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Saint Dimitrie Romanian Orthodox Church of Brisbane in Riverview, Queensland, Australia | Religious organisation

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Saint Dimitrie Romanian Orthodox Church of Brisbane

Locality: Riverview, Queensland, Australia

Address: 37 Brisbane Rd 4303 Riverview, QLD, Australia


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24.01.2022 Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk on Saturday announced indoor and outdoor gatherings in the state's southeast would immediately be capped at 10 people. She said this affected people in Brisbane, Ipswich, Logan City, Scenic Rim, Somerset, Lockyer Valley, Moreton Bay, and Redlands.

23.01.2022 Astzi am citit din Evanghelia lui Matei capitolul 21, vers 33 despre Pilda lucrtorilor ri. "In parabol nu e vorba de simple devieri si obnubilri ale receptivittii : - opacitate mental, - superficialitate,... - supralicitare a lumescului, - abuz al spiritului critic. Este vorba de transformarea blocajului în agresiune. E vorba de o non-receptivitate furioas, de un refuz, care se manifest ofensiv, mergînd pîn la crim. Lucrtorii nevrednici al viei nu sînt nici indiferenti, nici inadecvati fat de mesajul care li se transmite. Nevrednicia lor devine vrednicia de a respinge, de a anula. Înainte de a întelege sau nu ceea ce li se cere, ei vor suprimarea sursei care li se adreseaz. În termeni contemporani, am putea numi comportamentul lor "ateism militant", necredint dictatorial. Lucrtorii tocmiti s lucreze via în absenta stpînului sfîrsesc prin a nu-i recunoaste dreptul la proprietate: nu numai c nu-i dau partea cuvenit din rodul obtinut, dar îi maltrateaz si ucid mesagerii, iar la urm îi omoara fiul, sperînd, astfel, la dreptul la mostenire. În fond, ceea ce lucrtorii pun în discutie este autoritatea celui ce i-a angajat: autoritatea lui asupra bunurilor sale si autoritatea lui asupra lor. În toate Evangheliile sinoptice, Parabola lucrtorilor nevrednici ai viei e rostit într-un context în care "arhiereii, crturarii si btrînii" cer lui Iisus s-si explice autoritatea: 'Cu ce putere, în numele a ce si al cui faci ceea ce faci'? - sun întrebarea lor (Matei 21:23)" (Andrei Plesu, Parabolele lui Iisus, Bucuresti 2012). See more

20.01.2022 In the prayer Our Father we ask for help in loving our enemies. Jesus said : "I tell you who hear me, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you;... bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you"! (Gospel of Luke, Chapter 6:27) In the prayer of Our Father ", the only eulogy addressed to God is the word Father, a praise that is a duty, a testimony of love. We only ask this Father for a piece of bread, And we are ready to win it through our work. We still ask Him for the same forgiveness we owe our enemies. And we ask for protection to face the evil, the enemy of all. Whoever says Our Father is neither proud nor demeaning himself. He speaks to his father, man to man, being sure of His love and the fact that He knows what we need. This prayer reminds us daily of what we miss to be the same with God. (Giovani Papini, Life of Jesus).

20.01.2022 Angel is a vector, man is a cross. The function of man has a greater horizon than the angel. After all, man is the purpose of Creation, the sum and its master. Human is installed in the center of the world, angels fly in sumptuous marginal orbits.... The angel is a perfectly functional device, designed to transport all the world to their own point, towards the eshatological crowning of their destiny. Man is the point and the crowning of the world. He gathers, around his vertical, all the vast width of the universe, while the angel shows only the direction. The angel is a vector, an indication of the route, a sign to show direction. Man is a cross: the structure and suffering of the world, gathered in a single image. Incapable of continuous singing, unable to fly, obligated, through nature, to alternate work on the stables with prayer, man can tell the angel something without equivalent in the angel world: how to save yourself through crucifixion... (Andrei Plesu, About Angels ) A wish of Happy Name Day to all those who bear the name of the Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel!

