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Redcliffe PCYC Scarborough Squash Club in Kippa-Ring | Sport & recreation

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Redcliffe PCYC Scarborough Squash Club

Locality: Kippa-Ring

Phone: +61 424 612 993

Address: Klingner Rd 4020 Kippa-Ring, QLD, Australia


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24.01.2022 Update from Redcliffe The final Brisbane City Squash (BCS) fixtures season for 2020 is due to start next week, Tuesday the 6th October. This is only a short season and will run for 8 weeks before the seasons return to normal length and kick off in January. Redcliffe teams will continue to play out of Sandgate Squash Club for this round, which is fortunate for us. For all Redcliffe teams, please check SportyHQ to check draws and matches and organise your team members. All... teams are virtually the same as last season with just a couple of changes. If any of the teams have any issues please contact us either through Facebook or Colleen directly. Also just a reminder to check the status of your SportyHQ registration - a few members' registration has lapsed which will need to be rectified prior to fixtures matches. While you're checking that out, we recommend to also confirm your details in particular email addresses in SportyHQ - this is the most common form of contact so it will make sure you receive any info and updates both from us at Redcliffe PCYC and BCS. A big thank you to our clubbies for sticking by the club through these challenging times. We will have an outcome for you soon. Good luck to all teams for this season. Happy squashing!

22.01.2022 Redcliffe Masters tournament NEXT weekend, 5 and 6 December! Mixed Graded Teams Timed... Saturday night function at Redcliffe Leagues Club There's still time to enter, use this entry form or contact Colleen Freeme!

21.01.2022 GREAT NEWS! SQUASH IS OPEN AT PCYC REDCLIFFE The news we’ve all been waiting for. As of Monday 20th July 2020 the Redcliffe PCYC, our club, has finally put in place the availability of the squash courts to play socially and practice. This has been a difficult time for the PCYC themselves as they have many and varied sports under the one roof and due to the COVID-19 pandemic have had to put in place a huge amount of procedures so that we can all come back to the sports we We must all be appreciative of the fact that we have a squash court to play on and abide by the Industry COVID Safe Plan. There have been changes put in place at the club, these are listed below so that we are all clear with the new procedures. Centre Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 7.00am 10.00am, 2.00pm 7.00pm Saturday 8.00am 12.00 noon Please note that all courts booked within these times MUST be finished by closing time. Court Costs: $15.00 per court per hour for both Seniors and Juniors. Or: Pay $11.95 per week paid through ezidebit and play as much as you want. Court Bookings: Courts must be booked in advance by phoning 3385 1900. COVID INDUSTRY SAFE PLAN THAT WE MUST FOLLOW: People must bring own vessels to drink water. Coolers/fountains will not be operational at this time. PCYC Reception has sports drinks and water for sale at reception Hands must be washed prior to getting on court and after No hand wiping on walls Anyone who is feeling unwell must not come into the centre Any person waiting to enter must wait outside and must practice social distancing Recommend that all members download COVID19 app - not compulsory but recommended No sharing of equipment Please note that this information is for social and practice courts at present. Brisbane City Squash Competition Fixtures is scheduled to start Tuesday 28th July and Thursday 30th July - if you have not yet spoken to Colleen about a team and would like to get in touch with her please email [email protected] as soon as possible. Inhouse is tentatively scheduled to return Monday 27th July - if you are interesting in being apart of this, please send an email to [email protected] and we can keep you informed. Jump in and book your practice court so you’re ready for fixtures. Looking forward to catching up with everyone sooner rather than later. Happy Squashing, Colleen and Ian and your Club Committee.

19.01.2022 Sad news regarding the cancellation of this year's QJC

16.01.2022 From all of us at the Club we wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Thank you for your support during this challenging and unpredictable year. We very much look forward to being back in the Club with you all early 2021. Happy and safe holidays

16.01.2022 Just a reminder The Redcliffe PCYC is open for court bookings and social hits. The current opening hours are: Monday to Friday 7.00am 10.00am, 2.00pm 7.00pm... Saturday 8.00am 12.00 noon Courts must be booked in advance by phoning 3385 1900. All courts booked within these times must be finished by closing time. BCS fixtures teams are being played out of Sandgate Squash Centre just for this short 8 week season - the teams are in SportyHQ as 'Sandgate PCYC'. This is while the business model of Redcliffe PCYC/Scarborough Squash Club Inc is being finalised. Saturday afternoon club practice is on hold temporarily due to the restricted opening hours - but courts can still be booked Saturday mornings between 8am and 12noon. Monday night inhouse is also temporarily on hold due to the opening hours. We hope to be able to restart this sometime soon. See you at the courts soon!

