C-Ya Project in Beenleigh, Queensland | Medical and health
C-Ya Project
Locality: Beenleigh, Queensland
Phone: +61 7 3059 1301
Address: 10/82 City Road 4207 Beenleigh, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 Getting a tattoo or body piercing can put you at risk of hepatitis C because needles can spread infected blood. It is extremely unlikely that you would get hepatitis C at a professional tattooist in Australia because they use effective infection control procedures and sterile equipment. However, in situations where it might be hard to sterilise equipment properly, such as prison and backyard tattooing, there is a much higher risk.
24.01.2022 The sharing of snorting straws when using drugs like cocaine and heroin can potentially lead to transmission of the hepatitis C virus. Although transmission is more likely when drugs are taken though injection, it turns out that blood transferred through the mucous membranes and into a snorting straw can open the deadly door to infection as well. If you have ever shared a snorting straw, you should get yourself tested. Call the C-YA! Project today.
24.01.2022 Our first C-Ya! Clinic was a great success! We saw 14 high-risk patients at Logan Central Community Corrections Office and took pathology to test their Hep C status. We will meet each patient for a second consultation in 2 weeks when we will explain their results and commence treatment if required. Our next clinic is at Beenleigh Probation and Parole Office on 20 March. We hope to C-Ya! there. #CyaProject #NoHepC #NoHep #HCV #Cure #Logan #Beenleigh #SayGoodbyeToHepC #GileadFellowShip #MicroElimination #Prison #Parole #PRS #PharmaRehabServices
24.01.2022 Viral hepatitis is a leading cause of mortality resulting in 1.46 million deaths worldwide in 2015. But with recent advances in treatment, the disease can be cured in 95% of cases without painful side effects. The medicine is listed on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, making treatment very affordable. #CyaProject #NoHepC #NoHep #HCV #Cure #Logan #Beenleigh #SayGoodbyeToHepC #GileadFellowShip #MicroElimination #Prison #Parole #PRS #PharmaRehabServices
23.01.2022 To prevent yourself from getting hepatitis C, you should practice good blood safety. This means avoiding ways that your blood can come into contact with someone else’s blood. There are different ways this can happen and some are riskier than others. Sharing or reusing needles is highly risky, as is participating in ritualistic practices with knives or razor blades that involve blood. If you have been at risk at any point in your life, call the C-YA! Project to book an appointment today.
23.01.2022 The uptake of technology in the medical world as a result of the COVID pandemic means our doctors can now eConsult or teleconsult with patients and get the blood test stage of treatment for Hepatitis C underway without ever meeting in person. A call and an emailed pathology form is all you need to get started, so what are you waiting for?
22.01.2022 The C-YA! Project is back on the road today at Logan Central Community Corrections. If you have ever been in prison or shared a needle, come and see us as you could be infected with the deadly Hepatitis C virus. It’s quick, free and easy to get tested and in 95% of cases the virus can be cured with no painful side effects. Book your appointment from 9.00 12.00 and start your journey to better health.
22.01.2022 It’s impossible to know if you have Hepatitis C unless you get tested. This is because approximately 80% of people infected do not exhibit any symptoms for up to 6 months following their initial infection. The danger is that many cases goes undiagnosed for long periods and develop into chronic and sometimes life threatening infections. If you have ever put yourself at risk of Hepatitis by sharing a needle, call our team at the C-YA! Project and book your test today.
21.01.2022 Our next C-YA! clinic is running this Friday (20th March) at Beenleigh QCS office. If youre coming to C-YA! parole officer that day, why not book a check up with our medical team too? Were offering convenient testing and treatment for Hepatitis C which can be cured in 95% of people without painful side effects. And the medicine is listed on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme so whats stopping you? Ask an officer to book an appointment for you and well C-YA! there.
20.01.2022 Due to current Covid-19 restrictions we have temporarily relocated the C-YA! Project to our PRS Clinic at 10/82 City Road Beenleigh. This will allow us to continue our mission to cure Hep C in high-risk audiences, while maintaining the appropriate level of social distancing. Were booking patients like a normal PRS appointments, so if you have ever been in prison and/or shared a needle, you should call to get tested today.
