Serbian Australian Community Centre in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Non-profit organisation
Serbian Australian Community Centre
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 404 456 579
Address: 1 Camden Road 4110 Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Likes: 1281
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25.01.2022 We are excited to see everyone tomorrow! Please make sure to bring a picnic blanket or a cushion for the children to sit on during our activities. Also just a friendly reminder to please NOT attend our event and remain at home if you are feeling unwell or sick.... Jedva cekamo da se druzimo sa vama sutra! Molimo roditelje da ponesu piknik cebe ili jastuke da bi decica imala na cemu da sede za vreme nekih aktivnosti. Ukoliko ste bolesni i imate bilo kakve simptome kasljanja, kijavice, temperature molimo Vas da ne dolazite na deciji dogadjaj.
25.01.2022 SAC will be hosting Kids Event to honour Child Protection Week which is held from 6-12 September each year. Our event will be held on 6th of September with a start from 3:00pm and it will include lots of fun kids activities including two child safety video lessons developed by Daniel Morcombe Foundation. We kindly ask parents/caregivers to please review both of the lessons prior to children attending our event.... We kindly ask parents/caregivers to please RSVP by 31st of August either by emailing us on [email protected] or by sending us a DM on Facebook advising how many adults/children will be in attendance. One of the Key Messages of Child Protection Week Caring for children and keeping them save is a shared responsibility #qldchildprotectionweek Djeciji dogadjaj vezan za Child Protection Week ce biti odrzan u nasem centru 6-tog septembra sa pocetkom u 3:00pm i nasi malisani ce moci da budu deo mnogo zanimljivih aktivnosti kao i da nauce kako da se osjecaju bezbedno i sigurno posto cemo prikazati dva videa koja je Daniel Morcombe Foundation kreirala za decu. Molimo roditelje/staratelje da prije naseg dogadjaja pregledaju obadva videa Molimo roditelje/staratelje da nam najave njihov dolazak do 31-tog avgusta time sto cete poslati poruku preko Facebooka ili emailom na [email protected].
24.01.2022 Informacija u vezi COVID 19 virusa Ako ste osoba koja je dobila savet da trebate da se izolujete a da Vam je potrebna emotivna pomoc ili pomoc da Vam se hrana i lekovi dostave (jer nemate rodbinu ili prijatelje koji bi mogli da Vam pomognu) mozete da nazovete Community Recovery Hotline na 1800 173 349 i da zatrazite pomoc. Information about supports in relation to COVID 19... Individuals who have been advised to self-quarantine and require emotional support can contact Community Recovery Hotline. If you do not have access to support networks who are able to assist and deliver household items to you during the self-quarantine period and you need essential supplies such as food and medication you can contact Community Recovery Hotline on 1800 173 349 for assistance. For further information please visit website below:
23.01.2022 Radost Bijeljina- SAC Willawong je uspeo da skupi 12 punih kutija garderobe kao pomoc nasim zemljacima u Republici Srpskoj. Imamo jos najavljenih stvari za prikupiti za odprilike 2~4 kutije pre nego sto posiljka krene ka njima, za odprilike 2 nedelje. Zelimo da se zahvalimo svim clanovima nase zajednice na dosadasnjim donacijama. Trenutno se javilo sponzora za placanje postarine za 8 kutija. Ako iko zeli, moze biti deo ovog programa i... pomoci nam oko postarine. Nije potrebno platiti pun paket vec koliko ko moze. Cena paketa je trenutno $160.00 a vi ako zelite mozete nam se javiti preko Facebook Messinger-a, [email protected] da mi bi vas kontaktirali naknadno. Hvala svima u napred Uprava SAC Willawong Radost Bijeljina- SAC Willawong managed to collect 12 full boxes of clothing to be donated to vulnerable families in Republic of Srpska. We are still expecting further donations of clothing for additional 2 ~ 4 boxes before the shipment in about 2 weeks. There is currently sponsors to pay for the postage for 8 boxes. If anyone would like to, they can still be part of this program and help us with postage costs. It is not necessary to pay for the full postage, but as much ir as little as anyone can donate will be greatly appreciated. The price of the postage is currently $160.00 and if you would like you can contact us via Facebook Messenger or [email protected] to donate. Thanks everyone in advance Management of SAC Willawong
