Serbian Community Association of Australia Inc. (SCAA) in Dandenong, Victoria | Non-profit organisation
Serbian Community Association of Australia Inc. (SCAA)
Locality: Dandenong, Victoria
Address: 186 Foster Street East Dandenong, VIC, Australia
Likes: 656
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25.01.2022 Udru`enje srpske zajednice Australije je osnovalo novi, veoma humani program Prijateljskih Poseta gde volonteri pose}uju na{e usamljene ili izolovane ljude kod njihovih ku}a samo dva puta mese~no po jedan sat. Cilj ovih poseta je da im osmislite i ulep{ate `ivot a od vas se o~ekuje da ih samo saslu{ate i popri~ate sa njima u doba i sat koji Vama odgovara. Va{i putni tro{kovi }e biti namireni. Molimo sve zainteresovane da nas nazovu na telefon: 9701 7308.
25.01.2022 Udruzenje Srpske Zajednice Australije poziva sve sadasnje i bivse clanove na PROSLAVU 10. RODJENDANA... SRPSKE IGRAONICE U MELBURNU Datum: Cetvrtak, 2. oktobar 2014. Vreme: 18:30 h 21:15 h Mesto: Kids Space Indoor Playcentre, Hallam Adresa: 79 Star Crescent, Cena: $5.00 po detetu, ulaz besplatan za decu do 12 meseci starosti. Ulaznice se mogu kupiti petkom ujutru od 10:00h do 12:00h u igraonici na adresi: 26 Nettle Drive, Hallam Ili nas kontaktirajte na Tel: (03) 9701 7308 E-mail: inf @ Ulaznice na prodaji do 26-tog septembra 2014 Molimo Vas da ponesete nesto od posluzenja po Vasem izboru. Kafe bar ce biti otvoren tako da mozete kupiti kafu, caj ili hladne sokove. Dobro dosli!
23.01.2022 For all of you that are looking for residential aged care facilities: We will post some of the nursing homes that have the most residents in their care from our background. This week that would be Doutta Galla Aged Services that are having various locations across the Western side of the city. St. Albans branch: have 16 of our residents.... Sunshine branch: 10 residents from our backgrounds. Footscray branch: 5 of our residents. Doutta Galla caters to the needs of our residents by cooking our kind of meals for them and playing our music. During cultural days, they play videos called travel to your country , engage dancers and various other entertainers. For more information please call: Lisa Lawler | Admissions Manager Doutta Galla Aged Services 75 Moreland St Footscray, Vic, 3011 P: 03 9680 3300 | M: 0413 221 998 E: [email protected]
22.01.2022 Svim osobama koje zele da volontiraju u nasoj organizaciji, mogu da nas nazovu za vise informacija na 9701 7308.Vasa pomoc je dragocena bez obzira koliko vremena mozete da izdvojite za volonterski rad. Unapred HVALA!
21.01.2022 Dear members, thank you all for attending our 10th birthday of Serbian Playgroup! Please enjoy looking through the album of memorable night of fun!!
21.01.2022 Serbian Community Association of Australia Inc. is organizing the Community Issues Forum Sunday 23rd of March 2014 2 pm Tooronga Community Centre ... (Within the Tooronga Shopping Centre complex) Corner Tooronga and Toorak Rd Glen Iris The aim of the Forum is to identify pertinent issues in the Serbian community such as Aged Care, Health and Mental Health and other Social issues. This event has been supported by the funding from the Victorian Multicultural Affairs under the Multicultural Festivals and Events Grants Program. Due to the limited seating and catering purposes it is essential to confirm your attendance. For more information about this event please contact us on 9701 7308 or via-email [email protected]. We look forward to seeing you at the Forum.
20.01.2022 Dragi prijatelji, zeleli bi da vas obavestimo o izlozbi slikarke Mirjane Margetic koja ce se odrzati u nedelju 10 novembra 2013. Mirjana je autor knjige " History of Serbian Migration in Victoria- What Shapes my Identity Today" koja je nedavno izasla iz stampe. Price koje je Mirjana sakupila tokom rada na ovoj knjizi bile su inspiracija za ovu izlozbu. Pozivamo vas da posetite ovu izlozbu a ujedno i da pogledate knjigu koja ce moci da se kupi tom prilikom.
20.01.2022 Vazno Obavestenje! Potrebni Volonteri. Putni troskovi bice nadoknadjeni. Molimo Vas da nam se javite. Telefon: 9701-7308... email: [email protected] Important Announcement! Volunteers needed. Travel cost will be reimbursed . Please contact us for more info. Phone: 9701-7308 email: [email protected]
20.01.2022 We would like to thank everyone who attended and supported our event. We posted a new album so, please have a look! Enjoy!
