St John the Baptist Serbian Orthodox Church in Wollongong, New South Wales | Church
St John the Baptist Serbian Orthodox Church
Locality: Wollongong, New South Wales
Phone: +61 411 750 882
Address: 82 Kenny Street 2500 Wollongong, NSW, Australia
Likes: 1795
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19.05.2022 Литургиа помиреа У храму светог Саве у Београду служе егова Светост Патриарх српски г. Порфирие и егово Блаженство Архиепископ охридски и македонски г. Стефан уз саслужее свих архиереа Српске Православне Цркве и Македонске Православне Цркве - Охридске Архиепископие
25.01.2022 If you wish to find out how is the Serbian Patriarch elected watch this clip.
25.01.2022 The Elevation of the Holy Cross is one of the Great Feasts of the Orthodox Church, celebrated on September 14, that is this coming Sunday 27th (for our church which is using the Old Calendar). Services at our church are: - Vespers on Saturday 26/9 at 7 pm - Matins with solemn procession and elevation of the Holy Cross at 8am - Divine Liturgy at 9am...Continue reading
24.01.2022 This Monk from the Gregoriou Monastery of Mount Athos sleeps on the park benches in Athens and is a confessor and Spiritual Father to the homeless
24.01.2022 God's Grace - What Is Your Role?
24.01.2022 Find out why blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. Orthodox Bible Hub at 6pm tonightFind out why blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. Orthodox Bible Hub at 6pm tonight
24.01.2022 Велики празник Воздвижеа часног крста е у недеу (14)27. септембра. - Вечере уочи празника е у суботу у 19.00 часова - утрее са свечаним изношеем украшеног часног крста у недеу уутру у 8.00 часова - Света Литургиа у 9.00 часова
23.01.2022 For further info call Dylan on 0468 939 402
23.01.2022 Rejoice, Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, thou never-conquered battle-trophy of piety, support and staff of the faithful, the wall surrounding the Church, and the door that leadeth into Paradise. Through thee hath corruption been made to vanish and be no more; death's mighty power hath been vanquished and swallowed up, and we have been raised from the earth to celestial things. O truceless foe of demons, and our weapon invincible, thou art the glory of Martyrs and true adornment of all the Saints, calm port of salvation, that which granteth the great mercy of God unto the world. At GREAT Vespers of Exultation of the Holy Cross, Stichera for Aposticha
22.01.2022 Proverbs 14:2 Link: He that walketh in the right way, and feareth God, is despised by him that goeth by an inf...amous way. (Pictured: Abba Joseph and Diamond Jim Brady) Patreon image donor: Tim Andrews; consider pledging at:
22.01.2022 "You will make the sign of the cross every morning and say: 'My God, I leave myself into Your hands' and only then will you leave for your work." - St. Paisios the Athonite
22.01.2022 Stefan Teofilovic, director of SORROW, is from Serbia and hopes you enjoy his short-film which will be available on from 22 Oct - 7 Nov.
21.01.2022 Изношее и Воздвижее Часног крста на крау утреа
21.01.2022 Икона ураена за наш храм.
20.01.2022 Tomorrow is the feast day of Beheading of St John the Baptist. Divine Liturgy at 9am The authentic Orthodox iconography never shows the reality of this or any other biblical event cause reality of this world is ultimately death and corruption. An icon always depicts the transformed reality of Gods kingdom. So, yes: St John was beheaded but it does not end there: in Gods Kingdom he is fully alive, even more alive than he previously was. Dead and forgotten are those who have persecuted and beheaded him (first pic is an Icon, second is famous Caravaggio’s painting) Сутра е празник Усековаа главе Светог ована Крститеа. Св. Литургиа е уутру у 9.00
20.01.2022 Reminder of one of the most important archaeological discoveries in Serbia this year the discovery of the fleet from ancient Roman times, consisting of severa...l ships and boats, deep in the mud deposits in ancient Viminacium in eastern Serbia. Boats and ships were found during coal mining and fortunately machines didn’t do too much damage on ancient vessels and archaeologists managed to excavate them and move them to safe location for further examination. Boats were found just days before lockdown due to corona virus outbreak, but archaeologists and engineers from Drmno coal mine managed to construct special metal frames which were used for transportation of ancient vessels from the site. Ships were lifted by cranes, put inside those frames and placed on a train which carried them to a safe location, to artificial cave, where ancient vessels are being studied and will be reconstructed. This move was necessary, since wood started to decay due to new conditions. For almost 2000 years boats were buried in sand and clay deposits in what once used to be riverbed, which conserved them and preserved them all