See Creative in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Consultation agency
See Creative
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 403 646 124
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25.01.2022 When your pharmacy order arrives and you think, that’s right, I designed that brand image and packaging! Natural Chemist has been a long time client of mine and it’s been fabulous working with them over the years. I also love when I work with businesses I believe in and can support in return! They are an integrative pharmacy which supports wellbeing in many forms. When we designed their brand image years ago, the focus was on maintaining the tradition pharmacy model bu...t reflecting the natural and alternative options without making it too ‘fluffy’. As they say, we like the natural stuff but we also do the hard drugs too! . . . #pharmacybranding #medicalbranding #logodesign #branding #brandbuilder #packagingdesign #pharmacysydney #chemistbranding #logodesignstudio #branddesignstudio #ninetothrive #australianbranddesigner #aussiebranding #aussielogodesigner #brisbanepharmacy #brisbanepharmacist #foodasmedicine #naturaltherapies #brandstrategist #branding101 @ Greenwich, New South Wales, Australia See more
25.01.2022 Oh hi! If you noticed Ive been MIA of late its because Ive been getting to know this little bundle! Our 4th son was born 5 weeks ago and we are all settling into a family of 6 now. In amidst the covid-19 pandemic and self isolation I birthed this gorgeous little boy at home. While Im taking a little break from paid work Im being kept busy but loads and loads of laundry, lots of breastfeeds and ample cuddles!... Ive got a few things to share over the coming weeks as I catch up over here! How are you all? Drop a comment below and let me know how you are feeling! . . . brandingstrategist #brandbuilding #brisbanebrandconsultant #brisbanebranding #brandingdesign #smallbusinessbranding #smallbizgrowthtips #smallbizgrowthstrategy #aussiebusinesswomen #ninetothrive #socialmediamarketing #brandmarketing #womensupportingwomen #enterpreneurlife #businessmindset #businessmindset101 #branding101 #brandingconsulting #thisisbrisbane #brisbanebusinesswomen
25.01.2022 Your wings already exist, all you have to do is fly Since May 2019, Ive met regularly with these wonderful women @creativemode and @laurenrogersdesign where we conduct business chats, support each others goals and ambitions and help keep each other accountable. Finding supportive business partners is so important as a small business. It helps you align your ideas and balance your mind overload.... You learn from each other in a non competitive environment. Its not the same as networking, its like a micro support group! Here we are at Fridays catch up where we all set new goals and outlined current challenges My 31 week bump looks remarkable small in this photo Do you have a micro support group for your business? If not, is it something you are searching for? . . . #creativebusiness #brisbanesmallbusiness #creativebusinessgroup #brandingbusiness #buildingbrands #branddesigner #brandgrowth #creativeprofessional #businesssupport #brandandcommunication #communicationsstrategy #brandstrategist #brisbanesmallbiz @ remy's
25.01.2022 Full disclosure: its been a while since Ive had a really good belly laugh. Do you ever get like that? Life happens, days tick over in a mix of laundry, work, kids, household management, laundry, relationship management, laundry and all the stuff in between? I cant remember the last time I laughed so hard I couldnt stop! And I find myself desperate for that feeling. Ive tried as well, looking for funny things, watching funny shows, but nope, nada...... Im smiling, sure, Im not unhappy but the belly laugh I desire seems out of reach. I wonder if we get so caught in everyday ticking over, with a dose of overwhelmed at times, we loose some of our senses, like sense of humour? My next step is practicing some mindfulness. Some being in the moment to help me reboot and find the funny! Do you ever get like this? Id love to know what has given you a good dose of laughing medicine lately! Please share!! ID: Woman with dark brown curly hair looking to the right and laughing with hand blurred in movement. She wears a yellow top with an orange beaded necklace and stands against a timer wall. . . . #smallbizsquad #businessbranding #brisbaneanyday #smallbizowner #entrepreneurlife #businessmum #aussiesmallbusiness #womeninbusiness #ninetothrive #branddesigner #buildyourbrand #brandingmob #branding101 #womenindesign #australiandesigner #buildingmybrand #contentmarketing #contentstrategy #brandstrategist #BrisbaneGraphicDesigner #marketingagency #shareyourstory #knowyourbrand #smallbizowner #smallbusinessbrisbane #brandingdesign See more
25.01.2022 Kick up the pants today when @justcreative added our podcast to the list of ‘best branding podcasts!’. So chuffed to be included with some of my fav podcasts out there! @brandingbanter has been a little quiet due to small humans being born but we hope to be back on deck soon! Speaking with Aussie businesses about their branding challenges and successes is always a pleasure and this episode from earlier in the year with @clare_wood_coach didn’t disappoint! I’ve been following... Clare for a while now and she has built an incredible brand and shares tips and advice and part of her story! Head over to @brandingbanter to get the link and have a listen through Apple podcasts or @spotify. As always thank you for the support and a huge thank you to Clare! . . . #aussiepodcast #smallbuisness #podcastlife #brandingpodcast #brandingdesign #brandingbanter #podcastlife #brisbanedesigner #brisbanebranding
24.01.2022 Have kids? Run a business? Work freelance? Manage the juggle? - In this solo episode, @gdayfrank and I discuss how having a business with children in tow looks for us and how it translates into how our brands are perceived. - With so many small Australia small businesses working from home offices and sharing spaces with families, it worth discussing how this impacts business and branding.... - Would love your thoughts over @brandingbanter if you have had a listen and of course reviews on various platforms are appreciated! - Thank you! . . . #smallbizsquad #businessbranding #brisbaneanyday #smallbizowner #entrepreneurlife #businessmum #aussiesmallbusiness #womeninbusiness #ninetothrive #branddesigner #buildyourbrand #aussiepodcast #branding101 #womenindesign #australiandesigner #buildingmybrand #contentmarketing #contentstrategy #brandstrategist #BrisbaneGraphicDesigner #marketingagency #shareyourstory #knowyourbrand #smallbizowner #smallbusinessbrisbane #brandingdesign
