SeeChange Consulting in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Consultation agency
SeeChange Consulting
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 7 3902 1002
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23.01.2022 Stage 5 Resolution COVID 19 How to cope with this unchosen change This is the fifth in a series of videos to assist you to explore the emotions you might be feeling through this massive unchosen change of COVID 19. ... Resolution is all about being resolved to not just that the change is happening, but you have made some decisions about your options of how you wish to approach this change. You are ready to make your option happen! You have reached resolution because you have been in Stage 4 Exploration where you spent time exploring your options and thinking through the best way forward for you. Emotions you might experience are relief, confident, determined and frustration if things are moving a quickly as you would like! Some actions you can take to help you in this stage are: Keep talking with others and sharing where you are at communicating your plans for action Keep looking out at the edge. There will be more change coming that could impact your chosen way forward Do some regular review using the Action Learning Cycle as per the questions in my video Are you in resolution yet? #change #changeleadership #actionlearning #changemanagement #resilience #leadingchange #unchosenchange #covid19
22.01.2022 Have you ever jumped into action and regretted it? I have! This is my 3rd Challenge in my series to help you to help you get back to work in the best way post Covid.... So the challenge is How do we avoid jumping into action, rushing back to old ways and/or creating our new normal without thinking it through? My tip is Think before you leap. Take a look at Tracys video to see how you and your team can avoid leaping into action.
21.01.2022 Wow thank you very much Power Tynan for a wonderful post about todays workshop. We applaud you all for taking the time to stop, slow down and reflect on the last few months. The synergy and ideas that were coming in the room was energising! As a change facilitators, it was so satisfying to watch you all work together, explore the lessons learned from Covid and to build on each others ideas. And we had some fun! So very well done team Power Tynan! We look forward to our next session in a few weeks as we continue to Navigate your New Normal
21.01.2022 Do yourself a favour and take just over an hour to listen to this terrific podcast, specifically focussed on how to stay focussed during the COVID 19 disruption. If you have never heard Mo speak you are in for a real treat!
21.01.2022 Are you taking time to STOP? Well if you arent. we think you should! Maybe you feel you dont have the time to STOP to meet with your team?... Here is a conversation Tracy had with our coach Elise Finn on this very topic. As we are in the fourth month of the impact of Covid we are both seeing leaders with challenges. The pressure is on to get stuff done and get the team producing results. Our clients are telling us that with this pressure comes busyness and everything feels like we are running at pace. I am seeing tired leaders and tired teams. Im also seeing teams who arent talking enough with each other. And the impact of this is stress levels are rising and results are suffering. Pushing through and being reactive is not always the most sustainable way to get through this time and reach results. We think the best thing you can do is STOP. Get your team together, pause, catch your breath, REFLECT, ANALYSE where things are at and make PLANS to keep going. What are you doing to help yourself and your team through these challenging times?
21.01.2022 COVID 19 How to cope with this unchosen change This is the fourth in a series of videos to assist you to explore the emotions you might be feeling through this massive unchosen change of COVID 19. Exploration is all about looking at your options. After being in acceptance stage which tends to be somewhat unproductive, you will start to feel youd like to take some self-responsibility and explore what you can do at this time. ... I am in Exploration stage now and I feel positive and enthusiastic. Ive been spending time talking with my clients about their needs and exploring the options of how I can best help them. There are lots of ideas and Im quite excited about them! Some actions you can take to help you in this stage are: Keep an open mind, learn and talk to others regularly to gai ideas Focus on your circle of control and avoid spending energy in those areas you cant influence Brainstorm your ideas, opportunities and options Think through each option - gather your facts, consider the positives and areas of caution. Just be mindful to avoid the temptation to just dive into action and opportunities without thinking them through! Take care and go gently with yourself and others.
