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Serpentarium Wildlife Park Tasmania in St Helens | Arts and entertainment

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Serpentarium Wildlife Park Tasmania

Locality: St Helens

Phone: +61 459 317 763

Address: 5 West St 7216 St Helens, TAS, Australia


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25.01.2022 Roos and wallys shelter..

25.01.2022 Mr.Simon Van Der Aa not sure if the last few letters are correct but your medicare claimable receipt fell in the reception at Serpentarium today.If you’re still in town you can claim it at reception tomorrow around 11Am or we can mail it to you sent us a private message.. Hope someone know him.... Regards Jen&Matthew

25.01.2022 Its called #multitasking A cuddle from #Cuddles while cleaning her enclosure!

24.01.2022 #Mickey #GreenAnaconda #anaconda

24.01.2022 We all love a head massage aren’t we? Citrus here is a bit spoilt... #darwinpython #albinocarpetpython #carpetpythonsofinstagram

23.01.2022 Happy Reptile awareness day! Come see and meet our friendly cuddly scaley friends in house! Listen and learn to our keeper talk about our pythons everyday at midday...and enjoy interacting at the same time!

22.01.2022 Our wildlife paddock is done and ready for them.

22.01.2022 Finally got a cuddle with my boy Mickey #greenanaconda Were cleaning and changing his enclosure water pond atm. Sssssssooooo Heavyyyy! .... . . #greenanaconda #anaconda #anacondasofinstagram #sthelens #bayoffires #tasmania See more

22.01.2022 Yummmm-O! Thanks for my lunch ..

22.01.2022 #Reticulated #Python #feeding time #tasmania #snaketas #tassiestyle

21.01.2022 Congratulations #Sthelenstown

21.01.2022 Sam have a new found friend with our new addition at #serpentariumwildlifeparktasmania We would like to say thank you to @eastcoastnatureworld for giving us 4 young #foresterkangaroos and a successful delivery with their keepers.. Thank you Chris & Sarah ..... #roos #kangaroos #foresterkangaroos #tasmaniankangaroo

21.01.2022 Warm bath for this spoilt girls.

21.01.2022 Join Discovery Ranger Rachel at the Serpentarium. Learn about Tasmania’s Wildlife. From 11-12PM.. Followed by our interactive Keeper presentation talk about our... reptiles from 12-1 PM.. E N T R Y F E E A P P L I E S See flyer attached for more details.. Ssssssee you sssssoon! When: January 4-2021 Where: Serpentarium Wildlife Park Time:11-12Pm . #discoverytasmania #discovery #nativewildlife #rangertalk #keepertalk #serpentarium #sthelens #tasmania

20.01.2022 As summer approaching please be vigilant in the bushes or in your own backyard.If you need some help for relocation call this guys..

19.01.2022 Happy belly Happy Mickey #greenanaconda #anaconda #anacondaofinstagram

19.01.2022 Today i took her out for stretching and massage her 10 mins later being wrapped around my neck she drop her half body down then had her x3 Will i been waiting for it for 2 weeks,and i was a bit worried.Now i feel relieved and very happy for my gorgeous girl.She feels better and that makes everyone at home happy.

19.01.2022 Our very talented @josie_leila painted #Rio our #blueandgoldmacaw #painting #artwork #bird #birdpainting

18.01.2022 Hey mum wait for me! This beautiful #exotic #indianstartortoise is so cute.You might think they’re so slow,but as soon as you turn your back for few mins,their gone like a speed light!! Come visit us in Serpentarium you might get lucky to meet them,if it’s a nice sunny day! They will be busy munching our lawn..

18.01.2022 M E D U S A is that you?? Are you stuck today where you are because of the rain? . Would you like your hair style with our friendly snake? or would you like a beautiful hairdo??... . Come visit @serpentariumwildlifeparktas today.Enjoy the warm indoor heating facility have a hot fresh brewed coffee and most of all get in tangle with one of our friendly snake! Keeper talk and interaction at Midday!!

