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Jenny Merrin Doula Services

Phone: +61 400 081 126


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25.01.2022 "At the moment of childbirth, every woman has the same aura of isolation, as though she were abandoned alone. Man is as irrelevant to this vital moment as if he had no part in it and the whole thing had dropped from heaven. It is the woman by herself who brings forth her progeny, and herself carries it off to some back-stage of life, a quiet, safe place for a cradle. Alone in silence and humility, she feeds and rears the child." Boris Pasternak - 'Doctor Zhivago'

24.01.2022 In conversations about about my doula work, Im often questioned about how I could possibly provide the kind of care pregnant and birthing mothers need, when I have never had children of my own. My answer is simple - my birth would not be like any other womens birth, therefore even if I had children of my own, my journey through pregnancy and Labour would be worlds apart from any of my clients; what I do possess is the warmth and empathy of a woman. I care deeply about womens health and womens rights. There can be no greater gift to me than to see a woman birth her baby the way she wants, in a supportive and nurturing environment where she and her baby are held safely. As as woman, I am built for that, its engrained in me, and that is a trait all doulas share.

24.01.2022 Incredible. The signs are there if you look closely and have patience. Not all signs show for all women, but it can be part of a whole picture when women are allowed to birth with little to no interruptions. #blessthebirthingbody

24.01.2022 Roughly 2 months ago I had the blessing of attending the 1st annual Doula Network Australia Conference, and wrap myself in the support of all these women surrounding me. Discussions on Evidence based research (and what that actually means for hospital births), home birth, free birth, the evolution of women-centred care, and innovative business initiatives presented by bad ass ladies... I was in heaven!! I have so much to give, implementing the sage wisdom of my fellow doulas, and I know 2019 is going to be EPIC in the doula world! #womencentredcare #doulanetworkaustralia #2019istheyearofthedoula

24.01.2022 Met so many beautiful mommas and their partners today I'm inspired by their stories and complete dedication to educating themselves to get the birth they want. Every journey is different, and doulas are there to create a safe space for those moments to unfold.

23.01.2022 Laying in. Its a thing, and its so valuable. Its a time to get to know your new baby, to bond, to nourish yourself during these early days, and to be in the moment during this very brief period of time. Cherish every moment of those first few weeks!

22.01.2022 What got me into this amazing work? My dearest friend giving birth to my God Daughter 2.5 years ago, and her asking me to fly home to the US to be her birth companion. The 9months between being asked, and the day Emmalyn arrived, were the most transformative months of my life. More to come on this, but my views on birth were completely opposite to what they are now.... I think many people can relate to my journey, which is why I want to share one day. Its also an important... part of what I bring to my clients as a doula. Im thankful for this journey, for this little pumpkin I hold in my arms, & for my soul sister guiding me to this path.

21.01.2022 Today I go to visit my client for the last time before we meet again in the birth space. The reminder for today, for each day, is to take it one wave at a time, one breath at a time. To be present in the moment is to be strong and in control of our minds. Birth is an experience of health, Im blessed to be in a role of reminding women of that.

20.01.2022 What amazing feedback from my first ever mumma I feel so honoured and blessed to be in this work, being of service to women. #doulalifeforme #blessed

19.01.2022 #DoulasDoItBest

17.01.2022 Its been 18 months since the closing of one chapter and the start of an exciting new one for all the women in this photo. The Australian Doula College class of June 2017 thankfully I still see many of them fairly regularly, being mentored, debriefing, and bringing the community of Doulas even closer together. I have met many other doulas outside of this amazing group, and hope one day to form partnerships with them. This world of birthing support is where I find my greatest source of joy, as I am equally supported by mothers and birth workers alike. A very symbiotic relationship, beautiful in every way. Many exciting things coming in 2019, I cant wait!

17.01.2022 This beautiful illustration by Spirit Y Sol... my heart...!! Women who feel held; women who feel heard; women who know their strength; women who dont hold back; you make this world a better place. You carry the future on you heart and in your womb. The uphill battle you sometimes feel you face to carry and birth you children as you see fit is not one you fight alone. There are millions of you around the world, and protest by protest, each denial of status quo, you chip away... at the patriarchy which has infused itself into the very fabric of child bearing. You are already teaching your sons and daughters that the current way is not the right way. You are my hero

17.01.2022 So proud to be a member of Doula Network Australia - a community on the move, making great changes in the world of pregnancy and birth, and bringing awareness of the broken system we face in pre and post natal care to the forefront. Its part of why I love being a doula: community

