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Seniors Creating Change
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24.01.2022 Thank you ABC North Queensland for acknowledging the work we do. A great interview this morning with Bill Mitchell from Townsville Community Law Inc. We encourage everyone to have a listen using the link below:
23.01.2022 This week we celebrate seniors and the valuable contribution they make to our communities through work, volunteering, raising families and much much more. Today Seniors Creating Change performed at the Townsville Seniors Week Expo. The expo is on from 10am til 1pm at Townsville Stadium. Please come down and say hello at the Townsville Community Legal Service stall.
21.01.2022 Caxton's Queensland Retirement Village and Park Advice Service will be presenting free legal information talks shortly in north Queensland including in Townsvil...le, Whitsundays and Cairns. Talks cover different options and legal considerations for people when thinking about moving into a retirement village or manufactured home park. Check out the schedule linked below for full details and call Michelle on (07) 3214 6333 to book a spot. Townsville Community Legal Service
21.01.2022 We are continuing to stay connected and enjoy the beauty of music together. We may be physically isolated by remaining safe in our homes but we are not socially isolated, as we are still engaging and having our online get togethers. Please remember to stay safe and show kindness and respect for one another.
20.01.2022 Retirement. Is it everything you thought it would be? Are you looking forward to it?
18.01.2022 Thank you Townsville Bulletin for helping us spread our message. Please come join us in standing up, singing loudly and calling for an end to elder abuse. #noexcuseforelderabuse #raisetheagepension #stopelderabuse
17.01.2022 1st October is the United Nations International Day of Older Persons (UNIDOP). To celebrate UNIDOP Townsville Community Legal Service will be holding a Protections Service information and referral stall in Stockland Townsville Shopping Centre on 1 October from 10am to 2pm (opposite Boost Juice). Please come down, say hello and gather some important information that might help protect your finances later in life.
16.01.2022 There are many business in Townsville offering take away meals and delivery. However, this is not affordable for everyone. Thank you Community GRO Garbutt for helping our community by offering meals to those who need it for the cost of a donation.
15.01.2022 Thank you to Michels Catering and Events for our delicious morning tea. A scrumptious prize from the Seniors Week Luncheon for best dressed table.
15.01.2022 Age is no barrier for this amazing woman.
15.01.2022 COVID-19 continues to impact the world in which we live. We are continuing to be physically distant from one another to remain safe and stop the spread of the virus. During these times it is important to keep in contact with friends, neighbours, family and community members. Check in on one another for a friendly chat or cuppa over the phone. These conversations could mean so much more to someone than you will ever know. We would like to share this clip from our online get together on Easter Saturday. Our very talented Vicki, continues to keep us united in song and brighten our day.
15.01.2022 Due to the impact and seriousness surrounding Coronavirus (COVID-19), Seniors Creating Change practices and performances from today will be cancelled until and including 28 March 2020. Further cancellations may occur and future practices and performances will be reviewed at the end of next week. For up to date and correct information regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19) please visit the Queensland Government website below. Please note: Scams regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19) are already occurring. Do not click on a link you receive via email or text message unless you know it is 100% safe. Never give out your personal information unless you know it is safe and secure to do so.
14.01.2022 Music is powerful. It holds memories of significant times in our lives.
14.01.2022 Day "we have lost count" of restrictions and staying safe from COVID-19 but we remain happy, positive and connected with hopes of physically getting together soon. Since the end of April, Seniors Creating Change have hosted 7 virtual performances at 5 aged care facilities in Townsville. We recognise that many residents have been isolated from friends and family during COVID-19 restrictions and are so pleased we have still be able to share some music, songs and laughter with our friends at these locations.
13.01.2022 Seniors Creating Change would love to know how everyone out there are doing? We are now over 2 months into COVID-19 restrictions coming into our lives, introducing us to physical distancing and isolation. Seniors Creating Change have continued to meet online and over the phone sharing songs and stories. We love our online get togethers but definitely miss our normal Saturday mornings.