16.01.2022 As you may have heard, the Queensland government has today announced the easing of some restrictions that means some squash centres are able to reopen. Unfortunately at this stage, Redcliffe PCYC will not be reopening just yet. As PCYC is a multi-sport facility, the maximum number of people applies to the centre in its entirety and not just individual sports; therefore Redcliffe PCYC have made the decision they will not be reopening at this point in time. Unfortunately we d...o not yet have a formal date for when the club will reopen, however we believe this will align with the stage 3 restrictions (approximately mid July). We are in close conversations with the Manager of PCYC to keep informed and up to date, and as soon as we have more information we will update you. We are very much looking forward to being back on court with our fellow clubbies and hope that day comes around fast. We will provide updates as we know more through email and our Facebook page. Stay safe and hopefully see you soon!

16.01.2022 Update for the Club and next season Negotiations are continuing in order to finalise the new business model for our Squash Club to operate out of the Redcliffe PCYC. We hope to have more info by the end of this week, in order to get organised for the next BCS Fixtures competition. ... We are working hard for a resolution ASAP for the upcoming season. We will keep you updated as soon as we know more. Thanks to our clubbies for your patience and support and look forward to seeing you all down at the courts soon.

13.01.2022 Update on Redcliffe Fixtures Teams for next season As negotiations are still in process between the Scarborough Squash Club and Redcliffe PCYC, Redcliffe fixtures teams will be playing out of Sandgate Squash Centre again for the next Brisbane City Squash 8 week season. Colleen will be in touch with all the teams to discuss next season. The teams will again be labelled as 'Sandgate PCYC' in SportyHQ.... Big thanks to Sandgate Squash Centre for looking after us through this time and for our clubbies for your patience and support We hope to have more news for you soon

11.01.2022 With great sadness we wish to advise that Redcliffe PCYC is closed until further notice due to the current COVID-19 situation. All Brisbane fixtures (evening and juniors), inhouse and social games, and upcoming events, including the Brisbane Junior Open, are temporarily cancelled. We hope all of our club members and their family and friends stay safe and well, and we very much look forward to when we can be back on court with everyone again. ... Take care and stay safe and healthy

09.01.2022 Important info - Redcliffe playing out of Sandgate for upcoming season The new season is starting the week of the 27th July and thank you all for agreeing to sign up for the next 8-week season. We have had a great response from everyone and that is very much appreciated. As you may have heard, the Redcliffe PCYC has put in place a new business model for the way Squash is administered at our club. For this to go forward the committee has had to navigate the requirement...s requested to make sure we conform to the legal obligations required by the PCYC. This has been a process that we have not taken lightly. Brisbane City Squash requires the teams to be entered by the 23rd July ready for fixtures to start on the week of the 27th July. Unfortunately, we have not been able to fulfill all the legal obligations required in time to be ready to play out of the PCYC Redcliffe for this first season. As a result of this, we have had to make the decision that our teams will play out of Sandgate Squash Centre so our players can still participate in this first season of 8 weeks. This means all teams will be entered into fixtures as originally planned, with all home matches being played at Sandgate Squash Centre instead of Redcliffe PCYC, just for this upcoming 8 week season. We hope that everyone will understand our position, and we will be ready to return to the PCYC for the 8-week season starting in September. Just a reminder that the courts at Redcliffe PCYC are operating but with the revised hours so you can book a court and have a hit and still support our club. The Club would like to extend a sincere thanks to Sandgate Squash Centree for making it possible for our club to stay together and play in this interim season. The teams will be published on SportyHQ. To avoid any confusion, we will put the teams in as Sandgate PCYC, and will contact the captains of each team. If anyone has any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us or call Colleen directly. See you on the court soon. Happy Squashing. Colleen, Ian and Your Committee

09.01.2022 Hi Clubbies, A note from Colleen; RE: Queensland Masters Tournament, 5th & 6th December, 2020 -... THIS WEEKEND TO BE HELD AT OUR CENTRE A reminder that we are holding our Queensland Masters Squash Tournament this weekend - if you haven't already put your entries in do so tonight or tomorrow as entries close tomorrow evening. Must be over 30 years old to play. Great prizes on offer. Contact us through Facebook or me (Colleen) directly and we will include you in the draw. We will also be remembering Curtis Reid, our Past President of Scarborough Squash Club who lost his battle to cancer. He was a good friend and is sadly missed by all. In his memory we will be presenting the Curtis Arthur Reid Best and Fairest Award. ANOTHER VERY IMPORTANT REQUEST - If you are able to assist us with the running of the tournament we would love and need your help. If you have a couple of hours to spare over the weekend and you can assist us with serving in the canteen, selling raffle tickets, or any of the many and varied jobs that need doing over the weekend PLEASE give me a call and let me know when you would be able to give us some of your time. Tournament starts Saturday morning and concludes Sunday afternoon. We are also having a get together at the Redcliffe Leagues Club on Saturday Night from 6.30pm. THE SECOND VERY IMPORTANT REQUEST: To the cooks of the house. We are looking and hoping for clubbies that would be happy to make either a cake, sweet or savoury slice to sell in the canteen. All proceeds go back to the club. If you can help us out please again give me a call so I know what you will be donating so we can prepare our menu of the day to be displayed. So! 1. PUT YOUR ENTRIES IN NOW! 2. PLEASE HELP US OUT BY DONATING SOME OF YOUR TIME! 3. PLEASE HELP US OUT BY DONATING A CAKE or SWEET OR SAVOURY SLICE! 4 CONTACT ME AND LET ME KNOW WHERE YOU CAN HELP US. Look forward to seeing you on the weekend. Happy Squashing Ta Colleen

