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Seek Home Loans Qld in Peachester, Queensland, Australia | Mortgage brokers

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Seek Home Loans Qld

Locality: Peachester, Queensland, Australia

Phone: +61 410 327 673


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23.01.2022 As expected the Reserve Bank has announced a drop of 0.25% in the cash rate at it's latest meeting bringing it down to a record low of 1.5%. As was predicted by many in the Industry, the Lenders have held back the full reduction on the variable rates and passed on roughly half of this decrease to it's Lending clients. The attached report covers this.... It would appear this is to balance the reduction of the cash rate for investors and lessen the impact on that area of the finance industry. It begs the question - how many more reductions can we expect? It also opens thought on what might be a good time to look at fixing your rate for all or perhaps part of your Loan. If you are interested in how this has impacted your loan or want to see if your current rates are still competitive please drop us a line and we would be happy to do a review for you

21.01.2022 As many would know the RBA yesterday made a further 0.25% reduction to the cash rate leaving it at 2.5% This cash rate is the one that helps determines the variable rate on your Home Loan It is interesting to sit back and see how the Major lenders handle not just the process of working that reduction in to their Interest rate offerings but also how they try to benefit from it.... Westpac's move to reduce their Standard rate by 0.28% is a perfect example of ceasing the moment - headline it with the media - Westpac pass on more than the other Majors. It does grab your attention. But lets put it into perspective Westpac have had the highest standard variable rate of the Majors since the GFC. Until this 'generous' offering of an extra 0.03% they were up to 0.13% higher than the best of the other Majors. Don't get caught out by the hype as it is often tied in with the smoke & mirrors the Majors use to have the general public think they are doing it tough, that margins are squeezed and they don't make much out of your Home Loans. Look at the maths when it comes to margins: Standard Variable rate - 5.88% (NAB) less cash rate 2.5% = margin 3.38% Not a bad margin to work with and considerably more than the margins pre GFC - their not doing it tough, the consumers are. There is plenty of room for these lenders to give the average Mortgage Holder a better deal. As always I am happy to discuss this further and work out what is a good deal right now You might find the best option isn't one of the 'Majors'

20.01.2022 I have attached an article that looks at the imminent changes in the way Mortgage Lenders deal with the Interest rates for Investment Property loans. ASIC have sited the potential for a property 'bubbles' in Sydney and Melbourne as the catalyst for tighter controls of the Investor Lending sector. This will likely take the Industry back to the days when you paid a higher Interest rate for your Investment property loan than you do for your Home Loan.... Moving forward, don't be surprised to also see tougher regulation on the affordability levels the Lenders implement when assessing a loan as the Regulatory bodies promote 'Responsible Lending' through the Mortgage Market. With Interest rates currently at record low levels and the potential for them to rise historically back up to 7 - 7.5% the concern (rightly) is that this might put pressure on the average Mortgage holder to be able to afford their loan commitments as rates rise. One safeguard that is already in place is the use of a rate buffer by the Lenders when assessing a loan application. This happens behind the scenes and involves the Lender applying a higher rate when calculating the client's affordability - usually incorporating a buffer of between 2.5% to 3% depending on the lender. No need to worry - they don't apply this rate to your loan! As I often say to my clients, it doesn't matter how much the Computer says you can afford, your own person budget and circumstances should be a major part of determining whether you can afford the commitment you are looking to take on. One way a Mortgage Holder can protect themselves against the possibility of rate rises in the future is to look at bringing in fixed Interest rate options to their loan structure. As always, we are happy to discuss any details relating to your Mortgage requirements. I am only a phone call away - 0410 327 673 Cheers Greg

16.01.2022 One of the key topics I have been discussing with many of my clients of late is how to structure fixed rates into their existing or proposed loan facilities. With fixed rates at their lowest since they became part of the Finance landscape over 20 years ago, it is a reasonable discussion to have. The rule of thumb for a Broker (or any loan adviser) when giving advise on fixed rates is that they can't!!... No one knows exactly where rates are heading and therefore no one is in a position to tell a client what to do. The final decision must come down to the client's own preference. One thing that an adviser can do however is look at the things that should be considered when deciding on: - When to fix - What period to fix in for - What is a good fixed rate in terms of the market - What are the pro's and con's of fixing These are just a few of the considerations that an adviser can help their clients understand before they make their decision. If you are thinking about fixing and want more information or a chat about options please give me a call or drop me a line There is never too much information when it comes to this topic

