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Screwmachines in Munderoo, New South Wales | Professional service

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Locality: Munderoo, New South Wales

Phone: +61 2 6948 5260

Address: 2852 Jingellic Rd 2653 Munderoo, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 So tonight he has another half finished project to photo and have a chat about. Getting the Record Wood Lathe ready to machine a banjo drum to fit a tone ring.? Always a new experiment ?

25.01.2022 Now if you have money to spare and you want one of the best banjos ever made ?? Invest in this one. ? This is a Stelling "Red Fox" with a "Lost Timbre" tone ring in top condition. I have two Stelling Banjos and am not playing banjo as much as I used to.? Now with the US Dollar at good top levels and our dollar at rock bottom, I can offer my "Red Fox Stelling at a never to be repeated price. So here is a video of a Red Fox banjo firing, some years back before I became the proud owner of a "Red Fox Stelling". Discuss how bad you need a great banjo with me.??

24.01.2022 Want to see them build INDEX multi spindle machine, I Do ? ?? I really miss these fabulous machines. ZOOM, ZOOM, ?? Look at this multiple tools, doing multiple ops all at the one moment. FAB.?

23.01.2022 Just a note to say I am sorting tooling and cams and gear ready to fire "Them there machines ? " SOON so keep a watch.? the giant sort out is in full progress and I have discovered hundreds of tools and bits I had forgotten ? WOOPEE. Promise a better post real soon.?

23.01.2022 Back to "workshopy" things ? todays build is to make stands and bring some workshop tools in from the rain and snow and put them on new stands and back to production.

22.01.2022 What is he up to tonight ? Making discoveries about "Backwards Australia AGAIN ?? Just check out this stamp I discovered, ? 1973 it says and what do we see ?? a NC Automatic lathe. I don't remember ever seeing a NC machine on any Australian stamp.?? DID YOU ??

21.01.2022 So my favourite toy tractor lifts my favourite toy machine off into my "boys playroom". The pictures show a small bit of the nonsense that went on. A BIG sigh of relief. Only two machines to go.? The "Big move", Nearly done. ??

20.01.2022 What the blue blazes has he been up to ?? Hiding his boy self away in metal workshop doing "boy engineer type activities". Happy boy tonight ??? Read the story.?

18.01.2022 So ? moving on with the miraculous and the mechanical ?? We move to a quaint photo of a mother feeding her young.??

17.01.2022 Cam Making Video

17.01.2022 So back to the Tradesman saga? jobs in the 1960's in the Metal Trade in Sydney were plentiful and a young tradie' could "farm around" so I did for a while. Then someone reminded me if I wanted "real money" I would need a Tradesman Certificate. So although I had a "good job" paying 21 Aussie pounds a week, I found a firm who would sign me off as a Fifth Year Apprentice on 18 pound ten shilling a week. The wife was not impressed.? Anyway I joined Telephone and Electrical Indust...ries at Meadowbank and started my fifth year with them. Over 3 thousand folks worked there, so I soon found a spot I liked in their Machine Shop on Automatic lathes. Best employment in my life of working, they supplied lunch and great facilities. T.E.I on its own could supply a page of great trade discussion. I stayed there only the twelve Months required to become an Indentured Tradesman. Learnt more there than years in other jobs, did all types of trade work including Toolmaking in the best Toolroom I have seen. Best job in my long career. We then move into the demise of Manufacturing in N.S.W and especially Sydney. Job movement became a weekly event for a while. 1971 we are up to. See more

17.01.2022 So back to the grindstone this week after a trip to the doctors ?? I have been on an Internet search for INDEX WERKE, the maker of my favourite machines.? Here are a few pics I found? Includes an image of the founder of the firm. This rarely happens in Australia. The Land of Forgotten Heroes.

17.01.2022 How to risk your life on a Public Road ? for a few dollars was as far as I got.? Dates become vague from here on due to a whirlwind off working long hours to complete a shifted home and pay for the expense of staying alive. So I remeber working as a licenced Motor Mechanic for, Ford at Moss Vale, Toyota at Moss Vale, Subaru and Mazda at Mittagong. and finally for NRMA as a Roadside Mechanic with my own tow truck from home. Heady days, heaps of dollars and heaps of money spent... on prepared food at Service Stations. I then took the financial plunge of helping my newly married daughter out and moved to the Central Coast to start all over again. Worked first for Calga Motors, NRMA work, then did some time in a Chainsaw Dealer, nearly fluked an executive position there. Then after building another beautiful wood cabin home moved back to the southern Highlands to start life over again. So? we win some we loose some. A few fem's flew in and out of my life, best to leave them out. Canyonleigh is the address and work at Mittagong as a service mechanic again for a spell. Not certain where we are on dates but plenty of work. Life become a bit hazy around this time, probably due to acquired illness, I had not been treated for a number al acquired problems the Armed Services had left me with, so Medical appointments slow down the rapid pace of life for a while. TIME for me to reflect on where I went next, even the date is vague, I do know I survived.? See more

16.01.2022 While I gather my life and times and connect the dots, I am coming back to ground zero and progress on the heating equipment I am installing in the workshop. Folks is not "B" cold over there in a tin shed, it is "F"ing freezing and about one hours work is all I can manage before my injured fingers stop working. The fingers have been squashed burnt, ripped open with sharp swarf and blood flow is not what you would call copious. So a wood heater is the item of choice and reflecting on it's history today, the unit is made out of a 44 gallon drum and perhaps 20 years or more old. Here a "Happy Birthday Song", is not heard but welcome ? The stove has been installed in a few tin sheds I have called "home". Warmth is not too far down the track These things burn just about anything, so that is welcome, as is a bit of heat.

