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Scene-A-Roo in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Travel and transport

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Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Phone: +61 432 723 300

Address: Toorak 3142 Melbourne, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 bus^_^ The New Mercedes bus for Scenearoo tours is turning heads..its a great addition to our happy to have this awesome bus! Este tour bus es increible.. Me enorgullece mucho tenerlo

25.01.2022 1212 Apostles look nice in the late afternoon too. Los 12 apstoles son bonitos de ver en la tarde tambin. Les 12 aptres sont belles dans laprs midi. Die 12 apostles is pragtig laat in die middag #scene_a_roo #scenearoo# # # # # #

24.01.2022 cowes Scenearoos Penguin Parade tour stops at Cowes, the biggest town on Phillip Island. Today there was a navy ship in Western Port Bay #scenearoo #scene_a_roo#phillipisland #cowes # # # # # # # # # # # # @ Phillip Island

24.01.2022 Scenearoos new afternoon Yarra Valley winery express tour includes a visit to 4 Pillars gin distillery, where you can learn about the gin making process and taste a variety of gin flavours. Kom met ons om jenewer te proe in die Yarra valley! Allons nous a apprendre du Gin ! Vmonos a aprender sobre Gin!

23.01.2022 This is close to Bells Beach, not far from Torquay

22.01.2022 ^_^ Roger at Bells Beach yesterday! # # # #scenearoo #radventours #dogs #doglover

22.01.2022 Melbourne in the early morning Melbourne temprano en la mañana Melbourne in die oggend Melbourne dans le matin ... #scenearoo #scene_a_roo #melbourne #melbournelife #melbourneinsta # # # # # # # # # #seeaustralia #visitvictoria #visitmelbourne See more


21.01.2022 Hello everyone! Scenearoo hopes that you have been able to survive this covid-19 pandemic so far. Here are some photos taken in the Botanical Gardens. Melbourne is lucky to have this green gem close to the city centre. Definitely highly recommended for a relaxing walk! Hola todos! Esperamos que estas bien en este tiempo difícil. Aquí hay algunos fotos tomadas en el jardín botánico. Esp...ero que podemos volver a trabajar en el año que viene! Bonjour tous! J'espère que vous peux visiter Melbourne l'année prochaine! Groetings goeie mense hier is 'n paar foto's wat in die botaniese tuine geneem is. Ek hoop dat u volgende jaar Melbourne sal kan besoek! #scenearoo #melbourne # # # # # #

21.01.2022 Roger was taking a photo of a wild wallaby! Rogerio saco uma foto de um canguru selvagem! Rogerio tom una foto de un wallaby salvaje! Rogerio a pris une photo dun wallaby sauvage! Roger het n foto van n wilde wallaby geneem!#scenearoo #wallaby # # # # # # # #

16.01.2022 ^_^ Todays tour was so much fun. Thank you everyone for coming on a Scenearoo time please come on our Penguin Parade tour!! Nous avons pass un trs joli jour. Merci beaucoup davoir venir sur le Scenearoo tour! Moitou obrigado por participar em um tour de Scenearoo! Muchas gracias por haber venido en un tour con Scenearoo! Baie dankie dat julle op n Scenearoo tour gekom het! #scenearoo#greatoceanroad#visitgreatoceanroad######## #

15.01.2022 Scenearoo website: Scenearoo has a new website. We are focusing on Japanese language one day tours for individuals , but we also offer private charter tours in Japanese, English, Spanish and Brazilian portugus

14.01.2022 Its not every day you see a koala on the beach! This one was spotted at Johanna Beach on Eastern Maar Country. Tucked away among the dunes behind the beach,... youll find Johanna Beach Campground. This dog-friendly campground has everything you need for a memorable seaside camping trip. It makes a great base camp for surfing, fishing, hiking the Great Ocean Walk, and exploring further afield in Great Otway National Park. For more info and to book your stay, visit @alapocalypse on Instagram.

14.01.2022 Scenearoo will not be operating for the indefinite future due to the Coronavirus. We wish you safety and comfort in these difficult times and hope that everything works out well for each and every one of you . Take care everyone!

13.01.2022 Princes Bridge connects Swanson Street with St Kilda and is one of the oldest bridges in Melbourne, erected in 1888. It’s close to Flinders Street station which is the nerve centre of Melbourne. Esté puente se llama Princes Bridge. Es uno de los puentes más antiguos en Melbourne. Había otros antes pero esté estaba construido en el año 1888. #scenearoo #scene_a_roo #melbourne ## # # ## # # # #

12.01.2022 Today was a nice day for a walk on the beach ! Hoy era un día linda para caminar en la playa ! Aujourd'hui était un bon journée pour marcher sur la plage ! Vandag was ‘n goeie dag om ‘n strandloper te wees!

