Sebastopol Football Netball Club | Local business
Sebastopol Football Netball Club
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25.01.2022 Thursday Throwback A little Flashback to the annual SFNC Ball in 2012 - Posted by Nenes Pics & Promotion
24.01.2022 A big shout out to Butler Excavations who rang the club to kindly donate a monetary amount to assist the club through covid as sponsorship. As the bills keep rolling in with no revenue to offset,the club very much appreciates this donation Amazing guesture from long term sponsors to the club we truly appreciate.... Thank you to the Butler family.
23.01.2022 Hi Burra faithful, Please see a message from Shane Anwyl from the BFNL. Please ensure you are complying with government regulations at this time. Georgia Cann, on behalf of the SFNC Board. ... Good afternoon The City of Ballarat has recently received a number of reports of BFNL Clubs training on City of Ballarat sportsgrounds in groups of 5-10 (and in some cases more) with their respective Club training shirts on. It has been highlighted this contravenes all the current advice regarding health and safety during this period, with the below extract coming from the attached document. The City of Ballarat is urging all residents to stay at home unless they need to go outside for food, medical care, exercise, work or education (when it cannot be done from home). Indoor and outdoor gatherings are restricted to two people (except for members of your immediate household and for work or education). These restrictions are now being enforced in Ballarat, with on-the-spot fines of $1,652 for individuals and $9,913 for businesses issued to those who breach the restrictions. Whilst we are all keen to resume play and club activities, all clubs are requested (as a priority) to notify coaches and players that such training or gatherings are to cease with no formal arrangements to be made to meet at a venue for informal training. It is vital that we all work together and do the right thing so football and netball can resume as soon as possible. These measures are in place for a reason, and we must respect the advice being given. For all clubs: Please be aware the league has measures available to it that will allow penalties to be issued should it be found club officials are arranging training in an informal manner that contravenes the public gathering restrictions. This is not a path we intend to follow, but given the seriousness of the current situation, the league will consider steps if needed. These may include individual and club penalties. Regarding the booking of any City of Ballarat sportsground, please note that the follow information will be provided to any user group who has recently inquired or submitted a sportsground booking: In line with State Government Stage 3 COVID-19 restrictions and the closure of all non-essential activity across Victoria, please be advised that the City of Ballarat will not be providing permits or booking approvals for the use of City of Ballarat sportsgrounds, parks, or other facilities for any formalised gatherings of people for exercise or any other activity. You are welcome to submit booking requests for future dates and venues via the City of Ballarat online sportsground booking system, however, please note that booking requests will not be processed until the current COVID-19 pandemic related restrictions are revised based on advice from the Victorian Government and state sporting governing bodies. Thanking You Shane Anwyl Manager BFNL
23.01.2022 CONGRATULATIONS A big shout out to Scotty Bertus past player, coach , volunteer & great friend of the SFNC. Scotty currently resides in Katherine and has just been awarded The Toyota 2020 Australian National Coach of the year. ... It is a fantastic achievement for Anthony Scotticus to be recognised for all his dedication and hard work. - Posted by Nene’s Pic’s & Promotion
22.01.2022 The Sebastopol Football Netball Club is delighted to announce that Narelle Perkins will be joining our club in 2021, as a playing co-coach of the A Grade Netball team. Narelle will join Georgia Cann in leading the A grade girls into the upcoming season. Narelle began her netball journey as an enthusiastic junior participating in Netta Netball and has continued to enjoy being involved in the game ever since. More recently, Narelle was the senior netball coach at Ballan Footb...all Netball Club. She coached for 2 years, with her third year being affected by COVID-19. Narelle also coached Under 19s at Redan NC and led her team to a premiership that year. Narelle shared some thoughts after her signing with the SFNC this week. I am very honoured to have been approached and signed with the Sebastopol FNC. The Club culture seems incredible and Georgia has been a longtime friend and netball idol of mine. I have enjoyed my previous opportunities to play alongside her in the past, so I'm looking forward to working with, and learning from Georgia as a player and as a coach on a regular basis. I am an all in kind of person - I will give the club and players all I have. My ambition when coaching in any aspect is to create a fun, safe environment where people want to learn and better themselves as an individual, but importantly as a team. I have played for many years, have coached for some, and each year