Shalom Alpacas in Woomargama, New South Wales | Agricultural cooperative
Shalom Alpacas
Locality: Woomargama, New South Wales
Phone: +61 2 6020 5398
Address: Shalom 2644 Woomargama, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 I got out voted.. Miss Elite is now called Shalom Jemima. Jemima is THE sweetest bub weve had this year. We always get one bub each year who is over the top friendly and Jemima is that bub. She is also the biggest rascal and continually plays with her big sister, Sensational.
24.01.2022 Shalom Andre He’d already passed the temperament, frame/size and muscle/weight checks. His 2nd fleece test came back good so off to the shed I went to do a quick fleece check to see what I thought of his fleece. ... Andre was very pleased to hear his manly parts are staying intact for another 12 months. His dam is grey, Shalom Amber-Lea and his sire is white, Jolimont Traron Shere Khan. Lots of potential colour and quality! Just one more critical test to do before he gets certified, a fertility test.
24.01.2022 I was pretty excited to get our little goaties back from my parents farm after they finished birthing at Shalom. They arrived around 5pm and at 7pm I heard a baby goat screaming. I raced up the paddock to find Rain chasing one of the baby goats. The baby goat was Snuffles, my friendly favourite who loves pats and hugs. Snuffles was hiding under a log by the time I got to him shaking like a leaf. I scooped him up and carried him back to his mother who was on the other side o...f the fence. When I popped him down, he didnt move, so I pushed him towards his mother. In a split second I felt sick, as I watched my dear Snuffs walk on three legs, his back right leg broke and swinging. I laid him down and felt the break, it was obvious that Rain had done it as it was a complete snap straight across the bone and to be honest, goats are many things but clumsy isnt one of those. Denise (Mum) came up the following morning and took Snuffs and his mother back to Shalom. Its been 2 weeks now since we had his leg set and Snuffs is back jumping on logs (with a splint!) and being his usual rascal self. Its amazing how fast baby animals heal! And animals pain tolerance! Rainy girl and Oaks are up the opposite end of our farm, as far away from the little goats and other stock as possible. They are a bit upset to be put in exile but they will be fine. Pictured is Snuffles, sleeping soundly.
23.01.2022 Shalom Shazam Hes a real mummys boy and a typical Dragonslayer cria. Hes very placid, big framed, well muscled and has a pretty handy fleece. He also has the cutest little baby face.
22.01.2022 Heading to the yards to spit off the girlies to see if they are all pregnant still. This will be the girls final spit off til early next year when we recheck/spit them off again to see if anyone has slipped. We have some very exciting bubs due next year! Fingers crossed they are all still pregnant.
22.01.2022 Please caption this What actually happened.. After working in the yards all day, this is Maximuss reaction to my smelly hands
22.01.2022 Lucky last cria for awhile! Jemma Rose a.k.a. Big Fat Jem has had her first FEMALE cria for us!! With Jem as the mother and Dragonslayer as the father, this little miss is destined to be one great big fat miss! (With a gorgeous fleece!) Jem is the mother of Shalom Jandamarra, one of our favourite and most used stud males. Jem is pictured here at 12 years of age and looking her usual large self. It doesnt matter if shes 11 months pregnant or just had the cria, shes always exactly the same shape. A barrel with 4 legs and a long neck.
22.01.2022 The old girl has done it again. She’s calved him with ease, fed him and put him in the shade out of this heat (it’s 38 degrees today). It’s a little bull calf and he’s weighing in at a nice size of about 36kgs.
21.01.2022 These little fellas make me seriously consider becoming a goat/alpaca farmer They are too cute for words!
19.01.2022 Tango This little guy is as cute and sweet as they come! Hes an absolute delight to be around. *Tango has been sold prior to weaning. Hell stay with us til weaning age/shearing before going to his new loving home
19.01.2022 Look what came in the mail! Please send us a message if you would like a Shalom Alpacas 2021 calendar. P.s. sorry for the poor quality video.