24.01.2022 When we talk about brand REFRESH we need to consider many aspects of the business and brand. - Often brands start off with little to no funds and dont have the skills or knowledge to build a brand image that reflects their business. - Over time logos and visual identities often stop matching business values, offerings and service. But, heres the thing, people come to know brands for certain visual assets. ... - Lets take this client of mine as an example. Forever Now is a celebrant in Western Australia, she works with weddings and funerals. Shed had a logo (slide two, bottom) that really didnt reflect the emotion, depth and personality of the business. BUT, she was known for the infinity heart icon and it resonated with her and her audience. The identity refresh for this business looked at keeping the key visual assets (name and icon graphic) but updating the style to bring it in much closer alignment to the brand image we wanted to reflect. - Brand redesign can be scary, and a complete new look isnt always actually the best direction for a business to take. People only have limited space in their memory to remember visual assets so when I work with clients on refreshing their brand and bringing them up to date, Im sure to not ignore the history and what visual assets people already identify with. - ID: a ser of slides with hand crafted script logo reading Forever Now and a warm pink infinity heart icon. Final two slides show work in progress pencil and ink lettering pieces. . . . #smallbizsquad #businessbranding #brisbaneanyday #smallbizowner #entrepreneurlife #businessmum #aussiesmallbusiness #womeninbusiness #ninetothrive #branddesigner #buildyourbrand #brandingmob #branding101 #womenindesign #australiandesigner #buildingmybrand #contentmarketing #contentstrategy #brandstrategist #BrisbaneGraphicDesigner #marketingagency #shareyourstory #knowyourbrand #smallbizowner #smallbusinessbrisbane #brandingdesign #brandrefresh #redesign #logodesignbrisbane #customlogodesign #handletteredtype @ Fig Tree Pocket
24.01.2022 Weird people drive innovation Rory Sutherland. I love this statement from a fantastic book Im reading Alchemy, the surprising power of ideas that dont make sense. It rings true to me about how innovation (which is the buzziest of buzz words) actually evolves. People who see the world in a less linear way are often the drivers of innovation, they are the ones inventing concepts and objects to solve problems they are having or see others having. Often the rational idea been done and not many people were excited. But the illogical, different and creative idea is the thing that generates change. Rory writes about the sandwich as an example. The sandwich evolved from a gambler who didnt want to leave his table to eat so he created the sandwich, a meal that could be delivered and eaten while still playing. Genius! Who is hungry? As businesses we need to continue to evolve and find creative ways to help solve our clients or customers problems. Id love to know if you have found illogical and creative practice a way to evolve your business? Let me know! . . . Tee shirt design care of moi @delphiejoy. . . . #businesswoman #businessstrategy #marketingstrategy #brisbanebusinesswomen #brisbanebusiness #brandingdesign #brandstrategist #branding101 #marketingconsultant #brandingconsultant #brandrefresh #branddevelopment #brandingtips #understandyouraudience #evolveyourbusiness #businessbydesign #ninetothrive #brisbanewesternsuburbs #innovativedesign
23.01.2022 How many drafts do you have saved? I have a million things I start writing, topics I want to discuss on branding, parenting, business and human stuff... but finishing them is where I find I struggle! Im not going to sit here telling you Im a content creating genius cos Im far from it! Like you, I have tonnes on my plate and many of those plates are spinning!... But, what I do try to keep doing, is showing up, as often as I can, writing, as often as I can and finishing the tasks at hand, as often as I can! Just a Friday reminder that being human in business is super ok, not being perfect and fluent in all the things, totally ok. Lets high five ourselves for showing up and making all the small progresses we make each day! Happy weekend! . . . #identitydesign #identitydesigner #brandbuilding#branddesign #branddesigner #brandidentitydesign #branding101 #brandbuilders #brandingexpert #brandingstudio#welovebranding #brandingmob #brandinginspiration #branddevelopment #brandstrategy #brandstrategist #brandingcoach #brandyourbusiness #businessbranding #brandyourself #brandingagency #brandconsultant #corporateidentity #brandmark #elevateyourbrand #smallbusinessbranding #smallbizowner #smallbizowners #creativebusinessowner #savvybusinessowners
21.01.2022 Refreshing to take time to do some normal work in a time of utter uncertainty... This lovely little wordmark forming part of the brand design Ive been working to complete. Looking forward to sharing more after the launch. #TypeMatters #letteringartist #BrisbaneTypedesign #BrisbaneHandLettering #BrisbaneLettering #BrandingDesign ... #CreativeBusiness #TheDesignBusiness #CreativeStrategy #EthicalBusiness #SustainableDesign #AustralianMade #SupportLocal #SustainableDesign #EthicalDesign #Branding #BrandStrategy #CustomLogo #WomenSupportingWomen #HandDrawn #LogoTypes #AustralianCalligraher #LetteringLeague See more
21.01.2022 Laying on the couch recovering from a food and drink coma this festive season? Doing long car trips and need a break from the kids chatter?? Dont forget to catch up on some podcasty banter! @brandingbanter can be listened to on all the main podcast platforms and this interview with the youthful powerhouse @sbj.studios on her recent rebranding process is sure to add value to your day!! Ok, enough sales talk! Just realised Id fallen behind a bit in plugging some of these epis...odes and on listening again I wanted to share! Are you an Aussie small business with branding questions? @gdayfrank and I would love to schedule an interview with you in 2020. Please drop us a DM so we can lock in a space to have you on the show! . . . ID: dark blue background with cherry red image of a woman with long hair in the right. Logo branding banter and text SBJ Studios ep7. . . . #smallbizpodcast #australianpodcast #designpodcast #businesspodcast #brandingpodcast #smallbizbranding #brandstrategy #sydneybusinessowners #brisbanebusiness #entrepreneurlife #podcastlife #aussiesmallbiz #brandidentity #brandstrategist #brandingpodcast
