School of Spirituality, Healing & Development in Sydney, Australia | Medical and health
School of Spirituality, Healing & Development
Locality: Sydney, Australia
Phone: +61 417 411 465
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24.01.2022 | EVERYTHING on a Kuahu/altar has meaning and purpose. Nothing is placed randomly. The Kuahu is part of our workshop Protocol and the accumulation of Mana - Spirit Energy of the Ancestors. In every region/country we try to find plants that are close to those that are used in Hawaii. Sometimes it takes a bit of scouring & ingenuity to find them. But the reward is so much greater than the effort. On this Kuahu in Australia: Red Bottlebrush: same family as LEHUA BLOSSOMS... Candlenuts: are the same as Kukui Nuts Palapalai Ferns: grow here too. Embodiment of Goddess Laka Green Ti: or Cordyline. Not so abundant & so we use red Niu: Coconut. We make our salt bowls from them P: Conch Shell. Blowing it is a far-reaching call It is important we make this path of connection back to the Source - our Kumu and 50+ Generations. By making sure we observe the correct Protocols we navigate our way through the vastness and close the distance between us. Aloha x
24.01.2022 | Sometimes it's the road less travelled that makes all the difference. Next Workshops: 18 October - The Sacred Teaching of Pono 06 December - The Sacred Teaching of Truth #spiritualhealingcourses | | #healing... > TrueStore > Workshops See more
23.01.2022 BE LIKE DOUG | don't be afraid to try something new and unfamiliar. We'll always be there to hold you until you get used to it...Aloha x LIVING PA'A WORKSHOP - go for it here: Last spots. Reaching Capacity. We've got the Covid Safe . Affordable - but if the fee's holding you back DM & we'll work it out with you. #spiritualhealingcourses #healing #courage #relationships #likeminds #newfriends #explore #dance #learn #love
23.01.2022 TODAYS TEACHING. JOIN. THE CLASS... SAFETY, REFUGE AND THE TEACHINGS OF ALOHA | Notice first how we say TeachingS with a capital S. Thats because each Sacred Teaching has more than one layer and level to it. Listening to an Elder the other day speaking about TeachingS in the context of Ceremony and the loss of understanding about Ceremony, and as a result, the relative ineffectiveness of the Ceremony itself and even what potential harm is generated as a result, stoked the ...Continue reading
23.01.2022 #WISEWORDS | WATTLE & HAWAIIAN GODDESS Watching the early blooming of Wattle, drawn to it's yellow flowers. Curious when Nature calls attention and focus, especially up in the Studio. There's a teaching on offer... Yellow takes me into the Sun. The Sun, a body form of the Hawaiian God K - standing tall, strong, warm on my face guides me into my own Centre, to Papahanaumoku, the Earth Mother: Papa - the foundation + Hanau - born + Moku - island, and through her to LAKA the... Goddess of all that is green, of the forests, of the bush, the rains, of Hula... Yellow is a colour of LAKA. The gentle movement of Wattle is the movement of Laka - the intertwining, of movement, sound, all of the elements, moving, slowly, across time, across space, thorugh the Vastness we call the Universe. Following the movement gives us a deeper layer of understanding about the HULA - the movement of all things, the movement of life. Papahanaumoku, the Earth Mother, shows us herself in her body form of the Earth. the Earth slowly moving, always moving to keep giving life as it is suspended, supported by the vastness of the Universal Energy holding it in "space"... Mother Earth moves slowly, 24 hours to move through her rotation of life - if you close your eyes, imagine the Earth moving in slow rotation, what do you feel? Where is it in your body? Where does that feeling take you ? What does it take you deeper into? If Mother Earth takes 24 hours for her movement through life, why are we rushing through ours... If we observe Nature, we will find the Teaching we are being given. This whole time period is about slowing down, feeling the movement of our lives, the movement of the Universe, bringing it in, then moving slowly, softly again from that place - sending that vibration back out to create another, different kind of movement. That is HULA, the Hula of Life, The heartbeat which connects us to the true nature of EXISTENCE...Aloha x Join our next Hula Workshop - learn the story, live the story, ground the story, be the story and feel the movement of the Universe within you: for one of the last places. Hula for all of us...#spiritualhealingcourses #healing #spiritualgrowth #selfdevelopmen #selfcare #betterrelationships #authenticSpiritualTeachings