this time. But when they were excavated and exposed to the air it started damaging them and vessels had to be moved to a better location. Few boats were found at depth of 7 meters, largest one being 15 meters long. Since the vessels were found so deep, much deeper than the surrounding ancient Roman layers, at first, we didn’t know which period they originate from. But now, after examining their construction and thanks to some objects found beside them, we know that they are Roman boats. Ships were found during coal mining, since the whole area of ancient Viminacium is located above the massive coal deposits and on the way of always growing coal-fired power station and coal mine. Every day large machines are digging coal, and some of the most interesting archaeological discoveries in Serbia were made during those works. Unfortunately, most of the Viminacium archaeological area will disappear because of intensive coal mining. Also, at the same time, not far away from the site where boats were found, archaeologists discovered well preserved boat. This boat is made of single piece of wood, hollowed out by carving one oak trunk. Boats like this one were used in the late antiquity and early Medieval period by many barbarian peoples, especially Slavic tribes during their raids on Eastern Roman Empire. Viminacium was fortified Roman city, capital of Moesia Superior province and base camp of VII Claudia Legion. With more than 40 000 inhabitants, it was bigger than Pompeii. Its population was a mixture of different nations and cultures, from all over the Roman Empire. Site of Viminacium covers area of 450 hectares, and so far, only 2% have been excavated. Archaeologists say that there is enough material for the next 300 years of digging and exploration. More than 14 000 graves and tombs with more than 30 000 interesting and valuable grave goods inside them have been found at Viminacium necropolises, which makes them the largest Roman cemetery in the world. // Podseanje na jedno od najznaajnijih arheoloških otkria u Srbiji ove godine pronalazak flote drevnih plovila, koju ini nekoliko brodova i amaca iz rimskog vremena, duboko u naslagama mulja u Viminacijumu u istonoj Srbiji. Plovila su pronaena tokom kopanja uglja, ali sreom teške mašine nisu priinile veu štetu, pa su arheolozi uspeli da ih premeste na sigurnu lokaciju radi daljeg prouavanja. To se dogodilo neposredno pre uvoenja vanrednih mera i ogranienja usled epidemije korona virusa, ali su arheolozi i inženjeri iz kopa Drmno uspeli da premeste brodove uz pomo posebnih metalnih ramova i vozova. Ovaj korak je bio neophodan, pošto je drvo poelo da propada usled novih okolnosti u kojima se našlo. Više od 2000 godina brodovi i amci su ležali zakopani u naslagama mulja i peska u nekadašnjem renom koritu, što ih je konzerviralo i sauvalo. Ali kada su otkopani, vazduh je poeo da ih ošteuje, pa su morali biti sklonjeni. Premešteni su u veštaku peinu sa kontrolisanim uslovima, gde je u toku njiovo prouavanje i rekonstruisanje. Brodovi su pronaeni na dubini od 7 metara, a najvei je bio dugaak 15 metara. Pošto su pronaeni toliko duboko, znatno dublje od okolnih rimskih slojeva, isprva se nije znalo iz kojeg razdoblja potiu, ali je potom utvreno da se radi o rimskim brodovima, i to na osnovu konstrukcije i pokretnih nalaza pronaenih pored brodova. Velike mašine svakodnevno kopaju ugalj ije naslage leže ispod Viminacijuma, i veoma esto se tokom tih radova dolazi do znaajnih i zanimljivih otkria, ali e, nažalost, usled intenzivnog iskopavanja uglja, najvei deo arheološkog podruja Viminacijuma zauvek biti uništen. Pored toga, nedaleko od mesta pronalaska flote arheolozi su otkrili dobro ouvan monoksil, drevni amac istesan od jednog komada drveta, izdubljen u hrastovom stablu. amce poput ovoga koristili su brojni varvarski narodi u kasnoj antici i ranom srednjem veku, naroito slovenska plemena prilikom napada na Istono rimsko carstvo, tj Vizantiju Viminacijum je bio utvreni rimski grad, središte provincije Gornja Mezija i logor u kojem je bila stacionirana VII Klaudija legija. Sa preko 40 000 stanovnika bio je vei od Pompeje. Populacija Viminacijuma je bila mešavina razliitih naroda i kultura, poreklom iz svih krajeva Rimskog carstva. Lokalitet Viminacijuma pokriva površinu od 450 hektara, do sada je istraženo samo 2%, a arheolozi kažu da ima dovoljno materijala za naredih 300 godina iskopavanja. Do sada je u tamošnjim nekropolama pronaeno preko 14 000 grobova i grobnica sa preko 30 000 vrednih grobnih priloga, što ih ini najveim rimskim grobljem na svetu See more
20.01.2022 Свети лекари Козмо и Дамане, кои сте све бесплатно лечили, молите Бога за нас! Holy Physicians Cosmas and Damian, who have freely healed everyone, pray to God for us!Свети лекари Козмо и Дамане, кои сте све бесплатно лечили, молите Бога за нас! Holy Physicians Cosmas and Damian, who have freely healed everyone, pray to God for us!
