Sea Turtle Swim School in Gooseberry Hill, Western Australia, Australia | Sport & recreation
Sea Turtle Swim School
Locality: Gooseberry Hill, Western Australia, Australia
Phone: +61 430 957 742
Address: 23 John Street 6076 Gooseberry Hill, WA, Australia
Likes: 713
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25.01.2022 Provided the swim school doesnt blow away over night I am ready for you!! We have worked really hard to fulfil all the requirements for this phase 2 opening. Its going to look and feel different for the kids. Please do prepare them to expect this. Fingers crossed it wont be for too long
24.01.2022 For all the aqua dogs out there
24.01.2022 Hi everybody, just a reminder (as per your invoice email ), classes are starting back THIS week, from Monday 12 October. Looking forward to seeing you all
24.01.2022 New class just opened! Level 1 class Friday at 4pm. Remember that by swimming through winter you are: - Giving your kids a skill that could save their life; - Maintaining and enhancing their skills and knowledge;... - Increasing their confidence; - Keeping them active; AND - You are making them smarter - swimming has been proven to assist in brain development and for school-aged children, is regarded as vital for the development of academic performance, as well as coordination, motor skills, balance and concentration.- See more
24.01.2022 Hi everyone! The holiday program starts today Don’t forget to park inside our property please, not on the verge. Thank you! Look forward to seeing you later!
24.01.2022 Hi everyone. I sent out my first round of offers this morning. It’s coming from my new software so please check your junk mail if you didn’t get anything. Also please note the email with the CORRECT bank details At present all my baby, toddler and afternoon classes are full. I have a few kindy spots left, that’s all.
24.01.2022 Morning everyone! I have sent out an email regarding this week's water safety classes and the new contact register requirements. If you haven't received it (check junk mail), but you can also access the info here:
24.01.2022 New class starting in term 4: Baby class on a Wednesday @ 10.30am. Suitable for babies from 6months to 14 months old. Email me at [email protected] to register your interest :)
23.01.2022 Hi everyone .I hope you loved your photos that you got today. Please see below for a chance to win
23.01.2022 Hi everyone! Term 3 will start on Monday 27 July - hurray!! If you have told me that you are continuing/want lessons expect an email later this week. If you havent let me know, hurry!! I have a few spaces left, but not many. Cant wait to get back to some sort of normal
23.01.2022 Apologies to all my existing students who recently received an invoice without next term’s dates on it!! Term3 will run from 27 July to 25 September. This means we are starting in week TWO of the state schools’ term. Useful information I know
22.01.2022 Don’t forget to like and tag on the Water Pixies page - it’s your chance to win your amazing photos
22.01.2022 SAVE THE DATE! Water Pixies are coming back in the week of 19-26 October - just in time for Christmas Those of you that were here early last year will remember the beautiful underwater photos Gwen took of your kids.
22.01.2022 Hi everyone. I hope you are having a lovely long weekend. Just a reminder that there is NO swimming tomorrow due to the public holiday. Enjoy the day off
22.01.2022 Hi everyone! Just a reminder that classes start on Monday 27 July - NOT this week! Also, I do have a few places available this term, especially after school. This is extremely rare, so if you are thinking of swimming lessons, now is the time
21.01.2022 Holiday program availability: Week 1 (20-24 Jan) - I have space in my 9.30 class for the under 3s. 11.30 transition beginner (3-4yo) 3.30pm level 3/4 Week 2 (27-31 January)... 9am level 1 (school aged) 10.30 preschool beginner (4-5 yo) 11am transition beginner (3-4 yo) Let me know if you are interested in a spot. Cost is $100/week per child.
21.01.2022 I’m fundraising for my husband’s ride to beat kids cancer. There are a lot of books for sale in the changing room. Please have a look when you come for your lesson this week
21.01.2022 Hi everyone. Just to let you know two level 3 places have come available in the afternoon. Thursday 4.15 and Friday 4pm. Cost for the remainder of the term is $100 for Thursday and $80 for Friday. Email me if you are interested [email protected]
20.01.2022 HI everyone. If you are expecting confirmation of classes for term 3 and havent heard from me, please let me know. Also, when paying the invoice, please make sure you include the INVOICE NUMBER as the reference, otherwise my software doesnt match you up and you will get annoying reminder emails!! Thank you
