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Slavic Gospel Association Australia in Dandenong, Victoria | Religious organisation

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Slavic Gospel Association Australia

Locality: Dandenong, Victoria

Phone: +61 3 9562 3434

Address: 351 Princes Highway 3174 Dandenong, VIC, Australia


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24.01.2022 COFFEE BREAK MINI NEWS: ORPHANS SENT HOME FROM ORPHANAGES In the midst of the quarantine and isolation that many of us are experiencing, pause for a moment and consider what quarantine has meant for many orphan children across Russia and her neighbouring countries. Many orphans from families who have not yet lost their parental rights reside in shelters or boarding schools until the courts decide the path forward. During quarantine due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many of these were sent back to their dysfunctional homes. One church-based team supported through Orphans Reborn writes, We visited about 50 of these orphan children who are staying now with their families. We were appalled at the terrible conditions these children are living in now. The children asked us and prayed that they would be taken back to the boarding school as soon as possible, because in the boarding school they always had food available for them. As for the parents of these children, they are alcoholics and the children are left without any supervision, hungry without food, and in unsanitary conditions. We purchased food, detergentseverything we could for them. If it is possible to help us with these additional expenses, we would be glad to receive it! By God’s grace, these dear children are not forgotten and God has raised up believers to intercede on their behalf with love and care. Faithful people on the other side of the world can join them in responding to their needs through SGA.

23.01.2022 COFFEE BREAK MINI NEWS: MARYINKA CHURCH: 52 BAPTISMS IN 4 YEARS!! In the midst of politics and strife, the Ukrainian-controlled territory near the Conict Zone has become a place of spiritual revival! Local pastors have remarked for some time that their churches are lling up with new converts and many are baptised. Recently, another baptism was held in Maryinka. SGA-supported worker, Vlad, commented... Eleven people made a covenant with the Lord, here in Maryinka. In a plac...e where war is so real, the Lord is awakening hearts. Fifty-two people have been baptised here over the last four years. Before that, there were only ve members of the church... All glory to God!!!! See more

22.01.2022 COFFEE BREAK MINI NEWS: SOVIET-ERA MEMORIES COME BACK... During the days of the Soviet Union, God’s Word was broadcast by SGA over shortwave radio to faithful believers gathered around a radio in their homes. In a similar manner, the COVID-19 pandemic and forced isolation at home has led us back to such times. ... Pastor Gregory Berg, an SGA-sponsored pastor in Murmansk, Russia, writes... The world changed during the last few weeks. Things changed here too. We did not have a church service last Sunday in our House of Prayer and this is the first time that has happened as far as I can remember. We stayed at home and held our church services online. It reminds me of something, but what? I remembered the 1970s under communism. (It was so long ago!). Many believers used to buy portable radio sets so they could listen to the Christian programs of that time. The broadcasts were not clear but people tried to catch each word and listened very attentively sitting by the radios. Some asked us to keep silent and we all tried to get closer to the radio to catch each word in the midst of a noisy signal. I still have that mental image although almost 50 years have passed. As it is said in Ecclesiastes, there is nothing new under the sun. Perhaps the time for a family meeting has come when we will listen again and discuss the texts. As the faithful endured in the midst of persecution, so too we must hold fast in the midst of the trials of these days to the precious Word of God.

22.01.2022 A message from our American partners... SGA Australia is working closely with the US office to give support to Slavic churches ministering to those affected by the virus and its associated economic impact. Please join us in prayer and, where possible, with financial help.

