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Women's Self Defence Network


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25.01.2022 As so many of you would have seen already, today is R U OK DAY!!! Our mental health is being pushed to its absolute limits at the moment and it is so important to check in on friends and family. It quite often can be the person who looks like they have everything together that is actually suffering the most. ... Take some time to check in, not only today but every day. There are so many different ways to start the conversation: How are you going? Whats been happening? Ive noticed that you are not quite yourself lately. How are you traveling? There are loads more when you visit @ruokday Take care everyone and just know that you are not alone. X

25.01.2022 WORDS MATTER!!!! "Violent, misogynistic language perpetuates the attitudes and behaviours that enable a culture of violence against women...No matter who you are, no one deserves to be threatened and abused in this way." - Minister Gabrielle Williams

25.01.2022 A talk we must have with our kids and some adults too!!!

25.01.2022 Happy Sunday guys!!! Let it all hang out.

24.01.2022 HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMENS DAY!!! Thx to all of the amazing women in my life inspiring and supporting me every single day. Love you all Image courtesy of League of Extraordinary Women x

22.01.2022 Ep 5. ? Nobody likes rejection, throw alcohol and drugs in the mix and it can get out of control. So how do we reject someone without bruising their ego and causing the situation to escalate? In today’s episode, I talk about the importance of having a story. By changing the mood you can reject the situation and not the person which allows them to walk away with their ego intact. Win Win for everyone!!!... . . . #selfdefense #selfdefence #selfprotection #planning #story #violenceprevention #bar #canibuyyouadrink #confidence #mentaltoughness #situationalawareness #wsdn #mood #ego #preparation #podcast #women #womensselfdefence #escalation #australia #restaurant #isaidno #deescalation #changethemindset #mindset #tough #feelthefearanddoitanyway See more

21.01.2022 15 years today!!! Not only my partner in business but also my life!! So lucky to have found this human 20 years ago. Amazing husband, awesome father to our two big spunks, what a ride it has been. Looking forward to many more adventures ahead TK!!! . .... . #noosa #wedding #anniversary #beach #love #happiness #partner #hubby #family #life #joy #marriage #noosabeach See more

21.01.2022 Attention Bayside followers. There was an incident last night in Hampton. Please read below. So proud of this woman as she had her situational awareness, used a loud voice and ran. Please take care when walking alone. Stay safe guys

20.01.2022 We know we have gut instincts but how often do we listen to them and then act. Sometimes its good to remind ourselves that they are there for a reason. Its good to sit down with your kids too and talk about gut instincts and the choices they have. We quite often give them rules about where they are to be and when but our safety must always come first x

19.01.2022 Whats happening behind the mask? Are you feeling more vulnerable? Not being able to read peoples facial expressions has definitely made some of us feel more vulnerable when walking around alone. There are definitely things we can do to help us feel safer. The biggest bonus now is that social distancing is a must which we are thrilled about as space is your best friend when we talk about self protection. Check out this clip on how to feel safer when out walking. One our gorg...eous follows sent this question in, if you too have a question, please send it through. Take care and stay safe. . . . #selfprotection #selfdefence #selfdefense #situationalawareness #wsdn #womensselfdefencenetwork #mask #wearamask #covid #melbourne #prepare #outdoors #vulnerability #attack #facialgrooming #socialdistancing #pandemic #tips #walkingaround #fightback #fight #bodylanguage #educate #womenssafety #safety #safetytips #distance #kravmaga #boxing #conbatives See more

19.01.2022 TIME + SPACE In Self Defence we talk a lot about TIME + SPACE. The more space you have away from a potential threat, the more time you have to make smart choices. If your gut feeling is telling you that something isnt right, make the choice to move away from the threat. We have spoken about the bus stop scenario a bit lately and whilst it seems like an obvious thing, we dont always react the way we should. If you feel uneasy about someone approaching you, get up and move a...way. You can always get on another bus, another train, into another uber. Remember we always have choices and we are allowed to offend a complete stranger by walking away if you feel uneasy. Space is your best friend as it allows you time to think and act. So, make sure you act. . . . #wsdn #selfdefence #womensselfdefence #timeandspace #confidence #walkaway #choices #teambuilding #love #happiness #selfprotection #melbourne #business #girlboss #transport #educate #seminar #workshop #mindfulness #situationalawareness #mentaltoughness #mentalhealth #protect #women #awareness #selfdefense #act #powerofno #sayno