21.01.2022 We've had a wonderful couple of days working with teams from RSL Qld. They have a very exciting strategy for the next 5 years and this week we kicked off programs to get the teams aligned to make that strategy happen. We helped the teams reflect, build relationships, listen to each other, have clarifying conversations around their role and purpose and all whilst having some fun. And like any sporting team, if you don't stop and have a 'quarter and half time break' to reflec...t, refresh and realign.... it's very hard to win the game. So good to be able to work back in the room with the teams and extra special to work with passionate people who deliver services to our veteran community items and their families. We look forward to continuing the journey to help these teams to be the best they can be so they can deliver their very important work.
20.01.2022 Today is a very special day for SeeChange .....
19.01.2022 Happy Friday! A little bit of fun this morning in the SeeChange office. As we doing a lot of our work remotely, we still thoroughly enjoy be able to get back together face to face. It's so important to keep up our connection and fun. How are you keeping up the connection and fun in your team? #change #changemanagement #management #culture #professionalwomen #teamwork #resilience #happiness #leadership
19.01.2022 Amen to this. At times its easy to forget we always have a choice
18.01.2022 We are at a pivotal point of the year Covid continues to force unchosen change on us. We’ve got 6 months of change behind us and many more challenges ahead of us. It’s time to tackle these challenges head on, because I see that dealing with the uncertainty and challenges of Covid is now just becoming part of what we do. ... Here’s a recent conversation Tracy had with our Coach Elise Finn about the current challenges we're seeing emerge for my clients. Interestingly, from the other side of the world, Elise is seeing similar. COMMUNICATION IS STRUGGLING Regular communication has become harder as teams continue to get used to working remotely and being isolated from each other FATIGUE Leaders and teams are tired. They are not only dealing with trying to get on with some sort of ‘Business as Usual’ but also adjusting to new ways of working together and with customers. LEADERS AREN’T SPENDING ENOUGH TIME WITH THEIR TEAM Time to listen, to really hear the challenges the team is facing and to identify what support the team needs. Maybe you are seeing these challenges too? Over the coming weeks Tracy will offer a series of tips to help you to lead through these uncertain times. We'd’ also love to hear your experiences - we can all learn from each other
18.01.2022 What a positive day talking all things change with 160 staff from Longreach Regional Council. Such a great vibe in the room! #change #changemanagement #regionalqld #makechangehappen #changeconsultants
15.01.2022 Ive got some exciting news! Are you leader keen to move forward post Covid? Are you noticing your team needs some focus and motivation to get back into he swing of things in a productive way?... Not sure where to start? Today Im excited to tell you more about whats new at SeeChange. Its our Navigating the New Normal Program. We have been listening to the challenges that our clients are facing such as: How do we get productive again? How can we harness the opportunities that Covid has revealed? How do we avoid we avoid jumping into action and/or going back to old ways? Do you have these challenges too? The Triple N program has been designed to help you tackle those challenges head on! It will help you move your team through the frustration and exhaustion of Covid and harness the opportunities for your New Normal. Its all about emerging stronger, aligning the team to embrace the future. Like to hear more? Send me a direct message here or email me at [email protected] Id love to share with you how together we can navigate your new normal
14.01.2022 We thank you for your continued support in 2020. What a year of change 2020 has been. Whilst these have been very challenging and uncertain times and we have had to make many changes ourselves, we are still enjoying ‘Making Change Happen’. We wish you a safe and joyous festive season with your family and friends, and good health and happiness in 2021.... With our Best wishes, Tracy, Kelly and Maria
13.01.2022 Dealing with the Unchosen change of COVID 19. How are you doing in these very challenging times? If you are like me, you may be experiencing a range of emotions. This crisis is a massive unchosen change. The whole world is facing this unchosen change we are all in this together.... Over the last 2 weeks or so I have watched myself experience a range of emotions from: denial grave concern frustration acceptance of the situation exploring my options Are experiencing a range of emotions as well? These emotions can be related to the steps of unchosen change cycle which we I have used in my work with clients for many, many years. The five stages of unchosen change are similar to those of the grief cycle and is based on the work of Elisabeth Kubler- Ross. What really helps is knowing these stages of unchosen change, the emotion that each stage creates and how you can develop strategies to help yourself through this change. Over the coming weeks I am going to walk through unchosen change on a series of videos. If youd like some practical support and ideas, I would love to help you. Id also love to hear how you are getting in this very challenging time. Got any tips to deal with this unchosen change and the emotions it brings? We can all help each other through this