20.01.2022 Weird people drive innovation Rory Sutherland. I love this statement from a fantastic book I’m reading ‘Alchemy, the surprising power of ideas that don’t make sense’. It rings true to me about how innovation (which is the buzziest of buzz words) actually evolves. People who see the world in a less linear way are often the drivers of innovation, they are the ones inventing concepts and objects to solve problems they are having or see others having. Often the rational idea been done and not many people were excited. But the illogical, different and creative idea is the thing that generates change. Rory writes about the sandwich as an example. The sandwich evolved from a gambler who didn’t want to leave his table to eat so he created the sandwich, a meal that could be delivered and eaten while still playing. Genius! Who is hungry? As businesses we need to continue to evolve and find creative ways to help solve our clients or customers problems. I’d love to know if you have found illogical and creative practice a way to evolve your business? Let me know! . . . Tee shirt design care of moi @delphiejoy. . . . #businesswoman #businessstrategy #marketingstrategy #brisbanebusinesswomen #brisbanebusiness #brandingdesign #brandstrategist #branding101 #marketingconsultant #brandingconsultant #brandrefresh #branddevelopment #brandingtips #understandyouraudience #evolveyourbusiness #businessbydesign #ninetothrive #brisbanewesternsuburbs #innovativedesign
18.01.2022 How good are referrals? I had one today and Im forever chuffed and grateful for these! . As a small business, we generate most of our leads through referrals. Either through word of mouth or online testimonials. .... Why do referrals work and how can we promote this to future clients? . Referrals work because: . People trust people they know and like. So if someone you know and like recommends a service or product, you are far more likely to contact that person over some random company from Google. . Referrals generally come from someone whos had a good experience. We all want life to go smoothly so if we are referred to someone who fixed another persons problems, then fab, they will hopefully fix ours! . Takes less time! No one wants to be searching endlessly on the internet for a service provider! So a referral means, research time is cut short! Winning! . How can you make the most of referrals to generate more leads? . Ask previous happy clients for testimonials you can use on your social media or website. . Gain Google proof but asking clients or customers to leave Google or Facebook reviews. . Ensure your brand image reflects your service and offering when prospective customers look you up so they are quickly reassured they are making a good move contacting you. . TAKEAWAY: Referrals get you a hefty foot in the door when a potential lead is considering you. Your job is to not let them down by poor branding and communication when they come to contact you. . Let me know in the comments if you agree or disagree! Always room for discussion . . . ID: dark haired woman with white floral sleeveless dress and an orange beaded necklace stands against a timber wall with her hand in her hair, smiling. . . . #identitydesign #identitydesigner #brandbuilding#branddesign #branddesigner #brandidentitydesign #branding101 #brandbuilders #brandingexpert #brandingstudio#welovebranding #brandingmob #brandinginspiration #branddevelopment #brandstrategy #brandstrategist #brandingcoach #brandyourbusiness #businessbranding #smallbusinessbranding #brandingagency #brandconsultant #corporateidentity #brandmark #elevateyourbrand #uxdesign
18.01.2022 Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better. Maya Angelou. I love this quote and it continues to hold relevance in business as well as life. Right now, 2020 has delivered some of the greatest challenges for us all, and some more than others. We must continue to be flexible, adaptive and open to change. We must support and listen to minorities, our neighbours and friends. Our Brands must be fluid and adapt to changing landscapes.... We must strive to learn more, to listen instead of speak, and to be ok with being corrected or challenged. Let us work hard to be an inclusive, supportive and anti-racist community. Hands up if you are working towards this also . . . #BrandConsultancy #BrandStrategy #BrandDesign #ClosingTheBrandGap #BrisbaneBusiness #BrandConversations #BrandPlanning #BrandDiscovery #BrandTherapy #typedesignaustralia #handletteringbrisbane #lettering #BrisbaneHealth #creativebusiness #thedesignbusiness #creativestrategy #sustainabledesign #australianmade #graphicdesignaustralia #supportlocal #sustainableliving #ethicalliving #ethicaldesign #branding #logodesign #customlogo #thebrandidentity
18.01.2022 If you havent already, start your Monday and your December off on the right foot listening to Episode 6 of the @brandingbanter podcast! . Frank and I speak with Melanie from about digital marketing, personal branding and building trust with your audience through brand. As always, we would love your feedback and when we get it, it means the world! ... Thanks to Mel for her time and wisdom and we hope you all enjoy this episode! Available on @spotify @applepodcasts and Google podcasts. Head over to @brandingbanter for more info and thanks for tuning in! . . . #smallbizsquad #businessbranding #brisbaneanyday #smallbizowner #entrepreneurlife #businessmum #aussiesmallbusiness #womeninbusiness #ninetothrive #branddesigner #buildyourbrand #brandingmob #branding101 #womenindesign #smallbizpodcast #buildingmybrand #contentmarketing #contentstrategy #brandstrategist #aussiepodcast #marketingagency #shareyourstory #knowyourbrand #smallbizowner #smallbusinessbrisbane #brandingdesign
18.01.2022 Thank you for all the support yesterday with my post. I have set up a new page where I can share my hand lettered experiments and creations separate to the corporate offerings over here at See Creative. If this interests you, I would love you to follow along! with new things coming in 2020!