20.01.2022 Dragi roditelji, Decija igraonica pocinje sa radom u petak 01/02/2019 sa pocetkom od 10 sati, na adresi 26-28 Nettle Drive, Hallam. Dear Parents, Serbian playgroup will commence with work this Friday 01/02/2019 ... from 10-12 pm at the address: 26-28 Nettle Drive, Hallam. Hope to see you all there! Nadamo se da cemo vas videti tamo! See more
17.01.2022 We are proud to announce the SCAA Board for 2018: PRESIDENT: Ljubica Petrov VICE PRESIDENT: Nada Martinovic SECRETARY: Marija Dragic... TREASURER: Zdenka Vujanic Board member: Jelena Tomic Са поносом обавуемо чланове одбора СЦАА за 2018: ПРЕДСЕДНИК: убица Петров потпредседник: Нада Мартинови СЕКРЕТАР: Мариа Драги Благаник: Зденка Вуани Члан Одбора: елена Томи
14.01.2022 About Serbian Community Association of Australia The Serbian Community Association of Australia (SCAA), formerly known as Serbian Welfare Association of Australia (SWAA), was incorporated in 1992. It is a non-profit, ethno-specific organisation which aims to provide the wider Serbian community with information, advocacy, support, education and research. SCAA is governed by a Board of Directors (BOD). The members who make up the BOD have a wealth of experience relating to a... diverse range of issues facing migrants and refugees and the broader culturally and linguistically diverse communities (CALD). The services provided by SCAA include aged care projects, employment services, support groups and community education programs. VISION Enabling the Serbian community to enhance their quality of life and fully participate in Australian society. MISSION To deliver sustainable and innovative services that address the evolving needs of the Serbian community. OBJECTIVES & AIMS To ensure the long-term viability and sustainability of SCAA as a legal entity and as a service provider. To adequately and appropriately address the needs of the Serbian ageing community in Victoria. To ensure that the Serbian community and its needs are positively promoted within the wider Australian community. To ensure that the needs and issues of young people in the Serbian community are adequately and appropriately addressed. VALUES Innovation, Integrity, Inclusion, Passion, Empowerment
13.01.2022 Last Reminder!!! 7 days to go!! Thanks to everyone who purchased the tickets for our event, for people who are planning to come, please contact us soon as possible in order to finalise the numbers. Our e-mail: [email protected] Thank you once more
13.01.2022 1. As far as a person is concerned, he or she is the most important person on earth. 2. Because this is the way human beings ought to treat each other. 3. By treating everyone this way, we form an important habit.
13.01.2022 Za poslednje informacije na srpskom jeziku u vezi sa Covid19 virusom, molimo Vas da pritisnete na vezu (link) dole naveden od strane Odeljenja za zdravlje i socijalne usluge Viktorije. Hvala For latest information on Serbian language in regards to Covid19 virus, please click on the link provided below from the Department of Health and Human Services of Victoria. Thank you ...
13.01.2022 Thank you all for attending our 10th birthday!!
13.01.2022 Coronavirus (Covid-19) Pregled promena restrikcija
12.01.2022 Obavestenje za osobe koje primaju neke od paketa kucne nege: Zeleli bi smo da Vas obavestimo o programu kucnih poseta koji je dostupan samo onima kojima je odobren paket kucne nege. Starije osobe koje su kod kuce imaju pravo da ih poseti najmanje dva puta mesecno volonter nad kojim je izvrsena policijska provera. Svrha ovih poseta je da umanji usamljenost i izolovanost putem prijateljstva i druzenja na vasem jeziku.... Volonter i primaoc paketa mogu zajedno da izadju vani na kafu ili caj, da pogledaju neki film, citaju knjigu ili novine , setaju se ili slusaju muziku ili bolje receno sve ono sto biste cinili sa vasim prijateljem. Program je besplatan za sve primaoce paketa kucne nege. Molimo Vas ako ste zainteresovani Vi ili clanovi Vase porodice da primite ovakvu posetu,da nam se obratite na telefon : 03/9701 7308 ili na email adresu: [email protected] za vise informacija. *Ovaj program je finansiran od Australijanske federalne vlade.* Hvala
10.01.2022 Serbian Community Association of Australia Inc. has commenced a new project the Community Visitors Scheme where volunteers are visiting our lonely or isolated people in their home only twice a month for one hour. Aim of these visits is to enrich and make life more enjoyable for them. From you, we only expect to listen and talk to them in time and hour that is best suited to you. We will reimburse your travelling cost. Please give us a ring on: 9701 7308... Thank you See more
10.01.2022 Svim damama koje bi volele da se zabave I druze medjusobno mogu da se prikljuce grupi koja se odrzava svake srede izmedju 12casova- 14casova, na adresi 186.Foster Street East Dandenong.