23.01.2022 Nedostaje li vam klub i deavanja u njemu? Mi smo danas malo bili vredni pa smo ga uredjivali Do you miss the club and its events? We did some work today there
23.01.2022 OBAVESTENJE Pilates je za veceras otkazan ali se nadamo da nam se možete pridruziti sledeceg cetvrtka. SAC Uprava... ANNOUNCEMENT Unfortunately Pilates session scheduled for tonight has been cancelled however we look forward to seeing everyone next Thursday. SAC Team
22.01.2022 SAC will be hosting Kids Event on 6th of September to honour Child Protection Week. One of the Key Messages of Child Protection Week Children and young people are honest. They are unlikely to lie about abuse. They are more likely to stay quiet about abuse or harm than to speak up (especially if they know their... abuser). We kindly ask parents/caregivers to please RSVP by 31st of August either by emailing us on [email protected] or by sending us a DM on Facebook advising how many adults/children will be in attendance. We kindly ask members of the public to not attend our event and remain at home if they are feeling sick. In addition to this, members of the public who have been to the mentioned locations at specific times should monitor their health and, if they develop even the mildest of COVID-19 symptoms, should get tested. Full list of locations can be found below Djeciji dogadjaj vezan za Child Protection Week ce biti odrzan u nasem centru 6-tog septembra sa pocetkom u 3:00pm. Molimo roditelje/staratelje da nam najave njihov dolazak do 31-tog avgusta time sto cete poslati poruku preko Facebooka ili emailom na [email protected]. Zelimo da zamolimo nasu zajednicu, da ukoliko ste bolesni i imate bilo kakvih simptoma kasljanja, kijavice, temperature da ne dolazite na djeciji dogadjaj. Ukoliko ste bili na lokacijama koje su navedene u linku, molimo Vas da se testirate ako dobijete cak i blage simptome Covid19. Za vise informacija mozete kontaktirati 13 HEALTH.
22.01.2022 Ove sedmice je sedmica volontera! SAC uprava zeli da se zahvali svim nasim divnim volonterima koji nesebicno daju sebe i svoje vreme za dobrobit nase zajednice i naseg centra. It's National Volunteer Week! ... SAC team would like to say a HUGE thank you to all of our wonderful and devoted volunteers who have selflessly dedicated their time and efforts to our community and our centre.
22.01.2022 GENERALNA SKUPSTINA 2020 SAC WILLAWONG Dragi Clanovi Srpsko Australijskog Centra, mali podsetnik povodom nase godisnje skupstine. Zelimo da Vas zamolimo ukoliko imate bilo kakvih simptoma kasljanja, kijavice, temperature da ne dolazite na generalnu skupstinu naseg kluba iz dobro poznatih razloga Covid 19.... Mi Vas mozemo obavestiti o svemu naknadno a vi bi time smanjili mogucnost bilo kakve neprijatne situacije kako za Vas tako i za sam centar. Skupstina ce biti odrzana 9-tog Avgusta 2020 u Nedelju sa pocetkom u 12pm u sali naseg kluba. Napomena za Covid 19: Svaki clan je duzan ulaskom u salu da se registruje svojim imenom, telefonom i adresom. Mi cemo omoguciti 2 nacina upisivanja (Papir i skeniranjem Bar Code-a). Bar i Kuhinja ce biti otvoreni za pice i hranu. Hrana moze biti pakovana i za poneti. Teme skupstine su sledece: 1.Dobrodoslica Clanovima 2.Dosadanji rad Uprave i stanje kluba 3.Prepreke i Problemi 4.Finansijki Izvestaj 5.Buduci Planovi 6.Clanarina SAC Willawong 7.Zahvalnost volonterima i upisivanje novih (bice u vidu formulara koje ce svako imati priliku da ispuni) 8.Pitanja Clanova 9.Sugestije i Utisci Clanova (bice u vidu formulara koje ce svako imati priliku da ispuni) Hvala svima u napred Uprava SAC Willawong Dear Members of the Serbian Australian Center, a friendly reminder regarding our Annual General Meeting. We would like to kindly ask you, if you are experiencing any flu like symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, or fever to please reframe from attending the Annual General Meeting to reduce the potential risk of spread of Covid 19. At your request, we can inform you of the discussions and agenda items after the meeting. Annual General Meeting will be held on 9th of August 9, 2020 this Sunday with a start of 12pm at our Club's hall. Note for Covid 19: Each member is