has taught me something new about netball and myself, so I'm excited to share those experiences with the Sebastopol Netball Club. A message from Georgia Cann, A Grade Netball Coach - I join with the President, Board Members, players, volunteers and supporters in welcoming Narelle Perkins to the Sebastopol Football Netball Club. Narelle follows closely in the footsteps of her Pa, Robert Perkins, who played for the SFNC in the 1950 and ’51 grand finals and also volunteered as the SFNC Secretary. Narelle is a dynamic and skilful player. She plays the game at a high intensity and offers a combination of skill, strength, power and speed on the court. Narelle’s determination and experience will be embraced by all of the members of the netball department and we look forward to learning from and with her. Most importantly, Narelle is an outstanding person who I know will be a wonderful contributor to our club. Narelle knows what it takes to support others to reach their goals and I am thrilled to be able to work alongside her next year. Welcome to the Burra, Narelle! #uptheburra
22.01.2022 Chris Parker came across this post. I thought a few locals may know a few faces. Sebastopol Football Club held a Rabbit drive 19/03/1950 they caught 2000 pr of rabbits ( it is documented) Julie Gerrett’s Dad and his father are in this pic , maybe someone may recognise someone from their family... photo credit Julie Gerrett. - Posted by Nene’s Pic’s & Promotion See more
21.01.2022 Monday Memory U16 Senior Team from 2009. Please tag your team mates. - Posted by Nene's Pic's & Promotion
20.01.2022 Hello Burra Family. The Golf House Hotel has given our Club a fundraising opportunity for this Friday Night 11th September. For every Parma ordered the club will receive $5. ... A fantastic opportunity to help our club. *** Must tell them when ordering it's for Sebastopol FNC fundraising night *** Phone Orders 53312673 preferably by Thursday night. But will still take orders friday. PICKUP ONLY -NO DELIVERY 920 Doveton Street North ( See list of different parmias you can order ) Let's try and support this !! Thankyou
18.01.2022 Burra Faithful, We will keep you updated as more information comes to hand!! Please note the current restrictions around training etc are still in place until we have further correspondence from the league!
16.01.2022 The SFNC Board would like to announce that we have secured a major sponsor for upcoming 2021 football/netball season. Sovereign financial group, led my Leigh Marriott, have generously recommitted as the major sponsor of the club. We look forward to continuing our partnership with this outstanding Ballarat business. The main oval will be know as the Sovereign Financial Group oval for the 2021 season which begins on April 17th. ... Please visit the Sovereign Financial website for all your financial needs. Please join us in thanking Leigh Marriott and the Sovereign Financial Group for their ongoing support of the Burra.
16.01.2022 Hello Burra community. The club has had several requests to assist with donations during this Covid time. With the launch of the $500 club we are looking to attract at least 100 supporters to be involved as a 500 member.... This membership package will benefit the club direct through Covid times as we have many great supporters out there that want to contribute in some way. To register your support of interest feel free to comment or contact the club direct as supplied in photo. On launch of the 500 Club, our 1st member to sign up and pay was Kerryn Menhennet. A big shout out and many thanks to everyone looking to assist the club strive towards 2021 for Football & Netball.
14.01.2022 A little flashback fun from 8 years ago today to when the Burra Supporters BYO a pool to the Grand Final. A bit of innovative thinking - Posted By Nene's Pic's & Promotion
14.01.2022 Thursday Throwback Thanks to Theo & Joanne who sent some more great photos of the U18 premiership in 1997. Theo shared that the memory & photos were extra special as two of his team mates had passed away. - Posted By Nene's Pic's & Promotion
13.01.2022 Who remember’s the old club rooms? Mick Clark took a photo of them at Geoff Holmes’s farm today. Geoff bought them years ago and turned them into a shearing shed. Thanks for the Photo Mick. -... Posted by Nene’s Pic’s & Promotion See more
12.01.2022 A little weekend humour! Burra the place to be! - Credit:Geoff McArthur ... Posted by Nene's Pic's & Promotion
12.01.2022 Monday Memory 1997 U18 Premiers Does anyone have any more photos of this great day? - Posted by Nene’s Pic’s & Promotion
12.01.2022 A BIG Thank You to Mick Antonowicz from In Out Blinds. Michael contacted the club to offer a proposal to give the club a percentage of all their sales for the month of June to assist our revenue through trying times. Thank you Mick. I am sure our supporters and members will get behind your idea that will benefit the club. For further information go to In Out Blinds website.... Once again true spirit from one of our many Sponsors that assist the club each year from their generosity. The club will be in touch with our Sponsor partners when further information is available to Season 2020. In the meantime, stay safe as the club continues to await further information from State and League authorities. Regards Darren Hammill.
