Serpentarius Healing Centre | Psychotherapist
Serpentarius Healing Centre
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25.01.2022 Take a few minutes to watch, listen, participate
24.01.2022 As above so below: more on what is in the heavens right now We are almost at the winter solstice, the time when we in the southern hemisphere experience the longest night and shortest day - 21st and 22nd June. This year the solstice is also the time that the planet Neptune sits stationary before becoming retrograde, and with Neptune going into retrograde on 23rd June there are 6 planets retrograde for just 48 hours. It is very unusual to have 6 planets retrograde at the same ...Continue reading
24.01.2022 We invite you to comment here about what you have done recently to reduce your footprint on Mother Earth and to help the greater good of humanity. Here is some of what we have been fortunate enough to be able to do. Driving has been part of our life which I know has Earthly consequences. Many years ago I chose to have a smaller car with better fuel economy. She's a bit long in the tooth now but I see no reason to ditch her when she is still going well. Buying a new car would ...mean adding to my footprint considerably and I am serious about helping humanity and Mother Earth recover. Post covid we will no longer be driving regularly to Melbourne but will occasionally come down for a few days to see those of you who still wish to see us personally, and the rest of our work will be local or online. We grow as many of our own vegies and fruit as we can here and when we have surplus share with our neighbours. Living in the country we were able, about 25 years ago, to go fully solar and put in a worm toilet. Soon we will have chooks and are looking at devoting a small section of land to growing millet (for me and the chooks!) I wonder if these comments are helpful or if they are reinforcing for some their distress at not being able to do these things. That is not my intention and my heart goes out to all who would like to live in this way but are struggling to find a way. Humanity's sufferings are of great concern and many of us are looking at the world and feeling despair at the enormity of our problems. A small step towards helping humanity is to walk through our world with kindness and respect for others and being willing to stand up and speak when we see things that should not be happening. Those who stand up and speak are often cruelly attacked verbally and even physically and I understand that speaking out must be done in a safe way. I am also working on noticing when I judge others and checking myself to see if I have jumped to conclusions without enough information and if there may be another perspective that I am missing that would change my judgement. We invite you to comment here with your own thoughts and also please share with us some of the things you are to help Mother Earth and our troubled humankind. Blessings and love on your journey forwards in this ever changing world, together we can change things, Marg See more
24.01.2022 Astrologers knew that something important was happening this year. The heavens show us what is happening energetically and then we have to interpret what that means. There was a big astrological weekend on 10, 11 and 12 Jan 2020 with Saturn conjunct Pluto synchronizing with a full Moon opposite Neptune and Uranus stationary. My guess is that the energy of that set the already existent covid-19 off on a rampage. Astrologers knew there was a big challenge ahead. The conjunction...Continue reading
24.01.2022 Women of the World There is much happening to this world of ours and we are all part of it. Astrologically the aspects are so big through June I have hesitated to name them: just so much that I have wondered is it right to name it all or will that simply increase anxiety. I address this to the women of the world, but am very aware that I am really addressing this to the womanhood in all of us irrespective of gender. Today the far away planet Eris, which many have not even hea...rd of, is squaring Pluto which is the planet which has been instrumental in much of the current challenge and change. Eris in mythology is goddess of discord, strife and hatred. She was a fearful Battle-Queen and companion and perhaps sister to Ares, god of war. Eris was excluded from a wedding as she was considered to dangerous - likely to stir up trouble. She was angry at her exclusion and had her retaliation in creating the Trojan war. The exclusion of Eris represents the exclusion of women that has been occurring historically for eons. Eris was discovered in 2005 and originally called Xena. Does her discovery mean that humanity is ready to see this shadow side of self. This side of woman which has been kept in the shadows? What do we need to do to use this force appropriately? How can humanity manage the combined forces of Pluto and Eris? Death and destruction are clashing right now around our planet. This is just part of what is occurring at this time and I cannot give you a clear understanding...we are still groping in the dark for what is needed. Over the next week I will attempt to fill in the astrological picture further. At this stage I believe we need to reflect carefully on our actions and to be willing to stand up for what is right in ways that work towards resolution in the best way possible for all concerned. Look within and question yourself: it is easy to judge others but first discover more about yourself. Identify your own prejudices and notice when it is that you do not speak up for others or for yourself.More later... See more
22.01.2022 Some thoughts on Covid-19 There are some basic things you can do to minimize the risk of either catching the Covid-19 virus or passing it on to others. It is becoming wider spread here as it is now being passed within our community and there are many who are not being responsible enough. We will get through this and yes some people will die and that is very sad. The energy around us, co-created by all of us, holds fear, denial, anger (fueled by fear and frustration), uncertai...Continue reading
21.01.2022 Robin Landsong's story is both heart wrenching and inspiring...
20.01.2022 This post is so important it has brought us back to facebook:
19.01.2022 We rarely spend time looking at facebook as it seems empty time which doesn't really connect people. Sometimes there is something really important and this is one of those:
17.01.2022 Pema Chodron is one of the great teachers of our time. The practice of Tonglen is one which the world needs from us right now:
16.01.2022 In this intense time as the planets come together again to challenge us all so we can discover whether we have learned the lessons of this time yet, this youtube inspired for me a wonderful release of oxytocin, enjoy!
