Seasons of Mama | Education
Seasons of Mama
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25.01.2022 Saturday sentiments - I have never felt more me since becoming a Mama....although I have to say I sometimes forget what I love to do when I have a bit of free time just for MEEEEE Anyone else? So maybe it’s more like finding myself rather than found and nothing screams this more than being up to speed with what’s trending on ABC Kids over Netflix Have a beautiful Saturday night peeps! I am ready for some Thai, a cheeky and putting my feet up after a beautiful day teaching 7 gorgeous @calmbirth couples!
24.01.2022 ... What stories have you been telling yourself lately? Have you been holding it all gently? If not, then let this be your reminder lovely . . . @the_womens_collective of my Mama Mantra Card Set (Etsy store link in bio)
23.01.2022 This quote holds a sweet place in my heart. Why? It reminds me of my very first weekend teaching Calmbirth in Mittagong...when I had a moment of feeling like a complete taco I had 13 couples. Can you imagine? I had only taught private classes before this so for my first group experience it really felt like a lot In a beautiful way! I was feeling so so excited as they slowly arrived couple by couple then headed upstairs to take a seat. After the 13th coupl...e arrived I rubbed my hands together and had a giant smile on my face. Ok I can do this. Let’s go I said to myself (yes, actually spoke allowed to myself ). I went upstairs, closed the door behind me and stood in front of 26 sets of eyes! BAM so many butterflies landed in my stomach. They smiled back at me but it was then I had a genuine deer in the headlights moment, forgetting what I wanted to say. Hi everyone! Welcome to beautiful Calmbirth. Ummm.... (mind goes blank).....(soooo blank).....(now they know you’re nervous).......(dammit Jenna, speak!!).....what was I going to say? Ok let’s just get straight into it (quickly press play on the presentation ). I beat myself up about that moment all morning! I was fine once I started the PowerPoint presentation thankfully and was able to settle those nerves substantially once we went around the circle and heard everyone else introduce themselves. I knew I was in such amazing company so the excitement just replaced the fears entirely. When we broke for morning tea I opened Instagram to find a distraction from my negative inner narrative I kept telling myself. And what was the very first thing I saw?? A post with this very quote on it I laughed out loud! The universe gave me exactly what I needed in that moment! So once everyone returned to their seats 20mins later I apologised for being a taco that morning I read this post out to them deciding to be vulnerable and transparent! They were so warm and encouraging. We had a laugh together and I’ll never forget it! The Women's Collective of my Mama Mantra Affirmations, perfect for the 4th Trimester
21.01.2022 When it comes to affirmations I like to think that they chose me rather than the other way around. I can’t tell you how picky I was as I ciphered through hundreds in the months leading up to my own births and then also when creating this set for pregnancy, labour and birth I wanted to feel the words wash over me, to feel my mind and body light up on a cellular level, for my heart to become inflamed. This beautiful poetry piece by @markanthonypoet just ignited much self confidence in me in the lead up to my second birth! It reminded me of both a woman’s incredible inner strength to bring forth new life and also of how fierce our Mama hearts become when we have this precious little soul to love and care for, for all of our days! Remember, our bodies can withstand anything. It’s our minds we have to convince! These cards have been created by me, for you @the_womens_collective
21.01.2022 Is this true for you? Who is swapping sides of the bed tonight?
20.01.2022 Who else is vibing this springtime energy? A brand new season to symbolise the blossoming of new ideas, new experiences and opportunities for growth! It’s a time for re-birth and I can’t help but think of my own almost three years ago when my beautiful baby boy was born (happy birth month to my sweet Aiden!). Affirmations also remind me of this special time because I surrounded myself with them, clearing and cleansing as a means to prepare my mind-body for... my second birth! Oh spring how I love you! Who is welcoming a little springtime cherub?? and ready for their own re-birth?? Yipeeee . . . @bbiglittlethings collab cards
19.01.2022 When you see our Pregnany & Birth Affirmation cards on Today Show featured in our fave MAFS Stars baby nursery.... it’s a pinch me moment So thrilled to be included in Jules Robinson’s gorgeousss new nursery! Head to Channel 9 Today Show to watch the playback from this morning to see their gorgeous kitchen Reno’s and nursery reveal
