Seymour College in Glen Osmond, South Australia | School
Seymour College
Locality: Glen Osmond, South Australia
Phone: +61 8 8303 9000
Address: 546 Portrush Road 5064 Glen Osmond, SA, Australia
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25.01.2022 The Junior School was a sea of yellow today as the SRC hosted Daffodill Day, fundraising for Cancer Council SA. Our senior SRC Reps sold bunches of fresh daffodils to staff and lead daffodil-inspired craft activates for Junior School girls of all ages at lunchtime. For an update on other recent events at the College, please go to SOCS to read the latest edition of Seymour News.
24.01.2022 Our talented Year 10 Food and Hospitality students invited their peers to enjoy a two course meal as a special end-of-term treat. Tables were beautifully set, menus written and guests professionally served. Nutritional needs, colours, texture, seasonality and flavours were considered. Are you ready for some food envy?
23.01.2022 On Thursday 27 August we celebrated the 93rd birthday of Clan Cameron. 2020 Clan Cameron Chief, Layla, said, "The Clan Cameron birthday this year was a wonderful occasion to unite all the Cameron girls and celebrate what being a Cameron girl means to each one of us. I relished the opportunity to address the College at the morning assembly and enjoyed a delicious celebratory lunch with staff, parents, guests and my fellow Cameron girls. Photos courtesy @festivalcityphotography
23.01.2022 Our Senior A soccer and netball teams each featured in incredibly tough and fierce Intercol matches this week. Buoyed by spirited home sideline support, our 2nd XI soccer team recorded a win, which was some consolation after the 1st XI were defeated 0-1 after extra time, in a nailbiter. Our Senior A netballers fought out a 42-40 win away at Wilderness, a fitting farewell for the six departing Year 12 team members, Alyssa, Clare, Ella, Grace, Phoebe and Sophie. We wish our football, hockey and badminton competitors all the best in their matches tonight and tomorrow. To read about the latest news and events at the College, please go to SOCS to read the latest issue of Seymour News.
23.01.2022 Congratulations to talented photographer, Josephine (Year 11), whose work was shortlisted for the 2020 Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year competition and features in the book Australasian Nature Photography 2020: The Years Best Wildlife and Landscape Photos. The annual competition, managed by the South Australian Museum, this year attracted 1796 entries from 13 countries, making Josephine's shortlisting an even more remarkable achievement. You can view the shortlisted entries at
22.01.2022 Girls at Seymour are always writing something. As part of the English curriculum, students develop their written expression through the regular composition of critical, creative and persuasive texts and it is important that we provide meaningful and interesting opportunities for students to publish and share their writing. We want our students to appreciate that their compositions deserve to be shared - their writing should not end up only as a little icon stored in an electr...onic folder. This year, our Senior Foundation (Year 10) English and Visual Arts students created "Chapter One" a publication which features more than 70 creative articles, accompanied by sculpture and illustrations. You can read it at We hope you enjoy reading these works during the school holidays. Congratulations to all students (and teachers) involved in the Chapter One publication. See more
22.01.2022 Our Stage 1 and 2 IB Film students recently collaborated in four groups, making a film each which was entered in the global 2020 Focus on Ability Short Film Festival. Three of the girls' films received Finalist Award certificates while Year 11s, Catherine, Maddie, Tia and Yeryn, achieved a Highly Commended Award with their entry, "The Ability of Blue". The Festival aligns with the College's focus on social justice, as its major aim is to show how powerful film can be in changing attitudes and challenging perceptions surrounding disabilities. Well done on this prestigious achievement and to all the girls on the quality of their films.
22.01.2022 Service-minded Middle and Senior School girls drew an impressive crowd during a sunny lunchtime on Wednesday 2 September. 2020 Crescam Ministrando (Service) Captain, Stella, said, "I am very proud of the 15 girls who signed up to have their ponytails cut off today. The ponytails are being donated via Sustainable Salons to organisations such as Variety SA and Cancer Council SA, where the hair is made into wigs, to support those suffering from hair loss due to cancer, alopecia, or otherwise. Well done girls and thank you to the hairdressers from ORBE who supported us by giving their time to cut the girls' hair."
21.01.2022 Last week, the Year 4 girls ventured back to Cleland Wildlife Park to complete their Service Learning project, commenced earlier this year. The girls have each been custodians of a young native tree for the past eight months and they delivered these trees to Cleland to be planted in the next few weeks. In years to come they will provide food and homes to many precious native birds and animals. Throughout the afternoon the girls mulched and cleared a section of the Park, witnessing and learning about Cleland's incredible recycling and sustainability program.