18.01.2022 When I asked the big boys for some quality poses, I did not mean quality wrestling poses! boys being boys... Shalom Levi and Shalom Rafael having a wrestle, Shalom Seth just casually passing by during the beautiful golden hour.
18.01.2022 Miss Mindi. I absolutely love this big rascal. If I ever have a bad day, Mindi could make it better in a heartbeat. She knows her name and comes racing over in the paddock for pats and attention. She doesnt put the brakes on til her head is touching your shoulder. (Im 56 foot and Mindi can easily rest her head on my shoulder to give you an idea on this young females size). She loves pats on the neck and to snort and rub her nose on your face. Mindi is very well grown. ...Her fleece stats from last year on her second fleece and lush feed were: 17.6u micron 3.6SD 19CV 99.7CF And by the looks of her fleece this year on lush feed, that wouldnt have changed much. Mindi has confirmed being pregnant to Seth. I am EXTREMELY excited to see what this mix produces.
17.01.2022 This photo shows exactly why I love suris. Pictured: Shalom Rio Bravo
17.01.2022 A fun fact about fleece photos! (And a tip on how to make your fleece photos look wowza). Using the flash on your camera will make the fleece appear better than what the fleece actually is. It gives it a lustrous/bright look and defines the crimp definition, making every fleece look wowza. Using a very bright sunny day will give the same appearance as a flash on a camera. ... Using a normal sunny day will show you what the fleece is actually like in real life. Below are several photos of fleeces. 8 photos are taken with normal sunny day, 1 is taken on a bright sunny day and 3 are taken using flash. See if you can pick which ones are which Tip: look at the hands and how bright they appear. 3 different hands are used (just to make it a bit harder for you) Ill put the names of the animals beneath each fleece for those interested.
17.01.2022 I believe our alpacas temperature gauges are broke/ not working. Its the middle of winter and the water is icy cold but that doesnt stop these girlies from enjoying their communal bath every day. Bbrrrr!
15.01.2022 The Murray River The border between NSW/VIC. As I was taking this photo, watching the sun set and counting my many blessings. I wondered to myself why in the world did we buy a property in Victoria! Were on the wrong side of the border at the moment!
14.01.2022 Alrighties, Im going to make a Shalom Alpacas calendar and Im in need of your input. Below are a few photos Ive picked out to go into a calendar, please either like or comment on your favourite photos so it gives me an idea on which ones to put into the calendar. Another question, would you just like straight alpaca photos or alpaca and fleece photos, or general farm photos e.g. goats, alpacas, fleece, sunset ect. What are your thoughts?
14.01.2022 Shalom Avanti I need your help/ opinion. Which photo do you like the best? I still remember the day Avanti was born.... We purchased an older Stud male called Raindance from Bumble Hill Alpacas. Raindance was the base of the Bumble Hill herd. While Raindance was retired at the time, we paid quite a bit for him and 2 older suri females as the owner wanted them well looked after and sadly some people wont look after something they get cheap. Raindance lived in his own paddock and was a walking barrel with 4 legs. Later on his previous owner contacted us and gave us Circe (Grandmother of Shalom Rio Bravo and mother of Clytie) and a heavily pregnant Clytie. Clytie had been shown once at Sydney Royal Easter Show and received a 3rd ribbon. Clytie (Avantis mother) was a maiden (first time mum) and we were really excited about this cria! We only had about 8 suris back then. We were in town doing Pathfinders (our church equivalent of Scouts) and arrived home around 10pm on a freezing cold, rainy night. As we were coming up the driveway, we spotted in our headlights a very excited Clytie with a little baby flopping around in the mud. Having a cria born at night time is an unusual event- they usually arrive between dawn and midday. Avanti had only just been born and being new, inexperienced breeders, we hit the panic button. Avanti was blow dried and given the royal treatment before being given back to his awaiting mother, who we had put in the shed. When morning came, we realised Avanti was indeed a gorgeous mid fawn colour and it wasnt just the mud making him look coloured (both of his parents are white with white backgrounds!) Avanti is 10 years old now and hes a grandfather to some of our best coloured suris. One act of kindness can change the world for someone
13.01.2022 Wet weather + dry chaff = Pictured: Shalom Blossom
13.01.2022 I was itching to get outside and take some photos all week but it was raining! So I got some rainy photos instead. Pictured is 1. Amber-Lea 2. Tennessee 3. Victoria and Victor ... 4. River- I was able to capture the rain drops falling in this photo. See more
12.01.2022 Photo 1. When you have an itch Photo 2. The face of satisfaction when you scratch THE spot Shalom Dimitri and Shalom San Diego, 3 months old. Both sired by Shalom Donatello.