17.01.2022 Meet #Quko Our Volunteer Daisy name her! Previous zoo keepers wont handle her,due to her bad temperament.But look at her now,i pick her up with my bare hands with no sign of aggression and we all enjoying her company.An extra love and attention change their behavior a lot! #childrenspython #python #pythonsofinstagram #serpentarium #extralove

17.01.2022 NOTICE BOARD Our website and business email is shutdown atm.Untill further notice.. Any queries and important email please DM us here in our page.Or phone us at 63761015 or 0438105179.... Regards Matthew&Jen

17.01.2022 Anyone recognize this person??

16.01.2022 Hayley and April and the family visit us all the way from hobart today for the second time.They’ve missed cuddling Scales What a sssssslithering Day! #reptilesofinstagram #snakelover #reptiles #snake

16.01.2022 I’m pretty stuffed up,i couldn’t be bothered my daily walked today! So don’t disturb me i need a few days to be lazy lizard!

16.01.2022 Hellow snakes and reptiles lovers! If you want and educational snake book specially Tasmanian venomous snake? Come check out our locals writer and illustrator work. For more information click the link below. Cant wait to receive our copy..... #educationalbook #reptilebook #TassieSnake #supportlocal #educateyourselfandothers #pozibleCampaign See more

15.01.2022 Who's keen for a creepy and slithering day??

15.01.2022 Welcome to our new family addition! please meet Sparksthe Lace Monitor. . A very big thanks to Liza from queensland who help us out for looking after Sparks while flights was delayed and cancelled few times.We cant thank you enough.... Also a big shout-out to #fastfrieghtTasmania Devonport who contacted us after they saw our story from #ExaminerTasmania A big thank you to Shun Aisen (Our Pilot) from #AirCharterWorldwide Theyve offered us help bringing Sparks down here,what a fantastic work and 5 costumer service. Big thank you to Jarryd Holmes and Harry Murtough from #Examiner too for publishing our story.. #serpentariumwildlifeparktasmania #lacemonitor #monitor #welcomehome #Tasmania #Sthelenstasmania

15.01.2022 The king of Serpentarium

15.01.2022 Public Notice We will be close at 2:00PM today to pick up some foods for our reptiles. We apologise for any inconvenience..Public Notice We will be close at 2:00PM today to pick up some foods for our reptiles. We apologise for any inconvenience..

14.01.2022 Snake massage anyone? #burmesepython

14.01.2022 Trick-or Treat? Do you like to dress up on halloween? Come join us for fun and get a chance to Win some prizes! Dont forget to bring your lolly basket kids! .... Followed by our friendly Python presentation and interaction. Ssssssee you ssssssoon! See more

14.01.2022 This 3 are main legends behind Serpentarium. Meet Wazza and Rueben Moore our Serpentarium builders and Matthew the curator and the landscaper of all amazing enclosures.. This legends also own the Bayoffire Rvparks So if you’re coming down St Helens with your Rv come and stay with this guys..

14.01.2022 Edit:Message from the Curator of Serpentarium. For the conservation and appreciation of Nature, to experience, observe, and relate to the creatures in their natural kingdoms. Enjoy their beauty. Snakes & Pythons are amazing reptiles whom we have so much to learn about them. To understand their nature and personalities.... To appreciate the natural world we find our greatest individual worth. Matthew #Curator @serpentariumwildlifeparktas Happy World Snake Day! to all our scaley babies at #SerpentariumWildlifeParkTasmania #snake #snakes #scaley #reptile #serpent #snakeworldday

14.01.2022 Greetings from #Serpentarium family!

13.01.2022 The 3 years old with his best friend #carpetpython #coastalcarpetpython #bayoffires #eastcoast #tasmania #eastcoasttasmania #australia #downunder #bestfriends #bestmates #mates #reptile #snakesofinstagram

13.01.2022 Looking for something different to do with those experience vouchers? Meet a tortoise, see an Anaconda up close, and learn about the world’s longest snakes. Perfect for a school holiday day trip!

12.01.2022 Our beautiful "Osiris"

11.01.2022 #Sparks new home!

10.01.2022 Our gorgeous Volunteers and ambassadors rocking up with their Favorite reptile in house! . . #volunteersmatter #volunteer #ambassador #smallbusiness #familyowned #serpentariumwildlifeparktasmania #Museumtype #tasmania

10.01.2022 Lunch time! #Azy #bluetongueskink

10.01.2022 My new jade ornament! #Antaresia childreni #childrenspython

10.01.2022 GOOD NEWS Our $15 flat rate extended till the end of this Month... And meet our friendly reptiles! Keepers Presentation and Encounter at 12:00 Noon..

09.01.2022 He knows he’s about to get feed.. #reticulatedpython #Raj #retic #python #exoticpython #longestsnakeintheworld

09.01.2022 Thank you guys for the visit.

09.01.2022 Raj Feeding time again yesterday. i think the bunny is a bit small for him? Hell be waiting for another one in next few days in the door way!