17.01.2022 Perfect day for a stroll with my client for our last meeting before baby arrives! I love our last catch up - the excitement, the questions, the conversations that take us to new territory, what will the Birth be like, and really getting to know each other that bit more before we meet again in the Birth space. I love my job

17.01.2022 I'm also a certified Reiki Level 1 practitioner, being initiated into this practice by the one and only Helen Callanan (Reiki Master for over 25 years). This can be used for any and all ailments, both mental and physical, but has amazing documented results for pregnant and new mommas, unborn babes, & children at all ages. Difficulty with becoming pregnant (for the myriad of reasons), placental previa, mal inutero positions, preclampsia, gestational diabetes, heart burn, long labors, post natal depression... the list goes on. Reiki can be a solution to all of them. Please message me for more details

16.01.2022 Hi there! Just a quick little hello from me, a snapshot of what I offer, and a general putting-our-there that after taking a little break, I am now embracing new clients for end of 2018/start of 2019 It feels so good to be back, to live with such purpose. I believe so much in what I do. Giving the decisions back to the pregnant mother is what I commit to, and nothing gives me greater pleasure than journeying through pregnancy, birth, and early parenthood with my clients. Thank you for watching

16.01.2022 There is a wonderful opportunity for all Sydney mommas to come visit the Australian Doula College stall at the Sydney Baby and Toddler Expo next weekend! I'll be manning the stall on Saturday the 23rd from 9:30am to 12:30pm. We're there to answer questions, provide information, and to give you amazing packages for Doula Services at a great discount! Check out the website for more information, and come see me!

14.01.2022 Its okay!! Finally evidence based research that proves what most women runners have instinctively known for a long time! No generalisations in this article, just great information for runners, soon to be mamas.

14.01.2022 Yes yes yes! Once your little ones immune system has had a chance to develop, being outside in the dirt (and tracking a bit into the home) is healthy! We over-sanitize our lives and its no wonder we have allergies to everything, sickness is so prevalent, and asthma is the new norm. Let your children get dirty

13.01.2022 It’s completely true! And while I absolutely 100% believe that hospital births are essential for many women, I wish there was better access to credible and accurate information for women experiencing a truly uncomplicated pregnancy. I sincerely hope one day my practice allows me to focus in on supporting women through home birth, whether it’s their first or tenth time, an HBAC, or birthing twins. But what has to happen first? For the lies and scare tactics around home birth to stop coming from doctors and organisations who profit greatly from insisting that childbirth is a medical emergency and that women who chose a home birth are irresponsible and endangering their unborn child’s life or their own. Truth: it’s not!

13.01.2022 Come see us today at the Sydney Baby and Toddler Expo at the ICC today! Half price for a student doula, can't beat that!

11.01.2022 Pre-Natal Tea My treat to my clients. A bit o rosehip, a dash o calendula, a scoop o raspberry leaf, a hint o mint and a heaping dose o Doula Love Anytime I gift this to a client, I suggest they store it in a coloured, glass jar out of sunlight and away from sources of heat or cold (mostly away from ovens and windows). Also, drinking it from a favourite mug aids in the benefits of good, loose teas

11.01.2022 Working with this family over a year ago was an absolute life-changer. Thrilled the feeling was mutual

10.01.2022 The sole intention of a doula, at it's heart, is to "mother the mother". Through this mantra, we do not program the birth of a child and mother, we guide and support. The end result is purely on the strength and will of the new mother - how she gets there and what new world she is borne into is highly dependant on that guiding and supporting. One goes with the other, and vice versa. A beautiful infinity of woman nurturing woman, a service to one another. #BlessedToBeDoula #BlessedToServeTheMother

10.01.2022 These next few weeks, Im really focusing on Confidence in the Birth Space with my client - expanding the space between being the observer, and being an active participant. Confidence means being certain of your abilities or of having trust in people, plans, or the future, something I believe is achievable but rarely expected from the birthing mother or her birth team. I respect so much the women who are willing to work with me to bring that back to the birth space. #createthespace

09.01.2022 I love everything about this. If only every man felt this way about women and Birth. This is a Highly enlightened and intelligent man.