20.01.2022 There are many challenges across Russia and her neighboring countries, and now - just like here in Australia - the coronavirus pandemic is spreading across the region. This has created regions of humanitarian urgency. Today you can join with faithful churches in the former Soviet Union to provide food, clothes, and medicine to these hurting peopleand most important of all, the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Please give to the 2020 COMPASSION MINISTRY FUND and help give a hurting soul urgent relief... and eternal salvation! You can find out how to give here:

17.01.2022 COFFEE BREAK MINI NEWS: THEY CALL ME 'MAMA' Lena is an SGA-supported orphanage worker in Russia. She recently ran a course of Bible lessons for 9 to 10 year old children in Komsomolsk, called ‘The Life of Jesus Christ’. It’s hard to describe just how unhappy these children are, said Lena. Although there are many ne caregivers in... orphanages who are sincerely interested in their lives, the amount of pressure the young ones experience from older orphans and teenagers tears them apart! It tears apart their character and makes them bitter. Lena has observed that all of the orphaned children dream of family life, however, for the majority this will never happen. Many will graduate at the age of 18 and head out into society to fend for themselves. That’s why it’s so important to teach them about God’s love at a young age! Only Christ can convert them, mend their broken lives and give them a spiritual family. Lena said that those who want to, have already become part of her church family by attending Sunday School. And heartbreakingly, some other students have adopted her as their ‘Mama’... Several of the children call me ‘Mama’. Sometimes, when I take my ve-year-old son along with me to the lessons, he’s shocked that I’m ‘Mama’ to some of them! Lena knows they are not only hearing her words, but are observing her behaviour. She wants to model God‘s love for them. Her hope is that she’ll have more opportunities to show them her love and care. Let us continue to pray for the children, and support Orphans Reborn as they share Christ’s love and His Gospel.

16.01.2022 COFFEE BREAK MINI NEWS: AUDIO-BIBLE PROJECT, UKRAINE Dear friends, brothers and sisters in Christ! Let me share with you about a very special and needed ministry project we would like to do...... We would like to provide audio-Bibles for those who can’t read, but would like to listen to the Bible. We have a desire to distribute battery-powered mp3-players in the villages where we do our ministry - especially to the elderly and visually-impared people who would like to listen to God`s Word. We understand that faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God (Romans 10:17) and very often we meet people in nursing homes, hospitals or living alone, who are so open to faith and positive toward Christianity. These audio-Bibles would make great presents to give such people. How much peace and joy the Word of God will bring to their hearts! The mp3-players we propose to get would contain an audio-version of the Bible, plus sermons, songs, testimonies and other audio books to help each person know the truth and discover more and more about it! We estimate each player would cost $16.00. If you can help to purchase just one, or a few sets, it would be very helpful and we would appreciate your help very much! Yours in Christ, and in ministry for Him in Ukrainian villages - Nickolai Kukushkin

10.01.2022 GOOD NEWS! GOD HELPS SERGEI BREAK THE POWER OF ALCOHOL Praise God for the salvation of another lost soul! Through the dedicated ministry of SGA-sponsored Vitaliy and his wife, an alcoholic man has walked away from liquor and into a new life in Christ! SGA supports many pastors such as Vitaliy, so they can devote themselves to fulltime ministry. And we get so excited when we hear about another life changed by the power of God! Here’s what Vitaliy wrote... Thank you for your and perseverance. All these years of our ministry can be called the best years of our lives as we serve the Lord where He wants us to be! Recently, I spent some time in the hospital not long ago with blood pressure and heart issues. My mother is terminally ill, and it has been very stressful. The day after I got home, I received a call from the husband of one of our church members. Sergei is in his early forties, and is a very good carpenter. But he’s also been struggling with alcohol addiction, so he called me to ask for help. Sergei realised that if he didn’t stop drinking, he would die. He said his wife was very angry because he had sold their valuables in order to buy liquor. I felt the need to help him, even though church members were expressing concern for my health. Even so, I decided to live with him at the church while he went through his withdrawals. My wife cooked for us, but Sergei couldn’t eat anything. He was suffering the worst withdrawals you could imagine. I even called for an ambulance twice, because I thought he was about to die right there. But, as we continued washing his clothes, making him tea and bringing him milk, little by little he began to eat. Members of the church also came to help, and a week later, Sergei’s wife came and took him home. The following Sunday, they were both in church and Sergei came forward to repent of his sins. I kneeled next to him, rejoicing over God’s mercy! Sergei comes to church now, and is preparing for baptism!

