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25.01.2022 *WARNING GRAPHIC PHOTOS* -A post with updated pictures of the animals is now on our page! 11/28- Please read full post. ... Hello everyone, as you may have seen on one of our recent posts, we had to visit an emergency vet last weekend to get one of our animals euthanized. Now that everything has been reported to the proper authorities, we are able to explain more to you guys about what is going on. (Please share the post to help spread the word about what we do, and how people can help us). On Saturday November 9th, we had 13 animals surrendered to us. Most of which are in poor- critical condition. Tank sizes were way too small, the conditions inside the tanks were inhumane, all the snakes are INFESTED with mites, to the point of it being deadly for them. All of them are emaciated, and are in desperate need of the proper food. There was no evidence of water in most of the tanks, and the ones that did have water, had maggots and other bugs living inside them. One of the snakes had MAGGOTS living inside wounds all over its body, and behind its eye. This snake was the one that we rushed to the emergency vet, and ultimately had to make the decision to humanely euthanize, as it was very clear he would not have a good quality of life. This vet trip was expensive, and so is the vet care for the rest of these animals. (These are just a few of the many pictures. Each picture will have a description, and there will be videos in the comments). *Please, if you can help us out either through a monetary donation, or supplies for our other animals, please consider donating to our cause. We are a licensed 501c3 organization, we rely on donations only, and are a volunteer run rescue which means none of us collect a paycheck. Any little bit helps! * We do not make this type of post often, we are not here to shame people. In fact, we try to do the opposite, and politely/respectfully educate them in the correct manner to care for their pets. This however is 100% abuse and neglect. There is no excuse to let your animals get this bad. And no, he wasnt surrendering the animals to us to help get them treatment. He had tried selling all of them first, and we were his last resort. People like this should not own animals. Please everyone, if you ever need any help, or education about your exotic animals, please reach out for help! We want to help before it ends up like this.
24.01.2022 Look whos on my telly check out life of si on facebook and youtube channel. We are in the process of setting up our channel. But in the meantime check out Life of si
22.01.2022 Type "My snake is..." keep hitting the left option until you have a full sentence! The Reptile Report is made possible by
20.01.2022 Very first order packed and ready to be posted
20.01.2022 Here is an updated map of the one we made a couple of years ago. We cant list everyone so have just listed the "major" Wildlife Shelters within the Perth Area.... For a list of Groups in Perth, or Regional Areas, you will need to visit our website For Wildlife Emergencies contact Wildlife Rescue Australia 1300596457 or you can call the Wildcare Helpline on 94749055. See more
16.01.2022 Morning everyone! If Im not already on a call I do cruise through a lot of the community groups on Facebook till late making sure no one has put a post up abo...ut a snake in their yard and needing help Last night I seen a post about a snake in a backyard around 10pm. Once making contact with the house owner I made my way out to the Lynwood property This yearling dugite (Pseudonaja affinis) was bailed up by the family cat once the house owner realise what it was she got quite the shock. From there she put her pets inside and then went to work finding a relocater, while also keeping an eye on its location which given his size and the lack of light made all the difference on this call so well done He was hiding under a piece of artificial grass once I exposed him he looked upset that his late night swim was disturbed These younger snakes get really carried away and dramatic when approached by a threat especially one of our size so when they are reared up and striking at you please dont feel he wants to hurt you. Try keep in mine the size difference between us and young snakes . They truely think their life is about to end and are doing whatever they can to survive .... if you think about it we would do the same thing Stay cool guys going to be a hot close to the week and remember snakes/reptiles will be chasing that cool comfort of our homes. High chance of reptiles at doorways and getting into garages and higher activity at night as an attempt to avoid the heat so keep that in mind!
