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24.01.2022 As a daily ritual I am always committed to my one thing .. each day I keep a promise to myself of this one thing that is 100% non negotiable .. this started almost 2 years ago in Bali .. *** My first promise I committed to 12 mths of focusing on what my body can do instead of what it looked it .. this included no diets, no negative self talk in mirrors & a year of celibacy .. (I still don’t diet or talk smack to myself about my size but let’s talk about my sex life another... day) *** At the time of my second promise I had already completed an unintentional 6mths of alcohol free life so I decided to commit to another 12 mths .. I’m 2 months off that and when that 12 mths is up I can hand on my heart say I don’t ever need a promise to myself again to not consume alcohol .. it feels shit in my body and I can celebrate life without it so that’s enough for me .. *** Throughout the last 9 mths the no drinking thing wasn’t even a thing anymore and I craved something more .. so I decided to commit to more one things .. first I completed sunrises is a row .. and now I’m 14 days off shuffles in a row .. my body has had it’s moments with that though so twice now I’ve had to swap out a few shuffles for different movement but I still show up for that part of my day no matter what .. *** What these promises have done for my life is more than I could ever have imagined .. my physical, mental & emotional health has never been as strong .. if I lose focus on what matters or waiver in resilience I can always draw on the momentum I build with these promises that then strengthens all other areas of my life .. *** Keeping a promise to myself gives me purpose, reason & strength .. It teaches me self respect, self love & self responsibility .. u will never regret showing up for urself so find a promise that scares you a little and keep it .. show yourself daily you are worthy of commitment .. show yourself daily you are capable of hard things .. show yourself daily that you are loved enough to be chosen and put first .. by you .. the most important person in ur life find a promise & keep it xx

22.01.2022 This is what non negotiable commitment to yourself looks like .. it’s not pretty .. sometimes random .. but it’s showing up and getting it done .. even if it’s an ISO workout in a kitchen .. (cheers @kynix22 @korey.nix for the tile space boys) ____________________________________________ When trying to implement new habits/rituals into your life, the quickest way to do it is to make it non negotiable with yourself .. head-talk is relentless and will continuously spit reasons... at you to not do the things you are trying to do .. the only way around this is to not listen .. to push back .. to rip in and just do it .. ____________________________________________ New habits take anywhere from 7-90 days to become autonomous .. 7 days for little changes like a glass of water in the morning .. 90 days for the bigger changes like movement & nutrition habits .. this is the lead in to my 100 days in a row commitment to the non-negotiation of my shuffles .. ____________________________________________ Our brain absolutely does not want us to change our routines ever .. it’s biology .. so your not alone if you’re struggling to change .. you just have to override this with ur commitment to your vision on the other side .. see it, feel it, commit to it, be accountable to it by making it non negotiable .. quite simply be the change and you’re doing it .. it’s just that simple (but hard) but simple #doittttttt

22.01.2022 I haven’t always done weird things with my face & fingers in pics .. it’s new .. I used to smile like a normal person .. then I asked myself what is normal anyway ?? .. and my answer was just a standard of society .. a low, comfortable, under achieving standard .. yuck .. *exit safe smiling & under achieving hands for pics .. This Saturday I’m putting on a Galentines Gatho for any gals that can make it to @ironzuu_kawana 2-4.30 pm .. We will be exploring every corner o...f ourselves so that we can find fake ass limitations & set fiyarrr to them .. We will be using our breath, movement & other tools to connect to the deepest part of ourselves that longs to have a voice .. perhaps you have heard this part of you speak before but only through a whisper instead of a roar .. I’m a huge fan of asking BIG questions and deeply believe that the quality of our lives is a direct reflection of the quality of questions we ask ourselves .. If you’re not asking then you don’t know .. and not knowing who you are, what you stand for or how you you truly want to live has you focused on surviving and not experiencing a fulfilled life .. I am a forever student of exploring who I am and no stranger to setting fire to who I was in order to become who I know I’m meant to be .. I have destroyed myself choosing people that weren’t choosing me .. I have broken my own heart over the loss of someone from my life who wasn’t afraid to lose me .. I have chosen to suffer in my darkness with my hand on the light switch .. and I have handed my worth over to men I thought I loved like my life depended on the air they breathed .. As I look back on the life I have lived all I see are the CHOICES that I made .. this is the freshest air I could ever breathe because if I am solely responsible for my past then I am also solely responsible for my future .. period .. if it’s going to be then it’s up to me .. This Satdy we will share stories & dreams .. tools & hugs .. we will honour our bodies and commit to taking full responsibility to any area of our lives .. Come as u are because I see your life like I do my hair .. the messier the better .. because it’s means ur living

