SB Yoga Chi Gung in Kingaroy, Queensland | Yoga studio
SB Yoga Chi Gung
Locality: Kingaroy, Queensland
Phone: +61 458 164 459
Address: Town Common Hall, Oliver Bond St. Kingaroy 4610 Kingaroy, QLD, Australia
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24.01.2022 I love this article..... PLANTING THE SEEDS OF GENEROSITY One way to practice generosity is to give energy where it is needed, whether that is in the form of time, money or love.... The most difficult time to be generous is when we ourselves are feeling poor. While some of us have experienced actually being in the red financially, there are those of us who would feel broke even if we had a million dollars in the bank. Either way, as the old adage goes, it is always in giving that we receive. Meaning that when we are living in a state of lack, the very gesture we may least want to give is the very act that could help us create the abundance that we seek. One way to practice generosity is to give energy where it is needed. Giving money to a cause or person in need is one way to give energy. Giving attention, love, or a smile to another person are other acts of giving that we can offer. After all, there are people all over the world that are hungry for love. Sometimes when we practice generosity, we practice it conditionally. We might be expecting to "receive back" from the person to whom we gave. We might even become angry or resentful if that person doesn't reciprocate. However, trust in the natural flow of energy, and you will find yourself practicing generosity with no strings attached. This is the purest form of giving. Remember that what you send out will always come back you. Selflessly help a friend in need without expecting them to return the same favor in the same way, and know that you, too, will receive that support from the universe when you need it. Besides, while giving conditionally creates stress (because we are waiting with an invisible balance sheet to receive our due), giving unconditionally creates and generates abundance. We give freely, because we trust that there is always an unlimited supply. Being aware of how much we are always supported by the universe is one of the keys to abundance and generosity. Consciously remember the times you've received support from expected and unexpected sources. Remember anyone who has helped you when you've needed it most, and bless all situations that come into your life for the lessons and gifts they bring you. Remember that all things given and received emanate from generosity. Giving is an act of gratitude. Plant the seeds of generosity through your acts of giving, and you will grow the fruits of abundance for yourself and those around you. by Madisyn Taylor ....beautiful!
23.01.2022 Just want to let you know I have adjusted the Yoga Chi Gung and Fitness timetable slightly. The Wednesday beginner’s class normally at 3.30pm has been changed to 4.00 5.00pm, starting next Wednesday 17th March. This is a really nice little class that will progress quite quickly (being small and quite intimate). ... If you are considering coming along but have been balking because you might not yet feel up to it, this class, or the Monday class from 3.30 4.30pm is the class for you. AND Don’t forget every Wednesday afternoon at 5.50 6.30pm we have a fun fitness class designed to quickly and efficiently burn off excess fat and bring your fitness levels up quickly. The routines are always only 20-25 minutes long (followed by gentle stretching and a relaxation). We do a routine for a whole month, so you can get used to it and work a little harder each time. So, each month we might be doing hand weights, using an exercise ball, exercise bands or just our own body weight, or a combination of any of these. This month we are doing a body weight only routine. All classes can be done at a Level 1 or 2 intensity, so everyone is catered for. Men and women welcome. Come give it a try! It’ll be nice to see you again soon......Janine
17.01.2022 Just a quick reminder that this coming Friday 27th Nov there will be a class cancellation. AND from this Wednesday afternoon, the Wed 5.30pm fitness class will be only 1 hour, so everyone can get home in time for dinner. Hopefully this will encourage a few extra workers to come burn some fat, and boost their fitness levels before heading home for the day.... I think everyone who comes along to the class really enjoys both the strength and fitness components of the class. The social aspect and the motivation of working out in a friendly group and atmosphere makes the class lots of fun. This class can be adapted to any ability level or age group. And every month or so we change it up, to continue to challenge even the fittest among us. Sometimes we use weights, sometimes fitness bands or balls. We’ve even tackled Power yoga (just for a change). So if you haven’t given this one a try yet, and would like to lose an extra couple of kilos before Christmas, please come along. All ages and gender welcome. Hopefully catch up with you shortly. PS If you normally attend the Monday night class, or would like to, and wish to give me feedback about the length of this class too, PLEASE DO! Happy to accommodate the majority.
14.01.2022 Happy Easter to all. No classes over the Easter long weekend. Classes recommence on Wednesday 7th April. Everyone welcome....young and old!