19.01.2022 The Calmbirth Podcast Have you listened in yet?
17.01.2022 Tell me women are not absolute goddesses!!! . .... . @the.kat.oconnor See more
16.01.2022 Never is a man more of a man than when he is the father of a newborn And it is there in that moment you see his very own re-birth as so too has a father just been born!... Celebrating all the Rad Dads today, every single kind and wherever they may be, including my own and the best one ever to our little loves! . . . @katherinewilsonphotography Pictured here is my husband, Mr Seasons with our littlest Aiden (2017)
15.01.2022 Ok ladies - we are going there! Let’s talk about perineal tearing (the region between the vulva and the anus) in birth. I want to reassure you that this is a common source of fear for many women and our fears are usually just a warning sign to us that says hey, I need more information. ...Continue reading
14.01.2022 Breastmilk never ceases to amaze me!... Did you know that a Mama customises her breastmilk depending on her baby’s needs and requirements? This can change between feeds as well At birth for instance, breastmilk contains 1-5 MILLION white blood cells PER MILLIMETRE!! On the lower end of this range this is still 100 times more than what your body generally carries. This is especially important for premmie babies as well as term babies whose immune system will only start to mature around 3 months of age! By 6 months the WBC count drops to 100,000 per ml but incredibly this is still 10 times your normal level. It really is your babies first vaccine Helping to fight infections and keep illnesses at bay thanks to the transference of maternal antibodies while also promoting healthy gut flora. Sing it with me, L.I.Q.U.I.D. G.O.L.D AND did you know that when a baby is nursing at the breast a vacuum is created which allows baby’s saliva to send messages via the mammary gland receptors through a backwash system. This helps to identify any pathogens and subsequently boost maternal antibodies. Ever notice why your breastmilk (if expressed) appears more golden yellow after your baby has a cold? like it did in those early days as it transitioned from colostrum to breastmilk?! Well this is why! I could go on and on because it truly amazes me What is an interesting breastfeeding/milky fact that you have heard which amazed you? I’d love to hear . . . via @thegoldenmonth (original source?)
14.01.2022 Who doesn’t love a giveaway I know I do and especially teaming up with some of the ultimates such as Love To Dream My babies lived in their swaddles so for your chance to win an awesome prize from us both, head on over to Love to Dreams Instagram page to enter!! Best of luck!! X... #repost @lovetodreamaustralia Transition from the third to the fourth trimester with a New Mumma Bundle from @seasons_of_mama and $100 to spend at on your little one once he or she is earthside To enter: (1) FOLLOW both @lovetodreamaustralia and @seasons_of_mama (2) TAG a pregnant friend (as many as you like) who could do with this prize in the comments below one tag per line, multiple tags permitted T&Cs: Multiple entries permitted. Australian residents only. Competition closes 05/11/20 at 11pm AEDT. The winner will be drawn at random and tagged on this post within 72 hours of the competition closing. The winner will be contacted via Instagram DM to arrange for the vouchers from both Seasons of Mama and Love To Dream to be emailed. This giveaway is in no way sponsored or endorsed by Instagram.