19.01.2022 Is there something on your mind that you have been dying to do, or thinking about starting, or wanting to buy? s !!! I constantly try to remind myself that we get one life.... We can get so busy in day to day activities that time can pass by so quickly. There have been many times I have thought about starting something new and I haven’t taken the leap, yet I thought about it daily. One of those times was starting this business. I had little thoughts in the back of my mind that held me back. You are too old to change careers You don’t have time for this new business You aren’t fit at the moment Blah Blah Blah Basically, a lot of negative inner talk. Don’t wait for a sign, an illness, something major to come along that creates that shift, if there is something you can’t go a day without thinking about, GO GET IT!!!! . . . #chaseyourdreams #instaquotes #positivevibes #quotes #taketheleap #winstonchurchill #quote #empowerment #onelife #live #love #happiness #goals #dreams #melbourne #womensselfdefence #thinking #justdoit #goandgetit #positivity #confidence #womensupportingwomen #business #travel

18.01.2022 Just a reminder that we are going LIVE on Instagram tonight at 7.30pm AEST to talk all things Self Defence!!!Just a reminder that we are going LIVE on Instagram tonight at 7.30pm AEST to talk all things Self Defence!!!

18.01.2022 LATEST BLOG: WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE EXPERIENCE FRIGHT? Fright is experienced through fear, when something causes us to become scared, we experience a situation that is completely out of context to the environment we are currently experiencing. It can cause a sudden mass rush of panic and many incredible things take place chemically inside of our bodies that are primitive, survival responses that may save our lives! For many of us, we have no idea what we are going to experience... until we are confronted with a violent encounter. Will it be FLIGHT, FRIGHT or FREEZE? What we can do to help ourselves is plan in the same way we might for a job interview. Safely role play a violent encounter planning out what is the best approach to take and hopefully by planting the seed in our minds, we will have a head start at recalling this information if we find ourselves in danger. Click here for the full story: . . . #wsdn #melbourne #flightfright #freeze #preparation #selfdefence #selfdefense #womensupportingwomen #womenshealth #empoweringwomen #happiness #motivation #womensfitness #loveyourself #fitness #streetsmart #bossbabe #combatives #boxing #instafit #womeninbusiness #empower #love #confrontation #roleplay #situationalawareness #wellness #krav #fightback #toughwomen See more

17.01.2022 PODCAST: USING YOUR VOICE AS A WEAPON In late January, the gorgeous Sally Prosser from That Voice Podcast invited me to talk to her about how we can use our voice as a weapon. The interview went live today, YAY, so if you are interested, please head over to That Voice Podcast ( to see what we chat about. Our voice is a very powerful tool in Self Defence as it can change a situation very quickly with the tone and type of... language we use. We can deescalate a situation and throw a predator off their game with just a few words. This is one important element we cover in our seminars as we want to avoid a violent encounter at all costs. Now that most of us of getting our exercise outdoors, the PM has said it is very important to go out in pairs for personal safety and we totally agree. Take care during this crazy time. Whilst our workshops/seminars are postponed at the moment, if you want to touch base I can add you to our contact list and we will get in touch when we come out the other side. Look after yourselves. Sally Prosser Voice . . . #wsdn #selfdefense #selfdefence #selfprotection #powerofno #sayno #womensselfdefence #podcast #instapodcast #thatvoicepodcast #melbourne #brisbane #sallyprosser #useyourvoice #isaidfuckingno #confidence #preparation #educate #teambuilding #business #corporate #women #instahealth #mentaltoughness #hardtarget #softtarget #workshop #fightback #boxing #kravmaga

16.01.2022 All GID up and ready for Jits!!! Everything comes back to finding your base!! Zero Point Gracie Jiu Jitsu

15.01.2022 Strange question hey? Well, we have to think of it like this. Knowing that a predator is trying to get you at your most vulnerable state and at their greatest advantage, we need to look at our habits and see where our weaknesses are.... Do you walk/run the same route every day? Do you always wear your headphones when walking/running? Do you run at night and in dark places? When you leave work and you are walking to your car, the train, the bus do you start checking your phone? When you are coming home from a night out, do you call someone while walking? Do you walk down an alleyway to get to your house? Do you hate making eye contact and avoid looking at people when you pass them? Are you constantly on the phone whether it be for personal or business use when you are out and about? These are just some of the questions we should be asking ourselves. When you know how a predator thinks and what they are looking for, then we can make sure our actions are allowing us the best opportunity to avoid a violent encounter. Small changes make a huge difference. We are creatures of habit so once we make it a routine, it very quickly becomes the new norm. These new norms will make all the difference in avoiding a violent encounter. I am always looking to improve my habits when it comes to self protection. What is one small change that you can make? . . . #wsdn #attack #predator #selfdefence #womensselfdefence #selfdefense #planning #habits #boxing #fightback #preparation #kravmaga #combatives #situationalawareness #mentaltoughness #selfprotection #cqc #martialarts #confidence #wellbeing #violence #melbourne #teambuilding #businesswoman #women #empowerment #womensupportingwomen #empoweredwomen #happiness #educate

