Shalom Family Night Perth WA in Perth, Western Australia | Community organisation
Shalom Family Night Perth WA
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 488 661 725
Address: 111 Bluegum Street, Beechboro WA 6063 Perth, WA, Australia
Likes: 5428
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24.01.2022 ********** FELLAS - ALL MEN ********** I WANT RESTORED FAMILIES Let me help you, do you struggle with..? - Your Marriage... - Depression - Anger - Addiction - Guilt - Shame - Un-forgiveness - Pornography - Anxiety or Rejection - Being a dad - Sexual Addiction QUESTIONS - Were you abused as a child - Have you been unfaithful to your wife? - Have you been dumped as a child - Do you feel like your life has no purpose - Do you feel like you don't fit in life We average around 220 men, we need as much notice as we can, lots to do, no its not religious. "IT'S TIME TO PUT YOUR CRAP ON THE TABLE" The "Get a Life Weekend, Real Blokes Real Stories" Camp is on again in NOVEMBER! "COME ON FELLA'S, THIS IS FOR YOU" COST $250 for one fella EARLY BIRD SPECIAL TWO FOR $350 SHALOM EVENTS BSB: 066124 ACC: 10416380 SPONSOR If you can't go and would like to sponsor someone who can't afford to then please let me know. WHERE: Dunsborough DATE: Friday 27th November to Monday 30th November 2020 YOU MUST UNDERSTAND I NEED 150 MEN PAID (at least 50% booked and paid for) in order to make this camp happen. Jump on board now. (50% must be paid by 14th OCTOBER ) YOU HAVE NOT BEEN ON A LIFE CHANGING CAMP LIKE THIS BEFORE. REGISTER YOUR INTEREST NOW. Pete: 0404654004 or [email protected]
24.01.2022 PETER FOR WA EAST METRO REGION VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED FOR THE 2021 STATE ELECTION Over the next few months I will be looking for district co-ordinators for each of the Districts below and people in each of the suburbs within the districts to help out. ...Continue reading
24.01.2022 AVAILABLE IN NEW ZEALAND NOW NOW ONLY $39.95 each plus Postage - Driven by Pain, Changed by Grace (My Story)... - Tough Love, Dealing with Addiction Love your feedback.
23.01.2022 STEPHAN WUNDERLIN GRADUATION When Stephan came into the program 2 years and 8 months ago he was shy, self conscious, had a low self-esteem and had no real direction for his life. This was the result of years of being bullied and intimidated at school and workplaces. Today Stephan is full of confidence, he knows who is, he has a boldness about him that was never there before, he has been working full time and he is about to embark on being an entrepreneur starting his own... business. You wont find a kinder, more others focused and humble person anywhere and he has a really soft heart and gentle nature. It has been an absolute privilege getting to know Stephan over the past several years. Please feel free to leave a few words of encouragement for Stephan. Shalom House, Restoring the Lives of Men, Women & Families in our Community
23.01.2022 MY HEART IS TO HELP YOUR FAMILY I want nothing more than to see you and your family whole, happy & free. I HAVE SOME FREE SPOTS AVAILABLE...!!!!... ARE YOU HAVING PROBLEMS IN LIFE OR YOUR MARRIAGE - Your Marriage - Depression - Anger - Addiction - Guilt - Shame - Un-forgiveness - Pornography - Anxiety or Rejection - Being a dad - Sexual Addiction QUESTIONS - Were you abused as a child - Have you been unfaithful to your wife? - Have you been dumped as a child - Do you feel like your life has no purpose - Do you feel like you don't fit in life "IT'S TIME TO PUT YOUR CRAP ON THE TABLE" The "Get a Life Weekend, Real Blokes Real Stories" Camp is on again in NOVEMBER! JOIN 300 men for a life changing weekend where we will be encouraging men to be men and dealing with the crap in our lives, no it’s not religious. "COME ON FELLA'S, THIS IS FOR YOU" WHERE: Dunsborough DATE: Friday 27th November to Monday 30th November 2020 REGISTER YOUR INTEREST NOW. Pete: 0404654004 or [email protected]
23.01.2022 A MASSIVE THANK YOU to a member of the public for the gift of this car!!! The car was given to Graham for his dedication to the program and for his commitment to changing his life, we are all proud of you Graham. To the public I just want to say THANK YOU for your continued support in helping to help others.... Shalom House, Restoring the Lives of Men, Women & Families in our Community
23.01.2022 CHANGE A MAN, CHANGE A FAMILY The Shalom House program has the resources to help them deal with their past in a safe and professional manner, as well as someone to walk alongside them every step of the way, bringing them back to a place where they have confidence, self-worth and a genuine love for life and others. CHANGING ONE LIFE AT TIME... Shalom House, Restoring the Lives of Men, Women & Families in our Community
