Seastarz Swim School in Joondalup | Swimming instructor
Seastarz Swim School
Locality: Joondalup
Phone: +61 448 732 564
Address: 10 Smoothstone Ct 6027 Joondalup, WA, Australia
Likes: 1077
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25.01.2022 Please see new parking layout for customers. The shire have asked that all customers park on the concrete driveway, not the paved crossover. As you can see there is room and will the new covid restrictions parking should be easy as long as everyone parks in the correct way. we appreciate your cooperation in this.
24.01.2022 Please note that there is no office cover to Wednesday AM, due to training. Molly will be covering phone a d emails between her AM and PM shift.Please note that there is no office cover to Wednesday AM, due to training. Molly will be covering phone a d emails between her AM and PM shift.
24.01.2022 Please Note due to illness the office will be closed this morning. Phone calls/emails will be answered later today or tomorrow at the earliest.Please Note due to illness the office will be closed this morning. Phone calls/emails will be answered later today or tomorrow at the earliest.
23.01.2022 Molly is away on Saturday 24th October, and her shift is being covered by Jess.
23.01.2022 AUTONOMY IS A NEED "The more control children have in their lives, the less they look to control the things they can't. That's why it's not really about "the re...d plate," it's about getting to make their own choice. Autonomy is one cup that young children need filled regularly and making choices is one way they fulfil that need." J. Milburn #neurochild #autonomy #BiologicalLife
23.01.2022 Christmas Hours: Closed from Saturday 19th December to Sunday 3rd January. AND from Saturday 23rd January to Sunday 31st for Australia Day/Labor Day Holiday.Christmas Hours: Closed from Saturday 19th December to Sunday 3rd January. AND from Saturday 23rd January to Sunday 31st for Australia Day/Labor Day Holiday.
21.01.2022 Welcome back! We are at the end of our second day back and it’s great to see everyone so enthusiastic about swimming again. We do wish to remind everyone to sign in manually or with the SafeWA app on arrival, and to complete our digital enrolment, the QR code for which is on display all over the swim school. This is so we can guarantee we have all of your contact information correct. As we think about returning to school, I also want to request that if your child is showing ...any sign of illness you keep them away, we will credit you a class if we get 12hrs notice, so at the first signs of illness you can cancel and not be out of pocket, however if less than 12hrs notice we will charge you the full fee as with any classes missed for any other reason. We have a number of students, staff and family members who are in at risk groups and want to try and keep everyone as healthy as possible. See more
20.01.2022 Please drop any stocking donations into us at Seastarz and we will pass them on.
20.01.2022 New NDIS Report/Support Letter Fee for 2021. (All those done/drafted to date will remain free). From 2021 all students reports/support letter to NDIS will have a invoice attached to them. This is because it takes me on average 2hrs + to complete each one, and I am spending on average 8hrs a week on it, all currently unpaid. This is not sustainable, so from 2021 there will be a fee of $80 per hour for report, capped at 2hrs, and this fee is Claimable through NDIS. I currently have 3 reports drafted and these will remain free of charge. I hope you understand the need for this fee,it adds an extra days work for me weekly, and i am unable to work for free.
20.01.2022 Wishing all our customers old and new a very merry Christmas, and a happy new year. And hoping that we go forward into 2021 in a positive light.Wishing all our customers old and new a very merry Christmas, and a happy new year. And hoping that we go forward into 2021 in a positive light.