12.01.2022 With the State Government imposing a 5 day lockdown from tomorrow we will have to call Bingo off for this coming Wednesday (February 17th ) but all being well we will be back on Wednesday 24th February.
11.01.2022 Thursday Throwback U16 Team 2001 - Runners Up Be sure to tag your team mates! If you have an old photo to share please send them in. -... Posted by Nene's Pic's & Promotion See more
11.01.2022 In and Out custom Blind Solutions generous offer to donate a portion of sales to the club for the month of June has generated a return of 3k to the club. With ongoing expenses and no revenue stream for season 2020, the club is very grateful of this donation. Amazing generosity from Mick and his business during difficult times.... We thank everyone who continues to support local businesses that look after our club throughout the community. Anyone in need of a quote or further information feel free to contact Mick.
10.01.2022 Monday Memory Here is a photo of our U11 Team in 2001 It’s great to see plenty of familiar faces still at the club. Don’t forget to tag your old team mates. -... Posted by Nene's Pic's & Promotion See more
10.01.2022 Good evening to our Members and Supporters. BFNL have recently released a media statement to confirm Senior Football/Netball for season 2020 has been cancelled for season 2020. There will be an announcement regarding the Junior divisions shortly from the league also in regards to their direction.... Although many may be dissapointed the season will not go ahead, the Board of Committee felt the right decision has been made by the BFNL to cancel 2020 senior divisions. The wellbeing and safety to our players,volunteers and supporters was our priority for the club. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved including sponsors that stick by the club through hard times and good times. The club will be in a good position to plan for season 2021 and will keep our members updated as information comes to hand. The link below is a media release from the BFNL. Regards Darren Hammill President (on behalf of Board of Committee)
09.01.2022 Congratulations to Luke Kiel who won Southern Districts' best and fairest. We look forward to seeing him back this season Photo - AFLNT... - Posted by Nene's Pic's & Promotion See more
08.01.2022 Not to late to come grab your Sausage at The Western Hotel drive thru available to 12 noon. $1 from every sausage sold gets donated to the club. #supportlocal
05.01.2022 Memorabilia Flashbacks Jack Grinstead has had his jumper and memorabilia framed and it looks great. What a great keepsake of his playing days Do you still have your jumper or memorabilia from your playing / supporter days ? ... If so we would love to hear from you please inbox us a message. - Posted by Nene's Pic's & Promotion
05.01.2022 A big shout out to Avalon nursery Dave & Jo who offered to buy 200 beanies on behalf of the club for the junior season 2021.(yes 200) The Avalon beanies have arrived and the club have purchased an additional 100 beanies to ensure all Junior football & netballers that register for season 2021 will receive a complimentary beanie thanks to our great sponsors Avalon nursery. We look forward to being able to give these to the kids at registration day in season 2021. ... Very generous offer from Avalon supporting our Juniors in difficult times. Anyone looking to get out into the garden with spring approaching please head out to Avalon and support our great sponsor.
04.01.2022 Thursday Throwback I don’t know a lot about this photo but I feel it’s appropriate in the current COVID 19 circumstances. It’s like we are all waiting for the gates to open so we can commence play! If anyone can share some history about this great photo in front of the old gates at Marty Busch we would love to hear from you. ... - Posted by Nene’s Pic’s & Promotion See more
03.01.2022 ANNOUNCEMENT REGARDING JUNIOR FOOTBALL & NETBALL FOR THE 2020 SEASON Dear players and supporters, The SFNC Board met last night to discuss the club’s position on taking part in the adjusted junior season that the BFL have announced for the remainder of the 2020 year. The SFNC Board members engaged in long and careful consideration when discussing all possible options....Continue reading
03.01.2022 Big shout out to all our wonderful Burra Fathers, Grandfather’s & significant males in our lives. Special thoughts to all our missed loved ones in our hearts always! Wishing you all a great Father’s Day and we look forward to when we are all back together again. #happyfathersday -... Posted by Nene's Pic's & Promotion See more
03.01.2022 Big shout out to all our wonderful Burra Mothers, Grandmother’s & significant females in our lives. Wishing you all a great Mother’s Day and we look forward to when we are all back together again. #happymothersday - Posted by 's Pic's & Promotion
03.01.2022 Check out a day in the life of one of our Burra favourites Kaitlyn Ashmore . Kaitlyn is kicking goals in the AFLW competition with North Melbourne - Posted by Nene's Pic's & Promotion
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