23.01.2022 **BREAKING NEWS** - 39 just became our new favourite number. The SoHAD's Courses are now recognised in 39 Countries, that's 12 more since it's launch! It's Woo-Hoo's, High 5's and Cheesey Grins. Aloha x
23.01.2022 | CONSCIOUS, EMPOWERED, LOVING RELATIONSHIPS Join a community inspired by learning & helping each other to live uplifted, empowered and consciously connected lives Spiritually, Mentally, Emotionally & Physically. Heal your baggage, free yourself from the stories that keep you sacrificing yourself for love and approval. Learning the Sacred Hawaiian Spiritual Teachings can help you to: 1. Determine what you REALLY want in your relationships... 2. Grow into your true self minus the Vulnerability 3. Weather the ups & downs of relationships and life 4. Stand your ground & stop losing yourself for love or friends The next LIVING PA'A workshop is about healing past wounds and re-setting the foundation for the relationships you want in every aspect of your life. Sign up today - starts 23 August. Full Day $95. Half Day $50. Plus, you're protected by our COVID-SAFE Status. Aloha x #spiritualhealingcourses #healing #healingworkshopsSydney #spiritualrelationships #relationshiphelp #spiritualmeetups #spiritualhealingSydney
22.01.2022 #SIMPLEREMINDERS | Dissertation on Self-Love. If you understand what this Elder is sharing, you're one of our kind. All Elders are our Elders. Listen. Learn, Reflect, Act. Aloha x Next Sydney Workshop: LIVING PA'A. 18 October 2020. The Sacred Teaching: PONO + Hula Dancing. Small Group. Limited Numbers. Covid Safe Registration. Book Now: > TrueStore > Workshops. True Nature is the parent of SOHAD.
22.01.2022 | GET BETTER RELATIONSHIPS & A HAPPIER LIFE Learn how to generate positive changes within yourself that spill over into every part of life. Transform the negative energy in relationships with other people whilst strengthening and creating an unbreakable bond with Spirit. Learn the Sacred Hawaiian Spiritual Foundation Teachings to help you: 1. Reset the foundation of your life ... 2. Have better relationships with yourself & other people 3. Change the "flavour" of how you are in your relationships 4. Heal past relationship wounds forever The next LIVING PA'A workshop: Healing past wounds and setting the foundation for the relationships you want in every aspect of your life. Sign up today: - starts 23 August. Full Day $95. Half Day $50. Plus, you're protected by our COVID-SAFE Status. Aloha x #spiritualhealingcourses #healing #healingworkshopsSydney #spiritualrelationships #relationshiphelp #spiritualmeetups #spiritualhealingSydney
22.01.2022 #WORKSHOPS | PONO doesn't translate well in English. Its a Teaching to show us how to live consciously in right balance & relationship with other things, places, people and the cosmos. It helps us to maintain a state of spiritual alignment and way of being and tells us the deeper layers of what takes us out of PONO. The Ancestors have taken this Teaching for this workshop in an interesting direction! Book with this link: #SpiritualHealingCourses #Spirituality #healing #alignment #lessconflict #morepeace #happiness
22.01.2022 TODAYS. TEACHING. JOIN THE CLASS... MAINTAINING MANA - in the SOHAD the Teachings of our Lineage are the foundation for most of our courses whether they are specifally about Hawaiian Spirituality and Healing or not. Which means each of our courses carry the MANA imprint - the Spirit Energy - of our Ancestors. In this way, we are able to show people in modern communities across the world how these Ancient Teachings can be applied today. We maintain the Mana and we are able... to preserve these important Teachings and make sure they never get lost - or compromised... ...even though we are sharing the Teachings through mediums that are not "Hawaiian", they are part of the modern world. We maintain the