Secret Gardens of Melbourne | Agriculture
Secret Gardens of Melbourne
Phone: +61 439 660 182
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25.01.2022 A quick snap shot of the weekends work of mulching with pea straw to reduce weed growth, retain moisture & add nitrogen in preparation for this summers grow season. Looking forward to showcasing the bumper crop we’ve got planned for this year.
24.01.2022 Experimenting with a bird feeder at the end of the fence... now we wait for the birds... #wearewatchingyou
24.01.2022 Here we go... it’s #mazegreenhouse build day! Our 6 month marriage has so far survived a pandemic, and a massive ikea wardrobe (amongst other things)... let’s see if it survives this build #puttingittothetest #twobuilders #ilikeitmyway
24.01.2022 The first of the Birds Eye chili’s have started poking through right in the 20 day mark since seed planting. The #palramgreenhouse has been a wonder this year with getting ahead with seedlings. Soil temperature needs to rise above 20c before summer veggies will grow well, thus this happens when day time temperatures are about 20c & nights are above 10c.
23.01.2022 Today we took delivery on 12 bales of pea straw & 20kgs of chook grain feed. It’s very easy to find good suppliers of both via GumTree & they also deliver for free. Looking forward to finalizing the chooks over this weekend & then starting bed prep for the coming grow season.
23.01.2022 We also have a new morning visitor in the garden. One thing we enjoy about be present in time & space is noticing little visitors like this. What do you notice about your green space?
23.01.2022 FINALLY!, a balmy humid day & EVERYTHING is bolting in our #secretgarden
23.01.2022 Major crisis this morn as someone attempts their first flight. Mum & dad where very stressed & letting us know it too.
23.01.2022 We are getting chooks! 4 x ISA Browns to be exact. That is the plan. We decided to buy 2 x brand new The Castle chook coops from Bunnings & reverse engineer 1 to be a mirror of the other. Red brick base to prevent vermin (Foxes & cats) from digging in. Stay tuned for updates on feed & egg production.
23.01.2022 Nothing attractive about this update, all practical! Something is decimating my chili seedlings within our #palramgreenhouse I had 10 Habanero Mustards Saturday morning & then none Sunday morning. I’ve organically fumigated & am laying egg shells as snails & slugs don’t like their sharp edges.
22.01.2022 It’s a #yellow sorta day hit me up with your delicious recipes #nomnom
22.01.2022 Just been introduced to this little gem, looking forward to watching the journey unfold. Highly recommend watching!
22.01.2022 Nature truly is amazing!
22.01.2022 We severely pruned the Mulberry tree this year. Which is no small feat as it was gifted to us as a stump with the promise that it WOULD grow & grow it has thus the need for pruning. Looking forward to harvesting an early summer crop.
22.01.2022 Looking to upgrade the trimmer for our urban farm if anyone has an interest or knows someone who might?
21.01.2022 They always grow up SO fast! #blackbird
21.01.2022 Chook approved new swale system going in, the soil is full of water. Which is a good sign our swale system connected to the houses down pipe is replenishing the ground table in prep for the dryer months when the veggies will rely on the soil moisture content to survive. Who out there uses rainwater?
20.01.2022 We’ve known about our Brush Wattlebird who camps in the shade tree at our back door for several years now. What’s been exciting is the 2 additions to their family this week. They are a very curious bird so it’s exciting to see the only native in the garden increasing their population. We are now research nesting boxes for them.
20.01.2022 As spring takes off it’s time to be working the soil & removing winter crops, preserving & replacing them with their summer counterparts. Today we start to dehydrate our French Shallots to store in our pantry.
20.01.2022 And so it begins. Always a bit slow off the mark with planting each year however I live by the philosophy that self sustain food production in my garden should work to my lifestyle & not the other way round. I strongly believe that this is the only way it will become mainstream once again.
19.01.2022 #palramgreenhouse love on a cold wet winters day.
