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Say Yes Fitness in Bayswater, Western Australia | Fitness boot camp

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Say Yes Fitness

Locality: Bayswater, Western Australia

Phone: +61 411 861 701

Address: 94 Coode Street 6053 Bayswater, Western Australia, WA, Australia


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24.01.2022 I'M GONNA TRY KEEP THIS SHORT & SWEET... I have about 15mins to get this typed up and sent out before bubba starts politely calling my name . You ready?? . Let's go.... ... See more

24.01.2022 3 TIME SAVVY BREAKFAST RECIPES Do you find it tough to make time for a good breakfast in the morning, but then end up starving at your desk with no healthy options in sight? Try these 3 time savvy recipes you can either eat quickly at home, or bundle up and bring with you to work, or wherever else you’re hurrying off to ... FOR CEREAL LOVERS Rolled oats + nuts/seeds + berries. Put it all in a Tupperware container and soak overnight (in your favourite milk). If you forget to soak overnight just shake it up and top with your favourite milk and a little full-fat Greek yoghurt (plain). FOR PROTEIN LOVERS Boil a bunch of eggs on the weekend. Pop 2-3 in a tuppperware container with a handful of baby spinach (and/or whatever other leftover veggies you have, I love baby tomatoes, avocado or mushrooms). When you get to work, add olive oil and salt/pepper/chilli and eat! FOR BLITZ & GO BABES 1 big handful baby spinach + 1 sliced cucumber + 1 handful frozen blueberries + 1 scoop protein powder of choice + small handful almonds and/or shaved coconut + water or coconut water + ice. Blitz it all up, pop it in a drink shaker and off you go! I often prep these the night before so it’s all ready to go come Morning!! AND HERES THREE MORE RECIPE IDEAS JUST FOR GOOD MEASURE... Rice cakes with avocado and ricotta Toast with nut butter, banana and chia Small tub of full-fat, plain Greek yoghurt with added berries and/or nuts NOW FOR THE MOST IMPORTANT BIT... unfortunately the ingredients listed above won’t be available to you if you don’t ‘think’ about breakfast, so including it in your ‘weekly planning’ is a great start!! What’s more, 99.9% of us struggle with TIME in the morning so prepping a little something on your weekends or the night before can be a total game changer finally - repeating recipes is a serious time saver!! 4 out of 7 days I eat pre made porridge with nuts & berries (and twice a week, on my LEAST hectic days I make something - like this toast bruschetta) Which breakfast idea above is your fav?? Music: Another time Musician: LiQWYD

24.01.2022 I USED TO LOVE THE QUOTE NO PAIN NO GAIN... ...I loved it because I viewed exercise as something to improve performance.... and feel that WINNING feeling Back then, I thought for exercise to be truly beneficial it had to tough, intense, a sweat feast and/or leave you feeling sore... I thrived on this mindset. It pushed me, challenged me, developed me, drove me... Until the day I realised it was only really going to benefit me in the performance / athlete / results driven world. I realised expecting and attempting to train like ‘that’ would at some point become detrimental to my physical and mental health... If I kept aiming to train like that - my body would likely break... And if I kept viewing exercise like that - I’d experience frustration and disappointment when I COULDNT exercise like that... What made me realise this?? Seeing (and hearing) other women experience all these feels... seeing them get intimidated by exercise cause they couldn’t train like ‘that’, seeing them lose faith in their bodies when they struggled to train like ‘that’, seeing them battle injuries when they pushed themselves to train like ‘that’, seeing them question their value/worth based on their ability to do ‘that’ These days, the NO PAIN NO GAIN mindset really doesn’t serve me, my body, my mental health or my lifestyle.... (though I do def still enjoy the occasional challenging workout). One of the many quotes I love now MOVEMENT CAN BE WHATEVER I NEED IT TO BE Sometimes I need movement to be releasing, refreshing, or relaxing (hello REFRESH and YOGA) Sometimes I need movement to challenge me or push me (hello BOXING and ENERGY) Sometimes, I need movement that will develop me or release happy hormones (hello BEAUTIFUL, EMPOWER and STRONG) Right now, I need movement to be easy, sloooowwww and gentle (hello 36 weeks pregnant!) I have actually LOVED creating a service focused on providing all the GOOOOOOD feels movement can bring.... and I know our girls love it to! Do you have a fav movement or exercise quote?

23.01.2022 1 THING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT MOTIVATION It's a commonly misunderstood emotion Heres what people think happens MOTIVATION leads to ACTION... Buuuutttt, heres what actually happens ACTION leads to MOTIVATION Think of it like starting a fire... you don’t just throw a few logs on top of each other and expect them to miraculously catch fire do you? Nah... you gotta start your fire first Start with a small action.... and build that energy/motivation Go forth and set the place on fire lady! PS. I talk a little more about MOTIVATION and 4 COMMON THINGS that lead to a decrease in MOTIVATION to EXERCISE in todays FB STORIES! head there to learn more PPS. Wanna know something our TRAINER TEAM is def not motivated by... festive photo shoots. Go figure. I had to bribe them with BRUNCH @mrs.s_cafe first - worked a treat!

22.01.2022 FITMAS TIP CREATE A SIMPLE SAY YES TO SUMMER BUCKET LIST! . How many times have you gotten so bogged down with the busyness of Christmas, the hectic-ness of school holidays, the stress of new year resolutions, the overwhelm of bather shopping or the good ol' daily grind, that you've either forgotten, or lost motivation, to do aaallllll those simple fun summer activities you really wanted to do! . Saying Yes to Summer isn't about overcommitting or exhausting you...rself. It's about making time to enjoy the simple Summery things you love. . It's about saying no to sitting on the sidelines, and saying yes to making the most of the Summer months. . Most importantly, it's about taking care of yourself. Your health, happiness and relationships. So you can continue SAYING YES to all the good stuff life has to offer. All. Year. Round! . Whats on your SAY YES TO SUMMER BUCKET LIST?! . . PHOTO: Throwback to last Summer and glorious sunsets and family time at Scarborough.... seriously how sensational is that foreshore?! See more

22.01.2022 Very much looking forward to our belated festive and new year celebrations next weekend! Who’s in for a little JAZZ IN THE PARK (and a few lame Christmas jokes)??!

