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Seymour Dental

Phone: +61 2 9564 2397


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25.01.2022 Booking your next dental appointment with us is as easy as 1-2-3. Simply jump onto our website and click on the "Book Now" tab located on TOP RIGHT of the page.

23.01.2022 Teeth hurting after using at-home teeth whitening kits Many teeth whitening products can trigger sensitivity because they tend to strip the enamel of natural, healthy minerals, causing the teeth to become temporarily porus. When porus, microtubules within the teeth become exposed. Don't stress... The minerals removed by a bleaching solution generally replenish within a few days of whitening once those minerals are restored, tooth sensitivity typically resolves. So, once you find the perfect whitening treatment for your teeth, don't be alarmed if that first sip of coffee feels extra hot as long as your dentist gave you the OK, it's probably just temporary. But if that sensation continues, we recommend you follow-up with your preferred oral healthcare professional.

22.01.2022 Never underestimate the power of an optical illusion Nothing says strong teeth like the ability to rip off the corner of a billboard!

21.01.2022 GENIUS! Love this dental ad - Relevance: 100%

19.01.2022 As a parent, you may be excited that your child has arrived at the milestone of losing their first tooth, but for the child, it can sometimes be a scary experience. If your child is upset about a wiggly tooth or a gap where a tooth fell out, offer reassurance that nothing is wrong and that everyone loses their baby teeth. Remind your child that the tooth fairy loves baby teeth and gives out rewards for them Losing baby teeth doesn't have to be scary. By following these tips, you can maintain smiles all around!

18.01.2022 A YouGov research funded by The Wrigley Extra Oral Healthcare Program found three-quarters of Australian adults have been warned against chewing gum, with almost a third told as children that chewing gum was rude and nearly a quarter told it was bad for your teeth. Is chewing gum actually bad for you? Chewing sugar-free gum adds to our oral hygiene during the day when we may not necessarily have a toothbrush and floss with us. It also creates a healthy environment for our teeth.

18.01.2022 You are what you eat and drink and this has a major effect on the health of your teeth and gums. Tooth decay is a diet-related disease that occurs in response to our eating or drinking of sugar. Do you know how much sugar your are consuming daily?... Check out our blog series on just how much sugar is hiding in your trolley via link below!

17.01.2022 Your smile accompanies you through each of the different life stages but it seems many of us aren't even doing the bare minimum to look after our teeth At Seymour Dental, we try to make your experience as relaxed as possible. Our goal is to make people feel more confident about themselves and smile more

16.01.2022 What time is it? Due for a routine scale + polish? Simply book your next appointment with us ONLINE!... Jump onto our website and click on the "Book Now" tab located on TOP RIGHT of the page.

14.01.2022 People on TikTok have been sharing clips of them taking a nail file to their teeth and filing them down as they boast about the results to their smiles. This is concerning as filing away at your teeth can actually be very dangerous! By destroying the top layer the enamel it could have some pretty adverse side effects. If you're unhappy with your teeth, drop us a line/call/DM to chat further.

14.01.2022 Teeth needing some love? Due for a routine scale + polish? Set a reminder and book your next appointment with us ONLINE!... Jump onto our website and click on the "Book Now" tab located on TOP RIGHT of the page.

12.01.2022 YES we will be running The Blackmores Sydney Running Festival this year - Virtually! Join us (Team Miroma) in our 12th year, raising awareness and much needed funds to support our young adults with a disability. Details: ... > 10km > Sunday 8 November > 8am start Donations can be sent to:

12.01.2022 It's not too late to get that fresh breath + bright smile this Christmas Schedule your appointment today and prepare your mouth for all of the smiling that you’ll be doing over the holidays. Plus, a healthy smile looks great in holiday pictures

10.01.2022 Smell something funky under your mask? No it’s NOT the mask That’s just how your breath actually smells When you’re wearing a mask, your saliva and the moisture in your breath collect in the mask’s fibres, and there’s simply no getting away from those unwelcome odours. Bad breath can also be a result of poor oral hygiene, and bacteria being left around the mouth or on the tongue.... Here are a few simple steps you can take to start improving your breath: Stay hydrated Brush your teeth thoroughly twice a day, cleaning between your teeth and brushing your tongue, which tends to harbour bacteria

10.01.2022 WE ARE READY! We will be running the virtual Blackmores Sydney Running Festival TOMORROW! Help us (Team Miroma) in raising awareness and much needed funds to support our young adults with a disability.... Details: > 10km > Sunday 8 November > 8am start Donations can be sent to -

10.01.2022 This year marks the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War. WE REMEMBER.

09.01.2022 An epidemic of cracked teeth due to Covid? Interesting news coming out from America!

06.01.2022 Clever AD by Altschul Orthodontics in Indiana, US. The play on the before-and-after theme is effectively subtle and hilarious!

04.01.2022 Protect your pearly whites this Christmas! With all the over indulgences and sweets we consume around the holidays, it’s better to take care of any dental issues now before they flare up. Check out our opening hours below!

03.01.2022 Ice cream stick with a "sweet reminder". Love this by Colgate!

03.01.2022 Just a friendly reminder to FLOSS! Even if you never have flossed before, start now!

02.01.2022 Good oral health translates to good health overall. Dental problems such as cavities or gum disease can impair your ability to eat and speak properly, cause pain and bad breath. Poor dental health can also have a profoundly, negative affect on areas outside of the mouth, including your heart, diabetes, pregnancy and chronic inflammation, such as arthritis to name a few.... Practicing good dental hygiene is so important because it can prevent these type of oral disease and dental problems. And prevention should be the primary focus!

02.01.2022 Now is the time to step up your oral hygiene and spend the time on your toothbrushing! With a lot of us still working from home, it’s so easy to give in and start snacking on junk food Remember, that family block of chocolate is not your friend..

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