16.01.2022 At 9.15pm tonight AEST the Moon is full at 17 degrees 20 minutes Scorpio. Did you know that each degree of the astrological zodiac (Which is different to the astronomical zodiac!) has a specific message. Dane Rudhyar, a 20th century astrologer and philosopher has give us a description and interpretation of each degree. The 18th degree of Scorpio is represented by the image of "A path through woods brilliant with multicolored splendor". Here is an excerpt from his description: "the life through which spirit radiates creatively can experience blessedness and peace". If you would like to read more about this, or to look up your own zodiac images, go to:
12.01.2022 This crabapple cave is a beautiful reminder of the rewards of working with nature. The rain has come at last so we are celebrating with the earth. With rain the soil softens and can be worked with but we are careful not to hurt the worms that are rising; they are our friends and co-workers. Rain reminds me of tears - both rain and tears are precious. Tears are the jewels of the heart and when they are allowed to sparkle in your eyes and on your cheeks, your heart is moved and richer for it...
11.01.2022 This is useful although he doesn't mention that it is important now to leave your shoes outside the front door when you have been in public places and to disinfect the soles before wearing inside
11.01.2022 Heart felt love to all at this time and may your family be spared from this
11.01.2022 Yesterday we had another full Super Moon at 18 degrees Libra. If you were born on or around 8th April, 10th July, 11th September or 11th December you will have resonated to this full Moon strongly. The new Moon last month was in Aries and so the Moon lessons for this month are to do with being adventurous and taking on a pioneer attitude. We are all doing that to some degree right now. The challenge is to recognize the arousal of your passions and to use the energy of this pr...oductively, rather than getting lost in impatience, anger or fear. Yesterday is an augmentation of that lesson. The energy of Libra gives us the opportunity of finding harmonious ways of expressing the passion of Aries. The Moon is now waning so the surge we felt yesterday and last night is beginning to settle down and can now be experienced as very usable energy. I recommend you take the opportunity to do something creative that has an adventurous component so you are tapping into the Aries in this cycle, such as planning a new garden project - even if that is only possible in pots! The waning of the Moon is a good time to reflect on what you would like to do in the garden and getting started on organizing. It is best to wait till the new Moon for actual planting of most things so maybe you could paint your pots at this time :) See more
10.01.2022 We are in the middle of an eclipse window - a lunar eclipse on 5th June, a solar eclipse on 21st June and another lunar eclipse on 5th July. Eclipses often come in pairs, and sometimes come in bundles of 3 and so this is not a rare occurrence but it is uncommon. Eclipses were seen in ancient times as portents of change, so a family of eclipses at this times augments the change we are already experiencing. Looking at these eclipses and their astrological impact on countries a...round the world shows us that one of the countries most impacted by these eclipses is America, with the third eclipse opposite America's natal Sun in the 7th house. Countries are influenced by the dominant culture, and the natal chart is constructed using the time when the most recent dominant culture was established. The natal Sun is the vitality of the individual in question and the 7th house is the individual's relationships with others. Looking at the impact of the eclipses from this perspective suggests that the vitality of America is under a strong challenge at this time, and also that America's relations with other countries is under question. How long a season of eclipses continues to impact on those concerned is not fully understood. Suffice it to say, the impact goes well beyond the window of time in which the eclipses occur. The impact on Australia's chart is through the 3rd house of communication and ideas and the 9th house of higher consciousness which includes belief systems, the legal system and travel. Australia needs to pay attention to communication and the structure and implementation of the legal system. We need to examine our beliefs and be willing to make the changes necessary at this time. Our capacity to travel is of course curtailed right now. The United Kingdom is impacted strongly by the 3rd eclipse sitting on the cusp of the 8th house which is to do with community consciousness and belonging. The UK's position in the world community and in particular the European Community is strongly impacted at this time. Astrology gives us an understanding of the energies that are operative at any particular time. This then needs to be translated into interpretation of the impact and this is where astrologers can differ. We know the world is needing to change, we see that in many ways around us right now. These eclipses will be active in your personal chart and there are lessons for all of us. The signs involved are Sagittarius (beliefs), Capricorn (Social, political and economic structures) and Cancer (capacity to nurture and care for those we are close to). What changes might you need to make in who you are and how you impact on others? There is still a lot more to the current astrological picture, more will be explored over the next few weeks... See more
09.01.2022 The centaur body/planet Chiron is stationary today. The word planet is used here with it's ancient meaning: wanderer - therefore all bodies that have movement in our skies are considered planets including the Sun and the Moon. When a planet is apparently stationary from our perspective on Earth its impact on us is momentarily emphasized and it is an opportunity for us to maximize our learning. Planets go stationary a couple of times a year - often we go through a phase of fee...Continue reading
