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Scott Morrison (ScoMo)


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25.01.2022 Thanks to the people of Groom for supporting our LNP candidate Garth Hamilton so strongly today. As an engineer, I’m looking forward to having Garth’s practical problem solving experience on our team in Parliament. We’ve got a lot to work to do. Congrats also to Louise and the family. See you in Canberra soon.

25.01.2022 Dr Kylie Moore-Gilbert is coming home! Last night I was advised that after more than two years of detention following her arrest, conviction and sentencing to ten years in prison by the Iranian Government, and following concerted and determined diplomatic effort by our Government and our officials, working closely together with her family and colleagues, Dr Kylie Moore-Gilbert had finally been released and was safe with our Ambassador and our officials in Tehran. She is now ...finally on her way home. I spoke to Kylie this morning. It was wonderful to hear her voice and I look forward to seeing her after her return. Securing Dr Moore-Gilbert’s release has been an absolute high priority for our Government. We have always rejected her conviction and detention and I join with all Australians in praising Dr Moore-Gilbert and her family for their courage, strength and patience as we have all worked tirelessly together to secure her release. I also thank our amazing team of consular and other officials, our DFAT team, together with Minister Marise Payne, for doing such as outstanding job. Welcome home Kylie!

25.01.2022 Press conference from Canberra.

24.01.2022 Kids really are the best! Today I was delighted to take part in a surprise video call with some students from Riana Primary School in north west Tasmania with their local MP Gavin Pearce. The grade 2/3 class had all taken the time to write me letters on what they’d do if they were Prime Minister. There were some fantastic ideas in there. It was great to chat to them and also answer some of the questions they asked me in their letters, including from Violet, who wanted to know... if we have any pets. I told her all about our cat Charlie and our dog Buddy and I learnt that Violet has 24 pets! I reckon she must have a pretty big backyard down there in Tasmania. Very excited to hear the news yesterday that Tasmania will be reopening its border with NSW next week and I’m really looking forward to getting down there soon. Thank you to Walter, Charlie, Elijah, Jake, Leven, Hunter, Dominic, Daisy, Ajay, Ethan, Violet, Rory, Amy, Pippin, Estelle, Harry, Sienna, Reede, Jacob, Lauren, and Chrissy for your letters. You made my day!

24.01.2022 Australia’s researchers really are amongst the best in the world. The University of Queensland’s #COVID19 vaccine is on track and progressing well. This means it could be available to Australians next year, but that’s only if it proves safe and effective and gets the green light from our medical experts and signed off by the country’s safety regulator. This is one of four vaccines that form part of our $3.2 billion #COVID19 vaccine strategy. Our national goal is to ensure all Australians who want to be vaccinated are by the end of 2021. 7NEWS

24.01.2022 #LIVE: Watch as the Victoria Cross for Australia is presented to the family of Ordinary Seaman Edward ‘Teddy’ Sheean by the Governor-General, on the 78th anniversary of the day he gave up his life to save his shipmates.

23.01.2022 Happy Diwali! Kitna acchaa hai Diwali ka tyohaar.

23.01.2022 Sarah believes that all kids are born scientists, full of questions and a thirst to find answers. Capturing that spark early is so important. Her dedication to nurturing that spark as a specialist STEM teacher at Bonython Primary School has earned her recognition as the winner of this year’s PM’s Prize for Excellence in Science Teaching in Primary Schools. This afternoon I had the privilege of catching up with Sarah at Parliament House to congratulate her in person. She’s an inspiration and a very deserving winner.

23.01.2022 #LIVE: Update after today's National Cabinet Meeting

21.01.2022 Some very promising developments overnight in the efforts to find a safe, effective #COVID19 vaccine. Here’s a quick update.

21.01.2022 2020 has been the toughest year most of us can remember, particularly for Victorians. Today I once again say thank you and congratulations to Victorians for their hard work and perseverance. We will continue to stand by you as you recover and rebuild your lives.

21.01.2022 Earlier this year I learnt how to pronounce barre properly (it's "bar" by the way, not barr-ay as I initially called it). Today I tried my first ever class with Tanya at Heal'r in Melbourne. A great local small business that is operating again in a COVIDSafe way with local MP Katie Allen. Read more

21.01.2022 Families reunited, a much needed boost for small businesses - some lovely scenes today as the border to Queensland reopened to Sydney and Victoria.

20.01.2022 101 years old, Sergeant Bert Le-Merton has walked over 107km to raise over $86,000 so far for veteran support charity Soldier On. What an absolute legend! I spoke to Bert earlier this week to congratulate him on his amazing efforts and also to wish him a happy 102nd birthday for next Wednesday. Bert, who lives in Western Sydney, served for Australia in North Africa and the Pacific during the Second World War. He wanted to help the younger generation of veterans because he’d... seen how some of them had struggled to adapt back to life after service. On Victory in Pacific Day in August this year he set himself the challenge of walking the length of the Kokoda Track (96km) to raise money for Soldier On. He did this by walking around the block every day with his walker. Initially he hoped to raise $10,000 but he quickly smashed that target. How good would it be if he could smash his next target of raising $102,000 before his 102nd birthday on Wednesday. He’s had to pause his walking for a bit while he recovers from a leg injury but hopes to be back at it again soon and we wish him a speedy recovery. If you’d like to donate to help Bert reach his target and support our veterans visit:

20.01.2022 Our JobMaker Hiring Credit will get Australians back into work, and yesterday it passed through the Parliament and became law. It's a key part of our #COVID19 recovery plan set out in this year's Budget, to cushion the blow, recover what was lost and build back better for the future.

