Scripture Union NT | Religious organisation
Scripture Union NT
Phone: (08) 8945 4351
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25.01.2022 On Saturday September 21st, Scripture Union NT held it's first combined ministry Thanksgiving Service at St Peters Nightcliff. As part of this service, we also had an opportunity to say thank you and farewell to Topher Hallyburton in his role as Schools Ministry Coordinator. 75 volunteers, supporters and staff came together to give praise to God for the ministry that has happened during 2020 under the banner of SU, and say farewell to Topher. A number of our staff and volunt...eers shared of the stories within their ministry area, and how God has been at work this year in the lives of children, young people and families right across the NT. We celebrated the commencement of some new programs in 2020 including Rural SUPA Kids Day and Alice Springs Kids Games and the recommencement of SUPA Camp, as well as the continuation of many existing ministries. We have had much to thank God for. Our last Newsletter of the year will be published next week, and will feature more on both these, and many other ministry that has happened over the past few months. If you don't currently receive the Newsletter and would like to, please get in contact with us via our website.
24.01.2022 This year, we are celebrating 10 years of Kids Games in Darwin. Thanks to SU NSW (and Glenn and Carol) for their assistance in getting this up and running back in 2011 in partnership with the NT. Only 3 weeks until Kids Games happens in 2021. You can register now online - for Students in Years 3-6.
23.01.2022 Topher and Laura Graham leading a Growing Christian Kids training day for parents and grandparents in Katherine today.
23.01.2022 Less than a week to go until the 2021 Darwin Kids Games commences. Still plenty of spaces left. You can still register online (or you can turn up and register at the venue next week). Register online here today.
22.01.2022 We love your work Darwin Teachers...
22.01.2022 Less than two weeks to go until the very first Rural SUPA Kids Day! We are so excited to partner with churches in the Darwin Rural Area in this new ministry! It's time to register your kids......... Who else can you invite? ... You can find out more and register here.
21.01.2022 Today I met a young man at a primary school who 'blessed' each of the RI teachers as they left school today. He wants to become a priest when he grows up - his idea of a reward is to be allowed to come to the office and read the staff bible stories. How awesome is that!
21.01.2022 Katherine Kids Games has started this morning. A group of 21 kids and 18 leaders have assembled at MacFarlane PS. It runs every morning this week. Pray that more kids might be able to attend from tomorrow onwards. Please pray for kids and leaders that they have an awesome week experiencing the love of Jesus.
20.01.2022 Day 3 of Alice Springs Kids Games today, and yay, it stopped raining, the Sun came out and we could get outside to play sports and games. Thanks God. We had 37 kids again today. Netball today, along with learning lots about disciple Peter and how he was forgiven and restored by Jesus, even though he denied and abandoned him. Jesus accepts us even after we’ve made mistakes.... Looking forward to the next 2 days and being able to continue sharing the good news of Jesus with the kids.
19.01.2022 An opportunity for get involved in some Children's ministry training online over the next 3 weeks on a Thursday evening, see the details in the below post.
18.01.2022 Day 3 today of Katherine Kids Games, playing AFL, after playing netball yesterday. 31 kids came yesterday and 29 today. Yesterday we heard about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and the Courage they had to stand up for their faith in God. Today we are hearing about Peter, and even though he made mistakes and denied Jesus, he was Restored/Forgiven. Keep praying for the leaders to have lots of energy and the ability to invest in the children. And for the children to have open ears and hearts to hear the gospel.
18.01.2022 Great start to the very first Alice Springs Kids Games program. It’s awesome that 38 kids have turned up today despite being only 12 degrees and rainy weather (it was 37 degrees yesterday). We are thankful to God that there was a break in the weather and we were able to play sports outside. They had fun playing some soccer and about to get into looking at the story of Matthew in the bible and how Jesus included him, despite his background. We have 17 leaders from several churches in Alice Springs and Darwin. Please pray that the rest of week goes really well, for kids to hear about the Good News of Jesus, and for more kids might turn up tomorrow.
