANE PEOPLE So here we have it, THERE IS A LIGHT RAIL POLICY for Labor in the upcoming March 2020 BCC elections.... The Labor BCC Candidate Patrick Condrens policy is for Light Rail (vs the Rubber Tyred Bananabuses of the current LM Adrian Schrinner). Labor's Lord Mayoral Candidate Patrick Condren has declared, Light Rail is the best option for Brisbane rather than the city council's proposed Brisbane Metro. I think Labor's plan that we took to the election four years ago of light rail was right on the money," he said. Labors plan for Light Rail for Brisbane (taken to the election four years ago) was countered by the then LM Graham Quirk with the promise of a Paris Style Subway Rail or Light Rail, which has turned out to be an election lie, now morphed into more expensive Buses for Brisbane under LM Schrinner. There are also numerous problems with Metro Buses including: Costs Blowouts, Design Safety Issues with conflict between Buses/Cyclists/Pedestrians under the South Brisbane Rail Bridge, Loggerheads with the State Government as to the Location of the Cultural Centre/Bris Convention & Exhibition Centre Bus Station & the notoriously dangerous Cultural Centre Intersection Upgrades, & Doubling up on the Same Transport Corridor as the SE Busway WHEN OTHER REGIONS OF BRISBANE HAVE NO BUSWAY AT ALL. Please see our page posts for more details. Brisbane people are worried that if this Metro Bus idea goes through, we will be resigned to buses forever. This is OUR city, Brisbane, & there is NO QUESTION WE NEED MORE PUBLIC TRANSPORT. But at such a large investment, we have one chance to get this right for the next 50 years. If ANY closure of Vic Bridge is to be considered, Labors State MP Jackie Trad has called for the TOLL TO BE REMOVED FROM THE GO BETWEEN BRIDGE as a mitigating measure for Brisbane People, & for legitimate South Brisbane community consultation. FYI The LNP & The Greens are adamantly refusing these calls. Think carefully who you vote for in the upcoming March 2020 BCC elections. Thank you Brisbane Times for this story. #savevictoriabridgebrisbane FLEXITY 2 Tram in passenger service on the Gold Coast- Bombardier Wins Australian Good Design Awards for Melbourne & the Gold Coasts FLEXITY Trams, August 7, 2014,
13.01.2022 THIS IS BRISBLATHER Yet another of LM Schrinners never ending & expensive letterbox brochure drops of self-promotion paid for by Brisbane Ratepayers. What this nice Full-Page Ad for the Brisbane Metro Bus doesnt tell you, is on our About Page & all of our Posts. Please take the time to read them.... #savevictoriabridgebrisbane FYI: Twelve-fold increase in Brisbane City Council's advertising bill: Thank you Brisbane Times for this story.
13.01.2022 STANLEY ST OFFICIALLY HAS THE SLOWEST TRAVEL SPEED in Brisbane- In the morning averaging only 16 km/h. And anyone who has to drive through this region to their home, or for work or recreation already knows this. But Stanley St & the Inner South Precincts WILL BE MOST AFFECTED by the proposed closure of Vic Bridge, in favour of the BANANA BUS ROUTE TO SERVICE THE (Now Previous) LORD MAYORS OWN WARD.... These newly released figures of the slowest travel times, are even BEFORE the DOUBLING OF THE POPULATION this BCC has allowed in the Stanley St/Vulture St/Montague Rd Precincts. This is unacceptable! This BCC treats residents/businesses/employees very badly, with no studies & no consultation, & NO high capacity public transport for the region, yet packing in more & more residential units? The proposed Vic Bridge closure threatens to channel traffic onto Toll Roads- which is illegal under State Government Statutory Law. Let's build other infrastructure not close what we have: * Build the Adelaide Street bus bridge. * Remove the toll from Go Between Bridge. Take note please #Qld politicians, Brisbane & Qld people do not want Victoria Bridge closed, & we VOTE! #savevictoriabridgebrisbane Stanley Street traffic at 8am. Picture: Darren England
12.01.2022 Save Brisbane Residents' Historical Use of Victoria Bridge- Bring Back the Trams / Light Rail :) (NOT Banana Buses)! Coloured image Queen St Brisbane c1950, #savevictoriabridgebrisbane
11.01.2022 THIS IS BRISBLATHER Yet another of LM Schrinner’s never ending & expensive letterbox brochure drops of self-promotion paid for by Brisbane Ratepayers. What this nice Full-Page Ad for the Brisbane Metro Bus doesn’t tell you, is on our About Page & all of our Posts. Please take the time to read them.... #savevictoriabridgebrisbane FYI: Twelve-fold increase in Brisbane City Council's advertising bill: Thank you Brisbane Times for this story.
