Sea of Harmony in Townsville, Queensland | Alternative & holistic health service
Sea of Harmony
Locality: Townsville, Queensland
Phone: +61 419 353 405
Address: Magnetic Island, Queensland, Australia 4819 Townsville, QLD, Australia
Likes: 305
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25.01.2022 What I find as I declutter my house : a testimonial from a lady in the UK....from the last decade Dear Tatjana I can’t believe that it’s five months ago that you did a REIKI READING for me..... It arrived shortly before I had to go back to hospital for my third operation and was just what I needed...... I have heard of Reiki healing but knew and still know little about it but would recommend it as I believe it helped me a lot . In fact it enabled me to calm down and get back to an even keel. It is great to feel more relaxed and able to cope, because I really had got lost and your reading helped me get on track again. So once again many many many thanks again for what you have done for me and who knows maybe we will meet one day With much Love from W. See more
25.01.2022 Inclusion of all that is and being in relationship with anxiety is the key to LIFE. Thank you Maurice for this exploration.
25.01.2022 Happy Father’s Day. Thank you for giving us LIFE! Whatever happened, you are the only true one. With gratitude I can take my life fully in honour of you.
23.01.2022 Magnetic Island Body Mind and Soul Gathering in the month of FEBRUARY
23.01.2022 This will be powerful workshop at the Australasian constellation Intensive . We will be able to look at the internal dialogue and how to listen carefully and allow reconciliation to take place and make peace within.
23.01.2022 Reiki Mastership is a great responsibility and joy as I am able to respond. A journey of 15 years continues to deepen.Reiki Mastership is a great responsibility and joy as I am able to respond. A journey of 15 years continues to deepen.
23.01.2022 6th AUSTRALASIAN CONSTELLATION INTENSIVE - Mar 21 - 27, 2020 It’s just over 10 weeks till we gather in community and share all the wins and challenges that are... part of our lives collectively. So much of Australia is affected by the fires, directly and indirectly, fortunately Sydney is safe and our location by the ocean will be a restful place to enjoy the extraordinary level of learning and soulful connections coming to us from around the world. ‘Revealing Hidden Potential and Systemic Solutions’ is the general theme of this year’s Intensive, we certainly are called to show up differently in the next decade. Knowing that fundamental systemic change needs to happen and the most powerful point of leverage for such a seismic shift is to completely change our mindset and contribute as much as possible to the generation of a NEW PARADIGM. Deepening our Systemic Skills and ways of working with Constellations can contribute to this process of change. Creating pathways that move us towards ‘as yet’ unimagined ways of living into the future will be part of our VISION, coming together in COMMUNITY to achieve this is hugely valuable for cross pollination of ideas, creating think tanks, getting support for projects etc etc Together we achieve MORE! More than 35 incredibly skills TRAINERS from around the world offering an amazing diversity of skills and the opportunity to bring into the circle challenges faced in different parts of the globe, that we all share on some level. You will experience many different ways of integrating Constellations including Family/Systemic/Structural, Organizational/Business, Health and Wellness, Nature Constellations, and much needed Healing individual and Collective Trauma with Ritual and Constellations Post Intensive Workshops Mar 28/29 Elena Veselago (Russia) whose way of working with Constellations is quite shamanic will offer Mother, Father Me 2-day workshop. Elena has a unique shamanic way of working with Constellations. Crows Nest, Sydney Anngwyn St Just (USA) a specialist in trauma she will be working with the impact of Trauma in Relationships; a Systemic Perspective including the place of betrayal and what enhances healing. Castlereagh Boutique Hotel Sydney CBD Attend 1, 3 or all 6 days of the Intensive and time payment plans are available. With 4 different levels of learning it's open to all levels of experience. You will find lots more information here or email [email protected] Early bird till Jan 15 save up to $350 Become part of a community committed to making a difference, for relationships, for nature for the planet, for the future!