required to sign in with their name, phone number and address. We can offer two ways of signing in (Paper Form and scanning the Bar Code with your mobile phone). The Bar and Kitchen will be open for drinks and food. We will also offer take away. Agenda items: 1. Welcome to Members 2. Previous work completed by the Commitee and the current situation of the Club 3. Challanges 4. Financial Report 5. Future plans 6. Membership SAC Willawong 7. Acknowledgement of our volunteers and enrolment of potential volunteers (will be in the form of forms that everyone will have the opportunity to fill out) 8. Question Time 9. Suggestions and Feedback (will be in the form of forms that everyone will have the opportunity to fill out) Thank you to everyone in advance Your SAC Willawong
21.01.2022 Zbog Covid-19 pandemije mnogi aspekti naseg zivota su znacanjno pogodjeni. Iako je pandemija uticala na zdravlje mnogih uticala je i na finansiku sigurnost mnogih porodica sirom sveta. Iz tog razloga SAC Willawong je stupio u kontakt sa neprofitnom organizacijom "RADOST" u Bijeljini u nadi da ce koliko toliko pomoci toj organizaciji da pomogne mnoge porodice a narocito decu u nevremenu kroz ovu pandemiju a i ubuduce. SAC Willawong ...Continue reading
21.01.2022 Are you are looking for a venue hire with a difference? Serbian Australian Centre can help you make it an event to remember. We feature affordable, elegant and modern function spaces.... Whether your next social gathering is for a special occasion such as a wedding, birthday, christening or it is a corporate event - Serbian Australian Centre is the ultimate venue for you. For enquiries and online bookings please visit: #serbianaustraliancentre #venuehire #privatevenuehire #weddingvenues #corporatevenuehire #eventvenuehire
21.01.2022 Dragi nasi clanovi i svi gosti Srpsko Australijskog Centra Willawong, Uprava Centra bi zelela da vam se svima zahvali za vasu podrsku u ovim teskim i neizvesnim momentima. U skladu sa sadasnjom situacijom i daljim porastom infektiranih osoba korona virusom i takodjer sa ocekivanim daljim porastom i sirenjem virusa, Uprava je donela odluku da ce Srpsko Australijski Centar Willawong biti zatvoren efektivno od Petka 20-og Marta 2020. Sve aktivnosti i planirani dogadjaji ukljucuj...uci sve proslave, koncerte i socijalne veceri bilo koje vrste su otkazani do 1-og Juna 2020. Praticemo situaciju vrlo pazljivo i u skladu sa savetima Vlade Australije i Ministarstva Zdravlja, nasa odluka o zatvaranju Centra ce biti ponovo razmotrena svakih 14 dana. Nase buduce odluke ce biti donesene uzimajuci u obzir trenutnu situaciju i zakone koji su na snazi. Vas zivot i zdravlje su nam najvazniji. Molimo vas da se pridrzavate svih higijenskih i zdravstvenih saveta objavljenih od Vlade Australije, Ministarstva Zdravlja Australije i relevantnih lokalnih vlasti. Zelimo vama i vasim porodicama puno zdravlja. Mozete uvek da nas kontaktirate putem Facebook stranica u bilo koje vreme. A mi cemo nastaviti da vas obavestavamo o novim zbivanjima i trenutnoj situaciji u vezi sa Korona Virusom. Uprava Srpsko Australijskog Centra
21.01.2022 Dragi nasi obavestavamo vas da Cafe Bar "Palma" pocinje sa radom svake Srede I Petka od 19h do 23h. Mozemo najaviti mnostvo novina koje ce se uvesti i uraditi u samom cafe-u u buduce. Od natkrivanja terase sa zavesama protiv vetra i grejacima u plafonu do uvodjenja video projektora sa velikom slikom na jednom od zidova. Planirana su i uvodjenja specijaliteta dana za petak vece kao sto su sarma, gulas, pasulj sa kolenicom itd. Palma cafe vas vec ocekuje sutra uvece od 19h. ... Uprava SAC Willawong Dear all, we would like to inform you that Cafe Bar "Palma" starts every Wednesday and Friday from 7 pm to 11 pm. We can announce a lot of happenings to come that will be introduced and done in the cafe itself. From covering the terrace with wind curtains and heaters in the ceiling to the introduction of a video projector with a large picture on one of the walls. It is also planned to introduce specialties of the day for coming Friday night, such as sarma, goulash, beans soup (pasulj/grah), etc. Palma cafe is already waiting for you tomorrow night from 19h. Management of SAC Willawong
20.01.2022 Drage Dame, Srean Vam 8. Mart - Dan ena eli vam uprava SAC WillawongDrage Dame, Srean Vam 8. Mart - Dan ena eli vam uprava SAC Willawong