13.01.2022 After 3.5 years our team member Patty is leaving us for new opportunities. Thank you for your hard work and your creative ideas. We will miss your persistence, continued support and sense of humour. All the very best Patty Tollady
11.01.2022 The power of stopping as a team Over the last few days Maria and I have been working with CEO Melanie Wilson and her Executive team from RSL Qld. The team took the time out of their schedule to reflect, draw lessons learned and explore opportunities in line with their strategy.... We helped the team to catch their breath, listen and understand each other, be vulnerable with each other, build on each others idea, celebrate and laugh together. These are all key ingredients to help this team execute their exciting 5 year strategy for benefit of veterans and their families. Here is Melanie speaking about the power of stopping as a team. What a positive experience it was for Maria and I to work with an engaging and progressive team of senior leaders. I am so happy to work with a team who STOPS! Bravo Team RSL! Have you seen the benefits of stopping as a team? #change #changemanagement #changeleadership #strategy #executiveteam #team #RSL #actionlearning #listening #vulnerability
11.01.2022 Stage 1 & 2 of Chosen Change Cycle Have you got chosen changes you are implementing? Today starts the series of videos about Chosen Change.... Whether you are a leader choosing change with your team or as an individual you are working on some of your own personal changes this video is for you! Chosen change isnt always easy. It can be challenging and hard. In this video, I share the first two stages. Stage 1 - Relief In the relief stage, there is a sense of the new direction. You are pleased the journey has begun, but it can be unproductive time as you get used to the new way. Stage 2 - Exploration This is all about exploring how are you going to make this change work. Its a time for lots of questions - what are our options, who should we involve, how could this all work? Understanding these stages will help build resilience as you go through your change journey. In the next few days, I will share stages 3 & 4 Reaction and Acceptance. Id love for you to join me as I continue on the Chosen Change Journey
11.01.2022 Slow down to speed up Very wise words by Robin Sharma. Recent;y we saw the benefits of this in action.... We were working with a team who are participating in our Navigating the New Normal program. At the end of session 2 the Manager offered how much this program is helping he and his team. You are helping us SLOW DOWN, which is already helping us SPEED UP. We then went on to have a great conversation about the comparison to half time in a game of sport. What do we do at half time? We catch our breath physically. We stop and pause. But so much more can happen. Its a time to reflect, identify reasons for success and those things that arent working. We talk about opportunities and create a plan for the second half. We asked the team What would happen if we kept playing straight through with no half time? They said We would make more mistakes, we might get injured. There is no time to talk, not time to think and re focus. Its too hard to adjust the game plan on the run. And the worst thing we would most likely turn on each other in frustration. And you can apply the same THINKING to business and YOUR TEAM right now. Are you giving your team the chance to SLOW DOWN to speed up? #newnormal #change #actionlearning #leadership
11.01.2022 Stage 1 Negation COVID 19 How to cope with this unchosen change This is the first in a series of videos to assist you to explore the emotions you might be feeling through this massive unchosen change of COVID 19.... The Unchosen change cycle is based on the grief cycle and work of Elisabeth Kubler Ross. I have been using this cycle for over 20 years to help myself, my family and clients deal with change. Negation is what we experience when we first hear about an unchosen change. We negate or deny the change. We dont wish to acknowledge the change as wish to stay in our current world and not let the reality set in. We dont want this to be real. Some tips to help you though negation: Acknowledge you are you are there and that you are trying to create your own reality and not let the change become real for you Talk to others and read. Look for facts to help you understand the reality of the situation Be wary of listening to others and their opinions as the opinion may not be supported by facts. Listening to others may hinder your progression Do whatever it takes for this to sink in that this is happening and its real. SWhat negation behaviour have you seen through the COVID-19 experience?