09.01.2022 Hoping you are all taking care and respecting the isolation that is needed at this time. Isolation does not have to be loneliness or boredom. We will continue to put things up that we think will be soul nourishing, supportive, usefully informative and also just fun. Love and laughter are wonderful healers. We are continuing our work with clients and exploring ways to meet the changing times. You can still have a session with us using zoom video link up or via phone. Psychothe...rapy and hypnotherapy sessions need to be 50 minutes still, however we are also doing short consultations for those who are seeking homoeopathic treatment for current symptoms. Current clients receive this service free, and for others we are charging $20, however if you are struggling financially we will waive the fee. Call us on our Australian mobile 0403050310 to book a session or message me on [email protected] See more
09.01.2022 Emily is a beautiful soul and she and her family need our help
09.01.2022 Dreams and You Many people are telling me of their dreams at the moment. Carl Jung called our dreams "the Royal road to the unconscious" and I have found my work with clients' dreams a rich part of our work together. Thank you to those clients who have inspired me to offer a dream exploration workshop using zoom, with the potential of this continuing as a fortnightly meeting. If you are interested in joining this workshop, email me at [email protected] and I will send you further details, Marg Wood
07.01.2022 The dew is on brachyscome, yes it's Autumn. This is the time of year when the harvest is mainly in and the deciduous trees are glowing with their old foliage getting ready to be let go of. This is a good time of year for letting go of things. What am I hanging onto that I would do well to release? Time to free up the soul from some of the debris we cart around with us. Blessings for your journey of releasing, Marg
06.01.2022 Some silvereyes came visiting our fig tree - there will still be some figs in the waiting room but we share our bounty with nature and are rewarded by moments of delight. When we share what we have we gain more. These beautiful visitors focus on one fig at a time and leave plenty for us.
05.01.2022 Don't agree with the drinking bit, but enjoy!
02.01.2022 Hi all, this is a reminder that we do not use fb for communications in general and that you can email us on [email protected]. However at this time of change in our world we will be occasionally posting things that may be of use to you, Marg
02.01.2022 This coming weekend the planet Pluto is sitting stationary from our Earthly perspective. When a planet sits stationary we feel its impact more strongly. It is as though the planet pauses to give us a chance to work out the lessons we need to learn. Of course in reality the planet Pluto is continuing to move, but from our Earthly perspective, looking at the planets which have an elliptical orbit, the energy coming to us on Earth has a stationary quality. Pluto is one of the teachers of this time for humanity as we go through the changes that Covid is bringing to us. Pluto rules what lies beneath consciousness, it rules the unconsciousness and it also rules all that lies beneath the surface of the Earth. With Pluto stationary there is the opportunity for all of us to review who we are at a deep level and to foster the transformations that are needed for our journey forwards, recognizing that we are part of a greater whole, in particular that we are individual beings who make up the greater whole of humanity and that humanity shares planet Earth with many other species and that planet Earth herself is an entity of which we are part. What are the changes that our Mother Earth needs from us? We are living in changed times. What are the changes that we are experiencing that we wish to nurture and develop? What do we need to let go of so this can happen? What are we learning in this time and how can we carry that learning forwards?I believe we are being called to find a healthier pathway forwards; what does this mean? Pluto rules the 8th house in astrology. The 8th house is the house of higher values. It is the house that shows us the potential to move beyond our personal needs to see the greater needs. Covid has thrown us all into needing to support our community and to look to our future in a new way. Jupiter is still very close to Pluto and this gives us the opportunity of using this time to activate compassion, generosity and a consciousness of what will serve the greater good. This week we also have a New Moon. It is in the sign of Taurus and this sets the flavor for the next month. Taurus is an Earth sign with a Fixed quality so this month is for steady movement forwards in practical ways and for understanding that if you are feeling a bit stuck you need to be patient with yourself to gently encourage movement forwards rather than getting caught up in the frustrations of this time. The next 2 weeks are good for getting into the garden, or finding those pots you might have got ready a couple of weeks ago, and beginning your planting. If you wish to find out more about appropriate planting times, look up advice for Biodynamic Gardening. We are on this journey together, let us all do what we can to make our world better, love and blessings, Marg See more
01.01.2022 This morning's smoothie - pecans, sunflower seeds, maca powder, chia seeds (soaked for 24 hours first), a fig, a dozen pomegranate seeds, half a mainly green banana, frozen spinach. Top with rice milk and water and blend till still a bit lumpy...yum
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