18.01.2022 SAC uprava zeli svima srecan Vaskrs. Hristos Vaskrse.
17.01.2022 Generalna skuptina SAC Willawong - sve je spremno Uprava SAC Willawong
16.01.2022 $10 tickets also available at the entry tonight! Looking forward to seeing you all there!
16.01.2022 Pridruzite nam se na Cocktail Party 14 Novembra 2020 sa pocetkom u 9pm. Uzivajte sa nama uz vrhunske ljetne muzicke hitove sa DEEJAY DEE. Koktel majstori ce se postarati da vam vece ulepsaju fantasticnim izborom najpopularnijih koktela. Karte mozete kupiti ovde:
16.01.2022 Ovog meseca Ivana Milic Simic iz uprave SAC Willawong je imala privilegiju da se sastane sa Garry Page, direktorom Australijskog Crvenog krsta za Queensland i bila je u prilici da uje za divan i ponekad zahtevan rad osoblja Crvenog krsta koji radi na pruanju podrke rtvama nedavnih poara u Australiji. SAC je mogao da prilozi Crvenom krstu donaciju u iznosu od $1200 za njihov Fond za pomoc u katastrofama i oporavku porodica od pozara sirom zemlje. eleli bismo da se zahv...alimo svim lanovima u naoj zajednici koji su nesebicno donirali i time pomogli druge. Vas SAC Willawong This month Ivana Milic Simic from SAC Willawong had the privilege to meet with Garry Page, Australian Red Cross Director for Qld and we were able to hear of the wonderful and at times challenging work that the Red Cross staff have been doing to support the victims of the recent bushfires in Australia. SAC was able to present the Red Cross with a donation of $1200 for their Disaster Relief and Recovery Fund. We would like to acknowledge and thank all our members and our community who donated for their generosity and support. Yours SAC Willawong
16.01.2022 Ako poznajete osobe u nasoj zajednici kojima bi prijao sedmicni drustveni poziv od strane volontera koji govori srpski jezik mozete da stupite u kontakt sa Multicultural Communities Council Gold Coast - I Speak Your Language Program. Ova usluga je besplatna. Ako ste zainteresovani da postanete volonter sa istom organizacijom mozete da im posaljete email na [email protected] ili da ih pozovete na 1800 95 40 40. Za vise informacija u vezi I Speak Your Language Program mozete... da posetite njihovu web stranicu I Speak Your Language Program provides free state-wide telephone support that connects you with a volunteer who speaks your language. Each week you will get a call and have a social chat to help you feel more connected with your community and your culture. For further information in relation to the program or to become a volunteer please contact MCCGC by email [email protected] or phone 1800 95 40 40.
15.01.2022 Jeste li spremni za Pilates? Vidimo se ovog cetvrtka u 19 casova! Are you ready for Pilates? See you all this Thursday at 7:00pm!