19.01.2022 There were plenty of happy Queensland supporters in the Year 6 class at Caboolture State School when I had the chance to chat to them this morning! Shoutout to DJ though, sticking to his guns and supporting NSW in the thick of Maroons territory. We’ll be back next year! Some more great questions from the kids today, here are a couple from our call. Thanks to all the students who asked questions today.... With local MP Terry Young

19.01.2022 #LIVE: Update on the release of Dr Kylie Moore-Gilbert.

16.01.2022 Australia condemns the abhorrent, barbarous and cowardly terrorist attacks in France. I’ve conveyed Australia’s deep condolences to President Emmanuel Macron. He has responded with thanks and with full resolve to prevail against the terrorists, saying simply ‘we will win’. We stand with France and we will continue to work together always to secure this victory. But for now our hearts go out to the French people, the victims and their families.... We condemn all acts of terrorism, extremism and intolerance and stand united against these vile acts and the evil they represent.

15.01.2022 Science is amazing and Australia is home to some of the best scientific minds in the world. Congratulations to all the winners of tonight’s PM’s Prizes for Science - you are all truly inspirational. The first detection of gravitational waves was revolutionary, something that Albert Einstein only predicted back in 1916 but it took the ingenuity and hard work of Australian scientists to prove it nearly 100 years later. Tonight that work was recognised when Emeritus Professor David Blair, and Professors David McClelland, Susan Scott and Peter Veitch received the overall award for their contributions to the international efforts that led to that discovery.

14.01.2022 Enjoy today Melbourne as you get out and about again (in a COVIDSafe way of course). Let’s open safely and stay safely open.

14.01.2022 Congratulations to Amy Shark on taking out Best Pop Release and Best Australian Live Act at the ARIAs this year. Great Australian talent. Was a thrill to meet Amy at the NRL Grand Final this year. Congratulations also to all the other winners.

14.01.2022 The comeback has begun in Melbourne and across Australia. Great to meet Matt and Catherine at Upwell Health in Kooyong today with Josh Frydenberg and hear how our JobKeeper program has helped them get through #COVID19. Their business has now recovered to come off that support and they’ve just employed three more people at their centre as demand for their services continues to increase.

12.01.2022 Great to see Victoria opening up. Well done and thank you to all Victorians for your patience and perseverance. Looking forward to further steps being taken in the weeks ahead.

12.01.2022 Deb Frecklington and the LNP team in Queensland have a plan to get Queenslanders back into jobs and get Queensland working again.

11.01.2022 Australia and Japan have agreed in principle a landmark treaty that will see our defence forces step up cooperation on joint training exercises and responses to natural disasters. The significance of this agreement cannot be understated, and comes after nearly six years of discussions. It was an honour to be the first foreign leader to visit Japan to meet with new Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga. Our relationship with Japan over the past few years has gone from to strength. We work closely together on trade, security, defence and technology issues and Japan will play an important role in our economic recovery from #COVID19. Our countries are deeply committed to supporting a free, open, inclusive and stable Indo-Pacific region. This Reciprocal Access Agreement paves the way for a new chapter in our relationship. It will form a key plank of Japan’s and Australia’s response to the increasingly challenging security environment in our region. I return to Australia tonight and will strictly following health advice and quarantine requirements, including undertaking two weeks isolation.

11.01.2022 A good and welcome decision by the NRL to ensure our National Anthem remains a feature of Origin. The NRL have done the right thing by acting quickly and listening to their fans. We have all faced a year of struggle and heartbreak and it has never been more important to be coming together to celebrate Australia and to be able to sing together our national anthem at the game so many of us love. Wide World of Sports

10.01.2022 This is Winston and Hooper, two amazing dogs involved with Integra Service Dogs Australia. This fantastic organisation is one of four across Australia that provides assistance dogs to veterans who have returned from service and are struggling to help them along their road to recovery. Our veterans have dealt with a lot during their service and sometimes they need a helping hand when they return home. Dogs like Winston and Hooper provide comfort and support to those veterans to help them deal with any anxieties and pressures they’re experiencing. Great to meet Winston and Hooper this week, thanks for the visit and keep up the good work.

09.01.2022 The Year 6 class at Emu Heights were really looking forward to their trip to Canberra this year, but like many others they missed out because of #COVID19. So I was very happy to be able to bring a bit of Canberra to them! Their local MP Melissa McIntosh joined us and told me about their school motto, Happiness by helping. I think that’s a great motto to live by, particularly this year, and it certainly sounds like the students are taking it to heart. Some really great questions. Here are a couple of my favourites. Thanks to all the students who took the time to ask questions and share a bit about their school experience this year.