22.01.2022 Who is the SYMPTOM BEARER Being in social isolation with our family, we see more clearly when a child or adult has troubles...
22.01.2022 A wonderful opportunity awaits for professional coaches and practitioners working to improve lives.
22.01.2022 Being patient while the ground is moving, not sure what the next step is. It takes courage as I get ready to jump into the unknown. During this process I am available for one on one sessions either online or in Person on Magnetic Island. Groups will be held again when the energy is right. Sea of Harmony will be offering more transformative, in person and online groups later, soon, whenever there is a movement suitable to bring you together again. Stay in touch, be gentle with yourself and your loved ones. with Lightness Tatjana
21.01.2022 Who would you be without your story? Looking forward to learning from Bill Mannle at the Australasian Constellation intensive , as I have heard so much positives about his style of constellation. I’m curious and excited to share with you people in Townsville
20.01.2022 This is a little explanation on how constellation can improve your relationships. please call me to find out more about this transformative work. There is no need to share your private story for this to work deeply and profoundly.
20.01.2022 Hearing Gabor speak, we hear and stop judging the person with the addiction. We change perspective and gain compassion. What happened to you? Is a powerful question. With understanding we relate better.
19.01.2022 Happy Christmas to you and may all your ancestors standing behind you. See you in the next year with more ancestral healing , connecting and including to your source and resources
18.01.2022 What to do when I'm overwhelmed? The intuitive counter movement is to take a deep breath. In order to harvest the intelligence and the wisdom of my body I need take a breath and to slow down. Because my breath is a deep friend from right after my birth, to help me to regulate my own nervous system. ----- From: Building Community Coherence and Resilience - part 3 of the webinar series about Healing Collective Trauma in July / August 2020. More Info:
17.01.2022 So many exciting possibilities for LEARNING, HEALING, and connection in COMMUNITY STILL SOME TICKETS FOR THE 6th Australas...ian Constellation Intensive and 2 wonderful post Intensive workshops with Anngwyn St Just and Elena Veselago great opportunities See more
17.01.2022 This video, describes the field phenomenon, we explore in a workshop or one on one session of Family and Soul healing very well. Through quantum physics , we unconsciously are moving in the field of where we belong . Thank you Dan Cohen and Rupert Sheldrake.
17.01.2022 Perfect for the winter weekend of Constellation with Matt Dilges and Tatjana on Magnetic Island this weekend
17.01.2022 Today is the last chance to get in and save $30 !
17.01.2022 A wonderful range of topics in relation to systemic education. I simply love Bibi Schreuder. And haven’t yet seen them all. Great resource to explore
16.01.2022 What powerful performance installation and a heartfelt connection. I have been referring some important conversations to this particular event . Enjoy it.
16.01.2022 The victim and perpetrator dynamic has always been a fascinating one... here Dan Cohen PhD one of my mentors elaborating on this.
15.01.2022 We have a wonderful response to the first gathering , it’s sold out. If you missed out, keep and eye out on the next Gathering in February TUESDAY 18 February with another inspiring sparkling presenter. Details will be revealed soon
15.01.2022 2020 the year of clarity understanding and compassion. It stops with me workshop by Sea of Harmony -family and soul healing. Call 0419 353405 to find out more and book. Magnetic Island is the ideal backdrop to this powerful transformative workshop. Enjoy a balmy winter in tropical paradise. #townsville #townvilleshines #systemicconstellations #mattdilges #generationalhealing #itstopswithme #magneticisland #familysoulhealing #transformation #wellbeing #familyconstellations
14.01.2022 Body Mind and Soul Gathering .... We found an auspicious date yesterday 10.1.2020 under the fullness of the waxing moon during an eclipse to connect with ourselves , each other and country . In ceremony we visited the countries that host the energy chakras of the world. Kaylene prepares the Medicine wheel to the directions of the elements. It was a powerful and nurturing evening for the men and women who took part of this event. With my deepest gratitude to all involved for showing up, taking part and sharing this experience with us
13.01.2022 How your attachment style that you formed in early childhood is still creating the relationships you form as an adult. This is a tendency that one can become aware of and then as we awaken to it, we have more choices on how to interact with our loved ones. Knowing your partners attachment style as well as your own will give you a super power to mediate your tiffs.