19.01.2022 21 November, Mary is 3. Ana about Samuel : "I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of Him. So now I give him to the Lord. For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord" (1 Samuel, chapter 2 in the Bible). So long, Mary, my little love!... When you are happy, I'll love you with a joyful heart. When you are sad, I'll love you with a heart made a little heavier by your tears. When you are right, I'll love you with a heart filled with pride. When you are wrong, I'll love you with a heart that has learned acceptance. When you succeed, I'll love you with a cheering heart. When you fail, I'll love you with a heart that rewards the efforts you've made. When you dream, I'll love you with an encouraging heart. When you give up, I'll love you with a heart that is strong enough for both of us. When you are simply you, in whatever mood or phase of your life, I'll love you with all my heart and more than you'll ever know. (Linda Sackett- Morrison) Ana despre Samuel : "Pentru acest copil m-am rugat eu, si Domnul mi-a împlinit cererea mea. Si acum eu îl dau Domnului, pentru toate zilele vietii lui, s slujeasc Domnului"! (1 Regi, capitolul 1:27, din Biblie). La revedere copil Marie, marea mea iubire! Cînd esti vesel, te iubesc cu o inim bucuroas. Cînd esti suprat, te iubesc cu o inim grea de lacrimile tale. Cînd ai dreptate, te iubesc cu o inim mîndr. Cînd ai gresit, te iubesc cu o inim ce a învtat acceptarea. Cînd reusesti, te iubesc cu o inim vesel. Cînd pierzi, te iubesc cu o inim care-ti apreciaz eforturile. Cînd visezi, te iubesc cu o inim care te încurajeaz. Cînd renunti, te iubesc cu o inim deajuns de tare pentru amîndoi. Cînd esti pur si simplu tu, în orice stagiu al vietii, te iubesc cu toat inima mea si mai mult decît ai putea s stii...

18.01.2022 St. Parascheva, Oct 14., The protector of Moldavia. In you, Mother Paraschevo, with effort your soul was saved, the one in the image of God "! Everyone is selfless, here is the truth. The teacher assimilates knowledge to pass on to others;... the politician makes programs and reforms for others; the merchant himself is nothing but the one who serves the other. You think they all are merchants. Because the merchant is the type of selfless: he is serving everyone, striving to do so that he finds the right goods for the right person. And then there are the generous, especially those with generous ideas. What does all this lead to? At half a man we all are. Each postpone something: postpone their own fulfillment because it seems his duty to serve someone else. And still duty is, in good cases, the most often, the line of the smallest resistance. But interesting, valid, fruitful are the people who serve themselves. Not the selfish! Who can think of them? But those who do not waste their time with each other, but with self ", the thing who makes them real people... (Constantin Noica, Book of Wisdom). See more

18.01.2022 Martirii Brîncoveni 16 August 1714 Înainte de a se ridica securea asupra capului lor, au fost intrebati dac voiesc s se fac turci,... si atunci vor fi iertati. Glasul cel înbusit de credint al btrînului Brancoveanu rasun si zise înspimîntat de aceast insult: "Fiii mei! Iat, toate avutiile si tot ce am avut am pierdut; s nu ne pierdem îns si sufletele! Stati tare si brbteste, dragii mei, si nu luati seam moartea. Priviti la Hristos Mantuitorul nostru, cîte a rbdat pentru noi si cu ce moarte de ocar a murit; credeti tare întru aceasta si nu v miscati, nici v clatiti din credinta cea dreapt, pentru viata si lumea aceasta."

15.01.2022 Who is my neighbor?" (Gospel of Luke, Chapter 10). A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho when he fell into the hands of robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. A Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was and when he saw him, he took pity on him. Approaching, he tied his wounds, pouring on them oil and wine; and put the man on his donkey, took him to an inn and took care of him! A MAN... Like all human heart, mine, as a hand of the soul, looks towards others... Since childhood, those around me put something in the palm of my hand: a candy, a toy, a book, most often a penny, less often a tear... Only the Lord Christ, when He came, bypassing my open palm, He grabbed my wrist, and with the power of his love, lifted my soul from the beggar state in which the love of others brought me, without permission... (Marius Iordchioaia, Journal of Spasms). See more