22.01.2022 WANNA KNOW A QUICKER WAY TO SAY YES TO REGULAR EXERCISE? Pick up the phone, and give me a call Sounds silly I know but after hundreds of phone calls to women just like you, I've heard time and time (and time) again how women are HOLDING THEMSELVES back thanks to some SUPER COMMON (& totally normal) SELF LIMITING BELIEFS.... "I'm not fit enough" "I wont be able to keep up" "I don't know any of the moves" The crappy thing is, over thinking it, talking yourself out of it, or getting side tracked by 'life' - rather than reaching out to ask a few questions, is one of THE biggest reasons women take ssssssooooo long to SAY YES. What tends to happen then is what I hear women commonly refer to as BREAKING POINT... don't wait for this! You are worthy of SAYING YES TO YOUR HEALTH AND HAPPINESS Heres the thing You don't need to be fit to start but you do need to start! You get set your own pace like all the ladies do in our classes! We'll teach you the moves and show you how to modify moves to better suit your needs Taking that first step IS hard... how you approach it (mentally, emotionally, physically) can make a HUGE difference! If you're struggling to take that first step - cause you don't know what our classes will be like... cause you've just had a bubba and are nervous about easing back into exercise... cause its been yeeeaarrss since you exercised... cause you're not sure what classes will suit YOU best... call me and we can chat. Ready to take one step for your health and fitness? DM me and let's set up a time to chat! See more

22.01.2022 "I'M NOT FIT ENOUGH TO JOIN..." One of THE most common concerns we hear from NEW MEMBERS is "am I fit enough to join?" will I be able to keep up? Im scared this is going to hurt! ..... Unfortunately, thanks to social media and comparisonitis, there is an assumption you have to already be fit to sign up or walk through the door! ... This is definitely far from the truth Trainers meet people of all fitness levels and body sizes, every single day, and one of our favourite clients to work with are those who don’t have a high level of fitness, but are ready to create seriously big shifts in a healthier direction! We will help ease you into regular exercise. We will teach you how to safely move. We will show you how to modify moves to better suit your needs. And we will do all this gradually. or you’re likely to feel overwhelmed, sore, tired and frustrated. And we don’t think that’s an enjoyable or sustainable way to start It’s our job to help you get fit and feel great. All you have to do is show up Ready to SAY YES to regular exercise and all the good feels that come with it? Our INTRO OFFER is the best place to start See more

21.01.2022 2020 HIGHLIGHT REELVol. 2 this ones all about connection and community... two things we strongly believe to be important for our health and wellbeing. Thanks and gratitude to the women who joined us at this years retreats, events, workshops, special training sessions and shared meals. We’ve loved learning macrame, training netball teams, celebrating member milestones, painting like Picasso, brunching at the beach, running donation drives, supporting fellow local busin...esses, hosting free weekly workouts and more. We love creating and building this community with you all and we’re looking forward to more opportunities for connection in 2021!

21.01.2022 SOME DAYS I’M ALL SMILES, and other days I’m one big furrowed brow Some days I amaze myself. Other days I walk round looking for my sunglasses, whilst their sitting on top of my head Some days I’m Beyonce. Other days I’m Lay-Z ... Some days I feel like I’m winning at life. Other days I feel like I’m totally winging it And my beautiful tribe get aaallll that. Cause they often feel similar too Find your tribe. Love them hard

21.01.2022 WHO'S PLANNING A LITTLE ACTIVE ADVENTURING OVER CHRISTMAS?? Morning strolls, sunset views, beach paddles and park plays are all favs of ours over the summer holidays! Can. Not. WAIT! . Whats on your SAY YES TO SUMMER list?? . .... . PHOTO CREDIT @hamishstubbs See more

20.01.2022 WHO LOVES A COLOURFUL FOOD PLATTER or PICK PLATE?? Swipe to see examples Heres three ways I've used the PLATTER or PICK PLATE previously (say that 5 times fast): MYO wrap and fruit platter for shared lunch Special event gourmet platter... Packed platter for get together with the girls Whats your go to PLATTER or PICK PLATE goodness??? See more

20.01.2022 This is your FRIYAY reminder to show yourself a little self care magic this FESTIVE season too!

20.01.2022 MERRY EVERYTHING & HAPPY ALWAYS... well, happy mostly might be bit more realistic hey? Screaming babies aside - merry merry to you and your nearest and dearest this festive season. We’re SAYING YES to a whole heap of goodness today, tmw, and over the next few days... family, food, naps, corny Christmas movies, lame Christmas jokes, sunset strolls, festive photos, carols, beach adventures, at home workouts, clinking champagne glasses and more.... Buuuutt amidst this joyous ‘highlights reel’ you see on the socials, just remember, there’s also a lot of ‘real world’ happening behind the screen. Tiredness, tears, mess, kids getting cranky, hours spent preparing food, dishes galore, laundry that never ends, arguments, screaming babes, crazy summer heat, interrupted sleep.... It’s not all tinsel and candy canes so be kind to yourself.... then let your kindness flood the world

20.01.2022 CAN YOU FEEL IT? The muscles moving.... the stress releasing.... the mind clearing... the endorphins flowing.... the lungs breathing... the belly laughter from the chats with the girls... oooooh yeeess!! Thanks for another week of those awesome FITNESS FEELS beautiful ladies! ... Love kicking off the weekend with you all at our SATURDAY CIRCUITS! See more

20.01.2022 FITMAS TIP DO FESTIVE FUNCTIONS HAVE YOU FEELING A LITTLE ANXIOUS ABOUT THE FOOD YOU'RE CONSUMING (or soon to consume)?? Practicing a little mindful eating might allow you to relax and eat better at the same time. EAT SLOWLY; Not forcing ourselves (or others) to 'finish whats on our plates'; Savouring tastes and textures; And removing distractions (like TV or phone) can help us 'hear' our body's hunger and fullness signals a little louder. ... HONOUR THE SIGNALS OUR BODY IS SENDING US.... cause often we eat for non-hungry reasons like emotions, social expectations, or just because the food is there. Recognising these cues can help you deal with them in new ways! SET UP FOOD SERVING AREA AWAY FROM THE EATING AREA to minimise the 'picking at food just cause its there'. No more nibbles or food on the actual dinning table.... just the food that you've put on your plate. See more

