Selinah Kelly- Angelic Ascension in Geelong, Victoria | Alternative & holistic health service
Selinah Kelly- Angelic Ascension
Locality: Geelong, Victoria
Phone: +61 417 585 637
Address: Coronal Avenue, Newtown, 3220 Geelong, VIC, Australia
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24.01.2022 Our loved ones in Spirit are pure energy. Sometimes they may even show up in photos as orbs, blurs, or random unexplained lights. This is very common and is way of showing you that they are nearby Attend a LIVE Event with Psychic Medium Matt Fraser, Visit . . . . . #MattFraser #Qotd #Wisdom #Spiritual #Spirit #PsychicMedium #Psychic #Medium #PsychicReading #Healing #Heaven #MeetTheFrasers #DailyInspiration #QuotestoLiveBy
23.01.2022 Violet Flame Meditation, DNA Sound, LIGHT Language, I AM Decree & Activation Welcome to this divine healing & transmutation experience. I have created this pow...erful Violet Flame guided meditation encoded with light language, DNA activation, spoken Violet Flame Decree & Sound Healing in collaboration with Beaux Tech-Urioste from Vibonacci & Source Vibrations. Beaux is a music producer, light-worker, Starseed & sound healer assisting all with powerful light encoded work. This transmission connects to the Ascended Master Saint Germain, the Crystalline Spirits, the Actuarians, & many highly advanced light beings from many realms as well as the lords of karma. The light language is channeled from higher source & comes through as needed to connect directly to the soul where the deepest healing may occur. This is a process of allowing what needs to comes through the transmission & releasing the mind so the heart may open. The music in addition is an advanced transmission of I AM a Violet Being of Fire Superior DNA healing Activation. It contains Actuarian Harmonic Key Codes/Solfeggio Pure Tones - 396 hz 417 hz 528 hz 741 hz 852 hz Decree: I AM a violet being of fire; I AM the purity God/ Source desires. The Violet Flame is the most powerful key & secret as well as gift to shift life through divine alchemy. Clear the past, the karma, to open to forgiveness, to heal the body, mind, soul & planet. The reason the violet flame is so powerful is because it is a high frequency light that spans physical & spiritual realms. The vibrant spiritual light & fire transmutes energy from its current state into a higher one. This really is the way of spiritual alchemy & nothing else like it. Tap into this power to heal not only emotionally but physically also. Clear your energy, including sexual life force, activate your energy centres, the brain & neuron pathways, the heart & heal anxiety, stress, depression, various disorders. Regulate the mind, body & spirit. My Youtube channel:
23.01.2022 Whether you're just discovering the many magical gifts of connecting with the Archangels now... or you've been a practitioner for many years (or lifetimes)... T...he teachings of this program are going to illuminate the pathway to a whole new realm of possibility for you. As you step onto this path, you will be guided and supported every step along the way by Radleigh, by Spirit, and by the Angels. Trust yourself, trust your guides, and take a BIG leap of Spirit toward connecting with the Archangels... and the life of your dreams. Discover more here:
22.01.2022 Hi Everyone, I havent done anything like this in 8 years...but the current times made me feel called to create an immersive channeled experience - a virtual... version of my annual Soul Magic Retreat. Its called Transmissions 2020 and between August 18-26, my team and I will invite you into an online world where my guides, The Zs, will help you to access more of your magnetic energy and connect with your higher self to find balance, strength and sustainable personal growth in your life. By running this retreat online, were able to keep the cost of admission affordable and allow for an audience from all over the world to come together without the expenses of travel and lodging. Learn more about the experience here: Lee x See more