10.01.2022 Covid-19 rocked our reality. In March suddenly all bets were off and normal life got cancelled. But now we can see light at the end of the tunnel.... So, were all ready to get back to normal right? Or are we? Im not so sure we should all just rush back I think its time to pause. What does the fall out of this crisis mean for us? As individuals and as leaders of a business? Here are 3 significant challenges I think we would benefit thinking about now to make sure that we move into the post Covid world stronger and more likely to be successful: No 1 How do we move forward? What do we need to do now to navigate the way forward for our teams and business? No 2 Explore & harness opportunities. How do we ensure we explore the opportunities and different ways of working that Covid has revealed and make sure were acting on them? No 3 Avoid jumping into action. How do we avoid rushing back to old ways or creating our new normal without thinking it through? Do these challenges resonate with you? Id love you to join me this week as a I work through these challenges and offer you some thoughts and approaches based on my experience of navigating change successfully. #changemanagment #change #resilience #covid19 #changeconsultant
10.01.2022 In the middle of difficulties lies opportunities Albert Einstein said that and he sure knew how to spot opportunities during challenging times. As a leader, can you see opportunities from this difficult Covid experience? I bet your team members have thought of opportunities too!... This is the second challenge in my series to help you get back to work post Covid. So you ou know there are opportunities emerging from Covid, but youre not sure what your team think and youre keen to just move on. My tip is Before you act, explore what is possible.
09.01.2022 Stages 3 & 4 Chosen Change Cycle When you decide to embark on a Chosen Change. It doesnt mean it will be easy and you will have it all sorted straight up. Knowing these 5 stages of the chosen cycle will help you on your journey help you eget used to the change, to execute and make that make that change happen.... Stage 3 Reaction Once you have been through exploration, the next stage is reaction. You will start to notice a level of frustration and it feels hard! You may think Why am I doing this? or I just feel like going back to old ways and what I know. My Tip Avoid making major decisions here and abandoning your change. Talk through your frustrations and look for whats challenging you most. Fix those things you can control Stage 4 Acceptance After feeling a level of frustration things will naturally start to calm down if you stick with it. You will start to get more used to the change but it can also be a little unproductive as things dont happen quickly. My Tip Take your time. You are getting used to things. Avoid thinking about old ways and focus on the future of your change. I hope you stay with me on this chosen change journey. I have one more stage which is Resolution
09.01.2022 COVID 19 How to cope with this unchosen change Stage 3 - Acceptance This is the third in a series of videos to assist you to explore the emotions you might be feeling through this massive unchosen change of COVID 19. Acceptance is all about acknowledging this is how it is. And I would offer it is grudging acceptance. Emotions you can experiences are being cautious, indifferent and even feeling helpless. You may move into feeling curious as you start to get used to thi...ngs. Throughout this COVID 19, I have felt really unproductive I just cant get through as much as I am used to. But I keep reminding myself, that this is normal at this stage. I have also heard others day there is no rule book, I just have to work it out as I go! Some actions you can take to help you in this stage are: Write two lists what is different now in your life, but what has stayed the same. I found this insightful Practice gratitude list 3 things each day that you are grateful for Expect this to be an unproductive time and drop being so focussed on productivity Create some meaning in all this for you. What can you do that is meaningful? Take care and as my friend says to me Be kind to yourself.