10.01.2022 File It Under R For Arrivederci Thank you Mike O'Connor in the My Village News. This exactly. In our view & not only around this Victoria Bridge closure proposal & the Brisbane Metro Bananabus Lie, there has never been a more ignorant BCC & this is down to LM Adrian Schrinner. Yes well put, the people want an end to the combative and adversarial climate that pervades issues of neighbourhood planning....Continue reading
09.01.2022 THE GO BETWEEN TOLL IS A DUD! WELL DONE BRISBANE, keep your voices heard. We can make the changes! REMOVE THE TOLL FROM GO BETWEEN BRIDGE & also ALLOW A RIGHT TURN AT THE END OF GO BETWEEN BRIDGE, just as there is currently a Left Turn there. This will allow for CBD access from Go Between. This call for the dud toll to be removed from the Go Between Bridge does not diminish the fact that the Metro lie is a broken election promise- Brisbane people were promised a Paris subway rail or light rail, not rubber tyred banana buses, & this Metro plan doubles up on essentially the same transport corridor as the current SE Busway & CRR, but does NOTHING for northern, eastern or western Brisbane residents. We put it to you Lord Mayor Schrinner, this Metro plan is a DUD & a waste of $1B of Brisbane Ratepayers money, for which you will make ALL of Brisbane pay. Brisbane People DO NOT WANT SNEAKY TACTICS WHICH CHANNEL THEM ONTO TOLL ROADS. Brisbane People DO NOT WANT THIS BCCS FRANKENSTEIN METRO LIE. Let's build other infrastructure not close what we have: * Build the Adelaide Street bus bridge. * Remove the toll from Go Between Bridge. Take note please #Qld politicians, Brisbane & Qld people do not want Victoria Bridge closed, & we VOTE! #savevictoriabridgebrisbane
09.01.2022 Victoria Bridge CLOSURE we DO NOT want to see this again! Heres a preview of the huge inconvenience Brisbane will suffer if LM Schrinner has his way & closes Victoria Bridge for his Frankenstein Metro Bananabus Lie. ... Victoria Bridge will be closed all weekend to repair this broken electricity cable, which was an accidental breakage. When youre sitting in the traffic feeling the frustration of this accidental closure, remember to direct it to speak out against this BCC, LM Schrinner & this travesty he is trying to force on Brisbane people. Brisbane people were promised a Metro, a Bananabus is not a Metro. Brisbane People DO NOT WANT SNEAKY TACTICS WHICH CHANNEL THEM ONTO TOLL ROADS. Brisbane People DO NOT WANT THIS BCCS FRANKENSTEIN METRO LIE. Let's build other infrastructure not close what we have: * Build the Adelaide Street bus bridge. * Remove the toll from Go Between Bridge. Take note please #Qld politicians, Brisbane & Qld people do not want Victoria Bridge closed, & we VOTE! #savevictoriabridgebrisbane
08.01.2022 SOUTH BRISBANE Residents to travel on Go Between Bridge for free from next year- But only while the Metro Bus Lie is being built! + A FIRST STEP SUCCESS for The People & the 4,200 voices & growing on Our Page @SaveVictoriaBridgeBrisbane this would never have happened without ALL OF YOU. + RACQ are RIGHT, make it TOLL FREE PERMANENTLY & FOR EVERYONE, not ONLY while the Metro Bus LIE is being built....Continue reading
08.01.2022 Give Brisbane People the LIGHT RAIL they WANT. Sometimes so called progress is not better then what we had at all. If this BCC & LM Schrinner are serious about encouraging people to use public transport, why dont they get the message from the masses of empty capacity buses versus the massive success of Trams or Light Rail?... The Gold Coast leads the way for Light Rail in Qld with its enormously successful G:Link Light Rail. People dont want to ride on buses but PEOPLE DO WANT TO RIDE ON LIGHT RAIL. #savevictoriabridgebrisbane Thank you to Eric Riddler, Art Historian & Photography Tragic, for putting together & sharing this superb album!
