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21.01.2022 SELF C A R E comes in all shapes and sizes and it looks different to everyone. YOU can not be the best version for yourSELF if you don't take out some time for you Comment below your favourite way to practice self care? . .... . Gorgeous art by talented local artist @benjaminshinestudio - Benjamin Shine is a multidisciplinary artist most known for his pioneering work in tulle, which centres on ideas of energy, impermanence and the relationship between the spiritual and the superficial. . . . . . . . #optimiseyourself #selfwellness #self #selfcare #selflove #empowerment #wellness #health #movement #mindset #nourishment #mindfulness #positivemindset #canberra #couragequote #canberrawellbeing #canberrafitness #selfness #happiness #healthylifestyle #innerhealth #positivevibes #healthtips #mumma #prepostnatal #thesweatlife #mindbodymovement #pilates #healthyhabits #tulle See more

15.01.2022 It’s been a year. Bushfires, hail, global pandemic, social challenges, economic crisis & who could forget the panic buying (who would’ve thought that tp could become as precious as gold!). The pandemic isn’t over & we will feel the impacts of 2020 for many years to come. It has been an incredibly difficult year for EVERYONE. And as much as we'd all like to say good riddance to it, part of ending a year right is pausing & reflecting on all you learned, how you grew & what you...'re grateful for. In spite of the awfulness, there are some outcomes that could have a long-term positive impact on the planet & humanity ('really?' you say) - Nature is thriving. Sightings of wildlife have increased worldwide and a reduction in air pollution is giving the planet a chance to rejuvenate. - We have a new appreciation for the health professionals & workers who keep us safe. There have been improvements in medicine through increased hygiene + social distancing practices. These have reduced the instances of other medical problems & have made life a little easier for those where Covid reality is always reality. - Businesses have had to adapt to a new way of working & this has meant unprecedented levels of innovation & invention. While change can be challenging, it can also bring opportunities. - There’s been a global initiative to boost awareness & break down the barriers of racism. & although there is still a L O N G way to go, many people have realised that we’re part of the issue if we’re not educating ourselves or are not willing to act against racism. - Increased digitalisation. We will always need human contact, but we are learning that some things can be done more efficiently online. Remote working breaks down geographical barriers, reduces commuting & cars on the road, & gives people more time to spend with their families & friends. - We've found joy in simple tasks + been reminded of what & who is important to us & the freedoms we used to take for granted. What are you grateful for in 2020?

10.01.2022 Try to bear this in mind as you're thinking about what you'd like for the coming year. It's especially important to keep this in mind for this year, with the sense that we almost need to be making up for lost time. It's always okay to take things slowly. ... . . . . . . . #optimiseyourself #selfwellness #selfcare #selflove #wellbeing #wellness #health #movement #mindset #nourishment #mindfulness #inspire #motivate #wellnesscbr #personaltrainer #mentor #healthylifestyle #innerhealth #positivevibes #healthtips #mumma #perinatal #inspo #happy #mindbodymovement #fitnesscbr #pilates #healthyhabits #rejuvinate #simplesustainablehabits See more

09.01.2022 Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength. ~ Arnold Schwarzenegger. .... . . . . . #optimiseyourself #selfwellness #selfcare #selflove #wellbeing #wellness #health #movement #mindset #nourishment #mindfulness #inspire #motivate #wellnesscbr #personaltrainer #mentor #healthylifestyle #innerhealth #positivevibes #newyear #quotes #perinatal #inspo #happy #mindbodymovement #strength #pilates #2021goals #rejuvinate #2021 See more

05.01.2022 M O V E M E N T is meant to be enjoyed, not feel like a chore, not make you f e e l anxious, not leave you feeling disappointed. It's meant to b o o s t up your confidence, make you feel good about yourSELF, benefit your health, not cause injury or harm your body. Make M O V E M E N T something pleasurable, exciting, enjoyable and beneficial. ... One of my favourite movements is hiking in nature with my mini! Today we road tested our new child carrier - clearly it gets the thumbs up from Ezra (10/10 for comfort) . Comment below - what is one of your favourite types of movement? . . . . . #optimiseyourself #selfwellness #selfcare #selflove #wellbeing #wellness #health #movement #mindset #nourishment #mindfulness #osprey #motivate #wellnesscbr #personaltrainer #igfitness #healthylifestyle #exercise #positivevibes #fitfam #mumma #perinatal #fitnessmotivation #happy #mindbodymovement #fitnesscbr #pilates #hiking #rejuvinate #fitnessmotivation

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