16.01.2022 This is how to check the eggs are viable. A term called CANDLING. We are going to leave the clear ones in there incase they are but late with development but will know soon if they dont have a chance. Candling is a method used in embryology to study the growth and development of an embryo inside an egg. The method uses a bright light source behind the egg to show details through the shell, and is so called because the original sources of light used were candles
15.01.2022 Wizzy girl having a drink after I topped up with fresh water
10.01.2022 THIS IS NOT OKAY!!!!!!! bad enough to be killing an innocent animal but to basically torture it who is the dangerous species really. i feel sick to my stomach.... Call a Relocator.. PLEASE SHARE AROUND YOU WOULDNT THINK ITS OK TO TORTURE ANY OTHER ANIMAL
07.01.2022 Did you know that cats kill, 3 million mammals, 2 million reptiles and 1 million birds a DAY in Australia. Your average pet cat kills 75 animals per year. This ...bird was attacked by a cat. As wildlife carers and cat lovers we beg you to keep your cat indoors or in a cat run. We are not in any way blaming a pet cat as it is the owners responsibility to make sure the cat is no threat to other animals. It is YOUR FAULT if your cat, a predator by nature, injures or kills another animal. Countless times we have heard, *hes never hurt anything before * he is always bringing me gifts. * he was only playing with it * he only attacks when he gets swooped * I try to stop him and scold him but he keeps doing it.. None of these are good excuses. Every cat is capable and many do kill. What happens to an animal that is bitten, scratched or played with by a cat? Cats naturally have a lot of bacteria in their mouths. When the cat bites or scratches they are introducing bacteria into the wound area, almost like injecting bacteria into the other animal. Many puncture wounds are quite small but often quite deep and the surface will seal within a few hours, trapping the bacteria under the skin. For several days there may be no sign of infection but gradually swelling and pain at the puncture site will occur. What types of infections can the bitten animal get? There are two general types of infection. If the site of the bite is covered by loose skin, a pocket of pus will develop forming an abscess. In areas where the skin is not loose such as on the foot or the tail the infection spreads through the tissues and causes cellulitis. Occasionally there may be more serious consequences such as a septic arthritis (infection of a joint space), osteomyelitis (infection of bone) or pyothorax (the chest cavity becomes filled with pus) . What should you do if you find an animal that may have been a victim of a cat attack? We recommend that if a person finds wildlife that has been bitten by a cat that they get immediate assistance for that animal by taking it to your local VET or by calling your local WILDLIFE ORGANISATION. Even if you cannot see any outward sign of injuries there is still a strong possibility the animal has been infected with a life threatening bacteria. Animals bitten by cats will need an antibiotic. As soon as you find the animal you should - * place it inside a well ventilated box thats been lined with a towel to prevent them from slipping. * Use a secure cover to block out light, sound and the prying eyes of other animals and kids, as stress-producing disturbances can be deadly. * Once its in the box, its best not to open it again," * Be mindful of temperature, particularly when dealing with baby animals, which will likely need to be kept warm. * do not attempt to feed or give fluid to any wildlife. This bird, If he survives the blood loss and internal injuries from the bite he will need a strong course of antibiotics. He is one of the lucky ones as he is in care with an amazing experienced bird carer, Sarah Luke in NQld. Again this is not a post about hating cats but a post about loving them and wildlife at the same time. Cheers Cat Coake (Wild Animals Australia) Ps - any cat hating comments will be removed as it is not the point of this post.
05.01.2022 Merry christmas from us at Serpentura
05.01.2022 A JOURNEY TO TIGER SNAKE ISLAND Carnac island is located Just a few nautical miles off the West Australian coast and its home to an abundance of tiger snakes.... With no natural predators, and a sustainable food source provided by a population of nesting seagulls, tiger snakes thrive on the island. The 19 hectare island is densely populated with up to three snakes in every 25 square metres. This held true after finding about 10 within the first hour of being there. The amazing thing about these tiger snakes is their extremely relaxed temperaments. Because there is no threat to their safety from predators, they have lost a lot of the defensive nature that mainland tiger snakes have. The only inconvenience to these snakes is the adult seagulls protecting their chicks by pecking the heads of the snakes, resulting in noticeable head damage in a lot of the older snakes. If youre wondering how they got there, it is still a mystery. One theory is that a travelling snake showman named Rocky Vane dumped his snakes on the island after his wife was bitten by one and died, causing the government to place restrictions on snake shows. Another is to do with rising sea levels marooning the snakes out on the island and the third theory involves snakes swimming from nearby Garden Island.
04.01.2022 2 adult bhps male and female one is high yellow wild caught. 1 dark adult female swcp 1 sub adult woma male woma male 1 male adult swcp... Available.
03.01.2022 Snake jewellery in the works Expression of interest.. would you be interested!! Let me know in comments.. each one is made my me and from our snakes.