08.01.2022 Ill be here, learning more about homebirth and the new phenomena to me, free birthing. I dont know much about it, have heard both sides, and now wish to make my own mind up about it. Here I go. Controversy and all! #FreeBirthForTheWin

07.01.2022 These next few weeks, I’m really focusing on Confidence in the Birth Space with my client - expanding the space between being the observer, and being an active participant. Confidence means being certain of your abilities or of having trust in people, plans, or the future, something I believe is achievable but rarely expected from the birthing mother or her birth team. I respect so much the women who are willing to work with me to bring that back to the birth space. #createthespace

06.01.2022 For all birthworkers, mothers, mother-to-be, and women - Jane Hardwick Collins is an inspiration for me. This workshop will give women at all stages a clearer view of their fears around birth, births theyve had, or births they may have. We celebrate the women in our lives, past and present, who have shaped who we are. I hope to see some familiar faces at this workshop!

06.01.2022 To New and old mothers: "Open. Open your mouth.... Make a sound Aaaahhhhhh!!!! Open your arms and legs, stretch out. Open your voice. Open your heart. Open your soul, a new one is coming to earth through you. Reclaim your sexual power. Take up space. This is your time. You open and close the space. Thou art Goddess." - Angela Fitzgerald Reclaim yourselves, mothers.

06.01.2022 Big news! From late June to early September I will be in the USA for an extended visit! If you, or someone you know, are due around this time, send me a message and we can set up a time to chat Last year I had the honour of attending a birth in Utah, and all of our post-birth chats were via Skype and Messenger - it went so well that I am happy to offer this again! Blessings

06.01.2022 Momma and mommas-to-be... how often have you been given advice since the moment you announced your first pregnancy? How much of it was clearly advice based of someones personal horror story, meant to be helpful but really had no truth for you? Seek out your own truth for pregnancy, Birth and parenting. Understand the basics, and the rest will happen through the experiences of your own life. Trust yourself! The basics are here. Simple but honest, Pinky McKay is a leader in gentle parenting - I highly recommend her blogs if you are in search of informed and thoughtful advice.

05.01.2022 This extraordinary little man is 6 months this week... honestly, the part of this doula gig that I love so incredibly much is being a silent witness to the birth of a family. The ebb and flow of growth as parents during pregnancy and then watched in real time during the labour and birth is mind bending, and I am honoured by the familys willingness to share it with me. Happy 6 month birthday Baby Z

05.01.2022 Yes yes yes! Once your little one’s immune system has had a chance to develop, being outside in the dirt (and tracking a bit into the home) is healthy! We over-sanitize our lives and it’s no wonder we have allergies to everything, sickness is so prevalent, and asthma is the new norm. Let your children get dirty

04.01.2022 Im inspired by indigenous women around the world who mostly still birth like they have been since the beginning of humankind. This means their births are likely unassisted, isolated, and instinctual. As I study cultures around the world, the more I realise that there are many aspects of how indigenous women birth that I believe the developed world can learn from, including the simple freedom of choice. This is such a big thing for me, because when womens choices are taken away about where, when and how they birth their children, the cycle of retreating on womens health care services and autonomy continues in all other areas of their lives. This beginning of life sets the pace and tone, right? We start there. Choice. From choice, the rest can follow.

04.01.2022 I love a quiet, early morning birth, unhindered by busy bodies and cloaked in darkness... safe. Happy Thursday

03.01.2022 Its completely true! And while I absolutely 100% believe that hospital births are essential for many women, I wish there was better access to credible and accurate information for women experiencing a truly uncomplicated pregnancy. I sincerely hope one day my practice allows me to focus in on supporting women through home birth, whether its their first or tenth time, an HBAC, or birthing twins. But what has to happen first? For the lies and scare tactics around home birth to stop coming from doctors and organisations who profit greatly from insisting that childbirth is a medical emergency and that women who chose a home birth are irresponsible and endangering their unborn childs life or their own. Truth: its not!

03.01.2022 Some of my favourite things about my job? This! Hanging with my new little friends, chatting with new mommas over tea, admiring motherhood and getting excited over their birth story.... ... Being present with women is so important. Recognising their fears, celebrating their wins, holding them through doubt, and cheering them on as they make their way through unchartered territory is my jam. So much love for mothers and mothers-to-be

02.01.2022 No birth photos in the birth room? Why? What are hospitals afraid of? Litigation? Proof of incidences of human rights violations that happen on the norm? Proof of a patriarchal healthcare system? I cant see any good reason why a birth should not be photographed if it is the desire of the birthing mother. Please sign this petition - while its in a different state to where any of us live (or country, for my USA friends), bad legislation usually starts in a place other than our own backyard. That doesnt mean we shouldnt put an end to it before it ends up in our local hospitals, or help those who are effected be it already.

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