Teachings without DISTORING THEM to suit a specific purpose. Our idea is to show the multiple applications of the Teachings to daily life so you can live from them moment by moment. Its about maintaining SPIRITUAL INTEGRITY - which is something we are concerned about when we read through the descriptions of the many courses, workshops, webinars and talks that are accessible through Social Media Channels. So many Spiritual Teachings of many Cultures are being distorted - not always for money but in ways that show that the foundations of the Teaching are not properly understood. Not understanding and applying is DISTORTION. Its also SPIRITUAL DISMANTLING...think about that for a moment... a School with 50+ Generations behind us, we cant allow our Spiritual Teachings to become the latest MUST DO TREND to be CONSUMED by Seekers unwilling to spend the time to fully learn, understand and apply. Otherwise it all just becomes a SPIRITUAL HUSTLE - and no-one benefits from that... A prime example is the cultural Practice of HOOPONOPONO. No matter how many times it is stated across the socials that Hooponopono is NOT A 4 LINE PRAYER, we see people refusing to back away from it. That tells you about the proponents SPIRITUAL INTEGRITY and attachment to EGO. Another is the rise of Cocao Ceremonies popping up in everything - how can a Mayan Practice be included, for example, in Yoga Workshops? In fact, Yoga itself is another great example of SPIRITUAL CHERRY-PICKING. There are so many elements to Healing and Spirituality and how they connect together. It does take a while to learn and a lifetime to Master - but thats what Spirituality is, "mastery" over knee-jerk, ego driven reactions to the many life situations we encounter. Otherwise Healing is commodotised as another marketing buzzword for people looking for solutions - you cannot heal if you munch a bit from there and a bit from here. To do so is to miss the point of "englightenment" entirely. Something to sit with, reflect upon and then get to it. Aloha x #spiritualhealing #kupunawisdom #spiritualintelligence #spiritualintegrity #learnitall Patience is healing...
22.01.2022 #WISEWORDS | Kupuna Wisdom... Imbalance creates disunity at every level. The Teachings tell us that all must exist in LOKAHI - unity and harmony. When there is unity at any level within the Self, you are out of alignment. If you are out of alignment you are not in Lokahi within your Self. Which means you are out of alignment with Spirit. The road back is to do the hana/the inner work to heal and reset your alignment. When you are in alignment at the level of SPIRIT-MIND-BODY you notice how everything else around you RESPONDS to YOU and YOU to IT - thats one of the things youll learn in our last workshop... BOOK TO HEAL & EXPERIENCE: small group. beginners level. 2 facilitators, plenty of 1:1 - #spiritualhealingcourses #soundhealing #dancetherapy #learnhuladancing #selfdevelopment #selfcare #selflove
21.01.2022 PATH TO PAA - PART 1: PAPA...| The first step on the Path for Spiritual Seekers & Explorers as well as those with an itch to start training in Hawaiian Healing Practices - Lomilomi and Hooponopono. All Courses are like Lego - they just click together. Speaking of clicks - click to see what youll learn. Aloha x Dont forget Friday is INSTAPEDIA DAY over on our Insta page... #spiritualhealing #spiritualitycourses #healingschool #healing #healyourlife - get started on the path to #wholeness, #wellness and all the good stuff
21.01.2022 | FOUNDATIONS - our School, SOHAD, has the Spiritual Teachings of our 50+ Generations as our foundation. Even our courses and workshops that are not specifically about Hawaiian Spirituality, are built on this foundation and you will find the Preserved Teachings woven through them. We are TRANSLATORS - we give you the Traditional Teaching and then show you how to TRANSLATE it into your day to day life - wherever you are and whatever you do. That's how we are helping to pres...erve the Teachings in their entirety and integrity by translating them. If we don't, then they become distorted or lost over time. In this way we show our Spiritual Leadership and the universal application of our Sacred Traditional Teachings. The Kupuna/Elders always say ALOHA is