13.01.2022 Great effort by the team at Seek Home Loans - punching way above it's weight in a tough industry This is recognition of the hard work put in by the team over the past few years and the vision of the Groups CEO Chris Staats I feel privileged to be part of such a dynamic group of people

12.01.2022 I have been talking to many of my clients over recent months about the fixed rate market and the benefits of locking in rates on all or part of their debts. While I can't tell you what to do as I am not the owner of a crystal ball, I can certainly keep everyone updated on changes in the fixed interest rate market. The past 12 months have been easy in this regard as rates have slowly reduced and no pressure has been evident on this trend changing.... I did however promise many of you that if there was a change in this position i would advise. One of my leading lenders has announced today an increase of 0.20% on their 3 year fixed rate and 0.24% on their 5 year fixed rate. Whether this is simply a pricing adjustment on their behalf or the start of a new upward trend is anyone's guess however i believe it is something that needs an eye kept on for those who are rate conscious. If you are looking at fixed options with your existing loans or loans about to come on board and want to discuss further please feel free to give me a call on 0410 327 673. I have a Fixed rate spreadsheet I will be updating over the next week noting all the major lenders fixed rates and would be happy to send you a copy when completed. I am certainly not saying that you should fix however I do believe it is a good time to consider the option

10.01.2022 It is nice to see the old face to face meeting is not loosing it's worth in what is becoming an 'online' World

10.01.2022 Over the past quarter century the Australian economy has been underpinned by a strong and consistent Banking Industry - some say the envy of the World economies But are the Banks as strong as we think they are? This article might have you think otherwise.

09.01.2022 Another timely email from my colleague Lou Scarano regarding the movement in the fixed rate market right now Recent rate rises had been isolated to Investment Loans however it is evident that the banks are also moving on the Home Loan fixed rates I have an email going out to my exiting clients today in this regard to this and opening communication if they feel fixing rate sin might be a benefit to them... I am available on 0410 327 673 if anyone wants to chat about their options

08.01.2022 We are constantly hearing in the media about the Resources boom and the impact it has on the Mining Sector. One flow on from this is the effect changes in the Mining sector have on property prices in the areas that provide accommodation for the workers. When it comes to buying a rental property, It is important to look at what drives demand and ultimately the prices in the area you are looking to purchase in.... Areas that rely predominantly on the local mines or are a hub for fly in/fly out Mining workers need to be more closely scrutinized. Can these areas survive and hold their value if a downturn comes in the area.

07.01.2022 Hot off the press - the RBA has just confirmed a reduction of 0.25% in the cash rate bringing it down to an historical low of 2.75%.

07.01.2022 Hello and thank you for joining our new business page Seek Home Loans Qld As the name implies the business is based in Queensland however we service the needs of our clients from all parts of the Globe. We hope to use this page to provide updates on what we consider to be important developments in the area of Personal and Business Finance and create an avenue for feedback and inquiry.... We have also recently set up a Web page - - which we plan to evolve and share further information. Both the FB and Web pages are a work in progress and your input would be welcome on what information you would like to see and ideas you might have to improve. Our business is predominantly referral based so if you have anyone you feel might benefit from Professional Financial advise we would welcome you introducing our business to them. I look forward to hearing from you soon

05.01.2022 Great recognition for the team from Seek Home Loans

05.01.2022 Here is little bit of light reading on how Australia's Housing market moved in June - the growth being a turn around on the May figures. Not much to hang your hat on if you are looking for longer term growth or trends but at least a bit more positive news - particularly for the Brisbane area

03.01.2022 I think we all know an Interest rate rise is inevitable however this article raises the questions of when and to what level these rates rises will go.

01.01.2022 I just had a great 'meeting' with one of my longstanding clients. We were able to complete a detailed review of his Loan facilities and discussed strategies he has moving forward - not just with the loans but also his retirement planning. He was in his lounge room and I was in my office - the convenience of Skype is amazing!!... If you prefer (as I do) to discuss your requirements face to face but can't afford the time to have someone come and visit then Skype is a great alternative (both for business and social) Seek Home loans Qld's Skype address is barto6688 - please give us a call sometime.

01.01.2022 To say the Interest Rates in the Home Loan market are hot right now would be an understatement. With many of the Lenders moving to match the 4.99% Five Year fixed rate offered by Commonwealth, it is a great opportunity to lock in a very strong long term rate. For those considering fixed options it is important to look at your overall loan structure before making the change... If you want to discuss the benefits and processes of fixing in your Interest rate I would be more than happy to discuss with you. All the Best Greg 0410 327 673

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