20.01.2022 OUR 5 DAY BOOSTER OFFICIALLY KICKS OFF ONLINE TOMORROW!! Sneaky look at what DAY 1 involves below Find out more about the booster (and grab a DISCOUNT CODE to come join us online) via LINK below!! DAY 1 BOOSTER Move your body... WHY We all know exercise is good for our physical and mental health... I know you know this. I'm not here to 'sell' you these benefits right now - instead what I want you to focus on (or figure out) is the CHOICES you have access to. Come the hectic/festive season it helps to have a 'back up list' of exercise options at the ready.... so no decisions are needing to be made - you just do something you ALREADY KNOW (**decision fatigue is real ladies!!**) For me personally, during hectic/festive times, I RARELY get to do my UTOPIAN workout. Instead, I have a handful of 'back up' options I pull from depending on the day including: 30min Brisk walk / Jog + bodyweight exercises 30min Bush walk, beach walk or park play with Koda 10 or 30min Bodyweight exercises in the backyard 10min stretch / mobility NB: This festive season will be a little different as I'll be focused on post natal rehab exercises. HOW Choose one of the following 1 Get your ar$$e to cla$$ we'll do the thinking for you so you can focus on working out! 2 Do a workout at home! See video for quick 10min workout! (Many more 10min & 30min at home workouts available ONLINE) 3 Go for a 30min brisk walk. Around the halfway mark do these BODYWEIGHT moves focusing on posture and muscle activation >> 20 lunges, 20 chest openers, 20 squats, 20 back flyes, 20 curtsey lunges and 20 plank shoulder taps. **Bonus points if you jump in your car and drive no more than 10mins to somewhere a bit pretty** More info about our ONLINE MEMBERSHIP (plus discount code) here See more

20.01.2022 MEAL PREP STRUGGLE ACCOMMODATING DIFFERENT TASTES A couple days ago I shared a post in our stories about MEAL PREP ACCOMMODATING DIFFERENT TASTES/PREFERENCES was one of the struggles that came up multiple times ... This is def a struggle in our house a ‘fussy’ 4yo, a pregnant Mumma who is sensitive to full on flavours, and a Hubby who is big on flavour About a year ago we used to cook mainly to accommodate the tastes of the youngest person in the house... then that got reeeaallllyyy annoying (and bat sh*t boring - like, how many times can we eat Spag Bog right?!) Heres TWO strategies that have worked well for us: cook a protein dish (ie. slow cooked pulled beef) - then serve it in multiple ways (ie. Hubby and I have protein with side of roast veggies, Master 4 has protein stirred through some pasta), or as a ‘build our own’ style dish (ie. pizzas, wraps or salad) serve sauces, big flavours or condiments on the side Your turn. how do you handle cooking for different preferences in your household?? PHOTO: One of our make your own style meals from our RETREAT earlier this year

19.01.2022 3 TIME SAVING BREAKFAST TIPS pre prepare breakfast the night before (ie. overnight oats, smoothies) choose simple breakfast recipes (ie. toast & topping, cereal)... cycle through 2-3 recipes over the week Many of us have unrealistic expectations of what we SHOULD be eating thanks to the #wholefood #cleanfood #realfood movement / inspo It’s more important you pay attention to your body... for example, heres 3 reasons you might take a closer look at your breakfast: 1 hangry by mid morn 2 brain feels foggy 3 feeling lethargic over the day Any of the above resonate with you? Comment below!

18.01.2022 3 THINGS WE LOVE EMPOWERING OUR COMMUNITY TO SAY YES TO... . ...VARIETY 1 If you typically associate exercise with discomfort/pain or boredom you won’t want to start, let alone continue! Providing a balanced timetable that offers a variety of movement types and intensities is totally our jam!! .... ...REST 2 Giving yourself relaxation and down time, and taking a break from your regular routine is SO important (how many women do you know have experienced some form of ‘burn out’ after NOT doing this enough?!?!). But, understand that your body wants to move, needs to move, loves to move.. hence RESTING shouldn’t mean STOPPING EVERYTHING (and starting again later)... you CAN absolutely say yes to REST, and still keep an eye out for opportunities to MOVE (and nourish) your body everyday (5mins gentle stretching, 10min walk, 15min play with the kids ALL count!!) . ...ONLINE 3 Online provides you the power of CHOICE and CONVENIENCE. You can now do workouts at a time, location, intensity and duration that better suit you!! So when you can’t get to as many in person workouts as you’d like, or your exercise group takes a break over Chrissy, or the kids get sick, or a forced shutdown occurs, or you go away for work, or all the social functions land in the same week. ONLINE is there for you! . Comment below with what you wanna SAY YES to a little more See more

18.01.2022 AT HOME WORKOUT TIP SET A SIMPLE PRE-WORKOUT ROUTINE... We hear a lot how women STRUGGLE to feel MOTIVATED to workout at home.. totally normal! Don't let this dampen your efforts girls!! ... Women in particular are social beings - we much prefer to show up for others, than a pair of dumbbells On top of this, when working out at home you lose the important act of 'getting outta of your house'... often its this VERY ACT that provides us much needed MOMENTUM (or motivation) to go do the workout... Hence, it can work in your favour to set a simple at home routine to help you mentally and physically prepare for (and commit to) doing your at home workout! THREE PRE-WORKOUT ROUTINE IDEAS: Take 5 big deep belly breathes and have a drink of water before you go get changed and set up Plug some motivating music into your ears whilst you get ready to workout at home (ie. get changed, fill up your water bottle, grab your workout equip) Do the same simple but invigorating warm up routine before every workout Jump into the online group and comment on the workout you're about to complete. Jump back on after and comment on how you went. Grab the discount code and join us ONLINE (be quick - this code self destructs on Sunday) WHEN IT COMES TO EXERCISE, WE STRONGLY BELIEVE IN THE IMPORTANCE OF CONNECTING WITH REAL PEOPLE IN THE REAL WORLD HOWEVER, WE ALSO BELIEVE ONLINE OR AT HOME EXERCISE IS A CONVENIENT, EFFICIENT AND AFFORDABLE COMPLIMENT TO THIS EMBRACING TECHNOLOGY IN A HEALTHY WAY IS HOW YOU CAN GET THE BEST OF 'BOTH WORLDS' AND THATS WHAT WE AIM TO HELP YOU DO See more