08.01.2022 Thanks Harry from @examiner for the front page today.. Get your copy at #sthelensnewsagency #tasmania #eastcoasttasmania #sthelenstasmania #reptilesofinstagram

08.01.2022 So proud of this big boy! He have no choices of food atm, and so hungry after shedding,so decided to give him .After whole day of figuring out how to swallow his he finally did it all the way down. #GoRaj #Raj #reticulatedpython #exoticpython

08.01.2022 Wow we appreciates everyones feedbacks..

08.01.2022 After the Main course and dessert! Happy belly! Happy Raj

08.01.2022 We now stock the full range of Delicate Care food and treats! They are an Australian made and owned company and offer everything from dental care through to weight management alternatives.

07.01.2022 It takes 1 week before Sparks settled down and starts eating,this is his 3rd meal since he arrived last Sept 14.. Goodjob! Spark #LaceMonitor #tasmania

06.01.2022 Lord Osiris with his Lunch!

06.01.2022 Come and check out our beautiful reptiles in their 5 star enclosures! Open from 11-4Pm daily! Keeper Talk and close up interaction with one of our friendly python start at 12:00Pm!... Sssssee you sssssoon!

06.01.2022 This blue tongue lizard name Azzy looks so healthy and spoilt! Thanks for spoiling her @nat.zorn #lizzy #azzy #bluetongueskink #bluetonguelizard #lizardofinstagram

06.01.2022 Hey you if you are so desperate of $$ to fund your needs? You could of reach us or through messenger if you need it badly .You must of know us and been here before.Because you exactly know where the safe is. Cops ar coming soon.. We are still open today..... Please friends dont ring us if animals are ok. Yes their fine.. UPDATE . We still can’t figure out whos this low life is.But He was walking around 10pm on the medea esplanade someone saw him. If anyone have Cctv in town please help us identify this guy around 10pm to 12pm.He didn’t get much but the damage is quite cost big..

05.01.2022 Its all about compassion, sharing, and connecting! Its always a pleasure to share our beautiful rescues, now tamed down, to our keen observers... My heart always smiles, whenever we see our kids, so much to share, with our different visitors..... The quality of love and attention we give to our reptiles is beyond! And sharing our experiences and story is surely making it worthy to be here...

05.01.2022 Beautiful Nagana on process of shedding!

05.01.2022 Wow! Beautiful patterns Raj... #reticulatedpython #python

04.01.2022 Pampered time for this old lady in house. #Arnie #redtailboa #python #serpentariumwildlifeparktasmania

04.01.2022 Don’t forget tomorrow is Serpentarium 1st year anniversary. Almost half price for entry and enjoy Sausage sizzles for free.

04.01.2022 Holding his breath underneath the water! He looks fresh and clear eyes after the shedding this morning.. #Mickey #greenanaconda

03.01.2022 Please support us by Subscribing and sharing our Youtube Channel for your weekly updates of our reptiles in house..

03.01.2022 Grab your photos or tag your self.

03.01.2022 #HappyWorldSnakeDay

02.01.2022 Its F R I Y A Yeveryone... Who’s keen for ssssslithering ssssssnakes cuddlesssss on weekends?? Ssssee you Sssssoon!!

02.01.2022 Myrtle the tortoise enjoying her end of the day outing and hand feeding with our visitors..#tortoise #indianstartortoise

02.01.2022 Lucky ones who meet our beast! #mickey #anaconda #tasmania

01.01.2022 I always get ready my self not to freak out every time i feed them.But i always failed!!

01.01.2022 Matthew and Sam with Mickey! Such a beautiful gentle giant.. video to follow in next few days... #greenanaconda

01.01.2022 Isn’t she gorgeous? Looking good Citrus! #albinocarpetpython #darwincarpetpython

01.01.2022 You sure have grown up since last year lil miss..She looks so fresh after warm bath! #Tortulini #indianstartortoise

01.01.2022 Happy 1 year old Serpentarium! Thank you visitors,friends,staff and volunteers for celebrating with us. Thank you #Bayoffireflorist for our balloons and lovely flowers.My filipino community for the flowers and thank you @josie_leila for this beautiful artwork of Rio .. We had a lovely day..... #1stbirthday #reptilepark #tasmania See more

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