Scoresby Magpies Auskick | Other
Scoresby Magpies Auskick
Phone: +61 401 355 933
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25.01.2022 Check it out Auskickers You can do this from Home
24.01.2022 Coaching staff are all working hard Cant wait to see all the kids back on the field #goscoresbyauskick
24.01.2022 Hello Team Please check your emails and let me know what your thinking Thank u for your support over this crazy time ... #goscoresby See more
24.01.2022 Please jump on and support the club. Purchase your tickets and 100% profit go back into The Scoresby Magpies Juniors We have raised $220 keep going #GOSCORESBYJUNIORS
22.01.2022 Unfortunately today would have been our first Auskick Clinic Real football weather We will know more on 11th of May with what Auskick will look like in 2020. I will email everyone once I know Fingers crossed I get see all of you very soon Take care and please don't hesitate to email or pm the page
22.01.2022 Auskick is not looking good to start next week Im waiting on info from Nab Auskick And will email everyone next 2 days Please take care xox
21.01.2022 Thursday night footy training is here as we get underway with the second episode of NAB AFL Auskick at Home with Libby Birch, thanks to NAB! P.S. We hope there's still a sausage sizzle going at your place for afterwards! WATCH THE FULL EPISODE HERE:
21.01.2022 Get ready at 5pm kids Tell Mum or Dad to join Nab Auskick for the latest Auskick video Would love see some of you video #GOSCORESBYAUSKICK
21.01.2022 The club Stubbyholders are now in stock $10 each please Pm the page if you would love one All money raised will go back into Auskick and Juniors pick up knoxfield
20.01.2022 Just over a week ago we announced the beginning of Auskick training at our centre, but it is now with heavy hearts that we have to let everyone know we can no longer go ahead We were super optimistic and were ready to go ahead with all the necessary precautions but with another 6 week lock down we have made the call to pull the pin for 2020. Any families who are registered will be contacted by Nab Auskick but please know you will be eligible for a refund (minus the cost of ...your packs). We hope to see many of you back next year at Scoresby Magpies Auskick. Take care Love Meagan X
19.01.2022 WATCH THIS SPACE Fun Auskick Session in 2020
19.01.2022 Wishing all the beautiful Mum's Happy Mother's Day Hope you all have a beautiful day Xox
19.01.2022 SCORESBY AUSKICK Fun and Try Day 18th April 10am - 11.30am ... Carrington Park ( next door Scoresby Bunnings) Everyone welcome join in fun meet the fantastic coaching staff finish off with Sausages sizzle Bring some friends See more
19.01.2022 Hello Team Welcome back to Auskick !! We are going to run 2 session over 10 weeks ... Friday 17th July - 25th Sep 5.30-7.00pm Saturday 18th July - 26th Sep 10am - 11.30am Auskick will look alot different this year we hope you understand So here go .... Scoresby Magpies Auskick The way Scoresby Magpies Auskick will approach Auskick will be as follows: 1. Upon the kids arrival, they will need to have their name marked down as well as with the parent who brought them by their Auskick Coordinator 2. Before entering the ground the Auskick Coordinator will take the kids temperature and record it 3. They will also need to hand sanitize before entering the ground **If for any reason they need to come off the ground during training, they will need to hand sanitize coming off the ground and then also when they return** 4. All kids are to bring their own water bottle with their name marked on the bottle and this water bottle is to be left on the ground while training 5. The clubrooms will be completely out of bounds and will remain locked, if a child or parent needs to use the toilet, the umpires room will be the only access 6. No Silbings or Parents on the ground at anytime 7. All children will be put into a group of 10 kids + 1 coach ( they will stay in their groups for 10 weeks). Remember, if your child is feeling unwell or has a slight cold, please keep them at home. While we all want to get back to sport it is important that we all do our best to do the right thing and hopefully we can get back to normality If you have any questions, please feel free to msg Meagan Campbell 0401355933