15.01.2022 SAC Willawong i St George FC Willawong su resili da krenu u ciscenje naseg centra stim pozivaju sve clanove i ljude dobre volje da se prikljuce akciji ciscenja. Plan je da se ocisti sve oko samih zgrada a u sali da se generalno sve sredi. Stoga zene i muskarci su potrebni u ovoj akciji a svako ko ima dodatnih pitanja moze da nas kontaktira preko facebook-a ili preko telefona 0404456579 Mladen Puric. Mehanizacija ce biti obezbedjena za taj dan. Mole se ljudi koji imaju svoje ...privatne stvari ostavljene u zgradama ili zemljistu Srpsko Australiskog Centra da dodju i pokupe sve ostavljeno stim da prvo kontaktiraju upravu SAC radi indentifikacije vlasnistva. Sve sto nadjemo a da nismo koristili zadnje 2-3 godine bice baceno na smece, pa Vas molimo da shvatite ovaj poziv ozbiljno sto se tice licnog vlasnistva na posedu SAC. Isto se mole svi koji dolaze u nas klub da bez odobrenja ne donose nista. Hvala Vam u napred Uprava SAC Willawong
15.01.2022 Office of eSafety Commissioner nudi roditeljima besplatne webinare na temu popularnih apps kao sto su TikTok, Instragram, Snapchat i Youtube kako bi roditelji mogli da podrze i pomognu deci da budu sigurniji i bezbedniji kada koriste pomenute apps. Da se registrujete mozete da kliknete na sledeci link ... In honour of National Child Protection Week, Office of the eSafety Commissioner is offering parents free webinars to learn about popular apps such as TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat and YouTube to help support young people to develop skills to be safer online. To register you can click on the link below:
15.01.2022 NOC FILMA Po vasim glasovima drugi film ce biti Godzilla King of the Monster sa pocetkom u 20h ovog petka 13. Mart. Ponesite vase cebe, prostirku ili nesto na cemu bi deca mogla da legnu ili da sede. Vidimo se... SAC Willawong Movie Night Godzilla King of the Monsters will be the second movie shown on Friday, 13th of March with a start time of 8:00pm. Please make sure that you bring a picnic blanket or a cushion so that the kids have something to sit on. Hope to see you this Friday SAC Willawong
14.01.2022 Lepe vesti! SAC Willawong je dobio na poklon od AGL-a solarni sistem velicine 15kw, u vrednosti oko $34,000. Na ovoj aplikaciji uprava SAC Willawong je radila od Oktobra 2019 godine da bi se evo u Maju 2020 obistinila. Ovaj poklon od AGL-a ce znaciti ustedu elektricne energije svima koji koriste pogodnosti samog kluba i samim tim ustedjeni novac od energije ce biti ulozen u dalji razvitak samog centra. Mi cemo nastojati da u buducnosti bude vise ovakvih donacija i poklona ...koje bi pomogle brzi razvoj i vecu posecenost. Uprava SAC Willawong-a Great news! SAC Willawong has received a grant from AGL, a 15kw solar system for our centre totalling to around $23,000. SAC Willawong committee members have been working on this grant application since October 2019. This grant from AGL will benefit our centre and our community enormously and thus the money saved from energy will be invested in the further development of the centre. We will strive to work and apply for more grants in the future to assist us to improve our centre. SAC Willawong Management
13.01.2022 Pilates @ SAC Willawong Obavjestavamo Vas da Pilates ponovo pocinje u nasem centru 16 tog jula, svakog cetvrtka sa pocetkom u 19h. Svi koji su zainteresovani mogu da kontaktiraju Sladju na 0406 028 880 ili [email protected].... Pilates is back! We are excited to advise you that Pilates is back at our centre on the 16th of July, every Thursday with a start from 7:00pm. For anyone who might be interested in joining the group please contact Sladja on 0406 028 880 or [email protected].
13.01.2022 SAC is proud to advise that we will be hosting Kids Event to honour Child Protection Week which is held from 6-12 September each year. Our event will be held on 6th of September with a start from 3:00pm and it will include lots of fun kids activities including two child safety video lessons developed by Daniel Morcombe Foundation. We kindly ask parents/caregivers to please review both of the lessons prior to children attending our event. Please RSVP by 31st of August either by emailing us on [email protected] or by sending us a DM on Facebook advising how many adults/children will be in attendance. One of the Key Messages of Child Protection Week - Child protection is everyone's business. The responsibility lies with adults in keeping children safe from harm. All members of society need to play a part in ensuring children are nurtured and safe. SAC Uprava je ponosna sto cemo ove godine odrzati Kids Event u nasem centru vezan za Child Protection Week koji se obelezava svake godine izmedju 6-12 septembra. Nas djeciji dogadjaj ce biti odrzan 6-tog septembra sa pocetkom u 3:00pm i nasi malisani ce moci da budu deo mnogo zanimljivih aktivnosti kao i da nauce kako da se osjecaju bezbedno i sigurno posto cemo prikazati dva videa koja je Daniel Morcombe Foundation kreirala za decu. Molimo roditelje/staratelje da prije naseg dogadjaja pregledaju obadva videa Molimo roditelje/staratelje da nam najave njihov dolazak do 31-vog avgusta time sto cete poslati poruku preko Facebooka ili emailom na [email protected].
