Scribes and Beyond in Sydney, Australia | Product/service
Scribes and Beyond
Locality: Sydney, Australia
Phone: +61 474 828 309
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25.01.2022 Sunny day. Sunday.
25.01.2022 Give your pen a well deserve break Good quality ceramic pen rest available in our online store at AUD 5,- Free delivery for Sydneys resident!. . . Posted @withregram @marthascribes A very thin layer added on the boat, a thicker one on the Dry Emboss swirl. The original lyric from Robert Louis Stevenson uses the word lad instead of lass. But the song is sung by a lady on the series and thats the one that I cant get out of my head recently. --- Checkout my IGTV to... watch the discussion about this Piece! . . . X-Height: 2mm Pen Rest: @scribesandbeyond Paper: A4 size, 300GSM HP Fabriano Studio @fabriano1264 . Brush: Series 7 @winsorandnewtonau . Ink: Finetec, McCafferys Brown . Nib: LPEF . . . #spencerian #artandcraft #calligraphy #copperplate #takeprideinpenmanship #sydneycalligraphy #sydneyscribes #sydneycribessociety #dippencalligraphy #spencerianscript #australiancalligrapher #spencerianpenmanship #spenceriancalligraphy #penmanship See more
23.01.2022 This was the first of Cavafy's poems that I was drawn to. 'At the Theatre',1904. I was bored looking at the stage And I lifted my eyes to the box circle In one ...of the boxes I saw you with your strange beauty, your dissolute youth ...... I wrote this with a goose quill and sumi on Chatham Vellum handmade paper. See more
22.01.2022 Simplified Version of @marthascribes Traditonal Spencerian Lowercase is coming soon any days now. The worksheet is a practice sheet that she used to achieve both of the IAMPETH certification of proficiency and excellence in Spencerian Script. Freebies of some guidesheets are available on her website. . . .... . #spencerian #calligraphy #traditionalart #takeprideinpenmanship #sydneycalligraphy #sydneyscribes #sydneycribessociety #dippencalligraphy #spencerianscript #australiancalligrapher #spencerianpenmanship #spenceriancalligraphy #penmanshipporn See more
20.01.2022 Coming soon to Australia at our shelves this month! DM or email us for Pre-order! Or stay tuned!! so Can’t wait!! . . Posted @withregram @rhodia_officiel Collaboration Rhodia x PAScribe. ... PAScribe Grey Maya Pad : - papier Maya gris lisse 120 g/m - couverture Maya grise 270 g/m - format A4+ portrait 21x31,8 cm - 60 feuillets microperfores detachables - reglure horizontale grise lignee 6 mm recto/verso @pascribe : Bien pratiquer la calligraphie est plus facile sur un papier qui vous aide a vous exprimer. J'ai choisi ces papiers Clairefontaine pour la facon dont les plumes et les encres interagissent avec eux. Ce fut une experience si joyeuse que je me devais de la partager avec vous. Je voulais que vous ressentiez ce que j'ai ressenti quand la plume, l'encre et le papier travaillent ensemble. En plus d'etre une experience physique, cette interaction ressemble beaucoup a celle qui existe entre le corps et l’esprit. Respirez, prenez le temps d'ecrire, touchez les lignes, en haut et en bas, que l'ecriture soit une meditation. Envoyez a quelqu'un une lettre remarquable a l'encre claire sur papier fonce. Partagez la magie. // Paul Antonio : Beautiful writing comes more easily on paper which helps you to express yourself. I specifically chose these Clairefontaine papers because of how the nibs and inks interacted with them. It was such a joyful experience, I was compelled to share it with you. I wanted you to feel what I felt when the nib, the ink and the paper worked together. Apart from it being a physical experience, this interaction of three things is very much like a spirit-mind-body interaction/conjunction. Breathe, take your time to write, touch the lines top and bottom. Let the writing be a meditation. Send someone a stunning letter in light ink on dark paper. Share the magic. #rhodia #rhodiapascribe #calligraphie #pascriberhodiapads #pascribeblackpad #pascribegreypad #calligraphy #letterwriting #correspondance #blackpaper #greypaper #lettering #pascribe #ecriture #calligraphysuppliessydney #sydneycalligraphysupplies #calligraphysupply See more
16.01.2022 I have the pleasure to teach an online workshop. In 2 x 2 hours I'll show you a way how to make Roman capitals with a broad edged pen. It is mainly intended for... people who have already some knowledge of calligraphy, but I hope everyone will enjoy it and be stimulated to practice this further ! @calligraphyitalia #calligraphyitalia #romancapitals #calligraphy #calligraphyworkshop #broadedgedpen #onlineworkshop #elmovanslingerland #elmovanslingerlandworkshop #zoom
15.01.2022 We are glad to add this beautiful Glacier Crystal Inkwell to our shelves in Australia!! Made and design by @calicegraphy in Hong Kong! It will be available online soon!! Stay Tuned! . . #calligraphy #sydneycalligraphysupply #scribesandbeyond #onlineshopaustralia #sydneycalligrapher #dippencalligraphy @ Sydney, Australia