12.01.2022 . This was in front of Luna Park in St Kilda.

11.01.2022 #scenearoo #lorne #greatoceanroad #visitgreatoceanroad # # # # # # ## ##

11.01.2022 Roger with some happy customers!

10.01.2022 Scenearoos Penguin Parade tour also visits Brighton Beach which is famous for the Brighton Beach Boxes. Its one of the most instagrammed spots in Melbourne! Yesterday the weather was good and it was very crowded!! #scenearoo #scene_a_roo #brightonbeachboxes # ## # #

10.01.2022 We had a nice time together on our Penguin Parade tour yesterday. Thank you everyone for coming with Scenearoo! Dankie almal virn baie genietvolle dag gister! Merci tous pour n jour trs agrable hier! Gracias a todos para haber venido y para un da muy agradable ayer! Obrigado a todos por um dia muito agradvel ontem! #scenearoo #radventours#phillipisland #visitphillipisland #phillipislandnp #lovephillipisland # # ## # # # # # # #

09.01.2022 Yarra Morning birds on the Yarra river Aves en el Rio Yarra en la mañana Oiseaux sur la rivière Yarra dans le matin... Voëls in die Yarra rivier in die oggend #scenearoo#melbourne #melbourne_insta #melbournelife #yarrariver #yarrarivermelbourne # # # # # # # # ## # #

08.01.2022 Yesterdays tour was so much fun. Im still buzzing off a happiness vibe. Thank you !! Hier jai exprience un jour trs mmorable. Merci beaucoup !! Ayer pasamos un muy interesante dia! Muchas gracias Ons het gister n baie interesante dag gehad. Dankie almal !#scenearoo #greatoceanroad #visitgreatoceanroad #victoria # # # # # # ## # # #

08.01.2022 I had a lot of fun with these customers, and we had a fun filled day. Thank you for coming with Scenearoo!! Nous avons beaucoup de amusement hier. Merci davoir venir avec Scenearoo ! Ontem nos divertimos muito. Obrigado por vir com o Scenearoo! Nos divertimos mucho ayer. Muchas gracias por haber venido con Scenearoo! Ons het gister baie pret gehad. Dankie dat u saam met Scenearoo gekom het!#scenearoo#greatoceanroad#visitgreatoceanroad#lorne########westcoastadventours

08.01.2022 We had a fun tour on the Great Ocean Road today. Thank you everyone! Ek was baie bly vandag op die Groot Ocean Pad want ek dink dat almal die reis baie geniet het! Pasamos un dia muy lindo hoy en el Great Ocean Road. Muchas gracias todos para haber venido con Scenearoo!... Nous avons pass une belle journe aujourdhui sur la Great Ocean Road. Merci tous davoir venu avec Scenearoo! Hoje nos divertimos muito na Great Ocean Road. Obrigado a todos! #scenearoo#scene_a_roo # # # # # # # # ## # #

07.01.2022 We saw a nice sunset at Phillip island today. Thank you for coming on a Scenearoo tour!! #scenearoo #radventours #phillipisland #visitphillipisland # # # # # # # # #

07.01.2022 Tiny Tammar wallabies at Moonlit Sanctuary (^.^) #scenearoo #radventours#wallaby

06.01.2022 Tuve suerte de sacar este foto bueno en Loch Ard Gorge hoy. I was lucky to catch this angle of Loch Ard Gorge looking gorgeous today. Ek was baie gelukkig om n foto van hierdie versteekte hoek van Loch Ard gorge te gekry het. Jai avoir le chance de prendre un photo de Loch Ard gorge qui tait diffrente aujourdhui !

06.01.2022 12The weather is beginning to improve and summer is on the way! Le temps est meilleur est lt se commence dans un peu de temps ! El tiempo est mejorando y el verano est cerca! Die weer word beter en die somer sal begin in n bietjie! O clima est melhorando e o vero comea em un poco!