15.01.2022 LATEST BLOG: YOU HAVE ALL YOU NEED TO PROTECT YOURSELF!!! We quite often look to other resources for self-protection when in fact we actually hold all the resources we need, our intuition. Did you know that your gut is an extremely powerful organ, it is lined with 100 million nerve cells and is quite often referred to as being the second brain. It can function independently to the skull brain, the Central Nervous System. Many of us have experienced the sense of knowing some...thing before we know it and cannot explain how. Evolution has made us experts at detecting danger, the most important thing we can do is listen to it and act. Our intuition is based on what is happening in our current environment, our body responds to these signals because something has stood out to be not quite right. So that is the time to remove yourself from that environment, if ignored, if you deny the requests, that is when it could lead you to danger. Detecting early enough that you are walking into a potentially violent encounter, therefore making smart choices early on, you are giving yourself the best opportunity to go home safe. At the end of the day, your safety is yours. You can view our blog here We would love to hear when your intuition has served you well. . . . #intuition #gutfeeling #sixthsense #hunch #selfdefence #selfprotection #tip #blog #melbourne #empoweringwomen #woman #boss #bossbabe #selfdefense #love #listentoyourgut #gutinstinct #instinct #entericnervoussystem #secondbrain #science #brain #fightflight #friday #prepare #happiness #situationalawareness #womensselfdefense #fightfrightflight #protect

15.01.2022 16 Days Of Activism The Respect Women: Call it Out Campaign coincides with the United Nations (UN) initiative 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence. It kicked off yesterday (25th NOV) and runs until the 10th Dec (Human Rights Day). Respect Victoria's Respect Women: Call it Out campaign encourages people to call out sexism, sexual harassment and disrespect towards women when it is safe to do so.... If you or someone you know is experiencing any form of violence, help is available. If you believe someone is in immediate danger call 000 and ask for the police. The national sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling service: Phone and online services available 24/7 #callitout #16daysofactivism #respect #endfamilyviolence #endviolenceagainstwomen #endsexualharassment #endsexism

15.01.2022 LEST WE FORGET we remember, thank and salute our fallen heroes and those who continue to serve.

14.01.2022 How good is this!!!

14.01.2022 Yep, all good. Hang in there Victoria

13.01.2022 LATEST BLOG: GUT INSTINCT IS YOUR SUPER POWER!!! We all get that funny feeling in our stomach when something doesnt feel right but how often do you listen to your gut and make smart choices because of it? Our eyes take in so much information and it can take a minute for it all to make sense but our gut can sense it straight away. Take a look at our latest blog for more of an insight. . .... . #gutinstinct #selfprotection #selfdefence #selfdefense #wsdn #smartchoices #streetsmart #confidence #sayno #melbourne #tough #women #womensselfdefence #fightback #trustyourgut #blog #powerofno #boxing #krav #bjj #happiness #love #resilience #timeandspace #fitness #toughwomen #mentallytough #situationalawareness #instafit See more

13.01.2022 I will never forget you!!! . . . #wsdn #quote #instaquote #funny #bread #kale #love #happiness #yoga #heathy #healthylifestyle #diet #selfdefence #workout #melbourne #sugarfree #food #eat #selfprotection #jokes #teambuilding #seminar #workshop #women #strongwomen #empowerment #empoweringwomen #training #monday

12.01.2022 Chris Roberts from Safe International has some great advice on RIdeshare Services. Next time you jump in a Taxi or Uber, keep these in mind.

11.01.2022 Another fantastic seminar!!! Last night we were out empowering these mothers and daughters with knowledge and techniques on how to stay safe. Knowledge is your super power and the more you know about avoiding the violence altogether, the better. Violence is ugly and anything can happen. We teach you techniques if all else fails, but we believe it is best not to be in the situation to begin with. We run seminars for everyone. So if you are a group of friends or looking for a... corporate team building event or you want to run a workshop at your sports club, we cater for everyone. If you want to know more, please get in touch via our bio. . . . #wsdn #empowerment #mentalhealth #corporate #business #sports #workshop #selfdefence #selfdefense #protection #selfprotection #preparation #staysafe #melbourne #empoweringwomen #streetsmart #highschool #confidence #situationalawareness #awareness #no #powerofno #voiceasaweapon #womensselfdefence #women #men #fun #happiness #healthylifestyle #instafit @ Wheelers Hill, Melbourne See more