02.01.2022 Would you like to FOSTER a Joey? Can you tick YES to the following? Do you enjoy being at home or are you a homebody?... We need a calming environment for our young joeys without interruption from noise, small children or animals. Do I have the time, and can I make the commitment? Caring for smaller joeys (pinkies) can be like a full-time job with minimum 3 hourly feeds needed around the clock. As they get older its easier, but they need more supervision. Its not so easy to leave the house, let alone have a holiday! This is a big commitment. Are you willing to undergo training and attend monthly meetings? We like to regularly catch up with our Rehabilitators and make sure everything is ok. Have a monthly topic to discuss, Q&A etc. Are financially stable to be able to afford the costs associated with raising joeys? Raising Joeys can be costly. There is no funding from the Government or outside sources. You need to ensure you can pay for all your joeys needs, vet visits, medications, milk, teats/bottles etc. Joeys cannot be raised alone so you need to provide for at least 2. Can you soft release from your property? Do you live somewhere rural/semi-rural and are able to soft release on your property. Ensuring its safe to do so! Not near main roads, neighbours arent privately shooting on their property etc Ensure you will follow DBCAs Standards for Wildlife Rehabilitation in WA? We will pair you with an experienced Wildlife Rehabilitator (mentor) that follows the Western Australian standards for successful handraising. We expect our Rehabilitators to be of the highest standard, to be professional, and act in a moral and ethical manner. We expect you to follow the guidelines and PWRNs own policies. Examples are; No mixing of your joeys with domestic pets. Your Joey pen must be appropriate size. No inappropriate pictures on social media. No public displays (parties, kids schools, shopping), without permission/licencing. To follow instructions of mentors etc or membership can be canceled. Can you handle the emotional roller-coaster of being a wildlife rehabilitator and make the tough decisions? For example, unfortunately, not all joeys make it for various reasons. Sometimes, they just die and other times we need to make the tough decision to put them to sleep. If you can answer YES to ALL these questions, then please message us for further information. **Its the busy season so if we dont respond straight away we havent forgotten about you. We will respond as soon as we can.**
02.01.2022 So its been a year since I started this page, i wanna say a massive thanks to all your support this past year. Ive met some amazing people whether your customers or just chatted about our mutual love for reps. 2020 I will be branching a bit more going into Vlogging about my loves (snakes) so would love for Yall to follow the YouTube channel.. also not long til our scaley babies will hatch if you want to put your name down pm the page we only have 6 available this season,... hopefully over the next year I can step up my breeding game. Once again THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT in 2019 and lets welcome 2020 together PETA SERPENTURA
02.01.2022 Something interesting for you. In this video you can see one of our Male South West Carpet Python using his Pelvic Spurs to "tickle" a female Pelvic spurs are the externally visible portion of the vestigal remnants of legs found on each side of the vent in primitive snakes, such as boas and pythons.The remnants of a pelvis and femur, which have no connection with the spine, simply "float" in the muscle mass. The femur protrudes from the snakes body and is covered by a horny... spur, which resembles a spur or claw.Males spurs are generally longer and more pointed than females, and are used for clasping and tickling during courtship and mating,as well as combat with other males in some species. Please forgive the dodgy footage and editing. Investing in a vlogging camera asap
01.01.2022 Its snake season Perth! Have you seen any sssslithering around your area? Bob Cooper Outback Survival has some vital tips on how to handle snake bites and e...ncounters when youre out and about this summer ? If you have room, remove yourself from the proximity of the snake as quickly or slowly as the situation dictates. If the snake is within striking distance (1/3rd of its length) remain perfectly still until the snake moves away. Dont make sudden movements Sudden weakness followed by collapse Shaking or twitching of muscles and difficulty blinking Vomiting Loss of bladder and bowel control Dilated pupils Paralysis Blood in urine ? Call triple-0 straight away Keep calm and stay completely still Dont wash the bite so the venom can be identified Have another person apply a firm compression bandage, moving upwards on the limb Mark the bite spot for doctors to identify Make a splint with something long and sturdy Dont elevate the limb above the heart, to help slow the spread of venom If you spot a snake on your property, call a snake handler to relocate it.
01.01.2022 Our babies from last year.