18.01.2022 Your logo isn’t your brand. But it’s one of the most identifying key assets of your brand. Make sure your logo is distinctive. I’m thankful my skill set now includes the ability to custom hand craft logos. Each one is completely custom as I don’t base them off existing typefaces any longer. In fact, I don’t take on that work. There are many other designers who can do this. Yes, I may be more expensive for this service, but as a business, my clients are receiving something truely unique. . . . #logodesign #customlogodesign #customlogo #handdrawnlogo #uniquebranding #brandingdesign #letteringartistsofinstagram #letteringartistbrisbane #brisbanelettering #brandspecialist #brandconsultant #brandingconsultancy #logocreation #identitydesign #distinctiveassets
17.01.2022 Hai! It’s been a minute! A few months ago I had the pleasure of working with Kirsty from @maematernal to build her brand strategy and develop her brand identity. Kirsty and I undertook a workshop via zoom (the new way to do things!) where we worked through her goals, and her ‘why’ and we deeply explored her ideal client. We were able to think more clearly about her brand name and brand identity once it was clear who we were communicating with. I hand crafted the logo and vis...ual assets, colour palette, fonts, photography style, that she can now take to any other designer or utilise herself to create a suite of material. Brand awareness is about consistency and building trust with your audience. Once you are clear on who you are communicating with, you can really start to have great conversations! Swipe through to see some process shots and get in touch with Kirsty if you are pregnant in Perth! . . . #brandingstrategist #brandbuilding #brisbanebrandconsultant #brisbanebranding #brandingdesign #smallbusinessbranding #smallbizgrowthtips #smallbizgrowthstrategy #aussiebusinesswomen #ninetothrive #customlogodesign #brandmarketing #womensupportingwomen #enterpreneurlife #businessmindset #businessmindset101 #branding101 #brandingconsulting #thisisbrisbane #brisbanebusinesswomen @ Perth, Western Australia
16.01.2022 Have you caught episode 3 of the @brandingbanter podcast? Frank and I interview the powerhouse couple @hannahpriestly and @fir3mansam from @thebosscoop. Listen in about how they saw a need in the market and how they first launched the product without branding and what a difference it made when they launched a second time.... Let us know if you have checked it out, and follow over at @brandingbanter for more podcasty banter! Happy Monday!! . . . . #smallbizsquad #businessbranding #brisbaneanyday #smallbizowner #entrepreneurlife #podcastau #aussiesmallbusiness #womeninbusiness #ninetothrive #branddesigner #buildyourbrand #brandingmob #branding101 #podcastlife #australiandesigner #buildingmybrand #contentmarketing #contentstrategy #brandstrategist #aussiepodcast #marketingagency #shareyourstory #knowyourbrand #smallbizowner #smallbusinessbrisbane #brandingdesign
16.01.2022 The workshop that almost didn’t happen! Honestly, some days, weeks, years, we are thrown curve balls we don’t think we can catch, but if we do, if we extend ourselves, push past the hard, seemingly impossible... we can truely rise. I’m too tired to write the whole story of today’s shenanigans, but what we did of the workshop, when it finally happened, was truely valuable! Looking forward to session 2! ... Have a guess why that second photo is there! Fun and games! . . . #womenleaders #brisbanementalhealth #strategyworkshop #brandstrategy #brandingstrategy #designstrategy #workingmothers #thejuggle #curveball #brisbanebrandconsultant #brisbanebranding #consulting #facilitator #globalleadership #womenrising #womxnrising #onyuggeracountry
16.01.2022 Words to live by This powerful quote I heard recently on my new fav #podcast @helloartistceo, you should listen to it if you are like me, both a business mind and a creative. I have struggled with finding an identity between the two for a while and hearing this podcast has shed some light for me on the fact, you can be both. As our businesses grow and evolve, we can be faced with change at every corner. Even when we do all the goal setting and mindset work, the and the implementation, we can find, personally, we struggle at times with focus and purpose. I love the power of these words as they reflect back on us as humans in business or in a creative field, that we have some control, to an extent, over the purpose we give our lives. I also love that this allows us to be human and expect change in the purpose as inevitable. Does this quote sit with you? Have you found at times the purpose of your life changes? Love to hear your thoughts! ID: textured black pen on brown paper reading there is no purpose to life than the purpose you give it. . . . #brandingstrategist #brandbuilding #brisbanebrandconsultant #brisbanebranding #brandingdesign #smallbusinessbranding #smallbizgrowthtips #smallbizgrowthstrategy #aussiebusinesswomen #ninetothrive #socialmediamarketing #brandmarketing #womensupportingwomen #enterpreneurlife #businessmindset #businessmindset101 #branding101 #brandingconsulting #thisisbrisbane #brisbanebusinesswomen
14.01.2022 This week celebrated #worldkindnessday2019 apparently! Eek, so many days, I loose track! But Im a massive supporter of the kindness movement, even though there are many who think its overdone. Im my eyes, kindness is the first step to compassion, understanding and empathy and something we can all aim to show more of. - Im a big believer in never fully knowing another persons story or journey, even if you are close to them so offer kindness even when their behaviour is und...esirable. It wont fix all the problems of the world but its a good start! - Kindness matters in business as well. We are interacting with humans on the daily, and while brave faces might be what we see, lets remember we have no idea what internal dialouges are going on. Extra time, compassion and understanding of business contacts, clients and suppliers can go a long way. - Do you agree? . . . . . [ID] dark haired woman with black singket and red cloth necklace sitting st a table handlettering words kindness matters #smallbizsquad #businessbranding #brisbaneanyday #smallbizowner #entrepreneurlife #businessmum #aussiesmallbusiness #womeninbusiness #ninetothrive #branddesigner #buildyourbrand #brandingmob #branding101 #womenindesign #australiandesigner #buildingmybrand #contentmarketing #contentstrategy #brandstrategist #BrisbaneGraphicDesigner #marketingagency #shareyourstory #knowyourbrand #smallbizowner #smallbusinessbrisbane #brandingdesign #kindnessmatters #handcraftedbrands