19.01.2022 And another variation on my previous theme
19.01.2022 You all know how much I care about turtles!
18.01.2022 Hi everyone. It's been great to welcome so many families to swimming these last 2 weeks :) Just a little reminder though - you need to park on my property, NOT on the verge, please. This is a Shire requirement and we do have plenty of spaces available, including in front of the garage. Please remind anyone that brings your child to swimming. Thanks so much for your understanding :)
17.01.2022 It exciting news to hear we should be able to reopen very soon !! I am waiting to hear what the strict guidelines are so I know I can comply before I make any decisions about dates. Plus my daughter has just broken her elbow and we see the specialist this coming Friday to find out if she wil need any further treatment so this is an added confusion! This affects both my time and my staffing Its unlikely we will open before 25 May. So keep an eye on your inbox and this page and I will be contacting all my existing clients to let you know what our new lessons will look like. Cant wait to see you! I have MISSED you all
17.01.2022 And here is a little video for my levels 1-4s. First person to spot the "deliberate" mistake will get a prize when we start up again Also, as you will hear in the video, the mozzies are missing you almost as much as I am xx PS Dont forget to always supervise your kids around water - even a bowl of it
16.01.2022 Hi everyone. Just to let you know I won’t be able to answer any queries about make up classes or swapping days for the next couple of days. I had a funny turn at the end of my run today and I’m being checked out in hospital. I’m feeling much better and hope to get discharged in the next day or two but don’t have the capacity to rearrange lessons - apologies. In the meantime Abigail will be covering my lessons for me. See you soon!
16.01.2022 Just a little reminder to those families that have signed up for phase 2 swimming: I need your signed agreement before your first lesson. If you cant find the attachment, here they are. See you from tomorrow :)
16.01.2022 Provided the swim school doesn’t blow away over night I am ready for you!! We have worked really hard to fulfil all the requirements for this phase 2 opening. It’s going to look and feel different for the kids. Please do prepare them to expect this. Fingers crossed it won’t be for too long
16.01.2022 SUMMER HOLIDAY INTENSIVE PROGRAM LAST SPOTS AVAILABLE, WEEK 2 ONLY: 8.30AM Toddler class 3pm Level 2 class... Week 1: 28/12 to31/1 inc. (4 x 40min lessons) Week 2: 4/1 to 8/1 inc. (5 x 30min lessons) Cost for 1 week is $110 or $200 for two weeks. Please EMAIL me at [email protected] with your kids' ages and abilities, plus your mobile phone and email to register your interest. Thank you! Cathy
16.01.2022 Hi everyone. I have been asked by a parent what my Corona virus policy is. Please find attached a link to the health depart's advice about it. If you fall into this category please let me know so we can make a plan . Thank you!
15.01.2022 HI everyone. If you are expecting confirmation of classes for term 3 and haven't heard from me, please let me know. Also, when paying the invoice, please make sure you include the INVOICE NUMBER as the reference, otherwise my software doesn't match you up and you will get annoying reminder emails!! Thank you
15.01.2022 Hi everyone! As per my newsletter lessons are still on! If our advice changes, you will be the first to know. If you can’t make your class, please text me with plenty of time so we can offer make up classes to others. Thank you and happy swimming!
15.01.2022 BRONZE MEDALLION SATURDAY 18 JANUARY If anyone is looking to do their bronze medallion or their requalification Liz is running a course this Saturday at 8am at Swan Active. The cost is $80 for the full course or $50 to requalify (you need to do this every year to keep the qualification valid). This is amazing value - courses usually cost $180!! Let me know ASAP if you want to sign up.
15.01.2022 This is a gentle reminder that payments for term 1 are due. Please let me know asap if you don't want your place. I will also be allocating unpaid for places to people on my waitlist from Friday 9am (unless we have made an agreement of course!). Really hope to see you all poolside next week
14.01.2022 Just to let everyone know I received guidelines from Royal Lifesaving today. I am trying to make sense of them and how things will apply to us here. Bear with me...
14.01.2022 As promised to some of my parents this morning, here is some information on staying safe near a rip current:
14.01.2022 Morning! Someone messaged me earlier about next week’s holiday program. Huge apologies but I’ve lost the message and can’t remember who it was Can you please get back in touch. Thanks so much!