13.01.2022 Thankyouuu I never tire of messages like this! So so beautiful xx
11.01.2022 Yesterday we discussed during my Calmbirth class that Dads can sometimes feel like the passenger during pregnancy and the immediate postpartum period, with Mama in the drivers seat of course as her body accommodates growing life. One could say she has a head start in the bonding department as she feels this sweet little life growing inside her. So how can we help Dads to develop their own loving bond with babe? Encourage him to talk to baby every day fro...Continue reading
10.01.2022 If we think about it, Mama has a direct line to baby during pregnancy whereas a Papa has to go through her to connect in with their newbie. This is pretty much the same on the outside. Now of course what we want is for them to form a bond with baby, which absolutely grows exponentially with time! Please do not dismay if you (speaking to both of you here) don’t feel an overwhelming sense of love instantly for your little squishy. They’re kind of... a stranger to you right?! What you need is time to get to know each other! Here are some top tips to share with the Rad Dads out there to facilitate this bonding process... 1. Skin to skin: Whip your shirts off guys and get that sweet naked little babe on your chest! It not only has a number of benefits to baby (temperature regulation, stabilises their heart rate/respiratory rate and blood glucose levels, reduces cortisol) but you will both produce more oxytocin, the hormone of love and connection! This also re-wires your brain, priming you for care giving by lowering testosterone levels and enhancing your innate nurturing qualities! Snuggle on! 2. Take advantage of Paternity Leave: those early days and weeks at home as a family are precious! Don’t be afraid to have that conversation with your employer as you won’t get this same window of time back again. You also have two weeks of government funded paternity leave on the national minimum wage. Whatever is available to you, take it! 3. Activities: If your baby is breastfed I know it might be tempting to want to bottle feed them once a night as a beautiful bonding activity but there are many ways you can still do this - you can be the king of cuddles, the rockstar at rocking your babes to sleep and a boss at bath time (I know, word wizard right ) and give Mama lots of reassurance as she may feel like all she does is feed her baby = Normal! 4. Wanna be the real MVP?: You might feel like a side line act sometimes to the mother-baby dyad but please remember how important you are! You’ve never been more needed than what you are right now so dive right in and immerse yourself in this brand new adventure together. Be the hands-on-Dad! (Cont....)
10.01.2022 Grab a cuppa and let’s have a chat. Are you ok? Like really though? Before you jump to the auto-pilot response of Oh I am fine thanks maybe just take a moment to have a gentle breath before you answer then allow whatever feelings you have to flow through you without any judgement or self deprecating. We are so quick to minimise our feelings aren’t we saying to ourselves this is a first world problem compared to most or things could be wor...Continue reading
10.01.2022 So suddenly you put your job/career on pause to fulfil your next beautiful dream of starting a family. For many new Mamas this transition can be quite a shock as suddenly you have a new workplace and an entirely new role (Stay At Home Mum), you are getting to know your boss (baby) who you have never met before and lucky they’re the most gorgeous boss you have ever seen because you know, they can’t seem to do a single thing without you Morning tea/lunch/afte...Continue reading
07.01.2022 Or probably, really, definitely more like an everyday mantra One of my faves! And one of @the_womens_collective too - I love this so much!!... It’s Monday - go get ‘em girlsssss . . . Seasons of Mama // Pregnancy & Birth Cards (link in bio or with any of my wonderful stockists)
05.01.2022 No one even mentioned it - In 9 whole months, not one person said You’re about to meet someone entirely new. And it’s not your baby, it’s going to be you... Who knows this to be true?? . . . @brookearitchie Beautiful quote by @sisters_and_the_sea
03.01.2022 I wonder what you will say after attending one of Australia’s leading childbirth education workshops with us too?! ... There isn’t much time left to register for a spot in one of our 2020 weekend Calmbirth classes! With 4/6 completely full and remaining spots filling quickly here are two weekends left if you were hoping to join me in the beautiful southern highlands Nov 28-29th Dec 12-13th Super limited seating left beautiful people so get in quicklyyyy if you’re looking to positively prepare as an amazing team with your partner/support person for the birth you wish to have . . . By my beautiful clients Em & Matt
01.01.2022 A teeny tiny 15 second snapshot of what we love to offer at Calmbirth (my first Instagram Reel )! We believe that a Mama who prepares for the birth of her baby with a quality evidence-base program such as our Calmbirth program is a GIRL ON FIRE... A force of nature in all of her brilliance, beauty and strength! You have got this Mama!! Head to the website link below to check our upcoming availabilities! Find me, Calmbirth with Jenna, or another one of our wonderfully passionate educators near you We can’t wait to welcome you and your partner/support person!
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