14.01.2022 15 August, Înltarea Sfintei Fecioare Maria, de Ion Pilat. Pe miristi, cer de toamn a nvlit în var. Lumina las aur pe coarnele de plug,... Pe boii suri ca praful, pe fierul de pe jug, Pe brazdele de umbr din care, alb, zboar O barz plutitoare, purtînd amurg în cioc Ctunelor pitite sub dealuri de cerneal... Plugarul st cu talpa înfipt-n îndoial: Comoar e? cci vede o limb ca de foc Sporindu-si jraticul pe tarini, si albastr Suind precum se suie din hornuri, iarna, fum. Cdelnitar crinii ctuie de parfum Si s-a deschis în ceruri, prin nori de-argint, fereastr, Si zugrviti ca-n lemnul din vechi troite, iat Pe Duhul Sfînt, pe Tatl, pe Fiul - cîte trei, Si iat pe Maria urcîndu-se la Ei Pe scara unei raze ca dînsa de curat. Tranu-si face cruce, cu dreapta se-nchin Smerit cum se cuvine icoanelor. Apoi Porneste brazd dreapt c-un plug cu patru boi, Pe cînd usor se pierde Maria în lumin. Facem slujb Sîmbt 15 August la biserica Sf. Dimitrie: la ora 9:00 Utrenia cu Prohodul Maicii Domnului, la ora 10: Sfînta Liturghie. Dup un post de minimum 3 zile, e un bun prilej de reflectare spiritual (spovedanie) si împrtsire. Ne rugm fierbinte la Dumnezeu pentru îndeprtarea virozei si ajutor si mîngîiere tuturor celor afectati. La multi ani cu sntate si bucurii tuturor celor care poart numele Sf. Fecioare Maria. R u OK?

12.01.2022 Cost mult s-L urmm pe Hristos, dar si mai mult s nu ... De la Avva (printele) Antonie, citire...... Venit-au fraii, dar ajuni la el, se tot codeau i nu gseau cuvinte... i-a zis btrînul: - Rsuflai putin, c face bine-adusului aminte!. Aceia îl priveau cu ochii mari, i încîntai s-i fie aa de-aproape, i ispitii s-l pun la cîntar, cu-n gînd viclean clipindu-le pe pleoape. Sfiala lor prea cumva s-i doar, umbrii de el, dar i geloi de sine i-un drac sprinar, cu coada lui uoar, juca de zor în poala lunii pline... i-ntr-un tîrziu: - Venim anume, avv, s-i cerem un cuvînt de mîntuire, se-ncumet, dregîndu-i vocea grav, s zic unul, mai scoros din fire. - De tii Scriptura, de ajuns v este, cci nu-i cuvînt de dînsa mai presus, gri btrînul, cu privirea peste pustia oarb. i mai mult n-a spus. - Dar noi, printe, i din gura ta vrem s-auzim deplina învtur!, sri atunci i cel ce arta a fi mai mic de ani ca de statur. Priví la el btrînul, cumpnind, i-apoi: - La Evanghelie m-nva i cellalt obraz s îl întind, de m lovete unul peste fa. Aceia tresrir i-ntre ei privindu-se: - Ne fie cu iertare, grir ca-ntr-un singur glas toi trei,"dar noi de asta nu sîntem în stare!. - De asta nu putei, atunci mcar lovirea s-o îndurai fr crîcnire, urm btrînul, pe un ton amar, dar neprînd ca vorba lor s-l mire. - Nici asta nu putem!, grir-aceia. - De nici de-atît n-avei putere voi, mcar, spre-a nu preface-n foc scînteia, nu-ntoarcei lovitura înapoi. - Nici asta nu putem!. i lung tcur. Iar avva-atunci, ctînd spre ucenic: - Mai bine f-le o leac de fiertur, c-s slabi i poate se-ntresc un pic!. i-apoi le zise-acelora: - Pi dac putere nu-i, nici voie în cele bune, nimic i nimeni n-are ce s fac, ci-aici e rost de mult rugciune... Din danul lui lunatic i uure, sttu sprinarul drac, iar împrejur, pe-ntinsul nesfîrit al pietrei sure, doar umbra printelui mai prindea contur... (Rzvan Codrescu, Crucile Pustiei, Christiana 2010)

12.01.2022 What are the key points from the Government's update? The Queensland Government had this plan ready to go and put out a comprehensive breakdown of the latest update on its website, but the major restrictions for Greater Brisbane are: You can have no more than 10 visitors to your house (a visitor being someone who isn't a regular member of the household)... If you're gathering outside, for something like a birthday party in a park, the group can't be bigger than 10 regardless of who lives together and who doesn't Elsewhere in Queensland, you can have a maximum of 30 visitors over to your house or 30 total people gathering outside.