14.01.2022 SUMMER HOLIDAY INTENSIVE PROGRAM Expressions of interest now open. Week 1: 28/12 to31/1 inc. (4 x 40min lessons) Week 2: 4/1 to 8/1 inc. (5 x 30min lessons) Cost for 1 week is $110 or $200 for two weeks.... Please EMAIL me at [email protected] with your kids' ages and abilities, plus your mobile phone and email to register your interest. Thank you! Cathy See more
14.01.2022 Hi everyone. If you are thinking of enrolling your toddler for the summer holiday program, please let me know ASAP. I have interest for week 2 (4-8 Jan), but need a couple more to make upa class. Email me on [email protected] if you are interested :)
13.01.2022 Hi everyone. Our trainee Joanne is doing her assessment tomorrow. We are short of two level 3 students in the 5pm class for her assessment. If any of our students would like a free lesson tomorrow,let me know - first come, first served
13.01.2022 Hi families. I have not had nearly as many takers as I expected from Saturday's make up classes. Remember, if your child has been sick this term and hasn't had an in term make up lesson, I am offering a one-off Saturday morning to give them a catch up. That is happening THIS Saturday (19/9). Please EMAIL me as soon as possible to register as I am working out the timetable right now!
13.01.2022 Don’t forget to wear your best bathers this week. It’s photo week
13.01.2022 Hello! Just sent out my latest newsletter. Here is a link if you can't find it
13.01.2022 Hello! Swimming starts TOMORROW!! I have now got a couple of places available: Monday 5.45: Level 3/4 Tuesday: 9am preschool level 2 11.30 am 3 year old beginner Tuesday 5.45 Level 2... Wednesday 10am Toddler class 10.30am preschool level 2 11am 3yo beginner transition Friday 11.30 preschool level 2 EMAIL me at [email protected] if you are interested in any of these spots. See more
12.01.2022 Just a reminder to my current families - please make sure you complete the re-enrolment sheet in the changing room when you visit this week. Thank you! Cathy
12.01.2022 Here are a few ideas of things you could practice at home with your little ones!
12.01.2022 Apologies to all my existing students who recently received an invoice without next terms dates on it!! Term3 will run from 27 July to 25 September. This means we are starting in week TWO of the state schools term. Useful information I know
12.01.2022 Just to let you know I have postponed Monday morning’s lessons. I feel this is prudent so I can investigate how tonight’s announcement affects us. Your children’s and my teacher’s safety is paramount, so this pause gives me a chance to work out how we go forward from here on now. Xx
11.01.2022 Hi families. I have not had nearly as many takers as I expected from Saturdays make up classes. Remember, if your child has been sick this term and hasnt had an in term make up lesson, I am offering a one-off Saturday morning to give them a catch up. That is happening THIS Saturday (19/9). Please EMAIL me as soon as possible to register as I am working out the timetable right now!
11.01.2022 I am thinking of any of my students and their families that may be affected by the bushfire in the Forrestfield/ Lesmurdie area. Stay safe everyone. There is shelter here if you need it xxx
10.01.2022 Hi everyone, Please be assured I am keeping a close eye on the Health Department’s information re Covid-19. All our classes are either 4 or 6 students and thus we never get anywhere near the limit of 100 people indoors. Also I have increased the cleaning of the surfaces around the pool and the changing room. As always, we are regularly testing the chlorine levels of the pool and they are comfortably above the levels known to kill Coronavirus. Please help by ensuring you do not attend if sick, ensure you follow the personal hygiene guidelines, and keep your distance from each other poolside. If anything changes, you will be the first to know.
10.01.2022 Hi everyone! Hope you are enjoying the school holidays - if they even feel different to any other day at the moment! I am missing you guys heaps I havent done another video over the holidays, but thought I would share some of the resources royal lifesaving have put together for kids to do at home. There is stuff suitable for all ages here, so enjoy Stay safe x
09.01.2022 Hi everyone. Its been great to welcome so many families to swimming these last 2 weeks :) Just a little reminder though - you need to park on my property, NOT on the verge, please. This is a Shire requirement and we do have plenty of spaces available, including in front of the garage. Please remind anyone that brings your child to swimming. Thanks so much for your understanding :)
09.01.2022 I love my families Look what arrived in the post today. Thank you so much Siobhan, Sammy and Genevieve. I love the card and that you are excited about swimming lessons. Lets hope we can make them happen
09.01.2022 Hi everyone! Happy new year! I am back!! We had an incredible time. I am now playing catch up so if you emailed me while I was away, I will get back to you. If you phoned or texted you’ll have to try again as I didn’t have my SIM card in and it didn’t save any messages. Existing students should get an email with your class time by the end of the week. People on the waitlist sometime after that. Enjoy the rest of your holiday and happy swimming! Cathy
09.01.2022 Current families, please check your email. Due to the new trading restrictions I have closed with immediate effect. This is a devastating day for me and my family (and many many others that were similarly affected). Look after yourselves, stay safe and see you on the other side.