14.01.2022 Feels a bit wrong wishing everyone a happy new year when Australia has been on fire, so many lives, homes and wildlife have been lost. Its hard to not be all consumed by the horrifying damage happening to our country. The start of a new year is typically a challenging time for many people and businesses, especially those who have been directly effected by the bushfires. To curb overwhelm and anxiety spikes at this time, Ive found some help and comfort in creating a goals Ive done 2 lists: 1 The big brainstorm dump, with all the things rushing around in my head, for both personal and business goals. I have included a couple of ambitious things in there because there is no growth without struggle. 2 The refined, small list, with a few key goals I can confidently action within short spaces of time, say the next few days/weeks. I have found this helps me get perspective, and start, even when Im time poor (hello school holidays with 3 kids at home and being pregnant!) and build momentum. Dont feel you are alone with trying to get into the new year especially when it has been so tragedy filled in only 7 days. Many of us are with you. Comment below if you can share any tips on how you are overcoming or combating this current new year start. . . . ID: curly dark haired woman with glasses and a white shirt, with a plant and screening in the background. . . . #brandingstrategist #brandbuilding #brisbanebrandconsultant #brisbanebranding #brandingdesign #smallbusinessbranding #smallbizgrowthtips #smallbizgrowthstrategy #aussiebusinesswomen #ninetothrive #socialmediamarketing #brandmarketing #womensupportingwomen #enterpreneurlife #businessmindset #businessmindset101 #branding101 #brandingconsulting #thisisbrisbane #brisbanebusinesswomen #marketingagency #shareyourstory #knowyourbrand #smallbizowner #smallbusinessbrisbane #brandingdesign
14.01.2022 Today I turned down a project. There was a time I wouldnt have felt confident doing this in my business but today I can tell quite quickly if a project isnt a good fit for my business. What gave me this confidence? ... Brand positioning. Identifying my core customer. Desired future state of the business. By working through these factors, a business is in a position to choose more confidently the work they want to engage in and identify quickly the projects that arent a good fit. How do you communicate to your core customer your offerings? Your brand image, your brand voice and your brand identity are a good place to start! But also by being explicit. On my website now, Ive added points of what you do and dont receive when working with me. Not to be selective, but to ensure clients are not confused by whats on offer and what kind of service they will receive. Recently, a client said to me Ive manifested all these perfect clients for my business, I pulled her aside and said, Im not sure thats all manifesting, I think its a bit to do with all the branding we have done! Tell me, have you gotten to a place where you are more confident about the clients you work with? What would help you get there do you think or whats holding you back? Let me know in the comments! . . . ID: desk scattered with paper and drawing pens and brushes. Womans hands seen writing in black ink. by lovely @edealex
14.01.2022 Hand up if you think all brandmarks and logos are starting to look the same? - Im currently writing a blog post on why we are seeing so much of the same thing out there and in a sense people wanting to fit in to a category or marketplace rather than stand out. - We are graced with exceptional type designers and custom lettering artists who can create brand identities that stand out from the competition rather than blend in.... - Im still really proud of this custom mark I created for a UK company two years ago. Swipe for some WIP shots. - Image ID: black and white script lettering reading Sweet Rides. The two following images are scattered pencil sketches on a table. . . . #lmbdw #smallbizsquad #smallbusinessowners #smallbusinesslife #smallbusinessrocks #buildyourbrand #brandbuilder #brandingstrategy #visualbranding #logodesignersclub #logofolio #logoprocess #logomaker #logoplace #logobrand #logoinspire #herestothecreatives #logoawesome #logogrid #logoconcept #brandlogo #businesslogo #logolove #logopassion #logoshop #logoideas #companylogo #logodaily #logodesigners #logobranding #brandlogo #businesslogo #logolove #logopassion #logoshop #logoideas #companylogo #logodaily #logodesigners #logobranding
13.01.2022 3 ways you can start building brand awareness in a new market I get asked this question all the time from established small businesses that want to tap into a new market, be it a new industry or a new product launch with a different audience. Spoiler alert!... It takes time! It wont happen overnight! Three things you can start doing today: 1 Research. Know all you can about the new market you want to break into. Ask, read, learn! 2 Plan. Establish key ways you can get your brand in front of your new market. Schedule, write and plan! 3 Be consistent. Seems obvious, but however you plan to communicate with this audience, do so consistently. Use your visual brand assets, tone of voice, and messaging consistently to establish the awareness in the new market place. And allow time, a minimum of 6 months consistent marketing and brand building to see any traction. It wont happen overnight, but it will happen! Got questions? Always up for some banter on these topics! Let me know in the comments! . . . #brandingstrategist #brandawareness #marketing101 #communicationstrategy #brandbuilding #brisbanebrandconsultant #brisbanebranding #brandingdesign #smallbusinessbranding #smallbizgrowthtips #smallbizgrowthstrategy #aussiebusinesswomen #ninetothrive #socialmediamarketing #brandmarketing #womensupportingwomen #enterpreneurlife #businessmindset #businessmindset101 #branding101 #brandingconsulting #thisisbrisbane #brisbanebusinesswomen @ Kenmore
13.01.2022 Here is a finished piece Ill be showing in my workshop on Friday. Demonstrating how custom lettering made with handmade tools can be the basis of design used to communicate any number of feelings to an audience. Remember that to be memorable, often you need to be different. ID: image of a brown exterior wall with a framed poster hanging. Poster is a man in blue smoke dancing with white script lettering reading expression and mock text supporting the lettering.... In the foreground of the photo are some bicycles. . . . #lmbdw #smallbizsquad #smallbusinessowners #smallbusinesslife #smallbusinessrocks #buildyourbrand #brandbuilder #brandingstrategy #visualbranding #logodesignersclub #logofolio #logoprocess #logomaker #logoplace #logobrand #logoinspire #herestothecreatives #logoawesome #logogrid #logoconcept #brandlogo #businesslogo #logolove #logopassion #logoshop #logoideas #companylogo #logodaily #logodesigners #logobranding #brandlogo #businesslogo #logolove #logopassion #logoshop #logoideas #companylogo #logodaily #logodesigners #logobranding
13.01.2022 Why is sorting out your customer personas so important? Today I had a online consult with some wonderful clients starting a new venture. They were ready to dive into naming, visuals and getting the ball rolling. I requested we start with some discovery discussion specifically geared to helping us align and find clarity on the brands vision, why they were wanting to start this venture and their who.... We spent a good portion of the time nutting out customer personas and getting a clear vision of who this audience was and how we can best support and engage with them. Understanding your audience on such a micro level, allows decisions on name and brand image to flow more easily because you have clarity around who you are wanting to communicate with and what will connect with that audience. The other thing to note is that this can change over time. But Im order to gain traction in a marketplace, you need to be clear on who the audience is and what they need and want. People want to buy from people they know, like and trust, so knowing what sort of person you are selling to is essential to communicating successfully and closing more sales. Do you have a clear customer persona set? If not, whats your biggest struggle in developing this? . . . ID: dark haired woman with sleeveless patterned dress and hands on hips. White headphones sit around her neck. . . . #brandstrategy #brandbuilding #branddesign #brandconsultant #brisbanebranding #brisbanesmallbusiness #brisbaneanyday #brandsofaustralia #bizbranding #branding101 #brandingconsultancy #aussiebtandbuilder #strategy #strategydesign
