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School of Modern Psychology in Geelong, Victoria | Medical and health

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School of Modern Psychology

Locality: Geelong, Victoria

Phone: +61 411 116 254

Address: 91 Yarra St 3220 Geelong, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 I used to read the writer of this blog regularly - less so these days as my focus shifts. My brother sent me this one today, so I thought I'd share it here. Wise words.

25.01.2022 Who doesn't need a happiness calendar for May!!

24.01.2022 Mindfulness and its science

23.01.2022 Have you heard of #100dayproject? I'm sharing my journey online with anyone who wants to be part of it. I'll be posting in a couple of groups. So, if you'd like to join me, go to this group and join :)

22.01.2022 Another great read - this time from Brain Pickings - listen to this: 14. Choose joy. Choose it like a child chooses the shoe to put on the right foot, the crayon to paint a sky. Choose it at first consciously, effortfully, pressing against the weight of a world heavy with reasons for sorrow, restless with need for action. Feel the sorrow, take the action, but keep pressing the weight of joy against it all, until it becomes mindless, automated, like gravity pulling the stream ...down its course; until it becomes an inner law of nature. If Viktor Frankl can exclaim yes to life, in spite of everything! and what an everything he lived through then so can any one of us amid the rubble of our plans, so trifling by comparison. Joy is not a function of a life free of friction and frustration, but a function of focus an inner elevation by the fulcrum of choice. So often, it is a matter of attending to what Hermann Hesse called, as the world was about to come unworlded by its first global war, the little joys; so often, those are the slender threads of which we weave the lifeline that saves us. See more

22.01.2022 If you're a parent/caregiver looking for ways to better manage and support your children - this may be worthwhile registering for.

21.01.2022 The healing power of gardens - another beautiful article from Brain Pickings. This is why I paint flowers. Illustration by Emily Hughes from Little Gardener.

21.01.2022 Here's a quote from a blog by Adam Grant: "Listen to the advice you give to others. It’s usually the advice you need to take yourself. And it might be the best way to motivate yourself, too." He's talking about giving career advice - yet if I look back over my life - it's something I can apply to much of what I've shared with others. He calls it 'Solomon's Paradox'. Here's the link to the whole article (quick read) if you'd like to see it all.

21.01.2022 Have you heard of the #100dayproject? It's all about creating (or doing) something for 100 days, which during these times may be something our spirits need. It's free to join and is run through: This year, if you'd like to join me, I'll be sharing my journey in another Creative Mindfulness facebook group (click this link to join: I'm a little intimidated as doing something for 100 days in a row will scare me and stretch me. And both of those are good things!! If you'd like to join me, let me know by saying so in the post - a simple - 'I'm in' will be great. I am excited to be doing this, even if a tad nervous :)

20.01.2022 Wow!!

20.01.2022 Ever wondered about your 'true' personality? Or been intrigued to find out more about the 'real you'? If you're interested in personal growth, then you may enjoy finding out more at - when I took the test I found it scarily accurate. Would love to hear if you found the same thing or something different.

19.01.2022 Our amazing heart: Sends out an electromagnetic field that changes with your emotions. Its magnetic field can be measured up to several feet from the body. A mother’s brainwaves can synchronize to her baby’s heartbeat.... Positive emotions can help you make good decisions. See more

17.01.2022 I follow Emily Jeffords - an artist who helps striving artists share their art, and today while reading her ebook I found her response to the question: "Is success due to luck or to effort?" quite poignant. Love her answer. For me it takes the pressure off 'achieving' and returns the energy internally - to my beliefs, attitudes and mindset. What are your thoughts?

17.01.2022 Nothing is a greater impediment to being on good terms with others than being ill at ease with yourself. Honoré de Balzac I subscribe to the Tim Ferris email list - this is his latest musing. One I personally agree with.

16.01.2022 When working with couples I often recommend watching 'My Octopus Teacher' as it shows the essence of what 'being present' to another really involves. So I loved when this week's Brain Pickings extends this idea with consciousness. Interesting article.

16.01.2022 I am an advocate of journaling. It clears the mind, settles the soul and is a welcoming companion. Yet, so often the beauty of words and sketches are trapped in volumes stored on shelves. So, with the #100dayproject2020 I'm enjoying bringing the reflective process to a new form as I focus on 100 days of teacups. And with this, realising that teacups hold our stories - of life, of love, of loss. What about you - how does journaling inspire you?