19.01.2022 Some useful space saving ideas for growing melons. We plan of doing a malon arbor this year in our #secretgarden
19.01.2022 Taking away the bricks so we can level the ground and create the right foundation for the greenhouse.
19.01.2022 A morning coffee in the new addition.
18.01.2022 It would seem that we are in for a wet spring with the Pacific Ocean ENSO swinging towards LA NINA and the Indian Ocean IOD swing towards a negative. Watch the short videos from BOM to understand what this all means for you & your garden.
18.01.2022 This weeks exercise. Put into practice the theory that twin modular propriety chook coups can become 1 long run for our future 4 x ISA Browns?
17.01.2022 On cold rainy Saturdays, we experiment... #isoproject
16.01.2022 It’s time to announces our newest additions. I give you The 4 Miss Browns of the Apocalypse. Does anyone have any naming suggestions? They are 4 x ISA Browns that average 300 eggs a year which works out to be roughly 2 dozens a week, so who’s up for some beetroot pickled eggs. These 17 week old ladies will be kept in the coop for the first few weeks until the lay the first eggs & learn that’s the place to do it & not all through the garden. We also have started feeding them on sunset so when we do let them out they will naturally return to the coop when we want to put the away at night out of harms way from foxes.
16.01.2022 'A commons system of ownership cannot be a free-for-all; it only works when its use is managed in the interests of all.' How can we grasp a better understanding of our interaction with the natural world around us while at the same time redefine our belief that we are custodians of the land titles we own & not outright owners.
16.01.2022 We’ve got an egg a little nugget at 44 grams, 6 weeks after their arrival... yay!
16.01.2022 Every morning without fail the followers of #thegaurdian wait patiently for it to finish so they too can get some. It truly is like a #secretgarden here in our rented backyard
16.01.2022 Who’s keen to watch this one with us? Every piece of dirt has the potential to be part of the solution.
16.01.2022 We've been introduced to ShareWaste, a great initiative where by we can all share our collective waste for gardens, chooks & the planet. So if anyone out there might be interested in feeding & in time meeting The 4 Miss ISA Browns of The Apocalypses please message us via the link below.
16.01.2022 Who let the chooks out!?
16.01.2022 Today’s the day! Bed prep needed for all the seedlings coming on in the greenhouse. Such an exciting refreshing day when we reset these beds after letting them sit fellow over the winter months.
15.01.2022 Ideas worth sharing
15.01.2022 #urbanfarminglife
14.01.2022 The new birdbath was a hot yesterday afternoon during the heat build up before the storm. Over a period of about 2 hours we saw our resident Wattle Bird, Turtle Doves, our local Blackbid couple, Indian Miners & of course Starling. Not to sure how we feel about SO many introduced species?
14.01.2022 First rays of sunshine on our new #palramgreenhouse are looking resplendent in the morning light with the moisture on it
14.01.2022 Surprise... found this little self-sewn avocado tree in the food forest today! It has survived winter without any interventions. So excited to follow its progress through the next couple of seasons... #urbanfoodforest
13.01.2022 Ideas worth sharing.
13.01.2022 Snail trail action with our #secretgarden this VERY chilly winters morn. Hoping your all warm & protecting your seedings from our slimy friends?
12.01.2022 Big push over the weekend to get the beds prepped. So grateful to now have a crew helping me consisting of #thegardenguardian & the 4 Miss Browns of The Apocalypse
12.01.2022 Starting to see clear beautiful #sunsets here again... can’t wait for spring and the spectacular views...
12.01.2022 Getting ready for the chickens...
11.01.2022 Foggy morning on our #secretgarden It always astounds me each spring how quickly the comfrey bounces back. From small whisp of leaves only 2 weeks ago they are now almost up to my knees. Comfrey is a must in the garden, great for mulch, chooks love it & it’s a nitrogen fixer in the soil.
11.01.2022 Spring has sprung. How is everyone else’s seedlings coming along? We’ve got grand plans this year for our #secretgarden
11.01.2022 I've only just now discovered this lovely old tradition of 'Telling The Bees' of a major event in the family of those that keep bees. It is believed to be an ancient tradition dating back to pre-history where there is a notions about bees' ability to bridge the natural world with the afterlife.