12.01.2022 Episode 4 of the @brandingbanter podcast is live. With special guest Sarah Broderick from @connected_children. Sarah shares insights on how branding has helped her as a sole business owner and transformed her outward credibility. The thing we want with this podcast is to keep talking to real Australian businesses about real topics. ... I hope you will have a listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify and apparently its now on Google Podcasts too! Follow the links over on the @brandingbanter account for more info. Thanks again to my co-host and producer of all the things @gdayfrank and to Sarah for her time and expertise! Enjoy! Image ID: blue background with cherry red duo tone image of a woman on the left and the words Ep 4, Branding Banter Podcast on a logo. Under that reads Connected Children with Sarah Broderick. . . . . #smallbizsquad #businessbranding #brisbaneanyday #smallbizowner #entrepreneurlife #businessmum #aussiesmallbusiness #womeninbusiness #ninetothrive #branddesigner #buildyourbrand #brandingmob #branding101 #womenindesign #australiandesigner #buildingmybrand #contentmarketing #contentstrategy #brandstrategist #BrisbaneGraphicDesigner #marketingagency #shareyourstory #knowyourbrand #smallbizowner #smallbusinessbrisbane #brandingdesign #australianpodcasts #brandingpodcast #sydneypodcast #businesspodcast #smallbizpodcast
11.01.2022 Super excited to be delivering my first #workshop on Mark Making later this week. Its something Ive been so keen to do for a while. Its using handmade/found tools to express and create different textural results. Im teaching this workshop at a local high school but Im certainly keen to do more of this work! Let me know if this is something that interests you, a group, class, workplace! Everyone could gain benefits from what a workshop like this can produce!... Please get in touch if you would like to discuss this more! . . . #markmaking #diytools #brisbaneworkshops #workshopbrisbane #creativeworkshops #corporateworkshops #workshopformentalhealth #arttherapy #highschoolworkshop #teachingbrisbane #corporateevents #brisbaneevents #designbrisbane #graphicdesignbrisbane #createeveryday #handmade #handcrafted #learnnewthings #creativebrisbane #ndissupport #createformentalhealth #markmakingworkshop #letteringworkshop
11.01.2022 In the latest episode of the @brandingbanter podcast that went live yesterday, Frank and I spoke with @melaniehoole about why niching has been instrumental in her business success as a digital marketing agency for real estate businesses. She shares some awesome insights into why and how and how important branding is both in a personal and business sense for agents. Head over to the @brandingbanter page to get all the links or search in Spotify, Apple podcasts and Google Podca...sts for Branding Banter! Keen to know, do you have a niche market? Are you scared or nervous to niche? Let me know in the comments! . . . ID: Kraft paper booklet open with various pencil sketches of the word NICHE written. There is a ruler, eraser and pencils surrounding the open pages. . . . #realestatemarketing #digitalmarketing #australianbusinesspodcast #aussiepodcasts #niching #digitalmarketingagency #branddesigner #brisbanebrandbuilders #brisbanebranddesigner #sydneyrealestate #brisbanerealestate #podcastaustralia #smallbizpodcast #womeninbusiness #aussiewomeninbusiness
11.01.2022 Kick up the pants today when @justcreative added our podcast to the list of best branding podcasts!. So chuffed to be included with some of my fav podcasts out there! @brandingbanter has been a little quiet due to small humans being born but we hope to be back on deck soon! Speaking with Aussie businesses about their branding challenges and successes is always a pleasure and this episode from earlier in the year with @clare_wood_coach didnt disappoint! Ive been following... Clare for a while now and she has built an incredible brand and shares tips and advice and part of her story! Head over to @brandingbanter to get the link and have a listen through Apple podcasts or @spotify. As always thank you for the support and a huge thank you to Clare! . . . #aussiepodcast #smallbuisness #podcastlife #brandingpodcast #brandingdesign #brandingbanter #podcastlife #brisbanedesigner #brisbanebranding
11.01.2022 I didnt expect to have this level of conversation with a graphic designer - I cant tell you how often I hear this when I engage in discussion with new clients. - I changed my job title a while ago because honestly, Im not a graphic designer. Im a communications specialist and brand designer. Im a lettering artist and brand consultant!... - I ask lots of questions, I like to dig deep into why and then, work out the how! - I remember 15 or so years ago when I travelled to mine sites to learn more about the clients message, who they were communicating with and what we were trying to achieve. I knew there was more to my role than just making things look good. - I realised that what I offered was a very human relationship. I knew there was more to communicating a brand message for a client and I couldnt achieve this sitting behind a computer saying yes. - Sometimes I feel like I need to spend lots of time explaining what I can do, but thats because its not a straight answer. - How I try and communicate my offerings: - Brand messaging - using language that explains what I am about and how I can help. - Content - Im still not brilliant at content creation but Im trying! Im getting more confident sharing my knowledge and findings and expertise. - Conversations - allowing people space to voice their problems so I can help find solutions. Relationships are essential to the work I do. - Id love to hear if you find a disconnect between your job title and what you actually offer?! - ID: dark haired woman sitting with arms crossed inside a cafe, looking out through an open window. She wears a patterned dress and is smiling. Photo by the talented Erin Cody . . . #businesschicks #brandstylist #femalebusinessowner #brandinspiration #brandstrategist #wearethecreativeeconomy #hersuccess #dreamersandoers #creativebiz #calledtocreate #mycreativecommnity #girlpreneur #girlbosstribe #womanwithvision #solopreneurlife #herbusiness #theimperfectboss #9tothrive #collectivehub #goaldiggersociety #goalgetters #goaldiggers #fempreneurs #businessstrategist #hustlewithease #bizowners #thisgirlmeansbusiness #herbusiness #savybusinessowners #girlbossau
10.01.2022 When your pharmacy order arrives and you think, thats right, I designed that brand image and packaging! Natural Chemist has been a long time client of mine and its been fabulous working with them over the years. I also love when I work with businesses I believe in and can support in return! They are an integrative pharmacy which supports wellbeing in many forms. When we designed their brand image years ago, the focus was on maintaining the tradition pharmacy model bu...t reflecting the natural and alternative options without making it too fluffy. As they say, we like the natural stuff but we also do the hard drugs too! . . . #pharmacybranding #medicalbranding #logodesign #branding #brandbuilder #packagingdesign #pharmacysydney #chemistbranding #logodesignstudio #branddesignstudio #ninetothrive #australianbranddesigner #aussiebranding #aussielogodesigner #brisbanepharmacy #brisbanepharmacist #foodasmedicine #naturaltherapies #brandstrategist #branding101 @ Greenwich, New South Wales, Australia See more