Hawaii's gift to the world. Watch out for Anakala/Uncle Pilipo at about 32 sec. Here's the Teaching: you have to ask yourself why Uncle always agrees to be in these videos featuring ALOHA? ...And, that's why it's the TOPIC of our SYDNEY Workshop LIVING PA'A and we'll be going deep into it - in a direction you won't anticipate. We're almost at capacity, so if you want to come NOW'S the time to get one of the last seats for Sunday 23 August. Aloha x Workshops - here to book last seats: #spirituality #spiritualhealingcourses #learnhulasydney #studyHawaiianSpirituality #spiritualgrowthworkshops #selfdevelopmentcourses #healyourlife #healingworkshops #learnlomilomi #learnhooponopono #learnhealing
20.01.2022 FRIENDS...| I want to teach you this Healing Modality so youre sure what youre learning is the RD! Dont just learn about Hooponopono, study it, so you know all about it, and youre confident practicing it. Our study program, isnt a deep dive, its a full immersion! When Im not Teaching, Im in my Healing Studio conducting Sessions. Lots of them... Im busy - when Covid stops me doing Lomilomi, Ive got the Hooponopono work to do. Im going to train you in everything... you need, and well mentor you through your development. (and, if your already a Hawaiian Massage Therapist, why train in unrelated modalities. This IS the one you want to add to your skillset) Luna Hooponopono Training is enroling now. Dont miss out on a place. E: | Qs: 61 0417 411 465 or message me via Messenger.
20.01.2022 #WORKSHOPS |This lunch time we chat about our COVID-SAFE status and the Kolohe, Kepalo and how the Sacred Teaching of Aloha protects us and prevents their disruption in our lives. INTERESTING POINT: despite our clear sound check, the soundtrack is slightly disrupted - that's how the OTHER SIDE operates and why it was important to still keep the post of this Lunchtime Chat. Join us - a helpful10 minutes. Aloha x You can join the LIVING PA'A WORKSHOP - it's about applying the Sacred Teaching of Aloha to every part of your life and putting into every important relationship. We're going to go deeeep into the Teaching. Get your Seat: #spiritualhealingcourses #spiritualtraining #courses #selfdevelopment #learnaboutspirituality #learnhulaSydney
18.01.2022 SOHAD NEWSLETTER - your invitation to Living Pa'a Workshops. Discount Code for Returners to share with Friends. Shake-it-up Short-take Teaching to get you thinking and hint, hint at the depth we're taking you. Hit the quick link: Aloha x #spiritualhealingcourses #spiritualworkshops #spiritualTeachings #AncestralWisdom #LivingWisdom #healing #selfdevelopment #selfhelp #selfcare
17.01.2022 THE SCHOOL OF HAWAIIAN SPIRITUAL STUDIES - Course Guide. Explore each course, the training pathway, and why this training is so necessary with this link: Aloha x
14.01.2022 TODAY'S TEACHING...| Most people don't understand other people. Having "good people skills" isn't the same as understanding people. People are complex. We don't start out that way, but somewhere along the way, things get tangled up, knotted and, sometimes, strangulating. Our thoughts strangulate us, which is why the Buddha taught "we are what we think and all that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world; think and act with a pure mind and happi...Continue reading
14.01.2022 IF YOU CAN RELATE IN ANY SMALL WAY to what this Elder is saying, then you belong in our next Workshop which is a pathway to liberation through understanding, at depth, the Sacred Teaching of Aloha and how to put it into your life and all of your relationships. This video opens the door for you - we encourage you to walk through it with us. Aloha x Here to learn: 4 spots left. #spiritualhealingcourses #aloha #forgiveness #selflove #selfcare #soulfreedom
13.01.2022 TWENTY YEARS AS A PROFESSIONAL COURSE WRITER, TRAINER, FACILITATOR, SPEAKER - luckily, because with 50+ Generations of knowledge & wisdom to share, that's a whole lotta nose-to-the-grindstone-cog-turning to do. Onward...Aloha x Next Courses & Coming Soon Courses via the TN Website: #spirituality #spiritualeducation #spiritualcourses #spiritualhealingcourses #studyspirituality #sacredteachings #ancestralwisdom #spirituallineage #coursestoheal