22.01.2022 WORSHIP WEDNESDAY You never go away from us, yet we have difficulty in returning to You. Come, Lord, stir us up and call us back. Kindle and seize us. Be our fire and our sweetness. Let us love. Let us run. When the spirit of the Lord - Fred Hammond
20.01.2022 KANS LIFE CHANGING TESTIMONY If you would like to say a few words to encourage Kane on the new road to life, I know he would be encouraged by reading them. Shalom House, Restoring the Lives of Men, Women & Families in our Community
20.01.2022 DRIVEN BY PAIN, CHANGED BY GRACE MY 2ND BOOK FINALLY DONE..! Well I have finally finished my second book thanks to my awesome editor, my wife, Shea Walsh & Steve Blizzard.... The first half of my book I actually wrote when I first got nuked just after getting raided by the TRG (Tactical Response Group) in 2001. At the time I was selling 2.5 kilo of Meth a day as well as a heap of guns, explosives etc, it was after 26 years of in and out prisons, institutions and childrens homes from the age of 7. What happened in 2001 was the turning point in my life. The second part is my private journals that I started to do just after getting nuked in 2001 and what i went through changing who I was as a person to become a geek as well as what I had to face in order to change. 3 years college, 5 years as a Chaplin in Acacia Prison so in total I did eight years of journals up until 2010. From 2010 up until today 01/04/ 2020 the third part is how Shalom house started and grew, not because of me but in spite of me. We have 140 Residents, 35 to 70 staff & Volunteers, 17 men who are apart of our Married couples program and we are also still 100% self funded. I recon it would be a good read, but I must admit that I wrote it. I want families to experience what I never did. Life as a family.
19.01.2022 EVERY PHOTO YOU SEE IS A PERSON IN MY PROGRAM I am one man who is just trying to help people change their life. Am I what you want me to be, NO, I am what you need me to be. I do not do this for money but to help families change their lives. Behind every photo is a family, Mum, Dad, Brothers & Sisters, Wives and Children, this is a big job. ... To journalists I am a once off story, to families I am helping them do what they and the system cant do, CHANGE LIVES & FAMILIES. I challenge anyone who does not have an ulterior motive to do a full audit over everything I do. We are not about money but about the full restoration of the entire family unit helping all people from all backgrounds break free from all life controlling issues. I AM AN OPEN BOOK What we are doing is working. I do need not just financial help but also, where can I put my next Bed? I will not turn people away are are ready to do what ever it takes to change. Am I a cult? Are you for real, no I am just very strict providing a culture of NON NEGOTIABLES, no swearing, no smoking, no drugs, work like normal people etc, I am only helping those who want to help themselves. I dont waist my time on people who are not serious about changing. I really dont give a flying flopper what any of you think of me, the methods I use or my faith in God as a Christian man, Christians are in most workplaces. WE ARE THE COMMUNITYS REHABIILITATION SERVICE Shalom House, Restoring the lives of Men, Women & Families in our Community
19.01.2022 REHABILITATION CENTERS IS YOUR LOVED ONE SUFFERING ADDICTION.? Please understand that EVERYTHING you need to know is here. You can NOT be their for your loved one in the way that you want to be, but in the way you need to be. You will either learn the easy way or the hard way, its up to you. ...Continue reading
19.01.2022 JUST TURNED 16, SAMUEL TESTIMONY Hi, my name is Samuel. I am 16 years old and one of six siblings, right in the middle with 3 older sisters and two younger brothers. We were all born here in Perth. Growing up was a bit tough, when I was 4 years old my younger brother Daniel had stage 4 neuroblastoma cancer. At this time mum and dad were going through a divorce and dad also found his new drug addiction. Dad was barely around growing up and mum tried her very best to rai...Continue reading
18.01.2022 ANOTHER CHANGED LIFE GLENS STORY The story of Glenn and what bought me to Shalom House what I learnt through the program and what I have achieved since being out of the program in stage 5....Continue reading
18.01.2022 CAN I PLEASE HAVE FEEDBACK ON MY BOOK. TOUGH LOVE, TACKLING DRUG ADDICTION & SEEING CHANGE Please be advised that your comments will be used for advertising purposes....