08.01.2022 Redcliffe juniors still getting their practice in!! How awesome!!!!

08.01.2022 COVID-19 UPDATE BCS wishes to provide an update to all players on the current situation regarding the effects of the Corona Virus outbreak on the squash communi...ty. At this time competitions will continue as usual, however we recommend following the Squash Australia guidelines (link below) when playing and avoid handshakes before/after games. If you have recently traveled overseas or are feeling unwell, please stay at home, squash will still be here when you feel better. The following events are still taking entries, or are still intending to go ahead: Grand Final Gala Day - Sandgate Saturday 28th March MS Teams Event - Sandgate - 4/5 April Brisbane Junior Open - Redcliffe PCYC 18/19 April Fixtures is also to continue as planned. The BCS committee will continue to monitor the situation and take the appropriate action at the time. We will inform players via email and Facebook if there is an update to the above. Once again, please stay safe and healthy through this time.

07.01.2022 An update from BCS

06.01.2022 Fantastic News - We are back! The new business model has been finalised between us and the Redcliffe PCYC which means we are back in business! The rest of this current season will still be played out of Sandgate Squash Club, however the new season, starting in January 2021, will be back to Redcliffe PCYC.... You will see a few small changes at the club when the next Fixtures competition starts up; - The face at the counter will be Colleen with Ian and the Committee as support. - Redcliffe PCYC will close at 7pm, and the new Squash Club Reception Desk will be the place to make purchases including drinks, grips, racquets etc, and pay fixtures fees. - We are in the process of applying for a new liquor licence so at this point in time we are unable to sell alcohol. We are hoping to have this sorted by the time the new season starts in January. Colleen will be in touch with all teams to organise next season, teams are due 18th December. Now that we are back, our annual Queensland Masters Tournament CAN AND WILL go ahead on 5 and 6 December! If you are interested in entering please contact us to enter. We are also looking for any clubbies/club supporters that may be available to help with the running of the tournament. If you are available, please contact us or Colleen directly. The Club has also successfully been awarded two grants for us to continue to play. You will soon see new ceiling/wall fans, improved scoring technology, new squash balls, new refrigerator and new TV. We are very grateful these grants will support us in restarting. Saturday Club Practice and Monday night inhouse will be looking to restart in the new year so we will keep you updated on that. A huge thank you to Nathan and Jess and the Sandgate Squash Centres for your support in helping us keep our club continue on. A massive thanks to all of our clubbies for your support in staying involved in the last few months and we are very excited to have been able to work things out to keep our squash courts going in Redcliffe. A huge and massive shout out as well to Colleen Freeme for her dedication and working tirelessly to get this resolved. See you down at the courts soon, and don't forget to get your entries in for the Masters tournament!

04.01.2022 Squash in the news!

04.01.2022 Throwback to the 2018 Oceania Junior Championships at Redcliffe!

01.01.2022 Hi Clubbies, we hope you are all well and looking forward to getting back on court. We haven’t had any news to convey to you up till now so we would like to get you all somewhat up to date. Firstly, as you might be aware PCYC Redcliffe Squash is still not operating, which is very unfortunate and disappointing for those of us in the squash community. As PCYC is a multi-sport facility, they are busily getting all other sports back to operating under the COVID-19 guidelines,... and are changing their business plan with respect to the Squash Courts which we are at present in the throes of having completed. We are hoping to have courts available to us within 2 weeks or by the 20th July. Secondly, Brisbane City Squash have notified us of the coming fixtures seasons plans which is outlined below: > Northside Monday/Tuesday(+PREM)/Thursday nights to begin the week starting 27th July > That will give an 8 week season that finishes before school holidays > Thursday night will be a trial of a 3 person team for this 8 week season > Teams will be due the 24th July With these details now available we will be striving to get our teams together, and will be contacting our clubbies to get teams organised. If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact us and we will be more than happy to have answers for you. Looking forward to talking to you and seeing you sooner than later.

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