13.01.2022 WISE GUIDE DEBORAH shares this with us this morning...| Read this story and you will understand why preserving traditional cultures and teachings is so important for the continuation of humankind and all of our 'ohana on this Earth. You will also learn why the work of the SoHAD is so important in our homelands of Hawaii and how YOU help accomplish it when you train with us, because YOUR course fees contribute to our Projects. You become part of us, our very own SoHAD Suppo...rters. Our own collective survival depends on our understanding of how critical it is to preserve Spiritual Teachings ACCURATELY from across the world - and understanding, that when we don't, WE are contributing to the death of the Cultures and Spiritual Practices and Healing we purport to love. Aloha x #train in #authentic #training #courses. Learn with us: #traditional #hooponopono, #spiritualteachings and #healing. Get: #Certified in 39 Countries as well as our Hawaiian #Lineage try Free Courses, read the manuals, try out the interactive learning activities - and have fun testing your knowledge
13.01.2022 WHEN THINGS ARE DONE RIGHT - the Ancestors recognise the effort. Perfect example: hunting down Green Ti for our fully booked Workshop on Sunday. None to be had. And, then, up a garden path, through a clearing and there, hidden from first view - a Green Ti Jungle. Powerful Hoailona - sign carrying their response. Aloha na Akua. x
13.01.2022 WE'RE OFFICALLY SAFE! True Nature, SOHAD's parent, is a Registered Covid Safe Business, and so are our venue partners. The community of likeminds we are gathering is important to us. So put any worry aside. And, if any of these words speak to your heart, we want you in our inspired community. Get onboard our next Workshop of Sacred Teachings - it's all about unconditional love. Ya' dig? Aloha. Find out how to join in our graphic below - or catch the Hippy Express with this link: #spiritualhealingcourses #sacredteachings #peace #love #happiness #havehippythoughts #healing #oneofourkind #lifeandrelationships
13.01.2022 #WORKSHOPS | ...yep, that's how we roll. One of the many fabulous things about our Lineage Teachings is that they're Universal. It doesn't matter which Spiritual Path your on, they help you go the distance. These are Teachings for Life. Spirituality is a lifelong commitment. There's something in these Teachings for everyone. Book here for Sydney 18 October: 12 Spots Only. Aloha x #spiritualhealingcourses #spiritualworkshopsSydney
12.01.2022 Be like the Sun...Aloha x (or L in keep with our current School enroling, The School of Hawaiian Studies). Check out what's on offer for Practitioners and Spiritual Seekers: #spirituality #spiritualhealingcourses #learntobeaHealer: Enroling: #hooponopono #hawaiianspiritualteachings #lomilomi - RPL
12.01.2022 When you find peace within yourself you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others and all things in this Universe...Are you truthfully at Peace? PONO is one of the foundation blocks of finding lasting peace and lifelong balance. You can learn this way of being. We can show you. Aloha x Next Sydney Workshop: 18 October, Join Now. #spiritualhealingcourses #spirituality #healing #peace #love #happiness #truth
11.01.2022 Q & A...| Yesterday we did a not-so-quickie, Popup Meetup "O" (Orientation) Day of the SoHAD. We showed people around, didnt quite get to the Teaching per se (although there was a bit of it as part of the Tour), but we did get a few Questions. Heres one about getting to Paa or Mastery, and the response from Kumu Paa Julia Nlani... ...weve set the meeting up as a Private Viewing over on our You Tube Channel. Heres the link so you can take the tour too:... Like this? Tag or share with someone you think will like it too. x #healingschool #spiritualitycourses #learnhooponopono #learnlomilomi #studyhawaiianspirituality #studyhawaiianhealing #covidproofyourbusiness