07.01.2022 SHARING WITH YOU NEW ARTWORK on cnr Vulture St & Hampstead Rd, South Brisbane/Highgate Hill 4101- Depicting the Dignity of Brisbanes Public Transport History set against the Grandeur of our Art Deco Architecture, Carmel Court. If you know the Artist please post here.... A Splendid Work that Enhances our Love for Brisbane Past & Present. ! Bring decent & affordable Public Transport back for Brisbane Residents. ! Experts say Buslanes/Busways tackle congestion, not 1.4B on more expensive bananabuses. ! Brisbane People do not want sneaky tactics that channel them onto toll roads. ! Let's build other infrastructure not close what we have. #savevictoriabridgebrisbane
05.01.2022 ALREADY More Brisbane metro cost blowouts & lies from LM Schrinner, that we & our children will pay for well into the future. & where is the state government's direction for their part in this terrible waste of money project?
05.01.2022 Attn: BCC 2020 Lord Mayoral Candidates: Give Brisbane People the LIGHT RAIL they WANT. Sometimes so called progress is not better then what we had at all. Trams are fume-free for passengers & the city. Trams are magical to ride for children too, so great habits are set for public transport use. BCC should put party politics aside & give people what they want, bring Trams back! Think carefully who you vote for at the next Council election.... Thank you 7NEWS Brisbane for this inspirational video- (Brisbane) Tram tracks dug up at Kingsford Smith Drive #savevictoriabridgebrisbane See more
05.01.2022 WHILE the rest of Australia embraces Light Rail, more of the uninspiring same (buses) from this BCC. The Metro Bananabus plan is an election lie. (& with planning disasters & costs blowouts, the incompetence is unacceptable.)... Brisbane People were promised a Paris Style Subway, Rail or Light Rail, not more expensive buses, & with a plan to double up on the same transport corridor as the current SE Busway & CRR, while other regions of Brisbane have no busway at all. & The State Government have serious & legitimate concerns about this Metro Bus. Labor says its Light Rail proposal is a better option. (Than) this Fake Metro Lie, & LM Schrinner & his arrogant BCC are not listening to the people. Think carefully who you vote for at the next Council election. People dont want to ride on buses but PEOPLE DO WANT TO RIDE ON LIGHT RAIL. #savevictoriabridgebrisbane Layers of colour in the beautiful heart of Brisbane, Victoria Bridge- moore.everything your talent reflects a love for Brisbane with visual poetry.
