Scope Performance & Coaching in Adelaide, South Australia | Personal coach
Scope Performance & Coaching
Locality: Adelaide, South Australia
Phone: +61 434 279 631
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25.01.2022 Take a thought and bring it to life by taking action #growthmindset #pushups #thoughts #takeaction
25.01.2022 When it comes to training and making results Recovery is king Training is queen What I mean by that is, if you do not prioritise and get the first part correct. The second will not have such a big impact.... You can train for as long as you like and as hard as you like. However if you are eating wrong, not getting enough sleep, stressed out and thinking wrong. It is going to do you as much good as trying to fill a bucket full of holes. All training no recovery is a quick trip to burn out and injuries. So go back to BASICS Eat real quality food. Get enough sleep. Reduce your stress THEN You can think about adding more stress to the system through training. #training #recovery #gains #growthmindset #selfcare
25.01.2022 Come join us for our Recovery Seminar!!! Learn all things nutrition, sleep and stress management DM me for more information ... #healthandfitness #scopeperformanceandcoaching #sandc #recoveryseminar #fitnesslifestyle #nutrition #southaustralia #healthyeating
24.01.2022 When things change dramatically it can be difficult You lose routine, you fall back into old habits and you can find yourself sliding down a slippery slope. You fear all the progress you made will go to waste. The best thing you can do is dont beat yourself up, its only human. Give yourself a break. These things dont happen often. ... Then when you are ready pick yourself up from the couch and get into action. Start with a routine even if it just a 10 minute walk. Then build upon it. Adapt and turn this stumbling block into a stepping stone. But just remember you are only human and that it doesn't always happen overnight. #growth #change #mindset #coaching
24.01.2022 Take the time for you, there will always be something to do, bills to pay, things to stress and worry over What will disappear is your health and quality of life if you continue to put yourself second to the noise and business of life Take some time for yourself in whatever way you enjoy most, get outside and just be present to the world and the moment you’re in ... #metime #sandc #unwind #putyourselfirst #selfcare #health #healthylifestyle #fitness #strengthmindset #adelaidetrainers #healthysa
23.01.2022 Getting back to training! With gyms reopening it’s an awesome opportunity to get back in there and start training! It is worth noting that with the covid break, if you have stopped training you will have experienced some form of detraining. Sadly you won’t have the same strength and conditioning in the gym that you left with. What this means is that if you walk in, all guns blazing, you have the potential to be left with some serious DOMS or worse even an injury. This may lea...d to your week of glory returning to the gym to fizzle out. My tips for your first week back: Leave your ego at the door Warm up and take the time to familiarise yourself with the movements Focus on the quality of the movement, not how heavy you can lift Don’t go HAM, leave some in the tank Focus on you recovery Repeat. It won’t take long and you will be back to the same strength as before! Happy training!
23.01.2022 How much of your lifestyle contributes to recovery? How much contributes to stress? Have a moment to yourself and re evaluate the choices you make
23.01.2022 Fear or Faith What will you choose to serve? Both require us to believe in something that isnt real... Faith is to believe in the best possible outcome Fear is to believe in the worst possible outcome And what we think we feel and what we feel we become So if you think about failing you feel disempowered and you become disempowered Think about winning and you will feel empowered and then become empowered Everyday we wake up and we have a choice, faith or fear? Which do you choose to serve? #faithoverfear #coaching #mindset #success
21.01.2022 Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. Do not sit and think about it, go out and get busy #qotd #words #strength #strongmind #fear #overcome #gains #gym #strengthandconditioning
21.01.2022 Weakness Strength
21.01.2022 You can’t fire a cannon from a canoe. Think about it, if you’re unstable whilst performing a lift, things can get messy. Your ability to express a force is determined by your foundations and your ability to stay tight under load.... Keeping a tight core allows you to more effectively transfer force from the ground to the bar. So squeeze that bum and keep your core tight. #tightcore #strength #lifting #gym #mindset #quote #deadlift #weights #squeeze #socks #adelaide #strengthmindset #gains
20.01.2022 A simple workout that can be modified for those with limited equipment equipment 4 rounds 100 skips 15 Push ups... Split squats (shown in the video) triple drop set 10 reps at each point 45 sec plank I use a weighted vest but this could be replaced by a back pack with some books Dumbbells can be replaced with milk cartons Instead of skipping do some step ups Get creative and have some fun #homeworkouts #fitness #fun #stayhome #covid_19