19.01.2022 In the end times a man will be saved by love, humbleness and kindness. Kindness will open the gates of Heaven; humbleness will lead him into Heaven; a man, whose heart is filled with love, will see God. + Saint Gabriel Urgebadze, the Fool for Christ of Georgia (1929-1995)
19.01.2022 У петак почие Божини пост!
17.01.2022 What Is Real Love?
17.01.2022 Цео српски народ гледа у Републику Српску као у едну светлу тачку у времену. Она се указуе као мелем на општу рану српског народа.
16.01.2022 Australian Red Cross Lifeblood has today issued an urgent appeal for 16,000 additional people to give blood or plasma during the next two weeks. Wollongong Donor Centre currently needs 368 appointments. Please donate!Australian Red Cross Lifeblood has today issued an urgent appeal for 16,000 additional people to give blood or plasma during the next two weeks. Wollongong Donor Centre currently needs 368 appointments. Please donate!
16.01.2022 Под кра свога живота свети Андре уродиви (реч уродиви значи луд за Христа) скупа са своим учеником Епифанием, током бдениа у цркви Влахерна у Цариграду, угледао е пресвету Богородицу како се заедно са светим ованом Крститеем, анелима и ош неким светима, клечеи у храму моли за сав народ. Она е приступила централном делу цркве, клекнула и у том положау дуго остала молеи се. ено лице било е сво у сузама. Потом е са свое главе скинула покров и заштитнички ...га раширила преко свег народа. Након тога напад неприатеа кои су окружили Цариград е престао те су сви били поштеени крвопролиа. У словенским црквама празник Покрова пресвете Богородице се слави 1. октобра (т.14. по новом какендару), а у грчким црквама 28.октобра Стара словенска реч покров (као и грчка ) има вишеструко значее и подразумева покривало (за главу), али и заштиту од нпр. неприатеа па и заступништво т. посредовае да би се заштитило. Од осниваа Кола српских сестара наше парохие ова празник био е изабран као сестринска слава. Меутим, несретни раскол из 1964. године, током времена, довео е до тога да у нашем граду постое две српске парохие са идентичном храмовном славом (овадан), као и славом Кола српских сестара (Покров пресвете Богородице). Када е 1992. године раскол и званично исцеен направен е компромис како би се заедница и практично уединила. Парохиа у Дапту за храмовну славу узела е Ивадан, а парохиа у Волонгонгу за славу Кола српских сестара узела е Ваведее пресвете Богородице. Тако е ве шездесет година празник Покрова пресвете Богородице посебан за нашу заедницу. Света литургиа е у 9.00 уутру. Добродошли! See more
15.01.2022 Драги приатеи, У складу са нановиим рестрикциама владе НВ максималан дозвоен бро уди у нашем храму, укучууи и салу, е 88 особа на било коо служби (света Литургиа, Вечере, утрее...итд). То значи и да нее бити паркираа у порти, а да емо капиу на порти затворити када достигнемо бро од 88 особа. Молимо вас да се не окупате на улици. Капиа е се отворити након службе како би сви кои то желе упалили свее. ... С обзиром на то да желимо да пружимо прилику свима да учествуу у божиним богослужеима и да добиу бадак ове године емо, због ванредне ситуацие, почети са поделом рание. Бадак можете добити ве од суботе 2. ануара па све до Божиа 7.1 и то на следеим богослужеима: Света Литургиа сваког дана у 9 уутру (од суботе 2.1. до среде 6.1.) Вечере сваког дана у 18.00 часова Рождество Христово - Божи: Уранак (утрее) у 6.00 уутру, Света Литургиа у 8.00 уутру Радуемо се дану када е се пандемиа окончати и када више нее бити потребе за оваквим рестрикциама. Унапред се захвуемо на вашем стрпеу и разумевау. Одбор парохие и Црквене општине Св. ована Крститеа у Волонгонгу Dear Friends, Please note that, according to the most recent COVID-19 restrictions for NSW, the maximum capacity of our church, facilitating the church hall, is 88 people. This means that the gates at the church parking will close once we reach 88 worshipers in any service (Divine Liturgy, Vespers, etc.). Please do not congregate on the street. The doors will reopen again upon the conclusion of such services for the people to light candles. As we’d like to accommodate everyone’s need to participate in the Divine Services and to receive their BADNJAK this year we will have them ready early. So you can collect BADNJAK at our church any day from Saturday the 2nd of January up until Christmas Day the 7th of January at the services. Schedule of services is as follows: Divine Liturgy every day from Saturday the 2/1 till Wednesday the 6/1 at 9am Vespers at 6pm every day Orthodox Christmas Day 7/1: Matins at 6am; Divine Liturgy at 8am We look forward to the day when the pandemic will cease, and such restrictions will no longer be necessary. Thank you very much for your patience and understanding during this difficult time. In Christ, St John the Baptist Serbian Orthodox Parish and Church Community
15.01.2022 Saying "YES" to God - Dormition of the Theotokos
15.01.2022 Tomorrow’s bible hub starts at 7pm with a topic Meaning of Cross and Christ’s sacrifice
14.01.2022 Свети Василие Велики, моли Бога за нас!
