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25.01.2022 Full Moon tonight, and with it an eclipse. There are so many opinions on what an eclipse represents energetically. You could fall down the rabbit hole trying to figure it out. All of these things, while seldom, are in fact, cyclic. I would however not rush into life changing decisions right now. Give it a day or three. Let the dust settle and think about things. There is a tendency for further information to present itself at these times.... As it is still a Full Moon, all normal practice applies. Give energy to what you would like to bring in to your life. Cleanse crystals and talismans for purpose and protection. Blessings to you and yours, mwah Xx See more

24.01.2022 Be awesome, be kind

24.01.2022 Yule is fast approaching! However you choose to spend it, may you share it with those that you love. Blessings to you and yours Xx Info shot from Stacey Demarco's Luna Diary

23.01.2022 Tomorrow 7.05am AEST. Full Moon in Aries! Aries energy will be prompting many of us to take action. Be mindful to think through a situation before doing anything impulsive. This also applies to jumping to conclusions or getting upset or angry. Take a breath or two because everyone is going to be under this same Aries Moon and dealing with heightened emotions. Note the voices rising across political arenas both here and overseas. Aries likes to be right yes, but they also like to have the facts up front and centre. We are certainly living in "Interesting times"! Projects can get a great boost right now, so set some goals and get the ball rolling. Get your crystals and talismans out for a cleanse and or charge or dedication for purpose. Stay calm, stay safe, and blessings to you and yours, mwah Xx

23.01.2022 Magic is all around us! Notice the little things, for they add up to a much more beautiful existence. Blessings to you and yours

22.01.2022 Remember to check in on your "strong" friends. Everyone needs to know that they're important and it's often those that are always there for others that are over looked or forgotten in times such as these. Be awesome, show someone else that they matter! Blessings to you and yours, mwah Xx

22.01.2022 Be kind to all, mwah Xx

22.01.2022 Full Moon in Gemini tonight. With the lunar eclipse tonight many are in two minds regarding people, projects or niggling issues. Take time to think on things before making any hard decisions. The full Moon can literally shed light on the issue or considerations that should be factored in to decisions made at this time. The world around us is in flux and life for some seems somewhat off kilter or just not quite right or settled. Again, give yourself some time. Most of us are ...feeling this to some degree. So don't rush anything at the moment. With Christmas and the pointy end of the year fast approaching, it's easy to feel that things are spinning beyond your control. Take a deep breath. Relax a little and trust that things will become clearer over the next week. Full Moon as always is the perfect time to reflect on what you want, and ask for help moving forward. Cleanse your crystals and talismans for purpose and the month ahead. Blessings to you and yours, mwah Xx See more

21.01.2022 Winter Solstice: The winter solstice, hiemal solstice or hibernal solstice, also known as midwinter, occurs when one of the Earth's poles has its maximum tilt away from the Sun. It happens twice yearly, once in each hemisphere. For that hemisphere, the winter solstice is the day with the shortest period of daylight and longest night of the year, when the Sun is at its lowest daily maximum elevation in the sky. At the pole, there is continuous darkness or twilight around the w...inter solstice. Its opposite is the summer solstice. Also called: Midwinter, Yule, the Longest Night, Jól Celebrations: Festivals, spending time with loved ones, feasting, singing, dancing, fires Observed by: Various cultures Significance: Astronomically marks the beginning of lengthening days and shortening nights Related to: Winter festivals and the solstice Frequency: Twice a year (once in the northern hemisphere, once in the southern hemisphere, six months apart) Wikipedia. As you can see from the above, this information is easily found with a quick google, and the above was taken straight from Wikipedia, as credited. When you look further into the different cultures, there are many traditions and stories to be found. The Yule log for instance, some historical notes state that some followers of ancient ways would bring into their homes boughs for the woodland spirits to live in through the harshest of the long Winter, for the survival of all, and good relationship with nature for the year ahead. Other stories states that Yule logs were often hardwood and when burnt in celebration on the family hearth, a small piece was kept from the last remaining embers to light the new log the following year, bringing with it the promise and hope for a bright and productive year to follow. The list truly goes on and on. Here in Australia you will have noticed the turning of the seasons, the Wheel of the Year, and we are definitely in Mid Winter (Yule). I have always found it odd that even our fun "Xmas in July" is off, by a month. Why don't we do it at Yule?? I guess the marketing department at the big stores just don't look at anything but their balance sheets. A few Pagans in the mix, nudging them to better timing, might actually have their sales improve. Ok, I am jumping off my soap box now. So, at this time of limited socialising and distancing rules being in place, we may not be able to gather around a big family feast with all of those that we love, but we can do something to mark the Solstice, or Yule. Create a nice meal, have a go at making mulled wine, maybe light a candle, or better yet, create your own Yule log centrepiece and place (safely) a candle upon it. Remember those that are no longer with us, raise a glass to them. Celebrate the shortest day of the year however you are most comfortable, and look forward to the return of the Sun which will now make it's presence a few moments longer each day. Enjoy! Blessings to you and yours, mwah Xx See more