19.01.2022 What does treatment at a C-YA! Clinic entail? The first step is a short consultation with Carol, our nurse practitioner and credentialed member of the Drug and Alcohol Nurses of Australia. She will talk to you about why youre here and what can be achieved, and will then run you through some base level checks (temperature, blood pressure etc.). Once those are completed she will refer you to the next room for pathology.
18.01.2022 While rates of hepatitis infection are starting to decline in Australia, the statistics show that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are being left behind. They make up 3% of the Australian population, but at least 11% of newly reported cases of Hepatitis C each year. If you know someone who is at risk of being infected, call our friendly team today.
17.01.2022 There is currently no effective vaccine for Hepatitis C, but new antiviral medicines can cure more than 95% of cases reducing the risk of death from cirrhosis and liver cancer. Treatment is usually via a course of pills taken over 8-12 weeks, and in most cases there are no painful side effects. It’s free and easy, so what are you waiting for? Call the C-YA! Project and start your journey to better health today.
16.01.2022 Ten years ago, people diagnosed with hepatitis C faced 24-48 weeks of treatment that was at best difficult and at worst impossible to complete. The treatment was accompanied by a laundry list of side effects so significant that counselling of patients’ loved ones was often necessary. Now, fast forward to present day, and advancements in treatment allow patients a much more positive outlook. The new treatments available at the C-YA! Project can cure 90-95% of patients in just 12 weeks with very few side effects.
16.01.2022 Drug use can increase the risk of getting hepatitis C in two ways. 1) When people inject drugs and share needles or other drug equipment, viruses can transfer from one person to another, because bodily fluids like blood stay on the equipment in tiny amountseven if the equipment is wiped clean. 2) Drug use can affect the choices a person makes. For example, it can lead to unsafe sex. This puts a person at risk of getting the virus from, or giving it to, someone else.
15.01.2022 Hepatitis C is six times more prevalent in Australian prisons than in the general population which is why we focus our activity on people re-entering the community on parole. We believe that if we can cure a large percentage of these previously incarcerated inmates before they fade into the community once more, we can go a long way towards eradicating the disease.
14.01.2022 Have you ever been in prison and/or shared a needle? You could be infected with the deadly Hepatitis C virus (HCV). The C-YA! Project can help you say goodbye to HCV. Its quick, free and easy to get tested and in 95% of cases the virus can be cured with no painful side effects. Treatment is discreet, private and courteous. So start your journey to better health. Book an appointment at our new Logan Central or Beenleigh outreach clinics today. #CyaProject #NoHepC #NoHep #HCV #Cure #Logan #Beenleigh #SayGoodbyeToHepC #GileadFellowship #MicroElimination #Prison #Parole #PRS #PharmaRehabServices
13.01.2022 Even if you feel fine, hepatitis C can still be damaging your liver. And if you wait until you feel sick, the virus may already have caused a lot of harm which could be irreversible. If you have put yourself at risk of hepatitis C call your doctor or talk to the C-YA! Project about getting tested and starting treatment. The new direct acting antiviral (DAA) medicines are easy to take and most people have few or no side effects.
13.01.2022 C-YA! Project patients who test positive for Hep C will generally be treated with a course of Direct-Acting Antiviral tablets. The exact medication depends on which genotype you have; how much liver damage you have; and whether you have been treated before. But all of the most common medications will have you clear of the disease in 8-12 weeks.
13.01.2022 In late 2019, our parent company PRS was awarded a presigeous Gilead Fellowship Grant to fund the development of our ambitious project to eliminate the deadly Hepatitis C virus (HCV) from people returning to society from incarceration. In this video, PRS Director Andrew Pfeffer talks about the grant and encourages other organisations with equally ambitious ideas to apply.
12.01.2022 A consequence of misusing Opioids that gets little attention is hearing loss. The first documented case dates back to the 1970’s, but doctors still know very little about the opioid-induced hearing loss (OIHL) condition. Research suggests that the risk of hearing loss increases if misuse is high or results in overdose, and that the damage this causes to the brain may cause dysfunction in the auditory pathway resulting in hearing loss that can take months to resolve.
11.01.2022 The final step of your first visit to a C-YA! Clinic is to give blood for testing. The friendly team from QML Pathology will collect four vials of blood for the lab to examine. The entire process should take less than 10 minutes leaving you free to get on with the rest of your day. Our next Clinic is tomorrow morning at PRS 10/82 City Road, Beenleigh. We hope to see you there.
