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25.01.2022 If your brand was a human, how would it look, act and sound? This is just one example of a mood board I created for my Instagram Brand Slam students to illustrate the power of building a brand around a particular human personality. What personality do you think this mood board is attracting?... Building a brand based on human behaviour is your fastest way to attract, connect and convert your ideal customers. Why? Because people do business with people they know, like and trust Kristy x See more

25.01.2022 Heres something I know for sure! Accountability when being your own boss can be the difference between moving forward or staying still. Having that person in your business keeping you accountable and giving you actionable steps/tasks, not only moves your business forward much quicker with less overwhelm, but it also stops you from simply sitting on knowledge. ... Knowledge without action is useless! When I work with my 1:1 clients they receive a detailed custom action plan with deadlines. It takes all the guesswork out of what actions they need to complete to move the needle in their business. A simple roadmap to follow to get to their business goals quicker and easier! Not to mention the power of a good ol deadline. Do you find you thrive when you have deadlines? Happy Saturday! Kristy x See more

23.01.2022 I could burst into 1,000 confetti pieces right now My first group coaching program is officially fully booked and I cant wait to help these awesome action-takers nail their brand on Instagram, ready for big growth. YAS! Lets do this ... Im in the mood for a celebration party! Whats one success (big or small) you have had in your business lately? Comment below Kristy x See more

23.01.2022 What does your ideal day look like? Over the last 6 years running a business I have always had a very clear ideal day and on most counts I keep to it. Now, Im NOT a morning person, trust me I have tried, but I dont get going to around 11am. ... Anyone else not a morning person? So my ideal day is a slow morning with complete flexibility in my day. Even with a multiple 6 figure e-commerce business, I only work 2/3 days a week. There are weeks leading up to occasions where I work 7 days straight to get orders out, but for the most part, I only work 4 hour days, 2/3 days a weeks. I do however, outsource a lot because my business works around me, not the other way around. Now, this year has totally blown-out my ideal day and Im back to working 5 days a week 8 hour days, because of Secret Sauce. BUT, Im working hard to build systems and processes to ensure I can work smarter not harder now that I have the two businesses. You will have seasons within your business journey where you havent seen your ideal day for months, but the key is to ensure you dont stay there for too long. Its very easy to lose sight of your ideal day, my tip is to write out your ideal day and keep it within sight to remind you why you started this crazy journey and didnt simply go work for someone else. Does this resonate? What is your ideal day? Kristy x See more

23.01.2022 Ever feel the need to do something in your business because you see others doing it? If you answered yes, stop You need to stay true to you!... You are your brands secret sauce. No one does it how you do it! Dont dilute your secret sauce because Sally is showing up a certain way and you feel you need to do what Sally is doing. Bye, bye Sally The best brands do it their way and they own it! But how do you keep your secret sauce spicy? You nail your brand strategy! Its your brands filter. It stops you from adding all the things you think you should be doing. Can I get an AMEN? Kristy x See more

22.01.2022 Brand strategy doesnt need to be this hard, complicated or expensive process. Brand strategy is simply your brands plan! It gives you clarity and direction on how to show up. Imagine building a house without the plans Sure, you could guess where you wanted things and design as you go, but what an absolute headache!... Planning gives you the breathing space needed to take a step back and build the house of your dreams. Your business is no different. It doesnt matter what stage of business you are in, being clear on your brand strategy stops all the guesswork and the scatter-gun approach to running your business. It helps you: Create meaningful content Staying consistent Building or upgrading your website a breeze Drive all your marketing Deeply understand your ideal customer Stop shiny object syndrome Make business decisions easier Gain clarity and confidence because you know how to show up And more! How much breathing space a week do you give yourself to work on your business? Ps - Want to know more about nailing your brand strategy? I can help! DM me and we can chat. I have two spots left for October. Kristy x See more

22.01.2022 Big shoutout to Sophie from @womenswellness.series who just completed my 30 day Brand Plan 1:1 program She took big action over the last 30 days to lay the foundations for her brand and create a solid launch strategy. So proud Well done Sophie ... Ps - If you want to work with me 1:1 - I only have a few spots left for July. All my 1:1 packages are tailored to your brand or marketing needs, its just a matter of choosing how much time you want me in your corner. Head to my website - link in bio Happy Monday! Kristy x See more