17.01.2022 Scripture Union NT's first SUPA camp in 5 years was held at Riyala Campsite this past weekend. A great time was has had by all, with over 40 campers and 20 leaders being involved. Lots of activities and games, amazing food (thanks Jan and Margot), singing and music, arts, craft, cards games, a movie and awesome bible talks and small groups, we learnt more of how Jesus loves us no matter who we are, or what we've done - through the stories of the Samaritan woman at the well; ...Zacchaeus; and Mary and Martha. Thanks to all the leaders involved for giving up their time to volunteer on camp, also to the kids who came (and their parents for trusting us to look after them). We look forward to running SUPA Camp again in 2021. Thanks also to eveyone who have been praying for this camp's return, we know God was with over the whole weekend. Please pray that the Kids who were in attendance will have grown closer to Jesus over the weekend, and for the seeds planted to continue to grow and develop. See more
15.01.2022 CANCELLED!! It will come as no surprise, but with the Lockdown being extended in the Greater Darwin region until Friday, 2021 Kids Games is cancelled. For those who have already registered online, you will receive a further updates via email. ... Please continue to pray to God for all those making decisions, and for the protection of the most vulnerable within our population.
14.01.2022 Less than four weeks to go! We are so excited to partner with churches in the Darwin Rural Area in this new ministry! Who can you invite? Rego @
14.01.2022 Effective from 1.00pm today the Darwin, Palmerston and Litchfield Council areas, and Wagait and Belyuen Shires entered a full lock-down for 48 hours. People only permitted to leave home for the following five reasons: 1. Medical treatment, including COVID testing or vaccination 2. For essential goods and services, like groceries and medications 3. For work that is considered essential 4. For one hour of outdoor exercise a day within 5 km from your home with one other person or people from your house 5. To provide care and support to a family member or person who cannot support themselves. An employee or contractor engaged by any of the following businesses or undertakings is an essential worker for the purposes of these Directions: a blood bank, including blood collection and delivery air transport services or an airport; the Australian Defence Force, Australian Border Force and Commonwealth law enforcement and intelligence agency services; a supermarket; care services for people with particular needs because of homelessness, age, infirmity, disability, illness or a chronic health condition; childcare, early childhood education, primary and secondary schools and tertiary education; a distribution centre that handles essential goods; a factory or similar facility but only to the extent required to avoid damage to the plant and equipment; a financial institution; freight services for road, rail, sea and air, including postal and courier services; a liquor retailer, but only for the purposes of selling takeaway liquor that is not consumed on the premises; a hardware store; an accommodation provider; journalism and media services; National Heavy Vehicle Regulator, for compliance activities; a business or undertaking that engaged persons to provide support services to the residents of the lockdown area; Emergency services: ambulance and paramedical services firefighting services; medical retrieval services, including Royal Flying Doctor Services; police services; other emergency services; Essential health services: emergency surgery, procedures and medical consulting if failing to provide will lead to loss of life or limb or permanent disability; non-emergency surgery, procedures and medical consulting if failing to provide will lead to loss of life or permanent disability; health services provided in a hospital Emergency Department, by a General Practitioner or at a hospital radiology service; medical procedures or services that relate to the following: o procedures and surgical treatment by a dentist in an authorised public health care centres in the management of patients with facial swelling due to infection, facial trauma or severe unrelenting pain; o procedures to complete a cycle of IVF treatment that was commenced before the implementation of these Directions or any procedure required for the preservation of eggs for future IVF which is required to prevent eggs from becoming non-viable; o surgical termination of pregnancy; o drug or alcohol services; o allied health services provided allied health professionals when providing critical clinical care; o mental health services; Essential, critical services: A person who provides for essential, critical or urgent maintenance or repair of power, water, communications or other infrastructure critical to the Territory or to maintain other operations deemed essential, including trade assistants, trade stores and equipment hire; o pet store or veterinary clinic; o a petrol station; o a pharmacy; o a post office; o primary industries, to the extent required to ensure adequate supply of food to and care of crops and animals; o production and distribution of: - food for sale by supermarkets, butchers, greengrocers, fishmongers, but not including production at an abattoir; or - medical and pharmaceutical products; o public transport, including taxis and other commercial passenger services, including transit safety officers and interchange officers; o the Territory or local government services which are deemed essential by the relevant Agency Chief Executive Officer or CEO of a council; o a member of the Legislative Assembly; o the administration of justice; o truckstops and roadhouses; o vehicle repair and mechanical services, including roadside assistance; o food outlets with a fixed premises or vehicles providing takeaway food services or food for distribution by food delivery services; o a person employed or engaged by any other business or undertaking to the extent that business or undertaking is permitted to remain operational under my COVID-19 Directions (No. 10) 2021.