21.01.2022 Full Moon in Aquarius, tonight approx 1.58am AEST. Illumination is always associated with Full Moon energy so we will be feeling certain areas of our lives falling under the spotlight. This could be a part of yourself that you have neglected or even a talent that you once put aside. It could also bring to light some of your less pleasant traits, so take time to evaluate who you truly want to be. Some may feel restless with their relationships or situation, especially with the... recent energy of Imbolc and the stirring of Spring. Restrictions due to the current world situation only amplifiers our impatience to move forward but use this time and energy to filter what you know and want for your changing circumstances and future. There is potential for a pleasant surprise, so look out for a little extra something coming your way. Set out any crystals and talismans that you wish to cleanse and/or charge. Be thoughtful of others and be kind to yourself. Blessings to you and yours, mwah Xx See more

20.01.2022 A timely reminder

19.01.2022 New Moon in Leo approx 12.41pm AEST. Leo likes to be noticed and there is certainly a lot of the "look at Me" attitude out there at the moment. Elections, finger pointing, etc. Even the birds are starting to swoop and voice their discontent at all of those that pass by. Yes, it is a time to stand up and be seen, but do so whilst showing the best of you not any other shade of you. Set positive actions into play. Leo is a big energy and can help you tackle some of the tasks that may leave you feeling a little underprepared for. Be brave, you can do it! New Moon is always a fabulous time to begin new projects. Many writers plan their start dates at these times. However you use today's energy, think big, think bold and do something or set something in motion that you will be proud of. Blessings to you and yours!

19.01.2022 Just be your awesome self We are always learning, always becoming the best version of ourselves. Enjoy the journey, mwah

18.01.2022 Wise words. Well worth reading:

18.01.2022 Full Moon in Capricorn 2.44pm today AEST. Time to put some thought into education. This could be further learning in a traditional sense, learning something new or reestablishing a once loved hobby or interest. Can I suggest, for those of us who are being overwhelmed by the current world situations, that we take a break from social media. Much of what is being shared on "social media" is untrue or manipulated to suit the creators agenda and the televised news reports can, or... should be questioned. Let's face it, Trump is not the only Pinocchio out there. Fake news is now so common that I recommend hesitation and investigation before hitting that "share" button. This is as always entirely up to you, as only you are responsible for your actions, your thoughts and beliefs. The time has long gone for us to lay these things on our past, our parents or even our peers. It is healthy to question, to investigate and come to your own conclusions regardless of the subject. Look at natural medicines, some seem outrageous while others work without doubt. Again, further learning is highlighted at this time. Capricorn energy may have us questioning many things. Focus on what is important to you, trust yourself. Time to get your crystals and talismans out to cleanse and charge for purpose. Blessings to you and yours, mwah Xx See more

17.01.2022 Remember..... Blessings to you and yours, mwah Xx

17.01.2022 Yup! Suffering for the cause.....but a big virtual heart to heart hug to you all, mwah Xx

16.01.2022 Fabulous explanation of this current turn on The Wheel of the Year by the amazing Stacey Demarco. Also the link for her beautiful online meditation is at the end of the article. Blessings to you and yours, mwah Xx

16.01.2022 Happy Winter Solstice (Yule) for the Southern Hemisphere and Summer Solstice in the Northern. May you be blessed with love and laughter, family and friends on this, our longest night.