17.01.2022 CONNECTION & COMMUNITY ARE VITAL TO OUR HEALTH Creating a stronger sense of connection, belonging and community in this disconnected world has always been important to us!! Hence we love a social event!! Especially an event that... gets us active in the outdoors includes good food involves collaborating with (and supporting) like-minded local businesses We’ve had so many fun social events over the years Yup I’m bummed to be holding off on our Christmas party this year - but also quite happy to SAY YES TO REST with Bubs arrival date looming As much as it pains me not to don the festive attire, pass the pizza, or pour a glass of wine alongside you all... I’m totally happy to do a belated celebration with y’all in the new year (OMG the new year is coming!!) Speaking of which... SAVE THE DATE Saturday January 16

16.01.2022 TODAY MARKS 33 WEEKS in my pregnancy journey If you've seen me lately, you know 'the end is nigh' hehehe. I'm excited to be waddling away on maternity leave whilst our dream team of trainers (Amanda Peacock Sanja Doslo Alicia Fuller Avril Strutt Sarah Needham Laura Hart) continue bringing you all the good fitness feels and the fabulous AMANDA steps into a STUDIO MANAGER role ... A few more weeks hanging out at classes before I get lost in the nesting and new-born bubble Then I'll just be randomly dropping into your email inbox, and keeping a slight eye on some behind the scenes biz stuff... and of course I'll be bringing our bundle of joy to meet you all sometime in the not to distant future!

16.01.2022 AN EARLY MERRY EVERYTHING AND HAPPY ALWAYS TO YOU FROM US . And yes, you can purchase a discounted voucher and then use it to buy passes... I find this time of year requires a little more flexibility with purchases so this way allows you to grab the discount, but not use till next year . Merch USE CODE XMASMERCH15 ... . Vouchers USE CODE XMASGIFT15 See more

16.01.2022 WHERE OUR LADIES AT? I Managed a gentle walk + stretch this morning and as much as I enjoyed it (the cool breeze was especially beautiful) I realised how much I’m missing the energy and chats from our gorgeous community of women! Good thing we’re back in full swing of things again as of tomorrow hey ladies?? Who’s excited See you sooooooon...

16.01.2022 "SO THAT YOU CAN TAKE CARE OF WHAT REALLY MATTERS IN LIFE"... Seriously, watch this! but get the tissues ready first cause it's gonna hit you right in the FRIDAY FEELS! Such a beautiful and powerful reminder of WHY SAYING YES to regular exercise is sooooo important - at every age! On top of that, theres some beautiful lessons scattered throughout:... Have a "why" thats important for YOU! Starting is always difficult... but worth it! Consistency is key - keep going! Good health allows you to SAY YES to more of life You're NEVER too old to make a change. Nothing like a good cry to round off the week hey? Our classes are closed now until Jan 4th but don't let that stop you from reaching out for a chat... taking a SIMPLE FIRST STEP like making a phone call can SERIOUSLY (seriously) make a world of difference!! Much love and merriment to you and your nearest and dearest . R xx 0411861701 [email protected] VIDEO CREDIT:

16.01.2022 2020 HIGHLIGHTS REEL Vol. 1 This ones all about our core business - what we love to do - and what we love helping busy women SAY YES to.... regular exercise! Thanks and gratitude to all the women who joined us for a workout this year We’ve loved seeing you week after week building strength, stamina and confidence ... We’ve loved helping you bust stress and release tension We’ve loved introducing you to likeminded women at classes We’ve loved seeing you walk out of classes with a smile on your face and your head held a little higher We’ve loved hearing how you’re now more able (and energised) to SAY YES to active goodness in everyday life We love ya! And can’t wait to see you again in 2021

16.01.2022 5 REFRESHING REASONS WE SAY YES TO REGULAR EXERCISE To connect with, and feel supported by, likeminded women! To feel more calm, capable and/or confident in our body and minds.... To increase our physical strength and stamina! To help alleviate aches/pains! To improve our sleep! WE LOVE FOCUSING ON these empowering reasons to exercise.... they have nothing to do with the way we look, but everything to do with how we FEEL and FUNCTION Ready for those REFRESHING fitness feels and benefits?! More info at PHOTO: quick group shot after our FREE refresh session today (walk + stretch + strength)

16.01.2022 2020 HIGHLIGHTS REEL Vol. 4 just a few of the glorious sunrises we got to see and train under this year... #perksofthejob Sound on for some gentle morning sounds

15.01.2022 I LOVE IT WHEN women walk in and tell me they're feeling blllaaaahhhh... then walk out feeling bloody fantastic Swap feeling lethargic with feeling ENERGISED Swap feeling weak with feeling STRONG... Swap feeling stressed with feeling RELAXED Swap feeling overwhelmed with feeling REFRESHED Ready to start SAYING YES to all those GOOD FITNESS FEELS?! Our INTRO OFFER is the best place to start (link in bio) See more

15.01.2022 PLEASE KNOW YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO adjust any exercise, ask for different equipment, substitute or skip any exercise in our classes You can ask the instructor before/during the class for their suggestions or alternative exercises or modifications if something is too hard / too easy / not quite right for you. You can also tee up a time to chat more about you and YOUR individual needs. ... We want the class to be accessible, enjoyable and safe for all involved. This is something we go through with you in more detail in our INTRO OFFER... and part of this involves teaching you how and why you might modify exercises. Read more about this, and watch our MODIFYING MOVES video on the WELCOME PAGE on our website See more

15.01.2022 I ASKED MY WOMEN'S HEALTH PHYSIO WHAT SHE WISHED ALL WOMEN KNEW and heres four things she mentioned... Obstetricians and doctors don’t always do a thorough post-natal check and the advice of you can start exercising again just do it slowly or just listen to your body is so vague it can be very unhelpful! That little leak women get when they cough or sneeze, or during a cardio class should be a motivating factor to go get their pelvic floor assessed! ... Regular (and relaxed) bowel habits are super important for the health and strength of your pelvic floor. Be careful of too many just in case wees before going out to the shops or to work or on a car journey. Just in case wees tend to encourage your bladder to empty at small volumes. What would you love to ask a WOMENS HEALTH PHYSIO?? Full article See more

14.01.2022 50 DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS... too early to put up decorations?? Show me a if you're all for deck'n the halls... or a if you're not ready for busting out carols just yet.