22.01.2022 The number one mistake I see small business owners make when they DIY their brands mood board They create one because they have read they need one BUT they dont know: A: The correct steps to take to truly create a brand that resonates and cuts through the noise.... B: They dont apply their mood board correctly to their Instagram or website and therefore their brand isnt consistent. What are your thoughts on this? This is another mood board I created for my Instagram Brand Slam students. If I had my way, I could create mood boards 7 days a week! Do you like? Kristy x See more

21.01.2022 Your brand doesnt need to be pretty, but it does need to be consistent. If you came to me and said I only had time for one thing, I would say, focus on getting clear on your brands messaging. Consistent and clear messaging is far more important than looking pretty. ... If you can communicate what you do in a compelling and strategic way that resonates with your ideal customer and positions you well in the market - you are well ahead of a brand that only has a pretty face. Ideally though, to truely stand out you want to nail both elements. A strong visual brand allows you to build brand recognition within the market and helps you convert easier. But... having clarity around your brand strategy and your messaging should be your first priority as it will help guide all your marketing efforts. Heres a tip to get you thinking. Save this post! What are the 2 main messages you want your brand to communicate? Have one hero message and one/two secondary messages. Communicate your hero message in your Instagram bio and websites main home page banner. This is what I call your Brand Statement. Communicate your secondary messages on your website and sprinkle these messages throughout your social media content strategy. Here are mine Hero message: To help startups nail their brand strategy and marketing for game-changing results. Secondary message: Finally feel confident about your brand strategy, social media, website or marketing plan. DIY with an expert by your side! There you go Did that help? Ps - Are you stuck in your head and need help clarifying your thoughts so you can start taking big action in your business? DM me, I only have a few 1:1 spots left for August. Kristy x See more

20.01.2022 Hands up if you want to spend less time on socials but gain greater results? Not having a strategy is costing you time and money. If you want to spend less time on socials but gain greater results, its pretty simple - you need a strategy to follow thats tailored to your brand!... Lets stop the scatter-gun approach and start taking purposeful action to grow your business. A simple, yet effective plan of attack. The bare minimum you need to get the maximum results. Thats how I roll. I want you to be showing up on socials with clarity, confidence and a killer strategy. Its the only way to stop the constant overwhelm and free yourself from always being switched on Its time to stop and plan so you can fast track your growth with LESS effort. Tell me, what overwhelms you the most about Instagram? Ps - If you want to stop the overwhelm and show up with clarity, confidence and a killer strategy, I only have 4 spots left in my 4 week group coaching program Instagram Brand Slam! Come join us, we kickoff on the 20th of July. DM me if you would like to know more. Happy Thursday! Kristy x See more

20.01.2022 Have you asked yourself this question What does success look like for YOU? About two years ago, success to me was money - end of story! If I could grow my business more and more, I would be more successful. ... If I had more money it justified the hard work and lack of freedom I had to enjoy life. Year-on-year growth for my e-commence business was my main indication of success. Bigger goals, bigger everything - go, go, go! But here is the thing...things dont change, if you dont change! I re-evaluated what I really wanted and today, success looks A LOT different! I make goals as if no one is watching. I build my businesses around having total freedom in my business to do what I want, when I want. Money is still very important but I work smarter not harder. My businesses work for me and my lifestyle. I make sure I have systems and procedures to give me that freedom. I streamlined my e-commerce business to a point that revenue is less, but it produces more income for less work. Success for me is total freedom whilst making good money! This drives ALL my business decisions! There are many ways I could structure my businesses, but each decision always starts with the question will this tie me down or give me freedom? So tell me, what does success look like for you? Kristy x

20.01.2022 A little mood board I created for my Instagram Brand Slam students Makes me want to go and start a cosmetics brand Do you like the vibe of this one?... Happy Sunday, Kristy See more

20.01.2022 My 4 Cs framework to nailing your brands messaging! Lets dive in! Save this post! Company... Everything starts with you. You need to build your brand from your mission, vision and values. You are your brands secret sauce. No one will do it like you. Clarity Without clarity you will struggle to show up with confidence and communicate a strong brand message. Clarity gives you a clear direction so that you can stop the second-guessing. Customer When crafting your core brand messages you need to know who you are talking to so that your message resonates with your ideal customer. Brands often run multiple campaigns targeting sub-groups within their target market, this is so they can craft their messaging to resonate strongly with the customer type they are targeting. Consistency It takes a consistent message over a long period of time before you become the go-to in your customers mind. Without consistency you loose the opportunity to cement that relationship with your ideal customer. There you go! You dont need to get fancy with your words to nail your core brand messages - clear and simple will always win Company Clarity Customer Consistency Are the 4s to crafting a brand message that sticks! I hope that helps. Kristy x See more