17.01.2022 BETEL / SHALOM IN VICTORIA Last year Betel in Victoria took on board the Shalom House program so we sent 10 people over to help them get it started, this was including staff. This is a great update video.... WELL DONE TO ALL THE TEAM IN VICTORIA Shalom House, Reatoring the Lives of Men, Women & Families in our Community
16.01.2022 A GREAT PARTNERSHIP IN SERVING COMMUNITY BULLSBROOK Shalom House, Making a Difference in the Lives of Men, Women & Families in our Community
14.01.2022 WORSHIP WEDNESDAY "Worship is an act of war against the enemy of our hearts." - Holley Gareth Chris Tomlin - Holy Roar
13.01.2022 WORSHIP WEDNESDAY Worship is an incredible privilege, not a religious duty. Grace Flows Down - Christy Nockels
12.01.2022 The worshipers worshiped and the musicians came behind.
12.01.2022 ROHAN BARANS GRADUATION Congratulations Rohan from everyone at Shalom House and Shalom Church on your Graduation from the Shalom House program last night. After being in the program for nearly 3 years Rohan has left a positive and lasting impression on all those around him. Please feel free to leave a few words of encouragement for Rohan.
12.01.2022 THANK YOU TO: Michael Howard & Team at; - ALLURE DENTAL - BRAD & JAKOB AT CORAL DENTAL LAB ... Please can you support them by words of encouragement, business and prayer. They are restoring my mens self worth and more, Im lost for words...! PLEASE SHARE and say a few words to encourage them in what they do for Shalom, if it were not for people like them Shalom would not work. IT TAKES A COMMUNITY TO MAKE A COMMUNITY Shalom House, Restoring the Lives of Men, Women and Families in our Community
11.01.2022 SHALOM FAMILY NIGHTS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Shalom Family nights are open to the public. Feel free to come along and join us every Saturday Night. Starts at 4.30pm and ends around 7.30pm at:... 111 Bluegum Road Beechboro Please bring along a plate of food to share as we all have a massive meal at the end of each night. - Kids Crèche Available WE WOULD LOVE TO HAVE YOU ALONG - No Smoking - No Drugs or Alcohol Shalom House, Restoring the Lives of Men, Women & Families in our Community
11.01.2022 **** CONGRATULATIONS ON GRADUATING **** Congratulations to Callan & Isabelle on completing the Shalom House couples program. On behalf of Amanda, Myself, Walter, Nicole and all the Shalom House Team we honour you and your family. A COUPLES TESTIMONIES OF COMPLETE CHANGE...Continue reading
10.01.2022 MY HEART IS FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY Look how awesome the ladies and gents are going in these photos. THE CHANGES ARE OFF THE CHARTS... Your welcome to come and tour Shalom’s entire operations to help you understand how we care for over 140 plus men, Women & Children at no cost to the taxpayers or members of the community. WE ARE CHANGING LIVES & RESTORING FAMILIES Shalom House, Restoring the Lives of Men, Women & Families in our Community
10.01.2022 DANIELS GRADUATION Congratulations Daniel on your graduation from the Shalom House Program, TWO YEARS & EIGHT MONTHS. - 100% Debt Free... - Drivers Licence - All Family is Restored - Owns own Car - Working full Time - Off Centrelink within 4 months - Paid for the entirety of his own rehab - Putting Back into the fellas coming through Daniel, like many others who have graduated Shalom House is a roll model for the rest of the fellas to follow. We have 36 men on the graduation list who have all done 18 months or more, many over three years. Love it if you could say a few words to encourage Daniel and other who are not far behind. Shalom House, Restoring the Lives of Men, Women & Families in our Community
09.01.2022 ***** PUBLIC NOTICE - KEY ROLE ***** If you would like to play a KEY ROLE in helping me run in the 2021 election please email Amanda at: [email protected]... I will be taking this Election Campaign very seriously. If you would like to play apart in helping me to help others I would be very grateful for your help. Kind Regards Peter P Lyndon-James (PLEASE SHARE)
08.01.2022 BABY DEDICATION OF RACHEL GRACE PARKER Last night at Shalom Family Night I had the huge honour and privilege of conducting the Baby Dedication of Sarah and Jacob Parkers baby Rachel who is 5 months old. Dedicating their baby was Jacob and Sarahs public commitment to God that they are going to do their very best to bring their beautiful daughter up following Gods way. ... The Baby dedication is also praying to God for guidance, wisdom and everything Jacob and Sarah need to raise Rachel to be the strong, healthy and loving person that God intends to her to be. Jacob and Sarah are blessed to have a strong family support around them as well as the support of everyone at Shalom Church. We look forward to seeing Rachel over the coming months and years grow and blossom!