14.01.2022 WHAT DAY IS IT?? I'm certain 2020 has ended and 2021 has begun but I'm not exactly sure when that all happened.... Somewhere in between the sleepless newborn nights, the blistering heat and my toddler telling me he's bored for the 732nd time I've lost all sense of days and dates Nah seriously though - HAPPY NEW YEAR beautiful ladies! ... Hitting your inboxes tonight: Three ways we're helping you SAY YES in 2021 A powerful (and underestimated) eating habit to try Tell us what you think and WIN! See you out there! R xx

14.01.2022 We’ve missed a couple of our fav yearly festive events these past few weeks due to bubbas arrival but we’re still finding many ways to be festive AF at home Whats your fav way(s) to get in the FESTIVE AF spirit?? Decorating your home in Christmas colours... Singing along to Christmas carols Attending community Christmas events (markets, carols by candlelight etc) Festive food and drinks with friends Checking out all the Christmas lights Elf on a Shelf See more

14.01.2022 2020 HIGHLIGHT REEL Vol 3 March was a month of mass closures and business pivots. April we were 100% online and Zoom was taking over the world. May brought the slow return of in-person services. June saw the return of a new normal (one that involves a lot more hand sanitizer, and a lot less hand shakes).... July we launched a hybrid business - one that makes in-person classes the priority, and online training the compliment! SHOUT OUT TO ALL OUR GIRLS for supporting us through all these twists, turns and pivots I am sooooo freaken grateful for this phenomenal community of ours! This year has been kinda surreal, wee bit weird, at times overwhelming, fantastically enlightening, seriously grounding and a bucket load more. through it all, it’s been sen-bloody-sational (and beneficial) to stay connected and moving together with you all... online and off! The current global situation, living through self-isolation, pivoting our business and envisaging the ‘new normal’ we are now facing has been eye opening It’s been tough, but also inspiring It’s led me to reassess and re-imagine the future of SAY YES Part of my future vision involves: Continuing to develop and improve our ONLINE and IN PERSON services in a bid to achieve our IMPACT MISSION (helping >100 women in our local community exercise regularly so that they can say yes to more of the things in life they love!) Providing FREE babysitting for our Mummas Implementing more ways of giving back to the community Building up our group classes and one-on-one services with the support and passion of a ripper trainer team behind us Who else is feeling pumped and grateful for this little community? Yeeeesssss Girl!!!

14.01.2022 GIVE THE GIFT OF HEALTH & FITNESS this Christmas with 15% off our gift vouchers! . More than that though, give the gift of strength & stamina... self care & me time free babysitting stress release & mental health community & connection and so much more... . Purchase here Use code XMASGIFT15 at checkout! . See more

14.01.2022 OUR MISSION IS To help women exercise regularly so that they can say yes to more of what they love in life!" Our PRIORITY is getting women outta their house and connecting and moving with likeminded women cause let’s be honest, it’s waaayyyy more fun, meaningful and motivating when you engage/connect with real people in real world places (and SCIENCE backs this up). Buuuutt we also believe there are some pretty bloody nifty BENEFITS to splicing some AT HOME/ONLIN...E training into our lives. Like: Convenience Affordability Variety & Choice In all honesty.... our community much prefer IN-PERSON classes (as do we) so they’ve all had to LEARN how to make ONLINE work well for them and we’ve had to learn how to support them with this process it’s been a big year of learning all round

14.01.2022 IT'S HERE!! With the majority of NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS being health/fitness related, this is THE time of year the fitness/diet industry bombards us with messages of... . New Year New You Transform with this Bikini Body / Booty / Shred Program... Say goodbye to those Christmas kilos Get back on track after the festive season . Every. Damn. Year! . At this time of year, the insidious side of the fitness/diet industry comes out in full force and makes a TONE of money playing on peoples insecurities and emotions . They know the majority of resolutions fail by February... they know they'll be able to spout the same BS this time next year. . And around and around we go . . We're not here to sell a 'new year new you' diet or body transformation program . We're here to help you SAY YES to yourself, your health and regular exercise all year round - not just in January . . . HOW DO WE DO THIS: BALANCED timetable of classes (strength, cardio, boxing, pilates and yoga) . Workouts that allow you to go at your OWN PACE . MIXED GENDER class options so you can bring your partner/friend along (hello active date night!) . Convenient ONLINE membership option with plenty of support and resources to help you SAY YES to regular exercise all year round (even when you can't get to us in person!) . FREE babysitter at our Mon/Wed/Fri 9.15am classes . FREE 'refresh' class Thurs 9.15am . Where's the best place to start? 1 With a phone call!! 0411861701 or 2 With our Intro Offer . . **PS** Please don't panic - theres no intimidating or gruelling workouts here! We're just a bunch of bloody awesome women SAYING YES to regular exercise together ** . See more

13.01.2022 EMBRACING THE 10MIN AT HOME WORKOUT WAS A GAME CHANGER FOR ME . When life got busy or challenging - careers, injuries, sickness, family, FIFO life, motherhood etc - I struggled to find >45minutes of ‘spare time’ consistently over my week. But, I was easily finding multiple 10minute blocks most days. . So I made the most of that ... . And it was exactly what my body needed . Read more here

13.01.2022 5 DAY BOOSTER is happening in our ONLINE COMMUNITY next week... WHAT Complete 1 simple health habit a day... Each habit can help boost your PHYSICAL &/or MENTAL health (all backed by research) Each habit can also be of great benefit during 'busy' or 'festive' times of year (cause Christmas is just 51 days away ppl!) WHY To reinforce the fact that there are MANY simple health habits we can do DAILY to boost our physical and mental health To remind you that you DO NOT need bucket loads of free time every day to act on your health (and you also do not need expensive #wellness products!) Annnndddd, to get you thinking about how well you currently do these health habits. A BUSY TIME OF YEAR IS NIGH The festive season is typically NOT the time of year to be introducing new health habits, or attempting to fine tune current health habits It can however, quite easily become the time we push our health to the side as "we'll worry about that in the new year" For us to SURVIVE the hectic times (or the festive times), we kinda need to have a few solid strategies in place that we can EASILY and CONFIDENTLY pull on Thats what this 5 day booster is about... strengthening a few simple health boosting strategies Who's in? MORE INFO ABOUT OUR ONLINE COMMUNITY See more

