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23.01.2022 Hormones control that... control what, Mark? Not giving a fuck. Testosterone and DHEA create an unstoppable raw courage. Period.

21.01.2022 Sometimes we need use this strategy on our brain because, nothing is good or bad until the brains chemist takes over. What happens when you feel anxious? Stress hormones are pulsing. What happens if you’re having an anxiety attack? Stress hormones are PUMPING.... What happens when you’re angry? Stress hormones are PUMPING; just a slight different mix and brain origin. What happens when you feel good, energetic and confident? Performance hormones are PUMPING, and they keep stress hormones optimal. Performance hormones are the undercurrent of good emotional energy; and emotional energy pays your way through life. Hormones create the attitude of the day and yes, your brain can override it but, why force it to work on that futile strategy? . Let your body create good emotional energy and set your spirit FREE . Share, tag, comment and like if you find this helpful Mark

17.01.2022 When you find yourself being slapped with an ugly stick, let it go or use tack. Someone’s display of aggression is usually a tactic to cover up an insecurity. It’s kinda cute how he erroneously believes that his bad karma is a show of domination but in reality, you're crushing his testosterone, DHEA and his feel-good hormones.... Poor dude, you're chemically castration him and his connection to the Law of Attraction. Feel sorry for that haters because they are writing their destiny with bad karma. Think of their words as elevator music, totally innocuous. So when they dish it out, turn on the elevator music, or better yet, circus music in your head; it's much more intelligent. Just realise that after 5 minutes, they go back to thinking about themselves anyway. So tell them half of what you're about; FOCUS on gaining the knowledge you need EVERY DAY, and grow into your greatness. But, if you want to play with this puppy, learn tact because in this way you can tell someone to fuck off in a way that they enjoy the ride and they have no clue what we've done. PS. Don't explain your dream, some people only speak crayon. Mark

16.01.2022 Fear is an emotion that limits you. Stay fearless. Stay strong Mark

15.01.2022 Check out the four hormonal systems. 1. Eicosanoid hormones and endocannabinoids Formed from fatty acids (Omega6-3) 2. Amine hormones Formed from single amino acid that make adrenalin 3. Protein hormones Formed from a chain of amino acids that make hormones like ACTH 4. Steroid hormones Formed from good friend cholesterol. It's the precursor to androgens and stress hormones.... Starting with Eicosanoid HormonesThey are derived from fatty acids. The two main families are the Omega-6 and omega-3. Omega-6 is to trigger an inflammatory response and the endocannabinoids. Whereas omega-3 resolves and protects with metabolites classed as: resolvins, protectins, or masiens to resolve inflammation and start the healing process. However, as the research now clearly demonstrates, if you follow a standard American/Aussie diet, the omega-6 family slowly creates an unbalanced in these eicosanoid hormones and endocannabinoid system. A hyperactive endocannabinoid system isn't helpful. The second picture illustrates what studies now confirm occurs with an out of balance omega-6-3 ratio: Eicosanoid hormones. Step 1: To feel good, get leaner and have consistent energy, eliminate EEDCs

14.01.2022 You want it, go get it. Period

12.01.2022 When you find yourself being slapped with an ugly stick, let it go or use tack. Their aggression often reveals the opposite, whether conscious or unconsciously. Someone’s display of aggression is usually a tactic to cover up an insecurity. Paradoxically, while he is hating you, you're crushing his testosterone and lowering what scientists call the Growth Index for a Stress Response.... I call that the GISR and it predicts all kinds of success in life. Superior Military Performance (PMID: 15289280), superior problem solving and academic performance (PMID: 20562010) His hate is only toxic to him. It’s kinda cute how he erroneously believes that his bad karma is a show of domination but interesting, you're crushing his testosterone, DHEA and his feel-good hormones. Poor dude, you're chemically castration him and his connection to the Law of Attraction. Feel sorry for that haters because they are writing their destiny with bad karma. You can think of their words as elevator music, totally innocuous. So when they dish it out, turn on the elevator music, or better yet, circus music in your head; it's much more intelligent. Just realize that after 5 minutes they just go back to thinking about themselves anyway. So tell them half of what you're about; FOCUS on gaining the knowledge you need EVERY DAY, and grow into your greatness. But, if you want to play with this puppy, learn tact because in this way you can tell them to fuck off in a way that they enjoy the ride, and they have no clue what we've done. Mark PS. Don't explain your dream, some people only speak crayon.