16.01.2022 Ostara blessings to you and yours

15.01.2022 IMBOLC ~ August 1st. tomorrow. With the turning of The Wheel of the Year, we now embrace Imbolc, the return of the Sun, the awakening of new growth in the garden and nature all around us. Although the days may still be cold you can see trees already in bud and bulbs pushing their way up through the soil. August 1st is also the day we celebrate the Goddess Brigid who is associated with Springtime, fertility, healing and Smith crafts of all kinds. It is recorded that she would visit and tend the sick and in many regions to this day, they make a Brigid's Cross from straw and hang it to honour her. In these difficult times, when our health and that of our loved ones is always on our minds, reach out to the Goddess Brigid for her blessing and think on where you want to focus all of that wonderful energy! Blessed Imbolc everyone

15.01.2022 Here is a smile for you just in case yours is hard to find today, mwah Xx

15.01.2022 Tomorrow - BELTAINE: Southern Hemisphere: Oct 31. We are so lucky here in Australia, we get to celebrate the fun of dressing up and participating along with our Northern Hemisphere at this time, but our true Halloween or Samhain is April 30. We do so love Muggleween. How lucky are we, we get to do this twice, lol! Back to Beltaine: You may already be feeling the changes in the air. With the added energy of the building Full Moon which hits it's peak here at approx 1:49am AEST..., Nov 1 (Sat night/Sunday morning); there is a definite shift happening all around us. This is a time of building energy, of fertility in all of it's many forms. The bees are busy, the earth is warming and bursting forth with new growth, and everyone is well aware of the new life all around us. Take time to enjoy this special time of year. The veil is thin and our thoughts may be drawn to loved ones no longer walking beside us. Those that are sensitive to spirit can use this time to connect. Fire is a symbol of Beltaine, and there is a plethora of information online for those that wish to educate themselves further. As always with the Full Moon, use this energy to set some positive actions in place. Plan and take action to see these things into reality. The energy is BIG, so use it to help. Cleanse and dedicate your crystals and talismans. Moon water collected at this time will be supercharged. (Place water in a bowl and leave it out in the energy of the Full Moon to later be used in potions or lotions, or purpose of your choice). However you celebrate this turning of the Wheel of the Year, stay safe and enjoy. Blessings to you and yours, mwah Xx See more

14.01.2022 Dark Moon now, New Moon overnight, approx 3.30 am AEST. We are currently at the time to give thought and action regarding releasing of anything that no longer serves our higher purpose or the direction we wish our life to take. With current circumstances allowing, or in many cases forcing us to re-evaluate our priorities, we may realise that what we once thought important to us isn't! How do YOU feel about that? Do you feel somehow relieved, surprised, or even a little shock...ed with what you learnt about yourself and your needs. Many now realise that the promotion of, dare I say it, "keeping up with the -insert latest so called celeb or influencers here", just doesn't matter in the bigger picture of our lives. Only we know who makes our lives better and what we truly need as a base to be happy. So, what do you want to release or let go of? What makes you happy? Think about it, act on it, for the Dark Moon energy can help you achieve your goals. Remember too, you will be making room for better things to enter your life. With the New Moon approx 3.30am tomorrow think big and plan for what you do want. Take the steps you can to move forward into the next stage. It doesn't matter how many times you stop and re-evaluate your life along the way and readjust or switch directions. We are always learning, always growing and always changing. Set some fabulous new wheels in motion! Blessings to you and yours, mwah Xx See more

14.01.2022 Dark Moon tonight...... Let it go! Whatever is weighing you down, draining your joy and your energy... Look at it, really look at it, recognise it for what it is. Now... Let it go! You don't need it anymore, mwah

14.01.2022 Dark Moon today, New Moon in Cancer 3.32am tomorrow morning. A time to reflect, to decide on and release all things, thoughts or patterns that you have outgrown or no longer serve you in a positive manner. It's said that only in darkness will seeds begin to awaken. Think now about the person you want to be, the life you want to live and plant seeds of your own. Make it happen. Research, plan, take steps to bring your desired outcome into reality. Declutter your life to give y...ourself room for all the great things that you are going to achieve or manifest into it. The Dark Moon gives us the boost we need, the safe space of nothingness, but pure potential. The New Moon in Cancer allows us to make new beginnings, to step forward into a fresh start or better direction. Cancer energy can have us feeling our emotions close to the surface so be gentle with yourself. In these challenging times; we must remember to step back, take time for ourselves, time away from those that are shouting out from what ever platform they favour, opinions and questionable information that impacts negatively on our sensitive souls. Breathe, turn off the media and engage in something that is purely for you ~ a favourite movie, book or music or get into the garden etc. Come back to the basics of whatever makes you happy. This is also the perfect time to charge a talisman or crystal for purpose and protection. Blessings to you and yours, mwah Xx Image- Credit to the creator

14.01.2022 For those that need a reminder or that are feeling a little overwhelmed

13.01.2022 Too good not to share

13.01.2022 Dark Moon tonight! Time to reflect on, and release what you no longer need. As we dive into the depths, remember that ideas and inspiration can be found more easily at this time. For without the darkness, we would never truly see the stars. Blessings to you and yours, mwah Xx