19.01.2022 Are you a 100%er who puts in their full-ass for everything? No half-assed effort around here. As a 100%er myself, gosh I wish at times I could be a 50%er and only put in a half-ass effort and be ok with this.... Truely, I do. There is something freeing in this mindset, but perfectionism is both a curse and a blessing. Messy action is better than no action, but its still hard to brush-off that all-or-nothing mentality. Are you a 100%er? What tips do you have to help us 100%ers? Kristy x See more

19.01.2022 Whats the difference? A business can easily be copied, lost in the sea of sameness and forgotten. A business doesnt go beyond a transaction. A brand builds relationships and loyalty. It holds a place in the hearts and minds of consumers. Its recognisable in the marketplace. ... So how do you turn a business into a brand? SAVE THIS Connect on a human level. Know the frustrations and needs of your ideal customer. Your Instagram should have a good dose of connection content. What content can you create that will build stronger connections with your followers? Know your brands secret sauce and how to market it. Its essential you know what sets you apart from your competitors and that you know how to market this effectively. Fun fact - The Rule of 7, is a marketing strategy based on psychology which suggests consumers need to hear a message seven times before they will consider taking action or can recall the message. Show up with confidence and brand consistency. If you dont show up with confidence, youre not being consistent. If youre not being consistent your not holding that place in their mind and heart. Understand your customers journey and nurture the relationship overtime to build brand loyalty. Becoming a brand, starts with a solid brand strategy which then fuels all your marketing. Did that help? Let me know. Feel free to DM me if you want to take your business to the next level and nail your brand strategy or marketing for game-changing results. I only have a few 1:1 spots left for August. Happy Saturday! Kristy x See more

18.01.2022 I get super excited when I get to work with clients that have an amazing business idea! I know instantly whether a business idea has massive opportunity in the market. Its normally part idea and part the skills of the business owner and when I see it...oh my, Im like a kid in a candy store @bunniecaddie is one of them.... They first came to me to work on their brand strategy and messaging around 6 months ago and we have continued to work on and off since then. They have absolutely nailed everything we have discussed and more! Im so proud of the brand they are building! Head over to their Insta and check out their beautiful caddies! They are on fire Love my go-getting, action-taking, big dreaming clients Well done! Kristy x See more

17.01.2022 Are you being a flea stuck in a jar when it comes to your business? Stay with me, Im not going crazy Within Zig Ziglar book see you at the top he tells a story about how important it is to learn to train fleas to be successful in life.... Hold up - say what! Basically, to train fleas to not jump out of a jar you put a lid on it. Soon the fleas will realise that they keep hitting the lid and will adjust their jump height. Take the lid off and guess what? The fleas never jump out. The fleas have conditioned themselves to jump just below the lid. Jumping out, simply isnt an option now. They have set their own limitations, but in reality they have the ability to jump out to freedom. What limiting beliefs are you telling yourself? Have you put a lid on how successful you feel you can be in business because of the stories you tell yourself? Sometimes, you just need that person who tells you - hey, you got this, jump as high as you like. Skys the limit. I often need to work with my clients on their mindset first before we even get into strategy! I can see they have a great product or service, but they are scared to take the leap or lack the confidence to show up. Sometimes all it takes is that person saying they believe in you. Does this resonate? Happy Friday, Kristy See more

17.01.2022 Dreams take courage Heres to the risk takers, the dreamers and the doers. To the ones who feel the fear and do it anyway.... The ones who play big or go home. The ones who dont do average. They show up even when they dont feel ready. They choose the path least traveled even when they know the risks are higher. They keep going even when its easier to give up. These, are my people Comment HELL YES if you agree! Cheers to the weekend Kristy x See more

16.01.2022 RIP to the brand strategy you never use! Within this weeks masterclass for my Instagram Brand Slam students we focused on - mission, vision and values which I refer to as your brand heart. They are the soul of your brand and they need to come from a deep personal place, or you risk creating something simply to tick a box.... Too many brand strategy documents are tucked away in draws never to see the light of day because... A: They arent truly aligned and connected to what you want your brand to stand for and have been thrown together quickly. AKA my worst nightmare. B: You were handed your brand strategy document and sent on your merry way with no clear plan on how to actually apply this to your marketing. Can you relate? Let me know in the comments. When your brand strategy is done well, it drives all of your marketing Do you want to craft a brand strategy you will actually use which will help you stand out and grow your business? DM me and we can chat. Kristy x See more