11.01.2022 We held another successful C-YA! clinic today; this time at Beenleigh Corrective Services Office. We saw a full roster of patients and booked them in for follow up appointments on the 6th April.
10.01.2022 Its World Hepatitis Day, so were joining the call to #FindTheMissingMillions who are living undiagnosed with the disease. People returning to society after incarceration are one of the highest risk populations, so if you or someone you know is recently out on parole, book an appointment with us today and get tested.
09.01.2022 The battle against hepatitis C is a challenging one because most people who are infected with the virus have not been diagnosed yet. Some are immersed in drug culture, others are from vulnerable social groups and many have other more pressing health concerns. This highlights the importance of testing and engaging with those individuals at risk of having or becoming infected with hepatitis C. There is still much work to be done and the team at the C-YA! Project are here to do it. Call to book an appointment today.
09.01.2022 The C-YA! Project is back on the road this Friday 30th April at Southport Probation and Parole Office. If you have ever been in prison or shared a needle, come and see us as you could be infected with the deadly Hepatitis C virus. It’s quick, free and easy to get tested and in 95% of cases the virus can be cured with no painful side effects. Book your appointment from 1pm and start your journey to better health.
09.01.2022 People who have developed advanced liver diseases and deteriorating health as a result of hepatitis C should be vigilant in protecting themselves from contracting COVID-19 as they are at risk of more serious illness. This includes people who have ongoing health conditions as a result of a previous hepatitis C infection which has been cured.
07.01.2022 If you have shared a needle you need to get your blood tested as you could be infected with the deadly Hepatitis C virus. It’s free and easy to get tested if you visit the C-YA! Project. During COVID restrictions, we’re holding clinics every Friday from 9.00 12.00 at PRS in Beenleigh. So book yourself an appointment in and we’ll see you there.
06.01.2022 We’re pleased to announce that because of the number of patients we treat at the C-YA! Project we have been selected to participate in the Burnet Institute’s QuickStart study for Hepatitis C. The study will look at several interventions designed to simplify the hepatitis C testing pathway and the results will help guide service delivery and inform mechanisms to enhance access to hepatitis C care.
06.01.2022 We are helping one of the highest-risk populations - people returning to society after incarceration - say C-YA! to Hepatitis C once and for all. #CyaProject #NoHepC #NoHep #HCV #Cure #Logan #Beenleigh #SayGoodbyeToHepC #GileadFellowShip #MicroElimination #Prison #Parole #PRS #PharmaRehabServices
05.01.2022 It is estimated that the incidence of new Hepatitis C infections in prisons is up to 30 out of every 100 people. If you or someone you know is recently out on parole, help is available thanks to the C-YA! Project. In 95% of cases, Hepatitis C can be cured with no painful side effects. Confidential C-YA! medical support is free and the medicine is listed on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, making treatment very affordable. If you or someone you know is at risk, book an appointment now and start your journey to better health. #CyaProject #NoHepC #NoHep #HCV #Cure #Logan #Beenleigh #SayGoodbyeToHepC #GileadFellowShip #MicroElimination #Prison #Parole #PRS #PharmaRehabServices
04.01.2022 Great to see news of our innovative C-Ya! Project outreach clinics hitting the trade press. https://www.pharmainfocus.com.au/news.asp #CyaProject #NoHepC #NoHep #HCV #Cure #Logan #Beenleigh #SayGoodbyeToHepC #GileadFellowShip #MicroElimination #Prison #Parole #PRS #PharmaRehabServices
03.01.2022 We test for Hepatitis C by taking blood. We run a test to see if you have the antibodies needed to fight the virus. (A positive here means you may have had the virus in the past and cleared it naturally or through treatment.) We then run a PCR test to find out if you currently have the virus in your body. And we finish by testing the genotype you have. This determines the treatment your doctor will put you on.
01.01.2022 A new point of care (PoC) test for hepatitis C was added to the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods in May this year. The test provides a result in a couple of hours, rather than waiting a couple of days, so should increase testing rates and provide better treatment uptake. If you know someone who is at risk of being infected with hepatitis C, call our friendly team today.
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