19.01.2022 As we start the wind-down toward the holidays, we wish to remind parents that December invoices were due on 1st December. Any unpaid invoices have been emailed again today. We would appreciate your prompt payment. We also want to remind everyone to sign-in using the SafeWA App (QR code located outside main entry, on main door & on pool deck main window) or sign-in with the hard copy (on the desk by the sink as you enter the building).This is manditory for everyone entering t...he premises and we appreciate your cooperation. Seastarz Closes its doors 6pm on Friday 18th December and does not re-open until Monday 4th January 2021. We are all taking a well earned break during this time, so there will be no office cover, or reply's to emails or texts. So please get your requests for lesson changes in now & remember we require 1 months notice to leave. Thankyou See more
19.01.2022 Seastarz is now taking bookings for our Mobile Swim Lessons in WA. Lessons in your own backyard pool. Email: [email protected] for availability & pricing. Teachers available from Perth to Lancelin. #royallifesavingwa #austswim #homeswimminglessons #mobileswimminglessons #childrensswimminglessons #perthtolancelin
18.01.2022 Wishing our Molly a very Happy Birthday x
18.01.2022 We have a few staff taking leave over the next few weeks so classes will have a relief teacher from our regular staff team. Fri 23rd Oct Molly covering Jan. Sat 24th Oct Jess covering Molly. Mon 26th Oct Jess covering Jan, Fri 30th Oct Molly covering Jan. Mon 2nd Nov Jess covering Jan, Tues 3rd Nov Kelly covering Molly, Wed 4th Nov Kelly covering Molly, Fri 6th Nov Louise covering Jan, Sat 7th Jan Louise covering Molly and Thur 12th Nov Louise covering Jess. Please let your children know thank you
17.01.2022 Unfortunately Kathie is sick this evening so we have had to postpone her lessons. A credit will be given for her students. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.Unfortunately Kathie is sick this evening so we have had to postpone her lessons. A credit will be given for her students. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
17.01.2022 Due to illness Louise will be covering Kelly Monday AM, Molly Thusday AM & Jemma Thursday PM.
16.01.2022 Congratulations to Ash, our female swimmer of the year 2020. Ash was really terrified of water when she first arrived at Seastarz, and she has worked hard to try and overcome that fear. She tackles every lesson with enthusiasm and will try new things even if they are scary, trusting that her instructor will keep her safe. Well done Ash. #royallifesavingwa #swimaustralia #seastarzswim #learntoswim #joondalup
15.01.2022 This is where I was Wednesday. I have to say the training aids part for severe bleeding was great fun!
15.01.2022 Big congratulations to Jess for becoming our latest Parent and Baby instructor. Now it’s time to encourage other staff to do some additional qualifications.
15.01.2022 Seastarz is pretty full & I have an extensive wait list for afternoons when schools restarts. My priority & focus has always been on teaching basic swimming skills to everyone & making this vital skill accessible to all. This means that I give priority to those kids who struggle in larger venues, those needing 1 on 1 tuition & those with special needs. So in January I will have to make some changes in our higher stage and group lessons that could be done elsewhere. This is so we can focus on those in most need. This may mean I have to cancel some classes to make room & I want to give everyone some prior warning that there will be some changes coming in early 2021. #seastarzswim #prioritybookings
14.01.2022 a quick reminder that Seastarz is closed tomorrow AM (Thursday 21st). a credit will be given for all missed lessons and we reopen in the afternoon as normal #seastarzswim
14.01.2022 Invoices have been done for January 2021 and will arrive in your inboxes on 26th January. (Apologies for the error in my last post saying otherwise).
13.01.2022 As we head towards Christmas, at Seastarz we are already planning for 2021. We will be emailing all our current enrolments over the coming weeks & our waitlist customers, with details of their 2021 classes & availability and with a reminder that we require 1 months notice to quit. We will also send all current customers the link to our latest enrolment form to complete and return to guarentee your 2021 place, with this will be our latest terms and conditions. We would like to take this oportunity to thankyou all for your suport during 2020, and to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
13.01.2022 Spaces From Today:
12.01.2022 Safety Week: 16th to 22nd November is Swim Australia's Water Safety Week, and as such every lesson this week will be focused on all aspects of water safety, from recognizing rips at the Beach, lifesaving flags used etc. To survival skills and rescue techniques. We would like to ask that all children come dressed in their favorite Superhero clothing on top of their bathers, so we can show them that "Everyone can be a Hero around water". Please see below for our Christmas and... January Closures. Seastarz will close for Christmas from 6pm Friday 18th December 2020 to Sunday 3rd January 2021. AND from Friday 22nd January to Sunday 31st January for the Australia Day and Labor Day celebrations. You are not charged for lessons during closures. If you are away outside of this time for reasons other than illness/injury fees do apply. For breaks of longer than 2 consecutive weeks we can put fees to 1/2 to hold your space. For absence (without notifying Seastarz) longer than 2 weeks, your space will be forfeit. We have an active waiting list for spaces and need to full vacant spaces. I also wish to remind you that any staff changes to cover illness/holidays are posted on our Facebook page as it is not always possible to text or email changes. Please note that office cover will be limited from now until Christmas, but we always respond as soon as we can to Phone Calls/Voicemails/Texts: 0448 732 564 or emails: [email protected] as soon as we can. #swimaustralia #Swimannsurvive #heroaroundwater #seastarzswim #watersafety #perthnow #Joondalup See more
12.01.2022 Been looking forward to seeing how this will be received for a while, it’s a great cartoon for little kids with a great water safety message, and something that has been needed for a while. Well done ABC kids. #abckids #watersafety
11.01.2022 happy Birthday to our very own Jess!wehope you have a great day with family and friends.