05.01.2022 THE GOLD COAST G:LINK LIGHT RAIL will be assessed for more stops in Stage 4 of its development. The G:link has been a resounding success for the Gold Coast, but thanks to LM Schrinner Brisbane is languishing with the worst public transport services in Australia with the only foreseeable plan, a metro patchwork of incompetence, massively expensive, which will offer no new Brisbane bus services north, east or west, i.e. where they're desperately needed. Where is our voice of opposition from Labor? Premier Annastacia Palaszcuk's State Government has also done nothing tangible to a help the calls of the people to stop the metro lies. & Brisbane will lose free Vic Bridge which will channel people onto the Go Between Toll. This page is testament to the number & voices of Brisbane people who do not want this very expensive, bad plan that generations of Brisbane People will suffer paying for. At a cost of >$1.4B we have one chance to get this right for the next 50 years- just as the Gold Coast has! This faux metro plan could not be any worse or any more expensive for Brisbane & is an embarrassing blunder. We call on the State Government to listen to Brisbane People & stop this terrible metro plan. #savevictoriabridgebrisbane Beloved Victoria Bridge Brisbane through the Arched Window of Former Victoria Bridge Abutment (Hector Vasyli Memorial), @henry.scatigno
04.01.2022 TELL BRISBANE PEOPLE THE TRUTH LM SCHRINNER Brisbane People do not want your metro bus election lie. Your administration's ELECTION PROMISE for which The People voted, was A Paris Style Subway", Rail or Light Rail, NOT more expensive BANANABUSES. You are ABSOLUTELY DETERMINED to satisfy your own ego & disregard the wishes of The People. X This $1.4B nonsense project does nothing for most all Brisbane People. This Bananabus fa...Continue reading
04.01.2022 THE GO BETWEEN TOLL IS A DUD! WELL DONE BRISBANE, keep your voices heard. We can make the changes! REMOVE THE TOLL FROM GO BETWEEN BRIDGE & also ALLOW A RIGHT TURN AT THE END OF GO BETWEEN BRIDGE, just as there is currently a Left Turn there. This will allow for CBD access from Go Between.... This call for the dud toll to be removed from the Go Between Bridge does not diminish the fact that the Metro lie is a broken election promise- Brisbane people were promised a Paris style subway rail or light rail, not rubber tyred banana buses, & this Metro plan doubles up on essentially the same transport corridor as the current SE Busway & CRR, but does NOTHING for northern, eastern or western Brisbane residents. We put it to you Lord Mayor Schrinner, this Metro plan is a DUD & a waste of $1B of Brisbane Ratepayers money, for which you will make ALL of Brisbane pay. Brisbane People DO NOT WANT SNEAKY TACTICS WHICH CHANNEL THEM ONTO TOLL ROADS. Brisbane People DO NOT WANT THIS BCCS FRANKENSTEIN METRO LIE. Let's build other infrastructure not close what we have: * Build the Adelaide Street bus bridge. * Remove the toll from Go Between Bridge. Take note please #Qld politicians, Brisbane & Qld people do not want Victoria Bridge closed, & we VOTE! #savevictoriabridgebrisbane Brisbane River City, Westender
03.01.2022 More complaining from the Lord Mayor (no-one voted for) re the Frankenstein Metro Lie: Just how is making all Brisbane People Pay for a Banana Bus which doubles up on the same transport corridor as the current SE Busway & Cross River Rail going to help congestion in Chermside, Spring Hill or The Gap, or anywhere else in Brisbane for that matter, except Eight Mile Plains, which happens to be the previous Lord Mayor Quirk's hom...e ward? Where is the Northern Busway (past Herston), the Eastern Busway (past Cooraparoo), or the Western Busway (at All)? Funny how the man interviewed in this news story quite decisively said, Ive been going to this bus stop for a couple of years now & I havent had a single problem with it. Quite non-supportive of your position LM Schrinner, just like Brisbane people are quite non-supportive of your pet project rubber tyred banana bus metro. Are you listening please? Experts say bus lanes tackle congestion. Mr Tape said the answer was not always building new, but looking at current infrastructure and using it better. Bus congestion can be addressed much more cost effectively with bus lanes, than $1B of Brisbane Ratepayers money on a Frankenstein Metro Lie. Where is this BCC Administrations election promise made by Lord Mayor Quirk for a Paris Style Subway, a metro rail or light rail, not banana buses for which no-one voted. Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner was BCC Public & Active Transport Chairman for over 3 years so is directly responsible for the non-delivery of this election promise- a Metro Subway promise which has now morphed into a Banana Bus, & which now threatens to close Victoria Bridge & channel traffic onto the Go Between Toll. Closing free infrastructure where it channels motorists onto a toll is illegal under State Legislation. The Gold Coast G:link has left Brisbane in the dust because of your incompetence LM Schrinner. Let's build other infrastructure not close what we have: * Build the Adelaide Street bus bridge. * Remove the toll from Go Between Bridge. Take note please #Qld politicians, Brisbane & Qld people do not want Victoria Bridge closed, & we VOTE! #savevictoriabridgebrisbane Aerial Brisbane,
02.01.2022 HOORAY for MORE Legitimate Road Blocks to the Frankenstein Metro Lie: The Frankenstein Metro Lies Continue. How dare this BCC blame others for their incompetence & shortfalls? Now in its FOURTH TERM, this BCC Administration has had sufficient time to get Brisbanes Public Transport right. In our view, if there is Political Partisanship it is from this BCC Administrations side, not from the State Government.... The State Government is Correct- there are HUGE problems with this Metro Lie which are NOT addressed by this BCC. The Metro Lie is NOT a good use of $1B of Ratepayers Money. The Peoples Concerns have NOT been Addressed. Despite being directly asked for it by the People & by State Member Jackie Trad, BCC has continued to refuse legitimate Community Consultation, with tangible ways to enact Community Feedback. Studies have not been undertaken into the possible damage to Inner Brisbane businesses. The election promise was for a Paris Style Subway, Rail or Light Rail, not Banana Buses, & not Doubling Up on essentially the same transport corridor as the SE Busway & CRR. The proposed Vic Bridge closure threatens to channel traffic onto Toll Roads- which is illegal under State Government Statutory Law. Now with predicted costs blowout! Brisbane People DO NOT WANT SNEAKY TACTICS WHICH CHANNEL THEM ONTO TOLL ROADS. Brisbane People DO NOT WANT THIS BCCS FRANKENSTEIN METRO LIE. Let's build other infrastructure not close what we have: * Build the Adelaide Street bus bridge. * Remove the toll from Go Between Bridge. Take note please #Qld politicians, Brisbane & Qld people do not want Victoria Bridge closed, & we VOTE! #savevictoriabridgebrisbane @maximilien_moreau Victoria Bridge Nighttime Aspect, THANK YOU for allowing us to share your Super Beaut Image!
01.01.2022 Council’s lack of consultation on tree removals angers community: BCC is proposing to remove five healthy fig trees from around the intersection of Stanley Place & Grey St to add a slip lane & funnel more cars in & out of the State Government-owned carparks at South Bank.... More sham community consultation from this BCC as part of the metro lie which we've been calling out since 2016. & the exploitation of the inner precincts continues. #savevictoriabridgebrisbane #savethetrees
01.01.2022 STANLEY ST WOOLLOONGABBA- is now an unmitigated disgrace. And this after the finished so called upgrade works. One lane out of South Brisbane & South Bank to the Captain Cook Bridge, whilst you double the South Brisbane population with developments, yet with no corresponding infrastructure to support the massive population increase, nor high capacity public transport. Woolloongabba residents are saying they can no longer turn left into Stanley Street, & you have taken lanes o...ff Annerley Road plus put more traffic lights in to further hinder traffic & add to congestion in the precinct. AND on top of this you propose to close Victoria Bridge. All this while pretending traffic wont be channelled onto the Go Between Toll. Elderly people & families say they CAN'T WALK for fear of being hit by scooters flying past on the footpaths. We put it to you that you should hang your head in shame Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner for the greed of your BCC administration that is destroying our inner precincts. We challenge you to drive though this mess every day to work or live & see if you would vote yourself back into office. Let's build other infrastructure not close what we have: * Build the Adelaide Street bus bridge. * Remove the toll from Go Between Bridge. Take note please #Qld politicians, Brisbane & Qld people do not want Victoria Bridge closed, & we VOTE! #savevictoriabridgebrisbane Captain Cook Bridge view from Victoria Bridge,
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