13.01.2022 Can't wait to put this in our shelves! DM or email us for pre-order! . . Posted @withregram @rhodia_officiel Collaboration Rhodia x PAScribe Rhodia est fiere de vous presenter le fruit de notre partenariat avec le celebre artiste calligraphe Paul Antonio : les blocs PAScribe. Ce sont des blocs de pratique de la calligraphie et de correspondance imagines par Paul Antonio et developpes par notre pole papeterie.... NEW - PAScribe Carb'On Pad - Papier Carb'On noir 120 g/m2 - Couverture Maya noire 270 g/m2 - Format A4+ portrait 21x31,8 cm - 60 feuillets microperfores detachables - Reglure horizontale noire lignee 6 mm recto/verso @Pascribe Co-branding Rhodia x PAScribe Rhodia is proud to present the result of our partnership with the famous calligrapher artist Paul Antonio: the PAScribe pads. These are calligraphy practice and correspondence pads imagined by Paul Antonio and developed by our stationery division. NEW - PAScribe Carb'On Pad - 55 lb Carb'On black paper - Head stapled notepad, Maya black 126 lb - A4+ portrait 8.3x12.5 cm - 60 detachable microperforated sheets - Horizontal 6 mm black lined ruling on both sides #rhodia #rhodiapascribe #calligraphie #pascriberhodiapads #pascribeblackpad #pascribegreypad #calligraphy #letterwriting #correspondance #blackpaper #greypaper #lettering #pascribe #ecriture #sydneycalligraphysupply #calligraphysuppliessydney #calligraphysydney #sydneycalligrapher See more
13.01.2022 @marthascribes Spencerian Uppercase Printable Practice Workbook on A4 sized paper is available to download now. Swipe to sneak peak! . . #spencerian #marthascribes #spencerlicious #iampeth #calligraphy #flourishforum #handwriting #takeprideinpenmanship #onlineclasses #calligraphyaustralia #copperplate #engrossers #australiancalligrapher #australia #nswcalligraphy #roundhand #calligraphyid #kaligrafina #googlehangout #appleairpods #sydneycalligrapher #calligraphysydney #sydneyscribes #thecalligraphyhub #dippencalligraphy #calligraphyid #istayhome #spencerianscript @ Sydney, Australia
12.01.2022 Online workshop alert!!
11.01.2022 NEW ARRIVAL! Heavyweight dinky dip holder that will hold your dinky dip steadily on your desk. Made in Hong Kong from KCrystal, designed by @calicegraphy. . . . #sydneycalligraphysupply #sydneycalligrapher #sydneyonlineshop #glacierholder @ Sydney, Australia
11.01.2022 This was the first of Cavafys poems that I was drawn to. At the Theatre,1904. I was bored looking at the stage And I lifted my eyes to the box circle In one ...of the boxes I saw you with your strange beauty, your dissolute youth ...... I wrote this with a goose quill and sumi on Chatham Vellum handmade paper. See more
11.01.2022 The hot demand calligraphy paper, Marthas Atelier Vintage cream paper is finally back in stock! It is a semi-transparent Super smooth, luxe quality paper that @marthascribes uses for workshops and her calligraphy practices. Have you try it before? Sample sheets available by request. . . #practicesheets #calligraphy #spencerian #ornamentalpenmanship #australiancalligrapher #calligraphyaustralia #sydneycalligrapher #kaligrafina #belmenid #calligraphypractice #calligraphypaper
09.01.2022 White ink that goes well on dark paper and is loved by many calligraphers around the world. We just updated the photos on our website for this brand. Available in Sydney! Get it on our website! . . Discounted price is always available for @sydneyscribessociety and @calligraphysociety_usyd members and is now available for @australiansocietycalligraphers members too! . .... . . . . #calligraphyaustralia #calligraphysupplies #sydneycalligrapher #onlinestoreaustralia #onlinestoresydney #sydneyonlineshop #sydneycalligraphysupply See more
09.01.2022 Online Workshop alert by Acorn Art Classes
09.01.2022 Simple inkwell/dinky dip and the silicone holder is one of the most efficient ways to bring your ink around wherever you go. Available in our store in various color. . Modern Callugraphy Card was written by @bondiletters for her workshops in Sydney, check out her page for more information of local calligraphy workshop! . .... #calligraphy #sydneycalligrapher #sydneycalligraphysupplies #calligraphysuppliessydney #onlinestoresydney #onlinestoreaustralia #calligraphysupply #moderncalligraphy See more
09.01.2022 Deuce pen holder for Beginner! AUD 3.50, with metal flange and will be adjusted to your choice of nib size (flange will be adjusted by @marthascribes ). . . Price will be discounted if you are a member of @sydneyscribessociety and @calligraphysociety_usyd . .... #onlinestoreaustralia #calligraphysupplies #calligraphysuppliesaustralia #onlinecalligraphyshop #onlineshopaustralia #sydneycalligrapher #sydneycalligraphy See more
09.01.2022 Brighten your Sunday with this @drphmartins iridescent colors. Discounted price is always available for @sydneyscribessociety and @calligraphysociety_usyd members and is now available for @australiansocietycalligraphers members too! Contact us for more information about the discount! . . . .... . . #calligraphyaustralia #calligraphysupplies #sydneycalligrapher #onlinestoreaustralia #onlinestoresydney #sydneyonlineshop #sydneycalligraphysupply #calligraphysuppliessydney #sydneycalligraphysupply #calligraphystoresydney #sydneycalligraphystore #calligraphy #letteringart See more