08.01.2022 Today we took to the virtual stage to speak at the May365 Microsoft conference. Our session was entitled Project success.... How Change Management makes change easier Its different presenting to a camera and to interact with participants that arent right in front of us! However, we used the chat and video functions of Microsoft Teams and worked with that change. And in true SeeChange style, we had fun! We really enjoyed chatting with people about how to make change happe...n. Well done Maria Nolan
08.01.2022 As a leader, do you feel your team arent on same wavelength as you right now? Is there a lack of urgency? Do you feel like saying Come on people, weve got stuff to do! Weve just got to get back to the workplace and business as usual!... That approach where you drag your team along with you and force them to move at your pace just isnt going to work! Whilst working with my clients lately, 3 distinct challenges have emerged. Here is Challenge 1 - you might be struggling with this too. This challenge is all about connecting effectively with your team and getting on the same page before getting back to be productive. Not sure how to do that? MY TIP? Start listening before you start moving. TAKE THE TIME NOW to really understand whats holding them back, whats worrying them, whats hard for them? Try these as talking points for your next team meeting in relation to your Covid: A positive experience Greatest challenge What do you think we should Keep doing, what should we stop doing and what should we start doing? As the leader, make sure you go first and be vulnerable. If you dont do this the impact is creating stress for your team and you risk losing their trust and engagement for good. Are you prepared to slow down in order to speed up?
08.01.2022 The SeeChange team wish you a safe and joyous festive season with your family & friends and good health and happiness in the new year. We look forward to continuing to support you all and to keep making change happen in 2020! Thank you for following our adventures this year.
08.01.2022 Stage 2 Self Justification COVID 19 How to cope with this unchosen change This is the second in a series of videos to assist you to explore the emotions you might be feeling through this massive unchosen change of COVID 19. ... Self Justification is all about justifying ourselves. Its a stage of high emotion as we try to come to terms with the reality of the situation. In COVID 19, I have experienced fear, anxiety, frustration and uncertainty just to name a few! And because the emotion, we can often show blame behaviour. Some actions you can take to help you in this stage are: Focus on what feelings you are having. Acknowledge them and share with others whom you trust Focus on the things you can control and dont put time and energy into the things you cant. This only creates more emotion. Avoid making big or rash decisions. as it will be fuelled with emotion Throughout the last 3 weeks, I have experienced a range of emotions, but the best thing I know to do is acknowledge the emotions and talk with trusted people. And by doing this, I moving through this stage starts to happen naturally. Take care and go gently with yourself and others.
06.01.2022 We are at a pivotal point of the year Covid continues to force unchosen change on us. Weve got 6 months of change behind us and many more challenges ahead of us. Its time to tackle these challenges head on, because I see that dealing with the uncertainty and challenges of Covid is now just becoming part of what we do. ... Heres a recent conversation Tracy had with our Coach Elise Finn about the current challenges were seeing emerge for my clients. Interestingly, from the other side of the world, Elise is seeing similar. COMMUNICATION IS STRUGGLING Regular communication has become harder as teams continue to get used to working remotely and being isolated from each other FATIGUE Leaders and teams are tired. They are not only dealing with trying to get on with some sort of Business as Usual but also adjusting to new ways of working together and with customers. LEADERS ARENT SPENDING ENOUGH TIME WITH THEIR TEAM Time to listen, to really hear the challenges the team is facing and to identify what support the team needs. Maybe you are seeing these challenges too? Over the coming weeks Tracy will offer a series of tips to help you to lead through these uncertain times. Wed also love to hear your experiences - we can all learn from each other
06.01.2022 COVID 19 How to cope with this unchosen change Over the last month I have walked through the 5 stages of the Unchosen Change cycle in relation to Covid -19. I have shared the associated emotions you are likely to feel at each stage and the actions you can take to help to move yourself through that stage. There are 3 final key points I can offer you that will tie it all together:... 1. There are many changes attached to the primary change of the virus and you are likely to be at different stages of the cycle for each of these changes. Also, the cycle isnt linear you will go backwards and forwards around the cycle 2. Be mindful that when others are at different stages to you, you will each experience different emotions and therefore behave differently. This can cause frustration and even conflict 3. There is an opportunity to learn from all this. Take the time to reflect, draw learnings and make plans to help you to keep going over the coming months and post Covid. And those plans can be seen as chosen changes So through your experience of this unchosen change, you can identify positive chosen changes for you. There is a benefit in all of this! Do take care of yourself as you continue to navigate this massive unchosen change.