13.01.2022 Craazzyyy right?? The end of this crazy year is nigh... I wonder what goodness 2021 will bring

13.01.2022 2020 HIGHLIGHTS Vol. 5 we’re rounding off the week with an ode to our Mummas and their beautiful babes We love providing a safe family friendly space for Mummas to move and babes to play We love that our babes get to see us and be near us while we move (this opportunity to role model is soooo important to us!) ... We love seeing old friendships strengthen and new friendships develop when women workout together! We even love the ‘organised chaos’ that is ‘working with babes’ (the one liners we hear are classic and the moves they imitate are just gorgeous to watch) We love ya Mummas! Tag a mum you’re looking forward to having a little fun with fitness alongside this year

13.01.2022 We FOCUS on LISTENING to OUR BODY... not the NUMBERS ON A SCALE. We believe EXERCISE can (& should) be WHATEVER YOU NEED it to be and LISTENING to your body (and mind) and matching your workouts to your mood (or needs) can be super beneficial! burning calories or training for results isn't everything!! ... Sometimes we need need exercise to be easy, gentle, flowing, releasing, relaxing. Sometimes we need exercise to challenge us, push us, and develop us. And sometimes, we need exercise that will ease aching muscles or help release happy hormones. R xx Ready to SAY YES - more info via See more

13.01.2022 Where ever you may be.... take a few minutes to just sit and enjoy the view HAPPY FRIYAY BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE PHOTO throwing it back to beautiful ocean views from last summer you can expect a few more throwback photos and videos over the coming months as I step on back from the Social Media world and step into the new Mumma world Though I’d also be up for an INSTAGRAM takeover (or 5) if any of our COMMUNITY wanna show us a few days in the life of a YEESSS GIIIRRRLL

13.01.2022 HEY NEW MUMMA - YOUR BODY IS F*CKING AMAZING!! . And it needs you to take things slowly... . Ignore those online ads spruking the 'get-your-pre-baby-body-back-programs, shake and smoothie diets and spandex underwear... ... . Unfollow those accounts suggesting you need to "fix" your postpartum body by "shrinking it" or getting it beach ready . Thats the kinda sh*t we loudly SAY NO to! . Your body is f*cking amazing!! . It needs you to show it some love, and take things slow. . Pushing yourself too hard post-baby increases the risk of separated abdominal muscles (up to 60 per cent experience diastasis recti) urinary incontinence (which affects about 30 per cent of new mums) painful intercourse (which affects up to 60 per cent of women in the first year post-birth) hernias pelvic organ prolapse. and more. . Not sure where to start? . We recommend three things: Book an appointment with a Womens Health Physiotherapy for a check-up and real-time ultrasound (we recommend Libby from @lifereadyinglewoodandyokine) Join a post-natal focused exercise class who promote optimal posture, flexibility and strength whilst having a specific focus on abdominal and pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation (we recommend @fitrightphysio) Get in touch and lets tee up a consult. We can chat through where you are at and what classes (and movement modifications) will best suit your needs! . . VIDEO: Some of our gorgeous mummas enjoying exercise with their babes nearby See more

11.01.2022 BREATHE Don't underestimate the SELF CARE power and MENTAL HEALTH benefits of RELAXED BREATHING during this busy and tiresome time of year! . Many women I know carry so much stress in their neck/shoulders... this mixed with our typically tight chest muscles + weak upper back muscles (thanks to our ‘computer work’ posture and carrying babes) means we typically breath short and shallow into our chest. This style of breathing doesn’t bode us well when we’re feeling stressed!... . Try RELAXED BREATHING . WHAT short shallow chest breaths slower, deeper belly breaths . WHEN Feeling stressed, worried, anxious or unconfident. Shoulder, neck or chest feel tight. . WHY encourages full oxygen exchange slows the heartbeat can lower or stabilize blood pressure sends a message to your brain to calm down and relax brain then sends this message to your body . HOW Breath in through nose (~4 seconds) and out through mouth (~6 seconds). . TIPS One hand on chest and one on belly. Feel your belly expand but chest remain pretty steady. Focus on a longer breath out!! That’s where the relaxation magic happens. FOR KIDS: use their fingers as a visual cue. Or can use imagination cues such as breath in the flowers, blow out the candle See more

11.01.2022 THREE TIPS TO HELP YOU START (or RE-START) A FITNESS PROGRAM Starting or re-starting a fitness program is tough for anyone. You don’t need to make it harder for yourself than it already is with self-sabotaging thoughts. I’m so unfit "I haven't done anything in so long!"... This is going to hurt How much less stressful would it be if you DIDN’T judge yourself about where you are "currently at". or DIDN’T feel guilty about what you "haven’t done to date"... So instead of feeling guilty of fearful, heres what I suggest you try instead. 1 TAKE THE FIRST STEP: Make a call, send an email, purchase an intro offer, walk through the door, buy a new pair of workout shoes. Taking some kind of action often leads to more action - Even if that action step is small! 2 TAKE THE PRESSURE OFF YOURSELF: Don’t put immense pressure on yourself to make multiple earth-shattering improvements (or changes) all AT ONCE. Small improvements made on a regular basis is key. Sure, this approach might be slower, and less impressive. but its also much more sustainable! 3 TAKE IT EASY TIGER: Theres no need to go from 0km/h to 180km/h in the first week or month even! This will only increase your risk of injury and your post workout soreness (a little post-workout soreness is inevitable, but you don’t want to feel so sore that’ll it’ll put you off returning regularly!). Heres three ways you can EASE into it: Aim for once or twice a week to start; Aim for moderate intensity rather than high intensity to begin; Factor in a little active recovery (ie. walk, or gentle swim) on the day after your workouts. See more

11.01.2022 When you find people who not only tolerate your quirks but celebrate them with cries of me too! Be sure to cherish them those women are your village . SHOUT OUT to the ladies that BRAVELY SAID YES to a mini photo shoot with Favourite Daughter I know you don’t particularly liiikkkeee getting your photo taken (Me too!) so I’m proud of you all for SAYING YES to donning the activewear and showing us your beautiful smiles love ya . PS. Check out TODAYS FB STORIES for a sneaky discount code and some Xmas shopping tips from Favourite Daughter