10.01.2022 It’s time for some winners! Watch this space for details of our swimmer of the year 2020 later this week!
10.01.2022 We have a small range of pool toys for sale that we have found useful in classes, prices range from $8 to $85. All products have been proven to be long lasting in the pool.
10.01.2022 If your child is starting School in 2021 and you need to move away from 9am to 3pm lesson times, please email straight away as we have a big waiting list for after school spaces. Thankyou #seastarzswim #startingschool #kindy2021
08.01.2022 Monday & Thursday Parents. Kelly has decided that the travel time to and from Seastarz is too much since her recent move. She has chosen to seek alternative employment closer to home. We wish her every success in the future and completely understand that a 3hr round trip is a bit too much of a commute! Her Monday Classes will be covered by Louise until further notice, Thursday am by Molly and Thursday PM by Jemma.
07.01.2022 One for the mums in today’s Duck 1 class!!
07.01.2022 WINNER! Well done to Liam for taking out Seastarz male student of the year award. Liam is a favourite of all our teachers, he comes to every class eager to learn. His attitude is always enthusiastic and he works well with others in his group, he pays attention to instruction and is always keen to practice skills and as a result his technique is developing well. Well done Liam. And thank you to Royal Life Saving WA for providing our prize pack. #seastarzswimschool #royallifesavingwa #swimaustralia #swimschools #perthwa
07.01.2022 Invoices For January 2021 have been emailed after 12pm today. Payment is not due until 1/1/21, and all credit notes have been added where needed. They have been sent early so we can enjoy some time off over Christmas. if you have a query please email [email protected] and Louise will get back to you before we re-open on Monday 4th January. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all.
07.01.2022 From 8am Saturday 5th December everyone over 16yrs entering Seastarz must sign in with the SafeWA app or hard copy at entry.From 8am Saturday 5th December everyone over 16yrs entering Seastarz must sign in with the SafeWA app or hard copy at entry.
06.01.2022 I absolutely love this. Our instructors can not teach your child until they trust us. Once trust is earned they will happily try new things which are challenging and a little bit scary, as they know we will be there to help and not let anything bad happen. Some children trust easily, others take more time, that is why we sometimes ask parents of older children back into the water so those trusting relationships can be formed. Once we have that trust, and the child has a sense of safety in the water we can begin to explore and instruct, working firstly with getting the head in the water and body position, then on the leg action, arms and lastly breathing and timing. This is the same for all strokes and for all ages from baby to adult beginner, but the first vital step is trust.
06.01.2022 From 6th December all visitors to Seastarz will have to check in using the SafeWA app. This QR Code will be available to scan at the door and on pool deck. This is a legal requirement for everybody entering the building. Please remember that only 1 carer per lesson, unless by prior written agreement with Seastarz. You will notice the QR code appearing this week, so why not get used to using it a week early and we appreciate your cooperation in this matter. #seastarzswimschool #seastarzswim #safewaapp
05.01.2022 Seastarz re-opens its doors on Monday 4th January. All emails, Texts and phone messages left over the Christmas break will be answered during that day. Please note i am also teaching in the water Monday so will get to them as soon as possible. I purposely took the entire Christmas period away from the office to have a much needed break, and also used the time to do some essential planning & maintenance work. N.B - if you have had an automated invoice reminder and have alrea...dy paid, please ignore as they will be reconciled Monday. As previously mentioned, we have 2 new staff starting with us in January, Bernadette and Mae. Bernadette will be sharing the Monday PM Shift with Jess, starting Monday 11th January and Louise will spend a few weeks working alongside her to do a handover of classes (and will for the other new starters as well). Mae will be working Friday PM along side Jess, from January 8th instead of Molly. Jan is still unwell and as we have no firm date for her return, to ensure consistency we have had to give her classes to others & molly was not available to continue doing it. India also moves from a relief basis to a permanent shift from January and will be working Thursday PM along side Jess. At this stage all other staff days remain the same.