09.01.2022 2020 is time for change... Ive been MIA. Why? Ive been working on my business and deciding what it is I want to achieve and the goals Im setting moving into 2020. This is a milestone year in my career...... Ive been a designer since 2000 and Ive worked for multi national companies to micro home based businesses. Ive got 20 years experience under my belt and sometimes I forget the value that brings. I do know my passion to produce general corporate graphic design is no longer present. And Im ok to admit that now. My drive and my love is for the people in the businesses I work with, the conversations, the support and facilitation to help businesses build brands that communicate successfully, keep internal teams aligned, and have strategic direction to achieve business goals. Starting next year, Ill be offering consultation slots and packages where start ups and established businesses can get deep in their business direction and we can look to build clear and distinctive brand direction. Its a scary move to make a strong pivot like this but it feels right, feels positive and feels like this is my next step in growth. Ill still be exercising my creative bones over @delphiejoy where Ill be releasing a line of lettering prints and works online so if its the lettering a type you love me for, head over there for more of that work! Thanks as always for supporting me! What is 2020 looking like for your business? . . ID: woman with brown glasses, in colourful dress sitting, leaning forward looking to the left of the screen, smiling. . . . #businesschicks #brandstylist #femalebusinessowner #brandinspiration #brandstrategist #wearethecreativeeconomy #hersuccess #dreamersandoers #creativebiz #calledtocreate #mycreativecommnity #brandstory #brisbanesmallbusiness #womanwithvision #solopreneurlife #herbusiness #theimperfectboss #9tothrive #collectivehub #goaldiggersociety #goalgetters #goaldiggers #fempreneurs #businessstrategist #brandbuilder #bizowners #brandconsultant #herbusiness #savybusinessowners #aussiebizbabes
09.01.2022 I know many of us are spreading kindness and gratitude but please if you do access any essential service at this time, including people doctoring, cleaning, teaching, nursing, policing, retailing, delivering etc, make the point of saying thank you. I just thanked the drs and nurses at the surgery I attended to get a shot, and they said it was a welcome change from the abuse they have been receiving... A thank you for doing what you are doing goes a long way. . . . #kindnessmatters #spreadkindness #thankyou #isolationcreation #selfisolation #showusyourtype #thedesigntip #goodtypetuesday #typeeverything #typespire #calligraphydaily #artoftype #betype #handmadefont #typegang #welovetype #handdrawnlogo#customlogodesign #TYxCA #letteringco #typeco #customtype #handmadetype #goodtype #typism #brushtype #typelove #ligaturecollective
09.01.2022 M A R K E T I N G T H I N G S I’m interrupting your day with a little snippet of knowledge. An overview of two different types of marketing our business can do and what we should expect from both.... This will be a blog on my site soon but until then, let me know if you have any questions regarding this or tell me, are you using both brand and direct marketing? ID: a set of 8 slide images all text based discussing the difference between brand marketing and direct marketing. Content will be available as text on my blog shortly. If you need clarification of the text here sooner, please get in touch so I can send it to you directly. . . . #marketingbrisbane #socialenterpriseaustralia #servicebasedbusiness #brisbanebusiness #directmarketing #brandmarketing #claritymarketing #brandingbrisbane #brandbuilding #brandingmarketing #brandstrategy #marketingstrategy #designstrategy #branddesigner #socialenterprise #womensupportingwomen #onyuggeracountry
06.01.2022 IWD2020 Empowering women is not just the work of women, it is the responsibility of ALL humans. Womens rights are human rights. They are about celebrating diversity and skill and worth. They are allowing individuals to make personal choices and empowering communities to make change. Womens Equality starts with those MEN and women who already have strong voices. Let them be heard! @delphiejoy . I was raised by a strong woman and man. My parents supported womens liberation... in the 70s and I was raised knowing gender and racial equality. I have so much privilege. I dont take that for granted. Ive come to learn that womens rights are something so many women in our world know nothing of. So many women continue to be at the mercy of men, mens laws, mens wants, mens demands, mens anger. But there are many amazing men and women who have the power to help this change, they have voices that are heard, trusted and influential. Lets not put womens empowerment solely on women, lets make it everyones role to champion the equality of human kind. Thanks for reading! . . . #iwd2020 #empoweredwomen #iwdtypism #womenempowerment #humanrights #womensrightsarehumanrights #rulingpen #brisbaneletteringartist #tellingstorieswithletters #uniquelyhuman #brisbaneartist #mindfulmarkmarking @internationalwomensday_global @typism @businesschicks #womeninbusiness #humankindness #womensupportingwomen #menandwomenareequal #equality #melindagates #visualvoice
05.01.2022 Hai! Its been a minute! A few months ago I had the pleasure of working with Kirsty from @maematernal to build her brand strategy and develop her brand identity. Kirsty and I undertook a workshop via zoom (the new way to do things!) where we worked through her goals, and her why and we deeply explored her ideal client. We were able to think more clearly about her brand name and brand identity once it was clear who we were communicating with. I hand crafted the logo and vis...ual assets, colour palette, fonts, photography style, that she can now take to any other designer or utilise herself to create a suite of material. Brand awareness is about consistency and building trust with your audience. Once you are clear on who you are communicating with, you can really start to have great conversations! Swipe through to see some process shots and get in touch with Kirsty if you are pregnant in Perth! . . . #brandingstrategist #brandbuilding #brisbanebrandconsultant #brisbanebranding #brandingdesign #smallbusinessbranding #smallbizgrowthtips #smallbizgrowthstrategy #aussiebusinesswomen #ninetothrive #customlogodesign #brandmarketing #womensupportingwomen #enterpreneurlife #businessmindset #businessmindset101 #branding101 #brandingconsulting #thisisbrisbane #brisbanebusinesswomen @ Perth, Western Australia
05.01.2022 Sarah is a long term client of mine and has been working hard behind the scenes to create content for parents out there. This video will hopefully be super valuable for those parents out there looking for more calm during this current isolation period. Head over and follow her for more great advice.