19.01.2022 Soul Contracts and your Ascension Mission
19.01.2022 May you always have...
18.01.2022 Good morning lovelies...this is a podcast interview with Aloise from Dharma Life. In this session we talk about what Practical Ascension actually is and where... the energy we are experiencing is heading! Love Tim
16.01.2022 TRANSMUTING PSYCHIC AND ENTITY ATTACKS When a persons frequency is below upper 4D, they are susceptible to entities attaching. Frequencies are based on emotions.... To better visualise the effects of how emotions effect your physical vessell I use the example of Dr David R Hawkins, who created the map of consciousness. A chart which he figured out frequencies are based on emotions. Emotions like pride, anger, fear, hate, grief, apathy, and shame. All of these emotions produce low frequencies within us. Its starts with a thought process. We think about things, then that turns into an emotion, the emotion creates a frequency, then all these frequencies build up. Dr Hawkins designed a number system for each frequency from 1 to 1000, so everyone living in the frequency below 350 which is acceptance, is open to dark entity attachments on your energy field. Every emotion I just mentioned is below 350. A daily process of clearing your energh field is a must to keep your frequency high, even when you have energy work completed you must still clear your own energy to keep your field clear. It is also a good idea to talk to yourself with I AM statements and program yourself with new beliefs. As many clients begin to self sabotage and begin generating low frequencies again, due to hidden beliefs and negative thought forms. Old programming rising its head again. Until all old programming has been cleared, you must keep thinking and talking to yourself positively and then it just becomes a new way of life and you dont think about it. Once all density is removed you are living in the NOW. Now is the only time that excists and every thought that you think, emotion you emote, word that you write, will have an impact on you, your energy field and physical vessel. You manifest everything you've ever created, you manifest in the NOW and always have. I know thats sometimes not nice to hear. Remember Dr Hawkins emotional scale and how it begins with a thought. If you hold a thought for 17 seconds it creates a frequency. 17 secs is the buffer you have to increate what you say. To quickly turn your thought or what you say around and make it a positive. If you hold it for 70 secs it begins to materialise and you have sent it forth to the future and it begins to materialise. Keep your frequency high. This is how POWERFUL YOU ARE. BITE Beliefs Intentions Thoughts Emotions Remember this acronym. We have been studied and what they found used against us. The dark know that for humans everything is an experience. Everything is based on our percepetion of that experience. Based on your perceptions, you develop beliefs, and you manifest based on your beliefs. This explains why human beliefs have been programmed for 13 millenia by those that had power over us. Our belief system is our most powerful way to create our future. If we are filled with fear, division, anxiety, low self worth, we remain stuck in low frequencies. When someone can control your emotions, they can control you. When you learn you have ability to overcome anything, based on your beliefs, emotions, intentions and thoughts...the game changes and you take your power back. In the past, those in power, have kept your frequency low, so that you never remembered who you truely were and how powerful you are. You are way more powerful than them. Entities and malevlent beings exist in 3D and lower 4D, so by holding you in lower densities through control of your emotions, these beings feed off you. You need to make the change. Focus on raising your frequency to upper 4D and higher and they will not be able to touch you. You are then only visible to anything that is love. You have manifested everything thats ever happened in your life. High frequency people can still attract entities. This can happen when they are not grounded or you can be like a extra bright beacon they can become interested in. Especially if you've experienced a big shift in conciousness, spontaneous kundalini, walk in etc. We all have electricity in our bodies, we need to be grounded and balanced, else we can be scattered with our thoughts and our mind. This can feel like anxiety. Once you clear your energy, you will feel good again. You'll become more aware of when you need to clear and won't go into "overwhelm"...when your ungrounded. Meditation is key also for keeping a calm, clear mind and remaining grounded.
14.01.2022 The Ask Angels Oracle Cards and Ascension Angel Cards Decks are both back in stock here:
12.01.2022 The Star is shining over you like an angel giving you hope, inspiration and faith. You have every reason to be confident and excited about your dreams. Believe... in yourself- It may be a leap but you can fake it until you make it! Break the old pattern of waiting for other people to give you the validation, approval and feedback you need to move forward. Why wait? It sometimes (often) results in the opposite anyway, and you have to climb out of holes that other people dig for you. Your angels surround you with their cheers and support. Close your eyes and see and feel it. You are loved, you are amazing, you are resourceful, smart and creative. Archangel Jophiel the angel of this card can help you by lifting your thoughts to the vibration of faith, positive expectation and self belief. She will help you to see the beauty in yourself and all the possibilities which will open up when you are willing to look for them with belief. The past is over, you have full permission to open the gates and let it go. Make room for all the wonderful magical and inspiring experiences which are now waiting for you. The card is a 1+7. 1s are about your thoughts, reminding you that every positive thought makes a big difference, 7s encourage you to go for your dreams and keep holding the faith. together they are an 8 the angel number for unlimited abundance. Keep this vibe going as much as you can this week, even if outer circumstances negate it, dont be conned into anything except the strong belief in yourself, your angels and the star guiding you to your dreams. The angels know how much youve been through, they see how hard youve worked. Its now your time! Watch this weeks angel message video link in bio xxx Angel blessings Rachel x #angels #archangeljophiel #angelmedium #archangelpowertarot #star #tarot #111 #17 #power #love #angelnumbers #followyourheart #listentoyoursoul If youre ready for a big change book a private reading or soul clarity session with Rachel