19.01.2022 Wild weather for today’s shuffle and I wouldn’t have traded it for the world because learning to be comfortable with being uncomfortable is part of doing what it takes to achieve what you’re chasing .. Running today I was thinking about all the ways the health and fitness industry is portrayed on social media and how at times physical fitness is misrepresented solely by the shape of ones body and not the performance .. never mind the fact that strengthening ones mind as the... most vital part of any training or performance is at times not mentioned at all .. So to anyone fixated on the reflection of health and fitness you see I say .. please stop looking in the mirror to find your transformation results and start looking at your mindset and your behaviour .. do you show up even when the odds are against you or only when it’s comfortable ?? Do you show up for training every time you said you would or do you still allow excuses and a way out ?? Transforming your life starts and ends with the daily choices you are making and these choices are made in your mind .. You need motivation and determination to start but commitment and dedication to continue .. do you cultivate these behaviours in your abs ?? Your quads ?? Hot tip .. NO .. you cultivate these behaviours in YOUR MIND A strong body alone is not going to get you through a tough day but a strong mind will .. learn how to strengthen your mind and you will have an unstoppable transformation in area of life that you choose

18.01.2022 If I’m perfectly honest I don’t think we ever do .. and while I’m at it .. Time doesn’t heal .. ____________________________________________ The very notion that time passing heals our pain over a relationship or situationship ending implies that we can just carry on in our pain state and then all of a sudden we good .. mmmm yeah no you’re not good you’re distracted .. ____________________________________________... We don’t get over our hurt, betrayals or unrequited love by merely passing time .. in fact we don’t get over anything at all .. you gotta go through it baby .. ____________________________________________ So a better question to ask yourself would be .. so how do I get through this ?? And that I can help you with ____________________________________________ Just click the link in my bio (haha as if how annoying is that) .. Step 1 .. burn their shit .. Step 2 .. wake up from the amazing dream you were just having where you were in fact burning their shit and start the inner work .. ____________________________________________ Begin by sitting in your pain .. feel into every corner of every emotion that arises when you think of your circumstances .. grieve the loss of the life you had or imagined you would have .. it’s raw but it’s real and it’s a step we can’t skip .. ____________________________________________ Then look at the story you are telling yourself about what this break up means to you ..this is so important to be aware of because if you keep telling yourself the same story you will keep having the same emotional reaction to it and continue to feel the same pain .. over and over again .. ____________________________________________ Now you change your story .. your perspective .. the meaning you place on your circumstances .. it’s here where you can say .. what if this is the best thing that ever happened to me and watch your mind start to open to more quality questions that will guide you through this.. ____________________________________________ It’s here where you connect to the vision of your most desired relationship and realise that you weren’t in it ..there’s more work to do but that’s where we start