11.01.2022 THOUGHT ABOUT LEARNING HAWAIIAN SPIRITUALITY? The Elders say "Aloha" is their gift to the world. Our responsibility is to give you the Teachings to lift up your spirit, find your inner balance, and come home deep inside yourself. We resource you with the Teachings, so no matter what happens to you, you have a place of always "coming home". In each workshop we share with you another of the Sacred Teachings. Step by step you build a strong spiritual foundation to carry you th...rough all the years of your life. With the Sacred Teachings in place, you are guided along your Path and become part of our 'ohana, our inspired, supportive community. Aloha x To explore the Sacred Teachings and the path of our Ancestors come to our next Workshop: Sydney 23 August 2020. Low cost. C19 Safe. Two Facilitators. Small Group. #spiritualhealingcourses #learnhawaiianspirituality #sacredteachings #ancestralwisdom find it here:
09.01.2022 AS OUR OWN KUMU/TEACHER reminds us...| You must ask, but before you do, ask where you are first...Aloha x...and if you don't know where you are, that's where we come in... #spiritualteachings from old Hawaii:
09.01.2022 THERE'S A REVOLUTION....| We wake up this morning to one of our fav Soul musicmakers, The Soul Movers, at the top of the feed. There is a ReVoLuTiOn in the way Spiritual Training is movin across the Globe and the SoHAD is one of the VISIONARY DISRUPTORS in the Hawaiian Healing "space" - and not only that "space" mind you - it's a disruption that has to happen for lots of reasons... HOAILONA/Signs work in all different ways - the Ancestors are persistent in getting thei...r message across and they'll do it all different ways. Weve been deep in conversation with them from the early hours of the morning - and this is one of two things that happened right after each other. The answer is given... Being Visionaries and Disrutptors feeds our inner REBEL - oh, and the answer is given, but can you work out the question? Thats the KAONA - deeper meaning and one of the elements you study in our Training Courses. Aloha x NOURISH your Rebel and take it all next level: ENROLING NOW: Path to Paa - Part 1 for #Spiritual Seekers & Explorers, as well as Practitioners & Home Healers who want to dip their toes in; Luna Hooponopono: training for Home Healers & Practitioners to become a Luna #hooponopono
08.01.2022 | HOW TO GROW BETTER FRIENDSHIPS & RELATIONSHIPS Our relationships are reflections of ourselves. If you're not 100% happy within yourself first, real connection, fun, intimacy, safety, easiness, balance, bonding, sharing and valuing - will always be missing from your relationships, which includes friendships. You sell yourself short by settling for less than you're worth. Lack of relationship, feeling burdened or, maybe feeling you're a burden, simply means there's healing you can do. Learning the Sacred Hawaiian Spiritual Foundation Teachings can help you to: 1. Move beyond relational patterns and behaviours that limit you 2. Face your fears in a safe way 3. Re-value yourself so you can love and be loved the way you want 4. Feel mindfully, conscious, present & comfortable with what you need 4. Stand your ground & stop losing yourself for love or friends The next LIVING PA'A workshop is about how to love yourself, heal past wounds, re-set the foundations, be fully, spiritually present in every aspect of your life. Sign up today: - starts 23 August. Full Day $95. Half Day $50. Plus, you're protected by our COVID-SAFE Status. Aloha x #spiritualhealingcourses #healing #healingworkshopsSydney #spiritualrelationships #relationshiphelp #spiritualmeetups #spiritualhealingSydney
06.01.2022 | #WISEWORDS: THERE'S SO MUCH WISDOM HERE - if you take the time to really listen to what this Auntie is sharing with you. All Indigenous Cultures share an understanding of the layers and levels of the multiverse. They deepen this understanding day by day by living from within it - not on the outside or periphery as many Anglo/Anglo-influenced communities do. You can still hold your own cultural beliefs, such as Christianity and the One God and live within the understandin...g of Indigenous Cultures. One doesn't cancel the other. In Indigenous Thinking, the One God, is another level of God to add to the unconditional love and mana we can access and bring in to the Physical Realm. This is the teaching of no separation - from anything. And it is what Auntie is expressiing here in various ways. Aloha x OUR NEXT WORKSHOP: 18 October in Sydney Australia. Living Pa'a. This time the Sacred Teaching is PONO, which will also extend through the day into Hula Class.