08.01.2022 Today we remember our brave fire and emergency service workers who lost their lives protecting our communities and keeping Australians safe. We honour them. We honour their courage and sacrifice. And we honour their selfless actions and willingness to protect our country and their communities. We thank them for their service and sacrifice, and today especially, we think of their families, many still grieving, many still learning to adjust to life without their loved ones.... My speech to the AFAC National Emergency Services Memorial Service today.

08.01.2022 Lovely to catch up with the Year 6 students at Essex Heights Primary School in Melbourne today. I answered some of their questions on what life is like as PM, and had the opportunity to ask them about their experiences with remote learning this year. They all seemed very happy to be back together in the classroom! The students also told me a bit about their new Maths Garden which will be completed soon now that restrictions are easing. The Federal Government was very happy to... be able to support this project with a grant of $20,000 through the Local Schools Community Fund. Here are some of the highlights from the call, a big thank you to all the students who asked or answered questions. with local MP Gladys Liu.

08.01.2022 Reflecting on 2020 and the world being hit by #COVID19, the incredible resilience of Australians and the developments around a safe and effective #COVID19 vaccine, which we hope to start rolling out to Australians in the first quarter of next year - my interview with 60 Minutes Australia.

07.01.2022 Welcome back Victoria! Great news overnight as the border between NSW and Victoria reopened to everyone after 137 days. I know a lot of families and loved ones have been waiting for this moment for a long time. Also well done Victoria on recording the 24th day in a row today of zero new cases of community transmission. NSW also recorded its 16th straight day today. These are great steps towards COVID normal, but now is not the time to be complacent. We all need to keep doing our bit and keep being COVIDSafe.

06.01.2022 14 days straight of no new #COVID19 cases in Victoria and another day of zero locally acquired cases across Australia. That makes 5 out of 7 days of no community transmission cases in Australia. Well done to everyone and thank you for all your efforts! However, we must stay vigilant so please keep being #COVIDSafe and if you have any symptoms at all, get tested and isolate until you get the results. We need to ensure we reopen safely and stay safely open.

05.01.2022 Today as we celebrate World Teachers’ Day in Australia, can I say a massive thank you to all our teachers for everything you do. We are so grateful for your hard work and dedication, even more so this year during these challenging times.

03.01.2022 Thank you to all South Australians who have turned up to get tested for #COVID19 after the recent outbreak in the state. It’s important we get on top of this outbreak quickly and the South Australian Government is working hard to do that, with the full support of the Commonwealth. I’ve spoken to SA Premier Steven Marshall again this morning from the plane on the way to Tokyo. We already have over 100 Australian Defence Force personnel on the ground assisting with logistics an...d quarantine. We’re also assisting with rapid testing in the state, and already have an aged care emergency response team working on the ground to help protect our elderly residents in aged care facilities. This virus is not going anywhere and we’ve always said we expect localised outbreaks to occur from time to time. What sets Australia apart from the rest of the world is how we work together to deal with these outbreaks when they occur and get on top of them quickly.

03.01.2022 #LIVE from CSL Melbourne: $1 billion for a new high-tech vaccine manufacturing facility.

02.01.2022 I strongly welcome the reopening of the Queensland/NSW border on 1 December and the indication Queensland will soon be open to Victorians as well. This news will bring joy to thousands of families and friends who now have the opportunity to see each other at Christmas. It’s also a relief for so many small businesses across both states, with more tourists and visitors set to visit soon, which is good for jobs and the economy. ... This is an important step in our plan to get Australia safely open by Christmas, as agreed by National Cabinet (with the exception of WA). All states and territories have worked hard to put appropriate protections in place but as we open up it’s important every single person continues to do their bit to stay COVIDSafe.

01.01.2022 It’s been a tough year, but Australia’s comeback from the #COVID19 recession has begun. Over the last fortnight we’ve seen some very positive steps in the right direction. Thanks to the hard work of Victorians, they are now able to start opening safely, and we’ll continue to work to make sure they can stay safely open.... 446,000 jobs have come back in just the last four months, consumer and business confidence is on the rise, and Australia’s AAA credit rating has been reaffirmed. There’s a long way to go, but we are underway.

01.01.2022 #LIVE: From Melbourne. Towards better days - supporting mental health and suicide prevention.

01.01.2022 #LIVE: Press conference from Parliament House, Canberra.

01.01.2022 Every parent want their kids to burst through the door after school each day excited to share what they’ve learned. And WA science teacher Darren Hamley has made that his mission and is delivering it. Whether it’s building solar-powered cars, or 3D printing dolphins to assess how damage to dorsal fins affects swimming performance, he has an innate ability to tap into what each student is passionate about and help them to understand how to apply science in real life. This we...ek Darren’s hard work and dedication was recognised with the $50,000 PM’s Prize for Excellence in Science Teaching in Secondary Schools. He’s been teaching at Willetton Senior High in WA for 28 years and coordinates the schools’ gifted education program. It was great to catch up with Darren and some of his students, Amity, Naimish and Serina, yesterday, with their local MP Ben Morton, to congratulate him on this well-deserved honour and hear from those students just what a difference Darren is making to their education.

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