10.01.2022 90% off Intuitive Development Master Class. The SAGE Method is the most down-to-earth, comprehensive intuitive development program available. Typically this 7-w...eek master class is only available once a year. We have opened the doors to make it accessible to you right now. We have also temporarily reduced the price of the course with a 90% off discount to support you in this time of isolation and spiritual growth. Get started today by clicking this link - We are in this together. Spiritual community is so very important right now. We welcome you to become a part of the SAGE community, to learn, to grow and to find alignment. Now is the time to access your intuition for the benefit of your own highest good and for the good of those around you in a healthy, sustainable and nourishing way. Join us for this 7-week online program proven to cultivate strong psychic awareness and accurate intuition. This program combines science and spirituality, pragmatic and esoteric knowledge to give you the most comprehensive intuitive education available. Throughout the seven weeks, youll undergo a beautiful journey of emotional, mental and spiritual transformationa journey that will change your life. Here are what some of the current students are saying "I continue to be out of my mind joyful and mindful with every morsel of your class and the work. Its shaking my world up and opening it up in wonderful ways. Thank you Beau for the gift of you. I love your humor. Your fun spirit is infectious for sure." ~ My best, Ellen Wow! For all the years Ive read, studied and worked in the field of energy work, in this short amount of information, youve managed to simplify a lot of the tangled thoughts and stories to a very clear and clean message. Im very excited to be a part of this. Thank you! ~ Kriste "You have me laughing with you! I am really enjoying the course. I am happy to say in week one you have explained everything very well! I must say I went through the first week pretty fast haha, cant wait to unlock the second week. Thank you this course is really a joy!" ~ Destiny There is no better time than now to align with your spiritual path, live intuitively and live in the highest vibration of love. This is your time, start your journey today - I am a teacher and this is what I have to give while the world is healing right now. It is in the act of giving that we will come out of this, together, with light. Love to you, Beau
10.01.2022 As much as we take care of our personal physical hygiene everyday, it is important to ensure that we take care of our spiritual hygiene as well. Here is a simp...le, quick method to cleanse, activate and re-vitalize your CHAKRA SYSTEM and activate your vertical pillar of light to establish connection with higher consciousness. This can be done anytime, anywhere and does not require you to be in a deep meditative state. In Divine Love & Service, Jess Alphonse
09.01.2022 Meditation Monday - Anchoring a Pillar of Light
07.01.2022 Relax and enjoy this POWERFUL Healing Meditation as your angels step forward to surround and uplift you with loving, healing energy NOW. Love this? ...Want m...ore? Get my NEW book "Energy Healing with Your Angels" FREE here:
07.01.2022 As you turn to face the light you turn to face your angels
07.01.2022 Relax and enjoy this Powerful Healing Meditation as your angels step forward to surround and uplift you with loving, healing energy NOW. Love this? ...Want Get my NEW book "Energy Healing with Your Angels" FREE here:
06.01.2022 Ascension Update - Lions Gate and a Message from Merlin
06.01.2022 What are Third dimensional chakras? Third dimensional people, those who believe that their power, safety and happiness lie in possessions are acting from fear a...nd illusion. They have seven chakras which vibrate at a low frequency. Of course, it is an enormous challenge to live in a material world, surrounded by people who measure success by the size of their bank account, their security by alarms and walls and who mistake attachment for love. Nevertheless we have all signed on to be on Earth now with its awesome opportunity for spiritual growth. Happily for most of us you do not have to be perfect to start opening up your twelve chakras. Even the great ascended masters still have some ego. You can make the transformation now. See more
05.01.2022 Here's What You'll Get In The Twelve Days of Tarot: How to have a Radleigh little Christmas Wisdom and guidance from your favorite Angels Tips on survi...ving the holidays this year New insights on working with Tarot And TWELVE HOLIDAY COSTUME CHANGES Join Bestselling Tarot Expert Radleigh Valentine and embark upon a 12-day journey to healing, hope, and guidance this holiday season! Sign Up Now
04.01.2022 Have you always wanted to connect with your Galactic Star family, spirit guides and wondered how others do it? Here is a step by step, easy to understand method... to establish connection and seek guidance from our Galactic brothers and sisters. It is time we make it a part of our everyday life. I hope you find this useful. In Divine Love & Service, Jess Alphonse
03.01.2022 Listen to the quiet inner voice of peace, light and Truth! It will guide you well. <3
02.01.2022 7 archangels | Seal of the Seven Archangels
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