13.01.2022 DARWIN KIDS GAMES ON HOLD! Due to the NT Govt directions of a 48-hour Lockdown in the greater Darwin and Palmerston regions from 1pm today (Sunday), we have put the Kids Games program which was due to commence tomorrow on hold. For those who have already registered online, you will received further updates via email. A decision if the program will be cancelled for the week will be made in the next day or so as further details become available from the NT Govt.... Please pray for the Govt, the leaders as they make decisions. Also pray for families as they go into lockdown for the coming few days.
13.01.2022 Congratulations to Lyla Wills, who has been awarded an OAM for her services as an educator, music teacher and community volunteer. Also a long time SU NT supporter and regular at our monthly prayer meeting. We give praise to God for your life Lyla Wills, someone who has always done what Jesus has called them to do. Well deserved.
11.01.2022 This Saturday! Remember to Rego @
10.01.2022 What an awesome week of Kids Games in Alice Springs, the very first time it has run. About 40 kids attended each day, and 17 leaders from Alice Springs and Darwin. Thanks to all the leaders who volunteered. The kids had fun playing sports each day, as well as games and learning about Jesus and the bible, we looked at themes of Belonging, Courage, Forgiveness, Purpose and Serving (with the right attitude). We are thankful to God that a few kids decided to put their trust in Je...sus for the first time yesterday and we pray that all the children can continue to grow and develop in their faith. Please pray for them. We can’t wait to return in 2021 to run Kids Games in partnership again with the local churches in Alice Springs.
07.01.2022 Hi everyone, with the announcement today of easing restrictions, we will still look to run the Katherine Kids Games program in the 3rd week of the School Holidays (July 12-15). Full details on the flyer. This event is run in partnership with local churches in Katherine. Please share this far and wide, as we'd love to have lots of Kids from the Katherine Region (and further afield) attend this event.
06.01.2022 The very first Rural SUPA Kids Day was held on Saturday. What an awesome day. 40 kids attended on the day from all over the Rural area, and we had 17 leaders from several different churches in the Rural area also. The day included some sports and outdoor games, Learning about Jesus from the bible through Drama and singing/dancing, and why Jesus is the Boss over everything, we at food, enjoyed each others company and finished the day with some chilled games and crafts. Thanks to the churches in the Rural area who partnered with SU on the day, Cornerstone Christian Fellowship (Howard Springs); Fred's Pass Anglican Church; Living Water Uniting Church, Baptist Bush Church and St Francis of Assisi (all from Humpty Doo). We look forward to running this event again in 2021.........
06.01.2022 Final day of 2020 Katherine Kids Games today. We’ve had 43 different kids attend throughout the week. Today’s story sees Martha serving Jesus and others, but with a poor attitude. We are encouraging the kids to look at serving others with a great attitude. Please pray that the kids who’ve attended the program this week, that they will continue to grow and be strengthened in their faith in Jesus. Thank you everyone for your prayers this week. They have been greatly appreciate...d. Thanks also to the churches in Katherine who have welcomed us and served alongside us this week. Thank you St Paul’s Anglican, Heritage Church, Katherine Baptist, Katherine COC, Katherine Salvos. We look forward to coming back again in 2021. See more
04.01.2022 Looking forward to sharing with Katherine churches! This is for parents, grandparents and anyone that helps children grow up in the Christian faith!
04.01.2022 A great day planned for parents, grandparents and anyone that is involved with children! Rego @
04.01.2022 With Topher concluding at the end of the year, we are looking for a new Schools Ministry Coordinator. Is this you? Or someone you know?
04.01.2022 SU is running a camp for Primary Aged students in Years 3-6 called SUPA Camp. The camp is being held on September 11-13 @ Riyala. We are also looking for a few more leaders to be a part of this camp, if this is you or someone you know, please contact Ox. For more information and how to register, click on this link.
02.01.2022 On of our partner churches in Katherine. If you are able to assist them...
01.01.2022 Great to be sharing with local churches for this Carols at Leanyer Waterpark! Only 5 weeks to go!
01.01.2022 Final day of Darwin 2020 Kids Games has commenced. What an amazing week led by a team of awesome SUPA Serve leaders. The theme for the week has been Champions Change Their World, getting the kids focussed on thinking about others, and how to know and serve Jesus. Pray for the kids that the messages they’ve heard this week will have long lasting impact.
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