13.01.2022 We must not avoid communion because we deem ourselves to be sinful. On the contrary, we must approach it more often for the healing of the soul and the purifica...tion of the spirit, to show our humility and faith, by considering ourselves unworthy and in need that we desire even more the medicine for our wounds. Otherwise it is impossible to receive communion once a year, as certain people do considering the sanctification of heavenly Mysteries as available only to saints. It is better to think that by giving us grace, the sacrament makes us pure and holy. Such people who receive less often manifest more pride than humility for when they receive, they think of themselves as worthy. It is much better if, in humility of heart, knowing that we are never worthy of the Holy Mysteries we would receive them every Sunday for the healing of our diseases, rather than, blinded by pride, think that after one year, receiving once or twice yearly, we become worthy of receiving them. St John Cassian + 435 AD
12.01.2022 How To Order Our Lives Correctly
11.01.2022 Orthodox Bible Hub tonight at 7pmOrthodox Bible Hub tonight at 7pm
11.01.2022 NEW MEN follows the lives of a Russian Orthodox monastery in rural West Virginia. As Pascha approaches, Fr. Justin contemplates his upcoming final vows. Available on from 22 Oct - 7 Nov.
10.01.2022 Orthodox Youth Bible Hub meets every Monday at 7pm at the church Next we focus on the 6th chapter of John’s Gospel (Church’s doctrine on Holy Communion)Orthodox Youth Bible Hub meets every Monday at 7pm at the church Next we focus on the 6th chapter of John’s Gospel (Church’s doctrine on Holy Communion)
09.01.2022 Orthodox Bible Hub is now every Tuesday at 7pm. Next topic: Kingdom of God Join us!Orthodox Bible Hub is now every Tuesday at 7pm. Next topic: Kingdom of God Join us!
07.01.2022 И ево зачееш и родиеш сина, и наденуеш му име Исус. Он е бити велики, и назвае се Син Вишега (Лк,1.32). Стоеи непомично, затворена у оквире онога што познае, Мариа одговара: Како е то бити кад а не знам за мужа? Оно што о е анео рекао не одговара еним очекиваима и зато е, разумиво, збуена. Онда о гласник каже: Дух Свети дои е на тебе, и сила Вишега осение те (Лк.1,35). Другим риечима, неко далеко монии од тебе обухватие твое физичке, мо...ралне, интелектуалне и духовне способности; и по мери твое сараде и учеша у ово интервенции, имаеш живот какав ниси могла ни да замислиш. Коначно, подсеа Мариу на невероватну трудноу ене роаке елисавете и додае: ер у Бога е све могуе (Лк.1,37). Сорен Керкегор, чувени филозоф, трао е нос рационалистима свог доба рекавши да е аутентична вера страст за немогуим. То е у убави предавае ономе што ум (она кои е пречесто толико арогантан да и не може одредити шта есте, а шта ние могуе) не може да види. Када Мариа каже: Ево слушкие Господе - нека ми буде по риечи твоо она управо проавуе такву веру, и тако, исправа Евино одбиае. И ово ‘нека буде’ оно што е немогуе заправо е омогуило оваплоее Бога. Када кажемо ‘Успее Богородичино’ не мислимо на ено успиае или пеае на небо (риеч ‘Успее’ долази од старословенског спити, спававати) него прие на ену смрт коа е у случау Богородице била тако мирна попут сна. Ова празник е такое мирни прелазак из смрти у живот, и са земе на небо. Сви ми у Симболу вере говоримо да чекамо васкрсее мртвих и живот будуег виека. Данаши празник сведочи да е Богородица, наша Велика Госпа и Госпоа, ве искусила ово васкрсее и тако за читаво човечабство постала симбол наде у васкрсее. See more
06.01.2022 Please vote now for our Folklor group and help us win $3000. It will take you 10 seconds
06.01.2022 Ово е едан саан момак па помозите ако шта можете
05.01.2022 John Chrysostom remains one of the most influential saints of the Orthodox Church. I highly recommend this video. Divine Liturgy tomorrow at 9am. ован Златоусти е и дае едан од наутицаних светитеа Православне Цркве. Света Литургиа уутру у 9 уутру.