11.01.2022 THE CLOAK OF THE CHRISTIAN TRAVEL / PELERIN On Oct 1th, year 911, the Mother of God showed herself in the church in the Vlaherne suburb of Constantinople protecting the people with her cloak. Prophet Moses, while fighting against Amalec, when he raised his hands to prayer, Israel was victorious;... And when, tired, he dropped them down, Amalec was victorious; But helped by those who supported him, Moses overcame the enemies. You, O Mother of God, Raising your hands to prayer to your Son, although supported by no one, you always overcome our enemies, and you are a shield to those who sing: Enjoy, our joy, cover us from all evil, with your bleassed cloak!" (Prayer of the Holy Cloak). Prayer to the Mother of God: When I travel through the night, protect me: with the cloak of the heaven's might, moon's floating light, fire's passionate flare, ocean's swirling depth, earth's grounding patience wind's soaring wildness, owl's piercing eyesight! (Icelandic prayer)

10.01.2022 Victoria iubirii Dup 300 de ani ascuns în pmînt, Crucea Domnului a fost înltat în vzul tuturor la 14 Sept anul 335... Cînd ni s-a vestit c Se va naste, am trimis soldatii s-L omoare. Cînd a venit pe lume, i-am dat sicriul unei iesle. Cînd a coborît între noi, am cutat cea mai apropiat prpastie. Cînd a scos demoni, am spus c e demonizat. Cînd a vindecat boli, am soptit c e vrjitor. Cînd a spus Adevrul, am strigat c e nebun. Cînd Si-a întors Fata spre noi, am scuipat-o. Cînd ne-a dat srutare, L-am vîndut. Cînd a vrut s ne îmbrtiseze, i-am tintuit mîinile pe lemn. Cînd ne-a iertat totul, am rîs batjocoritori. Cînd ne-a deschis în inima Sa Cerul, i-am înfipt în coaste o sulit. Cînd am aflat c ar putea învia, i-am pus grzi la mormînt... De dou milenii Îl împingem afar din istorie, si dragostea Lui înc ne caut inimile... (Marius Iordchioaia, Jurnal de tresriri)

10.01.2022 Father's Day. Joachim talks to his new born daughter, Mary, on 8th September: "I always wanted a daughter... Someone to share wisdom and hope with...... someone to love and encourage through life's challanges... someone to be proud of, as I watched dreams be fulfilled and wishes come true. What a wonderful feeling to know I have what I always wanted... in you! Daughter, your love is a blessing every day. Thank you for allowing me into your inner world to share your hopes and dreams... for teaching me as much as I have taught you... and for bringing so much love into my life". (Marci, Children of the Inner Light).

09.01.2022 From 22 August 2020, under the Queensland Government Movement and Gathering Direction (No. 3), gatherings held in homes or public places are restricted to a maximum of 10 people in the greater Brisbane area or a maximum of 30 people in the rest of the State. These restrictions do not apply to church gatherings held on the premises of churches operating under the COVID Safe Industry Plan for Places of Worship. "St. Dimitrie Orthodox Church" in 37 Brisbane Rd, Riverview is oper...ating under COVID Safe Industry Plan for Places of Worship. Maximum number of persons : 24 See more

09.01.2022 "You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you... (Gospel according to Luke 12:16) There is no time... There is no time for this life!... Shouts out mute from the dial the second hand, And from moment to moment I wait the heart attack of time, then emptying the orrologies of the mechanics of the death, emptying the biographies of the grinding teeth of the hearts, emptying our days of all darkness... Only empty clock frames remain... and Eternity smiling from them... (Marius Iordchioaia) Picture: Salvador Dali: The persistance of Memory,1931. (For Romanian text click on the picture).

08.01.2022 Jesus said to Simon: "Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch"! Dear God, be good to me. The sea is so wide, and my boat is so small.... Be You a bright flame before me, be You a smooth way below me, Be You a guiding star above me, be You a watchful eye behind me, This day, this night, for ever. (St. Columba, 521-597, Ireland).

