Scandinavian Treats in Fremantle, Western Australia | Local service
Scandinavian Treats
Locality: Fremantle, Western Australia
Phone: +61 432 115 827
Address: Shop 16, 26-36 South Terrace 6160 Fremantle, WA, Australia
Likes: 930
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23.01.2022 Här bakas det tekakor....för räkmackan Teacakes ...homebaked White for the prawn sandwich
23.01.2022 En smörgåstårta beställd...så kul att folk vill ha Another order made...and a 2:nd one tomorrow ...very grateful
23.01.2022 We would love if you give us reviews We would love if you give us reviews
22.01.2022 Nu säljer vi lokalt producerad naturell honung på vårt café gjord av Daniella och Figge Boksjö Now we have honey from "Beeautify" (Daniella and Figge Boksjö) at our café. Locally made honey from Yanchep. They are also at Fremantle Markets with other skin care products
21.01.2022 Snart 1:a Advent ...gjort lite pepparkaksglass inför helgen ....bland annat Ginger snaps ice cream ...sounds weird? ..'s YUM ...this Sunday Advent 1st. Visit Perth #thisisfremantle Visit Fremantle
20.01.2022 Nu e de jul igen... ...pepparkaksbak på G Christmas soon.... so we are baking Ginger snaps for Sunday The smell in our kitchen is devine #thisisfremantle Visit Fremantle
20.01.2022 Men snackar vi gofika alltså Semmelkladdkaka och Hasselnötsmarängbakelse med lemon curd Semla cake or Hazlenut merengue with lemon curd and whipped cream ....all gluten pick....or both
20.01.2022 We're so happy to see "Elf Obe" from "The Fairy Shop" coming in for his coffee #thepickledfairy
18.01.2022 Test run and special invitation last Saturday for friends and family. We like to share some photos.
18.01.2022 Thank you all for the support Have a wonderful Christmas and hope to see you in the new and hopefully much better year
17.01.2022 Hoppas vi ses idag Dill cured salmon and mustard sauce (Hovmästarsås) on homebaked rye this weekend
16.01.2022 Vi stänger efter 23/12 och öppnar 5 januari igen så passa på att få lite julstämning hos oss Dessutom har vi fått in lite importerade varor. Har inte hunnit lägga upp något på vår online shop ännu. Har inte fått chips, ostbågar eller Falu rågrut. Ni får komma in och titta om ni har möjlighet. Vi har dåligt med tid att svara på mejl direkt utan det kommer ta ett tag i så fall. Sorry folks....but only a few days left open before Christmas. We close after Wednesday 23/1...2 and We are open again on January 5. See more
15.01.2022 Vi uppmärksammar "Wienerbrödets Dag" i Sverige idag Söndag. Även om det är Danskt så äter vi svenskar mycket av dessa godsaker ...(jag gjorde en liten sneak preview igår ) Dessutom finns en liten försmak inför jul.. "Mjuk minipepparkaka med apelsinfrosting"...vilken smak till kaffet "Danish Day" in Sweden today which mean everybody is eating a lot of Danish .... .....and.... Soft mini ginger cake with orange frosting ...Christmas is just around the corner y...ummy flavours Hope to see you later
14.01.2022 Countdown ...... The wait is almost over. Friday Oct 2nd will we open the doors to our Café Let's Fika . Hours on Fri: 9am-3pm. Check out business hours further down. Hope to see you soon
14.01.2022 Princess tårta
13.01.2022 Nu e de jul igen iallafall hos oss Glutenfria brownies med kolafrosting & valnötter OCH....Världens godaste Vinterbollar med smak av choklad, kaffe, apelsin & kanderade nötter Christmas in da house ... We've got some gluten free Brownies with caramel frosting & walnuts on top So Come in and experience the Swedish Café vibe
12.01.2022 Vilken svensk älskar inte saltlakrits...så är detta inget för er som gör det...vad sägs om saltlakritsglass med hallonsås... Lots of Swedes go bonkers over salty licorice I made ice cream and put smashed turkish pepper and raspberry sauce as flavour ....well...I love it
12.01.2022 First guests ....They used to come to Fremantle Markets and buy buns. And thank you for the flowers. Love you guys
11.01.2022 Lemon mayo for sale in small jars