05.01.2022 "Come, Follow Me" - Eternal Life Is Inherited Only by Becoming Christ’s Disciple
03.01.2022 Please note that throughout history religious societies have actually been the most productive and left for us the most beautiful masterpieces (architecture, music, art, literature...). We are the least religious society in the history of humankind and what are the the consequences? Annual HILDA (Household, Income and Labour Dynamic in Australia) Survey of 17,000 people found that in the eight years 2009 to 2017, ra...tes of diagnosed depression and or anxiety among young women and men aged 15 to 34 jumped from 13 per cent to over 20 per cent. So, yes, loosing our religion but also our minds. Why is this? Because nothing in this world can satisfy us. Because we are wired for God. We are made by God and for God and only in Him do we find fulfillment. Church is not a hospital it’s a place where we find our true selves. See more
02.01.2022 Regular services and activities at our church are: Sunday: Matins 8-9am Divine Liturgy 9am to 10.20am Monday: Youth Bible Hub at 7pm to 8.30pm (all in English) Wednesday: Talk to the priest 9-11am; ... Thursday: Choir rehearsal 7pm to 8.30pm Saturday: English Vespers at 7pm to 7.45pm See more
02.01.2022 BOGOJAVLJENJE/ THEOPHANY blessing of ocean water and swimming for the holy Cross canceled As it was impossible for us to ascertain or predict how many random members of public should spectate the event as they go about their afternoon walk on public space, we are unable to implement a specific COVID safety plan. As implementing COVID safety plan in public is beyond our parish and church community’s jurisdiction, we had no other choice but to cancel the event.
02.01.2022 Ово е едан саан момак па помозите ако шта можете.
01.01.2022 BLACK LIFE MATTERS ~During the Ferguson disturbances, near St. Louis, MO, a young Black Orthodox man told me that he would like to be involved in the Black Matter movement, to which I replied, "By all means, do it right away, but you must take my direction in this matter. I want you and your friends to carry banners with Jesus Pantocrator and the Mother of God of Kazan and one of St. Moses the Black. You must also carry beeswax candles and burn frankincense as you march, while singing, "The Cross is the Guardian of the whole world. The Cross is the might of kings, the Cross angels glory, and wound to demons." To which he replied - that would be out of character with the energy of the movement, and I said - we don't take our cues from this world. Instead, we inform them as to what is proper. Black lives have always mattered to me. I remember suffering as a young man under the yoke of the godless authority (police) in Jefferson City, MO, who bound me in handcuffs and threw me in the back of the squad car and told me, "we're going to take you over to Cedar City and let the wolves eat you." If it wasn't for a fair minded officer, Don Klein, who intervened, Heaven knows what would have become of me. My crime was being in the wrong place at the wrong time, nothing more. And also disobeying my grandma Dorothy, who said, "if you keep running around with these white folks, you're going to end up with your ass in a sling." It's about time that we, as men and women of good will, address the ills of our society and not on its terms, but on the terms of otherworldly Christianity, which will always be in opposition to the wisdom of this world. See more
01.01.2022 While Chuck Feeney’s act of kindness is most praiseworthy let us remind ourselves on the words of Christ directed to a rich young man: If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me. (Mt.19,21). This is not a general rule for all Christians but a special medicine that can be applied to others only as much as they are like this rich young man. Many have followed Christ and he did not give them... this command (for example Zaccheaus gave only half of his possessions). If the Kingdom of God could be acquired by giving away of possessions it would mean a person can save himself by his own actions and doing good deeds and not by the grace of God. Perfection is not in giving away all of one’s possessions but in becoming a disciple of Christ. Both the rich and the poor ones are to seek salvation from God. That’s why Jesus gives a final advice to the rich young man and to all of us: Come, follow me! See more
01.01.2022 Субота 14(1). новембар у 9.00 сати Света Литургиа поводом празника светих лекара и бесребреника Козме и Дамана Saturday, 14(1). November at 9am we serve the Divine Liturgy as we commemorate the holy wonderworkers and unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian of Mesopotamia, and their mother St. Theodota (3rd c.)
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