21.01.2022 What a perfect day for our Junior School Swimming Carnival! Today, our Junior School girls swam, chanted, jumped and cheered for their friends as they competed in a multitude of events. The girls especially enjoyed seeing the staff race in the Staff and Student Relay. After a morning of good spirited competition, Clan Douglas were awarded the Spirit Cup, Zara won the Spoon, Olivia won the Cup and Clan Stewart was the overall winner for the fifth consecutive year. Well done to everyone who competed and thank you to all the staff who helped ensure the event ran so smoothly. Photos courtesy Festival City Photography
21.01.2022 Congratulations to Alyssa (Year 11), who has been selected for Water Polo Australia's 'Launch to LA' program. The Australia-wide squad of athletes have been identified as demonstrating potential for future national representative opportunities and ultimately the LA2028 Los Angeles Olympics. Alyssa will be involved in training camps over the coming year and is thrilled with this opportunity. We are also delighted to hear Alyssa is looking forward to bringing the fruits of her experiences back to Seymours water polo team.
20.01.2022 The targeted Maths teaching groups, adopted in the Junior School this year, are yielding results. A number of Junior School girls excelled in the 2020 Australian Mathematics Trust Competition, with Year 4s, Maya and Saachi, and Year 5s, Alisha, Evie, Grace, Meher, Melissa, Selina and Shaoey, receiving distinctions, while Priscilla (Year 4) and Zoe (Year 5) received High Distinctions, placing them in the top 3% of their year level and region. Well done to the girls and staff.
20.01.2022 Stay safe. Stay well. Stay strong. Stay optimistic.
20.01.2022 Our end of year concert showcased heart-warming performances from our Highland Dancers, including some of our littlest learners. We hope this brings you some happy "Hogmanay" Highland spirit and helps you welcome in 2021.
19.01.2022 Our up to three year old Kady children start their daily walks around the College with a few minutes of mindfulness, where they close their eyes and listen to the birds and other sounds around. They then share some examples of gratitude and discuss what makes them happy. "Mummy, "Daddy and being able to have their shoes off are some of the things the children are grateful for.
19.01.2022 In preparation for our Year 8 film festival, 'Wonderfest', the girls had fun exploring the capabilities of Moza Mini-MI gimbals. Using a set monologue script, each group practised their cinematography skills creating a mini movie, taking into account the "mise-en-scene" (staging of the action) and the use of camera distance and angles. We look forward to seeing their finished films.
17.01.2022 The 2020 PGC/Seymour Old Collegians' Golf Day was held late last year at the Royal Adelaide Golf Club. It was a wonderful, sunny day and a lovely opportunity for 37 PGC/Seymour golfers and friends to get together. Kirsty Allison (Pozza, '90) won the Michell Trophy (27+ handicap) and Colleen Hamilton (Furniss, '71) won the Johnston Trophy (0-26 handicap). This year’s winner of the Macdonald Clan Trophy was Clan Bruce with the Ingrid Esau Trophy, for highest overall school score, awarded to MLC/Annesley. Thank you to Sonya Birdseye, event convener, Judy Willoughby ('73), and Angela Basedow (Wilson, '80), President, PGC/Seymour OCA for their support.
17.01.2022 Last semester, our Year 9 Visual Arts students created ceramic portrait busts. Each student selected a real or imagined person for their three-dimension portrait, with some choosing to depict celebrities they admired, such as Sophia Loren, or fictional characters from a favourite book, like Harry Potter. The portraits are currently on display in the Yurrebilla Centre.
17.01.2022 Congratulations to Sasha (Year 5) whose entry in the 'Space to Dream' challenge has been selected to feature in a public exhibition at the Museum of Discovery (MOD.) throughout November. The challenge was to use a design-thinking process to design a toy or gadget for someone their own age who is moving to Mars. Sasha's 'Loving Glasses' "shows a hologram of your choice. It has a remote to select many options." Well done Sasha.