13.01.2022 Pored truda da pomognemo ugrozenima u pozarima, javnim kuhinjama sa hranom i dostavom garderobe kome je stvarno potrebna isto tako se trudimo da sacuvamo planetu Potsecamo vas da sve plasticne i staklene flase mozete doneti u 1 Camden Rd Willawong a samim tim pomoci svom klubu sa 7centi po flasi. Hvala u napred SAC Willawong ... In addition to trying to help those affected by bush fires, public kitchens with food and delivery of clothes who really need it, we also try to save the planet We remind you that you can bring all plastic and glass bottles to 1 Camden Rd Willawong and thus help your club with 7 cents per bottle. Thanks in advance SAC Willawong
11.01.2022 Sve informacije na srpskom jeziku u vezi corona virusa u Australiji i najnovije vesti u Srbiji mozete da nadjete na sledecem SBS linku. Cuvajte se i budite zdravo SAC Uprava...
10.01.2022 Services Australia - Informacije za osobe koje su izgubile posao zbog trenutne situacije u vezi Covid-19 virusa i osobe koje vec primaju neke dodatke od Centrelink. Za vise informacija posetite Services Australia web stranicu
10.01.2022 Are you planning a wedding or you know someone that is looking for a wedding venue? Look no further ... We are currently taking wedding bookings for 2021/2022. Contact our events team to secure your date.... For enquiries or to book online please visit: Styled by our friends WOW Weddings , Wedding and Event Hire #serbianaustraliancentre #brisbaneweddings #brisbanevenuehire #weddingvenues #queenslandweddingevents #eventsvenuhire #weddings
09.01.2022 Vidimo se 5 Decembra! Uzivacemo zajedno uz nase domace specijalitete i dobru muziku! Radujemo se vasem dolasku i druzenju!
08.01.2022 SAC zeli da obavjesti nase clanove i nasu zajednicu da ako zelite da glasate putem poste na lokalnim izborima koji ce se odrzati 28/03/2020 imate do 19:00 casova danas da predate zahtev za glasanje postom na jedan od sledecih nacina - nazovete 1300 881 665 ili - posaljete email na [email protected] ili - preko ECQ web stranice SAC would like to share some information that our members and wider community might find helpful in relation to postal voting for the Local Government elections which will be held on 28th of March 2020. The deadline to apply for a postal vote is 7pm tonight (Monday, March 16). You are able to apply for a postal vote by phoning 1300 881 665, emailing [email protected] or through the ECQ website. For the latest information on the Local Government elections on Sat, March 28, please visit the Queensland Electoral Commission Queensland (ECQ) website
08.01.2022 OBAVESTENJE Pilates je za veceras otkazan ali se nadamo da nam se moete pridruziti sledeceg cetvrtka. SAC Uprava... ANNOUNCEMENT Unfortunately Pilates session scheduled for tonight has been cancelled however we look forward to seeing everyone next Thursday. SAC Team
06.01.2022 Cocktail Party - Broj ulaznica je limitiran. Prodaja ide brze nego sto smo ocekivali. POZURITE DA OBEZBEDITE SVOJE MESTO. Ulaznice mozete kupiti ovde: Molimo vas da unesete podatke (imena, email, mobilni broj) svih gostiju kad kupujete grupne karte. To nam pomaze za COVID-19 Contact Tracing. ... Zahvaljujemo se svim koji su vec kupili ulaznice i vidimo se 14 Nov. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Cocktail Party - NUMBER OF TICKETS IS LIMITED AND THEY ARE SELLING FAST. HURRY AND SECURE YOUR SPOT. You can purchase the tickets here: Please enter the required details (Name, email, mobile) for all the guests attending when purchasing group/multiple tickets. It helps with COVID-19 Contact Tracing requirements. We thank everyone who already purchased the tickets and we will see you 14 Nov.