20.01.2022 Hey guys! So this weekend is the launch of our online bootcamp. Here are the details - The bootcamp will be held via the app Zoom so if you haven’t already it be sure to download it - The bootcamps will be at 9:00am every Saturday morning - The bootcamps will be catered for all fitness levels - The link for the bootcamp will be posted here in the group at 9:00am sharp so be ready for a 9:05am kick off See more
20.01.2022 There is a lot we can’t control, so focus on what you can control. YOU! Start with your mind, what are you thinking about? Focus on what it is you want. Think it, picture it, feel it. Then act. ... Act with purpose. Don’t half ass it, do it and make it count. Talk yourself into it. Yeah its winter, yes it’s cold, yes your bed is probably much warmer than it is outside. But this is what it takes and you will do it with purpose. Eat with purpose. Train with purpose. Sleep with purpose. Be YOU with purpose. #growth #mindset #train #purpose
19.01.2022 Some information around how to prevent detraining and muscle loss whilst training from home
19.01.2022 Truth Something that is true for you does not have to be true for anyone else What I mean by that is that we are all different in so many different ways, not just physically. So figure out what works for you wether it be training, nutrition or lifestyle. ... Learn to listen to your body and approach things with an open and curious mind. Understand that one approach that may work for someone else might actually send you backwards! #learning #training #health #nutrition
19.01.2022 Sometimes we try to complicate things to make ourselves feel better about our inability to do the simple things properly. Everyone is searching for that secret workout formula or that breakthrough diet yet no one can consistently do the basics. Why? ... Because the basics aren't sexy. Because the more complicated it is, the easier it is to say it's 'too hard' and give up. See more
19.01.2022 It doesn't have to be perfect Just do something Make the committment to yourself to show up everyday #growth #mindset #coach #consistency
18.01.2022 "I dont think I can do it" that single thought it can put any best laid out plan on its head it is the single sentance that halts motivation... its the sigh of defeat I deal with it alot, i think it alot. We all set ourselves with lofty aspirations and dreams. We aspire to be and have so much. And the one thing that can bring it all down is your own belief. Do you believe you can do it or not? Every morning I wake up and ask myself that question, can I achieve my goals? Some days I feel on fire and that nothing could stop me, other days I feel as though the weight of the world is dragging me backwards. If I'm motivated, excellent! If not thats okay, I sit and I go through that feeling, what has come up for me to feel that way? What do I feel I can do? Its okay to feel as though your dreams are out of your reach. It then is just about shifting your focus. What can you achieve? What can you do today? It might just be getting to the gym and going for a walk, and you know what that is okay. Sometimes we feel like superheros, other days not so much. The biggest killer of any dream is the expectation that you wont succeed. So take the time to see where you are at and to shift your expectations. #mindset #growth #expectations #coaching
17.01.2022 S U N D A Y What goals have you set yourself for the week? What steps are you taking to be the best version of yourself? Write it down and put it into action
17.01.2022 These times can be challenging What do you CHOOSE to see? Remember...... What you focus on you grow - whether you want it or not #growth #positivevibes #covid_19 #mindset
17.01.2022 Focus right. Focus on what you can do and what you can control
17.01.2022 You know all those times that you really wanted to do something but never followed through? For whatever reason, you just never really got around to doing it or fully committing to the idea of it. Have you ever sat with yourself and asked why?... Now, I totally it there have been so many times I too have said I wanted something but never followed through: In business, In relationships, and in life. Yesterday, I sat with myself and asked what was I scared of? Why was I scared to commit? The answer? I was scared I wouldn't be good enough I was fearful around what the outcome would be and what others would think, and I let this story play out over and over again in many aspects of my life. Yesterday, I had the opportunity to change that story, to re-parent myself. To connect with the fact that it isn't about the outcome, it isn't about what others think. It's about the process, it's about learning and growing, it's having the courage to take the plunge and commit ... to myself #mindset #growth #courage #coach #strength
17.01.2022 Eating chocolate may taste good but isn’t always good for you. Training may not feel the best but that doesn’t mean that it’s bad. Part of being an adult is making choices not just based on pleasure and pain. It is about stepping outside instant gratification and actually making choices based on consequence. ... What choices will you make today?