08.01.2022 Sheila Waters had recommended this great article from San Francisco Public Library...thanks!!
08.01.2022 ! 10 ! Bamberg psalter, 10th c.
08.01.2022 Online class alert!
07.01.2022 Folded pen online class by yukimi!!! Cant wait!!!
07.01.2022 Add this to your rare collection for FREE! While we are updating our online supplies photos these past few months. We are currently selecting some of our rare collections to share with you all! Stay tuned! #notforsale Thank you @michaelrsull for sharing these blocks with us. #zanerian #takeprideinpenmanship #calligraphie #onlineshopaustralia #iampeth #calligraphy #spencerian #printblock #correspondance #calligraphypens #stamp #lettering #rarecollection #marthascribes #sydneycalligraphysupply #calligraphysuppliessydney #sydneycalligrapher #sydneycalligraphers
06.01.2022 I have the pleasure to teach an online workshop. In 2 x 2 hours Ill show you a way how to make Roman capitals with a broad edged pen. It is mainly intended for... people who have already some knowledge of calligraphy, but I hope everyone will enjoy it and be stimulated to practice this further ! @calligraphyitalia #calligraphyitalia #romancapitals #calligraphy #calligraphyworkshop #broadedgedpen #onlineworkshop #elmovanslingerland #elmovanslingerlandworkshop #zoom
06.01.2022 Etäopetuksena 30.-31.5. Kalliolan Kansalaisopisto, Helsinki KURSSIN ILMOITTAUTUMISAIKAA ON JATKETTU MA 25.5. ASTI. Lähiopetuksena 26.-28.6. Jokihelmen opisto, Oulainen
06.01.2022 Etopetuksena 30.-31.5. Kalliolan Kansalaisopisto, Helsinki KURSSIN ILMOITTAUTUMISAIKAA ON JATKETTU MA 25.5. ASTI. Lhiopetuksena 26.-28.6. Jokihelmen opisto, Oulainen
06.01.2022 Online workshops!
06.01.2022 This specimen of script was penned by Charlton V. Howe (1870-1952). This is a scan of the original that measured 4" x 3.5" with extremely small script!
05.01.2022 Thanks Dr. Joe!
05.01.2022 On SALE for these products for the World Calligraphy Day! Check it out on our online stores! . . . #sydneycalligraphysupply #onlinestoreaustralia #calligraphysupplies #calligraphysuppliesaustralia #onlinecalligraphyshop #onlineshopaustralia #sydneycalligrapher #sydneycalligraphy #calligraphy @ Sydney, Australia
03.01.2022 Online workshop! Check it out!!
03.01.2022 Hunt 101 is one of our favorite in pointed pen calligraphy. Available in store AUD 3.50. . Did you know that youll still get a DISCOUNT even for this nib when you are @sydneyscribessociety and @calligraphysociety_usyd s member? . .... . . #calligraphyaustralia #calligraphysupplies #sydneycalligrapher #sydneycalligraphy #onlinestoreaustralia #onlinestoresydney #sydneyonlineshop #letterngaddict #calligraphyhub #calligraphyaddict #onlinecalligraphyshop #onlineshopsydney #calligraphy See more
02.01.2022 Online Workshop alert!
01.01.2022 Inspiration. One of Y. Martha Laurens favorite at Iampeths Archives. The offhand flourishing of Clinton H. Clark.
01.01.2022 @marthascribes digital Spencerian Lowercase Practice Workbook is here! Both Letter Size and A4 size is Available to download in our online store! . . . #spencerian #marthascribes #spencerlicious #iampeth #calligraphy #flourishforum #handwriting #spencerianscript #penmanship #takeprideinpenmanship #onlineclasses #calligraphyaustralia #copperplate #engrossers #australiancalligrapher #australia #nswcalligraphy #roundhand #calligraphyid #kaligrafina #googlehangout #appleairpods #sydneycalligrapher #calligraphysydney #sydneyscribes #thecalligraphyhub #dippencalligraphy #calligraphyid #istayhome #spencerianscript #sydneycalligraphysupply @ Sydney, Australia
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