06.01.2022 Moramo da pohvalimo sve ljude koji su donirali odjecu i hteli da budu deo humanitarne zamisli naseg centra za pomoc nasim sunarodnicima u Republici Srpskoj. Trenutno smo skupili oko 10 kutija odjece i donatore za 6 placenih kutija! A stvari i igracke nam jos uvek dolaze i ljudi nas zovu sto nas itekako raduje. Transport je pomeren za sredinu Septembra ka Melburnu i odlazak u Republiku Srpsku polovinom Oktobra ove godine sto nam daje dovoljno vremena da prikupimo jos vise g...arderobe za odrasle i decu, posteljine, peskire i plisane igracke. Mi cemo vas obavestavati s vremena na vreme o nasim uspesima u prikupljenoj garderobi i igrackama a vi razmislite da li biste imali nesto da poklonite sto vam ne treba! Garderoba treba biti u dobrom stanju bez mrlja, rupica, poderotina i da ima svu dugmad (ako vec ima dugmad), da je oprana i ispeglana kako bi nam olaksalo nas posao pri pakovanju i sortiranju. Hvala svima koji su deo ove dobrotvorne akcije. Uprava SAC Willawong We must commend all of those individuals who donated preloved clothing items and took part in the humanitarian action at our centre to help our people in Republic of Srpska. So far we have received enough donations of clothing items for 10 boxes and generous donors who will provide financial assistance towards shipping costs for 6 boxes! Preloved clothing and toys are still being delivered to us and people are calling us to bring more, which makes us very happy. The transport date was moved to Melbourne in mid-September and will be on the way to Republic of Srpska in mid-October this year. This gives you plenty of time to donate even more clothing and toys for both adults and children who are in need of it. We will continue to update you about the generous donations so please consider to be a part of this initiative. We kindly ask that the preloved clothing for both adults and children as well as plush toys are in good condition without stains, holes, tears etc and are washed and ironed to make our job easier when packing and sorting. Thank you to all of our generous donors Your SAC Willawong
04.01.2022 Generalna skupština SAC Willawong - sve je spremno Uprava SAC Willawong
03.01.2022 Добротворно братство и сестринство "Радост" Veoma smo ponosni na nasu zajednicu i imamo divne vesti koje bi da podelimo sa svima Vama! Juce su clanovi nase uprave dostavili 17 paketa donirane odece i igracaka za organizaciju Radost, pre nego sto ce svi paketi biti pokupljeni i krenuti za Melburn....Continue reading
03.01.2022 QLD Child Protection Week is held from 6th-12th of September each year and it's aim is to promote the value of children and focus the attention on the issues of child abuse and neglect. Protecting children is everyone's business. Our Kids Event will be held on 6th of September with the start from 3:00pm and it will include educational material as well as lots of fun activities for our children. There are still limited places available so we ask parents/caregivers to send us ...a DM or an email on [email protected] and advise us of their attendance. We kindly ask members of the public to not attend our event and remain at home if they are feeling unwell or sick. Djeciji dogadjaj vezan za Child Protection Week ce biti odrzan u nasem centru 6tog septembra sa pocetkom u 3:00pm. Molimo roditelje/staratelje da nam najave njihov dolazak putem Facebook poruke ili emailom na [email protected]. Zelimo da zamolimo nasu zajednicu, da ukoliko ste bolesni i imate bilo kakve simptome kasljanja, kijavice, temperature da ne dolazite na djeciji dogadjaj.
03.01.2022 SAC Willawong i St George FC Willawong su resili da krenu u ciscenje naseg centra ove subote 14/03/2020 stim pozivaju sve clanove i ljude dobre volje da se prikljuce akciji ciscenja. Plan je da se ocisti sve oko samih zgrada a u sali da se generalno sve sredi. Stoga zene i muskarci su potrebni u ovoj akciji a svako ko ima dodatnih pitanja moze da nas kontaktira preko facebook-a ili preko telefona 0404456579 Mladen Puric. Mehanizacija ce biti obezbedjena za taj dan. Mole se l...judi koji imaju svoje privatne stvari ostavljene u zgradama ili zemljistu Srpsko Australiskog Centra da dodju i pokupe sve ostavljeno stim da prvo kontaktiraju upravu SAC radi indentifikacije vlasnistva. Sve sto nadjemo a da nismo koristili zadnje 2-3 godine bice baceno na smece, pa Vas molimo da shvatite ovaj poziv ozbiljno sto se tice licnog vlasnistva na posedu SAC. Isto se mole svi koji dolaze u nas klub da bez odobrenja ne donose nista. Hvala Vam u napred Uprava SAC Willawong
03.01.2022 Drage mame i tate, ne zaboravite da dovedete decu ovog petka 13. marta na druzenje sa nama i ostalom decom. Film Toy Story 4 pocinje 18:30 a mi se vidimo malo ranije SAC Willawong Dear parents, don't forget to join us with your little ones this Friday, 13th of March for a showing of Toys Story 4 with a start time of 18:30pm.... We hope to see you this Friday SAC Willawong
02.01.2022 We are looking forward to seeing everyone tonight!! Ne propustite Cocktail Party u nasem centru veceras. Vidimo se! Please note that all government COVID regulations and restrictions must be followed and if you are unwell please remain at home.