16.01.2022 A number of Seymour girls achieved success in the Oliphant Science Awards this year, including: - Year 6s, Lily, Olivia and Amelia, who earned a Participation Certificate for their photography group entry "New Life"; - Jemima, Year 8, earned a Scientific Encouragement Award for her model demonstrating water in Madagascar; - Priyanka, Year 6, performed particularly well, achieving a first place, a second place, a participation award and second placing in the Department of Edu...cation Young Scientist Award R6; and - Year 11, Josephine, who has won multiples awards over the years over a number of categories, this year received a first and third placing in addition to placing second in the Department of Education Young Scientist Award Year 712. We were also delighted that the College was awarded the CSIRO Education/CREST Primary Prize, for consistent high achievement and participation in the Scientific Inquiry and Models and Inventions categories. Congratulations to all the girls who participated in the Awards this year. See more
16.01.2022 After 38.5 hours of sport and debating last week, 2020 Winter Intercol was a draw! Each school scored a total of 74 points across the debating, netball, soccer, hockey and football matches. This is the second time we have had a tie - the last time was in 2011 - and it means we retain the Intercol Cup having won it outright last year. Thank you to all the girls, staff and parents who came to support our competitors.
15.01.2022 Observing the garden bed changing in the Junior School carpark and conversations about some landscaping at home, 3 year old Ted was eager to bring his passion into his Early Years Learning Space. The children first had conversations about safety and the best ways to use tools before commencing some hands-on activities. They began by using a hammer and nails, then deconstructed discarded electrical goods with screwdrivers before moving onto carefully using a hot glue gun and an electric drill. The children drilled holes into used recycled bottle lids, using them and the electrical goods to create Dusty the robot, a collaborative art piece.
15.01.2022 Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a refugee? To live without necessities, and be given the bare minimum? This year, Year 11, Lucy, her mum, Sarah Hill and sister, Emily participated in the Act for Peace: Ration Challenge in, as Lucy puts it, "a weak attempt to understand the extent of this hardship." You can read Lucy's article about her experience on our blog:
15.01.2022 Parents and students regularly pay tribute to the dedication and support provided to the girls by our outstanding teaching staff. Meet Valerie Peters, Astrophysics, Maths and Physics teacher (Senior School).
15.01.2022 We were very fortunate to have retired Chief Judge of the District Court, Geoffrey Muecke, attend the College to judge our in-house Seymour Mock Trial on Wednesday 2 September. Our two teams consisted of students from Years 10-12 and it was a wonderful opportunity for them to engage in a mock trial experience as part of their oratory co-curricular activities. The girls learned a great deal, building upon and sharpening their advocacy skills.
15.01.2022 On their Orientation Day on Barr Smith Campus in the last week of school, our current Year 5s and our new students who are starting Year 6 in 20201 made custom-designed Christmas cards. They designed their own print by carving into a foam mat and then printed them using a speciality block ink on either traditional or non traditional Christmas coloured paper. Excellent design work, girls!
14.01.2022 A number of our Senior School students were fortunate to participate in 'Ingenuity 2020' last week. Run by The University of Adelaide, this unique virtual event provided our girls with the opportunity to engage with university students, share in their experiences and learn more about studying architecture, computer and mathematical sciences and engineering. Students constructed a projectile launcher in an exploration of the physics behind projectile motion. Alma (Year 10) said it was, "a thrilling experience that gave each girl a look into the exciting opportunities in STEM at a university level."
13.01.2022 Our Year 9 Digital Innovation students have been very busy soldering parts for their Arduino microcontroller project. We have been lucky to have Don Eikoff from Techspace Learning Inc supporting the girls. The project consists of designing, building and writing code to control traffic intersections, complete with lights and pedestrian crossings. The girls are programming the microcontroller in the C programming language and making many of their own parts including electrical wires, lights and buttons. We can’t wait to see their final project in action!
13.01.2022 A number of our Year 11 and 12 students have entered the 2020 Focus on Ability Short Film Festival and would love your help with voting. The films in the Festival have been viewed in at least 34 countries and the votes have been coming in thick and fast from all around the world. Please go to to view and vote. The Seymour School Entrant films are 'The Ability of Blue', 'Dyslexia - Disability or...', 'Express' and 'ADHA'. Enjoy! Voting closes on Monday 7 September.
12.01.2022 Our Year 7s took advantage of the beautiful sunshine last week to spend time outside reflecting on all the ways they appreciate the special Dads and Grandads in their lives. The creative tic-tac-toe pouches they have embroidered with 'Dad designs' will bring hours of fun for dads and daughters to connect through this classic game. The girls also made Fathers Day cards filled with 'Dad jokes', providing plenty of new material which will no doubt leave other family members rolling their eyes! We wish the Dads in our community a happy Father's Day.