16.01.2022 Leg day without weights? Give these single leg squats a try, they can be a real challenge! They are also great for improving hip stability and balance. If you really want to make it harder try with a smaller box... Or if you really want to go hardcore try with no box at all. Let me know how you go! #strength #training #gains #coaching #isolation
16.01.2022 If you really value YOU and the result you are working towards it will be easier to complete. How can you really value training/ going to the gym/ eating well? Write it out ... List 30 ways that it will benefit you. Write it all out, then take a moment and then you’ll see how much value you have for it. #words #wotd #stevejobs #strengthmindset #sport #sandc #fitnessaustralia #salocal #adelaidept #weights #gains #fitness #healthylifestyle
15.01.2022 What we practice we get good at, so what is it that you have been practicing lately? Where have you been directing your time and energy? What habits have you been supporting?
15.01.2022 Focus in and do the work It’s easy to get distracted by everything that is happening around you, work, relationships, life will always be calling for your attention Cut through the noise and focus on what you are doing, show up and give 100%... #strength #safetybar #fitness #health #healthylifestyle #fitnessaustralia #salocal #personaltrainers #coaches #healthcoach #sandc #strengthmindset #gains #holistichealth #qotd #focus #showupforyou
13.01.2022 The path of least resistance It is human nature to follow the path that has least resistance, that is whatever is easy. Think about it... How often when you are tired, stressed or unmotivated does training or trying to eat healthy become "too hard"?? To overcome this try making those habits as easy as possible. For example: Don’t keep junk food in the house, always have better options available. Keep your gym bag and clothes in the car so you can go straight from work to the gym. Make those healthier habits as easy as possible to do
13.01.2022 Will-power v Why-power If your why is big enough, it’ll conquer any how. So focus right, focus on what you can do and what you can control. The rest will fall in place.
13.01.2022 Those that are successful aren’t those who wait to be motivated. The successful people take action, which then leads to motivation. Think about it, you don’t always wake up motivated. Sometimes motivation happens after you start.... So take that step and just start. Let motivation find you
12.01.2022 Greg Knuckles, a researcher in the realm of strength and conditioning, says that the limit to all research is that it is not individualised. You see, science is not black and white, science is about predicting trends from information. Look at a standard distribution, what this tells use where we can guess 95% of the population lies... However that doesn't tell us where you lie on the curve. You are your own research of population 1. As we are all so unique we will all respond slightly differently to certain things. Also the thing with science is it isn't always a law of truths rather it is a collection of rules yet to be proven untrue Use science to guide your decision making process and keep an open mind. Science is always changing and we think we know more than we actually do. #science #strengthgains #thoughts #mindset #outside #adelaide #australia #muscles #strengthandconditioning
10.01.2022 The moment you realise you forget your headphones and you’re 2 mins from the gym. Happy Wednesday everyone! #doh #fitness #fitnessmotivation #fitnessjourney #health #goodlife #whiteboard #strengthmindset