18.01.2022 Hello Team Fantastic News Auskick is coming back ... Starting date TBC Coaching staff are meeting on Wednesday See more
18.01.2022 Round 3 Training at home
18.01.2022 Happy Easter Auskickers Hope you have a beautiful day and get heaps yummy chocolates
17.01.2022 Will keep everyone update with info when I know
17.01.2022 Pure Yummy Honey From a Local Bee keeper in Knoxfield 1kg $18 Please comment below and pick up will be at training #DOINITFORTHECOMMUNITY
16.01.2022 Pure Yummy Honey From a Local Bee Keeper in Knoxfield 1kg for $18 Please Pm page for pick info #DOINITFORTHECOMMUNITY
16.01.2022 Join in the fun at Knoxfield Knights Cricket Club tell them your apart of Scoresby Magpies Auskick Its fantastic club and it's all about the kids
14.01.2022 Hello Auskick Unfortunately still no word from AFL about Auskick starting up If anyone would like to join our u9s team... You must be in grade 2/3 Boys or Girls are welcome Training is every Monday and Wednesday 5-6pm at Carrington Park ( next door to Bunnings) Feel free to Pm/Call Meagan x
12.01.2022 Hello Auskick If anyone would like to join our u9s team You must be in grade 2/3 Boys or Girls are welcome ... Training is every Monday and Wednesday 5-6pm at Carrington Park ( next door to Bunnings) Feel free to Pm/Call Meagan x
11.01.2022 Update by Legend Auskick will be on hold until May Fun Come and Try Day ... Saturday 18th April will be cancelled See more
11.01.2022 Coaching staff are all working hard Can't wait to see all the kids back on the field #goscoresbyauskick
10.01.2022 Wishing all the beautiful Mums Happy Mothers Day Hope you all have a beautiful day Xox
10.01.2022 Keep up your footy skills at home with this quick tutorial on how to grab a groundball!
09.01.2022 Auskick is not looking good to start next week I'm waiting on info from Nab Auskick And will email everyone next 2 days Please take care xox
08.01.2022 Now Open Jump on sign up and join in the fun today Starting dates... Friday 17th of July 5.30-7pm Satursday 18th of July 10-11.30am See more
07.01.2022 Hey Auskick Team I'm still waiting on News about Auskick from AFL/ Nab Auskick Hope it's coming soon, I'm missing all The Little Auskickers ... Thank you to everyone for your support
07.01.2022 Rego is now open for season 2020 Scoresby Magpies Auskick will run for the 10 weeks Friday 17th of July 5.30 - 7.00pm... Saturday 18th of July 10-11.30am Come join in fun
07.01.2022 Hey Auskick Team Im still waiting on News about Auskick from AFL/ Nab Auskick Hope its coming soon, Im missing all The Little Auskickers ... Thank you to everyone for your support
06.01.2022 Check it out Auskicker's You can do this from Home
06.01.2022 Go and visit our friends from Bakers Delight Mountain Gate Tell them your from Scoresby Magpies juniors ...
06.01.2022 Here go Auskickers
05.01.2022 Who wants to win a new car, Toyota is donating the cars to support local sporting clubs. 100% of money raised goes back to the Scoresby Juniors start buying tickets Good luck Members
05.01.2022 Look who has joined the NAB AFL Auskick at Home family! The next ep is here with FOX Footys Nick Riewoldt, and this time he has brought his superstar cousin along for a little goal kicking practice, thanks to NAB! WATCH NOW:
04.01.2022 For the Mum and Dad Pre order yours today $10 each All money made will go towards NEW football equipment ... #SUPPORTYOURCLUB See more
02.01.2022 Look who has joined the NAB AFL Auskick at Home family! The next ep is here with FOX Footy's Nick Riewoldt, and this time he has brought his superstar cousin along for a little goal kicking practice, thanks to NAB! WATCH NOW:
02.01.2022 Happy Easter Auskicker's Hope you have a beautiful day and get heaps yummy chocolates