17.01.2022 days of flipping it .. ends in 3 days .. and then we go again .. This handstand journey was my third round of days .. we had sunrises, shuffling (running) & then flipping it (handstands) .. I choose to do things for days that I have previously told myself I can’t do .. consistently getting up in the dark, running further than 10km & learning to handstand .. ... This journey has been the most confronting .. people often asked me are handstands really that hard?? .. well .. for me .. yes .. they are the hardest form of movement I have ever learnt to do .. for so many reasons .. with the fear of being upside down being the most outspoken reason of them all !! I still have so much to work on to achieve a consistent inversion practice but this hold here is now my new starting point after days .. These daily practice journeys have offered me a platform to more growth than any other thing I have done in my life .. and there has been ALOT of personal development and mindset roads I have walked down .. It doesn't matter what you choose to show up for each day just that you keep your promise to do it .. it is in the act of keeping this promise to yourself that builds momentum towards greater self belief, respect & worth .. it’s in this promise each day that you learn how to say yes to yourself and your daily choices that lead you towards the life that you want .. If you want to get started with this days of daily practice journey and want me as your tour guide & cheerleader .. DM me YES , I’M IN or a decent meme and lesssgoooo #coach #movement #mindset #life #sunshinecoast #dailypractice

15.01.2022 I know it’s not our Indigenous People’s responsibility to educate us White folk on Black History & Culture so I will be forever grateful for my mornings spent with this legend .. Thankyou for being open about your personal history .. Thankyou for being open about your family history .. Thankyou for lending me books and for allowing my questions .. for as long as I can remember I have craved to hear more stories of the Dreaming & how this relates to the collective consciousness .. I’m forever committed to learning more facts, more spiritual history & how to be a better Ally (as everyone who calls Australia home should) nothing but respect .. Xx

14.01.2022 I often get asked how I stay motivated to keep getting up every morning to chase another day .. be it days of running .. sunrises or handstands or just life .. There’s so many different reasons why and answers to that question .. 1. I accept vulnerability as part of life .. It’s exactly what you feel when you start a new journey .. having to trust that that journey will take you from feeling nowhere to somewhere of value .. to trust that you will do what it takes to get to ...the other side .. that feeling of vulnerability is now a familiar friend and a sign I’m about to open yet another chapter of myself and my life .. this applies to starting over from an ended relationship or to realise a new dream/goal .. 2. I do it because I learnt noones coming to do it for me .. my success in life is on me and no one else .. if I can’t keep a promise to myself for days then how the hell am I supposed to know my worth and keep my word to live true to my standards and values .. 3. Because if you want something .. then earn it by doing what it takes instead of only doing things you can already do .. this builds character and resilience and respect .. 4. Because we are here to live .. and experience life .. and to be great at something in life takes dedication & commitment & passion & love .. all of this is built daily by the choices we make for ourselves .. I’ve never felt more power in anything then showing up for myself when I said I would .. So when a desire to achieve something arrives in ur mind .. Are you willing to do what it takes ?? Are you willing to take the ultimate responsibility ?? That it’s all up to you to succeed in life and the only reason you haven’t already achieved what you desire is because of the choices you have made Stand in that .. then go get it x

06.01.2022 Before the TAAAAAA .. If you have never experienced a ZUU training sesh then you wouldn’t quite understand the mental weight of what you carry stepping to the line for the coup d’état .. you are carrying what it has taken you to get through every sesh you have ever done but knowing this is going to be a billion times harder .. You are told it’s the hardest thing you will ever do .. you are told that your body will fail you and it’s up to ur your mental resilience to carry y...ou home .. you are told that once you start you’re just in it till it’s over round for round .. there’s no stopping .. there’s no resting .. you just have to find a way through it to then help everyone else around you through it .. and then you are told not much else .. This was my second battle with the TA and by round 3 it was all very familiar .. I began questioning why the f@ck am I here again .. To be cont .... #zuufitness #zuufit #zuu #fitness #mentalresilience #movement #mindset @mackenziemidgley