12.01.2022 New Moon in Taurus today! Taurus energy is steadfast and determined. Time to focus on family, home and hearth, and all of those that are important to you. As we move into the cooler months, and with Samhain (Halloween) for the Southern Hemisphere approaching, we are especially aware of our loved ones here and out of our reach. Perhaps explore new ways of staying in touch with the people you love, we are certainly living in changing and challenging times. Use this Taurus New... Moon energy to plan and execute those renovations and beautifications to make your home more of the haven and refuge that we all need right now. Winter is almost upon us, but Autumn is still showing us her magnificent display of colour and the pure beauty of letting go. Nature shows us that we need to let go so as to be able to bloom and flourish in the times to come. Enjoy the small things in the everyday, the sun breaking through the clouds; the planting of a bulb or seedling. The first buds on the trees and plants. There are moments of magic in everyday if we just take the time to notice them. May your day be filled with these magical moments. Blessings to you and yours, mwah Xx See more

11.01.2022 Dark Moon tonight! After writing a saga I deleted it and decided to keep it simple. With all that is going on in the world right now, just let go of what you can....full stop! We all get through tough times with different coping strategies. Do whatever is going to keep you sane but remember that the dark moon energy will help you release anything at all that doesn't work for you. Soooooo, if you need to let off some steam, let the pressure valve loosen, now is the time. Stand... out under the stars or stare our the window. Give yourself permission to feel what you feel and with a deep breathe or five, allow yourself to relax. Tomorrow is a new day, a New Moon in Taurus which will be bringing energy that is grounding, determined and for some, the strength that will be needed. More tomorrow. Tonight I give thanks, I release what no longer serves me and I am grateful for so very much. Blessings to you and yours, mwah Xx See more

10.01.2022 Well worth reading! And re-reading, regularly

10.01.2022 We are constantly bombarded with news coverage that affects us, usually in a negitive way. Take a break from the media, it will do you good. Blessings to you and yours, mwah Xx

10.01.2022 Take care of yourselves. The sooner everyone complies, the sooner we will get through this

10.01.2022 Full Moon in Sagittarius 5.12 am tomorrow, 6/6/2020 AEST. Social connections and events will be on everyones mind. With the Penumbral Eclipse, still be mindful and be sensible, don't throw caution to the wind. Winter is well and truly setting in but we have been blessed with days of sunshine and blue skies. Energy is high and most of us are enjoying this opportunity to get outside in the great outdoors. Others are still happy renovating or improving home and hearth in prepar...ation for the time fast approaching of hibernation and reflection. Full Moon energy is perfect for setting your intentions and focusing on what you would like to improve in your life. Again, really think about this. What do you really want? What is it going to take to make this happen? What can you do now? It might be research. It might be changing something, a habit, or taking responsibility for being stuck in some way. Nothing changes without some form of action. Take account of what needs to change and take action to get it done. One step at a time. As always, this is the perfect time to put your crystals or personal talismans out under the moonlight to cleanse and charge for purpose or protection. Blessings to you and yours, mwah Xx Photo: Credit to the creator See more

09.01.2022 There is always something to be grateful for! Blessings to you and yours, mwah Xx

09.01.2022 Dark Moon tonight moving to the New Moon in Sagittarius approx 3:16am Tuesday Dec 15 AEST. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.... Change is in the air and many, even those that usually walk through the Christmas build up unfazed are breaking out the decorations and getting into the spirit of the season. Sagittarius is a very social energy and we here in Australia, are all shaking off different degrees of restrictions and for many, isolation. Good cheer is winning out... over the still present selfish displays that are still out there. Although celebrations and gatherings may be smaller or more low key, the atmosphere and sentiment is more genuine, more heart felt. The New Moon is the perfect time to launch a new project, study or adventure. Those that work with the natural cycles time their important events to coincide with the most benevolent energy to aid their purpose. So, what are you releasing with this Dark Moon? What are you setting into motion for this New Moon?? Remember, it's easier to complete and successfully conquer those difficult tasks, break bad habits and release "stuff" using the Dark Moon energy and begin anything new on a New Moon. This may mean putting things in motion for long term change. Don't limit your thinking to immediate results. As we are approaching the end of 2020, with Litha, the Summer Solstice only a week away, really think about what brings you joy. What can you put in place to bring more of what you really want into your life. step in the right direction will lead you to what you want faster than staying right where you are now. Enjoy! Blessings to you and yours, mwah Xx See more