15.01.2022 I love reading Esther Perel's thoughtful musings. And this week she shared in her newsletter (letters from Esther) the following questions. Wonderful to reflect, consider and muse over: Think back on the last year. Write down 3 things you have lost. ... Write down 3 things you have gained. What did you imagine when you were in your darkest place? What did you survive? What are 3 challenges you have mastered? What have been the consequencesgood and bad? What was the kindest thing someone else did for you? What were some of your contributions to your community? Think about the year ahead. Write down 1 thing you need to release. Write down 1 thing you’d like to develop. What are you excited about? What are you afraid of? Revisit these answers every few months and record your progress.

14.01.2022 #100dayproject - for the past 10 days I've focused on 'teacups' - and all they bring to the space that many of use daily. The gentility, sweetness and ceremony of sharing a 'cuppa'. And at the moment, it's what I'm using to stay centred and focused on all that is good in our lives. Without gratitude and presence, it's too easy to miss the extraordinary moments we're witnessing of humility, compassion, sharing and caring.

14.01.2022 One of the people I follow, Elliott Connie, who taught me Solution Focused Brief Therapy in the US is running a lecture/webinar tomorrow on how important 'hope' is when working with others. He's still my go-to person in this field as he is undoubtedly the most resourceful person I know when it comes to asking questions that can help a person reach insights and mine 'possibilities'. The webinar is free to attend. To register and receive the webinar link yourself, go here: http...s:// As it's the US, the time may not suit everyone - however if you register you'll receive the recording once it's ready.

14.01.2022 An article well worth reading

13.01.2022 Have just listened to Brene Brown's latest podcast - 1st one just released - 'Dare to Lead' - it's on spotify (free). While its focus is on leadership it is sooo relevant to personal growth, self awareness and the courage and vulnerability it takes to show up in authentic ways. Highly recommended!!

11.01.2022 Wintering is the courage to stare down the worst parts of our experience and to commit to healing them the best we can. Wintering is a moment of intuition, our true needs felt keenly as a knife. Another stimulating read from Brain Pickings - how I love reading these beautifully constructed and thought provoking pieces.

10.01.2022 Nature has so much to teach us ...

10.01.2022 Love one another but make not a bond of love: let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.

09.01.2022 I received the attached video from someone who has completed a 10-day meditation retreat. If you've wondered what it would be like, check it out.

08.01.2022 "A sobering perspective and lucid faith in the human spirit" This was written in 1941 by John Steinbeck - how similar does this feel (from : Speaking of the happy new year, I wonder if any year ever had less chance of being happy. It’s as though the whole race were indulging in a kind of species introversion as though we looked inward on our neuroses. And the thing we see isn’t very pretty So we go into this happy new year, knowing that our species has learned nothing, ca...n, as a race, learn nothing that the experience of ten thousand years has made no impression on the instincts of the million years that preceded. For the full article:

08.01.2022 When asked what surprised the Dalai Lama most about humanity, he answered, "Man." Why? Because, said His Holiness, he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never to die, and then dies having never really lived. So what's keeping you from really living in the present moment? We’d love to hear from you.

07.01.2022 When working with clients - tapping into a felt sense is part of the process. If you like the idea of how our brain communicates with the body you may like this article.

07.01.2022 Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, ‘What’s in it for me?’ Brian Tracy

07.01.2022 I'm watching a podcast/video with Steven Pressfield - author of The Art of War - where he's talking about 'RESISTANCE' - who doesn't feel that at times!!!

05.01.2022 Spring in a Pandemic: Mary Shelley on What Makes Life Worth Living and Nature’s Beauty as a Lifeline to Regaining Sanity Beautiful insights from Maria Popova - well worth reading

04.01.2022 Seneca, philosopher said: "No one will bring back the years; no one will restore you to yourself. Life will follow the path it began to take, and will neither reverse nor check its course. It will cause no commotion to remind you of its swiftness, but glide on quietly. It will not lengthen itself for a king’s command or a people’s favor. As it started out on its first day, so it will run on, nowhere pausing or turning aside. What will be the outcome? You have been preoccupie...d while life hastens on. This is a snapshot of writing from Maria Popova's blog 'Brain Pickings' - a truly worthwhile blog to read. And like the poppy - time hastened on, leaving a faded remnant of its vibrant self - a pause as life glides quietly by.

04.01.2022 Well worth listening to: Brené Brown with Dr. Susan David on The Dangers of Toxic Positivity, Part 1 of 2

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