10.01.2022 FITMAS TIP DECISION FATIGUE IS RIFE AT THIS TIME OF YEAR - STRUCTURED EXERCISE CLASSES CAN HELP EASE THE LOAD! . Decision fatigue a concept that describes how people struggle with their choices after making too many decisions in a given day . Ummmmmm yep! ... . That moment you ask your partner what they want for dinner, and they respond by asking you the exact same question.... . That last minute take away dinner cause you didn’t have a meal planned out... . Heading to the gym to do a good workout only to find yourself plodding along on the treadmill 30mins later cause you just can’t muster the energy to decide what else to do... . And I have no doubt we’ve all experienced this! Cause if you’re anything like me you’ve made roughly 250,322 decisions in the last 24hours! . What time to set your alarm? Whether to wash your hair today or tmw? What to wear? What presents still need purchasing? What to make for this weekends festive get together? What you need to add to your shopping list for that get together? What to eat for breakfast? What to pack for lunch? What time to leave? Where to park?.... then there’s all those decisions you need to make for your child.... and your work.... . We actually hear a LOT from our girls how much they enjoy having someone else tell them what to do and how to do it at our classes.... can def help reduce that mental load - ESPECIALLY AT THIS TIME OF YEAR!! See more

10.01.2022 4 of my fav FRUIT SALAD TIPS (including two fruit cutting hacks you may not know about ) 1. AIM for a mix of COLOURS 2. DESEED the CHERRIES using a metal straw then cut in half ... 3. DICE the MANGO with the help of a glass/cup 4. ICE CREAM or YOGHURT for the win Hit me up with your FAV FRUIT SALAD tip or hack in the comments

09.01.2022 CAN YOU FEEL IT? The muscles relaxing.... the stress releasing.... the mind clearing... the endorphins flowing.... the lungs breathing... the belly laughter from the chats with the girls... oooooh yeeess!! Heres to another week of awesome FITNESS FEELS coming our way beautiful ladies! ... Now... who's kicking off the week with some FIERCE feels alongside And who's in for some BEAUTIFUL feels alongside @guided_heart_movement?? Wanna join us in SAYING YES to all the GOOD fitness feels? Out INTRO OFFER is the place to start

09.01.2022 3 THINGS we’re helping our community SAY YES TO! ...ACTIVE DATES 1 Our YOGA (Thurs 5.45am) and BOXING sessions (Wed 6.45pm & Sat 8.15am) are all MIXED GENDER classes which means women can bring their partner/friend along... hello 'active date'!... ...GETTING MORE FROM GROUP TRAINING 2 Fridays 5.30pm is a SMALL GROUP (6ppl max) session specifically designed to EMPOWER you to get MORE out of our group training sessions! Available to ALL members (ie. no special purchase required) these sessions would be AWESOME for you if You're worried about starting your fitness journey You've been experiencing a few niggles during group workouts You would like some technique assistance or help learning exercise modifications A physio has recommended specific exercises or areas to work on but you'd love more support implementing these ...LEARNING HOW TO RUN 3 We've enlisted the help of local Mumma and running coach @fitness_morgangail to get our ONLINE COMMUNITY saying yes to running! She's putting together a package just for us that will include how to warm up; running technique; how to cool down; and a step by step at home running program to follow... plus more! Comment below if you have any questions Ready to SAY YES to yourself and your health? Our INTRO OFFER is the best place to start See more

09.01.2022 EXERCISE CAN BE WHATEVER YOU NEED IT TO BE Feel like a kick-butt boxing workout to help release a little stress? Or a yoga routine to help calm your mind? Or a higher energy cardio workout to boost your energy? Or a wicked weights workout to leave you feeling strong? Listening to your body (and mind) and matching your workouts to your mood (or needs) can be super beneficial! ... Sometimes we need need exercise to be easy, gentle, flowing, releasing, relaxing. Sometimes we need exercise to challenge us, push us, and develop us. And sometimes, we need exercise that will ease aching muscles or help release happy hormones. R xx

07.01.2022 THROWBACK THURSDAY AT HOME WORKOUT (save this for later) I know how busy our girls are I know LIFE can get in the way and I know GUILT can get in the way That’s why providing our Girls with a convenient and affordable ONLINE membership option is important to us Do each move for 30secs then rest for 10secs side shuttle with elbow to knee drives squat upper cuts... DB scissors knee repeater twists Repeat 3-5 times PS. I strongly believe our health and fitness habits should get us out of the house and connecting in the real world! For me, the quick at home workout has always been treated as a compliment to my fitness habits, not my main fitness habit. Social connection and community is really important for our health! GET IT GIRL! Check out our ONLINE MEMBERSHIP (and sample more of our at home workouts) here

05.01.2022 GREEN SMOOTHIE PANCAKES (save this for later) 2 bananas 1 egg 1 cup milk of choice... 2 cups spinach 1 cup wholemeal flour Blend Fry up (moderate heat) I served topped with stewed pears (we always have these in our fridge as master 4 loves them in his porridge or on top of weatbix). Whats your fav pancake topper?? See more

05.01.2022 BEETROOT RELISH RECIPE I’ve been loving my mums homemade beetroot relish as a toast (or rice cracker) topper this week so thought I’d share the recipe (thanks mum) 650g beetroot... 1 mdm brown onion finely chopped 1 granny smith apple peeled cored and finely chopped 3/4 - 1 cup lightly packed brown sugar 1 cup white wine vinegar 3 whole star anise 1/4 tspn ground cloves Trim beetroot stems wash beetroot. Place beetroot in large saucepan. Cover with cold water. Place over mdm high heat,cook for 30 minutes or until just tender. Drain, then rinse under cold water. Wearing rubber gloves remove peel from beetroot and coarsely grate. Meanwhile combine onion, apple, sugar, vinegar, star anise and ground cloves in mdm saucepan. Bring to boil over high heat stirring to dissolve sugar. Reduce heat to low simmer for 10 minutes. Add grated beetroot to apple mix . Simmer 45 minutes or until mix is syrupy. Remove star anise. Spoon into hot jars and put on lids immediately. (Best stored for 1 week before using). Enjoy!