14.01.2022 Mission statements are like that pep-talk you needed from your BFF when things get tough in business. They are the bigger reason you get out of bed each morning. Mission statements are not reserved for the big end of town. You need a mission statement and most importantly, you need your mission on your website.... This is mine To remove the overwhelm and confusion around how to brand and market your business effectively. It doesnt need to be this huge fluffy world-changing statement. It can be as little or as big as you like, but its got to be the guiding light for when you start to question why the heck you started this crazy business journey. Here are some great examples from the worlds best: Save this post LinkedIn To connect the worlds professionals to make them more productive and successful. PayPay To build the webs most convenient, secure, cost-effective payment solution. Facebook To give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected. Asana To help humanity thrive by enabling all teams to work together effortlessly. So tell me, do you have a mission statement and most importantly are you sharing it? Kristy x See more

11.01.2022 Do I *really* need to show my face on Instagram? You need to read this! Im here to give you permission to do whatever the hell suits you! Its your business on your terms!... Just because Sally is showing up on the daily, doesnt mean it suits you or your business. Dont want to show your face on the weekly, dont do it. Find face-to-camera stories time-consuming and draining, dont do them regularly. Do whatever works for YOU and YOUR business. Blinkers on! Dont feel pressured to be like Sally. This question comes up ALL THE TIME in my strategy sessions and thats how I answer it! This is the power of being clear on your brand strategy. It stops you feeling like you should be doing all-the-things and not knowing what is right for your brand. Brand strategy is your filter - you take it all in, but you only use what best suits your brand, AND you do it with confidence. So, do you really need to be showing your face on socials? Short answer is YES because you will build a stronger connection with your followers quicker. It builds that all important know, like, trust factor which ultimately results in sales. BUT... How often you show up and how much of you is front-and-centre of your brand, depends on your brand strategy. Show up as often or as little as it suits you and your business and show up in a way that works for you. So, this is your Sunday reminder to put your blinkers on and do what suits your unique business. Are you with me? Comment HELL YES if you are! *Sips coffee and adjusts blinkers* Happy Sunday, Kristy x See more

09.01.2022 Hot simple tip to measure the success of your hashtags! Do you add hashtags to your post and hope for the best? Do you use the same groups of hashtags without knowing if they are even working well for your brand?... Simple tip coming up After 24 hours of you posting, click on a few or all of the hashtags you used for a particular post and individually check to see where your post is trending in that hashtag. Yep, that is all folks. Doing this allows you to see if your post is getting traction in that hashtag. If you are appearing in the top section...A+ for you. If you need to scroll down to China to find your post it can either mean: A: Youre not using the appropriate sized hashtags for your follower count and therefore your post is only lasting a few minutes up the top before its pushed down by other accounts. B: Your content isnt getting enough engagement on your own page to get a fighting chance to complete with other accounts for top space in the hashtag. There you go! Did that help? Save this post for later. Happy Saturday! Kristy x See more

09.01.2022 Brand strategy is simply your brands roadmap. Its time to stop circling that roundabout. This is my 9 step brand strategy process. Do you like the graphic? Hit that save button! Want to know more about each step? Join me LIVE today at 1pm on Insta stories where I will walk you through each one ... Talk soon, Kristy x See more

09.01.2022 You know that saying? The day that you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit. - Fabienne Fredrickson Its true! ... It normally takes a good 3 to 4 years until you see massive growth in your business. I believe its this period where all your hard work starts to pay off. It was definitely the case in my e-commerce business. Now in my 6th year, growth has slowed and thats to be expected. Its normally here that brands need to switch it up a little to stay relevant and plan for the next 5 years. Why? Because the market changes and brands need to keep up to see continued growth. So, this is a reminder for those in their first year of business - do not compare your beginning to someones middle They were once where you are now. You are exactly where you need to be. Does my graph resonate with you? Tag someone who needs to hear this Happy Sunday, Kristy x See more

09.01.2022 When you work with me you get the hard truth served with big love! This was a reply from one of my current 1:1 clients. I simply say it how I see it! No fluff and straight to the point.... In the early days of my e-commence business I worked with a few different business coaches but I really wanted one that would just tell me when something was shit and tell me how to fix it Are you the same? Ps - If you are thinking of working with me this month, shoot me a DM as I only have two spots left for September. Kristy x