08.01.2022 Duminic vom medita despre omenie si libertate în legtur cu parabola Tiranului datornic (Evanghelia lui Matei capitolul 18, versetul 23) Libertatea omului e partea divin din el. LIBERTATEA.... - Unde e omul, în imanent, absolut liber? - Într-o bisericut de lemn în Maramures, unde sacerdotul crestin vorbeste de mistere, de taine, si se las învluit de ele ca si credinciosii. Omul e liber si eliberat numai în templul crestin, acolo, în ritual, cînd se comunic tainele care îi învluiesc deopotriv si pe sacerdot, si pe credinciosi. Ca s fii cu adevrat liber, trebuie s înlocuiesti infinitul si autonomia gîndirii cu credinta în Dumnezeul crestin: "Robeste-m, Doamne, ca s fiu liber" (Imitatio Christi). Libertatea eu o asemn cu o frînghie agtat de undeva, de sus. Te poti urca pe ea la cer, participînd la actul mîntuirii tale crestine, sau poti s cobori în întuneric. Bipolaritatea liberttii. Dup crestini, libertatea este vehiculul cu care poti s cobori în întuneric dac esti vicios. Infractorii sunt primitivii actuali, pentru c ei nu sunt adaptabili la morala zilnic si o calc fiind liberi. Am învtat la închisoare c omul e un animal stupid, deoarece confisc libertatea semenilor si. Tiranul e un om absurd si lipsit de rusine. Nu îi e rusine s-si chinuie semenii. Oricum suntem captivi în univers. Ne ajunge aceast grozvie! Dar s intensifici aceast captivitate pîn la nivelul puscriei - numai omul e capabil de asemenea nebunie. Libertatea omului e partea divin din el. (Petre Tutea, 322 de vorbe memorabile).

05.01.2022 The sower is out... A seed fell near the road and was trampled and the birds of the sky ate it; another fell on the stone; and it dried up, because it had no moisture; another fell in the midst of thorns; and thorns, growing together with it, made her sick; One fell on the good earth, grew up and made fruit himself (Luke 8).... Diverted receptivity Parable lists three types of opacity to the Word: 1. Mental inability: you don't understand because you don't pay attention, you don't distinguish between important and accessory; 2. Euphoric superficiality: hasty responsiveness, exalted availability; 3. Asphyxia: sabotaged responsiveness, parasitized by the challenges of the world. Diverted reception is also a reminder of patience. The impatient always stays out of the race: - whether he rushes to reject what he doesn't understand, - or it doesn't have the depth of the survey, - whether he takes the immediate challenges as 'urgent'. The impatient is blocked: - by passing birds, - by burning of the acid opinions around, - by contingent worries. The parable warns about blockages but promises overcoming them through the calm exercise of patience. (Andrei Plesu, Parables of Jesus).

03.01.2022 29 August - Eliberarea Boteztorului Ioan Az’ noapte. Az’ noapte Iisus a intrat la mine-n celul.... O, ce trist, ce înalt era Christ! Luna-a intrat dup El în celul, i-L fcea mai înalt i mai trist. Mâinile Lui preau crini pe morminte, Ochii adânci ca nite pduri. Luna-L btea cu argint pe vesminte, Argintându-i pe mâini vechi sprturi. M-am ridicat de sub ptura sur: - Doamne, de unde vii? Din ce veac? Iisus a dus lin un deget pe gur i mi-a fcut semn ca s tac... A stat lâng mine pe rogojin... - Pune-mi pe rni mâna ta! Pe glezne-avea umbre de rni i rugin, Parc purtase lanuri, cândva... Oftând, i-a întins truditele oase Pe rogojina mea cu librci. Luna luminá, dar zbrelele groase Lungeau pe zpada Lui vrgi. Prea celula munte, prea Cpân, Si miunau pduchi i guzgani. Simeam cum îmi cade tâmpla pe mân, i am dormit o mie de ani... Când m-am trezit din grozava genun, Miroseau paiele a trandafiri. Eram în celul i era lun, Numai Iisus nu era nicieri... - Unde eti, Doamne? Am urlat la zbrele. Din lun venea fum de cui. M-am pipit, i pe mâinile mele Am gsit urmele cuielor Lui... (Radu Gyr).

03.01.2022 Christ disguised as poor Lazarus (Gospel of Luke, Chapter 16) The dog, by Marius Iordchioaia. My heart is more and more an old dog,... full of boils and wounds, who neither bones nor water or hug want anymore... With clouded eyes, deaf and no smell, Always blindly seek the master's ankle only; The touch of Him is food and senses, for this dog, old and weak, who has nothing left to guard than love...

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