08.01.2022 Life has thrown me a few big curve balls lately. Loss and grieving have taken their toll. Today and every day forward brings it's own tone, it's own pace and it's own challenges or opportunity. Live your life authentically. Be present, experience the really important things to you. Don't regret; be there. Live! life is a blend of lessons, love, loss and growth. To hide from potential pain is to live a life half lived. Choose; live to the fullest, regardless

08.01.2022 Dark Moon tonight! Time to release and let go of what is no longer of use to you. This could be a bad habit, outdated ways of thinking or doing something; or physically moving on items that you no longer need or use. Clutter is anything that you hang on to beyond it being of use to you. Many of us get stuck or overwhelmed when trying to tackle these things. Dark Moon energy can give you the added push you need to finally deal with what needs to be released, and let it go. of us hold onto anger, or a grudge of some sort. This does nothing but eat up our energy,. When these things come to mind recognise it for what it is, a memory, a lesson learnt. Thank it for the reminder and let it go. Dark Moon is a time of a clean slate,, empty space where anything is possible. As we remove what we no longer need, we create space for better things to come into our lives. You can charge talismans and crystals for purpose at this time to aid you in these areas and more. Enjoy this time and prepare for the New Moon in Cancer tomorrow and Yule, the Winter Solstice (shortest day, longest night). More tomorrow. Blessings to you and yours, mwah Xx Image from Queen of the Moon Oracle. Artwork by Kinga Brischgi See more

08.01.2022 Live each moment at a time, mwah Xx

07.01.2022 Dark Moon tonight! Time to reflect on the past and let go of what needs to leave. Be kind to yourselves as we are all working our way through times that challenge us in different ways. Set your mind to what you can do, what really is important and plan for the outcome you wish for. New Moon tomorrow evening, so think about what seeds you wish to plant now for a brighter future. Blessings to you and yours, mwah Xx

07.01.2022 Remember to take care of yourself. If that means resting, then allow yourself the love you deserve. Rest; body, mind and spirit

07.01.2022 Be gentle with yourself, mwah Xx

06.01.2022 Dark Moon tonight and a New Moon in Scorpio tomorrow afternoon. As Dark Moon is a time when it is favourable to reflect and release things that you no longer want in your life, take time and act on doing just that. Amongst things to release could be bad habits, items, relationships, out dated thinking or patterns of all sorts. While it is good to release these things at any time, Dark Moon energy is particularly potent in helping you succeed. Take time to think about what you... want. Reflect and re-evaluate! Again, concentrate on what you DO want and what you need to release to achieve your goals. Plant the seeds for a positive future now in this Dark Moon energy and surrender it to the positive push of the Scorpio New Moon tomorrow. Enjoy the journey, mwah Xx See more

05.01.2022 Tonight : Full Moon in Scorpio approx. 8.45pm AEST. With the current temper of society heightened with debate and playing the blame game, it is a timely reminder to take a breathe and look at the broader picture. Look beyond the charismatic veneer or drama packed entitlement arguments that are clever distraction from the important issues. We are seeing this right across the globe. Don't let your energy be drained any more than necessary. Look after your mental health, give ...yourself some pampering and take a break from the media, if only for a day or so. Set some boundaries, have some fun, Scorpio loves fun and a little self indulgence. A great night to cleanse and charge your crystals and talismans. Ritual time for many of us, so think on what you wish to manifest, what you would like to let go of and where you want your life to be heading, for tonight's energy could help to maximise your intentions and efforts. Blessings to you and yours, mwah Xx See more

05.01.2022 Just for fun... NOT DATA GATHERING! Copied, but not linked to any where else. Just thought this was a giggle. Please check my actual page for my usual content if you are in doubt. Or, better yet, just work out the name in your head and don't post anything; that's what I usually do! Just trying to brighten your day! Blessings to you and yours mwah Xx

03.01.2022 New Moon in Aries tonight. Aries energy may have many of us especially restless and with the current restrictions on everyone, please try to funnel any frustration and pent up energy into positive projects. Remember that everyone is feeling the same way. So take a moment before reacting to any and all that is getting your blood boiling. New Moon energy is all about setting your intentions and working towards what you want. With the added "can do" energy of Aries, if you can... put thought into what you can do at this time you can accomplish more than you ever thought possible. You can dedicate a talisman for purpose to help you focus and stay on track, or even to aid you using that extra mental and physical energy in a positive and productive way. Remember, these especially tough times will pass. Blessings to you and yours. See more

02.01.2022 I don't know who wrote this, but it's true & beautiful.. We fell asleep in one world, and woke up in another. Suddenly Disney is out of magic,... Paris is no longer romantic, New York doesn't stand up anymore, the Chinese wall is no longer a fortress, and Mecca is empty. Hugs & kisses suddenly become weapons, and not visiting parents & friends becomes an act of love. Suddenly you realise that power, beauty & money are worthless, and can't get you the oxygen you're fighting for. The world continues its life and it is beautiful. It only puts humans in cages. I think it's sending us a message: "You are not necessary. The air, earth, water and sky without you are fine. When you come back, remember that you are my guests. Not my masters."