09.01.2022 Have you booked your spot for tomorrow’s lifting workshop???? Send us a DM so you don’t miss out!
09.01.2022 Aim to just be 2% better everyday. It doesn’t have to be perfect, just commit to doing better than you did the day before. #qotd #sandc #healthylifestyle #personaltrainersofadelaide #growth #strengthmindset #puttheeffortin #health #strengthtraining #motivation #patriley #healthquotes #salocal
09.01.2022 Monday’s are for ducks and deadlifts
09.01.2022 Those mid set feels Hope you’re all having a well rested and kick ass week so far #tuesday #fitnessaustralia #coach #pt #midset #feels #adelaidept # heapsgood #healthandfitness #weights #lifting
08.01.2022 Wise words from a wise woman! Happy international women’s day I am very grateful to have such amazing and strong women in my life. ... Swipe to see some of the strong and awesome ladies I get to train and help become their best selves #internationalwomensday #adelaidefitness #fitnessaustralia #sahealth #womeninfitness #australiahealth #strengthtrainingforwomen #gainsmindset #strengthandconditioning
07.01.2022 There are times where shit just gets hard. It might be that I have a lot going on outside the gym or it just hasn't been my day These are the times when you want to stop, call it a day and go home.... These are the times where you sometimes just need to start. Tell yourself "just 5 minutes" then ask yourself , can I do 5 minutes more?" Then rinse and repeat Before you know it you won't need to ask and you will be in the groove and getting shit done Remember to take it easy on yourself and give it your best shot #pushthrough #strengthmindset #getthroughit #justdoit #foodforthought #salocal #personaltrainers #coaches #healthandfitness #healthymindset #sandc #localfitness #rinseandrepeat #getinthrgroove #mindbodysoul
06.01.2022 Want results? My best advice avoid anything too complicated and go right back to the basics Focus on your recovery Get some good quality whole foods... 7-9 hours or more of good sleep Keep hydrated Get some sun Be active throughout the day And then when your recovery is on point Train hard and train well Training only gets you 20% of your results And if you arent doing any form of recovery training wont do anything except lead to burn out and injuries So stop with the fancy shakes and complicated training practices and just get back to basics Become a master of recovery, then watch how quickly you will get results
06.01.2022 If you hate something you won’t care for it Think about it, you don't look after things you hate. Rather we tend to mistreat, punish and neglect them. So what is your relationship with yourself? Do you truly love yourself? Do you tend, care for and nuture yourself? ... Do you act out of neglect, eating poor quality foods resulting in you acting to 'punish' yourself in the gym? Creating a perpetual cycle of self loathing. Leaving you with the feeling that if you look a certain way you will finally be happy. Do you always find yourself slipping and reverting to unhealthy behaviours, leading to result in more and more extreme diets and exercise routines? Connect with yourself and learn how to shift your paradigm. Learn to love yourself, to care and tend for your needs. This is the key to creating lasting and sustainable results. Make that change. Put you first.
06.01.2022 You don’t get strong from lifting heavy weights, you get strong from recovering from lifting heavy weights. Our body has an amazing ability to adapt to challenges that you give it. Present it with a heavy weight that it has to lift and if it is enough of a challenge your body will look to adapt These adaptations however may not always be positive. If a stress is too big or our body is unable to recover we can have a negative adaptation. It’s a bit like spending time in the s...un. Not enough sun there is no changes. Too much sun we burn. However when we get the amount right we get a positive adaptation and we tan! To give yourself the best chance of positive adaptations ensure you allow your body to recover through getting enough sleep and quality nutrition. #recovery #growthmindset #gains #eatsleeptrainrepeat
05.01.2022 Adaptation = Stress + Recovery If you want to adapt apply a stress. Your ability to then recover from that will be what determines how much you adapt and how much stress you can adapt from. However keep in mind this isnt a compartmentalised system, what i mean by that is your body can't tell the difference between a hard gym session and the mental stress of a big day at work. Thats why both can leave you feeling wrecked.... Yet the method we recover from both stresses is the same, good quality food and sleep. So if you want to maximise your progress in the gym, minimise stress outisde of the gym and maximise your recovery. Train hard, recover harder
05.01.2022 Easy way to make bodyweight training harder - use intra set holds Pause at the hardest point of the movement and hold it there for 5-10 seconds Do some reps, hold again, do some more reps then hold to finish off... If you really want a challenge try a 30 second split squat hold at the bottom of a rep, then 10 controlled reps then a second 30 second hold. #training #bodyweightworkout #strength #coach #covid_19
05.01.2022 We all have those moments where you are lying in bed and you go "whats the point?" You lose your motivation, your drive and that inner fire. For whatever reason you struggle to push yourself to get up and act. This is where your attitude counts.... This is where you need to be able to have a conversation with yourself, to talk yourself into doing what you need to do. Hold vision and remind yourself why you are doing what it is you do. Then you lean in and you do what it takes.