08.01.2022 In one of my strategy session the other week my client asked... Whats the best way to launch - I replied, slowly. Yep. Sounds counterintuitive right? ... Of course you want to launch and be completely sold out, but I would prefer you to grow slowly and organically before going all guns blazing. Why? Because it gives you time and headspace in between orders or clients to build strong foundations for growth and work on your business. There is nothing wrong with growing slowly, in fact its your fastest way to success. The best brands are always analysing and testing whats working and whats not, but it takes time away from working in your business to do this. You need to be strict AF on prioritising it. It needs to be a nonnegotiable. Its common for business owners to get caught up in the whirlwind of doing that they feel its counterproductive to stop, analyse and plan. Has it felt counterproductive when you block out time to work on your business? It shouldnt feel like this if you are doing it right. How much time a week do you spend working on your business? If your answer is zero, simply start with 2 hours a week and build up from there. Feel like you need accountability and a plan to launch or grow, feel free to DM me and we can chat. Happy Sunday Kristy x See more

07.01.2022 Want to better understand your ideal customer? Answer these 5 questions: How does your customer feel after they purchase from you?... How do they feel before they purchase from you? What keeps them up at night? What desires do they have? What values do they hold? Let me know in the comments if you know the answers to these questions! Want another 10 questions to add to this list? Message me and I will share them with you. Ps - Im going live today at 1pm talking about the 5 Key Mistakes People Make When Creating Their Ideal Customer Profile! Hope to see you there! Kristy x

07.01.2022 A fast decision can be the wrong decision When I hear in my strategy sessions OMG that is gold, Im going to apply this now. I often reply...... Hold up, I want you to marinate what I have suggested first before making any changes to your business. Sleep on it and decide in the morning. But, why would I say this? Because, I want to make sure it feels right for you and your business. At the end of the day, you know your business best! I want the decision to feel 110% right for you because I know this is when you will have the confidence to own it. Sometimes we can get so caught-up with making the change because we have paid for something or have read some juicy tips and tricks from an expert, but we forget to take a step-back for a minute and just marinate the knowledge before making the change. Does this resonate? So, the next time you want to make a change in your business after a paid service with an expert or after reading an article on Google - marinate it for 24 hours! No longer and no less. Happy Friday Kristy x See more

06.01.2022 Increase your Instagram results with these 3 simple words. CALL TO ACTION Here is the thing, when it comes to marketing, humans like to be told what to do and be told in a clear and simple way. ... Last weeks focus for my Instagram Brand Slam students was all about crafting their content strategy and we touched on the importance of including a CTA in their captions. When it comes to writing your captions make sure you start with the goal for the post. What is it you want people to do after they read your post? 1 Is it to start a conversation? 2 Is it to drive sales? 3 Is it to build brand awareness? Once you know the goal you can then create your CTA. Here are a few examples 1 Conversation starters Does this resonate with you? Tell me when... Have you ever... Do you agree? DM me to chat more... Was this helpful? 2 Drive Sales Click link in bio Tap to shop DM to book a call Head to my website to grab your freebie 3 Brand Awareness Share this post Tag a friend who... Save this post Tag this post in your stories for your chance to be featured There you have it! Was this helpful? Ps - Dont forget to save this post to refer back to Kristy x See more

03.01.2022 Shoutout to these two legends It was their FIRST BIZ BIRTHDAY yesterday! I had the absolute pleasure of helping Mel and JB at the very beginning of their business journey. ... We worked on getting crystal clear on who they were as a brand, what their secret sauce was and most importantly how to communicate this effectively on their website and socials. We also worked on their launch strategy. Fast-forward to today and they need to keep adding new yoga classes to their schedule to keep-up with demand! YAS!! Big love to you guys and a huge congratulations for your success so far! If you are in Perth, go check out their awesomeness! @stonesthrowyoga Tell me, did you or do you plan to celebrate your first biz birthday? You totally should! Its such a special milestone in biz land! Happy Friday, Kristy x See more

01.01.2022 What gets you bouncing out of bed each morning? Do more of whatever this is for you. For me, its messages like this ... 12 months ago I lost my bounce. Getting up in the morning started to feel like a boring day job and I knew I needed to get my fire back. But I was scared to jump into the unknown of starting a service-based business. They are worlds apart from a product-based business and I just didnt want to start all over again. Who am I to help others start and grow their brand even though I have the 10 years experience to back it up. Bloody imposter syndrome It was my beautiful biz friends that reminded me...why not you? You were meant to do this. Its been 8 months since I started Secret Sauce Agency and Im so glad I took that big scary leap to get my bounce back! Im in my happy place now and I couldnt be more humbled by all your support so far. And the messages I have read from all the wonderful peeps currently doing my Complete Customer Clarity program has been the icing on the cake. Big love Kristy x See more

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