06.01.2022 COVID 19 and Change Here at SeeChange, we have been using the Unchosen and Chosen change cycles for many years with our clients to help them identify what stage they are at, the associated emotions and practical steps they can take to move through the change. The cycles are based on the grief cycle and the work of Elisabeth Kubler- Ross. Chosen Change is change we choose in our lives to change jobs, to lose weight, to start or end a relationship. Unchosen change are thos...e changes we did not choose. Examples are when someone ends a relationship with you, new systems or restructures at work, illness or death of a loved one. COVID 19 is a massive unchosen change. And with this overarching change of the virus, the associated unchosen changes that are coming with it social distancing, isolation, working from home, home schooling children, being restricted with travel and all the uncertainty. If you are like us, you are experiencing a range of emotions and these can be linked to unchosen change. Over the next few weeks we will be sharing videos about the each of the 5 stages of unchosen change in relation to COVID 19. I will also share my thoughts around how we can make choices in this time - chosen changes. Take care, stay safe and go gently.
05.01.2022 Are you a leader keen to navigate your new normal? Do you want to help your team get back into the swing of things because its time to reset, get productive and take the opportunities in front of you? If youre nodding, our new Navigating the New Normal Program is designed just for you!... Weve been listening to the challenges our clients are facing as they are move into life post Covid. Were hearing that teams are stressed, tired and overwhelmed and thats not a recipe for success! So as a leader, what can you do? Weve designed the Navigating the New Normal program to help you tackle those challenges head on! We can help you lead your team through the frustration of Covid and harness the opportunities of your new normal. Can you and your team emerge stronger? Like to know more? Send us message and we would love to share how together we can navigate your new normal! #change #changemanagement #leadingchange #changeconsultant #teamwork #newnormal #chosenchange #changeleadership #covid19
04.01.2022 Do each of your team trust you? Do they follow you willingly? If you are introducing change in 2020, this is a very important question to ask yourself. Tracy shares her tips on how to build trust with each of your team members. It is time so well spent!
04.01.2022 Wow thank you very much Power Tynan for a wonderful post about today's workshop. We applaud you all for taking the time to stop, slow down and reflect on the last few months. The synergy and ideas that were coming in the room was energising! As a change facilitators, it was so satisfying to watch you all work together, explore the lessons learned from Covid and to build on each other's ideas. And we had some fun! So very well done team Power Tynan! We look forward to our next session in a few weeks as we continue to Navigate your New Normal
04.01.2022 Do you have a claim to fame? Tune into this video for a giggle and a trip down memory lane. Today Maria and I are starting a new change consultancy in Cunnamulla in Western Queensland. For those of you who dont know, thats 800km west of Brisbane. 27 years ago Maria and I met out here and became friends as we started our careers. Quite different careers to what we are doing now!... We feel very strongly about places like Cunnamulla and regional Australia. We love to give back, as this is where it all started for us. It has contributed so much to the people we are today and helped shape the passion for the change work we now do. #change #changemanagment #localgovernment #team #queensland #regionalaustralia