06.01.2022 WATCH. LISTEN. UNDERSTAND? If you do, you're one of our kind... SOHAD is built on the foundation of our Hawaiian Lineage. Spiritual Teachings which are very similar to what's shown here. This short video gives a voice to themes that course through our School - the Spiritual Ecosystem, No Separation & Completeness. Our Teachings come to you from a Hawaiian Framework of Spirituality, but that's just the the Learning Path. What's important is you understand the essence of the Sacred Teaching and give it life in your life. Aloha x #spiritualhealingcourses #greatcourses #greatlearningpaths #howtostayonthePath #findyourspiritualpath #lifepurpose
06.01.2022 Every Workshop brings to you a solid framework of Ancestral Knowledge. Once each Teaching is explained to you in detail, you decide what you need to put into place. Once you put it into place and start to live it - you experience a beautiful movement that heals and nourishes. SOHAD brings together people from all walks of life in a celebration of where can move each other to. Come and join our next workshop. Aloha x Workshops : SOHAD is part of True Nature > > truestore
06.01.2022 #WISEWORDS | NATURE will always teach us something about ourselves or hand-out timely reminders if we are observant enough to see. Nature gets burned, cut down, trodden on but it puts all this positive energy into trying to regenerate itself, grow and thrive... People may try to cut you down, tell you dont belong, undermine your relationship with yourself & others or do stuff that really hurts you for no apparent reason. BUT if you have learned the fundamentals that give a strong inner foundation, if your own spirit/soul is in clear & direct alignment with SPIRIT, then you are able to internally validate, honour & respect who you are. Other peoples opinions & bad behaviour doesnt impact you in the same way. Your ability is an outcome of your alignment Spiritually. When thats in place, everything else HAS to fall into place after it. It cant be any other way. And it shows in your relationship with yourself & others. In the end, the only relationship that really matters is the one you have with SPIRIT, because every other relationship is a reflection of this one. IF you want better relationships - with yourself and others, or to get the loving partner you want - work on your Spiritual alignment first. We teach you how to do it in our LIVING PA'A WORKSHOP & give you the coaching you need to put into each of your relationships starting with Yourself. The first Sacred Teaching we share is about really getting DEEP into understanding, attaining & LIVING unconditional love - to Yourself, others and of course, SPIRIT. If you want better, happier, unconfusing, unconditionally loving relationships, start here in our Workshop. Be like Nature. No matter whats happened to you in the past, you can still grow & thrive in the way you want. Just learn the foundation first - here to get a spot. Our training venue is COVID Safe and the School is approved as COVID safe too. As a extra, we're keeping this class small - so even more 1:1 time. Aloha x #spiritualhealingcourses #spiritualalignment #getlovingrelationships #selflove #selfhealing #selfhelp #lovingpartnerships #healingrelationships #healingyourself
04.01.2022 | #KUPUNAWISDOM - and one of the ways we open it up is through OLI + HULA. Sound and movement... Aloha x COME & TRY IT FOR YOURSELF: last workshop for the year 6th December @ Allambie Heights Sydney #spiritualhealingcourses #natureconnection #wholeness #oneness #completion
04.01.2022 #WORKSHOPS | RELEASING THE MANA - Mana is the Spirit Energy of our Ancestors to help us get things done. To complete our Workshops, we release the Mana accumulated in the workshop, ritually and invite our participants to come along..."it made our whole workshop complete..." said Una, shown here in the middle of us as we do the Hula she learned for the Ancestors. Aloha x Join the next workshop: #spiritualhealingcourses #learnhulaSydney #spiritualclassesSydney
02.01.2022 SUNNY DAYS READING...| Lastest Article - start here: The Kpuna the Elders, wise people continually tell us to keep everything simple. They stress that life is simple but we make it complex through the decisions we make and the distractions (or busyness) we create. The Kpuna encourage us to think about the world we live in and how we live in it They teach us that there are two worlds one is REALITY and the other is the DREAM. The REAL WORLD is the world of our Ance...stors and loved ones no longer with us, where we all come from; and then we have this world, which is a DREAM WORLD of schooling about how to learn how to become good people... Keep reading: hit the link... #spiritualteachings, #healinglife, #reflections, #ancestorguidance, #loveyourselffirst, #wiseguides, #timetothink, #timetoheal, #timetolearn, #timetodoitdifferently