15.01.2022 Excited tonight, he is ? to quote Yoda my Jedi master. The Screwmachines episode. "The last in the Starwars Saga" draws slowly to a successful episode. This exciting series is the "The Day of the Sign", AND here is the first episode in this saga.

14.01.2022 What do I do tonight ? after some 1800 folks have had a peek at my page ?? Well, start to talk about what I have done for the past ten years and intend to do for the next. First I have rescued a number of Automatic Screwmachines from the SCRAP DEALERS, ? WHY ?? because I believe Australia needs to return to manufacturing and although dated, these machines will survive an ATOMIC BOMB ATTACK ? as long as it is not directly over the top of them. Also these machines have been t...he means whereby Australia advanced from an Agrarian nation, reliant on sales of agricultural products (sound familiar) to a manufacturing nation, boosted mostly by the risk of being invaded by the Japanese in World War Two. After WW2 and the 1950's to 1970's, Australian factories made just about everything, As an Indentured Tradesman I mostly worked long hours in dismal almost wartime conditions and made good money and acquired many skills. This sets the scene for the introduction of MASS PRODUCTION of all sorts of everyday items. A task that the USA has woken up from the importing slumber and is currently expanding dramatically. Today's info over, Watch this page for No. 2. Thanks.

13.01.2022 After a busy day, cutting firewood, we are plunging into Winter and being a few miles from the snowline keeps the fires burning and the wood supply constant. So tonight I begin on describing my machines and their use and capacity ?? for those interested ? Beginning with German made INDEX WERKE A25, three of these beauties, I have most of the tooling available and dozens of made up cams and tools, possible as these machines have had a busy life of over th...irty years. Used extensively for electrical fittings, rivets, if fact any metal object below 25 mm in diameter and less than about 80 mm long. Threading drilling, tapping and exact dimensions over thousands of parts are where these machines shine. Pics of the the A25 show they have been cared for and restored to pristine condition. Tomorrows pics will show a few hundred samples of their abilities. See more

12.01.2022 The last post says 1979, still a lot to go. I seem to have lost doing a Degree in Mechanical Engineering at Ultimo and a trip to New Zealand to represent Australia.? I served in the Health Commission of NSW as a Chief Engineer, in charge of Hospital maintenance and energy management at three Public Hospitals. Westmead, Western Suburbs and finally the Marrickville Hospital complex. The main thrust was my experience in coal fired Boiler management and Mechanical Maintenance s...cheduling. For me a simple task applying RAN training designed around ships. I continued with this until the death of my mother, in 1981, when I decided a high paying government job was a waste of my life force. So I moved to Mittagong and found other tasks to fill my life. First task renovate a shifted home and as a single man found a very different life. Running out of money came quickly to my attention so I trained as a Motor Mechanic, obtained a Trade License and joined the NRMA as roadside serviceman. A full novel could be written on this experience alone. How to risk your life for a few dollars. I seem to have lost track of date at this time and plenty of experiences left but not much time.? so best look up a few movements and get my dates right. next date to be researched.? See more

12.01.2022 Tonight to fill in some time and to explain some of the specialised equipment necessary to "Do what I do" We will explore some very expensive but small items used to manufacture, screw, nuts, collars and contact points on Automatic Lathes by the thousands. An Art form now surrendered to China by lazy and stupid Australian Manufacturers.

12.01.2022 I am ordering FACEBOOK to REMOVE ANY MENTION of "COVID" from MY FACEBOOK PAGE. Do you want to go through a COURT OF LAW for adding illegal information to MY PAGE without my permission.

12.01.2022 So progress on the Workshop heating along with a big tidy up on a nice sunny day.

11.01.2022 1971 ? we are up to and movement in employment brought me to Warburton Franki Industries at Chatswood. Automatic lathes on afternoon shift allowed a few hours with pre school children and some work around the house. A floor of machines, Brown and Sharpe, Index C19 and sliding head autos, Petermann I think ? Making electrical components and time clock mechanisms. Did a year or so and as the kids started school, I went to a day shift job. Mechanical Fitter at a Mental Hospital... at North Ryde, working on the centre lathe and steam boilers. Good job, low pay, good tradey mates and good conditions. Lasted a year or two until I was attracted to a similar position nearer home at Parramatta. At that location I became an Engineer grade 1 and later, Chief Engineer and did a Mechanical Engineering Degree at Sydney Tech College to earn the bigger dollars. Up to about 1979. See more

11.01.2022 Always something different in munitions ?

11.01.2022 "How tight Chief" ???