12.01.2022 I had performance anxiety, anxiety, panic attacks, and was deeply worried about what other people thought of me. Hell, so much so that at 21 I had hair transplants. Until you're broken, you don't know what you're made of. It gives you the ability to build yourself all over again, but stronger than ever. Mark ... Conquer yourself and then, my friend, you can conquer ANYTHING

11.01.2022 Our thought can be primed with emotion before it reaches consciousness, and therefore, thinking is an emergent property of our biochemistry. For example, as trial lawyers know, juries decide differently depending on how vividly they describe someone’s act which can bias the juries decision. But, some of the worst priming effects are EEDCs because they are hidden, and big industry profit from them because it cheaper to make, and extends the shelf life on their shitty products.... One of the 84,000 EEDCs called phthalates reaches 300 billion pounds a year. Where are they injecting this artificial estrogenic crap? . PVC products, building materials (paint, adhesive, wall covering), personal-care products (perfume, eye shadow, moisturizer, artificial grass, nail polish, deodorizer, liquid soap, and hair spray), medical devices, detergents and surfactants, packaging, children’s toys, printing inks and coatings, pharmaceuticals and food products... Damn, is that all? No. . EEDCs cause stress hormones to rise along with inflammation and completely disrupt your 5 hormonal systems. The result, you might feel anxious or pissy for no reason. You wrongly think it's a character flaw and encode it into your personality deeper and stronger. Doesn't seem fair, does it? . Understand, when you wake up in the morning, your drinking them, lathering them on, cooking on them, putting them on your face and your food is full of it. Recall that there are 84,000 and growing. Your body has a few ways to get these chemicals out our your body, but each day it's like having a drink, and you get "buzzed", and throughout the day you get more buzzed. However, the buzz is higher than health cortisol and inflammation crushing your emotional strength and adding fat to your gut and butt. Maybe that low mood you're in isn't a character flaw because if you feel good and have energy you do good. Worth considering. Mark

08.01.2022 when life put you under pressure, it’s polishing you with experience; and the tools life uses are failure, struggle and hard work. The rule of nature is simple: Never quit. So keep going because the time will pass anyway, and you don't want to wake up at 60 and realise that you're doing the same shit at 60 you hate doing now.... Life is a gift, and the fruit of life goes to the ones who never quit. Tag, share, save and comment your conviction to living regret free - Mark

05.01.2022 Think it. Speak it. Write it. Become it. The universe is listening

04.01.2022 Did you know that there five hormonal systems? And that some are made from essential fatty acids that trigger an inflammatory response? These fats are called omegas and are stored in all your cells ready for action. These hormones are the key to lowering inflammation.... 1. Eicosanoid hormones and endocannabinoids Formed from fatty acids (Step 3 in the Mark Iron Method Omega-6-3 balance) 2. Amine hormones Formed from single amino acid that make adrenaline. 3. Protein hormones Formed from a chain of amino acids that make hormones like ACTH. 4. Steroid hormones Formed from our good friend cholesterol. It's the precursor to sex and stress hormones (Follow the 3 steps). 5. Glycoproteins Formed from lot's of cool stuff including amino's LH, FSH and TSH Starting with Eicosanoid HormonesThey are derived from fatty acids. The two main families are the Omega-6 and omega-3. Omega-6 is to trigger an inflammatory response and the AEA endocannabinoids that have been shown to down-regulate a protein complex called kiss1 lowering LH and FSH the direct precursors to sex hormones: doi: 10.3389/fendo.2016.00047 Meaning you're handicapped if you have unbalanced omega-hormones and most people do. Whereas omega-3 resolves and protects with metabolites classed as: resolvins, protectins, or masiens to resolve inflammation and start the healing process. However, as the research now clearly demonstrates, if you follow a standard American/Aussie diet, the omega-6 family slowly creates an unbalanced in these eicosanoid hormones and endocannabinoid system. A hyperactive endocannabinoid system isn't helpful. Check out the illustrates by sliding to the next image to see what studies now confirm occurs with an out of balance omega-6-3 ratio: Eicosanoid hormones. Step 1: To feel good, get leaner and have consistent energy, eliminate EEDCs Step 2: Select for A and B-Grade hormonal building materials (food). Step 3: Balance your Omega-Hormones and endocannabinoids. Mark

01.01.2022 Changing mindset under the influence of low-grade inflammation or stress hormones is like carrying a heavy-ass backpack up a hill. You are handicapped. Why is that? . Thought is an emergent property within your biochemistry, it filters your thinking - here's how: If you have low-grade inflammation you might feel tired, unmotivated, anxious or be in a crappy mood for no reason, again, you're handicapped. So you struggle up the hill with the heavy-ass backpack.... You believe it's a character flaw, but it's not. Your brain is switching off neurocircuits, and the more it does the darker you feel. An excerpt from PubMed: "Crosstalk between inflammatory pathways and neurocircuits in the brain can lead to behavioural responses, such as avoidance and alarm" PMCID: PMC5542678 Think about those two words, avoidance and alarm. You feel like crap for no reason. Well, there is a reason, it's called low-grade inflammation. So how well we perform moment to moment, day to day is dependent on our biochemistry because, biochemistry comes first, thinking and behaviour are second. You cannot outperform these hormones, you have to remove the handicap's and then you're free to think and do whatever the hell you want. Eliminate the EEDC's, and switch to A and B grade food and nourish your body at a deep hormonal level. Mark

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