04.01.2022 Unfortunatly Jan is going to be away from Seastarz for a while. Molly will be Teaching every Friday until December, and Monday 16th November. And Jess will be covering every Monday after Monday 16th. We hope that Jan will be back before the end of year, but if not we will do our best to keep Molly and Jess covering the shifts for consistancy. #seastarzswim
04.01.2022 !!!EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT!!! Lock in Sunday the 22nd of November at Trigg Beach for our next Perth event Registrations go online this Thursday at 7pm via our Facebook page. #oceanheroes #surfingthespectrum #autism
04.01.2022 A quick reminder that we are closed all this week. Reopening Monday 1st February 9am.A quick reminder that we are closed all this week. Reopening Monday 1st February 9am.
04.01.2022 please note there is NO office cover tonight, any messages will be answered tomorrow or Monday at the latest. If you have a lesson tonight and are unable to make it, please text in and let us know ASAP. Thankyou #seastarzswimschool
03.01.2022 Wishing Kelly a very Happy BrthdayWishing Kelly a very Happy Brthday
03.01.2022 Have you seem our range of Goggles & Water Toys? Perfect for Christmas gifts and stocking fillers. Your custom helps us survive Covid-19. In WA we have been lucky, but since the start of 2020 we have experienced a 34% reduction in overall sales, compared to the previous year. So we are asking for your help, please putchase a stocking filler, goggles or Gift Card and support local business. #seastarzswim #supportlocal #joondalupbusiness
02.01.2022 Jess will be in tonight to work after all. So Louise will not be covering, and due to a family emergency the office is closed todayJess will be in tonight to work after all. So Louise will not be covering, and due to a family emergency the office is closed today
02.01.2022 Please note there is no office cover today due to prior commitments. Any phone calls/messages will be answered Monday.Please note there is no office cover today due to prior commitments. Any phone calls/messages will be answered Monday.
02.01.2022 Seastarz is a boutique home based swim school in Joondalup WA offering 1:1 or small group tuition to those aged 6 weeks old and up. Focussing on the 0-10 year age group, complete beginners and at risk of drowning groups. We are searching for a permanent part-time or full-time deputy to join the team. We operate Monday to Saturday year round (not just term time) at our indoor Joondalup pool, with a mobile program running in the summer months (so additional hours are always av...ailable during summer). We also offer teaching/coaching for local school groups, and we are looking to build on both of these additional programs over the next 12 months as well as further developing our year-round program. We specialise in 1:1 tuition a d small groups. The ideal candidate must be an Australian citizen/ permanent resident and have the right to work in Australia (we do not offer sponsorship at this stage). They must hold a range of recognised swim teaching qualifications. Including teacher of babies and infants, and qualifications/experience of working with special needs is a big advantage. They must hold a current apply first aid and current cpr certificate. A bronze medallion, swim teacher rescue award or lifeguard qualification is also required. Being an aquatic trainer, first aid trainer or presenter of learn to swim courses through an RTO is also an advantage, as great communication is an essential part for this role. Hours of work are flexible for the right candidate, but you must be available at least 2 afternoons a week until 6.30pm and 2 Saturdays a month and full or half day working is an option, as is some working from home hours. Good all round office and IT skills are needed, and a working knowledge of Microsoft 365 for business standard is useful, as is experience of the Xero Accounting package & Social media experience. This role includes a mixture of administration, staff and general management and in pool teaching hours, allowing you to continue the work we all love (teaching) whilst also enabling you to work additional hours out of the water, something that is very rare in the industry! It is essential for me that I find the right individual for the role, not just someone with the right experience, as this is a business that I run from my home. It is a long term position on a permanent contract, so Holiday and sick pay is included and the pay rate is based on the Fitness Industry Award dependant on experience and qualifications. If you feel you could be the right fit for the Seastarz family, please email your resume with a covering letter outlining why you are the right person for this position and include any additional skills that you have that you think will benefit us. Email: [email protected] by 5pm AWST on Sunday 31st January 2021. See more
01.01.2022 Its wonderful to recieve such positive feedback about one of our instructors. "I wanted to say how happy we are with Molly as X's swimming instructor, she does a fantastic job and X is comfortable with her which is half the battle.....She has always been respectful of X and gentle and patient. She seems to know how far to push X and how to keep X engaged and having fun. So thank you to Molly & Seastarz!!"
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