08.01.2022 Hi everyone. Just to let you know I wont be able to answer any queries about make up classes or swapping days for the next couple of days. I had a funny turn at the end of my run today and Im being checked out in hospital. Im feeling much better and hope to get discharged in the next day or two but dont have the capacity to rearrange lessons - apologies. In the meantime Abigail will be covering my lessons for me. See you soon!
08.01.2022 Hi everyone. I am reopening Wednesday mornings next term. If any of my existing students want to/ are able to move to a Wednesday, please let me know :) Thank you! Cathy
07.01.2022 Hi everyone. Hope you are surviving the heat. Swimming lessons have started well. I have a couple more spots come free: Monday 11am - babies 12-24months Tuesday 5.45 level 2 suit older primary school child Friday 9am toddler class (9-18 months) Email me if you are interested
07.01.2022 Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas yesterday! I am looking forward to seeing my first week of holiday swimmers on Monday Week 1 runs from Monday 28/12 to Thursday 31/12. See you then
07.01.2022 Thank you Andrea, Murray, Emma and Quinn. A beautiful gift, I am so looking forward to seeing these short films
07.01.2022 To my existing families: you should have got a newsletter on Thursday with important end of term information. Please check your junk mail and add my email to your contacts if you didnt. Here is a link, too:
06.01.2022 If you are thinking of joining Sea Turtle Swim School, now is the time! I have a very long waitlist for term 4 so to guarantee your place, this is the term to join us. Pool is heated, undercover - and award winning. You will only get one class at a time, in a welcoming, nurturing home environment. Our teachers are passionate and dedicated. Cathy was awarded Austwim Swim Teacher of the Year in 2016. These are the last classes I have available: Mondays: Toddler class: 11.30am P...reschool Level 1: 12pm Level 3: 3.15pm Tuesdays: Baby class: 11.00am Level 3 class: 4.15pm or 4.45pm Level 2 class: 5.45pm Wednesdays: Level 3: 4.45pm Level 4: 5.15pm Thursdays: Toddler class: 9.30 am or 10.30am Fridays: Level 1: 4pm Lessons start next week. Cost is $180 for the term :)
05.01.2022 And here are some things that the older kids can practice at home without a pool :)
05.01.2022 Just to let you know I have postponed Monday mornings lessons. I feel this is prudent so I can investigate how tonights announcement affects us. Your childrens and my teachers safety is paramount, so this pause gives me a chance to work out how we go forward from here on now. Xx
04.01.2022 These are the last classes I have spaces in: Baby (never had lessons before): Fridays @ 11am Toddler: Monday 11.30am, Thursday 9.30am or 10.30am Level 2: Tuesday 5.45pm Level 3: Wednesday 4.45pm or Friday 4.30pm... If you are thinking of swimming lessons, now is the time :) Lessons start next week and are $180 for term 3. The pool is roasty toast warm :) See more
02.01.2022 Hi everyone. Those families that are signed up to resume lessons asap: please check your inbox, I have sent you an email. If it has gone to your junk mail, please let me know as I am using Mailchimp now. Thank you!
02.01.2022 The pool has got a roasty toasty new thermal pool blanket - just in time for winter
01.01.2022 Thank you to one of my Wednesday mums for sharing this video of a blue ringed octopus they caught while fishing recently. Please share with your kids so they can get a true appreciation of how little the creatures actually are.
01.01.2022 HI everyone. I am looking for a qualified Austswim teacher who also has the preschool and infant qualification to join the team. The right person needs to love kids, be flexible, experienced, reliable, responsible, able to work on their own and be free to help out on some afternoons as well as some school hours. They also need their bronze medallion and first aid (or be willing to get them) and a working with children check. In exchange you will get a generous rate of pay (including set up time), a wonderful work environment and beautiful kids to teach. If you are the one, please send your resume to me at [email protected]. I am looking for an immediate start. Thanks! Cathy
01.01.2022 Hi beautiful families! I hope you are all keeping well. I MISS YOU!! I thought I would post some little videos up occasionally of things your kids can be practising while you are locked up at home - no pool required!! This is my first attempt, please dont laugh This one has various activities that my 6m to 3 year olds can try at home. There are also some good ideas for kids with sensory issues - to help them get used to the feeling of water on their face. Happy swimming PS. Dont forget to always supervise them around water though
01.01.2022 And here is a close up of the blue ringed octopus caught by one of our swimming families
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