08.01.2022 COFFEE BREAK MINI NEWS: EVANGELISM IN RUSSIA Sometimes as they say, When it rains, it pours! For many in Russia, it seems that the troubling difficulties of life can just stack up all at once. But often God uses those trying times to touch our hearts in unexpected ways. An SGA-sponsored missionary was visiting a man named Dima with food that was provided through Christ Over COVID. Dima said, A few years ago our family was displaced from Donetsk, where a war is now going o...n. Last year, we went back to recover some documents and my father died of a heart attack. Right after that my mother became ill, and she is often in and out of the hospital. We moved to the city of Rossosh, Russia, and worked for a private company. We could support our mother until my brother and I lost our jobs. We were sick, and now we are quarantined in self-isolation. We are thankful for the opportunity to hear the encouraging message about God and His plan for each person, and for helping us with food. May God be a help for you, as you bring light and hope to people! See more

06.01.2022 COFFEE BREAK MINI NEWS: PASTORS DELIVERING FOOD I want to share with you one story of a missionary pastor. Much like the faithful men who proclaimed Christ under great persecution during the days of the Soviet Union, these men continue on today in the face of this global pandemic without hesitation. Alexander writes, I want to share how we are carrying out our ministry in this unusual time. One of the ministries we now have is to help those who need to buy groceries and can...not get to the store. We pick up people from their homes, take them to the store, and bring them back home. This way I can serve people and tell them about Christ as I have them with me. And at the same time, there are those who find themselves in a difficult financial situation. This is an opportunity for me to buy food at the store and deliver it to their homes and share the Gospel with them. I do this for the glory of God and for the testimony of His name. Let's pray for missionary pastors like Alexander who faithfully serve even though there is risk to themselves and their family. Let's pray for open doors for these faithful missionary pastors to continue to reach out to people in need with much needed food and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Let's pray that the hearts of those who receive this aid and the Gospel are softened by God and turn to Him in life-saving faith! See more

04.01.2022 COFFEE BREAK MINI NEWS: 'PASTOR COACHING RUGBY TEAM TO HELP YOUTH' - from Pastor Segei Kopot, Russia "Thank you again for your prayer and financial support of our ministry... In addition to serving in the church, you may remember I’m involved in coaching a rugby team for disadvantaged youth. But things don’t always go smoothly... I have to deal with problems such as fundraising for tournaments (and given that most are children from poor families, this is especially hard). So... we very rarely get to go out to play against other teams. "Coaching young people and children takes up most of my time. As a trainer, I need to talk and help solve their problems. But praise God! Some of them came to our Christian camp this summer. Apparently they liked it very much, and their parents also responded well. So please pray for our team of guys and girls, that God would give me wisdom in my relations with them."

01.01.2022 COFFEE BREAK MINI NEWS: EVANGELISM IN UKRAINE An SGA-sponsored missionary writes... We are grateful to the Lord for the circumstances in which we all have found ourselves today. It’s not just a different rhythm of life, but it is a different, unusual way to carry out the ministry of expanding the Kingdom of God. For more than a month now, the Ukrainian people and churches across the country have been quarantined, keeping certain restrictions recommended by the Government.... So now I go to visit those in my church and speak to them through video streaming. I went to visit a husband and wife who are both about 80 years old. Their children live in the eastern Ukraine war zone and cannot help. Maria is our sister in Christ, but her husband Konstantin isn’t a believer yet. In early April, I visited them at their home and brought them a parcel with the most necessary food items. They were very happy to have a visitor. After I had shared the Lord's Supper with Maria, I had the opportunity to spend time talking with Konstantin. We spoke about God and His free gift of salvation. It is in this new rhythm of life that our Lord has brought us into that we still see reasons to be grateful, reasons to rejoice in our Lord. Evangelism in Ukraine can be financially supported through SGA.

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