12.01.2022 One of the highlights of last week's National Science Week was the rocket making activity. The highly anticipated launch was postponed until this week, when sunny skies provided a perfect backdrop for the girls' and staff's creations. Our GEM teachers built the Best Performing rocket, the Creative Industries staff's unicorn rocket was the judged Most Unique while the Best Looking rocket was indisputably 'Heidi Humanities' - the first Seymour girl to be blasted into space!
12.01.2022 Don't miss Seymour on South Aussie with Cosi this Sunday 22 November at 5.30pm on 9Now! Seymour will be featured in a special schools episode where viewers are given a look through some of Adelaide’s private schools. You will hear from members of the College Leadership Team and students on what makes our College unique and special. A local koala even popped in for an appearance, so make sure you’re tuned in!
12.01.2022 This term, the Year 6 students have been finishing their Earthquake-Proof Towers, ready to present them to the mayor of a fictional, earthquake-riddled town. This project combines STEM activities with Business and Enterprise-style thinking, with the girls taking on the guise of engineering firms bidding for a tender. The firms were tasked with designing, creating and refining a tower constructed of 100% biodegradable materials, which would withstand a simulated earthquake on the College's shaker table. Firms compete not only to have the best tower, but also to have the most persuasive presentation for the mayor.
11.01.2022 The Clans are a hugely important part of Seymour College life and the students (and staff!) relish opportunities to celebrate their Clan community. Last Thursday, 20 August, it was Clan Bruce's turn to celebrate its 93rd birthday. The theme was "Bruce Bohemian", encouraging Bruce girls to be open minded and kind to others. We enjoyed wonderful assemblies across our two campuses and a lunch of pizza and cupcakes.
11.01.2022 Congratulations to Year 7s, Cheryl and Edwina, who were shortlisted for the South Australian English Teachers' Association 2020 Young Writer of the Year Award. More good news followed on Friday 21 August, when it was announced that Edwina had won third prize in the Year 7/8 Poetry Category - well done!
11.01.2022 On Wednesday 11 November, our Year 9 Musical Theatre class were delighted to present a performance for assessment, embodying the main characters in their spin on the much-loved "High School Musical". It was particularly special to see Overseas student, Megan take part in the ensemble all the way from Hong Kong. Megan's quirky piano app playing character was projected on the screen, adding an extra comical dimension to the piece.
10.01.2022 As educators, Seymour teachers have an inherent love for learning which is also what they aim to instil in every student they teach - a capacity to want to keep on learning. In our latest blog article, Dean of Wellbeing (Middle School), Rachel McKee, and Head of Department: Mathematics (Senior School), Lauren Mazzarolo, share how they were inspired to create Leading Readings, a professional development group aspiring to broaden and engage with contemporary education practices. Go to to read more.
09.01.2022 It has been an action-packed National Science Week at Seymour. Our staff have entertained and educated the girls with a series of workshops and demonstrations, undertaking a number of fiery experiments, making sodium alginate worms and kinetic sand and showing the impact of hot and cold water on air pressure, to implode a metal drum. It has been a great week of learning and fun.
08.01.2022 One of our annual service-oriented events is the Clan competition, the Clan Can Plan. The girls in each Clan collect donations of goods to spread Christmas cheer and help those in need. Clan Bruce donated their items to Edmund Rice Camps South Australia, Clan Cameron gave to the The Spire Community, Clan Douglas assisted Vinnies Australia, while Clan Stewart helped The Salvation Army South Australia. It is heart-warming that our girls, have once, again aided others with their generous donations this year. To learn about other recent events and achievements at the College, please go to SOCS to read the latest issue of Seymour News.
08.01.2022 Bookings for our September/October holidays Vacation Care program are now open. Offering a range of activities and experiences for girls and boys aged 5 to 12 years of age, including visits from Old Macdonald's Travelling Farms - SA South and Marty McBubble's Scientific Bubble Show, the program operates from 8.00am to 6.00pm. Book now at To read about the latest news and events at the College, please go to SOCS to read the new issue of Seymour News.
08.01.2022 Nine members of our equestrian team members competed, and two girls provided support, on Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 September at the Equestrian South Australia Inc Interschool State Championships at Strathalbyn. We are delighted that our team finished second overall, with a number of outstanding individual results. We had 21 first, second or third place winners, four girls winning Reserve Champion for a class or event and two girls who won Overall Discipline Champion awards. Congratulations to Amelie (Year 8), Caitlyn (Year 9), Ella (Year 6), Elsie (Year 7), Grace (Year 9), Hattie (Year 6), Issy (Year 11), Lucinda (Year 7) and Sophie (Year 7), who represented Seymour so successfully and thank you, Anouk (Year 7) and Leila (Year 5), for your support.