11.01.2022 And it’s up... 5 hours of solid work, no accidents, a couple of discussions, couple of kisses and a cheeky bum squeeze here and there... no fatalities and we have ourselves a brand spanking new greenhouse! We are now #springready #letscallitasunday #mazegreenhouse #coupleswhobuildtogetherstaytogether @ Coburg North, Melbourne
11.01.2022 No matter what space you have, where you are in life or your experience level. Gardening can be part of your everyday, will save the planet & improve your health & wellbeing you. All it takes is to start somewhere.
11.01.2022 We harvested these tiny little Purple Dragon carrots today... they have purple skin and orange flesh and were first recorded in Spain in 1100 AD... they took months to grow and we almost classified them as a disappointment... until the first taste they have the most unique sweet taste and easily the most delicious carrots we’ve ever tasted
10.01.2022 A candid shot video of the #gaurdian of our #secretgarden
10.01.2022 We hard our first 22 day today at the secret garden. The weather is turning and the Northern wind has been blowing in from the desert, across the continent all day... our pomegranate, apricot and mulberry trees are blossoming and we’re definitely noticing the sun setting later. so excited for #spring...
10.01.2022 Little #blueberries on the #blueberry bush... we haven’t had much success with them before so this is definitely a #yaymoment
10.01.2022 I recently had the pleasure of install our first commercial planter barrels at the #naughtonhotel in Carton. After much planning & patience waiting for the end of the recent lockdown they are now institu & will be used for herb & salad green production
10.01.2022 With the harsh reality of what the next 10 years could be offering us on a global weather scale anything that contributes to a reduction of heat sinking within our cities is a good thing. #urbandesign #placemaking #climatechange
09.01.2022 It is officially spring in our #secretgarden when the sun starts setting to the south of the date palm. What are the signs in your part of the world?
09.01.2022 Our chook fencing arrived over the weekend & we put it up last night. Works a treat & the chooks seem unperturbed by its presents.
09.01.2022 The latest The Weedy Garden Valentines Day edition video is up online with a little cameo from Geoff Lawton: Discover Permaculture talking about his new video "Green is the New Silver (Lining): Crisis, Hope, and Permaculture" both are a must watch.
09.01.2022 Magical spring day forming after some good rain over night in our #secretgarden It always astounding to remember that the 28th of November this year will be 4 short years since we started on this garden which at the time was only lawn. Over those 4 years we’ve spent an average of 5-8 hours per week to achieve what you see today.
08.01.2022 Their eyes are wide open today, looking forward & awaiting their first flight. Last count we have 7 species of birds in the backyard including the chooks. The dawn sound we awake to is blissful.
06.01.2022 The world is truly an amazing place!
06.01.2022 For the 3rd year in a row we have been honored with our Blackbirds nesting in our garden. Despite being an introduced species we have curated together a very nice synergy. I’m convinced our lack of a major pest problem is a direct result of this relationship. #anthropocene #noreturn
05.01.2022 What an adventure of a morning in our #secretgarden. Looking forward to having the base done by the end of today.
05.01.2022 ‘The rains in Spain falls mainly on the plain’ : Perfect weather for planting out seedlings, our Cos lettuce are going to enjoying this morning sprinkle after a night of settling in.
05.01.2022 Rain, rain go away, come again another day! not on this little urban farm, we welcome the rain & celebrate its arrival especially after we laid pea straw mulch on the weekend that needs settling.
04.01.2022 Totally inspiring to watch how a 10th of an acre can be transformed into a sustainable landscape somewhere in our neighborhood.
04.01.2022 Not all is as it seems down in our productive urban farm. We to dedicate space to ornamentals that attract a wide range of helpful species
03.01.2022 Morning coffees are the best in this cold August weather when you have a #palramgreenhouse
03.01.2022 Shed’s being dismantled... #beautifulsunnydayinmelbourne
03.01.2022 A small experiment is starting to bare fruit. I look forward to sharing the results with you all soon.
01.01.2022 As I eat my cafe style breakfast I was blissfully unaware that I was being watched. #guardianofthegarden
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