06.01.2022 armistice day1918 Today is Armistice day, a Remembrance Day marking the end of the Great War. This building was erected in the memory of those who served and died. It’s called the Shrine of Remembrance Aquí hay un edificio que construyeron en la memoria de los soldados que sirvieron y murieron en la Primera Guerra Mundial. Se llama The Shrine of Remembrance #scenearoo #scene_a_roo #melbourne #melbournelife # # #

05.01.2022 What a happy little chappie! #moonlitsanctuary #scenearoo# ## # # # # # #

05.01.2022 try! cyclist Scenearoo is proud to announce a new addition to our fleet..a bicycle! Covid has seen Melbourne traffic congestion disappear and it’s a great time to he on a bicycle and explore the city. It’s safe and fun to cycle in the evening too. There are dedicated cycling paths and they are especially pretty along the Yarra River! Ahora en Melbourne no hay tanto tráfico como antes del Coronavirus así que es un buen tiempo para explorar la ciudad en bici. Hay un camino para bicicletas al lado Del Río Yarra que esta precioso en la madrugada, cuando la luz se cambia #scenearoo #scene_a_roo #melbourne #melbournelife#nofilter #nofilterneeded # # # # # # # # ##

05.01.2022 These are the beach houses at Brighton beach. This is a very popular Instagram place. Scenearoos Penguin Parade tour has several highlights apart from the Penguin Parade, and this is one of them!! #scenearoo#radventours#brightonbeachboxes#########

05.01.2022 I managed to surf at the world famous Penguin Parade today. Normally people dont surf here. Its u...sually small and the wave is not that good for surfing, but the swell was big today and I gave it a try. Im very unfit and out of condition because Ive not been able to surf very much in the last 4 years. Im only just getting back into it now again. But it was fun to surf here because i have come here many times with my customers and watched the penguins coming out, and so to enter the water and get closer to the Penguin experience was really a good feeling!!! See more

05.01.2022 Standing under the Milkyway at the Twelve Apostles last night, we watched in awe with the waves sparkling bright blue as they were rolled in - full of bioluminescence!!

05.01.2022 12 This photo was taken at the sign near the 12 was a fun tour..thank you everyone!

05.01.2022 southbank The Southbank area of Melbourne was very lively on Saturday evening. It was nice to see many people out and about after months of strict restrictions. There are many nice restaurants and bars in this area which is close to where the 242km long Yarra river finally meets the ocean. Aquí estamos en el lugar que se llama Southbank. Hay muchos restaurantes y bars por aquí y es un barrio animado especialmente el viernes y sábado. Era lindo de ver mucha gente divirtiéndose después de meses de restricciones severas #scenearoo #scene_a_roo #melbourne #melbourne_insta #melbournelife # # # # # # # # # # # #

04.01.2022 Scenearoos Roger took this beautiful photo of a wild Koala on the Great Ocean Road. #scenearoo #greatoceanroad #koala # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

03.01.2022 Roger and I had a good surf at Winkipop today. It was uncrowded, which I how I like it #scenearoo#scene_a_roo # # # ## # # # #

02.01.2022 Hoy pasamos un da muy divertido. Gracias a todos!! Aujourdhui nous avons pass une trs belle jour. Merci tous !! We had so much fun on our tour today. Thank you everyone!! Vandag wasn baie onvergeetlik dag. Dankie almal!!... #scenearoo #scene_a_roo #greatoceanroad # # # # # # # # # See more

02.01.2022 Phillip island Grand Prix circuit!

02.01.2022 T Thank you for an enjoyable day everyone! #scenearoo #radventours#apollobay #apollobaybeach #greatoceanroad # # # # # # # # ##

01.01.2022 YARRA Recién compré este bicicleta, es un tipo que se llama un cruiser . El muchacho en la tienda donde lo compré me dijo que esté tipo de bici no es muy popular aquí en Melbourne, aunque hay muchas ciclistas aquí. Tal vez es porque no hay marchas! Me gusta así, es... más simple y fácil para un tonto como yo I’m very happy with the new bicycle, which I bought 3 weeks ago. It’s called a cruiser. Cycling is popular here in Melbourne and most people have a racing bike or a mountain bike. These are not very popular here, maybe it’s because there are no gears! Melbourne is a flat city without hills or mountains so I’m happy riding it. I had a similar type of bicycle when I was living next to Inokashira park in Tokyo. I really loved that bicycle! I definitely recommend for you to try cycling along the Yarra river if you ever visit Melbourne . It’s very enjoyable at any time of the day or night, and it’s safe because it’s a dedicated cycling road without any vehicular traffic, which I find to be very relaxing See more

01.01.2022 ^ - ^Avec mon bon ami ! Con mi amiga Buena! Met my goeie vriend!

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