08.01.2022 On Wednesday 9 September, our SACE Stage 1 and 2 dancers performed in this years Dance Showcase, Past, Present, Future in collaboration with Mary MacKillop College, Kensington SA. The girls gave their all on stage, highlighting the incredible dedication and skill it takes to bring a dance performance to life. Congratulations to all involved.
07.01.2022 If you were unable to view our Strength, Optimism, Justice Speaker Series, recently, we're pleased to release the recordings. Hosted by Deputy Principal, Emma Grave, each of the webinars provide the opportunity to hear from interesting professionals on their field of expertise, showcasing their learnings as well as their predictions for the future. The recordings can be viewed at: We would like to thank all of our panellists for their contributions in what were three very interesting and well informed discussions.
07.01.2022 Winter Intercol week commenced with our Senior A debating team heading to Wilderness to debate in the affirmative that the government should not levy financial penalties to change behaviour (e.g. parking tickets, criminal fines, alcohol and smoking excises). Supported by Principal, Kevin Tutt, and a full allowable allocation of Seymour students in the audience, as well as family and teachers online via Zoom, our girls debated with fierce spirit to win our fourth Intercol debate in the past six years. We are proud of you and the way you represent our College, girls, and hope you can back up your Intercol success with a win in the SADA Grand Final this Sunday 13 September. Go the Black Watch!
07.01.2022 Well done to Year 5s, Grace, Meher and Alisha, on receiving medals in the 2020 ICAS competitions. Alisha was awarded an academic medal for Mathematics, Grace for Spelling and Meher for Science. We congratulate the girls on these exceptional achievements.
07.01.2022 Year 12 rowers, Eliza and Ruby, who will be joining the Seymour coaching team for the 2020-2021 season, recently spoke with our new Head of Rowing, Catherine McDougall, about her vision for the rowing program. We are looking forward to following all the Seymour crews in what is shaping up to be a big season ahead.
06.01.2022 Congratulations to Ashley (Year 6), and Year 7s, Sophie and Zoe, who represented Adelaide South East last week at the School Sport SA SAPSASA State Softball Carnival. The girls' team lost just two matches, finishing a close second overall - a great effort. Ashley (on first base) and Zoe (on third base) played solidly and Sophie pitched well throughout the week. The girls had a lot of fun and really enjoyed the fierce competition.
06.01.2022 While tonight's National Pharmacies Christmas Pageant will be quite different from the traditional event that we know and love, we are delighted that our Pipe Band and Highland Dancers have been invited to perform at the Pageant, once again. You can enjoy the #pageantathome live on Channel 9 in South Australia from 7.00-9.00pm Saturday 14 November and catch up TV. It will also be an broadcast Australia-wide from 7.00am on Christmas Day. To get you in the mood, enjoy this little clip of our Celtic performers at last year’s Pageant
06.01.2022 Today we commemorated Remembrance Day across the College. Early Years children and Junior School students gathered at the Junior School Remembrance Garden while on Barr Smith Campus, Acting Principal, Vanessa Browning, shared the story of Vera Deakin's life of service. Vera is considered to have been more influential than any other individual in the development of the Australian Red Cross. Tara (Year 11) then played The Last Post before students and staff held a respectful minute's silence. Our commemorations follow three Year 11 members of our Pipe Band - Brooke, Katharine and Hannah - performing beautifully at the Wesley Uniting Church's Remembrance Day Service, held on Sunday 8 November. Lest we forget.
05.01.2022 Our Equestrian team was inspired by high profile equine veterinarian, Dr Holly Lewis, when she visited the College on Thursday 3 September. Holly is a director in a busy racetrack and high-performance veterinary practice, Morphettville Equine Clinic and an official Fédération Equestre Internationale veterinarian. Holly gave the girls practical advice on dealing with common injuries of the horse and Year 1, Ruby, the youngest member of the Equestrian team (and one of Hollys four nieces at Seymour), was the perfect patient for Holly to demonstrate her bandaging technique on! Holly left the girls with the advice, Work hard at school and choose sciences", especially if they want to study Vet Science.