12.01.2022 Lucky Ive got the perfect model to practice my new photography skills on! Shes as cute as can be and doesnt mind me taking a million photos of her! This photo of Bliss has zero editing and I love how I can see every detail on her gorgeous (semi bored) face. P.s. 30 mins after our photo shoot I walked out side and was met with the sweet aroma of cow poo. Blissy was plastered from her head to her tail and looking very proud of her new perfume. #dirtydog!
11.01.2022 We have a little creek flowing through our property. You can either walk through it or jump it. The girlies prefer to jump it every time Pictured is Traron Panny, Arcady Moondance and Shalom Daphne.
10.01.2022 Shalom Andre I am very proud of this young male. His fleece length is over 100mm (we still have 2 months til shearing) and the lustre, crimp definition and fineness is quite incredible for an 18 month old with a FAT body score. This is what we are breeding for. Fleece stats that are consistent and reliable no matter the animals feed/size.
09.01.2022 I highly recommend automatic lawnmowers! They are cheap to run, dont make noise, rather pleasant to look at and they come with a bonus feature: guaranteed to give you your daily dose of exercise with running outside to save some poor plant from getting eaten/ rolled on.
09.01.2022 After much delay our calendars are ready to go! They are $25 each pick up. Or if you need them posted... 1 for $30 postage included Or 2 for $55 postage included. Please feel free to message us for details. Pictured are our huacaya and suri stud males.
08.01.2022 Marvel This fella is a favourite of mine coming through. Interestingly, he started off being dark brown but has changed to being black. You can see the colour change through his fleece length. (Which I will have to get a picture of).
08.01.2022 We have 2 types of dogs. One who is purely focused on us and one who is focused on the other dog and thinks everything in life is a competition Ill let you guess which ones which. What type of dog have you got? Id love to see a photo of them! Feel free to post a photo below of your fur baby and/ or let us know what type of dog you have or want!
08.01.2022 Farmers have no imagination when it comes to naming paddocks. They usually have names such as, Big Hill paddock, Little hill paddock, Front paddock, Back paddock, Rocky paddock ect. Welcome to Little Dam Paddock.. I’ll leave it up to you to guess why it’s named that. Pictured are our empty females.
08.01.2022 The most loving cria award goes to Elite. She just has to give everyone (the goats, alpacas, dogs and us) kisses on a daily basis How black is Maximus?! Hes a typical black Ulises cria.
08.01.2022 Every day these guys take themselves for a run. Rain is very competitive and knows that Oakie is faster than her so she always takes off first to get a head start
08.01.2022 I am absolutely loving my photography course! This photo is one of my favourite images so far. I would love some feedback on all the images I will be posting up over the next few days xx P.s None of my photos have been edited/touched. Just the raw image as I took it.