03.01.2022 So true. We have seen it many times!
03.01.2022 The final Stage of the Chosen Change cycle Chosen change isnt always easy. Knowing these 5 stages helps you walk through your change, experience it, explore it, refine it and come to some resolution about making your change part of the norm.... Resolution. Thats Stage 5 of the cycle Resolution means making a DECISION to do or not to do something. Its about determining what actions you need to take to make your change stick. And the best way to do that is to get a very clear PLAN. Without a plan, things will be disjointed, there will be confusion and the temptation will be to go back to old ways. In my last video I shared our chosen change that we came to as SeeChange team - to remain working from home even though we could head back to the office 6 weeks ago. We are in Resolution right now, as we have now made the decision to keep going with predominately working from home. However, we have some work to do to get a sound plan to make that a reality! We know we want to go back to old ways. Have you got some chosen changes you are considering? Do have any challenges? Id love to hear in the comments below. And If youd like some help, just DM me here. Thanks for joining me on the Chosen Change journey #leadership #change #changemanagement #newnormal #team
03.01.2022 HOPE is not a strategy. Have you chosen some changes as a result of Covid? Have you worked through all this with your team?... Over the last 3 months, Ive been talking with a lot of different people. Ive been doing a lot of listening too. What Ive heard is quite a lot of these two phrases: I hope weve learnt our lessons. I hope we dont go back to old ways. You know what? HOPE is not a strategy! Hoping that your team miraculously work out what you have collectively learnt through Covid and hoping that change will be created is not a wise strategy. Its not going to happen by chance. Now is the time to get the team together to decide what changes you will make. Dont assume everyone is on the same page about moving forward with your chosen changes. Over the next week or so I will be sharing some practical tips on making Chosen Change happen. Whats your strategy to create your Chosen Changes with your team?
02.01.2022 Has this time of Covid - 19 revealed opportunities for you that you havent seen before? Maybe its new ways of working, how you service your customers or new products and services. This week were going to do something weve never done before. We are running a completely virtual workshop with a new client and with participants weve never met before. ... We wont just be doing a presentation. We will be creating interaction, small group work and building connection and trust between the participants and us. It wont be easy and there will be challenges, but Im excited to give it a go. Ive thought about running virtual workshops in the past but have never quite got there to make it happen. And now due to Covid, the opportunity has arrived. Im looking forward to comparing these virtual workshop outcomes to how weve always done workshops in person in our clients workplace. Will we build on this opportunity? Will we revert back to old ways? Will we choose to fundamentally change the way we work and how will we make that decision? Are you facing some of these questions, opportunities and challenges yourself as a result of Covid
02.01.2022 People arrive at our workshops in all sorts of vehicles. Love this one today! Well done guys
02.01.2022 Are you taking time to STOP? Well if you aren’t. we think you should! Maybe you feel you don’t have the time to STOP to meet with your team?... Here is a conversation Tracy had with our coach Elise Finn on this very topic. As we are in the fourth month of the impact of Covid we are both seeing leaders with challenges. The pressure is on to get stuff done and get the team producing results. Our clients are telling us that with this pressure comes ‘busyness’ and everything feels like we are running at pace. I am seeing tired leaders and tired teams. I’m also seeing teams who aren’t talking enough with each other. And the impact of this is stress levels are rising and results are suffering. Pushing through and being reactive is not always the most sustainable way to get through this time and reach results. We think the best thing you can do is STOP. Get your team together, pause, catch your breath, REFLECT, ANALYSE where things are at and make PLANS to keep going. What are you doing to help yourself and your team through these challenging times?
02.01.2022 A new way to deliver our workshops. Today we delivered a virtual workshops to 23 participants. Its a new client, weve never met the participants before and we were doing it online. The greatest challenge was not the information and models we shared. It was building relationships and trust between the participants and with us. We feel very happy with the outcome and we received some very positive feedback this afternoon. Its been a positive day of change @ Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
01.01.2022 KEEP STOP START What would you like to change in 2020? As we draw closer to Christmas and the new year, I am reflecting on the year that was. I am huge fan of learning, continuous improvement and change.... Here is simple tool I use myself and my clients. Put simply its the Keep, Stop, Start technique. What will I keep doing? (those things you have tried and appears to be gaining good results and working well) What will I stop doing? (those things that arent useful or are having a negative impact, inefficiencies, those behaviours not helping you achieve goals) What will I start doing? (those things that will help me achieve my goals, create balance, create efficiencies, solutions for issues) We discovered this simple tool through the Australian netball team, but it is it also a recognised team and project review tool. Its a powerful activity to do as an individual, team and family. To get you started, I would brainstorm all the things that have happened in 2019. This helps you gain an overview and once you have the overview, I find it easier to answer the 3 questions. If you want to see change in 2020, spend time thinking it though, because it wont just happen! What will you keep, stop and start in 2020?
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