02.01.2022 #WISEWORDS | SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE - Imagine a world where we did not have need to argue with each other... Each one of us has a kuleana/ a responsibility to really understand ourselves and develop a deep relationship with ourselves. If we understood this at the cellular level, all arguments and conflicts would fall away, because there would be nothing to argue about. We would be operating at the level of SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE - we hear a lot about EQ: Emotional Intellige...nce, but EQ is still in danger of being influenced by the distorted Ego. You cannot have EQ without getting SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE into place first. Rarely do we hear about or read about Spiritual Intelligence... Which is why it is important to learn SI - SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE FIRST, and then you can work on your EQ, because if you are coming from a foundation of Spiritual Intelligence, you won't be as REACTIVE. You wouldn't be falling into temptation of arguing to get your needs met, to feel powerful. to be understood. You'd be RESPONDING. And that is what Spiritual Wisdom is...something to think about and then get to it. Aloha x If you want to develop your SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE, then here's where to next for you. Join our next Sydney Workshop: 18 October. Here for a place: #spiritualhealingcourses #healing #spirituality #happiness #unconditionallove #spiritualconnection
02.01.2022 TODAYS. TEACHING. JOIN. THE. CLASS... THE #1 RELATIONSHIP IN YOUR LIFE | We discussed this in our August Living Pa'a Workshop: that Spirit has to be the number 1 relationship in your life. Think about those words for a moment and notice what happens in response... carries with it a load that challenges all of our installed Anglo-westernised "values". Do you mean before my children? YES. Do you mean before my Partner? YES. Before my parents, sisters, brothers, granny? ...YES. The Ancestors, The Teachings, Spirit, Nature, You - we're all wrapped up together. The problem is we have become separate, compartmentalised, distant, forgoing the Teachings and Practices which hold all of our relationships in place. When we keep elevating physical realm relationships over each other, trying to "prioritise" them, constantly moving them about, trying to find their place according to where we think we are in life against where we think we should be, we're always left wanting. Reflect on this for a minute - it's hard words... ...the wanting, no matter how vague or slight, is the inkling that there's "something else" that needs to be in the mix. That something else is your relationship with Spirit/the Higher Being. Everything in your life is a reflection of where you are Spiritually. Get the Spiritual Relationship in place first and everything else will naturally find it's place BECAUSE it is a reflection of and part of, this one relationship. It is this relationship that creates the correct alignment for all of other relationships to be ones of 100% UNCONDITIONALITY - now there's a Teaching worth considering: are ALL your relationships, including the one with yourself, 100% Unconditional? And if you don't believe relationships, or anything, can be 100% Unconditional - then there's a bit of inner work for you right there. Sit quietly and reflect on what we mean. Finding your way to the Loving Place Within, confirming the truth for yourself that you are a vessel of unconditional love with the unlimited capacity to become who you want to be in life, have the relationships you want to have in life, have the type of life you want and work towards 100% happiness all of the time (and thats another truth you have to discover for yourself through the application of the Teachings) starts with one relationship. The one you have with SPIRIT/the HIGHER BEING...something to think about and then get to it. Aloha x #spiritualhealingcourses These and other Teachings are shared in our Living Pa'a Series. The next Workshop 18 October is the Sacred Teaching of PONO + Hula Dancing, where we continue the learning through dance. Booking now, last month all spots sold out: #spirituality #healing #relationships #selfdevelopment
02.01.2022 | FUN REMINDER of last year's Gold Coast Workshop. But before we head there in September, we have SYDNEY starting 23 August. Hula People - just look how much these folks learned in one lesson. Plus they learned 2 Chants! Join Sydney Hula here: - 23 August $50pp. Bring a Friend. Two Facilitators. Lots of 1:1. Covid Safe Registration. Aloha x #HulaDancingClassesSydney #learnHulaSydney #learnhawaiianhuladancing #healingdance #earthconnection #spiritualconnection #ancestralwisdom #spiritualteachings
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