05.01.2022 Our Stage 1 Integrated Learning students have undertaken two service activities this semester to reflect our chosen program focus of ‘Respect: ourselves, each other and our shared world’. Each student produced elements of Days for Girls International kits, which will be distributed to young girls all over the world. The kits include discreet and sustainable sanitary items, providing the girls the opportunity to fully participate in their education and community life. Our girls also made a cape that will be presented to a child in a medical emergency situation in hospitals around Australia, through Capes 4 Kids Australia Inc., a Tasmanian-based service group. The cape is designed to be encouraging and cheerful to inspire the children and their families. Thank you for your thoughtful service work, girls.
05.01.2022 Detective Michael Newbury of Sapol, recently presented to our IB and SACE Psychology students. They learnt how psychology can be applied to a career such as policing, with Mike addressing how memory, cognitive bias and abnormal psychology contribute to criminal activity and police interviewing techniques. Maya (Year 11) said, "Mike was able to bring us a very insightful look into police investigations and other crime related topics. He discussed potential interrogation strategies which are employed in the police force which was very interesting".
03.01.2022 Principal, Kevin Tutt, who has been an outstanding leader for the past four years, has made the decision to retire at the end of 2020. We are thrilled to announce that our current Head of Junior School, Vanessa Browning, a truly inspiring educator, has been appointed as our 14th Principal. Vanessa is a strong role model for women of strength, optimism and justice and we are hugely excited about the contribution she will make to the College and the wider community. We know you will join us in congratulating Vanessa and we look forward to giving Kevin the send off that he so richly deserves.
02.01.2022 One of the rewarding service opportunities taken up by our girls again this year has been the student2student program. This program matches students who need to improve their reading with peer buddies who help and encourage them with their reading. Peer support is central to the program’s success. Evidence indicates that one of the best ways to support students who have reading difficulties is for the help to come from others near their own age. We are delighted that many of our Middle and Senior School girls took the time to be trained by The Smith Family to support more disadvantaged children with their reading. This is quite a commitment and we congratulate our girls who continue to grow by serving.
02.01.2022 Our Vacation Care program for December 2020 has just been released and bookings are now open! We offer sessions for girls and boys aged 5 to 12 including a visit from Animals Anonymous and Castle Capers waterslides. You can find more information at but be quick... spaces fill fast and bookings close on Wednesday 2 December. Note: Child Care Subsidy is available. Keep an eye out for our January 2021 Vacation Care program which will be out soon.
01.01.2022 The Kady children were mesmerised by the sound of Shiyi Liu playing the guzheng (), a Chinese instrument, on Wednesday 25 November, during their weekly Chinese lesson. The children were invited to play the guzheng themselves and lit up with joy as they heard the notes ring through the classroom.
01.01.2022 Our Sports Captain, Phoebe, prepared this video to celebrate this week's Winter Intercol competition against Wilderness. The contest started with a debating showdown today, followed by soccer on Wednesday and netball and football matches taking place on Thursday and Friday respectively. The overall winners will be decided on Saturday following the hockey and badminton matches. We wish all competitors well... but go the Black Watch!
01.01.2022 On Friday 11 September, The University of Adelaide PhD Geology student, Georgie Virgo, came to visit our Year 4 girls during 'Labrakazam'. Our Earth and Spaces Science unit this term focuses on soil, rocks and the changes that happen in the Earth. Georgie shared her passion and knowledge about her research and inspired the girls with stories of her field trips and explanations of her favourite rock specimens.
01.01.2022 We are very proud of the girls in our 19 (yes, 19!) debating teams who have represented Seymour in 2020. It has been a season requiring significant adjustments, such as switching between debating via Zoom and face-to-face, but our teams competed admirably and with commitment throughout. Nine of our teams have won their way through to the South Australian Debating Association (SADA) finals, and we wish them well over the coming weeks.
01.01.2022 Have you registered for our webinar this Thursday night? The final part of our Strength, Optimism, Justice Speaker Series is not to be missed. Our panellists will discuss how to build the foundations for response and recovery, the role that social justice and justice play in providing a better world for all and how we might avoid our most vulnerable groups being exposed to society's most destructive effects. This event is free and open for all to join.
01.01.2022 Our Year 10 and 11 Leaders attend a session on gender equality led by Helen Connolly, the Commissioner for Children and Young People. Year 11, Emily, said, "We talked about how gender roles and stereotypes have influenced our lives. We shared our opinions and beliefs on gender equality and discussed steps that could be taken to resolve issues in this area." Year 11, Lauren said, "The session gave me a better understanding of the impacts of gender equality on women and made me even more grateful to live in a country where women are given every opportunity to achieve their potential."
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