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Seaford Rise Kindergarten | Businesses

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Seaford Rise Kindergarten

Phone: 8386 0505


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22.01.2022 Dear Families We are rapidly running out of spare clothes at kindy. If you have any SRK clothing, can you please return them ASAP. Further, can you please ensure you pack a few extra pants on a wet day.... Kind Regards, Michelle

20.01.2022 * NOTICE FROM OUR GOVERNING COUNCIL* Hello SR Kindergarten families, As a part of this years fundraising, we will be compiling a Kindy cookbook and will need your help! We ask that each family sit down with their child and ask them what their favourite food/recipe is and how they believe it is made. Once it has been recorded/written it will then need to be emailed back to us (Michelle). We also ask that a favourite family recipe is sent through to accompany their child's.... So that no family misses out on being involved, we ask that these recipes be sent through by Friday 28 August, which will be week 6. If there are any concerns or troubles please don't hesitate to contact us. We hope to hear from you soon. Regards, The Seaford Rise Governing Council. See more

19.01.2022 PUPIL FREE DAYS! We have TWO confirmed pupil free days coming up. Thursday 17 September, week 9 term 3... Wednesday 28 October, week 3 term 4 On 17/9 all staff will be attending numeracy training, 28/10 is a planning day for 2021

17.01.2022 What does your child need? If children feel unwell, they should stay home to rest. A sore throat, headache, runny nose, body aches, fever and/or a cough all ...point to the same thing: kids shouldn't be at school. So keep them at home and let them take what they need to feel better (whether that's or ).

16.01.2022 Hi Families Don't forget to send in those beloved recipes for our kindy cookbook. Due this Friday. Kind Regards, Michelle (on behalf of Governing Council)

12.01.2022 Today is Early Educator's Day! "Early Childhood Educators' Day recognises and celebrates the work of Australia's educators in early learning services for their wonderful contribution to the wellbeing and healthy development of the young children in their care. It's a chance to say thank you to Australia’s early childhood educators on a very personal level by service operators, families and their children, as well as collectively at the national level."... I would like to thank the team of educators at SRK. They have welcomed me in and shown me the way. It has been an unusual year for us all, and we have worked through it with humour and dedication.

11.01.2022 Hi Families As part of the Child Protection Curriculum, we have been talking about consent. This info graphic has some nice ideas.... "It is a basic human right to have control over what happens to our own bodies. " Curious Parenting

10.01.2022 Don't forget to return ALL raffle tickets this week, even those not sold. Thank you so much for all your help with this fundraiser, it has been amazing!

09.01.2022 Please send in those recipes for our kindy cookbook ASAP! It will make an amazing Christmas gift. Please email them to Michelle. [email protected]... Thank you for all the great recipes we have received so far. *********************************************************************** Hello SR Kindergarten families, As a part of this years fundraising, we will be compiling a Kindy cookbook and will need your help! We ask that each family sit down with their child and ask them what their favourite food/recipe is and how they believe it is made. Once it has been recorded/written it will then need to be emailed back to us (Michelle). We also ask that a favourite family recipe is sent through to accompany their child's. So that no family misses out on being involved, we ask that these recipes be sent through by Friday 28 August, which will be week 6. If there are any concerns or troubles please don't hesitate to contact us. We hope to hear from you soon. Regards, The Seaford Rise Governing Council.

08.01.2022 Recipes are due today! Please email them to Michelle. [email protected]... Thank you for all the great recipes we have received so far. ............................................................................................. Hello SR Kindergarten families, As a part of this years fundraising, we will be compiling a Kindy cookbook and will need your help! We ask that each family sit down with their child and ask them what their favourite food/recipe is and how they believe it is made. Once it has been recorded/written it will then need to be emailed back to us (Michelle). We also ask that a favourite family recipe is sent through to accompany their child's. So that no family misses out on being involved, we ask that these recipes be sent through by Friday 28 August, which will be week 6. If there are any concerns or troubles please don't hesitate to contact us. We hope to hear from you soon. Regards, The Seaford Rise Governing Council.

04.01.2022 Hi Families As the weather begins to warm up, we need to keep a close eye on the UV index. For a UV index of 3 and above we need to be sunsmart. A hat is required to play outside, and sunscren will be applied at kindy during the day as per our policy. Looking at the forecast, from tomorrow, the UV will be 3. ... Kind Regards, Michelle

03.01.2022 Parent Forum SeptemberFest 2020 Parents and carers of children and young people with a disability are invited to attend range of webinars and workshops during September 2020

01.01.2022 Dear Seaford Rise Kindy Families, This year has been a hard and strange year for us all. Governing Council thought, to bring some excitement into the upcoming school holidays, that we would have a raffle. Proceeds from the raffle will contribute to the cost of the new climbing equipment that was purchased earlier in the year for the children to enjoy. We are asking for donations that we can use to make up prize baskets. ... Donation ideas: chocolates, lollies, craft, stationary, games, sporting equipment, books, the skies the limit! What would you like to win to start off the holidays for your family? A box will be placed near the lockers from Monday 18th August Friday 28th August for donations, thank you for your contribution. Please remember, we need new items. Raffle tickets will go on sale Monday 31st August, all children will receive a book. Tickets will be sold at $1 each. Please make sure you return all ticket stubs back to Kindy, sold or unsold, by Friday 18th September. The raffle will be drawn Monday 21st September, this will ensure prizes are received in time to start the school holidays. Thank you for your help and support From the Governing Council

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