05.01.2022 Part 2 of the TA .. Somewhere in the middle of it .. Why am I here ?? Why did I say I’d do this ?? Why do I keep doing this to myself ?? F@ck this shit .. This is some kind of bullshittttt .. why are there so many green ants here that hate me ?? F@ck its hot .. I am not doing another coup d’état.. I’m also not doing another gorilla .. I can’t .. oh gorillas are up lesssgooooo .. theres Em .. Em Dawg I love you !!!! .. Honestly .. you say some wild shit to yourself when yo...u’re riding your physical limits for 2 hours .. But I’m used to that .. I question myself ALOT during the coup d’état and on my longer runs or harder sessions .. but it’s normal .. it’s hard work .. I’m human .. my primal instinct wants to keep me safe so encourages me to stop doing the hard things .. But this all lives on the surface of my experience .. the head talk .. the exhaustion .. the fear .. What lives underneath is the knowing .. that at no point will I ever stop .. and that although this is hard .. I can do hard things .. no matter what my mind throws at me stopping is just not an option anymore .. I have called myself to the line each & everyday for over 2 years to do something that I said I would and this has built a fire in me that gets me through anything I say I’ll do .. Stop giving yourself the option .. no one can coach you on this .. this is the ultimate you against you .. you have to find something deeper than your headtalk to believe in .. and then live ur life from there .. I promise you that when you so start living from this depth of commitment to yourself .. you won’t look away from who is staring back at you in the mirror .. you will proud of who you see #ZUU #mentalresilience #fitness #movement #sunshinecoast #coach #lifecoach

02.01.2022 Galentines Day 2021 A woman just hits differently when she knows who she is and what she wants and isn’t afraid to live it .. I was blessed with an incredible bunch of gals to kick off my workshops for 2021 .. ... Each one walked in and was ready to ask themselves some big questions .. When we allow ourselves to think BIGGER than our current life we find that we do really know what we want for ourselves and out of life .. ASK yourself .. if anything was possible who would I be ?? What would I do ?? How would I live ?? How would I feel ?? Those answers (plus others) become your VISION .. Once you have your vision the next step is to take full responsibility for how your life looks now .. you may not have consciously chosen each life experience but you have chosen who you have become in relation to them .. you have decided how these experiences have affected you and you have decided for how long for .. Once you have accepted that you are solely responsible for your current life then you now have the power to change and to make new choices and to create a different life .. whether you make shit happen in life or not .. is all up to YOU .. You get to decide how you show up in this world .. you get decide who has access to your energy and for how long .. you get to decide how long it takes for you to heal .. you get to decide your values and your standards and YOU get decide how you want your life to feel and look .. Anything holding you back from living the life you want is just an excuse .. and on this day back in Feb we wrote down all of our excuses and set fire to them .. Be honest with ur excuses and kick your own ass when you try to make them .. A huge heartfelt thanks to all the gals who allowed me to hold space for them while they got really honest with themselves with these questions .. Be real, Be honest, Be You .. Ka x #coach #life #movement #sunshinecoast

01.01.2022 days of flipping it .. There’s loads of different information out there on the length of time it takes to change a belief but a chat I once listened to with a Dr in Psych stated that it takes the brain 66 days to change a thought .. Now I have lapped 66 days a couple of times now this year and have experienced this first hand .. ... Two days ago was day #65 and it was the first day I did not have to coach myself through placing my hands on the ground to kick up freestanding .. all the other days I have had to consciously replace my initial fear thought with my new thought that has now become a new belief .. So why do I still choose to do days instead of 66 ?? Because this process also trains commitment .. Anyone can be inspired to try something new once or twice .. the majority of people can be motivated to do the things when it feels good .. but very few stay committed to do what they said they would do when life feels shit .. days trains you to show up for yourself because you said you would .. no matter what .. that is the ultimate commitment to yourself and your growth .. days has become a part of who I am and the part of me I want to share with you all the most .. in 2021 I will launch a space for anyone who wants to ride this with me .. we can all buy in together and collectively build an unstoppable energy to encourage everyone to choose just one thing at a time they want to implement in their life to chase down together for days .. What story are you sick of telling yourself ?? What’s something you have desperately wanted to learn but have told yourself you can’t ?? What makes you wanna talk down about others who are doing that thing you deeply desire to do ?? Because that’s the thing .. that’s what you will choose to show up for .. for days ..

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