11.01.2022 Business group Inspire 20 hade their breakfast meeting held at our Café this morning. They had the gourmet sandwich...the extra long one. We are pleased to have had them as guests Thank you...hope to see you soon
11.01.2022 Hej = Hi Hej då = bye
11.01.2022 Vad sägs om en liten räkpaj? Jag älskar paj Just made Prawn Pie ...with red onion, dill and a small salad. Swedish flavours
10.01.2022 Söta små hemmagjorda princessbakelser....finns alltid nåt att göra Mini Princess cakes....just a few of them this weekend
09.01.2022 Ja nu har det fikats i Freo som aldrig förr Sååå tacksamma o glada att ni supportar oss. Låt oss veta om vi har gjort några misstag så ska vi försöka rätta till det. Det tar lite tid att få kläm på det men vi gör vårt bästa Hoppas vi ses imorn på Kanelbullens Dag Very happy and greatful for all the support Let us know if we've made any mistakes so we can correct them. We learn as we go Hope to see some of you tomorrow on Cinnamon Bun Day
09.01.2022 Ett wienerbröd till kaffet kanske... A Danish with your cuppa perhaps
08.01.2022 So what's the meaning of Fika? Swedes have fika (pronounced [fîka] (About this soundlisten)), meaning "coffee break", often with pastries, although coffee can be substituted with tea, juice, lemonade, hot chocolate, or squash for children. The tradition has spread throughout Swedish businesses around the world. Fika is a social institution in Sweden and the practice of taking a break with a beverage and snack is widely accepted as central to Swedish life. As a common mid-m...orning and mid-afternoon practice at workplaces in Sweden, fika may also function partially as an informal meeting between co-workers and management people, and it may even be considered impolite not to join in. Fika often takes place in a meeting room or a designated fika room. A sandwich, fruit or a small meal may be called fika as the English concept of afternoon tea. Source: Wikipedia See more
07.01.2022 Swedish breakfast tray: blåbärsfilmjölk, boiled egg & Kalles kaviar and homebaked sirapslimpa, syrup loaf with breadspices, orange juice & of course Swedish filter coffee. It will fill you up...we promise Served between 9- 11
06.01.2022 Our fantastic Prawn sandwich with homemade lemon mayo on homebaked tekaka. Served from 11am
06.01.2022 Äntligen lite påfyllning i Fazer sortimentet... Idag har vi också Rulltårtsbakelse med Hallon- eller Hjortronsylt Yeesss! Back in stock are some Fazer products Today we also have Roll cake pastries with Rasberry or Cloudberry jam.
05.01.2022 Happy New Year from us 2021 will rock Happy New Year from us 2021 will rock
04.01.2022 Glöm inte Kanelbullens Dag på Söndag 4:e oktober Erbjudande: 1 kanelbulle och en kopp svenskt kaffe med påtår förstås $6 (vanligtvis $7)...så långt lagret räcker. Cinnamon Bun Day on Sunday Oct 4 Our offer: A cinnamon bun & a cup of Swedish drip coffee including a refill ) $6 (Regular price $7)... Falls on October 4th each year. It is an annual secular holiday in Sweden and Finland that was instituted in 1999 by Kaeth Gardestedt. At the time, she was a project manager for Home Baking Council (Hembakningsrådet) which was historically a trade group supported by yeast manufacturers, flour producers, sugar manufacturers, and margarine manufacturers, and is now supported by the Dansukker brand of sugar. Source: Wikipedia
03.01.2022 Välkomna in And we are open
02.01.2022 We are closed on Tuesday 26 and at the beach celebrating Happy Straya Day from us
02.01.2022 1:a Advent imorn Söndag så då blir det lite "juligt" här Vad sägs om lussekatter med svenskt saffran, pepparkakor o saftglögg (allt hemmagjort förstås) eller Coundown to Christmas starts tomorrow Sunday for a traditional Swede so come in and try some saffron buns, ginger snaps and non-alcoholic glögg/ ...everything homebaked/ made See you
01.01.2022 Freshly baked cinnamon buns every morning
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