13.01.2022 Ageless playgrounds, a great idea. We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.
13.01.2022 This weekend’s adventure is the beautiful town of Bowen We have arrived and kick off the weekend with a performance at Bolton Clarke’s Cunningham Villas.
13.01.2022 Maybe one for the songbook
12.01.2022 Did you know that there is an Age Discrimination Commissioner in Australia? #Ageism may come in many different forms, but it can often lead to #ElderAbuse and t...he denial of our human rights as we age. Age Discrimination Commissioner Dr Kay Patterson AO is traveling through Australia to raise awareness of Elder Abuse, and more importantly, to empower and educate communities on how to prevent it from happening in the first place.
12.01.2022 Seniors Creating Change (SCC) are honoured to be inducted onto the Queensland's inaugural Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Honour Roll. SCC continue to raise awareness about Domestic and Family Violence including elder abuse through our public performances, performances at aged care facilities and social engagements with the general public. SCC will continue to stand up, sing loudly and call for an end to elder abuse and domestic and family violence.
10.01.2022 Seniors Creating Change will also perform at this Seniors Week event!
09.01.2022 Morning tea break between songs during our online get together this morning
09.01.2022 Our last performance at Northern Australia Festival of Arts. This week was at Oonoonba Community Centre.
09.01.2022 Today we are connecting with an online get together. We are staying safe in our homes and happily singing along with the fabulous Vicki. Lots of stories shared and laughter too. Coronavirus will not stop us and together we will get through this!
07.01.2022 Northern Australia Festival of Arts, Riverside Gardens.
07.01.2022 Happy International Day of Older Person. Today we celebrated the significant contribution Older Persons make to our community by flashmobbing Stockland Townsville Shopping Centre. See more on WIN News Townsville tonight at 6pm.
07.01.2022 Seniors Creating Change have been busy making a film. A film? About what? Sorry, you will have to wait and see. We can't wait to share it with you, so stay tuned.
05.01.2022 Spreading some early cheer at Villa McAuley
05.01.2022 Older Australians have been told for 7+ weeks now to isolate for safety precautions. This has resulted in many older persons having little to no social interactions. We, Seniors Creating Change have continued to support one another through our online get togethers. However we have really missed our community performances. We recognise that older Australians in aged care facilities have spend 7+ weeks of isolation without many, if any, family and friends visiting. Therefore Friday last week, we had a virtual visit with Bolton Clarke Glendale residents. We sung songs, had a chat and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Thanks Glendale for having us and we hope to visit virtually again soon. #OlderPersonsandCOVID19 #ShowALittleKindness #SeniorsCreatingChange
04.01.2022 It is wonderful to be back performing at Bolton Clark Glendale, even with reduced numbers.
03.01.2022 Congratulations to Seniors Creating Change member Robyn Moore, for being awarded Townsville's Female Senior of the Year for 2019. We also congratulate Townsville Elder Alfred Smallwood for Male Senior of the Year.
03.01.2022 Right now our community, country and planet are facing scary times regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19). We would like to remind everyone to stay safe, check in on your family and friends in a manner that meets physical distancing requirements or by phone, because what we all need now is kindness for each other. PLEASE NOTE: This clip is from our archives and was not filmed recently. We are staying safe and at present with all Seniors Creating Change activities on hold until it is safe to be together again.
02.01.2022 Riverside Gardens Community Centre.
02.01.2022 To mark World Elder Abuse Awareness Day on 15 June 2020, we decided to tell the story of our home city of Townsville building an Age-Friendly Community. #WEAAD #ElderAbuse #Townsville #AgeFriendly
01.01.2022 A article worth the read regarding online scams targeting older Australians.
01.01.2022 Today we remember all those who have served for our country and thank them. We also thank all who are serving and will into the future. Thank you. Seniors Creating Change commemorated ANZAC Day with a medley of songs during our online get together yesterday. Many of our members are ex-service men or women, and we thank them and honour them through song.
01.01.2022 A great series of short films that challenge people’s perception of ageing.