05.01.2022 Something is not quite adding up

05.01.2022 OUR MISSION IS to help women exercise regularly so that they have the STRENGTH & STAMINA to SAY YES to more of what they love in life! . Our PRIORITY is getting women outta their house and connecting and moving with likeminded women cause let’s be honest, it’s waaayyyy more fun, meaningful and motivating when you engage/connect with real people in real world places (and SCIENCE backs this up). . Buuuutt we also believe there are some pretty bloody nifty BENEFI...TS to splicing some of our AT HOME/ONLINE training into our lives. Like: Convenience Choice Support . In all honesty.... our community much prefer IN-PERSON classes (as do we) so they’ve all had to LEARN how to make ONLINE work well for them and we’ve had to learn how to support them with this process it’s been a big year of learning all round . More info at See more

04.01.2022 I LOVE IT WHEN women walk in and tell me they’ve never enjoyed fitness... then walk out saying how bloody good it felt. . It’s the bombdiggity . Speaking of those GOOD FITNESS FEELS... Who’s up for some BEAUTIFUL pilates/yoga/barre fusion feels with @guided_heart_movement tmw morn? ... . Or perhaps some stress relief and high ENERGY feels from an evening hiit of cardio or boxing is what you mind and body needs? . See you out there ladies! See more

03.01.2022 WHY WAS SAY YES CREATED? I wanted a solution to a big problem.... lack of REGULAR exercise being done by busy women (especially Mummas)! . I'm sure we've all felt those 'yuk' feelings that come from being inactive right? .... lethargy, cloudy brain, poor mental health, lack of motivation, muscle weakness, body aches/pains - just to name a few These feelings can often be dismissed or overlooked because we're buuusssssyyyyyy... busy juggling all the things (and puttin...g everyone else's needs first) . It's time to SAY YES To yourself... and your health! **NB** Please don't panic - theres no intimidating or gruelling workouts here! We're just a bunch of bloody awesome women SAYING YES to regular exercise together ** . We offer BALANCED timetable of classes (strength, cardio, boxing, pilates and yoga) FREE babysitter at our Mon/Wed/Fri 9.15am classes FREE 'refresh' class Thurs 9.15am Convenient ONLINE membership option with >50 convenient at home workouts + health resources to help you SAY YES to regular exercise all year round (even when you can't get to us in person!) . TWO changes we've recently made to our TIMETABLE Thurs 5.45am YOGA is now MIXED GENDER (ie. open to partners/friends of our members) Fri 5.30pm EMPOWER is a small group PT session (6 ppl max) specifically designed to help you get MORE out of our group training sessions! . Our INTRO OFFER is the best place to start . Annnddd here's my email if you're feeling a little nervous (like 99% of women who've walked through our door in the past) and want to chat a little more first [email protected] Peace, love and muscles Renee xx

03.01.2022 WORRIED ABOUT THE FESTIVE SEASON MESSING UP YOUR EXERCISE ROUTINE?? Watch this... . Now is NOT the time to be chasing your ideal or demanding perfection in your weekly routine . Now IS a good time to be taking things back to basics... Simplifying. Minimising ... . I often refer to this as SURVIVAL MODE.... survival mode is not where we want to stay long term, but for the short term it is where we find ourselves from time to time . When in ‘survival mode’ my big tip is NOT to stop all those important health and fitness habits. but to dial them back . THINK OF IT AS A VOLUME DIAL, RATHER THAN AN ON/OFF SWITCH . What’s the minimum you could dial it back to??? Now depending on YOUR situation, do you need to dial it back to MINIMUM - or just dial it back a tad?? . This might means less time, less intensity, or less variety etc. This demands more flexibility with your approach . FOR EXAMPLE: many people have the misconception that exercise HAS to be at least 30mins or 45mins for it to be worthwhile. But multiple 45min blocks is NOT always possible at times like this. Setting a new minimum might mean aiming for multiple 10mins or 5mins blocks over the week instead . Check out our ONLINE COMMUNITY to get access to 50+ at home workout resources (in a range of formats) that you can use anywhere, anytime taking you either 10-30 minutes depending on the time and energy you have available. See more

03.01.2022 Who’s SAYING YES to those awesome post workout FEELS this week? 3 of our fav post workout FEELS STRONG & CONFIDENT after a strength workout... ENERGIZED & ACCOMPLISHED after a cardio or boxing workout REFRESHED & RELAXED after a pilates or yoga workout with What FITNESS FEELS are you SAYING YES to this week?! See you out there girls! R xx

02.01.2022 5 THINGS WE LOVE HEARING OUR GIRLS SAY AFTER CLASS... That was exactly what I needed! That was such a good way to start/end the day!... That felt so good! I feel like I've got more energy and patience to parent now! Do I have to go home / to work? See more

01.01.2022 WE’RE OFFICIALLY ON HOLIDAYS FROM THIS SUNDAY TIL JAN 4th! cause taking a break from routine, scheduling in a little down time, getting active in other ways (hello beach walks) is so important for our health! For those keen to continue their regular (or close to regular) workout routine we have our ONLINE COMMUNITY for you full of workout vids and resources (including menu plan template, at home running program, self care strategies and more)! More info at PS. Have you checked out today’s FB STORY TAKE OVER from @favouritedaughter?? There’s a sneaky DISCOUNT CODE and some wicked purchasing tips and inspo PHOTO: some of our gorgeous gals repping activewear for @favouritedaughter

01.01.2022 Yup, this is where I’m currently at... 33 weeks has its glamorous moments

01.01.2022 HAPPY FIRST DAY OF SUMMER / BIRAK Perfect time for a little hydration inspiration with these fruit and herb combinations Strawberry, Basil and Lemon Blueberry, Lemon, and Rosemary Watermelon, Kiwi, and Lime... Mango, Raspberry, and Ginger Pineapple, Coconut, and Lime Comment below with the combo you'd love to try See more

01.01.2022 3 TIPS FOR BEGINNERS 1 FOCUS ON STARTING WELL FIRST You don’t need to achieve all your health and fitness goals in the first two weeks! So instead of focusing on how unfit you feel, or the weight you want to lose, put your focus on creating a positive relationship with health and a sustainable fitness routine. Why? Because how you approach that first step (mentally, emotionally, physically) makes a HUGE difference! 2 GO AT YOUR OWN PACE It’s your ...body and its your workout. Stop, shake it out, reset your posture, modify a move, as for a movement modification, take a deep breath, or have a drink as often as you want or need. 3 SAY YES TO SUPPORT Book a one-on-one phone consult before you attend your first class, and/or stay a little longer after classes for a chat! Get your questions answered, ease your nerves, suggest ways to modify moves to better suit your needs and more! More tips for beginners >> See more

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