08.01.2022 DO YOU STRUGGLE WITH...? - Your Marriage - Depression - Anger - Addiction... - Guilt - Shame - Un-forgiveness - Pornography - Anxiety or Rejection - Being a dad - Sexual Addiction QUESTIONS - Were you abused as a child - Have you been unfaithful to your wife? - Have you been dumped as a child - Do you feel like your life has no purpose - Do you feel like you don't fit in life We average around 220 men, we need as much notice as we can, lots to do, no its not religious. "IT'S TIME TO PUT YOUR CRAP ON THE TABLE" The "Get a Life Weekend, Real Blokes Real Stories" Camp is on again in NOVEMBER! "COME ON FELLA'S, THIS IS FOR YOU" COST $250 for one fella EARLY BIRD SPECIAL TWO FOR $350 SHALOM EVENTS BSB: 066124 ACC: 10416380 SPONSOR If you can't go and would like to sponsor someone who can't afford to then please let me know. WHERE: Dunsborough DATE: Friday 27th November to Monday 30th November 2020 YOU MUST UNDERSTAND I NEED 150 MEN PAID (at least 50% booked and paid for) in order to make this camp happen. Jump on board now. (50% must be paid by 14 September) YOU HAVE NOT BEEN ON A LIFE CHANGING CAMP LIKE THIS BEFORE. REGISTER YOUR INTEREST NOW. Pete: 0404654004 or [email protected]
06.01.2022 THE GOVERNMENTS JAIL SYSTEM IS A FAILURE I spent 26 years in and out of prisons and institutions, my whole life all I wanted was to be normal and now Ive found a way out. The Government system of dealing with addiction needs to change, they are UNINTENTIONALLY making the problem worse yet they think they are done by the wright thing but in fact are doing the wrong thing....Continue reading
06.01.2022 LIFE IS A ROLLERCOASTER Life can be a rollercoaster of ups and downs, good times and bad times, no matter what we must take the ride. Its the choices you make up or down that determines wether you change or stay the same. We all face circumstances we do and do-not create, with every circumstance we we face determines the choice we make which equals the outcome.... CIRCUMSTANCES + CHOICES = OUTCOME No matter what you face as you ride the rollercoaster of life and face the circumstances that are along the way, make good choices. Shalom House, Restoring the Lives of Men, Women & Families in our Community
05.01.2022 RESTORING FATHERS TO THEIR CHILDREN Today we had a dads and kids day, It was about bringing the guys in the program together with their children to share some quality time with one another and participate in some activities. I AM VERY PASSIONATE ABOUT FAMILIES !... At Shalom House we are extremely passionate about creating families. I personally want the children to experience a life that was stolen from me. Mum & Dad, family holidays, two schools, sports and even the privilege of waking up in the morning to run up the corridor to jump into bed with Mum & Dad for a cuddle. Shalom House is, Working at Restoring the Lives of Men, Women & Families in our Community
05.01.2022 ALEXS TESTIMONY CHANGED SO YOUNG My name is Alex. I am 22 years old and was born in the August of 1998. I grew up in Perth, my parents have always loved me and sent me to easy going, ordinary primary schools where I had lots of friends and oppurtunities. I had the childhood every kid would dream of, so much so that I took it for granted. ...Continue reading
05.01.2022 SPORTS CARNIVAL DAY Yesterday was Sports Carnival Day at Hillside Christian School where many of our couples children attend. CREATING MEMORIES... Yesterday was not about winning or loosing the races but rather about creating memories that will live on in the hearts of the children for many years to come. CHANGE A MAN, CHANGE A FAMILY For many of the parents in Shalom we used to not bother about attending these types of events as we put drugs and other stuff ahead of even our own children. For the kids to see Dad and mum on the sidelines cheering them on means a great deal..! Shalom House, Restoring the Lives of Men, Women & Families in our Community
04.01.2022 *** PUBLIC NOTICE - WE NEED YOUR HELP *** We need your help. If you would please watch this video then LIKE & SHARE, to help me get it into the hands of someone who may be able to help. This is not just a news story, we are not old news, this is real life, real people and a very real story.... PLEASE WATCH THIS SHORT VIDEO Shalom House, Restoring the lives of Men, Women & Families in our Community
01.01.2022 THE BEGINNING OF A CHANGED LIFE My name is Brandon, Born 20/09/1994 in Narrogin. I have 3 older brothers and 3 younger sisters. From what I can remember my childhood and up bringing was pretty good. Moved around a bit as a kid. In 2006 we all moved to Kambalda where I did year 7 to year year 10.
01.01.2022 Shalom House, Restoring the Lives of Men, Women & Families in our Community DAVID RAMSAY’S GRADUATION Congratulations to Dave on his Graduation last night from the Shalom House Program. For the past 3 years Dave has gone through the program with loyalty, determination, persistence and tenacity. ... He has made his family and friends, especially his sister and Dad, really proud. By graduating Dave has finished what he started and not only has his life changed but he has had a positive influence on many, many other lives, particularly other residents coming through the program behind him. On behalf of everyone at Shalom House, well done Dave. We all think you’re a champion! Shalom House, Restoring the Lives of Men, Women & Families in our Community
01.01.2022 CONGRATULATIONS TO BRETT, NEW CAR Congratulations Brett on your new car, well done for all your hard work. We are all very proud of you..!!
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