01.01.2022 Docek Nove 2021! Rezervacije i prodaja karata za docek Nove godine krece od sledeceg petka 4-og Decembra. Kao i uvek veselicemo se uz zivu muziku, fantasticnu hranu i dobro drustvo!
01.01.2022 OVAKO SE PRAVE NAJBOLJI KOKTELI!!!! OBECAVAMO FANTASTICNU NOC!!! Ne propustite nas Cocktail Party - Srpsko Australijski Centar Brisbane 14 NOV 2020 U 9PM!!!! Rezervisite svoje mesto ovde:... See more
01.01.2022 Queensland Child Protection Week Every member of our society can play an important role in ensuring children and young people are safe, well and supported. There are still approximately 100 events that will take place across Qld during the Child Protection Week (6-12 September) so you are welcome to visit to check out an event close to you.... #qldchildprotectionweek #serbianaustraliancentre Na svima nama je da zastitimo nasu decu. Mozete da posetiti za decije dogadjaje u toku Child Protection Week, izmedju 6-tog i 12-tog septembra.
01.01.2022 Queensland Child Protection Week Child Protection Week officially began on 6th of September! It's aim is to promote the value of children and focus the attention on the issues of child abuse and neglect. On Sunday, Serbian Australian Centre hosted Kids Event to honour Child Protection Week in order to focus on the importance of keeping children safe and creating safer environments for children to grown, learn and thrive in. We wanted to thank all the families, caregivers an...d children that attended and share with you some of the amazing photos from the day. We had many fun activities for the children to enjoy, from lantern making, to a magician show, photo booth and a movie. Most importantly Child Safety Lessons by Daniel Morcombe Foundation were shown including Safety Helpers activity to teach our children key personal safety concepts in a fun and interactive way. Caring for children and keeping them safe is a shared responsibility! #qldchildprotectionweek #serbianaustraliancentre #handsonart Child Protection Week je pocela 6-tog septembra! U SAC-u se ove nedelje odrzao djeciji dogadjaj povodom Child Protection Week I zelimo da se zahvalimo svim roditeljima i starateljima koji su nam se pridruzili u nedelju. Zelimo da podjelimo sa Vama neke od slike i nadamo se da su djecica uzivala kao i sto smo mi.
01.01.2022 On a few occasions now, when visiting our centre some individuals are choosing to park their cars on the grass area at the front of our centre’s main building. In addition to this, a few plants that have been recently planted have been pulled from the ground this week. This is disheartening and very disappointing as our volunteers and committee members have worked hard to secure the grass donation as well as to apply for plants through a program with our local council in o...rder to improve the conditions of our centre. We kindly ask all of our members and visitors to please park only in the parking bays provided or utilise off street parking. Grass area is not to be used for parking. We also kindly ask all the parents/caregivers to please supervise your children closely when visiting our centre. If we all do our part and work together to look after our centre, we, our children and future generations will get to enjoy the benefits. Nazalost vec nekoliko puta neki clanovi nase zajednice ili posetioci parkiraju svoja auta na travu ispred naseg centra! Protekle nedelje nasli smo izcupane biljke iz zemlje koje su samo pre nekoliko meseci zasadjene. Nasi volonteri I clanovi uprave su se potrudili da dobiju donaciju i ugrade travu gde se parkiraju vozila a i aplicirali i posadili biljke koje smo dobili preko Council-a da bi nas centar bio jos lepsi i bolji za sve nas. Molimo sve clanove nase zajednice I posetioce da ne parkiraju na travu ispred centra. Molimo roditelje da cuvaju I paze decu kada posecuju nas centar.
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