07.01.2022 Dragi prijatelji, Serbian Community Association of Australia organizuje Proslavu 20 godina rada organizacije i promociju knjige History of Serbian Migration Victoria-What shapes my identity today. Celebration of Serbian Migration and Community Services event 17. october 2013 Amora Hotel Riverwalk, Richmond (Marqee Room) 18:30h Ovoj svecanosti ce prisustvovati razna ugledne licnosti iz kulturnog i politickog zivota iz srpske i sire australijske zajednice. Ulaznice ce se prodavati po cjeni od $30 a za clanove organizacije i za penzionere $20. Zelja nam je da podstaknemo i unapredimo rad nase zajednice i da je obogatimo novim sadrzajima. Stoga vas pozivamo da nam se pridruzite uz simbolicnu godisnju clanarinu od $2. Svi clanovi organizacije imaju popust za ulaznicu i placaju samo $20 za ovu proslavu. Molimo vas da prosledite ovaj e-mail svima onima koji bi, po vasem misljenju, rado ucestvovali u ovoj akciji. Ako imate pitanja, mozete me kontaktirati putem e-mail-a [email protected] ili na telefon 9701 7308 Dear friends, Serbian Community Association of Australia is organising an event to celebrate 20 years of the Serbian Community Association of Australia (SCAA) and to launch the book, The History of Serbian migration in Victoria-What shapes my identity today? These are the event’s details: Celebration of Serbian Migration and Community Services 17. October 2013 Amora Riverwalk Hotel, Richmond (Marquee Room) 6:30 pm SCAA will invite the government representatives, politicians, community partners, former clients and community members to join us in our celebration. The ticket cost is $30 and for members and pensioners only $20. In order to provide more innovative services for our community we need to expand our membership .Thus, we are inviting you to become the member of our organisation. The membership is only $2 per year and which entitles SCAA members to various benefits including the discounted entry for this event, which is only $20. Please forward this e-mail to people who might be interested in this event. For more information please contact me via e-mail [email protected] or 9701 7308.
06.01.2022 At SCAA, we received some good news and we just wanted to share it with our friends and supporters: * The application to become an Aged Care Approved Provider submitted on 1 Feb 2018 (watch this space!) * We secured a Responsible Gambling Grant to deliver the project from Feb-Dec 2018 * The Community Visitors Scheme Program has again been extended until Dec 2018 * We received a small community grant from the City of Greater Dandenong That’s all for now, hope there will be more good news in 2018. We look forward to serving the needs of the Serbian community. Thank you all for your support.
03.01.2022 Poslusajte najnovije vesti u vezi sa Covidom
03.01.2022 Notice to all people receiving any of the home care packages: We would like to inform you about a home visit program that is only available to those who have been granted a home care package. Elderly persons who are at home, have a right for a visit at least twice a month by the volunteer over whom a police check was performed by our organisation. The purpose of these visits is to reduce loneliness and isolation through friendship and socialising while speaking in your own l...anguage. The volunteer and the recipient of the package can together go out for a coffee or tea, watch a movie, read a book or a newspaper, sit down or listen to music, just as you would with your friend. The program is free for all recipients of home care packages. Please, if you or your family members are interested in receiving such a visit, please contact us by phone: 03/9701 7308 or by e-mail: [email protected] for more information. * This program is funded by the Australian Federal Government. * Thank you
03.01.2022 Zelimo da se zahvalimo svim nasim volonterima na njihovom neprekidnom trudu i podrsci.Zelimo da se zahvalimo svim nasim volonterima na njihovom neprekidnom trudu i podrsci.
01.01.2022 Creating a tapestry of life-Migrant stories Creating a tapestry of life-Migrant stories is an art project supported by Victorian Multicultural Commission (VMC), which aims to work with women of Serbian and other ethnic backgrounds. The art and craft workshops will be tailored to suit the needs and interest of the participants. For more information about this project please contact us on 9701 7308 or via e-mail [email protected].... Commencing on Tuesday 11th of February 2014 at 12 pm Art and Craft workshops will be held every second Tuesday 12-2pm Tom Houlahan Centre 186 Foster Street East Dandenong
01.01.2022 Hvala Svetlana!
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