12.01.2022 Enjoy the Early BIRD price only to TODAY 30 JUNE! Save $30 pay $420 instead of $450 for this amazing opportunity to do personal work in North Queensland on a beautiful Tropical Island is not to be missed. This is our 5th annual Systemic Constellation weekend on Magnetic Island with Matt Dilges and Tatjana Hannan. we are looking especially for more MEN to create more balance of gender. please book via email/ messenger/ phone call/ txt. talk to you soon
11.01.2022 Magnetic Island happenings...
11.01.2022 Thanks for keeping in touch
10.01.2022 Constellation connections in paradise. Thanks for the visit
10.01.2022 Systemic constellation is a beautiful way of connecting to your ancestors and the resilience that you owe your life to.
10.01.2022 What an honour to present a piece of work at the Intensive. Working on oneself with tools of this relational modality, we improve the relationship to ourselves, creating more understanding and harmony which reflects in the environment. The more we understand inner processes by making them visible, the clearer we are able to have compassion for ourselves and others. Looking forward to this experience and showing you how to use this in your own work.
10.01.2022 Thank you Michael Quinn for finding this beautiful insightful quote from Bert himself. Being entangled is still a bond that we have formed out of our desire and need to belong. These unconscious and often burdened and heavy connections want to be acknowledged and honoured. With Systemic and Family Constellation you will be accompanied while you process to integrate and change the inner picture that no longer serves you. The process is profound, connecting and transformational. Thank you with gratitude to my teachers and mentors and my parents and ancestors the ones who came before me
10.01.2022 We will meet in person this weekend on beautiful Magnetic Island with courageous people who make a difference to their LIVES. This work ripples through the family and social circle Thank you Matt Dilges for the explanation of Systemic Constellation in the Interview with Guy Pearce by Andrew Denton
09.01.2022 Stay steadfast as you are held by the group to break through the patterns that limits your life. Systemic constellation is assisting us to look from a distance, experience with the felt sense and transform the perspective that burdens our LIFE! Only in the experience can we feel to believe it’s power.
08.01.2022 It’s beginning, let everyone know who likes to share wisdom and off Facebook. Practitioners please email me and I include you in the mailing list. 2020 here we... come. The first meeting is in January getting the practitioners together for a powwow circle. It will be fun inclusive and NEW. See more
07.01.2022 Yes let’s celebrate this powerful work with them.
07.01.2022 The Second workshop can be taken individually for peeps Looking for love,BETTER HALVES,LOVERS, COUPLES and everyone who likes to improve their understanding in matters of LOVE.
07.01.2022 This is a beautiful example of Bert Hellinger and how Systemic Constellation work on the soul level of our families. Each constellation is individual and moves with the energy that is presented in what we call the knowing field truly felt by everyone in their felt sense.This particular constellation is a traditional way of honouring the ancestors. The work has come a long way and we have become experimental by setting up any relationship we have with others , aspects of ...our selves, organisations, beliefs, you name it. In this little video we can get a glimpse of power of this work. Sea of Harmony is looking forward to sharing this heartfelt work with you in the near future again in person, whenever the timing is right. So send me a message if you are interested and live in or near Townsville to participate in the next in person workshop. We will go with the knowing field to allow the movement that is required to create more harmony. With Lightness Tatjana
07.01.2022 This is for LOVE BIRDS, BETTER HALVES , LOVERS TO BE, LOOKING FOR LOVE , COUPLES wanting to improve the way they relate. In three sessions we will explore abo...ut what makes LOVE work by understanding yourself and your partner better for a more fulfilling LIFE together. These are ONLINE sessions via Zoom See more
06.01.2022 I love practicing Reiki and feel the impact it has on my life and of my clients as they get off the reiki table. Here is Torsten A Lange who has tested hands on and distance reiki giving scientific evidence of its benefits.