09.01.2022 Woohoo WSDN turns 2 today!!!! We cant wait to get back out there running seminars for you guys!!! Hopefully it wont be too much long

07.01.2022 Defending a Choke from the Front. We love teaching you guys how to avoid a violent encounter but sometimes everything fails and you end up in danger. Today we are going to show you how to defend yourself against a Choke From The Front. If you are going to practice this at home, make sure you give yourself plenty of room and do it in slow motion so no one gets hurt. You can them perfect the technique without a partner, just go through the motions at a faster pace. Take care g...uys. . . . #selfdefence #selfdefense #melbourne #defending #protect #combatives #training #sweat #chokes #iso #preparation #instafit #confidence #business #teambuilding #womensselfdefence #cqc #krav #boxing #bjj #exercise #gym #outdoors #staysafe #women #bossbabe #resilience #instagram #australia #love See more

07.01.2022 So powerful!!! If you havent seen it already, I highly recommend you take a look. We must call out bad behaviour!!!

05.01.2022 We talk a lot about CONFIDENCE in Self Defence. It is one thing to say be confident, it is another to act it. No one is born confident and can act that way 100% of the time. Even the most confident people you know will have days when they dont feel confident. In regards to Self Defence, confidence is one of the key elements in helping you to protect yourself. It is walking tall, making eye contact, using a firm voice when you need to, standing up for yourself. For me, it is ...something I continually work on. There are definitely days where I feel more confident than others but I encourage myself to break through the fear barrier so that I can experience a better way of life. For anyone who has surprised themselves and had an extremely confident moment, you know how good it feels. . . . #WSDN #confidence #quotes #instaquotes #inspiration #motivation #goodvibes #fear #determination #empoweringwomen #empowerment #selfcare #selflove #selfdefence #selfdefense #selfprotection #melbourne #women #love #inspirationalquotes #confident #yoga #meditation #bossbabes #streetsmart #seminars #training #feelgood #mentalhealth #mentaltoughness See more

05.01.2022 Quite often we will be at a disadvantage whether it be size or strength when we come up against a predator but this doesnt mean we cannot defend ourselves. Sometimes the simplest of techniques are the most effective. Self Protection Academy is our other business and this is what we have been teaching our students. Keep it simple guys!!!

05.01.2022 Am I right!!!! . . . #avo #quote #superpower #quoteoftheday #avocado #melbourne #selfdefence #selfdefense #power #funny #melbourne #food #eat #quotes #instaquote #xray #smashedavo #humour #funnyquotes #happy #smile #love #iso #entertainment #womensselfdefence #australia #victoria #resilience #confidence #sunday

05.01.2022 That's right guys. Monsters don't look a certain way, they act a certain way. We all have this image of what we think these attackers look like but in reality they can be anyone!!! . . . #wsdn #situationalawareness #stayalert #beprepared #wsdn #empoweringwomen #monsters #attackers #predators #selfprotection #selfdefence #selfdefense #melbourne #highett #sandringham #blackrock #beaumaris #parkdale #brighton #instaquote #stkilda #martialarts #moorabbin #mordialloc #knowledge #quote #confidence #boxing #kravmaga #taekwondo

05.01.2022 Happy New Year everyone!!! What an amazing year 2019 was!!! I have never been one for making new year resolutions but I did read something pretty cool the other day which I am going to try. Whilst reflecting on my 2019 I am going to write down all of the positive and negative things that took place in business and my personal life and make sure my goals for this year reflect the things that made my heart sing, got me energised and out of bed and gave me real purpose. Life is ...way too short to be anything other than amazing. One thing for sure, I have loved empowering people to live a safer life. The energy that fills the room after a seminar is so heartwarming. Thx so much to all of the amazing people we met last year, we loved working with you and loved hearing your stories where you were able to use the knowledge we shared!! Heres to 2020 being a brilliant year!!! I hope 2020 is a great one for you too. . . . #wsdn #newyear #happynewyear #newyearresolution #melbourne #empowerment #goals #dreams #newbeginning #bossbabe #business #teambuilding #selfdefence #confidence #love #happiness #merrychristmas #newyearseve #happyholidays #holidays #nye #2020 #family #friends #party #happynewyear2020 #instagood #instadaily #quote #instaquote