08.01.2022 Young Stud males The 4 most important traits we look at are fertility, frame, fleece and temperament. Fertility......cant be checked until the male is of working age, 18 + months old. The way we check fertility prior is by checking the males testicle size. The bigger the better! The bigger the testicles the more mature/ready and able to work the male will be. (Most of the time!)... Frame......has to have an upright proud stance, a broad, robust chest with a lovely straight back. Solid boned frame and legs, with good muscle definition. We like our males to be even. Meaning, we dont want a range of males from small framed to large framed. We prefer our males to be between medium to large frame. When we look at our herd of stud males, we like to see uniformity of size. Pick a look and go for it! Nothing is more appealing than having all your animals looking uniform. Fleece.....We always check the animals body score first up. (Especially when purchasing a young stud male from a fellow breeder). Thin animal = lower micron, obese animal = higher micron. Once the animals body score is established, we look at what type of feed they have been on. When purchasing an alpaca for breeding purposes a very valid question to ask is What type of feed have they been on? Certain diets will give you better fleece stats - its important to know this, as it will save disappointment when you get your newly purchased male back home and his fine fleece/micron blows out Animals fed on lush green feed and also getting fed supplements such as hay, chaff, lupins, mineral munches etc. will ALWAYS have honest fleece stats! No matter where you are from! What we look for in a fleece is brightness/ lustre, good length, density, low micron, softness, lack of guard hair, good amount of fleece coverage, evenness throughout the saddle and into the extremities (chest, neck and legs). Temperament.....We require our males to be easy to handle and very placid. It is downright exhausting working with headstrong stock! Stock with an attitude problem can sometimes be dangerous. We also check the males teeth to make sure they are even. We check to make sure the tail is straight, and have a quick look at the males toenails, that they arent overly long. Every trait your male has is genetic. Its up to you to pick which traits you want passed on throughout your herd. Checking out all these traits helps us to select a worthy young stud male who will improve our herd. Pictured: young Shalom bred stud males
08.01.2022 Family Rachel is 12 years old and has two daughters. Raquel, 8 years old and Rio Grace, 15 months old. The threesome are always next to each other. Even after 6 months of seperation when weaned, they go back to mumma Rachels side once reunited. P.s. pick the pregnant 15 month old Rachel has early maturing, big growth progeny with ripper fleeces. I cant wait for this threesome to have there bubs next year!
08.01.2022 I love a good classic suri head Pictured is Shalom Sapphire. The face coverage pictured is regrowth and it will continue to grow back like that after shearing for the rest of her life. Her beautiful head comes from her great grandmother, Shalom Rachel on her sires side and her great grandmother on her mothers side, Bumble Hill Clytie. Clytie and Rachel are 2 of our most influential breeding females in our herd. And are well known for producing that gorgeous classic head.
08.01.2022 I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend Shalom Elite (Jemma x Dragonslayer daughter) is an absolute rascal! She loves human affection.
07.01.2022 Making their way to the yards for a health check
06.01.2022 The baby squad Left to right. Maximus, Tiger Lily, Willow and Sensational
05.01.2022 While the mumma goats are busy getting sleep deprived and eating everything in sight. Huey, Duey and Stoj are busy practicing social distancing
05.01.2022 I think mumma chook has her hands full with 13 gorgeous chicks!
01.01.2022 Blossom This female is one heck of a girl. Shes a BEW (blue eyed white) and shes 100% deaf. But that doesnt stop Blossy from being the most intelligent female on our property. No gate is unlatchable if she wants to get through it. I will never forget the day Blossy came up to the yards we were working in, unlatched the gate, stepped back so it could swing open, then walked in and rolled on the only bit of bare ground available then jumped up and walked out the gate. Bl...ossy is a real doer. She stays fat 24/7, has no trouble birthing, grows bub to be the size of her when weaned at 6 months, gets pregnant first mating and stays her beautiful placid self the whole time. BEWs are the outcasts of the alpaca world, no one wants them. But Ive been asked several times to part with this beautiful BEW. I could never ever sell my Blossy, shes the grandmother and great grandmother to stud males at Shalom. She continually produces top quality progeny in all colours and has never produced a BEW. But on a personal level and the real reason, Blossy was my first female cria to be born. She was the start of my herd. Shes 11 years old now and boy, has she made us laugh! Shes got such a great personality. Not a mean bone in her body. P.s. Blossy saw me trying to get a nice photo of her, so she rubbed her nose on the ground to produce Miss dirty nose look before looking at me innocently
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