10.01.2022 Hi it’s Janine Just a quick reminder before next week, that all classes on Wednesday 12th May are cancelled.....sorry! Tomorrow is recognised world - wide to help us reflect on the wonderful love and assistance our mothers have unconditionally given freely to each of us over our lifetime. ...Continue reading
08.01.2022 Sometimes at Yoga Chi Gung we have a little get-away yoga retreat. In the past we've spent 2 beautiful days up at the Bunyas. This year we're heading to the gorgeous beaches of sleepy little Woodgate. We have booked a lovely beach front house on the Esplanade. There'll be lots of Yoga, Chi Gung, meditation, walks on the beach, giggles with the girls and maybe even some barefoot bowling.... It's going to be incredibly relaxing and heaps of fun....nothing too serious! Spaces are very limited and first option will be given to regular class members. Date: Friday 20th, Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd August For more info please message me. Janine
06.01.2022 Why I Work by Donation Most are really happy, and grateful, to hear that I do....but curious as to why. Many years of teaching and practicing Yoga Chi Gung have convinced me of the benefits and importance of this beautiful combination of yoga and soft arts. I know its value, and I want to share that with as many as possible whatever their financial situation. Sometimes we all struggle financially, and rather than de-prioritising our health and wellbeing at these times, it’s c...omforting to know we can continue this important focus, and keep our health as priority. As parents and carers our own health holds precedence, as others ultimately rely on our wellbeing to continue to serve the ones we love. As we grow in humility and gratitude, we give back to others who have helped us. So this is my way of giving back to you. Life has a wonderful way of maintaining fairness and equilibrium. See more
06.01.2022 The following dates are public holidays.BUTall class will be as per our normal timetable. Too many public holidays fall on a Monday Monday 26th April Monday 3rd May So see you at class as usual.
05.01.2022 Fitness fun for June is a partner Circuit. We'll be using weights, fitness balls, medicine ball and body-weight. Working out with a partner is always more fun, more motivating, and gives us someone to keep a check on our technique, to get the most of the workout. We'd love to have you there working out with us. So hopefully you can join us at 5.30pm on Wednesdays at the Town Common Hall in Oliver Bond street, Kingaroy.... PS bring a friend if you like. Everyone's welcome Janine
04.01.2022 Hi.....It’s Janine This is a quick reminder about 2 upcoming class cancellations, and to give you a ‘heads-up’ about an exciting new class next week. Sometimes, if you have a knee injury or a bad leg or hip it can make some yoga poses terribly uncomfortable or impossible.... This coming week we are trialling a different style of yoga.Chair Yoga. No kneeling, or difficult poses where hands and feet are on the floor at the same time (like downward facing dog). So if you’ve struggled in the past with yoga poses that your body doesn’t like, come give this one a try. It’s also a hit with ageing bodies. Reminder about upcoming class cancellations: NO CLASSES Friday 6th November Friday 27th November Also, for the fitness friends who come along to Wednesday Fitness (or if you’d like to give that one a try), November fitness is using light hand weights and body-weight. This is a really fun class, very social and supportive. If you’re feeling the need to burn some extra fat or bump up your fitness levels, come along and join us.Wednesdays at 5.30pm. And don’t forget we do a short HIIT class for 12-13 minutes every Monday and Friday before class. This is a great adjunct to your fitness regime. Timetable and additional info on the pinned post of my SB Yoga Chi Gung page. I’d love to hear back from you, so please stay in touch. With love and good health to you, Janine
03.01.2022 We're all interested in how to age slowly . This is a good article with helpful training hints, no matter what activity or sport you choose. Just do it.....and keep doing it .....for a long healthy life. Check my page for classes and times.... Fitness Yoga Chi Gung SB Yoga Chi Gung and Fitness with Janine
03.01.2022 Is It Worth Doing Yoga Once a Week? Seeing yoga practitioners dedicated to going to class several times a week may make you feel like the one yoga class a week that you can sneak in isn't worth picking up your mat for. With yoga, more is more, and you'll feel better and make more progress with every additional class you take. ...Continue reading
03.01.2022 Important dates to mark on your Yoga Ch Gung Calendar. This coming Monday is another public holiday for Labour Day. But....CLASSES ARE ON. NO CLASSES on WEDNESDAY 12TH MAY. We have 2 big days out with specialists at the QCH.... For the month of May, every Wednesday afternoon Fitness class ie from 5.30 6.30pm will be YOGA FOR STRENGTH. This is a level 2 class designed for strength, fitness and body toning. You don’t need to be a regular to this class to attend.but having some yoga experience would be advantageous. Our Yoga Retreat to Woodgate in August 20 22nd is going ahead. We are taking deposits of $50 to secure a place. Refer to the last email for more details (or Facebook post, or phone me if interested). Thanks for you support over the last 12 months; it’s been a rough time for many small businesses. Look forward to seeing you again soon. With love and good health Janine
01.01.2022 Hi It’s Janine Good news....council have offered us our old hall back. We can recommence in the Town Common Hall from this coming Friday 23rd October. ( so don't come to the Reception Room any more)... Also: There will be 2 cancellations to classes between now and the end of the year: Friday 6th November Friday 27th November We will finish up the year for a Christmas break on Wednesday 23rd December, and recommence the New Year on Monday 4th January 2021. (almost Christmas already....hard to believe) If you haven’t joined us for a while....please do. We miss you! See you at the Town Common Hall
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