04.01.2022 Cant believe this was one year ago!!! Great times!!!

04.01.2022 So, today we tried to get some pics for the new website and this is what I was dealing with. We are taking DIY to a whole new level during COVID. This amazing shoot was brought to you by:... Makeup: by me Hair: by me (Cut 3 inches off earlier. Gotta love YouTube tutorials during covid) Styling: by me + loan of girlfriends jacket Location: Driveway (so we can shoot without masks) Photographer: Son We ended up with about 300 photos and possibly 3 maybe 4 we can use!!! . . . #wsdn #family #photography #photoshoot #selfdefence #website #selfprotection #kids #confidence #melbourne #covid #professional #killmenow #ameteur #awful #noideawhatwearedoing #sobad #strikeapose #smile #camera #funny #rediculous

04.01.2022 So lucky this woman was able to escape. If you are in or around Melbourne, please share.

02.01.2022 Ep 6. / / !!! s s . Fight, Flight, or Freeze. Which one do you think will kick in? To be honest, there are no guarantees, we do not know how we will respond because we have no control over it. The Fight-Flight-Freeze response is your body’s natural reaction to danger. But like anything the more you educate yourself and plant those seeds in your brain of what you need to do at that moment, the better chance you give yourself... to make the right decisions when it matters. In today’s episode I dive into what happens to your body during that Fight-Flight-Freeze response and what we can do to give ourselves the best chance when that happens. You can listen to the episode here: . . . #wsdn #selfdefence #selfprotection #selfdefense #fightflightfreeze #prepare #fright #fear #planning #situationalawareness #melbourne #seminar #workshop

02.01.2022 Wow, we cant believe this was a week ago. Thx again @jmcacademy for inviting us to come and empower your students and staff on all things Self Protection as part of your wellness week. Can we just say how awesome it is that JMC Academy recognise the importance of Self Protection and value their students safety. Big love to you guys. Also big thx to @sheribubble for the awesome pics... . . . #selfdefence #workshop #seminar #selfprotection #wsdn #students #tafe #selfdefense #melbournecbd #instafit #safety #highschool #situationalawareness #women #empoweringwomen #empowerment #business #corporate #teambuilding #womensselfdefence #highereducation #preparation #fightback #confidence #melbourne #educate #happiness #love #southmelbourne #university @ JMC Academy International See more

01.01.2022 So clearly, Im being a dick here. Has anyone else been binge-watching Cobra Kai on Netflix? I mean, it is so cringy, cheesy, that I seriously cant look away. For my younger followers, you have to watch Karate Kid from 1984 to have any clue on what I am talking about. Its a classic but also so bad. Anyway, back to Self Defence. I love to talk about what we do as so many people assume that our seminars and workshops are purely physical-based and Im thrilled to let you know... that that is not the case. Especially as I run into people who dont like to attend something physical as they feel they are unable to do it. After everything I have learnt and researched over the years and am still learning, I would put Self Defence down to 90% mental and 10% physical and here is why. Absolutely anything can happen in a violent encounter no matter how well trained you are. You could slip, the environment plays a huge factor, anything can go wrong so we like to educate people on how to avoid the violence altogether. Understanding the mind of the predator and what they are after, what to look for in a predator, different awareness levels, how to use your voice as a weapon, all of this helps us to make smart choices in our day to day lives so that we give ourselves the best chance to avoid a violent encounter. Now we cannot be perfect all the time so this where the 10% comes in. When everything else has failed we teach people how to defend themselves as best they can to stop the threat and get away. . . . #wsdn #selfdefence #selfprotection #selfdefense #karatekid #boxing #bjj #kravmaga #violence #predator #preparation #planning #melbourne #webinars #womensupportingwomen #womenempowerment #confidence #seminars #workshops #womensupportingwomen #prevention #womensselfdefence

01.01.2022 Ep7. s ss - Confidence plays an important role in Self Defence. Today I talk with voice coach, Sally Prosser, about how to get confident in your voice. Your voice matters whether it be in a 1 on 1 conversation at a café, at a conference presenting to 1000 people, or screaming at a predator who is moving into your personal space. In this episode l talk with Sally about various tips and strategies that will empower you on your journey to feel confid...ent in your voice no matter what the occasion. Mindset is a big one. No one is confident 100% of the time, you have to work at it. The more we practice and put ourselves in situations where we test our confidence, the more we grow in our voice and as a person. If you are interested in developing a more confident voice, head over and have a listen: Now if you want to know more about Sally, you can check her out here: Sally Prosser Voice . . . #wsdn #selfprotection #confidence #voicecoach #sallyprosser #speech #publicspeaking #podcast #speaking #believe #speakingtips #empowerment #selflove #voice #selfdefence #selfdefense #melbourne #instapodcast #voiceasaweapon #believeinyourself #fightfrightfreeze #stagefright #prepare #plan #practice #preparation #violenceprevention #tips #strategies

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