02.01.2022 Yule is fast approaching.... Just getting in early to remind everyone, mwah Xx

02.01.2022 Full Moon in Capricorn: Friday * 25 June 2021 * 4:39:41 am (AEST) With the deep Winter energy of the recent Solstice, many of us are feeling at odds with the usual energies we expect at this time. Some of us are enjoying a welcome burst of enthusiasm and are shaking off some of the heaviness (emotional or global) that had us struggling day to day. Others, are finding their emotions heightened and are a little more volatile. Just take time to think about what it is that you w...ould like to achieve in the months ahead. Give yourself permission to take the steps that you need to. For those that do ritual and spell work, Full Moon energy in Mid Winter is going to give you the deep and grounding base for setting your path for the future. Nurturing, healing, planting seeds of hope and growth. I'm being pinged to mention the following: this is also a good time for cleansing and dedication of items to the deities of the underworld, the guardians of passage to what lies beyond...if you are drawn to these much misunderstood energies, give them recognition and an offering at this time. As with all Full Moons, you can cleanse your crystals and talismans, and as mentioned above, you can dedicate them for purpose. Blessings to you and yours Xx See more

02.01.2022 Full Moon in Pisces approx. 3.22pm AEST. Emotions may be running high at this time with Winter ebbing away and Spring making her presence felt. Promise is in the air with blossoming forth in evidence in the Natural world around us. Birds are becoming more agitated with swooping and nesting taking up much of their energy. Like the birds, don't get caught up with imagined threat, but view others and occurrences beyond your control as just evidence of life forever in flux. Use ...the current energy to allow your more productive ideas and imaginings to take root in reality. Try your hand at an artist or creative avenue that you are being drawn to. Now is definitely the time to "have a go". Now is all that we have control of. Think about that! Now; it's important. Now, right now... Stop, breathe. Are you happy? Are you comfortable? Are you frustrated that you are not doing what you would like to be doing? Think about it. What can you do to change that. What can you let go of that may be holding you back? Full Moon energy is the boost you can use to help you make the changes that you need to help improve your reality. With the moon reaching FULL mid afternoon, tonight is the perfect time to set out your talismans and crystals for cleansing and charging for purpose. With the changing of the seasons, the Full Moon and the emotional influences of Pisces, be gentle with yourself, and with those that you love. Blessings to you and yours, mwah Xx See more

01.01.2022 Full Moon in Libra today AEST 12.35pm. With the world in shut down it is easy to become unbalanced. For most of us, we are now in isolation, some totally on our own. It is tough, it is frustrating and for some, even scary. Just remember that it is also temporary. The sooner people comply fully to the restrictions put in place, the sooner we will all get through this. Isolation is not a punishment but rather a community service. Staying at home is keeping our more vulnerable ...safer. So, back to the Full Moon in Libra. Balance. Look to balance your day. By all means tackle those chores or projects that you now have time for, but also read a book, watch a show that you have wanted to catch up on, or even take or view an online course or class, there are many out there, even for free. Take time for something that brings you joy or pleasure, don't get hung up on the memes that are saying you have to do those big reno jobs etc. Break things down into smaller chunks of time, mix things up. Be mindful of snap decisions as Libra likes swift justice. So, if you are in conflict with a person or situation, take a breathe before confrontation. Weigh up the situation, no pun intended, lol. Think before ending a relationship, job or friendship. We are all stressed at the moment. Unless you thrive on repetition, try to schedule different activities than what you did the day before. Stay connected with family and friends via the phone or video chat on Messenger or the computer. Try to touch base with at least one person a day, when you start feeling the walls close in. Put some balance in your day. Create something, cook, draw, paint, sew, garden. It doesn't need to be perfect. Practise something that you would like to do better. Small pleasures, see the beauty in the small things and stay safe, stay home. Remember to put your crystals and talismans out for cleansing and dedication. It's not too late. Blessings to you and yours, mwah Xx See more

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