06.01.2022 This sounds VERY interesting... I am getting excited to immerse myself and dive deeper to learn more and broaden my horizon.
04.01.2022 What is the thing you just cannot NOT do?
04.01.2022 A little constellation in a teacup
04.01.2022 Join us for an exciting and soulful adventure of Learning, Insight and Transformation. March 21 to 27, 2020
03.01.2022 Bert Hellinger, the father of systemic constellation had seen what it may mean to belong and the price we may pay. His background is Germany during the Second World War and the period after. No matter what trauma and tragedy some of the family experienced, we honour them by leaving it with them and not carry it forward into the next generation. This is where the healing journey begins.
03.01.2022 Beautiful Horseshoe Bay, the venue for the next Winter weekend of Systemic Constellation 24-26 July 2020 with Matt Dilges and Tatjana Hannan facilitating a process to heal your ancestral and personal complexity and problems. You will step forward in your life with more lightness and connections to all that is and was.
03.01.2022 Body Mind and Soul gatherings are so much fun
03.01.2022 The 5th annual weekend of systemic constellation on beautiful Magnetic Island with Matt Dilges and Tatjana Hannan. Super early bird $390 to 31/12/2019! Personal development that ripples through the system to your loved ones, your work, your health and all aspects of your LIFE #systemicconstellations #townsville #personaldevelopment #healingenergy #familysoul #traumahealing #itstopswithme #generationalhealing #winterinthetropics #mattdilges #magneticisland
03.01.2022 This Gathering is for those who like to go inward and awaken to the bigness of life and have an interest in healing and accessing guidance. Please book in by phoning Tatjana #magneticisland #bodymindsoul #likemindedpeople #gathering #healingandguidance #unlimitedwithlove #guidedbyspirit #seaofharmony
02.01.2022 Anecdotal stories are often useful to describe entanglement...this is a good one.
02.01.2022 A weekend of connecting, being seen, having the support to look at the difficult subject in life that holds us back and then through the wisdom of the KNOWING FIELD in each of us we create transformative change. The beauty of this work amazes me every time more. Today a kookaburra was assisting us to learn about letting go, respecting its own time to go, and honour the balance and power of it all. Thank you all to the participants for your courage and commitment to dedicate your weekend here on Magnetic Island. thank you Matt Dilges to hold the space so well and facilitate all the constellations. There is another day tomorrow .
02.01.2022 It’s Mother’s Day. Is it time to improve your relationship through insight!
02.01.2022 What a beautiful experience to be together with likeminded people, from all corners of the world, different walks of life, individual humans with deep connections to body mind and soul. Looking forward to more, different and other inspirational events on Magnetic Island. Thank you for this beautiful photo taken by Chloe, Kaylene’s daughter visiting from Germany
01.01.2022 " is only with the HEART that one can see rightly , what is essential is invisible to the eye...." Antoine de Saint-Exupery
01.01.2022 This 5th annual Winter weekend is now fully booked! Sorry some of you missed out. Look out for another workshop coming to Townsville or Magnetic Island soon! In the meantime we offer ONLINE constellation sessions in July All you Need is LOVE. ... ....If you have not yet experienced the power of Systemic Constellation, it’s a good way to dip your toe in. Over the next month we will go back to in person meetings ....if all goes well. As I truly enjoy the ONLINE workshops I will continue to offer 2-3 hour workshops for people from . We also offer ONE on ONE constellation for you who like to work privately, online or in Person on Magnetic Island. So stay in touch and have a beautiful relationship with all and everyone who is important to you With Lightness Tatjana
01.01.2022 This will be extraordinary work. I have been fascinated by Elenas work last year and look forward to learning more. See you at the intensive and the extra workshop afterwards.
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