04.01.2022 We are irrational decision makers... Do you know anything about a availability bias? Its a fascinating topic Ive been learning about and Im sharing some insights on my blog about how understanding this can help your business. If you have a read, Id love your thoughts.... . . . #brandingstrategist #brandbuilding #brisbanebrandconsultant #brisbanebranding #brandingdesign #smallbusinessbranding #smallbizgrowthtips #smallbizgrowthstrategy #aussiebusinesswomen #ninetothrive #socialmediamarketing #brandmarketing #womensupportingwomen #enterpreneurlife #businessmindset #businessmindset101 #branding101 #brandingconsulting #thisisbrisbane #brisbanebusinesswomen
02.01.2022 And just like that my little business is a decade old! - I started See Creative in 2009 after my first pregnancy ended in miscarriage and I realised there were parts of my life I couldnt control and other parts I could. Id always loved business and I decided to turn my freelance role into a full blown company and go out on my own. I left my contract role and with the support of my partner, I took the steps to create and start my business. - The first year was exceptional! I... hit the ground running! In the days before social media, I attended heaps of networking events, I was working long days and loving it! - I had amazing clients and projects and was kicking goals! - My first son arrived a bit over a year later and I was nervous about how that would look. Would I lose all my clients? - Thankfully many waited around till I was ready to take on work again and the next 5 years looked like babies, working when babies slept, or didnt sleep, juggling new and existing clients and learning new skills. - The move to Brisbane from Perth in 2015 changed things again. Although much of my work was able to be done via the internet, I had to start my networking and building of relationships again. - Now as 2019 comes to a close, and Im pregnant with a surprise 4th child, Im looking to the future for what See Creative will be. - Working for myself for a decade has seen some incredible highs and crappy lows. The constant juggle of feast and famine with workflow always keeps things interesting. Ive met some wonderful clients who are doing great things as well as other creatives Im grateful to call fantastic supports. - And I couldnt celebrate 10 years without thanking my husband, Tom, for always listening to me whinge and complain and be unsure and confident and have new ideas and then doubt myself! Hes my book keeper, support, and financial backing! Hes my number one partner. And to my family, parents and siblings for having faith in me and always being a ear when Im stressed or worried. I may work on my own but they are all my team . - How am I celebrating this milestone? Late night vacuuming and prepping for the week ahead! Its a glamorous life! See more
02.01.2022 Was such a great set of workshops! Looking forward to doing more in the future!
01.01.2022 Branding: Is different more effective than better? New blog post on the website. Check it out!
01.01.2022 Today I facilitated a second workshop session with a team of 5, based remotely. It was my first time using @mural_app with this many people and I was very excited for these brainstorming sessions where all members actively got involved in ‘post-it’s’! Here we are brainstorming all the different kinds of customer personas we can think of for the business. Thanks to Stef @letstalkbranding for the suggestion of Mural and some guidance around setting it up! Keen to hear how you h...ave worked on collaborating in remote sessions? . . . #muralapp #brandstrategy #brandingstrategy #brandconsultant #brandconsultingbrisbane #brisbanebrand #brisbanebranddesign #branddesigner #workshop #facilitation #holisticbrandingconsultant #onyuggeracountry See more
01.01.2022 Listening back to our next podcast coming out for @brandingbanter and loved this part of the interview! - When Sarah from @connected_children tells the story of when after months of us working on her branding, she claims that she had manifested all these perfect clients and we discussed how thats the exact role of what brand communication is all about! - I hope you will tune in later this week when the episode goes live!... - Tell me, do you believe in branding or manifesting . . . ID: yellow, teal, orange and white organic shapes for the background for a text graphic that reads I thought I was manifesting all these perfect clients, turns out branding strategy works! Sarah Broderick - Connected Children . . . #identitydesign #identitydesigner #brandbuilding#branddesign #branddesigner #brandidentitydesign #branding101 #brandbuilders #brandingexpert #brandingstudio#welovebranding #brandingmob #brandinginspiration #branddevelopment #brandstrategy #brandstrategist #brandingcoach #brandyourbusiness #businessbranding #brandyourself #brandingagency #brandconsultant #corporateidentity #brandmark #elevateyourbrand #smallbusinessbranding #smallbizowner #smallbizowners #creativebusinessowner #savvybusinessowners
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