10.01.2022 Moving in different direction tonight ? We are going to explore the magical and complex world of the CAM that determines the outcome on Cam Controlled Automatic Lathes.So here is a Training Video on that subject. I have hundreds for the many hundreds of parts my machines are capable of making, made by Brown and Sharpe,

10.01.2022 I am making a demand that FACEBOOK remove the COVID_19 update from my Facebook pages. I did not request these invasive items, I do not agree with you tampering with MY PAGE. You have tampered with a PRIVATE PAGE without my permission.

09.01.2022 Stalled he is right now with some issues, relating to the massive task of relocation. So a number of major decisions have been made,? hopefully these moves will make room for progress and my business can come alive. ?? I have to sell some equipment and buy or exchange equipment I can use. So two items go up for sale and I hope two new ones take their place.

09.01.2022 Brake bleeder valve on Wickman 6 spindle Auto

08.01.2022 Only one photo after a big day moving the BSA 138 into position, the diesel motor that drives this machine is back, the belts are on, almost ready to start up. ALMOST.? A day to remember.?? More pics and a movie when running ??

08.01.2022 OK, folks? settle back in an easy chair it is "pictures night" at SCREWMACHINES.?? Work is getting near the BIG "switch on machines" Day?

07.01.2022 OK ? maybe you are used to my rantings about the "God forsaken" country Australia has become. But really look at what the rest of the Engineering World gets up to and our idiot politicians hide under their beds like frightened children. The Motor Industry is dead, the Agricultural machine Industry is dead, and what little of Engineering in any form is dying the "Death of ten thousands CUTS " Have a peak at what INDEX is doing in Germany ? I am convinced Australia lost the Second World War.

07.01.2022 So the last of the machines leave our former home and await their fate. One to go on the floor and "hope"?? I can recover it from exposure to the elements and the other, sadly as Spare Parts ?

03.01.2022 OK, Thinking about firing up my machines.?? So if anyone out there has a need for machined parts in steel, brass or aluminium up to 50mm diameter and in reasonable numbers talk to me first. A simple sketch or a sample is all I need. Please remember some parts that take you a morning, ? I make in a few seconds and with a precision hard to achieve by hand. Best in the 100's, better in the Thousands but just the same I can run a few hundred and then have a stock for sale to cover demand. Expensive for me but it may have to be. ?? Looking for suggestions, I will get started with bits I have in stock, so watch this page. Oh ? some idea of a reasonable price you will pay ? is helpful.?

03.01.2022 When I am no longer around this is where all my machine collection is bound, at least one of my machines came from LSAF. I saw it on the factory floor in the 1960's making blanks for Slazenger golf clubs..

03.01.2022 EPISODE ONE. Just a moment to explain a term I found myself using tonight to explain equipment. " AN ART FORM" relating to the skill of a Master Tradesman in Metal manufacturing. Now the introduction of mass production and specialised machinery has to a large extent changed the image of the "TRADESMAN in METAL". In my apprenticeship, which is not yesterday, I was fortunate enough to be bossed around and found wanting by some of Australia's superb metal tradesmen. I served a f...our year apprenticeship on the tools with the Royal Australian Navy as an Engine Room Artificer Apprentice. Due to service related injury and the fact my ship, HMAS Voyager was sunk and on the bottom, I found myself discharged to Private Industry. Now to be accepted as a Tradesman, I needed to complete the fifth year term of "indenture", which simply means doing the job on low wages. I was forced to complete my trade in Private Industry. Now we have briefly touched on five difficult years as a young man in Australian Trade circles. I looks like this SAGA might well go on for days. I have but just started.?? Watch for EPISODE TWO ?? I will get around to explain "AN ART FORM" and the metal trade.?? See more

03.01.2022 FOLKS? I am experiencing difficulties with this FB page, apart from the "COVID" rubbish, FB have made it extremely difficult for me to post on this page? So my latest post relates to getting one of my older machines going again and updating the tooling.

03.01.2022 Tonight,? for all those who are into sharpening the olde twist drill ? Here is one to test your skill, ??

02.01.2022 GOOD FOLKS ? bear with me for a while as thanks to FB changes I lost access to my other pages. I am working on connecting myself with MY PAGES. Facebook seem unable or unwilling to assist and so experiment is the "name of my game.?" I have complained but DEAF ears accompany FB changes.?

01.01.2022 Here is ONE to test your shaky hand.??

01.01.2022 Well ? some good news folks? FB has allowed me ? to use my FB pages for a while? Generous, Eh? I am back on the previous format and able to (1.) Find the page? (2.) Access the page and best yet? (3.) Post things on this page ??? Well? tonight that is, who knows how long this will last.?

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