04.01.2022 The stronger the sock game, the stronger your lifts Strength can be defined through a variety of different ways. One definition is seeing strength as the ability to produce force. Hence, being stronger produce more force. Research has found several factors that correlate with increases in strength.... 1. The cross sectional area of the muscle, the bigger the muscle and its fibres the more force can be produced. 2. Inter and intra muscular coordination. These refer to your muscle fibres ability to coordinate their contractions (inter), as not all muscle fibres 'fire' at the same time, so the better we can coordinate this the more force the muscle can produce. Think if you had people trying to push a car it would be more effective of everyone pushed at the same time. Intra muscular coordination is the ability for your different muscle groups to coordinate more effectively together within a specific movement. Think of a squat, your quads need to work together effectively with your glutes in order to raise the bar. Another intra muscular coordination example is between the the opposite pairing of muscles. In order for the quadriceps to contract the hamstrings must also lengthen so if these two muscles are not coordinating it will reduce how effectively one change produce force and movement at a joint. #strength #squats #quads #mindset #force #dropitlikeitshot #gym #exercise #fitness #knowledge #muscles #gymnerd
04.01.2022 In the words of Dory, just keep swimming #scopeptsa #sandc #strengthtraining #healthquotes #nemo #dory #healthylifestyle #heapsgood #salocal #fitness #marvlevy
04.01.2022 Commit to yourself (and your sock game)! Find a goal and go all in. Make a promise to yourself that no matter what, you will find a way! When challenges appear, you will find a way. ... You will go above them, below them and around them. If you can’t find a way - make one So commit and become the means to the end
04.01.2022 Want to know my top tip for managing your motivation and keeping yourself on track? Its your environment and the people around you Do the people around you inspire you? Does your environment make it easier to make the right choices?... When we are tired and our willpower fails we will always look for the path of least resistance. Think about it. How hard is it, when you are tired, to not snack on all the wrong foods? Especially if you know there is a block of chocolate in the fridge or chips in the cupboard? How easy is it to hit the snooze button and take a rest day when you dont have a coach or friend in your corner encouraging you to make the right choices? When things get tough and your head isnt in the game, it is your environment and those around you that will be there to pick you up and help you move forward. So set it up your environment and surround yourself with people that trigger success rather than things that distract, delay and pull you away from your goal. #support #mindset #success #motivation
03.01.2022 With all that is happening in the world it is so easy to get caught up. Some big changes have taken place and it has thrown alot of what we took for granted into disarray. In the chaos it is really easy to lose yourself and sight of the bigger picture. People are focusing on what they can hold onto, going into conservation mode. Rather we should be focusing on what we can give and how we can grow.... Right now is the perfect time to refocus on the big picture and where you are headed. The path may have just changed and the journey may now be longer and challenging but the destination remains the same. So focus right and turn this obstacle into an oppurtunity.
02.01.2022 Do you struggle with committing to a goal? Just finding that you are constantly talking yourself out of doing something, when part of you really wants it? Its because you lack confidence, whether it be in yourself or the process. Without confidence there is no certainty and without certainty there is no action... With my clients we start by focusing in on what they are confident on achieving, this creates certainty that they will hit their targets. From there we act, because when you have confidence and certainty, nothing will stop you #strengthmindset #gains #confidence #weights #fitness #australia #fitnesstrainers #sapersonaltrainers #focus #mindset #weighttraining
01.01.2022 Stop wanting, start being. The problem with wanting something, is that it does not bring yourself closer to actually having it. For example: ... Wanting to lose weight is just an idea. To actually lose weight you need to take that idea and action it. You need to start doing, you need to BE the person who loses weight. So stop wanting a change and BECOME your own source of change! #thursdaythoughts
01.01.2022 Things don’t always go to plan (like this photo) Sometimes the best thing you can do is not to take yourself so seriously Look at it, see the funny side, have a laugh and keep on going ... P. S How pugging good are my socks #funny #fitness #sandc #gymfails #adelaidept #healthandfitness #fitnesslifestyle #barbells #gyms #strengthmindset #healthylifestyle #fun #donttakeyourselfseriously
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